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Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Sep 1949, p. 5

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- FEL SUE --- : container. ig ty 3 : ! . : #4 : ' i . ! : J of oe ' / : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, 1949 po CLASSIFIED ADS 'WANTED. hn ARTICLES FOR SALE | . Apples for Sale Wealthy, MelIntosh amd Scott Winter, hand picked, $1.50 bushel. Will deliver, SWEET CIDER -- Bring your: own "Apply. or phone, J. David- son; Port Perr ¥. "= oct.6 "FOR SALE --_ = Healthy Pullets Barred Rocks, 16 weeks, (Peel's) 'at $1.75. Hamp x Rocks, 18 'weeks, $2. Also Angora Tapbits. C. F. Sandford, Utica, . sept 26 : re] or Katadins, - $2.00 a bag délivered. "Apply Victor Malcolm, R.R.1, Nestle- , terials, ton, Phone Port Perry 192 r 2, . aug. 26, di 8-22, Oct. 6-20, nov.3 Scatter Rugs FOR SALE-- Blankets, Carpets, Scatter Rugs, made from your old ma- To see samples phone Port Perry 14, or write Mr, Campbell, Box 12 Barrie. : : Septstf Mr. Canipbell will be-in a Tori. Berry week of October 24th, OO APPLES "BRING YOUR GOWN CONTAINER AND GET YOUR APPLES AT WHOLESALE Will have ready this :week end-- 'WEALTHY, SNOWS, MCINTOSH. Week-end of: Scpeenther 24th will also © have BAXTERS, GREENINGS, and |PHONE 281W WANTED -- Approximately 100 'acres suitable for grain and beef cat- tle. = Good buildings and water supply. | Prefei~to deal with=owner. Apply to Box 20, Port Perry Star, sept. 29 29 WANTED -- We take away all dead or crippled farin animals, free of charge. For: prompt + service, * Phone collect 2-r-3, Woodville; Ed. Peconi, Argyle. eT Ll BT BUILDING TRADES Any Type of Carpentry done--re- . thod elling 'or new work. Free Estimates Given, ROBERT PICKARD PORT PERRY E. Storry BUILDER Agent for all makes of Insul-bric and Asphalt, Aluminum - and Steel Shingles. | L. -Branning, lot 16, con. 4, Mariposa, . " . . " Auction Sales TED JAGKSON, Auctioneer MONDAY, ocT rd--Owing to the | loss of their barn by fire, D, McArthur'i & Son, will sell at their premises, on the 10th con. Reach, 800 Rock Pullets | (Peel Strain); 15 Cows,, 28 Young Cattle; 9 Sows and a number of young Pigs." Terms Cash, L 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16--farm Twp. Terms Cash.- Sale at 1 pm. Farm. stock and implements: the pro- perty of Byron Osborne, lot 13, con. 12, 'Mariposa Twp., Terms Cash. Sale k "HERE IS WHAT WE HAVE TO stock and implenients, the property of |' Mr. J. F. Vickery, lot 16, con, 8, Reach |' pb "WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19th i SCARS ! LEASKDAL BE GARAGE IS SURE THERE MUST BE A REASON why we have ld more than 130 cars this year, However we ard inclined to think that "It may "be plain. luck | it is our DOWN*TO™ EARTH TRICES, N jour DEPENDABLE and ,SERVICE- ABLE Cars, Plus: a SQUARE DEAL. OFFER THIS. WEEK IN USED "CARS 1947 Mercury' Sedan-- built-in vaio, South Wind Heater, only 2800 miles "wil really fine car .... 0. $1495. 00 1940 Dodge "5 Passenger Coupe -- al. lovely twoatone. johuthat. vou will be at 1 p.m... = FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7th -- Farm stock and Implements, the property of Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. -. 1 : . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6th, Farm | Stock and implements, the property | of Jonathan Aldred, lot 6, con: 10, | Scugog Twp, centre of Scugog Island. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. SEI 12 + AUCTION SALE . on of Furniture and Farm "Taghement | "Estimates Free. Phone 2770 | . Port Perry FOR SAND AND GRAVEL" and "Excavating Work, will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone 322 Port Perry, for information, ! CRANBERRY PIPPINS -. Later will have TALMAN SWEETS; MANNS, BALDWINS and plenty. 'of GOOD NORTHERN SPYS, Our 36 acre crop is' "of exceptionally ~ readily 'supply truckers. GREENBRAE ORCHARD , --------Port--Perry- RRA I ™ sept 29 SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r 5, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY - Repairs, the property of Mr, George | Jones, Brooklin, on' Wednesday, Oct. | bth, 1949. Terms Cash. Sale. at one ! pom. | WM. MAW, AUCTION SALE OF WOOD LOTS | AND WOOD = The property of Harold Kyte, -lots 2dnd 11, con. 2, Cartwright, 1% miles north of Burketon, on. Saturday, Oct. 8th, at 1.30 p.m. 16 acres of hgrdwood, also maple Andiindor. 'proud tO OWN vivir in, $895.00 1940 Ford Sedan --- Built-in radio, hedter, a nice car at a bargain, ONY oii nmmmrie tai ndirtome $825.00 1910 Ford 6 Pgssenger Coupe. Here is a--ecar OER has had the best of care--a lovely, "Ketallic grey $895. 11937 Plymouth Sedan." This' car has had a complete motor job, well in excess of $200. = A bargain at $495. "11936 Buick Sedan--in dandy nveehani- cal condition and looks like a gentle- RN ci iussriarneinion IRI $395. 00 1936 Ford Condh "Good: _otor, a love- ly body--the best of rubber, 548, .00 1935 Ford Coach -- a dandy motor, fair rubber ---- otherwise IT ain't a sayin'--however you can't go wrong at $249.00. 1935 Studebaker Dictator Sedan. Now heré is a car with a nice new paint job and it runs just as nice as it. oks. $299.00. 1934. Chev. Coach--perfect motor, new slip covers, A nice 'metallic tan paint job. Well worth' $349.00. ' 1934 Pontiac Sedan. Here is a good car for the money. * $225.00. 1934 Willys Sedan--sure it runs. $99. proud to'own. .... RAT $895.00 | SRA hs GLE NASB foal F "W. Brock and Son SA ibd For Fall 'Wear ~ Men's WIND EERE: | Plain or Plaids--=very attractive colors 'with zipper-- $9. 65 AE = bn RE MEN'S PARK AS-Wan a shen shin 1 Ei Men's Cardigan Swoaters-- $5.65, 54.95, 5, $7.50 i T IN A ee ce. tt et th ee -§ cv Ladies and Girls Sweaters-- Monarch Gordon Goodrich Rubbers -- Men's Khoo $2; 95 & $1. 15 ~Men's Basket Ball Shoes $3.95 -- COMPLETE STOCK FOR ALL THE FAMILY VERY ATTRACTIVE RANGE ~ a en Eos med es mem $5:95- Congoleum Rugs - all sizes - 9x12 in 9x15 913. 75 Boy's Suits . . all sizes -two pants- attractive prices "Nylon Hosiery - we Substandards - $1. 20 -&. $1. 25 and beech tops. Terms Cash. Clifford Pethick, Auctioneer 1932-Buick-Sedan: This is one of those older cars that ha been well looked Gracia Shoes For Ladies STRAPS -- OXFORDS -- PUMPS - MYRLE STATION P.O. J 'South Myrtle,»3% miles on Claremont' - iPhone 210W, 'Port Perry. ~ -J. R. WILKIN - PHONE, Caron 8813 'Turn west from No. 7 Highway at road, then south 1 mile, A LL nn LD FOR SALE--Alladin Lan in good condition. Phone Les Beacock, 198 3 xr 21, "Port Perry R. R. 4. REAL ESTATE HOUSE FOR SALE in Port - ter y, 7 rooms, solid brick, built-in-garage, garden with all small fruits, All city conveniences. Priced for quick sale. tf 'room _brick house, bank barn, ties up to 30 head stock; implement shed, hen house; hydro throughout; 30. acres of bed -and--spring mattress complete. ~ well painted;-in-good running condit- ply Wm. Hill, Prince Albert. .Port Perry, Phone 76R. FOR SALE--Gas Range, Essotanc. four burner with oven -and broiler; Apply to W.'R. Hillier or Phone 213, Port Perry. he sept 29 FOR SALE--Full size "Continental Practically new, $38. Also_Congoleum rug 9 x 9, $6.00. Phone 326J. = FOR SALE--Two Quebec Heaters, in good condition. . Apply to Lloyd Wallace, Port Perry. ; FOR QUICK SALE--'29.Buick Sedan, ion, with 6 good tires, on road every day. Price $250.00. F. W. Bradley, A BARGAIN--Roger's Radio (Stan- dakd 12 inch speaker, lovely cabinet like new, Long and short wave. Ap- FOR SALE--DeLaval Junjor Cream Separator, - suitable for 2 or .3 cows, | good running condition. 0, Hyland, fall ~wheat==-One mile south--and one| mile west of Manchester. Immediate possession. F. Diamond, Phone.67 r 31 Port Perry. oct6 CUSTOM CORN PICKING UX-SPRING FARMS LTD. Uxbridge, Ontario. For 'prompt service Phone .4-- Custom Tractor - Work NEW FORD EQUIPMENT nh BRUNTON FARMS 6th Concession, ' 99-r-12 or 8 FARM FOR SALE-- 100 acres, 7] 16 22 297 ~ SWEETMAN'S TAXI SERVICE .~~° PORT PERRY ~~ -- | Tce Cream Port Perry Fhone| eo 470,170, 0% #0, 4% 0 0% 0% $2232, RERNNNENR Terminal Grill COME IN "AND TRY One of Our |New Policy i in. --after,"and=I'm--sure it will appre-|- ciate a good home. $260.00. SEE OUR DISPLAY AD in this issue. CASH--TRADE--EASY TERMS at LEASKDALE GARAGE, Leaskdale, 7 miles north of Ubriage: A good buy at Effect Saturday Full Course 'Meals 3 DECKER HAMBURGER + HOT -DOGS- DELICIOUS 3 DECKER - SANDWICHES - I THE BEST IN TOWN Take "home a Delicious. 'Home- made MEAT PIE : lembarks on a policy of unrestricted Boarder points will be humming with activity next Sdturday when Canada imports of fresh fruits and vegetables. The new policy, which reverses the one undertaken two. years ago to' con- |' serve Canada's dwindling dollar. sup- _|ply, was announced Monday in the Commons-by Finanee Minister Abbott. Big shippent of United States pears, grapes, cranberries, green 'beans, beets, cauliflower and sweet potatoes are expected to flow into Canada- for the first-time since 1947. Early next spring, whén the U.S. neiv production season starts; the im- port streain likely will pick up sup- plies of American watermelons, cante- loupes, apricots, cherries, strawberries 8 + Burketon, Phone Port Perry, m r b. " Well 'Work FOR SALE -- Boy's Bicycle, new | 7 HET "tires and light. Price $20.00. Apply vvanted "Ross McKee, Phone 153r4, Port Perry. never _worn.__Reasonable. Phone 86 could make as loud an explosion as * persian trim, heavy, with inner lining, ~~ suitable for middle 'aged woman. Rea- "sonable, ir "FOR SALE--Shorty Coat,' gray and - Se 'Mulberry plaid, size 18. Suitable for teen-age girl in high school. New r 13. Seagrave. FOR SALE--Beatty Electrid Wash-. ing Machine, in good working order.' Phone 307TW, . ~ Rt -- 60-CYCLE --------11 ELECTRIC REFRIIGERATORS Immediate Delivery \ 2 Cash or Terms--Write iB | TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS Ltd. 241 Yonge St. Toronto, Ont. / FOR SALE -- Black coat, size 38, Phone 86 r 13. Seagrave. " FOR SALE -- Circulatory Heater; Kitchen Rrange; Air-tight. Wood Stove. Apply M. F. Fallis, over Pren- tice's Barber Shop. FOR. SALE--Circulating - Coal heater in good condition. Priced reasonable. L. A. Koch, Port Perry... TURKEYS, FOR 'PHANKSGIVING, well finished, ready for: the table, "oct.8 H. N. Gibson, Phone 829. 'No powder was ever invented 'tHat 2 " pick-up and delivery. : New wells aug La old wells re- paired.' Siar HRN bits ELGIN COLLINS, MANCHESTER, Phone 164 r 4, Port. Perry. sept 29 RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING -- Let us re-upholster- your old chester- field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and' have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Fres Phone 3344 collect. = - OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church St.. - « . NOTICE TO CREDITORS x In the Estate of Elizabeth Ruth Barton, late of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who "fied to sent to the undersigned on or before October 22nd, 1949, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after October 22nd, 1949, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among gard only to claims of Which the un- dersigned shall then have notice. . 14th day of September, A.D, 1949, HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, died June 16th, 1049; are hereby noti- | the parties entitled thereto having. re«| Dated at Fort Perry, Ontario, this ~ Bell stock have increased 'million dollars. ' $d . N i : telephone service, many m must continue to come Canadians who are ready "in the telephone business. Port Perry, Ontarfo,. Solicitors for ri Rn WL Bi g - Over 54,000 shareholders own the Bell--and "put up much of the money needed to give you télephonie service. There are more than twice as many of them as ten years ago. _. With thousands of applicants still waiting for "Port Perry Rod & 'Gun Club Meeting' 'on Friday Lo September S0th. 8.00 P. M. at Ott Hamilton' S Shop _ ; PORT PERRY . BROCK and SON PHONE 43 : Sa USS ST "EN Eee per SS NWZESTN Eavestroughing HOUSE and BARNS Electric Pressure Pumps, Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. Estimates on request SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 42 r 2° °° "BROOKLIN L -aug.1950 zd IE LJ - Id Attention Housewives "Bonded Singer representative will be in Port Ferry and district each Howmom on a HERS Emn Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES read Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may Anos MACHIY i in ir be, consult } FAIRBANKS-MORSE - ps WATER PUMP SYSTEMS Vii. H., WW, EMMERSON PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, oi Phone 41 Port Perry| Ist door north of Hotel i -- an E ENR EE crt 3 : ROOFING 3 REFRIGERATION for prompt sevice on all makes, both OF -ALL KINDS Sav estroughing, "Asphalt Siding td imports will swell _Can- are to whet the Canadian ap- petit THURSDAY. = For -information re- household and commercial. 4 garding Sales and Service, write the Estimates given on Installations. Rigites rived on sl) nde of work. BOE SINGER SEWING MACHINE co, R B ) EARL WALLACE / Oshawa, Ont eg. Boundey ~~ | inne 2a Port Perry =. 7 ; a 3 } natoes, cab- |bage, spinach and ay previously [tables likely will bring" with it added ada's wapPbien.of Ui wane, grape- fruit, lemons, 'limes, available "only "through ments. Bountiful, uncontrolled of American fresh fruits and vege- (quota _ship- movement competition to domestic "producers, Wholesalers Association, - Announcing the lifting of the.bar riers, Mr. Abbott said it would not ntean removal of restrictions on U.S. canned, frozen - or other processed fruits and vegetables. These still will be controlled under quotas.. However, depending on futura developments of . Canada's exchange position; there may be other import- control relaxations and removal "in due course," Mr, Abbott said. Since the war their accumulated investments in by nearly one hundred ilJion dollars more will be needed for new construction. And this money from 'these and other to invest their savings * plification that California producers 'apparently pressed for' lifting of the "controls to reduce surpluses, "the fruit and vegetable Sonal, Can- 'ing from the recent tri-nation mone- Meanwhile, with the elimination of ada's imports from the U.S. of those items is expected to soar from a $38,- 000,000-a-year business to more than $45,000,000. a Mr. Abbott said sterling and dollar devaluation and other results emanat- tary talks in Washington caused the government to review its import. con- trols position. W A government" official said in am- reported that Canada agreed to review controls after the U.S, gave the United BME a ee said an official of the Canadian Frait| It was) NE Contain Meat... Cost Less! Master K-9 Meal, Pellets and Cubes contain -. meal and other elemenis which promote healthy growth in dogs of all ages. The formula---preseribed -hy- a veterinarian--is a : : complete dog diet. The -cost is much less a than the Toso meat 7 and it's all food- no waste. Master also makes Kibble and Biscuits. Send for It has the Free Booklet. "The Dog's Life." helplal suggestions } for dog owners. MASTER = , = iy 'DOG FOODS v BEE i om KIBBLE :: BISCUITS :: MEAL. | mM a . ih ALI LR) . R NY : -y- ; CUBES +: PELLETS BM ARR M Your dog gots these Foods in Meal, Pellets, mM . ALS Cubes: ; : + Md Meat, Bone Meal, Fish Meal, Wheat Germ, ik Wee mM Soybean oil meal, Fortified Vitamin A and D Mm WE im IFish Oil; Flaked Wheat and Corn, Brewers" | HY ROR M ~ Yeast, Tomato Pomice, Riboflavin Supple= mM : ment, Cereal Grass Milk Powder, Processed , : M Wheat, Iron Oxide, lodized Salt, iM vi NOTE---We are now prepared to of fdr you a mM mM full line of BROCK'S BIRD FOOD and Mm M Supplies. Mm W MASTER FEEDS Port Perry) WW o Is fornirly HOGG & LYTLE ™ 17] " Mm FEEDERS WHO "KEEP RECORDS EVENTUALLY BUY MASTER J

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