ir A = wv a fy a SCAN fin A bel A io "and attended the Hawaiian Pageant ing well, > LOCAL ITEMS Mrs. Charles Mounce and Mis. Harold Archer, of Port Perry, were guests of Pieton Manor during the week-end. They were navy guests on the H.M.L.S. Rortage during the re- gatta, and report 'wonderful hospital- ily' to the driver's wives and friends. Mr, Archer drove '"Delikuska" in the service runabout race. He placed 3rd. Mrs. G. M. Rennie is spending the A : next few weeks with her 'sister, Mrs.| 11 a.m.--Morning Service. THE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERAN CHURCH Rev. - John Riddell--Minister 10 a.m,--No Sunday School. Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev, John T, Coneybeare 11 a.m.--Union service at the United Church during the month of August. Aug 14th--9th Sunday after Trinity, J. G, Slavik, Sand Lake, Ill. = Miss Jane Smyth, of Belleville, spent PORT the week with Mrs. R. O'Neill and Murs. Dorothea Koch. Mr. and Mrs, James Needham and family, of Howell, Mich., spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Neil Wilkinson. P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, August 14th-- 10 a.m.--Bible School, 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Vanstone, of New Toronto, with Mrs, Wilkinson on Sunday. Recent guests with Misses L. and G. Stovin: . Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Brown and Miss Orma Brown, of Buffalo; Mrs, Alice White, of Hamilton; Mrs. H, Suddard and daughter Lorraine; Mr. and Mrs, Ted Suddard and son PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister. Mrs. Elsie Dobson, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choirleader. Sunday, August 14th-- Covenanters. Our Covenant, 10 a.m.~--S. S. and Primary Class. 11 a.m.--The Heroism of the Scotish SEACRAVE ; The North Group of the United Church W.A., held a very enjoyable meeting at Mr. and Mrs. C. Sleep's cottage Monday night, Plans were made for the August meeting which is 2 take the form of a picnic. Mrs. Sleep served lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson, of Nor- anda, Quebec, visited friends in Sea- grave, on Wednesday last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Thompson were holidaying at Doe Lake last week. Mrs. Maud Boe, of Bowmanville, was a Sunday guest of Mr, and Mrs. Orval Boe. Mr, and Mrs. W. Moon visited their daughter in Bolton, Ont. last week. Mrs. J. Lyons is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Toronto were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. A. Bruce. . Rev. and Mrs. C. Waggoner, Beids- ville, North Carolina; also their son and daughter, Gilbert and Janie, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson. Mr. Waggoner occupied the pulpit of the United Church and dealt in a very SOUTH [113 Martin, Mr. Bruce Murdock, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Clark and sons Donald, Gary and David; Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Crothers and children, Robin and Judith, of Oshawa. Mr. Wilfred Stephens and lady friend of Brantford, are spending a few days in town. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Campbell, of Desoronto, visiting with his parents for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton have purchased a home in Epsom, and have moved there. Mr. and Mrs. Boynton have been in Port Perry for a number of years and been good citizens. We wish them happiness in their new home. Mr, and Mrs. Reid MacFarlane and daughter, Leueen, Miss Lorna Dure, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Brown, and Mr. Robert Brown, Jr. of Osha- wa, Miss Ruth Mitzell, of New York; Mr. and Mrs. Leopold, of Finchley, London, England, have been recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mac- Farlane. Dr. George and Mrs. Jackson, and son Stanley, of Union, N.J., are spend- ing a month with the doctor's mother, Mrs. Z. M. Jackson. Mrs. Gladys Bly, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. F. R. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Anderson re- turned home last week after a very pleasant motor trip to Western Can- ada. The Congregation and Board of Managers of the United Church ex- tend a heartfelt welcome to the con- gregation and officials of St. John's Church to join with them in services of worship this month of August. PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist Sunday, August 14th-- 10 a.m,--Church Service. 11 a.m.--S. S. and Bible Class. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ; PARISH Rev. V. McGivney, Priest. ESCAPED NUNS Are myths. They do not need to any time they desire. The real truth is that it is very difficult for a young woman to become a Nun, since it takes ordinarily seven years, probation study and prayer. But it takes half a min- ute for her to walk out of her convent forever if she desires. Drop in and inspect some Convent yourself, Dr, John B. Murphy, of Chicago, one of the world's greatest surgeons, was a Catholic. 2 EE Christ's death does not mean the God's part. Christianity is not sim- ply an external imputation of all the merits of Christ to the human soul or Mrs. Alexander, Toronto, interesting fashion with the theme, "I Love My Church." Bill Tristram ac- companied them back to Toronto. MANCHESTER Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferguson, Lon- don, visited his aunt, Mrs. H. O. Dob- | son and family recently. Mrs. Pelch is in Flesherton with her brother who is ill. Mr. Walter Fowlie was in the vil- Mrs. Laura Thompson, Ottawa, and called on Mrs. F. Crosier on Wednesday. Miss Doreen Johnson and Mr. and Glemncant Inn, on the Lake of Bays, friends in Peterboro, 1 Mrs. Wally Collins enjoyed a 2 weeks Muskoka, escape; they can leave their convents [motor trip through Nova Scotia. Dr, and Mrs. A. G, Christie, Balti- more, are with Dr. Donald and Mrs. the County of Ontario, Christie for a few weeks. | Little Elizabeth Anne Lindsay is ALL CONVENIENCES 'S Mr. C. Wilson, spent last Thursday at Brooklin, visiting Miss Mary Mar- tin, and Mr. Bill Martin, and also their sister, Mrs. Varcoe, of Toronto. fined to his bed with appendicitis. Miss Joyce Venning was the guest of Wilda Steele of the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mahaffy and fam- ily of St. Marys, Ont., have been visit- ing at the home of his parents, at ' lage Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Fow- Purple Hill. lie sailed for Scotland August 9th, " Mr. and Mrs! Smith (nee Ruth Brent) of Peace River, Alberta, an- nounce the arrival: of their son. Miss Duff is spending a vacation at Tommy Duff who is a member of the Port Perry Lions Grain. Club, for has grown an acre of Beaver Oats as his project. These oats have been inspected by A. 'members in the Club taking part in ' i with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Wilson, Assistant Rep. of Ux- | 1S. Croxall while her parents are on bridge. There are approximately 60 a business trip to Tennessee, U.S.A. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McKee and Me- ig project work. Tommy's oats have redith, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks peen judged as the best acre in the and W. F. Crosier attended the Sutton' County. horse show on Saturday. Mr. Crane, P.P.H.S, who is their | Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miller are home 'Jeader, has taken pictures to show overlooking of faults: a pretense onthe north. : | Mrs. D. McKinzey and Ronnie spent moved to their new home at Northway - last Thursday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Howsam and | after spending a pleasant vacation in (heir height and quality. Mr, and Mrs. John Popowich Wve! Courts, Oshawa, PRINCE ALBERT Mrs. Wm, Jones and daughter of Woodstock, visited at the home of Mr. Henry Wotten has been con- Mrs. Henry Collins recently. : : Mrs. A. Bond and daughter, Violet, spent the week-end at their home here. Miss Doreen Doupe has left on a trip to New Brunswick. Mrs. E, McMillan of Peterboro was here attending the funeral of her bro- ther, Mrs. Henry Fielding, last week. Mrs. E. Regan and family are holi- daying at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Regan, : : Mrs. R, H. McKerihen is visiting Sunday night supper guests with SS3eeesctenesctoreRssets Mr. and Mrs. John Farmer and fam- |covering of faults by Christ's merits. ily of Humberheights, were week-end {Catholics believe the application of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Farmer. [Christ's merits to the soul makes us Mr. and Mrs. Stan. Ireland and son|just, takes away sin by turning on of Timmins, were guests of Mr. and |light, that is to infuse grave. Deny Mrs. Archie Farmer for a few days [grace and. the whole purpose of Chris- last week. tianity is denied. Prayer and the Mr. and Mrs. John Colvin and fam- [Sacraments bring grace to the fervent ily, called on Mr. and Mrs. Irving |Catholic. 'At Baptism Christ's merits Boyd, on Sunday. are applied to the soul to believe Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd and son [truths, strength to follow them, in Gary, were guests at Mrs. Samuel [obedience to God's representative. Farmer over the week-end. Phamplet "Why be Pure?" free. LOCAL LADIES ATTEND O.E.S. PAGEANT Mrs. Hugh Espie, Mrs. H. Durkin, Mrs. Grant Gerrow, Mrs. Chas. Brig- nall, Mrs. T. Palmer and Miss Mildred Palmer, were in Toronto on Tuesday The Elizabeth Shoppe FEATURES AN in connection with the 26th Triennial j ; Assembly of the Order of the Eastern August Clearance Star, held in Maple Leaf Gardens. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Bolton, wishes to thank her many friends and neighbors, also the i . Port Perry Fire Brigade, "tor their Reductions from 20% to 30% prompt and efficient service at the the [S[,ACKS, reg. $6.50, For $4.95 fire last week at her property near reg. $5.60, For $3.95 Seagrave. . SHORTS, reg. $2.98, For $2.25 BORN - reg. $1.98, For $1.39 Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Walker, Port SLIPS, sizes 32 - 38, and 40 Perry, wish to announce the birth of : reg, $2.85, For $1.85 a son, August 6th, 1949, at Pickering CHILDREN'S DRESSES Nursing Home. Mother and son do- SUN SUITS BATHING SUITS, sizes & colors PLEATED SKIRTS in Pastel shades. ALL REDUCED TO CLEAR. CHILDREN'S COATS, sizes 1-9 20% off. Mr, and Mrs. William Stephens, of Toronto, are happy to announce the birth of a son, on Saturday, August 6, 1949, in Toronto, GRAY--To Mr, and Mrs, Ivan Gray, on Saturday, August 6th, 1949, at B. OKE Oshawa General Hospital, a daughter. ED OO 0 QUALITY GROCERIES -- PICKLING NEEDS -- VINEGAR--White or Blended ..............ooooe..coooirreregal. 46c. RED RUBBER JAR RINGS .......0ccoocovcrnserennrnnrnenn 002. 15. ZINC JAR RINGS ........cccoococovmrvimnitoierisneermnsirmsseriennsn 10%, 486. PARAFIN WAX, 1 Ib. cArton ccc. voorvinrienssinnesonsn 186. SALT Haniel i Ita alana snminna nD 1b. bag 15¢. : WHOLE or GROUND PICKLING SPICES CRISCO A LR Ir Tr ani ieee | 1b. 38¢ JEWEL or ESTIC SHORTENING .....c.c.cco0ner. 1h. 30e, MARVEL F hed cessing 24°86, $1.40 Ts '45¢, . WE DELIVER-- PHO 100 OV) | ed and formed the b¥fekground for. an Graham, &| Ladies' Shoe Kicking--Jean Bray, ® | Betty Moore. ™ : Tommy Duff, family, Alberta, visited his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Duff and family were Mr. Walter Howsam and family last! Miss Mary Graham, of Vancouver, oe week. and Mrs. Ross Duff, Burketon, and Mr. SHIRLEY Sunday School will be at the usual time of 11 a.m. next Sunday. The Bethel Sunday School Picnic was held last Saturday afternoon at Geneva Park, Columbus, and was very successful. Perfect weather prevail- Misses Aleta, Wilda and Muriel Steele, Betty Lambe, Joyce Venning, and Jean Toms, enjoyed a motor trip to Lake Simcoe and Balsam Lake to visit some friends last Sunday. ------, PP AN OBJECT LESSON "We helped ourselves to your apples, old man. Just thought we'd enjoyable afternoon. The attendance |tell you." ] was not as large as possible due to the| "Oh, that's all right," the farmer fact that three threshing machines replied. "While you were in the or- were in operation in the community. chard I helped myself to your spare Several enjoyed swimming while tire." ! ' other interests turned to ball playing. | The children ' especially," found the games and races interesting. "Later in the day the ladies display- ed a well laid picnic supper. About fifty people sat down and all joined to- gether in singing "Grace". - When ap- pettites were satisfied and tables cleared everyone found time for a friendly chat with old friends and new. We hope everyone will help to make next year's events as successful as this one has heen. To those whose efforts and interests in the church work are responsible for organizing and con- : ducting the games and races we ex- So Is, > mga] on Friday, press our appreciation. Results of || ! pam. 3 DIED SANDERSON--At her home, Lot 7, Con. b, Cartwright Township, on Wed- nesday, August 10th, -1949, Margaret Ann Marshall, beloved wife of Sim. Sanderson, in her 76th year. Funeral service from her home on Saturday, August 13th, at 2.30 p.m.. Interment Union Cemetery, Cadmus. ANDERSON -- At Uxbridge, on Wednesday, August 10th, 1949, 8. T. Anderson, brother of Wm. J., Hugh, and Mrs. Donald Banks, of Toronto. | Terminal Grill One of Our Full Course Meals 3' DECKER HAMBURGER HOT DOGS ~~ DELICIOUS 3 DECKER SANDWICHES 'Donlands Ice Cream THE BEST IN TOWN Take home a Delicious Milk Shake, made with Donlands Ice Cream--It's a real treat races as follows: Boys and Girls free for all, age 8-- Robt. Duff, June Fowler. Boys and girls, 8 to 13--S8inclair Robertson; Betty Moore. Boys, 16 and under--Sinclair Rob- ertson, Tommy Duc. Bean Race, 8 and under-- Robert Duff, Jack Moore. Bean Race over 8--Jean Bray, Joyce Men's Shoe Kicking-- Robt, Duff, Slow Race, under 8--Mary Lou Rob- ertson, Jackie Tripp. : Slow Race, over 8--Harvey Graham, : Tommy Duff, ; Ball Throwing, under 8 -- Jimmie Fowler, Jackie Tripp. Ball Throwing, 8 - 12--June Fowler, Jack Moore. Th Boys Ball Throwing -- over 12-- Harvey Graham, Sinclair Robertson. Girls Ball Throwing, over 12--Jean Bray, Aleta Steele, : Ball Throwing, Gentlemen---Melville ~ Phonedl = Emmerson Insurance Agency Jill ~» PORT PERRY Wl MANCHESTER Polio Protection For Your Entire Family including all unmarried 'children from three months to : Eighteen years of age. 3 PAYS UP TO $5000.00 FOR EACH MEMBER OF YOUR FAMILY | Fea . ~ o : . includes Transportation, Drugs, Hospitalization, Medicines, | "Iron Lung and other equipment. .. Services of Physician, Osteopaths or Physiotherapists, Nurses __ ONLY $10.00 FOR 2 YEARS t ' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, BASRA RARRRR RR RR RAR RRNA RRARRRR RRR RRRRRRRRRRIS Lawrence's Drug Store News. BARRA RRR ARRAN RRR RRR RRR RRR Rt aiaes AUGUST 11th, 1949 Shins The rossvees (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store) VITA RAY SPECIAL $1.50 Galivanting Cologne and $1.15 Dusting Powder BOTH FOR $1.50 TANGEL for Sunburn, 65¢, and $1.65 | NOXZEMA CREAM, 49c., 69¢., $1.39 NOXZEMA SUNTAN OIL 30c., 60c. ICEMINT OINTMENT CREAM .COOLTAN SUNTAN CREAM 29¢, reese seen er 50c. and $1.00 79. ITALIAN BALM .....85¢., 60c., 85c. NIVEA CREAM, 50c., $1.00 and $2.25 KEEP PLUGGING, FOR THE COMMUNITY CENTRE A. M. LAWRENCE Rexall sere PORT Store PERRY 111t Bread, buns, pies, cakes and tarts 1 R10 D1 1 made fresh daily. Country Club Ice-cream in stock at all times. SATURDAY SPECIAL "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKES" 100 O00 OT BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE : Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. & Phone 16 PORT PERRY : SUMMER SALINES 3 Ami-Dent Tooth Powder, ....59¢. - Old English Health Salts 59c. Dr. Lyon's Ammoniated a Enos Fruit Salt, 59¢. and 98. Tooth Powder ............. aed Wampole's Grape Salt, 59¢., $1. - | Colgate Dental Cream, a Andrew's Liver Salts 35c., 65c. : 23e,, 450, 750. - 4 P Kkovah Salts, ...20¢, 49c, 79e, | Feveodent tooth Pasteor = Urasal .......... senses 98c. and $1.98 Ipana Tooth Paste, 1ne30€., 50c. tc cc 1u0"0,8°0, 90, 0% 4% 4% 4% 4% GASOL nd MOTOR OILS THE PICK OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, Kerosene GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS ~~ RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS. PHONE 29J POR Y, 0 8% 8% 4% 0% 4% 0% ABLE ] ® Soe Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited | PORT PERRY SPE WHILE IT LASTS INSUL-BRIC SIDING $12.95 PER. 100 SQ.FT. Phone 240 w CIAL SALE Ml. GENERATO RS, STARTER and ELECTRICAL Repalrs on all makes of cars. Garage Work, Welding, | { Manchester Garage ix ARE Towing, Ete. All Work Guaranteed PHONES 83w GENERAL a 320.22 i HA ay »