is he i ro. om EC Lr ai rl Sear 0 3 % ECAR BON £3 PR ANN Sh AS AREA RRR ES BARE EERE AN ANN a ¥ Sa Fe rs PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th, 1949 -- r-- ----------T---- 4 | the meeting with hymn 878. The Prince Albert | minutes were read and adopted and the treasurer, Mrs. Martyn, reported hihi Grant Hutter iy fio children ' $199.06 on hand. Mrs. Newnham re- visited a few days with her parents, presented the Church Board and re- Mr. and Mrs. Robertson, in Havelock. ported on meeting concerning floor . I iin , covering, Mrs. Wm. Martyn, Mrs. A. Wie Wyo Wali ig Tf Cols Mrs. W. Ecclestone and neice, Miss Pointed as a committee to make final 1 White of Tore: i" "called on thei 8rrangements to finish the floor. The cousins Mrs MeKerihen and Mrs, G. committee in charge o fthe decora. fuk. on Sunday ' ©" 7 tions for anniversary Sunday, is Mus. a's onl) LPRYe, Clark and family, Luke, Mrs. McKerihen and Mrs. B. of Mattaws. A spending a few days Smith. Those in charge of lunch are in the village ' « "77 Mrs, Ross Murphy, Mrs. H. Jeffrey age. |, ay y . Rev. Mr. Seymour, of Enniskillen, and Mrs. Art Brown. will be the speaker for our Church! anniversary services. There will be special music, School re-opened on Tuesday with The kitchen shower gifts were on display, Hymn 880 was sung, follow- ed by prayer by Mrs. W. C. Smith. Mrs, McKerihen read a portion of Mrs. Gordiner as teacher. Luke 10--the story of 'the Good Sa- Miss Viola McCrea has returned \apitan, A favorite hymn of the late home ofter spending some time in Van- Mrs, Ettey was sung in her memory couver, B.C, land other favorites were chosen: and Mrs, G. Plaunt and son Douglas, of sung with Mrs. W. C. Smith at the Peterboro, visited for a few days last piano. The repeating of the Mi%pah week with relatives here, Benediction closed the meeting. * re As program Mrs. W, C. Smith gave a pleasing piano selection and con- ducted two contests, A sandwich lunch with fresh peaches was served by group 3. PRINCE ALBERT W. A, The Prince Albert Woman's Assoc- intion held its August meeting on Wednesday the 31st, at the home of Mrs. Win, Heayn, with a fair attend- ance. A The president presided and opened St. Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. PAINTING and DECORATING SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING GYPTEX WORK. ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. 21 years experience in Toronto. Estimates given. Full Equipment. - ALSO OUTSIDE PAINTING DONE, M. St. Clair and Son EPSOM (North West of School) PHONE--PORT PERRY 113 r 14 . ov *AALANANRARARRRS ote? Pete etate? - BREA AAAS OO Taylor's Restaurant NOW YOU CAN GET YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED FAST -- TRY OUR 24 HOUR SERVICE. YOU ARE SURE TO BE SATISFIED. Bring Them in To-day OPEN SUNDAYS PHONE 96 BS SR RISE ' | business for him: no sir, he puts these > | masts right under the water horizon- PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB Looks like we are going to have to get a sky-hook and a couple of heli- copters if we wish to continue racing, Last week four boats rolled over, and this week, three -- at least the number are declining. But goodness, seven boats in as many days! Looks like we have developed into a bunch of : Lee Rail Vikings, and that ain't good. We believe that there is a neck 'n neck race going on for the Diver's cup. Do you know what this par- ticular trophy is and what it is for? You don't? How kind of you to leave an opening for us like that, This cup is a long standing tradi- tion of noble parentage. It is built out of the best quality tin funnel available at the best quality hardware store, Mounted on its wood base it looks like a cross between a Dragoon's helmet and de Vinci's first effort to- wards armouring vehicles for warfare. When in one's possession the rules say that it is to be displayed in the most prominent position in one's home. Generally, the recipients seem a little restive about such a display of their carelessness, \ But should we call it ,carelessness'? There seems to be a certain amount 6f finesse in this busines of dumping not contained in the characteristics of all sailors. For example compare this Whitby type to Gord Robertson. Whitby has a big schooner that should lay over .on her side as gently and easily and with the same gracious motion as a rock slide off Mount Everest, But does He roll her over on her side? No, the dope sinks her without letting her wet her masts, sinks. her right into the mud! Clumsy? Like an elephant with a flute! Ah, but Gord Robertson! There is that past master at the art of dump- ing sail boats, None of this sinking tally before he lets any water in the hull. Sounds easier than sinking eh, just try it sometime, wise guy, Whitmore does a fair job along those lines but can't seem to keep his ballast under control. If he'd of listened to | Clare Glass on Sunday we feel sure. he'd of wetted his mast before he shipped water into his hull. Enough of this palaver: just re- member what went into winning the Diver's Cup when you hear the win- ner's announced. The ""Pony" that replaces o Team ITH the introduction of the "Pony" tractor, Massey-Harris extended the advantages of power farming to practically everyone who makes his living from the soil. There are thousands of farmers and market gardeners whose acreage does not justify the investment in large-size tractor equipment. Such men were barred from the use of power machinery until the "Pony" came into the picture. Today, it is helping them to increase their farm output, reduce production costs, and eliminate old-fashioned drudgery. tractor. The *'Pony'yis an outstanding example of the farm-minded engineering that lies behind: every Massey-Harris machine. the "Pony", Massey-Harris engineers were not. content merely to build a small-size low- cost tractor. They studied the kinds of work Established 1847 MONCTON WINNIPEG MONTREAL YORKT: SWIFT CURRENT CALGARY ORKTON REGINA that a small tractor would have to do, in practical farm use, to give satisfaction to itg owner...and they calculated the require ments of power, traction, weight, and en- durance that such work would call for. result, the Massey-Harris "Pony" out-weighs, out-pulls, and out-works every other tractor in its class. It will do more Work than a team, and much more work than a little walk-behind Going further, Massey-Harris engineers designed an assortment of quick-mounted tools for the "Pony" . . . exactly the right size to yield the maximum amount of finished work In designing r hour of time and per gallon of gasoline. With these tools, the "Pony" not only does more work than a team, but does it better, faster and cheaper. Massey-HARRi1s As a 3 BRANDON EDMONTON SASKATOON VANCOUVER ~ a - Port Perry Rod & Gun Club. At the special meeting of the Club held in the Yacht Club building, we were glad tg see such a fine represen- tation from the .different organiza- tions--The Business Men's Associa- tion, Lions Club, Yacht Club, Council, Caesarea Regatta Association, 'Union Rod and Gun Club, Oshawa, Oshawa Protective Association, Whitby Fish and Wild Life Club, and representa-! tives sort Beaches on Scugog Island. The Port Perry Rod and Gun Club certainly appreciate the co-operation given to them by all. And we also appreciate the kindness of Mr, Thom- son, M.F,, for attending that we might give him an idea what the residents of the district feel in regard to the water level of Lake Scugog. x We understand the Lindsay and Peterborough districts have been working on the project, too. The committee formed at the meet- ing are already at work, and no doubt will have something to tell us soon, Work is progressing at the locks and ,dam at Lindsay, and when completed should show a big improvement in the water level, Otis O. Hamilton, President ANCHESTER School opened Tuesday morning with a large attendance, Mr. Robert Graham, of Toronto, is the teacher and we bid him a kimdly welcome. Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Crosier and sons, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. W, F. Crosier, on Friday last. Mr. A. Roach and Eunice and Miss Carrie Cowan were at their cottage | in Haliburton on Sunday. : Miss Doreen Johnson left for Sud- bury on Sunday evening where she i Mr. Wesley ¥ Johnson returned to his school at + will teach this year. Atha. There was a good attendance at the i W. A. meeting at Mrs, A. Fielding's & on Thursday evening, ) We are proud of Port Ferry Fair i rom the different Summer i its record attendance and grand % xhibits, Mr. and Mrs, who died in Oshawa. a Mrs, John Johnson, Mrs. Frank Johnson and Wesley and Mr. Chas. Lamb visited Mrs, E, Vernon at Tot- tenham one day reecntly. Mr, Frank Johnson is in Saskatch- ewan helping with the harvest. "rm ee PB eee Barring the dust, we would 2, say it was the best ever. - | 5 Walter Howsam | & motored to Alberta this week and § will spend several weeks in the Wegt. 83 Our sympathy is extended to Mr. |§ John Stewart in the loss of his. sister | & [have occurred to you if a magistrate Could You Pass a Test? . It is one thing to be born a citizen become one. In order to be granted citizenship here 'the- aspirant must pass a test which is by no means easy. | Indeed, we wonder how many citizens Wins High Honors ] RIDGEDALE LOCHINVAR KEYES, Grand Champion and Senior Champion, Holstein Bull owned-and shown by J. W. Walker & Son, Port Perry at Port Perry Fair 'ask and a cheque book 'doing business in a © way. 2% branches. 5 J. R. Helm, Local 'What do you hy Your Bank? The connection of many people with a Bank is only through a We believe, however, that there is more mutual pleasure and benefit by This Bank has grown to'great size, but it is a human institution, very much interested in giving something more than across-the-counter service. The needs of the individual, and how we can help him to progress, are matters of first importance, - OR You will enjoy banking at any of our' OF COMMERCE * pass book chequer and Admiralty courts, but of Canada and quite another thing to Lakeview Theatre | Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. a -------- oA Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 8-9-10 Arthur Franz, Jean Heather, Wallace Ford, In the Glorious Return of the 'Red Stallion' "RED STALLION IN THE ROCKIES" All in Breath-Taking Colour COMEDY AND SPORTS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12-13-14 Gregory Peck, Ann Todd and Valli In Selznick's Griping Mystery Drama "THE PARADINE CASE" CARTOON $ as 5 oo JC 3 by birth could pass it without doing some cramming beforehand, For instance, what type of Parlia- ment has Canada? The answer is-- "bicameral"--meaning that it has two chambers. But would ' that" answer had asked you the question out of the blue? Can you name the Federal Courts ?, They are the Supreme, Ex- could you.say what each court deals with? And what is the largest river in Canada? No, it is not the St. Lawrence, but the Mackenzie, * : The immigrant who becomes a Can- adian citizen must know these things and many more. , We must be careful not to think that because we were born in Canada, and perhaps boast of pioneer ancestors, we know all there is to know about it. --Peterboro' Examiner. Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning problems. Over 35 years 'experience at your disposal, : We will pe pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur- day. [Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. "TERMINAL GRILL ST TT TA a i E> I an SS et "SHOP AT ARDLEY"S WITH CONFIDENCE' ; THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phope GE. 1575 + TORONTO, ONT. BT AO Li a ei on Bd READING Coal and Wood | Port Perry Coal & ice Co. : : St PHONE 289. 2 OE IT Ce el a AO ET : The Best the Market Offers Your Phone Orders Receive : Careful Attention. 2382828203! Delicateria Restaurant FULL COURSE MEALS -- LIGHT LUNCHES For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries, Wedding Receptions, or Special Occasions of any Hall is at your disposal. very Day of the Week. |, * i Soda Fountain :: Cigarettes and Sundries . # kind, our Banquet - personal, friendly ' The People's Meat Market i "'Where You Get the Choicest in Meats" . FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Phone 72w, . t] W. E. MacGregor and Son PORT PERRY Prmom-- a Branch Manager 40-9 Builders Supplies # DONNACONA~Insulating Wallboard i DONNACONA HARDBOARD, Tempered and Untempered. MODERNITE TILEBOARD AMERICAN CEMENT. REESOR FUEL 0200000808080 ~ FIR PLYWOOD HARDWALL PLASTER & LUMBER OS St eCe0e0 PORT PERRY | ort Perry, Ont. ®