Watch your Label; it tells when your scription die fy Expires, $2.00 per year in advance. 5c. Single Copy go" ] $2.50 per .yéar outside e. Cunnils, Authorized as' Second Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, ~~. WN bert st, Oshawa. We wish him-a : peedy recovery. The men-In this community are busy : "With their potato crop, which reporfs CIATATONS 'Port Perry Bride 'Notes. and. -- : Papi hy ITY % A FUNNY IDEA ; ; ts " = avery 'good yield. Mr. Coates has| ao It is our opinion HE, the time hus "Perhaps, you have had the self-samé aud oh raga flyte, ot Pore i fh tl po nger--ta biel, From fs TL i f 13 ! .. ih Rs 3 - ho TW - " come for Mr, 'Abbdtt, out Minister, of experience Yhat we.had the other day: Jronto; were. united' in' marriage at il bi . ror % Tr <- Uh Finance; to=tell us frankly where he | In the course of a casual conversation' Grace United Church, Scugog Island; = --= thie), Sosa Ee TY thinks this country is' headed finan- with' a friend of rather short standing on Saturday 'evening in a double ring: a oC Liss PORT PERRY YACHT CL un Friday, September 30th; favored by ele CoA ET "th bject of EX corimoly performed by the Rev, John i 4 ) 9 i he TW cially, Our dollar hs been devalued, «+. the - subject of human -naturd Alvin Cooper. The bride i§ the daugh- ©. - 'ideal weather, the 'Inter-School Field "Softbail Throw, © Ac. Kight wn 'IF ro controls or restrictions :ppertain- cropped up, 'Wa were startled to hea Ter of Mr. and Mrs. Birds EHayes, Sundics. School and Cl Resulting from the Annual Meeting Meet - for Bowmanville, ~ Uxbridge, | Komald (W); Willers (U) i] oe "al {igo this dovabuntion ha an | this friend 'em hatically declare 'that of Port Ferry, and the bridegroom is 3 day Hain and yeh services | of the PIY.C. . on Sept. 30th, is the Whithy und Port Perry High School, i Sums Catel and Thebw-= Stan. | nounced and already our cost of living She could read a person at a glante. the son. of "Mrs. Mathew Denton, of ° veheld-at -Biirn's Church on Sun-{ following -list--of officers for angy--Nis ule of the bestheld here: --Coltow-and Winterfield (W); Ronald and dit "he ' Bellev ile, and .the late Mr, Denton, day, October. '2nd ats:10 and: 11 Aaa Commodore G1 Ai. O'bien, Rivecior of Cadet Train. Muss (W)}: Sunter and. Broek (1-50 y Re index has begun-t a ; When we asked her how all this was : nmodore-- G. E. Sulmin; Vice jy lay --= uP Ly E P ! s begun-to rise again. Automn flowers: formed the floral with Rev. J. Riddell harfe." . : : a . mg of Ontario, wis. chief referee, and Relay Bownianville; Port Perry, IF oT a a * | possible she volunteered the informa- a i, I a u rh oral oll h eljarts Commodore --D, Simpson; Trustees Mr; R. White, Dircetor of Physical and | Uxbridge 28 1/5 see be f Ew = At the close of the war and with the {tion that: she was psychic and with- a ng yn rh ys dos" Special anniversary sgrvices will be | D. Carnegie, 5: Bruton, T. Griffon, V, Health Education---for Ontario, was | ESenior-Gitls--<--------------"" 4 IE removal of wartime controls .Abbott [hey jt was a gift + presumably. at was olny rs, y I A held on Sunday, October 23rd, at 1100; Fleet Captain--t. Whitmore, 'Mel starter, ; Husketball Throw: Dist. --Sweetman, (3 : » : 7. N : p pen ve | $i declared that we need not fear an un- pith, . Mrs Frank Smith sung "At. Dawning" am. and 7.30 p.m, with Hg Gordon | These nien.a long with he Secretary et heou, _Lhe_studL. ofthe High wn ard Dish Ay gg " fy ¥ 5 JE dueuise inthe cost of fivingi--He-told] Z pam fore the Termuny nd "0 A Ps "ol Toronto, 7 Charge. | Treasurer, constitute the governing Scho, enterlumed 'd 'their guests" at a FETEVERTE: liner 4 1) pig yt : sein. However; sity us --this- al--sou Mo - - TORN TTT ; » T : RED thet . rt wtgenrtdr tr LT OTSU ET IE : the people of this country tiat the-in={Fiere are are many people who ¢ither be- Veo uring the SERIE of Cdr end SpeeTat UTE hy ThE ZNO [ody of the Yucht Club and are re- | eerie OST Running Broad Jump--Larmer (B); {3 . dex might possibly go down to 145 or 'cyuse they believe they have a gift, or the bride was ace io wh Bort "Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reynolds and sponsible to the members for their ¢ Indicates ng record) Wilkinson (1); Hendrickson (U)-- HY 3 «146, beyond this no.:The index is now | hecadse they have read a little about satin, styled with a sweetheart neck- SO" Richard, of Hamilton, spent the factions and "decisions: just as the (1). Bowmanville; (U)-- Uxbridge; 0g! " tie: ! VEN about 166 and threatens to go even psychology 'in popular magazines line. The full skirt fell into a long Week:end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar members are responsible to the-@, of Whitby; (I)--Port Perry. Mipebiony hws iy aie: > 3 @ 0 0 x A 4 ) onus ==10 - 5 higher. = imagine that they can read a person's Juin Hor pew dnd il peacgross Hoven, It a M. for their behavior and support of .. Following are the results of meet: Sottball Throw Ace. --- Horn (u); a" lield her floor-length veil and she car- My. and Mis. Cecil Flett and Murs. : Juni ir Boys : } i : » That this is making things difficult! thoughts or tell just i kind of per- vied a bouquet of red roses and stepha- or pi volo ECE indo he club us painted oul by Mr. Salon HLF Sb hi Wa ke 3 3 ison the individual - Such persons -notis with "tulle "illusion, -- Her only. T. Kirby, "of Oshawa, were Sunday in his address of aceeptance, tH y ou pei eile thy 21 Notun l Cxteh aud Towle ar. : cron (BB); 3 2/0 fmer. and Bates (B); Howey and Snod- for the average Canadian no one can Searlett (W)--11 _ deny. A recent survey in Toronto showed that a bare, a very bare bud- 'have, of course, no eS of the real jewellery was a. string of pearls, visiory at-the-Routley-homey, + - Committee chairmen were told by seconds, meaning of psychology nor what may - The * alg: of in iy Ray Day, ; a Richardson, of" Toronto, | tha: Commodore that the work of the 220 yard Dash vas in shell pink velvet, an we biti: spent the week-end with her ar Lis, 15) I 'be accomplished - through an ander- » I parents, r Clih being ¢arried-out was theiv duty (1); Hudson (U)- get for-a family of five required at desmaid, Miss Audrey Graham, i in deep Np und Mes: _R. Richardson. _ y 140 yard Dash- Searlett--Wy--5HY Junior Girls --Hocken and Ripass tanding of the science. =~ + velvet, TT} y rere least $50 'a week. - With the over-all ® . urquoise velvet. Their gowns were Ts-Jus-- (3); Hi-secon i" Living human beings represent tie identically styled with low scalléped My. Jas: MeGuwnrznd sons Fintmic Running Broad "Jump W hite (B);. rick (B) tied 6 points, - ea tend den (P)-Sweetman and C. Day. (P)67 -White (B); Heron Relay -- "Bowmanville, Uxbridge, 25 seconds. Port Ferry- 28 1/6 see. i ~*White (B); Heron . Winners of Championships Mo? be seen to 'When directed by the ( OF ML With the. aid of chosen commit average income of $43.00 for the aver- Their and Bruce; Mr. Wm. D iM : ~ Te i : ic highest and the most complex form of Mecklines and full hoop skirts. Their and Bruce; Mr. Wm. Dunsan and Mr. (ce members. The vecipricants of Hooper (B); Scarlett (W : ') 6; bal «ia? -age Canadian, it takes little arithmetic p y R i) a . 3 per CB); Scarlett (W)---16" 33%" Intermediaté Girls--DBoxall (I 6; . 1 C» a : ' ean "% life and are. capable of an: infinite. heart-shaped -hats and mittens match- Harry Boniface, of Toronto, called at (hese instructions as Chairmen were: Hop, Step and Jump- "Heron (B); tKight and Vance (F) tied b >; Phas o foresee that many of us are in fora ~~ a ry cd their gowns and they carried nose- '{1e Barrie home on Sunda oY = hg Hartin (1); Scott (W)-36 Be or : oni Sige ad. very bad time of it. number of difficult activites. Psy- pays of white and-pink baby chrysan- : y- - I A. Baker, racing and a com- Hig 4 Ay ee ( ) oh Senior Girls--Larmer (B) 7; Craig AR : chology is no magic wand. It is the themums. They wore rhinestone neck: Recent visitors Riis Mrs. H. Field- lnittee; Wes. Jackson, house; EF. Sul- Lenny (poy 1 BaLh); Revd (WV); i r Boys--Whité (B : 12: H x 8 The alternative is, of course, for us [scientific study of human behaviour laces The best man was Mr. W. Scott ing were: Mys.* Wm. Hitchins, of man, finance; J. Whitmore, a, ~Lole Vault-- Balfour on); Giewson (1) 9 Soy e. 11)..12;- Heron Xe £ to. press for higher and higher wages. |and human relations. © Through the Lenton, of Belleville, and the ushers Brantford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Field- | iment; G. Robertson, membership; and (U); Trimble (B)-=--7" 10", "Intermediate Boys--sShier (Uy 11; Ni : Our past experience his shown that [study of psychology and the applica- velo My Donglis Sig braun of ing, of Manchester, Mr: and Mrs, I. Mrs. G. Morrow, Women's. Ross Shot Tut--Mendyck (W); _ Balfour Dolls (B) 9. hy "oy foe El 5 © higher wages simply serve to further [tion of learning principles we can For the reception held at the home Heelby, Carl and Murray of "Green Mowbray and G. Morrow were ap- *}) Mg Bim pw ille, | J ii i a alt Ta increase the cost of necessary .com- achieve understanding of and toler- of the bride's parents, the bride's mo- River, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Slute, Gary jointed auditors for the 1949 books. Fore erry--5b L 5 in Sohn 5).4 _-- SH A 2d modities and the result is more in- lance for human deeds and- misdeeds. ther was in brown silk crepe, The and Barbara Ann; of Raglan,>Mr. H.| Members of thé Yacht Club are ad- Intermediate Boys-- Standing. for Schon! Trophies «iE 2 flation and less buying power. Un-[We can do more; we can learn to bridegroonss. other pore a li Slute, of Peterboro, and Mr. and Mrs. viséd to_keep the above list of officers 100 Yard Dash--*Shier (1); Dad- thse, se # m------ two-picce; crepe-dress. Both wore mat- "Apart Fielding of Toronto. rs ops 2 3 son (BB); byve (W)--10% second. . Bowmanville 58 x 8/10... Bib dio 456.6 = RY AY - less our government is prepared to in- [strengthen our own good points:and to ching 'accessories and corsages of for refevence in the future. 20. Yard Dale Dad 5) > Port Pérry 35 x 9/10 . Hee stigate steps to such a trend there will [remedy our mistakes. Psychology does bronze and- yellow ehrysanthemums. Mr. Everett Leach, of Verona, spent i On his ascension to the Commodores Fg) ratly ot op son (13: hia: 5. Whitby 22 x 8/ 10 Reidy be but one result... forced unem- [not give us the ability to read the A wedding cake, flanked with white the week-end at his home, . chair, Mr. Sulman gave his aceeptanée a Yard Dash--Dadson (B); Col- + U xbridge 12 x 9/10 .......... 3 4 ployment and depression. The Cana- |thoughts of others; nor does it make it cindles fos Pak nd ve streamers, The following guests were at: the address, the content of which is above, lins (1); Caverly (B).--58 1/6 see. | Boys-- ES ar carne ot --_.§ ee. ...dian.people-will-never-again- support | possible-for-us-to classify- peofle-at-a- "Yor the wedding 4 FHA 'home-~of- Mr: and--Mrs.- Earl Fielding ANA oPericl discussion on' the 'pros' RUNNTNE BiGad "Jump Shier (U);! 1 Ew ili GX 8/10 06.8 Ry a government which stands by and glance, or even after long study to tell - ivi astern poirits, the bride ©" day last week, it Jeng the oceas- and 'cong' of formation. of a social Luge 4 Whi Duason Ho ica 3 pov Ey 8/10 35 hd LB: = % i - CM mp HOE ] ELITE T TTS . Abs 15 --allows depression to encompass the: What kind of people they ave . . . for one a grey two-piece taffeta suit 10 b memberships For some time it has , au > HEYA > x 29 Row : P! Y y ) | Love (WW); Ashbridge (I )--39 Vy Port Perry 2 Dx 8B/ 10. Sasa ieg er iaetent 22.6 + misery and degradation" we--exper- human beings are individuals: and their With a Fry Re coat and ind day; Mrs. M, ~Foreman, Mrs. I loyd ibeen realized that many people are High Jutnp---Lee (U); Disney (W): RE WN Ey oi jenced inthe. years 1930-1937. Individuality § is basic, nm wilt on; Fog hor Forepan, and son Guy, Miss Bonnie not "interested in. yachting, but like awns (U)-=4" IT" I Bowmanville, 2 Uxbridge, 3 Fort od Eerie £0 ¥ a Mid Denton will reside in McGee, Mr. and Mrs. George Rorabeck [artics, ete. so if has been decided to" a 1 oly Yaoi _ Lee (U); Bell. (); | [Perry, 4 Whitby. : jy - ; z Te : | Toronto. . : and daughter, all of Oshawa. form a special membership during the . py 4 i ied re (W); Lee (U); "New Records-- Hu : Loker the. iwwly married couple left Guests i of Fa The annual Thank Offering of -the winter months for these people so Turner (U)--36" 8%" ' ] 10 new records set by girls. Bhs : 3 -Geer- Ploughmian IX T5,y motor, mid showers of confetti oF sill, Dalhousie, shi ount ert, W.M.S. Li be held in the basement |}. they. may take advantage of the Relay -- *Bowmanville Uxbridge, 8 new records set by boys i WwW ddi ST at Ait ' < r ._ of the Church on Tuesday, October IT entertainment offered by' the Clup, ort Perry--49 1/5 seconds: ". ----- 8 e ing p i a hi Ka > -- ree 'at 2.30 p.m., with 'Miss Louise Reith, Details of this have not as yet been Senior Boys-- : 3 or travelling, the bride chose a! 4 - f Toronto, as guest speaker. All the 106 yapd Dan pails (0; } 'B th d oT i : ; , . ] . 1 * fo ronto, as guest sj ironed out, such as foes, lapse of time Coombes (B): N 7) e €8 a tia : Baskets of yellow and mauve ANN, hunter's green suit and brown' acces-, "SHIRLEY Indies of the community are cordially |, yored 1 Hi : 3 oom y (B); Norton (U)- 10 1/6 see : 2 i FF Ee f road ' z . overed y a mem }ership an urs seconds zr 3 + banked with ferns, formed' a pretty sories. Her corsage was composed: of invited to attend. the elub will be open. These things 220 Yard Dash .-- *Calbeck (U); Have you bought «your tickets - for Fir? setting for the double ring ceremony |yellow Foes: On-thely: return "Mr. "The eae i Service last Sun- Mr. Walter Anderson, of Toronto, | ill he decided before we go to press Coombes (BB); Barnhardt (U)--22 1/5 the' turkey, chicken, or Chistmas pud-» in Port Perry United Church, on Sat- and Mrs. Geer will reside in Port day at "Bethel Church was well at- spent_the week-end with his parents {hug not Gi vet, the deadli 70 Yard Dash---Coombes (B);- Cal- ding? aE: 7; AEA urday, September 24th, when Audrey | Perry. ; : tended. Rev. C. W. Hutton, Black y¢ aR And hut. not in time to meet the deadline. joi (UU); Beaton (t)--53 seconds! pr "and Mys. G. Thompson, of Taun Rs ~~". Marion Ploughman, daughter of Mr.| sr : : . stick conducted: the service. Beautiful MB" and Mrs. Norman-Anderson. In this column next week, however, One Mile Run Beaton (P); Elliot J " visiti i y a Cl bs n, of Freq teh? . and Mrs. J. Alymer- Ploughinan, Port | a xs les PATI flowers and Truit decotated the church. ERE: Pt SE PA the decisions of the C. of Ml on this (W);- O'Conner (W)--5 39 1/5 sec, In I. Eng 21a hone of Pn ee A > Bes Dhol ols ln " iy The Shirley school choir of boys and matter will be printed fof tire benefit Running "1 road Jump -- Ball (U); obson, on Sunday. os : , Wd y g Miscellaneous girls (which 'Mus, Grace Hastings of - [of interested parties. Levine (W); Kester (U)--18~ 6% Mr. and Mrs, EF. Parish visiting in Fd A Elwoed Earl Geer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sh Port Perry is their music teacher) Scugog In ihe {ine of Ieee nt a p R Hop, Fen and Jump--KBeaton (P); [Leaskdale on Sunday. pk - Charles Geer, Port Perry. : sang very sweetly 'O Lord of Heaven' 2 of -entorininme re- Kester (U); Calback (U)--38" 11%' ve , Pow or ' y - ower y sentation. dance, 'n New Year's dance," High Jump - St. John (U); Carr hohe forget the Epsom Fowl Sup- all HE) WOR : and Miss Ruth Duff sung 'My Saviour Commmion was held at both Grace per on Thanksgiving Monday. AE Rev. W..C, Smith. officiated. Mrs. (W):.Ball (U)--i4" 11" --=--=0n-- Shi covoniig ot Reptomber tithes unday "school will 'be held at the | Memorial Churches on Sunda card. parties, production of a play and Ball (UU) ® : J. E. Jackson_ resi organ | he h M usual time of 11. "00 am: niext Sunday. nd_Men a 3 'Me ay this-week's Scavenger Hynt-were all 'ole Vault --St. John (U); Griffen| Mr. and-Mrs. E. Paradine and fam- and giipanied the soloist, Mrs at the home of Mrs. John Ballard, a Grace in the morning and Memor U (P) Lick (MH) 6" Tilly in Oshawa on Mond : Wn Co uRlase | Miscellaneous shower was held _in_ The Women's Institute will be held in the evening. At Grace the choit's [put under discussion. Doubles more -- Syot--ut- (12 fhs) "Tovine (W); | 3 A onday. ==" Ellsworth Kennedy, who sang, "Bless EER «Wednesday, October 12th at the home, message was "My Garden of Com- fr tion on these ws will- he : vj Mr and Mrs. K. Marcellus and boys ! _ Fini : honour of Aud Plough bv M information on these matters will-be St. John (VU); Gallagher (B) -- 2¢' ~ i ? This House", while the guests were cl » pe 3 Er : > on Wh of Mrs, Lorne Dufl's, Miss Aileen munion." Sortheomihm in the. ear fate 10%" 8 (B) visiting in Dundalk 'on Sunday. oe am Jeffrey ar . Ballard. pre dw > g > z g 2 > 2 . : £3 gathering, "The Lord's Prayer" just ; n boi = 1d Mrs hoe So hy will be Se and, hows Sunday being Thanksgiving, Rev. The Committee of Management Jus Relay - "*Gxhriige, Mowmanville,| Are you short of fruit and vege- a we before the ceremony, and "Because" | Were about forty present. #The bride- her moving pictures-on her trip Mr. Bick has been invited to deliver ] % ) Whithy --17 3/6 "seconds. tables? If so, come to" the bazaar at §t 2 during the si of the register elect opened her many- beautiful gifts California, "his message at- Hampton, and* Rev. E. floside) day, ul oy deference 80 4he Junior Girls-- . Joe Wateon's Hall, Uxbridge. Satur. + = 135 oH i J, ey 8 fitting manner. th se_ Mrs. W. J. Butt, Oshawa and Mrs. S. Linstead will be at Grace Church [jeri WIM MEIC 08 0 WUE BF "0 Yard Dash--*Hocken (13); Kil- uy eons. Hall, Uxbridge, Satur- gh. SELL wil 1d ne } sll Ty . yy > i J } he an ) father, pan ow med in 8 white satin pa ria) ht eg invited aintances on oir We Sasa a5 HA ob Th be held in Soa, big My hei, "i "esi rom hing in) y | Monday evening the men of the com= HET _ dress; fashioned with a_fitted bodice, | tem 10 their Tome, Then a tasty Hitchings (Lillian Gould) # spent her Grace Church on Wednesday, Oct. 12, weeks, That makes Friday, Oct. 21st James (ry; Kilpatrick (B)---1a" 4%" munity met to arrange for the winter ~ ft rg buttoned down the back, designed with |19nch was served by the hostesses. girlhood days in this community with followed by a good supper. she date for the hunt. Other arrange. Softball Throw Distance -- "Kil- sports at Bethesda. The executive £4 theart Kli The 1 titted ° Mrs. Chas. Clarke and Mrs. William her aunt and uncle the late Mr. and In the rally day report, we regret ments will be same. patrick (B); Isucknell (B); Hartmen |. ted were: President. Fr Imi t r A Siyeewieals neckline, 1he long Liew IMark entertained. at a surprise mis- Mrs. Wm. Treverton. It is twenty- we did not mention that five little baby he es (W)--148" 7" elected were: President, Fred Smith; 7 +5 sleeves ended in lily-points. Her full ; Pla nine years since Lillian has been here girls and one little boy were baptized " lasketball Throw Dist: -- Bucknell Secretary, Lloyd. Parish; Treasurer, ---- ~~ 7/i! 147 © skirt fell into a short train. Har |Cellancous shower for Audrey Plough- finds many new faces and a great by Rev. J. R. Bick. (B) Doner (W); Tucker (W)--73" , [Fred Dobson. Soa v -- : pleated net halo held her full' length man on September 19th at the home many changes. Mrs. Butt also spent ~My, and Mrs. Joe Dowson and sop Plowing Match CC Throw for Ace. -- Tucker] Sorry to report. "CiFol-Ashenhurst : of Mrs. Chas. Clarke. | Many useful part of her school days near here and Jim enjoyed 'a motor trip to Guelph] = =% ¥¥ 3 ---- Ws "Fomlinson (BJ; Bain (U] y Horn ii Also 'Norma Andrew and Gordon & 1 and ana veil of 'embroidered: tulle-illustion;- church." Lillian to visit her aunt, and then on to Gode- tn Catch and Throw--*Doner gifts were received and then a dainty 8lso went to Beth SO. ONTARIO PLOWING MATCH Webster," 15 she carried a cascade of red roses and san th f 1 : ol f few d , Mo 3 stesso sang in our choir for several.years. rich and-to-€leveland for a few ays. THR 4 3 and. Fleming (W); Hocken and Ben h; : . fern, tied with white 'brocadéd ribbon, !1UnCH was served hy the Wostesses wnt-\g EGE i both-continued good My. and Mrs, Robert Tetlow and| THE ce cA an, IN Hod and Spencer, ¢ Bethesda. Anniversary services will 3 Miss-Donna Crosier, of Oshawa, was | their helpers. health and success. Phyllis visited friends in [Toronto on |. The 3 8 3 Tio Relay Bowmanville, Port Perry, be héld Sunday, October 30th. Watch : maid of honour. The bridesmaids | A ory, enjoyable evening was spent Mrs. E. Darcy, Blackstock has been Sunday. exe be Jasin #3 re Dusen po Uxbridge 27 2/5 see -s JJor-further particulars, edi SX Mizs Joun Watson. dousin of the 4 the "home" of Mrs. "Arthur Pana- 'visiting the past week with old friends----Mr.--and Mrs. J. _L . Sweetman ang wis Lo that--would--ho-- Tard \ Treat Intermediate Lids : ETN tired Trom Four Thanks ' : . 5 were iss n_yvatson, baker, on September 2nd, when the as this was Mabel's old honie near Allene, Mr. Alan Sweetman and Ann, ticuls 'dv in the 1 plowing cl IE Yard Dash--* Dippell (15); Vance om Your 1apks- , bride, and Miss Gladys Gibson. They ! ; here. On Thursday Mrs. Moore Sr. and Mrs, David Miller enjoyed a motor Thi w arly > 1e sod plowing class. 5, 'Broik (B)--9 3/5 seconds, EE baking. Let the Bethesda identical gowns of brocaded taf- | Pride-to-be, Audrey' Ploughman, was J" Gong -Moore--accompanied trip-to-the northern parts recently. rere-were-b0-entries-all-of whom! "Ranning Broad Jump --Vanee (P); ladies do it for you. You will fi RRL Wore lqentieal 2 h d--with a mescellanéous ry Pg ys Te comp Aldred had- made it very difficult for the. judges. " | ; ( 3 ill find us ee ------------ feta in pastel shades of yellow, grean | onoured W mesceflaneous ang her to Columbus to visit Mr, and Mrs. il Ls 5 re on 2 Hat Moi The work turned -out was' excellent in Gonlah (BB); Lintner (W)5-13" 10" lat Joe Watson's Hall, Uxbridge, on teal : : - and mauve respectively, designed with pantry-shelf shower." The first part John Stone. wer avariode wing Bag ° every classa- Softball "Throw Dist. -- Boxall 2); [Saturday afternoon, October --8th, (or : : "gopm. Of the evening was spent with amus- Miss Eileen Bartley, Seagrave, was served lunch during the day. = The County Specials, donated by the - FiBL (DP): Ronald :(W)-=- 147" 67, slrling a 2 ign ' 7 Sha skirts draped at the: hipline to form tests, The brid {the guest of -Miss--Betty-Lambe-over-- __Mr. Jonathan Aldred is holding a Loic. J ide i f saskethall Throw Dist. --Boxall (P) (SHINE at 2 pan. There will alo be. theo bustles'at the back. The tight fitting"% Contos iN RB A sale "on Thurs we jLitheria tet oy Tirack (177 Stone (1)--68' 27 (i "Tauck and Take. Booth." A ~~ bodices_wexe_made_with sweetheart [her many beautiful gifts and this was Ty FEEL poy Robertson attend: hope the weather will be good. the county only, both in. tractor an k. [7 Er ; : . by-a-tasty--luneh--served-by-- r. and Mrs. Roy Ro rand Rh Mr. and Mrs. David Hope and" Skir- horse plowing, were won by Mr. Joe My: A necklines and cap sleeves. They wore Si y a ja ~Mr--Beare Yer iloy visited thelr daughter Mrs Long: ' Evan, -of--Claremont,--in--tractorand ; Nah 'matching net headdress and long mit- ""¢ En =, 5 Behany, last Thutedny. CLUE 4 and Mr. Long, on Sunday. Mr. James, Lee, Greenbank, _in_hoise | "Th e Pa. S S i S oO 2 tens to match their gowns. They cars"-- ---- EE 3 M Mrs. Wilfred Mark, of Port Perry; class. Other prize Winners will ap- | ng how EAN J "homie front Oshawa Hospital. visited Mrs. David Hope on Wednes- pear in next week's issue of the Jos : wa : ried nosegays of mums, roses and | i 'Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Gibson and Ann, day. ' When it came time to eat the W, by ""M.A.C." B i = gladiolus. The little flower girl, Don- | Chokes on Peanut were with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tripp on Spell showers bring forth May flow- of Greenbank United Churehy: Ao JY, aA ' y . . , A ¥ " } ' Fd 4 ys i he Ie } ' Whi | A ' deo. McClintock visited with €'S but wedding showers. are very Che Al Danie " tho. nomen he Mayor Nora Arnold, of Prince "We thought the Canadian dollar had ~~ HE i .gownied in green brocaded taffeta, and | 1 e in uto = Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Coates last week. Jrevalont Rete these [oll diss A {ft par well fed hey a i. il oi bo Rupert, B.C., isan unusual mayor =. only heen devalued 107% until we went carried a basket of yellow mums and' Congratulations. to_Sinclair- "Robert. © aneous shower was he! or Mr and_cnlightening tats by the Firat, a woman; secondly, she [into a. shoesstore- the-other day to buy } * scattered rose: petals: in the path-of : ii fA «=; with_her. mother, Mrs. Cecil Newham of _apn_Aberdee the bride. The best man 'was s Mr. Jack Geer, .y-and the ushers were Mr. Ivan Bruce and Mr. Harry Geer, all of Port Perry. For the reception at th the Delicateria Banquet Koom, the bride's mother re- ceived in a teale. blue tissue faille While in auto on way = Oshawa "and Mrs, Albert Harper, Jean Newn- ham choked on some peanuts she was eating. "The car was driven by Mrs. Harper who riished the child to Osha- "wa hospital where the peanut was re- moved. Dr. W. W. Baldwin and Dr: "dress," and navy accessories. Pink eat. W. G. Grant, of Brooklin, attended. nations and mums composed: her cor-! Mrs. Geer, mother of the bride- breathing until the obstruction was Duff and family. 'sage. L groom, who assisted, chose a slate grey, dress. with black accessories, | She wore a corsage "of pink Yaristions and mums, The three-tier wedding cake, in a: setting of. pink tulle centered id] Ph BEERS RAR bride's table. : A Oxygeri was administered to aid i removed. and MORE LOCAL NEWS ON PAGE 3 in in ----- . : 3 son.who won first prize on, his entry en' Angus calf at Ux- bridge Fair. e won first in two dif: ferent classes -- one the boy's baby beef Calf'Club, which makes him eli- gible for the Royal Fair in Toronto. This is a nice honour for Sinclair. Mr, and Mrs. John Stone, Columbus, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, "Russell Coates on Sunday. : 1 Mr, .and Mrs. D. Banks, of Toronto; were week-end guests of Mr, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Sani Ogle and Mr. Arnott in- North Oshawa, Mr. Chris Wilson is in Oshawa hos- pital with pneumonia. He has been ~staying -with his daughter Mrs, Robt. Coates, and liad gone to the home of his son, "Grant, for the winter at Al- . » Sandy Moors enjo 2jed rs. esting AF Mrs=-Vernon-Gralam-in-the-town following speakers: Mr. Fair, Mr. Thomson, P.M., Mr, Ormiston, Mr. to $1200 a year. lovely "gifts were brought. - Mr.' ot "Prev (Fomumy) aL F. ied need in Canada more women Mrs. Graham thanked all for - their #N¢ i : : Jose ; ortni ws that i gifts and invited them to visit them during the talks of the evening, and M4Yors. Certainly any place that is in Oshawa. jvery pleasing rendered by Mr. Hur --fortunatey enough to have a woman r, who ean carry on this office should The school bus now. goes a far as phrey of * Sunderland ,on hie Zoi Mr. Arnold's store corner. and the: Lee Sisters, of Greenbank, jog no time- in"electing her. a : i vocalists. ; oes A minds PR Everyone seemed to be of the same PS - opinion that the day had turned out' Parliament gladly passed an dppro- priation for $275,000 for a wind tun- to be best yet. ship hall, where a large crowd gather- ed-to. welconte. the happy couple. Many is i. TEACHERS INSTI TUTE MEETS -- nel... this" is, presumably, some- ILLE a il BART . : wi AT BOWMANVILLE ; MANCHESTER W. A. thing parliament understands. A meeting of the South Ontario All ladies, are cordially invited to °° Toe ee Public School Teachers was held in the Bowmanville School, on Wednesday, October 6th. The Port Pérry teachers attended, and the school was necessar- ily closed. i. FEE : attend the: meeting of the Manchester A town council refused an oil com- fw. A. at the home of Mrs. Ernest pany the right to run a pipe-line 'Holtby, on Thursday, October 13th at through a cemetery . . | and notified 2.30 pm to hear a guest speaker from: the company that their proposal was Oshawa, | now a 'dead' issue, voluntarily cit her salary-from $2000° Apparently what we {" Argonauts, 4- pair of shoes! = LEE : IN The most amazing thing about the Foronto's football is that they never win a game. * * * stars, Now that the Australian native, or Aborigine, is just about extinet; par- liament Ans granted him the vote. » LJ * . The newspaper article was headed, "Man Complains of Flighitiness in Wife" «+ -. She was 'sir-minded' no, doubt. y al ' - @ LEE Gay. has been rationed in Australia . here in Canada, we dust raise the price, : As Gash i a tf BE {I 243 it