SY Re -* SS SS ra "7 Pa ny - nt pi -- Ll mn -- Es --- ow in 7 $9 A RI " RA LP lid), aT nS © County. A 105 001 ~ QUALITY GROCERIES - BOAP SPECIALS STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE, 20 0z. ...................2 for 19c. STOKELY'S TASTY KING PEAS, 20 02. ...........c.....00:200, EVERKRISP SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 20 oz jar, 25c. NEW. CHEESE, 1 I. w...oc.iviienuimssspisionsissisionmmnn ABO, MARVEL FLOUR wi... 2d'8 $1.40, 78 dbo. CROWN FRUIT JARS, ......Small $1.49 Medium $1.69 : ZINC JAR RINGS ...........omn, er RED RUBBER RINGS ......... DUCHESS APPLES ...,.cccocuusmmmiisinmonmed 18, 260, WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE LOCAL ITEMS Miss Verna Moase and Miss Lois Parr are attending classes in Science of Education, at Northern Vocational School, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Rawson and Mr, and Mrs. Albert Parr, Grandview, Man,, and Captain and Mrs. Archi- bald Woods of Toronto, are visiting at the home of Mr, William Parr. Mrs, N, Wilkinson visited friends in Toronto for a week and has returned to her home. We are pleased to see that Mrs, Rose White is recovering after her recent illness. (A well-wisher.) ~ Rev. W, C. and Mrs. Smith have re- turned home from their holidays. On Sunday afternoon, July 81st, Mr, and Mrs, Emery Willoughby, of Bell- haven, called to see their uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, A, D, Peters. Mr. and Mrs, Edward J. Drouillard, of Toronto, spent the holiday week- Township, or or about July 14, Finder ents, Mr, éind Mrs, A. D, Peters. LOCAL TEAM WINS HIRAM WALKER TROPHY The team of Leonard Leahy (skip) and Bruce Beare carried off the Hiram Walker trophy with three games and a high score of 53 points. In this triumph they defeated Gimlet of FPeter- boro, last year's trophy winner; they also each carried home an auto rug. The occasion was the annual invita- tion Doubles Bowling Tournament, at Lindsay, on July 27th, 1949, in which 72 bowlers (36 rinks) competed. Rinks came from Lindsay, Agincourt, Whit- by, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Peterboro, Cannington, Port Perry. A further honour came to Port Perry, as the second prize was won by the team of Art Cox (skip) and H, H. Mulligan, who also had three wins, with a score of 46 points. They each garried away a wool blanket. MIXED DOUBLES TOURNAMENT AT OSHAWA On August 1st, Port Perry bowlers won a first prize in a three game win. These fortunate people were: Mr. and Mrs. Art Cox, and Mr, and Mrs. H, H. Mulligan. FAMILY GATHERING The Peters family had a gathering in Claremont, on Sunday, July 31st, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Hill. Three daughters, six grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. A, D. Peters, were present. The only son with his four children and two grandchildren live in Atlanta, Ga., and were unable to attend. After some games and other amusements, a picnic supper was spread outside, and twenty-six people ranging in age from 82 years to'8 months, sat down and partook of the good things to eat. PORT PERRY LIBRARY CLOSED The Library will be closed for two weeks, August 8th to August 22nd, when Librarian will be on vacation. Any one wishing to have extra books for that period may do so. Library open usual hours this week until Sat- urday. ANNOUNCEMENT i Mr. and Mrs. James Croak of Hali- fax wish to announce the marriage of their daughter Camilla Mildred to Harold Hebden Gatenby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gatenby of Port Perry on the 25th of July, at St. Mary's Ca- thedral, Halifax, by the Rev. A. A. MacKinnon. ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Phipps, Honey's Corners, announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Dorothy to 'Edwin Mulholland, Greenbank, on Sat- urday, July 30th, 1949, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Orville Boe of Sea- grave, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Faye Lucille, to Mr. John Ross Dowson, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dowson, Port Perry. The Marriage will take place on Sat- urday, September 3rd, 1949, at 38.00 o'clock in the United Church, Seagrave. IN MEMORIAM KENDALL-- In loving memory of our son Jack who left us August 8rd, 1932, ; There is still an ache in our hearts |Visited Mr. and Mrs. Lines on Tuesday. sister, Mrs. O'Connell and husband. today, That countless years won't take away, [Schools on Sunday at 10,16, 11 and jp 5 Phillips and son, of Toronto, We smile with world, but never forget In our garden of memories He lives with us yet. Ever remembered by " + Mother, Dad and Grandparents. JUNIOR FARMER NEWS ' Ontario County Junior Faymer As- sociation are having church service at Uxbridge United Church, on Sunday, August 7, at 7.30 p.m. The speaker will be Miss Myrna Coulson from York . £ THE CHURCHES John at Little Britain. | John Warren and Janet and Miss Fay | Miss Marion Conlin, Toronto, spent Prospect i § 4 An urgent call for everyone to at- ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERAN tend church next Sunday yo 10 a.m. CHURCH and Sunday School at 11, Rev. John Riddell--Minister | A large congregation attended the 10 a.m.--No Sunday School. .. .'S.S. anniversary on July 24th. This 11 a.m.--Union service at the United sopvice was classed as a decided suc- Church during the mouth of August. cess, Mr, H, Rose, who occupied the Rev. W. C, Smith, Minister. pulpit based his splendid sermon on ---- "7 |the subject of "Youth", The forepart CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION [of the service was assisted by Mr. Rector--Rev. John T. Coneybeare [lloyd Smith. The local junior choir at Sund i Trini |proved themselves most popular in AVES To fih § Uhday aiist Trinity singing liberal contributions of sacred at a 4 numbers, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH|. On Wednesday afternoon, July 20, P. Taylor, Pas ' Mrs. Murray Holtby acted as hostess . [) tor y for the Woman's Association members Sunday, August 7th-- and friends who assembled in her 10 a.m.--Bible School, * |home. Mrs. Durham, the president, 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. speed the meeting in her usual man- 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. ner, all singing a hymn, after pm & which Yrs, J. Bray, Sr, led in prayer. 4 esda ' Wedn y, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. Report of previous meeting was read HOT i : . by the secretary, Mrs. H. Holtby, also PORT PERRY UUITED CHURCH |a thank you note from Mr, E, Diamond Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. Wilko is still convalescing, Mrs, M. Mrs. Elsie Dobson, Organist oltby read suitable Scripture, fol- Is i Ty, 2 Banis lowed by Mrs, Les Beacock, who gave : a » an article on "Gospel' 6f the Psalms." Sunday, August 7th-- A worthwhile topic "Responsible 10 a.m.--S. S. and Primary Class Parenthood" by Mrs. H. Holtby. Roll 11 a.m,--The Lamp that Flickers. Sal) ras angvered by each reading a ary , ; .t [ditty of poetry in keeping wil e To ort bs eh we hy tock topic. Program consisted of three C . readings: one-by Mrs. F. Vernon, en- The congregation and Board of [titled "Heart of a Rose." A humor- Management of the United Church ex-.ous piece of poetry by Mrs. Bray, tend a heartfelt welcome to the con- |royotss than arried Lie 320d "xo gregation and officials of St. John's The closing vr and bit vi a Church to join with them in services Mizpah Benediction brought this por- of worship during this month of Aug. tion of meeting to an end. The last Pp g 3 i hour' was devoted to a visiting session, a AR y mixed with eating attractive refresh- PRINCE ALBERT UNITED ments served by the hostess assisted CHURCH . by the group for the month. Mrs. A. Harper, Organist A miniature. sale of home-made Sunday, August 7th-- baking was auctioned and all journied 10 a.m.Church Service. hopigiary ui happy i i QQ ; \ n Monday afternoon a double ac- 11 a.m.--S. S. and Bible Class. cident occurred. during. threshing operations on the farm of Mr. John S Holtby. Mr. Barney Barnes, the ithresher, had the misfortune to frac- cugog ture his arm in a couple of places; also The Scugog folk are busy getting [another helper, Mr. Jack Wray sus- i tes Lol . on (tained badly mangled fingers and a the parsonage in shape for our new | ortion of 'his hate... Both meh 'were minister, Rev. J. R. Bick, of Bobeay- | yshed to the doctor where medical geon, who spends his week-ends here 'nid was administered. until the work is finished, Mr, and Mrs. Harare Websters and . Geoys . :o_ Ison Ken motored to Cobourg where p Mr, Geordie a ie 'they visited her parents Mr, and Mrs. or g : ' 'Kinsman, a. cow. The wound required five] The Young People's Group gathered stitches. We hope he will soon beat: the church last Thursday night. 3 : The attendance is gradually increas- well again, ing. Their leader, Mr. Rose, usually Miss Marjorie Milner and niece Miss lconducts various suitable topics con. Yvonne Milner are enjoying a couple corning young people's work. Pre- of weeks with her sister Mrs. G. Russell vious to worship period, the assembly and family at a cottage at Perth. Suasonolly odulges A Jaseball, Mrs. R. Burnham has had a new, lways the last word of the pleasant porch and sun room added to her home gq profitable evening. and it looks very nice. Mr. and Mrs. Orvine Chambers, of Mr. R. Hulcoop, of Toronto, visited in nl Tens guests of Mr. and ' I 'Mrs. Byron Holtby. his brother on Monday and Tyosday, Mrs. Hodgsom, of Toronto, visited on a motorcycle trip to Huntsville to a few days last week holidaying in visit his sister. ] ithe country with her sister, Mrs. G. Mrs. Watts and little Ferrol return- Cochrane, On Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. ed to her home in Oshawa after spend- fCochrane, Mrs. Hodgson and Miss L. i h st week with her sister Miss Cochrane, Brooklin, were supper com- ing the pas "2 Ipany of Mr, and Mrs. K. Crozier and Viola Brown at the home of Mr. and | family of Scugog Island. Mrs. Robert Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oliver, of Re- Mr. and Mrs. Valentine, of. Califor- gIna, Sask., Mr. = Mrs. be Horton, . "hay, te La shawa, were Friday. nig inner nia, are visiting the latter's sister, | quests with Mr. and Mrs. J. Holtby. Mr. and Mrs, Howes and daughter Mrs, N. Yeo and Eilene, were Mr, and Donna, of Kleinberg, Mr. and Mrs. Allan and children Ernie and Clara, of Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. K. War- Oshawa. and children Audrey and Douglas, of his people, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dearborn. West Hill, Mr. Norman McKay and] All we folks are most grateful for Wallace Graham, of Toronto, were! ivi : y iriving more often. i week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G.|" rr Fonts, Toronto, enjoyed' Helcoop. "last week's gountry air with her sister, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Crozier spent the Mrs. Geo. Smith and Lloyd. She re- : turned home on Sunday with Mr, and past week with her sister Mrs, Roy St. Mrs. Bert Henderson and Joyce, of the A : Isame city. Li Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tetlow and, Week-end company with Mrs. Kil- Fhyllis accompanied their daughter, patrick and George included the Alvi Misses Abraham; Mr... and Mrs. Mrs, Alvin Hee ya and Nie on Gardiner, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. a4 motor trip to Norhern Untario on aartin, of Cooksville; Miss Edith Sunday. ; i Manns, of Oshawa, and Mrs. B. Somer- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Fralick, Mrs. jville, of Prince Albert. Fr ios [last week holidaying with her parents, Edgar and Marjorie Goose, visited .in Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Conlin. She accom- Oshawa on Saturday. panied her brother Stancy, on motor Mr. and Mrs, Cameron, of Montreal, {trip to Ottawa, staying with their Recent vigitors with Mr, and Mrs. Reniember- the. services ani) Sunday |; He Bray and Jean, were' Mr. and 11.16. Indian Church at 7.30. and Mr, and Mrs. Geo. White, of Kes- ' wick. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Toronto, 'are re el OEP CARD OF THANKS spending 'a vacation with their rela- tives Mr. and Murs, Durham, ; I wish to express by heartfelt thanks |= "pe. "a Bae Wm. Steele, Mr, an and appreciation to my friends and Mrs, Alex, Diamond and son, were at neighbours : for acts of kindness, home of Mr, and Mrs, Ewart Diamond sautif on Sunday, ; beautiful boxes of fruit and cards sent Mrs. EJ. 'Cliambers, Oshawa, én. to me during my recent illness, and', ' joyed last week's holidays with her would alse thank Dr. Dymond, Many j}, other Mr. 'F. Vernon, wife and fam- thanks to one and all, i ¢ ily. . Annie Shunk. Glad 'to learn young Douglas Web- ster is progressing after a recent at- tack of mumps. ) Mr. and Mrs, Frank Honey are holi- @ |daying at Barrie and points north. =| Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jennings of Act- 2lon spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Shunk Sud. family. as Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Thompson oi Manchester spent Sunday with Mr, an Mrs, Lawson Honey, 4 © Dr. Morley and Mrs, Honey of To- on o called on Mrs, Chas, Honey on ay. |. EH NBL rand Mrs. Fred Titterton and family. Jt Kinenle ent Sunda with r, an rs. N. A ly. Congratulations to the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs, "Fa. Mullholland, We all wish them many happy. years of CE EE TT PTT oy dbzen .15¢, ward looking forward to berry picking time next year. To our host and Mrs. Jack Aldred, for a few weeks. |" \eok-end company with Mr. and; Mrs. Thos. Yeo and Ruby, and Mr, and visiting friends in" Oshawa Sunday Mrs. Cecil Yeo and Linda, all of jevening., : Mr. Fréd Dearborn, Oshawa, was are visiting Mrs, Fenton's mother in burton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sale noticed in the vicinity, while visiting |Cavan, 'the refreshing showers which are ar. been Believing is i sek 3 ravenhurst, oye e SEER RRNA RRR RAR AAR ARR ARREARS REAR R RAR ARR ARR RARR ARR SARE AR RR RRR R PRR RR RRR RRRRiiiraRntras SOUTH SHORE S Drug Store News (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) TANGEL for Sunburn, 65¢. and $1.65 / VITA RAY NOXZEMA CREAM, 49c., 69. $1.89 ICEMINT OINTMENT CREAM aa $1.50 Galivanting Cologne : 50c. and $1.00 : COQLTAN SUNTAN CREAM : and $1.15 Dusting Powder : y } 39e. and Toc. H BOTH FOR $1.50 ITALIAN BALM .....35¢, 60c., 85¢c. NIVEA CREAM, 50c., $1.00 and $2.25 § KEEP PLUGGING FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTRE A. M. LAWRENCE | PHONE 726. Rexall Swre FORT, CONVENIENCES GREENBANK i The regular monthly meeting of the 'Woman's Association was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday, July 26th, with about forty present. . Group in charge: Mrs, Elmer Gib- son, Mrs. Morley Raines, Mrs. Robert Baird and Mrs, George Davidson. Mrs. Elmer Gibson occupied the chair during the devotignal period. Mrs. George Davidson gave the Scrip- ture reading-- Judges 4:4-10, 13-15, and chap. 5:1-3. The Topiec~--*"Deborah, a womén of sympathy and courage" was ably taken by Miss Marilyn Baird, Mrs. James Boe, the president, oc- cupied -the chair during the business portion of the meeting. 1 Program consisted of: piano solo by Miss Marilyn Baird; reading by Mrs. Horance Fair, entitled "The Time That Killed the Mouse"; vocal solo by Miss Jean Stone, entitled "On a .Sunday Afternoon"; piano solo by Mrs, Elmer Wallace. A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge, and a very pleasant and profitable afternoon spent. Lo SHIRLEY ! The Sunday School and community picnic will be held on Saturday after- noon August 6th at 1 p.m. at Geneva Park, Columbus, ; About twenty-five of the young peo- ple enjoyed Sunday afternoon by, gathering at the Popowich home, Ball: playing commenced but was inter- rupted when everyone decided that a PORT PERRY KIST BEVERAGES swim was in order, so off to Geneva - went the "gang". As the water was not very warm after a brief swim, an- | 53338282 other game of ball was played. Supper time found us back at the farm where 'Mrs. Popowich and Bill served a \ a | 'wholesome lunch. Large quantities a) d of sandwiches, cake, ice cream and min Xl |"cokes" were consumed. The party broke up with everyone going home- hostess a hearty thanks from all. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertson were Mr, and Mrs, L. Fenton and Donna Mr, and Mrs. Russell Coates and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Duff and Robert have mile cruise on the S.S. Sagamo on the Muskoka" Lakes. Reports of the trip describe the beauty of the thousand intricate islands and eight hundred were changing vistas of lakes. The Women's Institute will be held next Wednesday, August 10th at the home of Mrs, H. Hocken, Port Perry. Miss Kathleen McFhail, Sonya, has been with her aunt Mrs. Allen Moore and family the past week. Friends here were saddened by the news of the death of Henry Fielding, of Ashburn, Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Fielding and family, Both aré] life-long residents of these parts. Throbbing engines were heard on Monday morning as a'plane landed on the farm of Roy Robertson, carrying some friends. Many left their work to take in the sports events on Civic Holiday at Port Perry in the afternoon and the street events in the evening. i i ERE ee 1 D1 1 000 0 0 Gerrow's Bread is made for the people who want the best. BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY SATURDAY SPECIAL "Date Layer Cakes" Phone 32. Gerrow Bros. Bakery Wi ] 3] BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | \ Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. -Phone 18. PORT PERRY ' fT 0 1 1 SUMMER SALINES Ami-Dent Tooth Powder, .59¢. Old English Health Salts 59c. Dr, Lyon's Ammoniated : Eno's Fruit Salt, 59¢. and 98c. Tooth Powder ................ 49c. Wampole's Grape Salt, 59¢., $1. Colgate Dental Cream, Andrew's Liver Salts 35c., 65c. 25¢., 45c¢., 5c. ') Korsh Sal, 2h, die, 3c, | POOL Toot Pastor Urasal ............ TITTITIT 98c. and $1.98 Ipana Tooth Paste, w.30¢., 50c. COME IN AND TRY- One of Our Full Course Meals 3 DECKER HAMBURGER 090 OROPOPOPOPOPOPOPOROPOPORO 080 HT ON Ta ee TT HB 80 Hae 0d a aN A INE and MOTOR OILS THE PICK OF | 4A8L% THEM ALL Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene Cosy GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 290J PORT 'PERRY, ONTARIO OPOPOROPOPOPOPOPOPOPOIPIROSORO A ORO 40000 00 05 8 8 0 0 0 0% i i 0 G0 TE 8, "6 8" 0% ood 220200 80808080208080808080800000009080008 XR * OROPOPORO eh 20 20d del Tob Rd 2% 8,8 40 4,00 070000 0% 0% 00 0% 4% ) . HOT DOGS {DELICIOUS 3 DECKER SANDWICHES , Donlands Ice Cream THE BEST IN TOWN Take home a Delicious Milk Shake, made with Donlands Ice Cream--It's married life, iy LAKESIDE BEACH PAVILION en SCUGOG ISLAND Geo. Freeman, Prop. Ls 'DANCING every SATURDAY _commenoing at 8.30 p.m. . Musicey' ALEX. WILLIAMSON and | HIS ORCHESTRA ADMISSION: 50c. per person REFRESHMENTS GOOD PARKING ACCOMODATION © AlljWork Guaranteed 5, a i MTV 0 LR SPECIAL SALE WHILE IT LASTS : INSUL-BRIC SIDING $12.95 PER. 100 SQ.FT. Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w 1 | GENERATORS, STARTER and ELECTRICAL Repairs on all 'makes of cars. GENERAL Garage Work, Welding, [I Towing, Ete. | e Specialize | 0 Manchester Garage MANCHESTER PHONES B3w & 320.22 | &