7 | THeld at Busplsl-Church Sunday School |. ry Pan tie :-U U ASHBURN Special Rally' Day service will be PROSPECT Mr, Ww: F. Thonipson spent last week-end at Whitby with his daughter Mrs, Jos. Ward. . "Mr. R."W. McClintock, Los Angeles, sn=Sunday,--Séptember 25th at 10.30 a.m, with Mrs. Fisher, of Brooklin, as | Guest Speakér. A cordial invitation | : | "wishes to extend » a sincere is Ld "to she Morchants = Collis : "-+lattend. called on friends and relatives in this extended to everyone to attend. 'On-~-Sunday, October 23rd special lvicinity récently, 'SEAGRAVE Mr. Jas, Mhrks was a visitor to Sea: grave on Monday last. - ; J A Lougheed has returned to To roto University after. spending some time with his parents, Rev. A.W. and Mrs. Lougheed. services will beheld both morning: My, and Mrs. Bruce "Holtby enter- and cvening to observe thé 100th an: (tained her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Neil, niversary 'of the opening of Burn's McDonald, of 'Epsom, and their fam. Church; with Rev. Gordon McPherson ily, also Mrs. P. Luke, on the occasion | of Toranto as fest spedker. Please. of My McDonalds birthday. keep. this date in mind and 'plan: toi "Sic rament of the Ss Supper-will ey, hw nt Mrs. Minpie be-cbserved in 'Burn's Church on' Sun- | day, October 2nd; at '11 a.m This will be the beginning of service in the mor-} ning for the next eight months. The Pr ospect W. A. held thelr regu- | "lar meeting at' the church on Wednes- | day, September 21st, at 2:30 p.m. The of the Community for their "splendid help in making the Auction Sale, in aid of the Recreation -- Centre a pov "spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. T. Barrie, of Toronto, spent the group in charge are Mrs. Bruce Holt- | week-end at the home of Mr, and. Mrs. i I'; Barrie. . Miss Glenys Stephen, J Smith and Mrs. Frank Vernon. The jroll call was answered by naming a | be book from the Old Testament. and Mrs. Fred Stepher, . Our popular student minister, Mr. Master Philip - Doble, of Weston, (Hugh Rose, is accompanying his spent last week with his grandparents | Mother on a trip to Regina, Sask. He' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doble. is providing a talented speaker for We are pleased to report that Mr, next Sunday. - : Earl Beadle was able to return home | Mrs. Charles Wales, "Miss Mary of Whitby, | Mr. from Oshawa General Hospital on | Wales, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Wales, Jr., | Sunday. -- of Oshawa, Mr. and Murs. Harold Ver- Mi and Mrs. Hendy mm neeonis non, of Omemee, were recent guests 'Such an Outstanding Success ee ------ PAINTING and - DECORATING SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING ~ ; GYPTEX WORK. _ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. "panied Mr. and Mrs. Norman Birkett, Cs and Mys. Frank Vernon. (of Ryglan to Gra enhurst on Sunday | The wedding of Mr. John E. Thomp- Ito visit Mr.oD. riko. . Ison, London, son of Mr, and Mrs; Roy The: September nmdeting of the La- dies Bible Class will be held %n_the church on Tuesday a Septem- ber 27th at 8.00 o'cloc vicinity; took place at Fletcher United Church, on' September '17th. The bride eleet, Miss. Jeane G. Moorhouse, a : graduate of London Victoria® Hospital, § = _ lis a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ih : : "| Moorhouse, of Fletcher, Ont. : : A . ---- Scugog The Rally Day Service will be held in Grace Church, Sunday morning at - 11.00 a.m. and algo a Baptismal ser- & === --e-- * *- * CONGREGATIONAL MEETING. 21 years experience in Toronto. Estimates give: - "TFull=Equipment wit ALSO OUTSIDE "PAINTING DONE. M. St. Clair and Son - EPSOM (North West of School) " PHONE--PORT PERRY 113 r 14 -y BERRA ARIAS TAIL IIN RRXKRS Taylor's Restaurant NOW YOU CAN GET YOUR FILMS DEVELOPED FAST = TRY £] [J YOU ARE SURE 10 BE SATISFIED. - ¥ 7 = OUR 24 HOUR SERVICE. ne Bring 'Them in To-day OPEN SUNDAYS PHONE 96 90 0.0 0 0 0 0 SESE LELL A ATL TI PS RR AR FRR RRI IAT he years are hound by ennai Do you know what your Sasurrce needs will be in 1953? Marriage, a birth or. death in the family might change the present picture completely. So, plan ahead, but make your 'plans flexible. A Crown Life convertible Policy gives you that flexibility. At the end of five years, you have the privilege of converting your original policy into any one of five different plans at a new.rate which is guaranteed in your original policy. There are no lump sum arrears of premium to pay. Get in touch with a Crown Life.represen. tative. He will bg glad to explain how a Crown Life convertible Policy can be used to give you. the flexible protection you require, To - CROWN Lire Established Home Office 7) 1900 © Insurance Company | oronie an $990 | , Call W, C. KING, Gonaal Agent, PORT PERRY, or Tr A > ° GC. Churchley, Port Hope, Ont ols 7 A PRE Re : : ' 2 A EA CLIP AND MAIL THIS. COUPON, i § Ww. C King, P.O. Box 50, Port: Perry : Boos 'Without obligation send ine further literature on this policy. Th "i Samells; and- attended the service. at Grace Church. = _| were guests of Miss Edith Admas and it ret, 1 : ~---- [Miss Shirley-Hope- day." ring changes LT er ARR Li idl VOT I her : Hollahd Bulbs arriving any day now. Ne ins Ty Prospect Uiiited Church Tis-called for {Sunday School at the Head Memor- ial Church at the regular: hour, 11 am. "Family night will be held in the base- "ment of Grace Churéh on Friday even- ing--~A program is being prepared fol- __- The-tearinig-down-of-the shed -will- be discussed and the rebuilding of a new one. Each family in the community will be asked to gite two days' work, or donate $12.00 in cash, _ . Mr. and Mfs. Roy -Fisher, Genaviu | by, Mrs, Howard Martyn, Mrs. George | Thompson, of Oshawa, formely of this A meeting of 'the congregation of | * Monday, September 26th at 8.30 p.m. | The many friends. 'of "Mrs, Mitchell are pleased to know she was able to 'return home last week after 'spending (some: time at' Little 'Britain hos ital. A number of ladies gathered at the o [Lote 'of Mr. anid Mrs, H. Eagleson, on Friday evening to bid farewell t& Mrs, Ties whois leaving "Seagrave. An address was read by Mrst R, Abrahain, I Mrs, J. Tobin and Mrs. Bert Wana- i maker presented Mrs. Lines with a {lamp and electric heating pad. Mr, and' Mrs. Gordon Marks were visitors to Seagrave Saturday. Mr. %nd Mrs. 0. J. Boé attended the |: funeral of the'late D. A. Adams at Long Branch, Saturday. : The: Teen Agers spent an enjoyable evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds on Friday. , Games .and contests were enjoyed with a corn roast to-end the evening's festivities. Rev. A: W. and Mrs. Lougheed at- tended the Woman's Association of Zion , Church, held at the home of Mrs. Western, Thursday. afternoon. Plans were made to hold a bazaay early in November, Mr. Carl Boe returned to Toronto University on Mondiy. :: COLT This. doming Tuesday, Sept. 27th, an. Explorer's group will be formed for those girls from the ages of 9-11. For the last two years we have been taki g eleven year olds into the C. G. I. 1] nd have felt that there was need fora younger group, but we did not have the leadership. splendid leaders who are undertaking the task [of forms the ? Fanjorers group. An Explorer's group is part of a lowed by- a-lunch. All are invited to come and have a social time together. 'Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. J. Church Weddings are getting very Bray, who celebrated. their 40th wed- popular around here. There was one {ing anniversary, on Sept. 4th. You SRT SREP iN {on Saturday last, at the Head Memorial },ve been very worth citizens and kind- and the next will be at Grace Church neighbours during these years. 'May next Saturday, dt 7.30 p.m. 'the remaining decades' of your mar- The time will soon be on hand to" ried life bring you much enjoyment white middy, but the Explorer's wear a red tie instead of a black tie. - Their program will start at 6.46 with games and at 7.30 they will join with the C.G.LT. in their short worship period, --In--these groups the leaders will 'move the hands of the clock "back aNd good health =a hour." We Tope the matter will be : 'setiled soon. We welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Mr. and. Mis, Don Crozier, Mr. and, ,and- family to our community. They Mrs. Gi. Smith enjoyed the past week [have purchased the farm Yecently va- ut a cottage at North Bay. cated by Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wilfred Gerrow has Mr. and Mrs. Norman Clarke and returned to their home near Cleveland, Denny, of Concord, were guests of Mr. Ohio, after spending a week here with and Mrs. Harold Holtby and Patsy, on his brothers and sisters. Wednesday. "Mr.'and Mrs. Moffatt, of Toronto, Mrs. Jewell re-opened the school ispent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. with an attendance of fourteen. {Stewart "Rodman... Mrs. Moffatt 'is Mr. T. Emmons spent the week- end : _jat his_home in Dunnville. "This "year "we have obtained "two | C.G.I.T. group, they wear the same-| uniform which ig a dark skirt and a | = Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9. Saturday Matinee at 2 p.m. oS -------- - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd, 1949 Lakeview Theatre, Port | Perry, Ont. 2 ™ u RSDA Y, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPT. 22-23-24 Yvoniie De Carlo and Dan Duryea Clarke' Ga hle; "In the Tense and oi Le a In the Thrilling 'All Technicolor Outdoor Drama. 3 FEE 2 "RIVER LADY" 2 SPECIAL SHORT FEATURE Yo MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26-27-28 Walter Pidgeon, Van Johnson 'Gripping Drama "COMMAND DEOISION" ~ CARTOON: : fg resnsisiriites SARIN . ore tL Lt LL Ll - FOR -- "Liimber Gyros, Insulation Ten Test Plywood, Flooring Custom Wore -- TRY -- - Usbridge Planing Mill UXBRIDGE, ONT. HE, Leonard's Cleaners WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your cleaning problems. Over 35 years.experience at your disposal.' Wewill be pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or Satur- day. Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 325 PORT PERRY. " TERMINAL GRILL * ee GOWNS; ARDLEY AT pe > i ei a i "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH DONPIDENCY" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST' IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, "and: WEDDING GOWNS Sl ASHI TE a F ROCKS 491-3-5 DANFORTH AVE, near Logan, Phone GE, 1575 : TORONTO ONY. » id} ry g 3% teach them different crafts and- they will. undertake some project, they will 'gram and many. special activities. The program will end at 830. We 'will welcome all girls from the ages, of 9 to 11. The Explorer's group' "and 'the C.G.LT. are interdenomina- | tional movements and we hope that tgirls from all churches will be able Ito come and join in the fun. -' ~ 1 staying over for a week. L. Mr. Arthur Dowson is- Visiting in , Cleveland for a couple of weeks. { 'Mr. and Mrs, Wright Crosier of i Manchester, spent Sunday with their | daughter, Mrs. Geo. Samells, and Mr. Mrs. S. Rodman, fire. Ashton, Mrs. . Moffatt, Mrs. Gibbons and daughter, her cousin Mrs, 'Baird, "of Montreal, | H who is visiting here for a week. - 'T The telephone ring at the parsonage has been changed to Cy rb, instead of 84 r 3. Miss- Gladys Fines was the guest of ; Pony Admission 35e¢. ¥ Come to Scott Fair at UXBRIDGE, on 'WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28th, ©1949 You'll see an excellent display of © Live Stock, Farm Products, and Ladies' Work. f Harness Races--2.26 and Free-for-all Classes, Children under12 years, free. ohio pi 2225000000000 0000004 Races. Wm. 0. 'Webster, Sec. Uxbridge, R.R.2. ize List from Ta de PRO ER000 8008000800] 1488003988808 0004 1098400008804 4 (et your P Pri training as -a-nurse in Oshawa - "Hos- "Thos. McKnight, pital. HT President, Sorry to hear Mr. Will Jeffrey is in | 3 ssssssane {11111818 enss nese 138888888888 11 Oshawa Hospital. hi ASL) We all hope for aj ------------ {take a mission study, a health pro- |} don i Coal = band Wood! Port Perry Coal 8 Ice Co. i PHONE 289. : fine aed CSalme ie OSH nu md TT SINE se % CE IE I OOO The Best the' Market Offers Your Phone Orders Yecoive Careful Attention. Soda Fountain :: IRRESRLROINOROND BOB BOPAOD OBB a sm mi I ul mi ro i R "Delicateria Restaurant ; HO AA Caviker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 2 0 omy #70," 0% 0% Cigarettes and Sundries For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries; -Wedding cceptions, or Special Occasions of any kind, our-Banquet "... Hallis'at your disposal. iOpen Every Day- --of the. Week. Y. oo" FULL COURSE MEALS -- LIGHT LUNCHES speedy recovery. Scugog was well represented at Oshawa Fair last week, and this week the road leads to Lindsay Fair. Can any person beat this' for a potato? One and a half pounds; six- teen and three-quarter inches by twelve and a half inches, grown by Mr. Hubert Long. Little Misses Lina and Dianne Fra- lick spent the week-end: with | their cohisin Miss. Yvonne Milner. A A| Prince Albert Greenhouse Place' your order early to obtain best varieties --- TULIPS, DAFFODILS, HYANCINTHS, NARCISSIS. Fhone 174 r 11 Port Perry. bisa adias pati trade-marks mean the ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C.| in attendance at my Port poreY. ofice on Wednesday morning and Sftersigin ot each a or by intment. Blong Block, © ort Perry, Phone 25]. UXBRIDGE, ONT. CE Name viii RR NE pilirisniisiers aoe en: / ' « Adress initia. at City comin CL-8-38 Ls Se * Ask for it either way . , , both. Coke sme dings Aihortend bo of Conn-Col yds sont with Cona-Cole Loki UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES PHONE 208 RE ! hihi "The People's Meat Market ""'Where You Cet the Signing Cheicest in 'Meats' _ Phone' 72w, - PORT - PERRY FRESH and 'CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS - w. E. MacGregor and Son. s 2000090 E0R00R0SCEOROEOR0POROS ; MODERNITE TILEBOARD 5 : AMERICAN. ; OFMENT. 'PORT PERRY Builders Supplies ' DONNACONA--Insalating Wallboard "DONNACONA HARDBOARD, Tempered and Untompered, FIR PLYWOOD HARDWALL PLASTER REESOR F UEL & LUMBER PHONE 73w 29 10209090900 080e00ce0RcR0N0R0N: 220 OR0NC