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Port Perry Star (1907-), 22 Sep 1949, p. 5

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: a « fy -~ f a i Ned &; | ' ton, Phone Port Perry 192 r 2 aug. 25, sept 8-22, Oct. 6-20, nov.s ; and some pullets. Two sows due this] : fra, Phone 189 r 21, A} ' , "ARTIOLES FOR SALE Apples for Sale - Wealthy--hand picked, $1.60". bus. Wilk deliver. Davidson, Port Perry. sepe2 FOR SALE we Cornell 595° wheat The new higher yielding, loose smut resistant . variety, 'Apply to. Murray * Holtby, Phone 19 r 14, Port Perry. 5 Sept, 22 "FOR SALE -- ~ Healthy - Pullets, $175. "Hatup xX» Rocks, 18 weeks, $2. Also Angora rabbits: C. F. Sandford, ~ Utica, = . sept 2b : ro TATOES FOR. SALE--Cobblers "or Katadins, $2.00 a bag delivered. Apply Victor Malcolm, R.R.1, Nestle- » FOR SALE--Horse, six - years old. Pigs, 7 weeks old. . 3 Chicken shelters Roman, Port sept22 Scatter 1 Kugs SALE-- Blankets, Carpets, 2 Soy Rugs, made from your old ma- "terials. lo "see samples phone Port Perry 14, 0r "write My Campbell, Box 12 Barrie. b Sept8tf month. Apply Geo. Mr, Campbell 'will be in Port Perry Week of Sept. 24th. OL OO Apply or phone.J. |. Barred, Rocks, 16 weeks, (Peel's) at] BUILDING TRADES. CARPENTRY Any. Type of Carpentry done--re- modell ing or new. work. Free Estimates Given. .~ ~~ ROBERT PISKARD . PHONE 281W. PORT PERRY Jy Storry BUILDER . Agent for all makes of Insul-bric and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. 2 23 Estimates Free Phone 2773 Ne "Port Perey] FOR SAND Tore GRAVEL and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY 322 Port Perry, for information, SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON; Phone 121 r 5, Port Perry, R.R4 Go + dee, 22 HA REAL ESTATE THE COOKE REALTY | We _stand--for good-service, honest " BRING YOUR * OWN CONTAINER » WHOLESALE : "Will have ready this week end-- " WEALTHY, SNOWS, McINTOSH. , Weéek-end. of September 24th will also have . "-BAXTERS,* GREENINGS, and CRANBERRY - PIPPINS Later will have TALMAN SWEETS, MANNS, BALDWINS and plenty of GOOD NORTHERN SPYS.. Our 3b acre crop is of exceptionally "good quality this year, and: we can - readily supply truckers. GREENBRAE ORCHARD J. R. WILKIN _MYRLE STATION P.O. : ' PHONE, Claremont. 8813 "Turn_west from--No.--7 Highway st Phone 210W," ort' ® =". Utica. four burner with oven and broiler.; ~ South Myrtle, 3% miles on Claremont |» road, then south' 1 mile, i oO Cf i J. FOR SALE--Healthy -Pullets, 'Barred Rocks, 18 weeks (Peel's); Hamps x Rocks, 20 weeks, - C. F. Stanford, and fair dealing. If you are thinking of listing your property or if you are in the market! for buying a house, farm, Summer Resort, Store or Business, contact-- THE COOKE REALTY New listings coming in avery day. EVELYN E. COOKE," Realtor ----= 2 * Newcastle, Ont. 3 or W. C. EVANS, Agent, Orono sept 22 FOR -SAL E--House, storey and: a half, 5 rooms, frame, 27 x 18. ust be moved immediately. Rody Hayden {Prince Albert, Ont, HOUSE FOR SALE in PORT PERRY 7 rpoms, soljd brick, built-in-garage, garden with all small fruit, all city conveniences. Priced for quick sale; erry. CUSTOM CORN PICKING ----UX-SPRING FARMS LTD. Uxbridge, Ontario. - v - 16 22 29 FOR SALE -- Small Theater, coal, Quebec style, Phone 246 r 12, Fort Perry. | : ; APPLES FOR SALE -- Melntosh Reds, by bushel or or basket. Li G.-Hall, Phone 231R Port Perry. FOR SALE--Circulating coal a in good condition. * Price reasonable. 'L. A. Koch, Port Perry. IN FARM FOR SALE--100 acres, 7| room brick Jose, bank barn, ties up Potted hydro throughout; 80 acres of - fall wheat. One mile south and one mile east of Manchester. P. Diamond, Phone 67 r 31 Port. Perry. oct6 FOR SALE--Gas Range, Essotane Apply to W. R. Hillier or Phone 213, "Port" Perry. EE i e ) E CEMENT BLOCKS FOR al SWEETMAN'S TAXI SERVICE 'PORT PERRY For prompt service Phone 4 Custom Tractor ~ Work NEW FORD EQUIPMENT BRUNTON FARMS 6th Consission, . Port. Perry Fhone re WPI OFS i Well Work - Wanted New wells dug and old wells re- paired. - will _bé_pleased--to-oblige-you.- -Fhone. rh sept 29 ' .. | are Bow. x Bia i Sl ™ iE foul. wir etter. 148 tonicas stitaulan : FOR GOO RELIABLE Used Cars You 'Shouid Pay a Visit to Leaskdale Garage| aE LEASKDALE et ev 1 Miles North' of Uxbridge Easy Terms-- Cash ~ .or Trade Authorized Dealers for WOLSELEY, 'JAQUAR and RILEY CARS . 4 FERGUSON TRACTORS and IMPLEMENTS = Skinny nen, women Get Ta Pep, Vim, Viger TE ousands of th SRS aln before. ook. could pounds, this very a0 all drum druggists. [83488 ES0II8000EIETISIIILLLLILLLLILILILLILI AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, implements,.- 50 tons hay, M.-H, 82 Tractor, ont new rubber. Lot 5, con. 8, Reach, on Sept. 21st, the' property "of Norman Prentice. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Alvin S. Farmer, Auctioneer | tt Se . : +Mg- Nn Terminal | Gill COME IN AND TRY One of Our - "Full Course Meals 3 DECKER HAMBURGER _ HOT-DOGS DELICIOUS 3 DECKER: SANDWICHES -Donlands 2e%e%e% 80% BL ORRIS;- ---ROLLS:ROYCE MG "East Whitby. 1 5 ,10,] 15 {Cash. : Z - gain Ibs. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26--the {average "Auction Sales. "TED JACKSON, Auctioneer = AUCTION SALE LIVE STOCK, ETC. : Tuesday, Sept.- 27th, the property of Howard Harris, one niile north of ! Burketon, lot 12, con, 1. Sale at _1 10'clock,.™ Terms Cash: 4 "SATURDAY, OCTOBER' 16--farm stock and implements, 'the property of Mr. J, F. Vickery, 16t 16; con. 3, Reach Twp. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. Farm stock: and implements the. pro- ! perty of Byron Osborne, lot 13; con. 12, Mariposa ; Twp Terms . Cash. Sale atl pm, ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th -- Farm stock and Implements, the property of L. Branning, lot 16, con. 4, Mariposa, Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. ik 'WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th --Farm Stock and Implements, the property of Ira Aldred, Lot 9, Con. 9, Scugog Township. = The implements offered are nearly dll new. Stock and Implements, the property of M, J, Pereman, lot 4 and 6, con. 6, Sale' at 1 p.m. z Terms household furniture and effects of Mrs. David Lunney, S.E. corner of lot 24, con. 4, Brock,.2 miles north of Sonya.. Sale at 1 pm. Terms Cash. Soil Can Yield More . Some LEAR statistics were re- vealed at the recent conference of the Plant Food Producers by Dr. Russell Coleman, president of the National Fertilizer Association in the US "Desesiting "sonditiohs in. his own country, Dr. Coleman said that in its early history 19° farm. people were for. themselves and one additional per- son, To-day 19 farm people are sup- porting themselves and 66 others, In 1850 about 656 per cent of the entire _|labor force in the country worked-on- '|farms while 35 per cent was engaged -[industry. Today only 12 per cent are farmers. Of these, one-third -are pro- This means that' four per cent of, America's population, using "modern equipment and scientific soil manage- .|ment practices, are producting almast the entire bulk of the U.S. food supply. In the U.S. he said, corn is grown AA 2 ve) on 90 niillion_ acres which yield an of three billion bushels. . If Ice Cream THE BEST IN TOWN Take Jome a Delicious 'Home-made MEAT PIE : '. the Tiest known soil management Pprac- tices were employed, three billion bushels of corn can be produced on 50 million acres. This would leave 40 "million acres for soil-congerving crops | such as alfalfa, clover and hay. WE DNESDAY, ~OCTOBER _ 19th-- - "FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30--Farm| necessary to producé sufficient food |. ducing 80 per cent. of the nation's farm |. commodities. a > tad PRN SRA = NN BOYS and YOUTHS. SUITS Two Pant Suits, Brown-Blue Tweeds at attractive Prices. a | Me we Suit or . 0 mae ma $45.00 and $55.00 Gracia Shoes for Ladies 'High Class Shoes in Ties, Pumps, in Brown or 'Black--$9. 75 to $12.60 ae 3 ro SO vercoat-- Made- to-Measure ™ NY, 1522 Chesterlaine Wool Crepe , Black, Blue, Wing, Green $2.95 yd. ] _Corduroy~-36 i in. wide, wine & greei n--§2.50 od. DRESSES for Fall--Silk Crepe Lo ©. In shades--$12.00 to $16.00. = DRESS GOODS" "F. W. BROCK ond SON PHONE 43" ord i CONGOLEUM by the Yard e. 3 yds. wide--75c. sq. yd. x 'CONGOLEUM ALL SIZES IN STOCK ~-- | } Sa PORT PERRY . - . ERS BOARS BINA TRG IZA FA 5 "Aes =LENTRTATUN 0G, - - . ~E Eavestroughing HOUSE md BARNS Electric Pressure Pumps, Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. istimates on request SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 72°r 2 _ BROOKLIN ' aug: 1950 Attention en Bonded Singer representative will be in 'Port Ferry and district each ATHURSDAY---For~ information re=| ELGIN-- COLLINS; MANCHESTER, mr ! Phone 164 r 4 Port Perry. * ' : sept 29 "Phono 830J; Port Perry: ------running--order:-- son, Phone 9 r 2, Little Britain. - 3 WANTED -- ~ We take away all . FOR SALE--38 Chev. up Truck. Good tires, and in good FOR SALE--2 Rugs, 4% x T%, and 6% x 9. Both in good condition. Ap- ply at Star Office. 4 ; FOR SALE--Fordson "Tractor, used 'one season. --Road, Scugog Island, ere | + FOR SALE--Beatty Electric Wash-! ing Machine, in good working otder. Phone 307W; 60-CYCLE. ; ELECTRIC 'REFRIIGERATORS - Immediate Delivery Cash or Terms-- Write TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS Ltd. 241 Yonge St. Toronts, Ont. msm ------------_--_--_=_--=_" WANTED WANTED -- Approximately 100 acres suitable for grain. and beef cat- tle. . Good buildings and water supply. Prefer to deal with owner. Apply. to - Box 20, Port Perry Star. unr 20 ----AR EC dead or crippled farm apimals, tom plo -$400.--A-- G:--Fergu----- 'Otto Mayer, Pine Font RE-BUILDING Let-us re-upholster-your-old chester- field suite, . Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have, our consultant call and: give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. Phone 3344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. ad 3 Church St \ NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Elizabeth Ruth \Barton, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of : Durham; Widow. . All persons having claims against the estate, of 'the above-named Who, . died June 16th, 1949, are hereby noti- fied to sent to the undersigned on or ibefore Octabef 22nd, 1949, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately {after. October 22nd, 1949, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having ro- ~ |gard only. to claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. Datéd at Port Perry, 'Ontario, this 14th day of September, A.D. 1049, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. » FOR SALE -- 100 Barred Rock free, of charge, For prompt s dea. . Phone 00 Ov Dla Pullets, # Rd aa . : --RE- UPHOLSTERING _ and il %. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, | ver, | telephonds--and instilled ne - There remains much to be We intend to meet their wisl the service clearer, faster, be change in Ontario and Quebe able to make substantial improvements in service. But it RAPE + twas PE a a RNR WR IN THE PAST four years we added moreithan half a million y : . w equipment in every ex- 4 Opera garding Sales and Service, write the SINGER SEWING 'MACHINE CO, .{Oshawa, Ont "EEE Eee INSURANCE Whatever your state needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON 'hone 41 3 a H a REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, 'both household and- commegeial. - - Estimates. given on Installations. Reg. Boundey Port Perry ; Phone 261 Port Perry - Electric ELECTRICAL APPL, [ANCES - WASHING MACHINES "RADIOS: RANGES FAIRBANKS-MORSE "WATER PUMP SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, _ -~1st. door -north-of 'Hotel ROOFING OF ALL KINDS EARL WALLACE Port Parry "Everyone concern with the CBC Company's of Peter Grimes is terrifically enthust . 4 performance c. At the sare time we were took Aa lot of money, over two hundred million dollars! / done! Many applicants'are pphc: ( still waiting for telephone service, and many more sub-- scribers' present service is not adequate to their needs, ies, and to continue making tier in every way. i. This will take more millions for new equipment and 5 iis money must conic from jnstic with what has been ac 'hieved in rehearsals so far; and "the "chorus- master s no exception. 'He says there hasn't been a rehearsal since they started in which he, as chorus-master, |- hasn't found something to be pleased with, And he is unreservedly en- thusiastic about the magnificent sup-| port given by the rehearsal accom- panists--Gordon Kushner and George buildings. As in the, past, this J comic fr A . yi +33 # Brough--functionaries whose efforts the syrings of thousands of Canadians who are willing to. invest in the telephone business. gy ; A and contribution usually go unsung. The CBC Opera Company's perfor- mance of Benjamin Britten's Peter Grimes will be broadcast on the Wed- nesday night program on October 12, B With the high cost grade. weaning period. MASTER MIX PIG If the following gram is followed a good Port Perry EEE EEEEEEEEEEE PIG FEI DS Follow through your feeding progr: um with gradually at ten 10, twelve weeks of age. pro- care-- fully YOU TOQ can show profit. on hogs with Master Brood Sow Ration, Master Mix FEEDS i y ali for Brood Sow Ration, ALL CUASSES OF : Master Pig Started, and Master Mix Pig Grower. MASTER FLEDS Formerly HOGG & LY TLL of grain and concens- oo tratescitis-very necessary that you get phat; bunch of hogs off in the least {ime possible; hut «it is also important that you get a good: MASTER PIG STARTER is ready to feed Just _as it comes from the bag, -and-is eare- fully designed to see vou through the eritical G: ROW ER, chafging Ninn MMMM M MASTER BALANCED POULTRY FARM LIVE $TOCK FUR BEARING ANIMALS & DOGS IMMMMM MMMMM FEEDERS WHO KEEP RECORDS EVENTUALLY BUY MASTE WOE OE REE EE EEE Eavestroughing; -Asphalt- Siding i "| Estimates given on all kinds of work. TrENTOS EN r & i f NA Aga EN > Wrst hy rg i = "eX PE ee TR Fa IAT Shy TAA gy nT -

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