North America ba has prospered on Teds, PEN nih i pec yc desire. There is hardly a iw r American who dosn't start" Me "with the cool" assumption' that he he one day going to own a car, modern conveniences, probably his "own home, and, most of the tim, 'something of & bank account, 8o.° he works until he gets them, British- merchandising and wage | polices caused too often the re- - even started trying for the motor | car and other things which North: ¢ Americans take for granted, says ~~ The Financial Post, Shik Socialism and Socialist pressure on previops govérnments played their "important part. in '¢reating _ this 'poverty of desire." 'With cradle -ta- "grave securi Jincentive to work - well and falth- fully "ls obviously _ vastly reduced, ~The instincts of a large part of the --human---race being 5 the will to. work and to take diree- ton-increasingly-declines--And-pay--- ing the cost of sdcial security in- 'verse attitude, and million never '| what --they are, | rr Why We Work Hard | BE "hh "Pals, Dear oud Pals" -- Maybelle, ie hres. gaited mare, uckers up for a kiss after Polly, the parrot, broke the sad news hat the two pals must soon part. "Three years ago Rocky Graziano was banished--on account of various ~delinguencies; -misdemeariors and so forth---from New York Rings, F ight fans whose memories travel back | that far-will:probably-recal-that/-at-- the time, it looked 'very much as '| $00 PROFIT from every Dollar] R. BUSINESS OPPORT UNITIES 1 PROFITS .In wpare time, 'No experience necessary. No capljal. Send stamp for de- tails. Robiy's, 176 Erle, Branttord, Ont. Home, Bpare- thine. Man or Woman. Easy, pleasant, best weanon starting. Complete Instructions $1,00. Lane Craig, Princeton, W.Va. Pe "DEVELOVIN( MEDICAL ko BALE Eckard. ian ALE - ) hen FORD and 'Fergubon Tractor Owners--w J) * you require a loader you want the best. Horn bydruulle loaders and attachments made by the world's largest manufacturer of loaders NATURE' 8 HELP--DIlxon's Remedy for Rhew- matic" Phins, Neuritis. 'Thousands praising Munro's Drug Store. stpaid $1.00. offer you the latest {mprovements = Write. us for literature. H. L. Turser Co.. 1d, Ble beim, Ontario. HOCKEY 81 [CKB--Jumlor ~and Benlo D. McK wR En SENSATIONA This ad Is valuable. Any E-exposure roll" de- | yeloped--ai biesstzo--deckie-agge' Sen- | larkement from each negative all. for" 20e, Send this ad with roll and get special price, "SHALLOW WELL PUMPS $80 GALLONS per hour capacity. comptete | Hh. Ottawa REDUCE with 80 gallon pressure tank, pressure gauke t Either 25 or 60 oycle motors, and moun ings ig P sacs ors, oustration. vited: Your druggist, ston & Company, GOOD RESOL Rheumatle 335 Elgin, Ottawa. ONCHITIB I-- "8 -R's!" for sobs. for bronchial trouble. Free dem 'Exceptionally stubborn cases {iB or write Reynolds, Johs- as 18 Egan Ave.. TTIO Pains Lan Keuriis® should i Postpald $1.00. oh 00. '8lendor ~Sieador Tablets. ta Tws Effeotf oe xon'e--Remedy-- Ayisely with - week eatment for only $1.00. They're fellow thespians," RN eh ASA members' of the Railroad Fair, but soon they'll be auctioned off tor or less glamorous roles. LE fight "mob" as--well,- as Joe Stalin has of being elected" president. of thé ~Canadian-- ss0C . tion, Manufacture rs Al ssocia- to revive the etm and to qure the industry to do those things needful . povgrty of desire. o part of the problem" which re- cently got-talked at Washington le fundamentally moral. The British «workers, have won thelr revolution . and are in the saddle. They 'are eliminating the middle class eco- nomjcally by taxation and polit- cally" by policies which constantly - « deplete individual freedom™ and op- portunity, and- which require con- | stantly more taxation. They have : i industry in g el An. which a i> just ean't fulfill its dynamic function. . "In this part of . Britain's prob- lem, at least, nothing can 'be ex- pected from Washington. It will , © take a long, 'long time 'to reverse the trend of thinking, the state of 7 ~ mind, which now helps prevest Britain regain her old ' stature "among the great nations. - v Popular Beliefs <4 That Aren't True Scientists' have exploded another popular fellacy -- that lightning never strikes--in--the--same place --1- twice. Tests taken during thunder- -shorms have proved thet bulldinge ¢sn be struck as many as a dosea times within one hour, but the ~Hghtning does. not necessarily do Sapioge. ne of most remarkable' Lh EL of the human mind | is its capacity fo continue entertain- ing beliefs of this kind, though their falsity. has been often exposed. For instance, do you beliéve that thunder causes milk to go sour? + That the heart is situated on the left : side of the chest? That we have THE FARM FRONT pened to be exactly the one which, in the fight racket, covers all the gins in the entire calendar. Rocky Graziano could always draw the ¢ash customers in highly-paying quantities; and what between a suc-™ cession of sour fights and an ine creasing number of boxing bugs who preferred to-take the sport in comfort, over the teleo waves, char- acters of his ilk were badly needed. # Cow * | 'though -the banishment would _be Photo" Remarc 2 Only She io LS ELL ularly "oriced at $119.50 now for only $95.00 | armless; Inexpensive. Wr Tte Roberts J pe crmauent ' . 270. Regina, Saskatehew : --F.CROWLEY xi store; Leansepna Mans RS ne ex AECRITT: A . EAL . AER EI) * == VEING AND. CLEANING | : Di AT JRTUNITIES (or MEN snd WOMEN : ighte 'S GARDEN OR. | 2% ACHE fi | e HAVE. YOU anything aceds dyeing or olan SAM'S For there. wasw'(™ the slightest | HARE YOU MOLINE DEL miion We Ares NEW MODEL. definitely superior and at]. oBE A HAIR ALT ARNG. Revo doubt that Rocky had been a bad, |giad to muswer vour guestions. - Department | 'very much reduced prices. Come to Bcarboro, |." Gren Opportunity. Les ; . > bad b His r sed in war and in |B. Parker's Dye orks -Cimitea 191 Yonge Stop: 33, "Kingston Rd., and haves: PIOPSE | 4 . Halrdressing : ad boy, us. rect i ¥ Street. Toronto. Ontario : : demonstration - or send' for. catalogue fet isi Ee brofession Roo peace, in the ring afl out of 'it, was Sl FOR BALE § you buy any tragtof Lesa an, $160 wit thousagds A aati c Raswel a dat --to put iv mildly--pedicular, Ex- PRPS CI PE tools GARDEN POWER TOOLS: LTD © 4 { America's greatest" eu: Hjutirtted- of fy ceptinig for "one quality, Grazidno ALUMINGM, ROOFING & SIDING oe WEST "HILL, "ONT. ; i Jogues ik eH ATADRBSAING GRRL Foils i oss Lrim Corrugated--and--ctbbed stytes, | 2 ------- . a wine --had--about--as--much thames hE 8 to 10 ft lengthy .(mmedlate delivery from BALED SHAVINGS NR Fol Ry T a roronto Jo F 3 ') inhatta stock. Write for samples and estimates Stee) | Softwood at 20 cents per bale Joade - Yi Es gE again appearing before a Manhattan Dinieibutors Limited. $00. Cherry Bt. Toronto | Haliburton. We 0. BAILEY :& SONS, Hall- |), = Branches {4 'King St. Hamilton 2779 Yonge Street, Toronto. 2 FINE QUALITY Bleached "sheeting, suitable for plllow cases and many" other uses, 6 yards $1.76. Will ship C.0.D. Lancashire "Importing ('o.. 3868 Decarle, Montreal 28 100 ACHES hard wood timber, evaporator 560 pajls and equipment. Track type Tractor, Power Saw. Four-wheel driye' truck equipped for logging Avis), ox 68 Perry, Ont: ~ 5% 6-ton Port a Then later, when reporters asked Pntarlo. pi 'ractor W.R, WET tires, tion on request. {TRAPS suitable fr any fur animals, * baits,. hurton, Ontérlo: y "scents, snares; are" wire, rmokers: shot" PULIP BULBS 'BARGAINI- | SAT MORPY AT HOME --Bpare or full: z - --{&uns, rifles, ammunition. Write for Catalogue Garden tullp bulbd fn an especially fine Mix: money-making." Learn to make candy « - "G** Hallam Sporting Goods. Depts B, Toronto. | (RFE G00 Co imended in a Scandindvian Lhonie; earn whilé learning. Free equipmesf, STOCK clearing sale of musical Instruments. exhibition. $5 per hundred. * Mailed C.O.D. | furnished Corréspondence course, Nati Write for free price list. Fred Hoadington, Villy Bacher, c/o "Mr. 1. Ma: ayer, Boamsviile, | Institute of Confectionery Reg'd.. Delorim! +A. Chur $e BORO = cc sine emis ro 5 mis snk ariGc.cs P.O. (A - } | FOR SALE d Buckeye "Incubators In good R eX ecb i eoree FLUBHWOOD--Panel---Combination, Standard condition--several models to chodse from. And now! LEATHERCRAT can at ou sizes. Price list D." McKenna, Tweddle Chick Hatcheties Limited, Fergus, | 05 10000" spare. time pay. Full informe te Write now. Cooper Ko shape; lights, starter, rubber tires, power take oft~ Phone Elgin 1672 or write Hubert Enter- prices, 126 Wellington St. W., Toronto. PLANTS FOR SALE Rocky how he thdught he-wetld-do "Apres, aegordi to the old saying, t death an taxes." Maybe so. But I wouldn't mind making a small wager bint there are at least a couple of th he a the. sortainties 1 k) Fleet is -i ie "about next December, # you were to Neten Sealy to your radio, you woul: hasy aging 'm Long- 1 Bye BL or eles Pah Poribly both. ~ Second -- t ¥ you dtd gil the Farm Columns pubHshed : ghout the land, along about -- 968808 auld pat -some.| | advice about to store fruit and vegetables for winter use. Now that The FOmidity of the storage room casi be maintained at a fairly satis- factory level by keeping damp peat moss or sawdust under a slatted' false floor. LE * However, even under 'Sane eon- | ditions 'earrots, turnips' and beets - suffer from shrivelling and these "vegetables should be placed in boxes and. covered with, slightly damp sand or- peat moss so as just to cover the top layer. Stored in this way, "earrots may be removed in -freah, bright turgid ' condition ia May; The window in the 'storage. room should be darkened as. much es. possible to prevent sprouting and greening of potatoes, onions "and earrdts. * Ho nobody at all familiar with the "sorewy happenings' of sportdom, es pecially the pugilistic section there-"" the word eame tha. between Rocky and the Néw York boxing solons, all had been forgiven and forgotten, (Perhaps "forgotten" is going a trifle too far. We, personally, have a suspicion that if Rocky had failed to draw a gate, or gi poor ace ~ count of himself, he have found himself on the outside, "Jooking 'wistfully in.) ) = + 5 0s But this, like all proper sport tales --except a few that the laté Ring Lardner wrote--has a happy ending. __A week or-s0 ago, as he strode-ring- wards in the Polo Grounds, his head take a second look at . ve been warned, you ean either - . * * For the iy apartment family who buy their vegetables only a Lo Fi ho CEs Baus Pore fo aH Avior speciatist. EJ * ' o- of g * tained, and wastage reduced to a minimum careful attention In providing eorrect temperature snd humidity eonditions necessary for good storage. A room that can be held at approximately 40 degrees, d at a relative humidity of is to few days shend of use, the refriger- _ ator vegetable crisper should. be used freely - to maintain freshness of leafy vegetables. Carrots, beets, 'turnips and eabbage should -be Jeft enclosed in ~ eellophane bags or . other fairly moisture proof oon- - tainer to reduce shrivelling to a . minimum. Proper care of fresh produce redues Waste and improves palatability. . " P.S.: 1 don't know what *" Turgid" |_proba vour can be re-. | MM as cool a place he possible, and -| * beady black eyes seemed to be--and Iga old eugtom of mentally ¥zounting the house." : * | DAE What those &syes. saw must have been reassuring, For there were just . nd lovers, and the shouts which rang in his ears were, on the wliole, friendly. Thirty-two thousand .are a whole lot of people to attend a .of, was too greatly astounded when ght again is--- "few short. of thirty-two thousand | against a man his own size and weight -- Champion Jake:LaMotta for example, Graziano somehow or other seemed to lose his cockiness, _ "After all, me and Jake LaMotta is good friends" was his-reply. Just a big, sweet, lovable kid--more sinned against than sinning, is probably the best thumbnail description you could dig up for Rocky Graziano, we sup- pose, unless you, had five seconds or so to think up a better one. ~ * --ie Br * But as we promised -you earlier, this is a proper fight tale, the kind - i with a -happy ending, Charlie Fusari lost nothing, not even prestige, through his defeat. Mattér of fact he'll probably be in_line for-better 5, bee eause of his showing. And as for | -our_hero--uwell,--Roeky-Graziano is=" = in-line for "the important dough" once again, We haven't heard, as yet,of any, Hollywood studio ready- ing a picture based on Rocky's life, But, judging of dhe future by the PE, "it shouldn't be Jong now. Ancient Redwoods -| dtdtely. RESERVE now for tgeal Autumn - planting! Chinese Elm Hedge--12 inches to 20 inches high when shipped---will grow 2 feet the first year--25 plants for $2.98--sufficlent for 3% feet. Glant Exhibition Flowering Paeonles In red, white or pink -- 3 for $1.89. Bowmanville. colours Brookdale-Kingsiway Nurséries Ontarie ' FOR BALE, garage and chopping mill, feed mixing business, diesel power and 00d b high- way, good district Apply Box. 68. Port Perry, Ont. - HOMESPUN YARN. Made ot selected long virgin wool--very strong, extra long wearihg, sultable for socks, sweaters and other woollen garments, 2-3-4 ply. white, grey, 2-8 ply royal blue. paddy green, scarlet, maroon, yellow, brown, heather, black, faws, all suitable for Slwash sweaters. 1.98 Ib, --10 lbs. or over $1.80 Ib. 'del'd. ortbland sweater patterns 35¢ each. Adulla=duit, Indian design. Child's--deer, bear, & squirrel, dancer. Mary Maxim, Box 120, Manitoba. HARNESS: Buy direct trom factory and save. We can pow ship harness and parts 'Write for -our new complete. 1949 catalogue. North West Mail Order Company EL itton, lence: School, Box B87; Terminal "A, x 48 128 Eighteenth. St. Sboncense gg awelling, next door to PIANO TUNING - A hot.-water heated, hardwood floors, | pIANO TUNING, Repairing--aroup 0 ore $7,000 -or best offer, also plumbing and heat- country taken. Frank Halpenny, 381 ing business. Stock at invoice prices. Phone 'Phone 5-7494, Ottawa. 99W or write Box 34. a "PLO TRACTOR, Massey-Harrls, GS 102; ee BE "slight used In two seasons; first-class ee TT MANY TT 8 I a 1 4 WITH NOTHING AT ALL IN THE EAR! WSEE SONOTONE'S I Bone Conduction "HEARING CIRCLET" Fits Over the Head] Mies Under the ok} FREE BOOKLET sien this Sonotoneinvention wi thousands of women wear Limited, id McDermot Ave East, Winnipes, anitoba: fiELP WANTED SRA | DOMESTIC HELP wanted re .ment. Fond of children. . No_ cooking. No experience. (Jood wages. 'Mrs: Fine, 1524 High- hourne Road, Toronto. - HOUSEKEEPER for Protestant en home, no 'outside work, 4 motherless ohildren, youngest 8, state wages, experience, age, etc. Harry While, RR-3, Hanover, Ont. FBXPERIBNCED farmer, single, for dairy farm. HS Bingham, R.R. 4, town, Ont. Tok RONTO family needs Mother's Help. Nice ome, . Rosedale district. Pos Children--2 of school 'age. Good wages. Mrs _Griffin. 319 Glen Road, Toronto. is Ne odern eorge- "ean wear the new' Sm . SIGHT eartip which fs justas invisible. Hear without embas ' rassment.. Send coupon Bogert OOK LET SO coil} bout New Boy cemtify PE 3 _compact--b SEND GOUPON NOW! SONOTONE Pe or = fon-title fight of any kind these days--and. that was what. Rocky was engaged in, his opponent Charlie --t To Hundreds of seedlings ot" the Dawn Redwood, the ancient cousin per eent provides gererall only five senses? That drowning . porsons always come to the surface three times? That an ostrich burles Hs head in the sand?" Milk sometimes does: go sour . after thunderstorms, but the thup-- der has nothing to do with it. There are certain germs, tife=lactic acid bacilli, normally present in milk These feed on the milk sugar, there: by _ producing _ lactic "acid whieh, when a certain' concentration Is reached, sours the milk. ~~ "The air is usually Warmer pre ceding a thunderstorm; and: these germs multiply much more rapidly in warm temperatures. It is the rapid increase in germ growth that causes the milk to go sour, not the thunder. - Nine out of ten usually well- informed persons confidently show the position of their hearts by plac-. ing a hand on their left breast ~ about an inch or two below the - --fower border of the ribs. This mis- take arises because the largest of the foiir chambers of the heart, the . left ventricle, from which the blood is pumped to the body, is in the left _ side of the heart, its tip being di- - which ¢ factory storage for most fruit oid vegetables. * * * Mf the homeowner is fortunate enough to have. a cool. frost-free -basement or a ecol provision room, he can store his winter supply of potatoes, earrots, beets, turnips, onions and apples with a minimum of ears. This room should prefer- --ably-be-insulated fromthe rest of the house and placed on the north side of ing with a window The room should contain a ther- mometer sad in 'fall and spring "weather, the window opened at night and elosed in the day time to obtain the advantage of eool night alr. In the winter time the window may be slightly 'opened or kept entirely closed as required to keep temperature il dropping be- --Jow-about 38 deg. F, which is--as--- fow as potatoes Should be stored. Even with proper citi] of tem- erature, commodities such as cab- ge, carrots, beets, turnips. and apples siffer severely from wilting "be opened and closed. | LJ * * means - either, but that's what the man said, To. - { . REAL SERVICE A man boarded a train at New, York -and told the porter: "Now, " porter,' here's "$5. I want you to wake 'me 'tomorrow morning and' et me off this train at South Bend. sleep heavily, and I'll fight you and tell you anything to go on _ sleeping, but get me off this 1 train -South-Bend.- --The promised the man he'd"get him off at South Bend for sure. However, _the next-day the man woke up In , with South Bend far be- --Fusari belonging to another stratum { porter thanked "hin and Chisago bind. He stormed up to the porter, : who was talking to the conductor, and told him off in no uncertain terms before he went to get a train back to South Bend. "My, that man was angry, the conductor. ----*Thaty nuthin'; said the porter. -- "You ao heard the man I did put aff at South Bend." wg '- From police daybook-in-Milwau-----opéning --seye-cuts-- with solid fight | kee: See the bulletin board for the of bgxing society, 'the welterweight division. . Yoeky' s three years ol exile hadn't dewinded the balloon -of his self- confidence to any noticeable degree. "I'll take care of the salami in one round' or less" was his boast, and he tore out of his corner with a scowl on his countenance as though he expected Fusari ropes. from sheer right. 8 ead Fusari, however;-just-plain-refus- ed to scare. And for the biggest part of the first' nine rounds Mr. Graziand - looked as though he had forgotten to pack - his fighting ability along |. with the self-confidence. Most of his swings mifsed Fusari by at least a foot; and once he or 80 he fell Hat on his face. - DE A All the while Fusari was om a neat job of pinking on' the Graziano features, scoring with left jabs and hands. Going into the. final round, : rected to the left and downward. Hence the beating of the heart is more readily felt on the left side. X-rays taken directly through the ---_eentre of the breast bone reveal "shat only "a little "more--than--one half of the heart is on the left side. . We have a numbes of other " senses in addition 10. the five that "are so well known* Take the mus eular sense. Suppose you place your hand 'upon an alarm clock. You hear it ticking, you see it; and you feel it. You are thus able to gain certain: information regarding fit-- A its size, shape, hardness. AY Lifting it, you learn that it has ain 4 weight. But it is not the sense of i . touch which gives you this added i ere ----information,--for-you-were-touching--1- A the clock in the same way while it 7% ., «vv _ was on the table. It is the sensation HE 4+ of resistance derived _ from your muscular sense. Some scientists maintam that in- stead of having merely five senses we actually have eleven -- sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, muscular, dist- temperature, pain, articular, : ance and static < Most drowning persons. never come up af all once-they had gone under. Lifeguards who have spotted a bather in difficulties never bank on him coming tp a second or third time. They act at once. : And ostriches have far more sense than to bury their heads in = the sand for concealment: The truth is that they lie. down and stréteh their necks. out on the ground--with their eyes wide open! ~ ¥ not protected from fow humidity. Hot of officers to shoot for target _the officials'. -seore--earde--sshowed ----manme--ot Vie weigher and selling practice. ability, a Ueciive Willner on points. * And' then plnell dither Fusari just plain ran out of gas, or else Rocky | Metasequoia, as the Dawn to jump the - ----fivestoc Fusari out in front and, in all prob- '3 of tiie California Redwoods recent- ly discovered in China, have been planted along the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Guatemala by Dr. Ralph W. Chaney, who has just re- ~ turned from, a fossil-hunting ex-- | pedition to. Oregon and British Co-. { lumbia. Dr. Chaney last year went | to China to convince himself that Red- wood is known to scientists, thought - to have become "extinct 20,000,000 . died the living trees_in China's .in..__ terior, and brought back four. sced- lings .and thousands of seeds. Fossils of the tree unearthed by "Dr. Chaney and others indicate pists | Margaret FETHERSTONHAUGH &* Company Patent Solicitors Established 1890". 350 Bay Btreet Toronto Booklet of- information on request 220 'YONGE ST., TORONTO -, "Please send me FREE facts on how. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES ONE STAFF NURSE wanted immediately on the Oxford County & Ingersoll Health Unit. Main Office, Court House, Woodstock. Working conditions good. For further information apply Grieve, Nursing Supervisor, House. Woodstock, Ontario. Medical Director i Dr. 0 C Powers. "Court |~ I can havesinvieinte hemiagi Namo pe Address OIty mmm -years-ago;-is- stilt thriving. He stu= | ~ -4t--once-- ranged from Alaska ~ California . High-Speed Scales An "electronic scale. that wilh at. public markets with high accuracy and speed has been developed. The weighing is done through electrical impulses. When certain buttons .are pressed, the weight, number and type of animal | i i | ACHONNY G old Stand cy, apd_the date and-time--of + weighing are automatically printed. The scale is accurate to within five pounds on . loads up' to 32,000 Here's How 70 CONVERT FIVE-GALLON OIL CAN INTO 4 HANDY CARRYALL FOR TOOLS . SIMPLY CUT. THE CAN ON THE-DOTTED LINES AS PER ILLUSTRATION, THEN BEND THE TWO HALVES OVER 80 THAT THE BACKS MEEBT, THEN MAKE A HANDLE WITH A"LENGTH OF WIRE OR MEJEL STRIP BY HOOK: ING BACH BND UNDER THE ENDS OF THE BENT PORT ION OF THR OILCAN- TURN: ED TOOLBOX. To. AVOID "FOOT FATIGUE" CAUSED BY STANDING ON A LADDER FOR LONG PERIODS, RIG UP A MALL HARDWOOD PLATFORM TO STAND ON, USE HEAVY PIECES OF PLAT IRON BENT TO THE SHAPE SHOWN, f managed to get a refill' Hom somie- pounds. where, Graziano,--with---his--bleeding mouth wide open in that old familiar snarl kept boring in, hurting Fusari now, finally slamming Charlie into the ropes and clubbing him to the floor. . : - Fusari-gamely got up; but by now - Rocky had too much strength, He kept Charjie trapped against the ropes, wedged into a corner and-- * * _according, to some observers--liter- ally choking him with one hand , while banging him unmercifully with the 'other; (He might very well have been disqualified-- but somehow or cother, those crowd-drawers "'mob-pledsers don't appear to - dis- qualify as readily as less colorful boxers.) * * So the fight was stopped, and victory = given to Graziano, with fifty-six seconds still to go in the tenth round, Rocky's reaction to* 'victory ~was typical of the' man, "Don't 1 do a real job on them welterweights?"' he crowed delight- edly--completely . overlooking * the fact that he, as a middleweight, had enjoyed a -12 pound edge in the : weights, and that it. was the referee that had. stopped the fight, not he that stopped Fusari. \, * and - Doctor, Doctor! The Cadillac has a new, higher- compression engine. However, the illnesses of : the 1948 model are re tained 'as the car "was completely 'altered for that model. ~Fort Worth Star-Telegram SORE FEET THIS WAY Rub in Minard's Liniment generqusl y and feel the relief steal prin i achi: % muscles. For muscular pains, aches a stiffness, 'sprained ankles --Minard's- has been well known for over 60 years, Qood for dandruff and skin disorders; Joo St a bottle today' keep 1 andy , a 11 Do your nerves ever get so bad you feel you're almost being driven to hysterics? Too often, both men and. women neglect these signs which may indicate your system is becoming run-down and your natural store of nervous energy used upl But you can start to correct this condition today. You'll find the tonic elements of Dr. Chase's: Nerve Food of real . benefit in helping you rest and eat better . . . and a valuable aid in restoring nervous energy. So try this time-proven sitios 3 "which has helped thousands who were nervous, edgy and run-down! -------------------- Wj could scream! , Vitamin By, iron and other needed Dr. Chase's Nerve Food coritaing minerals--and is so ~~mothers often Hives it. £0 highs strung growing daught e, naemic and nervous ho to unc- tional change. : Try Dr. 'Chase's Nerve Food in the large "economy size", to hel u rest better, feel better, loo tter, Thé name "Dr; Chase" is your assurance. Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD tal that nis ne