pd Batis SE Rid be FL Fann fas Hn Te G0 a) Wr ard pl ATE (7 Ln a > PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 11th, 1949 a CLASSIFIED ADS S-- LN AAA OR TATU 8 Tail smxvicE | CARPENTR : ® X . PORT PERRY : etait rE CP UO SUNS Oats tks SA RCRA A vtec enwd | oapgemcec || [nmber, Sash, Doors " : F e 1] - FOR SAND AND GRAVEL 1% Yetlmsiea Given, ai : ns D RESS SA E or. . and Ex cavating Work, ROBERT PICKARD : X or PHONE 281W PORT PERRY and ELLSWORTH KENNEDY, FOR S30 ae" TWO LINES OF NICE PRINT DRESSES AT will be pleased to oblige you. Phong], FOR SALE-4Y Dudge Sedan." Ap. o el. TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT. 822 Port Perry, for information. Perry. 1 1 1] ers upp 16S ' ) : augusts | -- - 5 5 uguate: FOR SALE--1941 Pontiac Coach, REGULAR $5.65 FOR $4.2 REGULAR $4.85 FOR $3.6 . WANTED -- We take away all 2 soties, Hvetyining i. Brgy Slass rin £ dead or crippled farm"animals, |oeP{; 00 b 8 Bus. Merrick's Gar- B) GO ire of chige. For romp [oe Usb. CONTACT Inlaid Linoleum- Woodell Phone collect 2-r-3, i EASE aly PAIN Op ACHING, vi ; i urning feet, with a soothing "Ice- ° € Bd. Peconl, Argyle. ips, Joon with 4 soothing iy Uxbrid e Pi a : : 10 NICE PATTERNS IN PLAIN or NICE DESIGNS . FOR BALE 30 Buick somal, | LAVIS0E0 Drug Shore Ing | LONG WEARING CANVAS BACK and FELT BASE, een res Tedlo Hsasu, Detiogiess "FOR SALE--Maple finish Bedstead v b . d . $1.50 to $2.50 SQUARE YARD. : Tone 85x 4 Oona. wugli [utd pe 4 ft width clean wens || Uxbridge, Ont. Phone 214) h >, La " i WOR SALE--Smure small Gotage, For. ln ee air Summer Shoes 25 Gp off present site. $700.00. Phone 265 r| FOR SALE -- % Bed, suitable for a | 1-4, Port Perry aug 18 cottage, cheap; good four poster bed; EH MS EE A IE SO SS! LADIES' CANVAS or LEATHER SPORT SHOES. SEVERAL quantity muskrat traps and stretchers. " FOR SALE-- Kroehler Davenport, [APPIY C. L. Coulter, Highland Beach, LINES to CLEAR AT 25 PER CENT. DISCOUNT practically new. Mrs, John Sweetman, {Just north of Port Perry. augl8 . - one T4J0 erty: FOR RENT--Balance of Season, or| I -C ld C k B 1 FOR SALE -- Rock x Hampshire weekly--3-roomed fully equipped cot- ce 0 : 0 € rings Wallpaper Room Lots 33: % off PULLETS, 2 months' old BE, L. tage, with hydro. C. L. Coulter, Port : ' x ! ' ' erry. augl8 ; Hook, Gredubank, Phone 108 11, Port | Perry ug Refres hment To Work SEVERAL LINES AT BIG SAVINGS. NEW STOCK WILL s BE IN SOON, SO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE Ay : LOW PRICES. a .» 'Well Work E. Storry Wanted ~ BUILDER Congoleum Rugs ALL SIZES. 9x 12, $11.00 Now wells dug and old wells re- se iin: 92 Sh us VENETIAN BLINDS 2 7 Bepadan os 'Smet sssndnas 75¢c. square foot paired. « : Shingles. -- ELGIN COLLINS, MANCHESTER, 7 Estimates Free, le] R 0 C E R | E Ss Phone 164 r 4, Port Perry. a Phone 277J Port Perry od . uges Cherry Valley PEACHES, 20 oz. tin....25c¢. WAX PAPER, per roll ......cooovvvvvevnnnn 33c. FOR SALE--Chev. Coupe, 1980, in WANTED--Improved farm, 100 to Aylmer PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tins ....2 for 23c. . a : AVE - good running condition, $116.00; also 200 acres. Apply giving particulars FRUIT COCKTAIL, 28 oz ti 53¢ SALMON, FANCY SOCKEYE, Y tin 49c. trailer, % ton, two wheels. '$35.00,|With description of buildings, land, from yy fo SIL 8de, FANCY COHOE, ................ 2 tin 37c. H Boinatombe. 466 Floyd Ave., Osha. hrs, ie, iin agents. Write box > FRUIT gogitall, 10 oz. tin ............ 23c. FANCY PINK. tall 53¢ : d He Port Perry Star. augll ORANGY. JUICE, 48 oz tin ............ 60c. 3 ec ' wa, Ont. 5 augll i MIXED JUICE. 43 : ao. JELLO JELLY POWDERS ) EVEN TRADE_Will trad Tieht b JUICE, 20 oz. tins ........ 2 for 33c¢. -- : ) hil driver (mare) . for a heavy homie.| FOR SALE--A quantity of Cornell GRAPEFRUIT-JUICE, 20 oz. tin ........ 20c. - JELLO PUDDING POWDERS | Phone 26 r 1-3, Port Perry. i Fall Wheat, ros bertitted seeds ci GIANT DREFT The. JELLO LEMON PIE FILLER, 2 for 19c. 1 be Magi an CL lei ty Bg ol i REL . FOR SALE--Lovely long lot with'8 | Samells, phone 102 r 8. GIANT VEL oii 70c. RED RUBBER RINGS, ............ 2 doz. 16c. spruce trees, 60 ft. frontage on Simcoe - ND. MS street, 4th house, west side. Bus at FOR SALE -- Lawn Chairs and : _ [ene 'F. W. BROCK and SON CONCRETE SILO BLOCKS. Drain, Point, R.R.3, Port Perry. augl8 o ry an vert an ell Tile. Uxbridge g - . - Concrete Products, Uxbridge, Ont. FOR SALE -- 3-Burner Coal Oil 2 sept. 1 | Stove, just new, never been used. Mrs. PORT PERRY - - PHONE 4 - Rutherford, Phone.17, Port Perry. ? Vo) : NB Eavestroughing FOR SALE--Bed Chesterfield, good ( 7 7% HOUSE and BARNS gion, iii A iy hone N\ Ne kK * DUO-PIANO TEAM = Beulah Mal- ! As the orchestra on the radio struck Perry. i (0) (s : colm and Herbert Lefrois, young Hal- "yp 4 new jazz tune, the daughter ex- Electric . Pressure Pumps, : ifax pianist, combine their talents at claimed, "Did you ever hear of Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. CARS -- TRUCKS -- TRACTORS * Fis the microphone each Saturday at 7.30 thing co a stunning 7" Bf any. Estimates on request 95 Chior Casi $250.00 Ask for it either way bi to give CBC Trans-Canada "KSI ¥ mng : : i RS i eV. COACH worries iviseisisirns ] . i isteners a fifteen-minute program of "No," replied her father. "Th SYDNEY G. BARNES 33 Olds Sedan ........,..... +. $300.00 . - bah trade ats their own stylings. "Miss Malcolm, J) ol pis it A co one 72 r 2 BROOKLIN 35 Studebaker Sedan ....$360.00 p ican Wie spe 4hing, Who has been studying music since when a truck loaded with empty milk aug.1960 | 36 Buick Sedan .....oooiooosis $450.00 461% 1928, is a graduate of the Royal Con- ne ollisi i 36 Plymouth Convertable $450.00 . Lone pes rp cans had a collision with another truck ene | 36 Plymouth Convertable ........ X EIN a SE Co servatory of Music of Toronto and of '(j4¢ s loaded with live ducks." FOUND PAIR CORS 38 Ford Opera Coupe overrun. $625.00 A thorized bottl r of C a-Cola und ntract with Coca-Cola Ltd, Royal Schools of Music in England, | at was loaded wi ive ducks : ¥ 40 Ford Sedan ........... ...$825.00 U b id B Ph 205 At present, she is teaching at the rv» Extra strong pair corsets Pord Couch 850.00 xnriage beverages. one nen ; found on the 6th Concession, op- 41 Ford Coach ...... «$850. Maritime Academy of Music. Mr. I was talking to one of our oldtime posite Brunton Farms orchard. 38 Ford Panel ...... $5625.00 vie Lefrois is a veteran of the United i citizens whén 2 car pulled d Owner may have same by pub- J(47 Ford Tractor ......n $1050 States Army who served in the South the driver asked on were! png biely proving ownership at the 49 Ferguson' Tractors and Implements - -- Pacific. He came to Halifax two years diteat Me io the Dest el § in Pal Soir Grounds, Farin on New 49 Coaches and Sedans for im- 2 ago. He made regular network appear- town 7" ; oo 4 ER y night, . mediate delivery. 7 ) ances in the United States before en- ; pp -- 2 : ; P listing and has also performed with "I can", said the old-timer, "but I FOR SALE -- Ice Refrigerator, CASH 2: TRADE » PASTY TaaMs PORT FERRY FAIR the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, {sure hate to do it. After you've ate "Pure Cold", 50 lbs. capacity, In good | LEASKDALE GARAGE, Leaskdale, the Eastman Symphony Orchestra and there, you'll think I'm the biggest liar condition, Metal. Phone 27TR, Port| 7 miles North of Uxbridge. The Prize Lists have at last been re- dren: and those not so young, a good other groups. you ever met!" Perry. ne ceived from the printers and are in|Midway. LU dl -- PUPPIES FOR SALE the mails. If you do not receive one| The grounds have been greatly im- . ; i RUSSELL D. HUMP HREYS, K.C. Pure Bred Cocker Spaniel puppies. and are interested, drop a line or|proved by the installation of a heavy : 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, [Apply to W. G. Emmerson, Port Perry iphone the secretary. We are sorry [Hydro line and lights in both Grand S A d h P P i Phone 814 Phone 41. : ' 'for the delay which was caused by too |Stand and the stables, This will also Be ure to tten t e ort erry mn asendinee a m Pork Dery Office much work in the printing office. imhaie ep A. System, ' . y on Tuesday an ursday noon CUCUMBERS FOR SALE -- Any : : ' e Board have very generously re- L Cl b of each week, or by appointment, size. Phone 335W, Port Perry. i The Foard have ried to make this linquished their interest in the even- 10ns u Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 rize List as interesting as possible ing program. The Port Perry Busi- } : Ph) Se ihe fo) ody ness Men's Association and Commun- + AUCTION SALE 0 in als 2.20 ity Centre~ Committee are arranging Farm' Stock, Implements and Fur- NOTICE $00 00. This should bring out alg). , Gtieqt Fair and Dance with all 66 9 niture, ete, the property of Murray : £904, snowing, profits from the evening going to the ! v. Sloy the DON RE: CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES is i , : Gordon, Lots 3 and 4, Con. 7, Mariposa 3 The race track is in good shape £o|Community Centre Fund. . . Twp, half mile east of Cresswell;on| All persons claiming damage to their there should be some good harness| Come to PORT FERRY FAIR on : ; = Thursday, August 18th. Hi iDropesty 28 ny ot fhe laying of racing, pony racing and plenty ii Jaros DAY Sag Sn Jigs hl : Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. e, music to fill in between. or the chil-|D y staying for the Street Fair. between Cedar Creek in Reach Town-| to be he on Ted Jackson, Auctioneer ship, ahd Alms Sirest Li the Village ri Ll Ci of Port Ferry, are advised to file a. susstsssssssssssssssass $3830 88888888808 880880808880 808008008000080880800 t . 2 AUCTION BALE statement of such claim with the : ; III] = i i el Rh onday, August 15th, 8 p.m. and Implements, the property of Mrs.|Port Perry, on or before Thursday, ° ™ $ . ro Ivan Geer lot 6, con, 10, Reach Twp., | Séptember 16th, 1949, } p ' ' : ' a tU | These claims will be considered at 1 . on 47 Highway, 4 miles east of Ux- |, "io but any claim filed after bridge. See Pie. Sale aL han this date will not be considered. i : at the Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. : : : ; A TEE atest atvivviad Bele isiste'sl JOHN F, RAINES, Clerk-Treas. |} . Ld : EEE e. aves, Reeve: #f OF the Daily Vacation Bible School mmm SEE of the PORT PERRY FAIR GROUNDS s « HOOR SANDERS: will be held | Rousseau: Upholstery i | TO RENT Featuring a complete |i} Friday, Aug, 12th, at 7.45 p.m. . Your Admission to This ?, Rental Plan inludes everv.| FURNITURE REPAIR and |} t t ¥ our nntat pian tats evry | "REFINING Binvich Clos Big Show is Wh Git © thing you need to do a profes-| og 40 4 complete line of | at the Port Perr y Baptist Church 0 A a ever sional Refinishing Job on those| "'ytct lS HELE Th i : : You May Desire to Bring! old floors. A | Come and see what the Children § Custom Work Prices on request.| = All Work Guaranteed. | ~~" h b doi Co | ) ; ; Phone 483 and we will be glad '8 ave een omg ' i | . ill . P a Phone 8744W1 OSHAWA tte i} | All Money Raised will go to Aid the Port : | to consider your next repais : : : or a : We do custom building, too. |} All . WwW 1 ; - 4 e . 'i M. Leggette 216 Mary St. E.. WHITBY ~All are eicome Perry Community Memorial Recreation Centre. el Ls ym ; 4 i MN) : ma : z Pi eH or Pr a SA ui BT ge Pint, - rn A z a TN Ag -- Fe pt pr A or pn ek i = TE A a "No hh