him then? When the members get Published by - Notes and PARLIAMENT AGAIN The new parliament for Canada re- assembles the 16th 'of September. After the ritual of the opening cere- ' mony which stems from the ancient traditions of British Parliament . . 'wn to business of governing this country, what are the problems they face? Comments blems and to make sure that our gov- ernment. deals with them. *. 8 2 EDUCATION One of the big issues in this country which' is receiving little attention from the press is the question of Fed- 'eral Aid in Education. It is becoming more and more apparent that educa-! Lions "Variety Show" $3,300.00 Collected Big Success Monday, August 16th, the Port Perry Fair Grounds was the. scene of one of the largest and best gatherings for the aid of the Recreation Centre this year, The event, a Variety Show, of Bob Little, Lions District Governor, and the broadcast by Jack MacPher- son, CBC Farm Commentator. Two hours of the show was broadcast over CKDO, Oshawa, Many thanks are due As 'a matter of fact, few seem toltion is a costly business; it is also sponsored by the Port Perry Lions, to this station for the able assistance and ably assisted by the Business Men, it gave to this event. Much credit if realize just what those problems are «++ and during the election it was widely 'suggested that there were real- ly no problems and therefore no issues. 'apparent that local funds cannot main- | 'tain or supply sufficient money to ade-' quately support a satisfactory educa- tional set-up. The provinces to some extent have 'sought to supplement local taxation in order that the children might have schooling. Sometimes this support has heen great . , . in parts of 'Ontario it is as high as 95% ... . in other sections it is a minimum . . The present state of this country does not justify such a negative atti- tude. At the moment we have, per- haps with the exception of those coun- tries torn by the war and revolution, the highest cost of living index to be found. Just where is it headed?' What | either a rise or a drop in this index? | | But the education of Canadians is a What is the effect on the economy of national problem and there seems to the country both in terms of the im- be every reason why the Federal gov- mediate present and the future? What controls have outlived their contributions ef the provinces. Right : YS purpose? What new controls should away we run smack into the problem "be introduced? What is Canada's of the kind of education to be support- foreign policy? .. we have never ed and the amount of control exer- Nova Scotia, New Brunswick andl * steps should be undertaken to guide ; Quebec. "ernment should step in and add to the | was a very greal success. It is esti- mated that the total revenue will be in the neighborhood of $3,300. (If you have not made your contri- bution, there is still time: to do 50, AS for some weeks.) ----- Mr. Ron Peel, president of the Club, started the evening with a short speech and then introduced Al Harvey, who was master of ceremonies. Van Walker and- his band provided the music for the evening. Other fea- tures of the evening were the remarks due Ron Peel as organizer and Art Brunton as publicity agent for this fine show, Town Planning The General Federation of Women's Clubs in the United States is sponsor- ing a Build a Better Community Con- test in the United States. One com- pany alone has contributed $60,000 in prize money. All prize money must be used for community improvement and the prizes range in value from a possible $10,000 down to $100. Al- most 3000 clubs have entered the con- test. The projects undertaken vary tremendously depending upon the community's needs, Some need play- grounds; some telephone service; some Watch your label; it tells whem your Subscription expires. $2.00 per year in advance. Be. single copy. Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa, Have you Invested in Youth? COMMITTEE HEADQUARTERS at CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, PORT PERRY COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL CENTRE PLANS ANOTHER GREAT EVENT TO RAISE FUNDS A highlight of the evening will be the lucky winning tickets on two of the handsome prizes which were don- ated by Port Perry Business firms earlier in the summer. These are the T-cubic-foot General Electric Refri- gerator donated by Mr. Harry Peel, By the co-operation of the Port Perry Fair Board, the Recreation Cen- tre Committee are planning a carnival and street dance to be held in Port and the Registered Holstein Heifer Jimproved waterfronts and still others Admission to the show was gained by contributing a useful article. These the "Auction Sale" will not be held will be auctioned of at a later date.' Among the articles, ete., received were a $100 pony, 2 prize sheep, $260 worth: of chickens, a boy's bicycle, type- writer and many others. Ted Jack- son auctioned 2 baskets of apples and a basket of cucumbers. They brought $2.00, $450 and $3.00. Watch for the date of the auction sale. to assist starving children in China, during the last three years. Delegates were present from Puerto had a clear ~cut statement about policy cised by provinces and the national Rica," Hawaii, Bermuda, Canal Zone (King always kept this the most se- government.' Had we the same set-up cret of his policies . . . and all his as in the States where their is one policies were secretive.) i public school system . . . our problem " What steps can be undertaken to {would be much simpler. Perhaps, the bring the provinces together for the bést approach to the problem is to 'purpose of overhauling the tax sys- offer national funds wherever and tem--Canada is a much over-taxed whenever the public is prepared to country--and, again, for the purpose support one type of school system. of protecting our natural resources That support should be heavy . .. It against exploitation by foreign capital. is little use to argue that the Catholics In view of the war developeing for | will refuse 'to give up the Catholic export markets and the slump which separate school ... our country is and Japan, as well as Canada and the United States and Alaska. The Order claims a membership of 2,600,000. All meetings were closed to the public. Officers of the General Grand Chap- jter were installed on Thursday as the official business ended. . Mrs. Abbie Hanson, of Indiana, took _office as Most Worthy Grand Matron, 'of the General Grand Chapter. Judge Frankland W. L. Miles of Boston, was <. he Tr --_--_-- must follow such a business struggle . . what plans can the government make to deal with unemployment on both a local and a national level ? These we maintain our prqblems for our national governmen. These things are the concern of- our representatives and what they are going to do with * them and about them is our concern '+ +. there is no responsible govern- ment without a responsible people and our responsibility is to know our pro- not as catholic as France and, yet, it installed as Most Worthy Grand Pat- was found necessary in France to give up the church schools. The people of Canada need to hear a lot more about the problem of finding money for the education of our youth ... and our representatives in Parliament have need to rise above petty parochailisms arid see this in the light of a national. problem. 'There is no justification for our running away from such a vital qfiestion', . Reply to "Are You Interested?" In your issue of Thursday, August 11th, appeared an article "Are You Interested 7"--Lake Scugog Improve- ment Association, - In this article you mention improve- ments, cutting weeds, the waterfront, re-stocking of lake with fish, and the poor fishing. £2 As to thé cutting of the weeds. |. Three years ago, A. M. Ely, of Seven Mile Island was very much: the man in getting the weed cutting machine here. Mr. Ryan was invited here and a joint meeting of -the Council, Yacht Club, and the Port Perry Rod and Gun Club... When Mr. Ryan was requested he sent a weed cutter. In February of this year a letter was sent to Mr. Ryan by the Port Perry Rod and Gun Club, requesting that he send a cutter in again this year. I A letter from Mr. Ryan said that this would be done, and has been in the harbour and other places in the lake for the past five weeks. Many hours by the Guides from Port Perry have been spent trying to clean up the front, and have, in many ways, kept it half respectable; but they have no means of drawing away the refuse, A little more co-operation along this "line 'and our waterfront might have a better appearance. As to the re-stocking of the Lake with fish, The Port Perry Rod and Gun Club have filed applications for the re-stocking the lake with fish, and "in 1947, 192,000 lunge fry, and 6500 fingerlings; also some Bass. In 1948 over 100,000 lunge fry and about 500 fingerlings, | lunge fry and 800-500 fingerlings. To date no bass has been put in this year, but a request has been made by the Rod and Gun Club. It. may appear to » gome that the Rod and Gun Club have ¢ 5d done nothing, and all that is handed out to them is knocks. = The Rod and Gun Club are a bunch "lads who san take it, and they like , and will bounce back for more, In the Spring of 1948 Mr. Ryan, the 'superintendent of, this 'division of the Trent Waterway System, received a letter from the Rod and Gun Club; re- questing that the dam at Lindsay be repaired, as there was a portion brok- In 1949 around: 180,000 | rated with flags, evergreens, Glads,' roses, arbors and trellis which Were en away that allowed the water to be about 8-12 inches below normal water level. The writer is very happy to say that this repair is being made at present, as I have been to Lindsay and seen for myself. - : : As to the poor fishing. I am abl in most of the southern portion of the Province. There are a few exceptions. Yacht Club for their effort. If the citizens of the community would get behind these two organiza- tions and give them their moral sup- plished in the future. Doctor Harkness has advised me that samples of weeds and water have been taken to see what can be done to clear up the water condition and that he will send me a report on it as soon as he gets it. =I will hand this to the paper as soon as it is available. Thanks to Mr. Ryan for his co- operation. Articles will be written from time to time as to equipment be- ing fitted by the Port Perry Rod and Gun Club. tae OTIS O. (Ott) HAMILTON. -------- EP Eastern Star News The twenty-sixth Triennial Assem- bly of the General Grand Chapter, 0.E.S., which was held in the Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, Apigust 8-11. Thanks to Mrs. Jessie Espie and Mrs. Jeanne Dymond, who drove their cars, made it possible for the Worthy Mat- ron and a number Blue Ray Chapter members to attend this convention. The Gardens were beautifully deco- worked into a colorful design, The Triennial Assembly meets every three years, and this year we were pleased to have it come to our fair city held in Tampa, Florida, three years ago. to say that the same conditions exist' - Much credit is due to the Port Perry | 1 i of Toronto. The last Assembly was ron. The other officers were also in- stalled for the term of three years. The sessions were most interesting, also the entertainment put on .by the Illinois Chorus, the Florida Bandeltes, the. Hawaiian Group, and Abbie's Hoosierettes, of Indiana, 'Friday, August 12th the Grand Chapter entertained the delegates with a trip to Niagara Falls which was greatly enjoyed. Utica Owing to Mr. King being away on holidays and unable to get a supply, all services for Sunday 21st, will be cancelled. Sunday, August 28th there will be a joint service of the three ap- pointments at Epsom at 7.30 p.m. when Sacrament will be administered, and several baptised. Remember the picnic at Port Bol- ser on the 26th, under he auspices of the Young People's Group. Every- body welcome, Vo lhe | "Sorry\to report. Mr: Jack Diamond's port and co-operation in what they are( trying to do, much could be accom-! house was destroyed by fire about noon on Monday. Through prompt efforts of neighbours, the contents were save, and could have saved the building had there been water. No 'one was injured, {= 'Mrs, F, Kendall has returned home 'after spending a week at Victoria Harbour, : Joan Ballard spent a week with Miss Eleanor Leighton in Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Maunsell Gerrow of London, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grose, of Stouffville, Mr, and Mrs. E. Diamond, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Grills, of Columbus, guests at the H, E, Walker home on Sunday. 'Mrs, Huntley, Sr.,, Mr. and Mrs, L. Huntley and children; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Stevenson, Toronto, spent Sat- urday afternoon with Miss A. Christie 1 and the Geo. Wards. f 1 -- te MANCHESTER Miss Joyce McKee, Toronto, was with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd McKee over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Hodgekins, of Woodstock, were with her sister Mrs, Fred Warren and family over Sunday. Mrs, Bud Black and Miss Doreen vigited relatives in Toronto on Satur- day and Sunday. 5 Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Roach, Eunice and Susan, were in Toronto over the week-end. ; : 'Mrs, Eva Holland Hamilton, Most told the delegates, numbering some 10,000, that more than $200,000 had been contributed to three chief aid pro- jects, to promote cancer resedrth, to Coombe, after an absence of about 50 years, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Leach and chil- dren attended the G.M,' picnic at aid the "Save the Children Fund" and Oshawa on Saturday, PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB There is a wee, four letter word in our language that is considered by many as a mild form of blasphemy; nevertheless this word is used in con- versation all the world over. Not necessarily polite conversation, since to be polite we are told not to speak on matters that might prove disturb- drainage and waterworks, A nation-wide survey shows that most clubs have discovered two things --1. That you must know your town or village before you can start to im- prove it; 2. And this is most impor- tant--the councils almost invariably are sadly in need of improvement. Lattimore, North Carolina, found that it could not start a thing until the peo-! ple got together and improved their council. The experience of Lattimore was duplicated in countless towns and vilages throughout the nation. Until people really show interest in what the council is doing and how it is doing . . you can expect almost anything to happen and it usually does. The big- gest failure in councils was due to the fact that one or two thought they 'knew it all' and were trying on their own -to decide everything for the whole town. Where the situation was extremely bad the people went to work and drummed up interest in the com- munity and then made sure that they had proper candidates. They made certain that the people got out and voted and they made sure that coun- cil meetings were properly conducted and that the proceedings of council ing to our companion. However, polite or not, we are going to use that and topic being: "work." Shocking isn't it? Tuesday night as soon as you can be there, show your beaming countenenes at the Yacht Club and clutch in your hot little fists a paint brush or a rake before you leave your little abodes. We watched with great pleasure the climb of the ball team to the top of the heap, and we watch eagerly the rising thermometer telling us that we are gradually getting a rink. Too, we have watched with dismay the weeds climbing up the side of our club house and the paint getting thinner on the walls. Realizing the hopelessness of trying to get up a working bee during the ball season and while big things are happening in thie rink ¢ampaign, we have had to let the club slide a bit and just hope that the town fathers will be patient with us. Now, we see a gap in other activities around town, so playing second fiddle, word a few times this week and speak | . . on the topic it is mother of, the word | test, was it got various clubs, both men | want to make music while we have the | were made public. Without such pro- cedure, their plans went for nothing. One of the best features of the can- and women working together on com- munity improvement. The church organizations co-operated with the Lions, the Rotarians, the Kiwanis and a host of others. Nothing, hitherto had brought about this badly needed co-operation. Each of these organ- izations were doing very good work on their own . .. but the whole thing (was on an individualistic basis and in solic cases there were certain men's clubs who took no interest at all in their community. It seems that the women are the best ones to bring about this all-round co-operation. | Already the accomplishments of ithese clubs is quite marvellous and "whether or not they win a prize their [community has benefitted tremendous- 'ly and better living for all is insured . . on top of-that, the value of the community has .increased . . . and so the scheme has paid off in dollars and 'cents . . . best of all, this is how de- mocracy can and must work, for it | | . is only when people get together chance. So come on out you people, \ , that and do a bit of sweating for the Yacht iz do oe in a " t a" Club. The chimney is goifg up and ' 2! may benefit that we get the truly ' by b democratic process. . De Bote Roads ey Shp deol need, It's too bad that such a contest has 1 gn owe an. lated : ince pi not been sponsored in Canada. Even Jn Poe Fria a" It's a © to Port Ferry could benefit much from take a good deal of work no doubt, so such a scheme. we need help and lots of it. With! enough hands we should accomplish a great deal in one evening. | Unique This doesn't just mean the men in Demonstration the club but the girls, too, they can wash windows and do the internal TO SEE FARM MODERNIZED housecleaning, Come now, all of you, DURING ONE SINGLE DAY 1 --_-------- EO we have almost a hundred members | PUPILS OBTAINED i SEVEN FIRSTS Mr. Eli Coombe, of Edmonton, Alta, ; Worthy /Grand Matron, of Chicago, is visiting his brother Mr, Charles Perry Treasurer's Office will be closed | so should have fifty people at least.' A one day program that will involve That's all kiddies, for this week, but complete "fate-lifting" of a farm is we'lk be seeing you on the streets to be planned for September 8th on the sure you've heard about the bee. farm of Heber Dbwn, two miles west | of Brooklin, on Highway 7. | ---------- It will be Canada's first soil con- TWO PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL servation and farm improvement field day and activities will begin sharp at ) 9 am. The unique undertaking is In last week's issue were published sponsored by the Ontario Crop Im- the results of pupils of Port Perry. provement Association in co-operation High School taken at the Upper School with, the Ontario Department of 'Agri- examinations. Miss Nancy Gibson culture, Ontario Agricultural College, and Mr. William Brock received seven Ontario Department of Lands ant first class honours. This is a spendid Forests, and the county crop improve- showing, While the report gave Mr. ment association. Brock Physics II, it should have been | Howard Harper, of Goodwood, is Physics I. 'general chairman with H, Lynn Fair, Ontario County Agricultural Repre- NOTICE 'dentative as secretary. A large and Je 'representative corfimittee is working Please be advised that the Port'with these two individuals, A huge force of workers with mec- from Monday, August 22nd to Satur- anized equipment will assemble on day, August 27 for a vacation period. the Down farm and the day's projects Bia ~ B, HAYES, Reeve. include fence row removal, contour {+38 J. F. Raines, Clerk plowing, diversion terrace construc- Dated Aug. 16, 1049 : tion, drainage improvement, manure COME TO PORT PERRY FAIR, on LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5th, 1949 'a democratic dictator . , Calf "Elmeroft Maggie C. Triune" donated by Love Brothers. The com- mittee expects a great rush for tickets } on these two prizes during the entire The committee 'will conduct a full day at the Port Perry Fair and (scale carnival and Van Walker and his throughout the evening at the down- music will hold sway in the dance arca. ' town carnival. The two draws will be "All proceeds of this evening show | made at 11.45 p.m, sharp by His War- at Fort Perry will be for the Recrea- [ship the Mayor of Oshawa, Michael tion Centre Building Fund, Starr, | Perry's downtown area following the (Fair at the Exhibition Grounds, Labor | Day, Sept. bth. storage, barnyard improvement, paint- ing the barn and other buildings and strip planting of fall wheat. Daily Vacation Not only will all buildings be .re- ' Bible School painted but the grounds will be land- Friday evening, August 12th, was scaped, fences rebuilt and the kitchen {the closing meeting of the Daily Va- completely modernized. And all will 'cation Bible School (Interdenomina- be done in the one single day. [tion) held in the Baptist Church, Port The huge undertaking has been care- Perry, during the past two weeks. fully planned and is being done to ol . ; show Ontario farmers methods and | The pupils were instructed by Miss. {practices they can adopt on their own (Joan Burnside, a student at the Lon- [farms to prevent soil erosion and main- en Bible Institute. She received as- tnin- fertility. and productivity. sistance from Mr. Don Seriver (Port Actually what is to be done in the Perry) a student at Prairie Bible y Thess VItihe one day, would ordinarily require five | School at Three Hills, Alberta. jSears. | hsports from or Butozis Miss Burnside taught the story of {Agricultura 'ollege, Guelph, will Christianity ible hi i look after the landscaping of he netstat kin Fogdis sori Mv grounds and the Women's Institute pictures, cut-outs, "obo, Sie thirty Branch of the Ontario Department of "students were enrolled and a goodly Agriculture, will have charge of plans number turned out on Friday evening for completely modernizing the lower to ghow parents and friends what they portion of the farm home. had learned. The evening proved they i Premier "Leslie M. Frost and Col. 'had been carefully trained. the Hon. T. I. Kennedy, Minister of 'Agriculture are both expected to be Prizes and certificates were given as 'speakers at the formal opening which follows: eight and over, Gail Hod- 'takes place at 12.30 p.m. (gins got the most points; Marilyn So that everything may be carried | Hodgins came second and Mary-Louise out according: to schedule, much pre-|l'ickard, third. - liminary work will be done in advance. A large audience is expected to be present for the unique demonstration. | PW MRS. DAVID WALKER DIES AT ST."THOMAS Word was receive on Wednesday of the death in St. Thomas, of Mrs. David Walker, formerly of Port Perry. Seven and under--Geraldine Rance, first; Beverley Sutcliffe, second; and Johnny Pickard, third. Receiving honorary mention -- Lena Scriver, Esther Pickard, Wayne Oak and Mer- lin Elford. Miriam Pickard and Don. Elford brought in the most new scholars. Each scholar received a certificate Mr, aid Mrs. Walker moved from any with red and gold seals to indi- here to St. Thomas a short time ago, 0 good attendance and high effici- where Mr. Walker had secured a posi- eney tion. While here Mrs." Walker was employed at the hospital. A gift of a pencil was given each Mrs. Walker was vefy popular |Who atended the Friday evening cere- among the young folk here and took mony._ \ a keen interest in the activities of the 50-50 Club and other Church organiza- tions. The community extends sym- pathy to Mr. Walker. The Passing Show Britain's exports to the United' The Soviet has reversed its tactics States dropped from 23,000,000 in in the '¢old war' . . . it is now con- January of this year to 12,000,000 in vinced that the economy of the western June . . . which gives the lie to 'Oh,!countries is headed straight for dis- what is so rare as a day in June--then aster , .. and would have already if ever come perfect days. The drop reached it had it not been for fear of left Brifi8h exporters in a . daze. the spread of communism and the sub- Ww * OF rs seqent Marshall Dollars . . . . there- Chinese communists have been seiz- fore, Russia is prepared to play a wait- ing Japanese fishing vessels . . . this ing game, is, no doubt, considered 'good fishing.' | "Te x 4 AA A | Apparently for every five drinkers There is little question that Mrs. of alcoholic beverages, one becomes a Roosevelt's reply to Cardinal Spell- 'heavy drinker' . . . they just can't man gave her the last word take it because they take it too much. further proof that it is dangerous to} ER I bandy words with a woman. FEccle-! Divorces have started to drop in the siastically, secularly, politically and United States . . . the Psychiatrists economically speaking, she cut the take all the credit saying that they ground from under his pontifical fect. have done more to bring about LO 'emotional maturity than any other Betty Grable, the screen star, was group of people , . . who can argue the highest paid woman in the United that they haven't? States with a salary of 208,000 for the LA I ER year . .. her name may 'be pro-| The House of Lords in the _ British nounced . . Bet tee Grab all, . Parliament has voted in favour of per- LIE . mitting women to sit in the House, An American 'Professor has just Twenty-four are eligible. We suppose completed a survey of the American, that it will then be called the House of Congress. He concludes that there Lords and Ladies. are not two parties in the Congress but A SR I many . . . he calls it multipartied and' The South African Gold Bubble has says that only two things can happen burst, Speculators unloaded their with the President . . . he either uses holdings in a hurry . . they say it all his emergency powers and becomes, will take years to recuperate the losses . or he sur- sustained . .., which leads us to try renders and the result is 'chaos , . . a little rhyme-- now we have a real understanding of When gold the magic word is spoken, Pastor P. Taylor thanked Miss had done. . . eee American Unpolitics, {All sanity is promptly forsooken. Burnside for the excellent work she a Ca en, pr * Ew, at