fi ) 4 3 1 A 4 AF 3 ad cb hae ES SDS S bs EFI 0 TH FAL PILE L aaa E Tit . a : I = PHT IS SEIS FT SRN PAR PPR Tv ' . x ; + hy alee) J ins Edin ; { J { . : Ae ? Y is N " Wh " / : | = / . v / » IB . ae . n §-- hy EK) TN , -------- y 7 odern Etiquette Silver Moon Auto ourt ; '\ - i ; ® Hot Water Heated . Y 0H : hould int the HH Pe ny wen S84 Shwwein : iY. ow shou one pon e . ataur Sli proiigs of the fork when cutting and hai * rarcate: AP; Ppwy sows phen + . placing food in the mouth? tes $5.00 and Up - High A 2--1 block west of City COFFEE must be fres to a ee own) Jimny SETTER ; ward while cutting the' food, but *26 Lakeshore Kd. MY. 0m 3 Torsnte 14, Ont. 7% : A yield its utmost. in x flavoin, should "point upward as the i6od is |= scx pos pie pans fo gomeeie, MEE : --tifred to the mouth: E---- CLAP . { B Q. When a nian is standing at A Eo 1 | --49-- cocktail har for a drink, is it tices: ; [--sary--thathe-tip- the, barman?. . = - A: No, 7 ¢ : Q. Is A all right for the bride- t= x o « ohh th cde: " ti - i groos Z rg : ge Bi ts as fr esn as tne y i re fea? 7 k d ' A. No; the bast man hands the : wa § pb ac e w h e n y 0 u . fee to the clergyman, although it z iy - "comes from the brid: "egroom.:- . "break the seal on. the lid, . wae Q. How should a "divorcee sign | i od Ei, : : : : * her name if she retains her ex-hus: 3 Raa \- band's surname? © x - - Fy - w 2 A) x A. She should use the surname rie ' WEEN HR of her former, - 2* bd her maiden name, as, "Helen Smith EE Ee mm Johnson." - - Z MGT PAA SA h ; Q. is asked to fill in at the : a ¥ ; 2) Memorial Riom A. Mother <A wiliion SNE, cach ong. ny fast TE, LAN ; we or hand, have been used by Mrs, Nathan Jacques in assembling this te PAUSILY ext ree ; ave Your Life I K o| accept? Pa - ; Guilt made up of 75,385 mdividual squares of material. Informed A. Yes, and without hesitation, if Ww [ST OF THE ; TTF "that her son had been killed in the sinking of thie aircraft carrier fice to. do #0. : bh Here's a mote Diasany ipl dy Lexington, Mrs. Jacques doubled Iver efforts to finish the project, Q. 'Should one spread out the el- --_ : a Sp ho ; o in . 'hoping that its campletion would give her the means to sail to bows when cutting meat? 7 SUN nd gh by by Aad : the spot where the Lexington sank. She wants to cast a floral 'A. No: the elbows should be kept | a Re is specialist. wreath on the water in memory of her son. . close to-the body. -. . F a erial Story oi da 7 -- Q. How close to the dinner table : SEE "by . : ETN: . =" «| should one sit? en : JOSEPH LEWIS i AL Sess A Vonithni duy uy Beak A', Sit close enough, so that you And the : 5 NI: CHADWICK i ghwdy 10War a can reach the plate without leaning - "RELIEE-IS LASTING Johnson farm. He was thinking of . forward awkwardly, and far enough Si. : the corn crop. pr : For remarkably fast relief from™hea away o that the elbows will not be ably fast reli a EE £2 y ! 40 It had been a good year for 'corn. Yori Family die kee _ at e ot ache get INSTANTINE. For real relief : ny AEINUDY) roughly and twisted behind her, A few dry spells, maybe, but his ' Q.. When being. introduced to a get INSTANTINE, For prolonged relief Ren el Rg PR A rr The bucket dropped, and she felt the own corn ditn't scem.'to be hurt "Dear Anne Hirst: My husband | ing me, and was sorry. That hurt. man, should a hostess extend "her Ret Inaiadinvgl, ; 3 stage in response ton letter from Chil cool water pour over her feet. Ter- much. N and I are separated now. We have I know that -after the baby came, hand? ° . poi : es, 'more. people every day are Suseihint hey Donte, Sli Seid Washington ror swept over her. She.screamed. Ihe corn borer had caused dam- been married a year and eight I was nervous and. upset and sick, A. Yes, Sys. 375, Puting that IsTANTINE 18 on thing, onsa. L4 *dim Rando) investigates the She tried to struggle. 'but. savage age, too. But he had sprayed. He months, and have an eight-month- and would say things that upset fo] he pa hkl Raclecha; for roburs "wt the tus an whieh she wat | ands forced ther. along into the | Wouln't lose too much 3 old daughter. 1 | him, and 1 don' blame him for RIT Boon Smiling Al money boy Tor Steve Barron "Santa Bonita . 'darkness: She twisted about and d soybeans, 100. Thus Frank still love "him, that. But I do waft us to live: to- Upside down 10 -prevent peeking. 'you can depend on InsTANTINE to ng hin a ve} kph saw the lighted doorway, a glimpse |- re i 2% i Fal L. . Xone and 1 need your gether, and work: things, out. What " [ATolola Ro IVI 3[IIN bring you quick comfort. : ' : 8 Jedd 4 , gy a ; be 1e Johnson farm before oln a ? i ig ~ 1 ny we enzine oh help and under- can I do? Unsigned: . : 'ANTINE : Hi We ten Weerd yi hn of Lang's slify person. She called the auction sale starts," he. thought. oe 8 11 Poe * y H : 11713 LIKI) 4 N : Lar J Stace ike 9 actor i or T "tell Barron. tint the gambler learns the the girl's name. She héard Lanya' Tt le hi | standing. Men have. things their .-own s(a[1[v(s prescription of three piovER medical truth when tie overhears. Virginia discuss cry out--and that was all. g gy oh Sati 21mg ance Fo the ! "My husband * way;-don't they? When they get : IN 4 ofiv i ne CPL with Lana Covey. dunce-hal) She was .pushed.cand dragged pes Ar itty we Embed 4" compldined that * discouraged or impatient, they - LIN[3[MIa]O 1[]7]a himselt in love with Lanya. leaves with through brush which stung at her oad on hoi El at ~ W/ call 1 wanted to * put on their hat and walk out. 3|N|O A v v 3 - mT Ea i ~ setiing hal "face and hands and 'térc at her and "thife. Are 10. TUF 2 ros do was to go out * How simple. a. - solution -- for ai3|1/0lo] IN v rv warn him © dress. She struggled frantically in 3 A x bi oe coming, all the time. | * them! , 13 |[VIRLIN I y ; he: h ust then Frank noticed that ® think that 1 am at E o1E] x CHAPTER-X | terron but, uselessly. She had i he aa coming. oman hu ed Hg Tray It is the. wile who must 'stay VILISISIY3]|S]Y \ Lanya did not speak but calml glimpse™oT one of her captors. His "Tha , entitled to get ou * put, caring for the baby, keep- NWO I3RSI3 i and efficiently ope the. EE face was wickedly scarred. It was | - That corn is so high. I couldn't week, after doing all my House- * ing the household going--lonely NI3|W][3]9|Nlv|ull]Y . Ste brought medicine. and clean | the Ap: ache whom Steve "Barron gdm no a } or gi i pips tor the + and sick at heart over the way |. | WEN = badges from her saddle bag. She -- knew: 3 ri, tend there is and. slow down. a Debye 1 haveto wens a is J things have turned out. [Bho o El] 3 wdrked for a long time. Phil had CHAPTER XI § HE 0e WOTk SCATY every Lay * "Men claim to be good' sport Fane | ns i Wi a 1 It was the third night when Vir- As Frank slowed his car and of -the week, he takes the car and . Bul ! : 2 Th £00 spo 5 dio 2 HIS|V diW} | r wakdfied; 'he watched her ih 4 ginia was pulled from her horse and came to the cross-roads, another goes fishing, or 'down tow n. me i Aey rhs s BY wonid Jf er "he near { doctor is at Fort was half dragged, half carried into car whizzed across in front of him. * "We "have: disagreed about how * FL tind 2 io AE AE ISSUE 41 =~ 1949: 1 est do s ¢ ' ¥ v i Lie ig a Winfield," Lanya said to Virginia. the Apache "village, Her first aware- Why, the crazy fooll He must to dle _ sa wired d - * break their oii 'to cherish Then: "We'll "have to "take Sim ness of the camp was the sudden De doing, at least fifty," Frank' ex- s_folt Seti 18. hid stopp By *--the--wife they married: They will = = there' facket of the Indian dogs that claimed. 20a in : g * not see that marriage is a part- - "If 1 should go for him? Vira rushed at her and her two captors. Then, with a_ sickening fecling, -.* nership, with all the responsibil- -- - ginia suggested: : Her mind felt drugged, and an al- | Frank remembered the speed he * ities of any other contract. Their ; Lanya said simply, "He' s an army .-most impenetrable "haze pulsated -had_ been travelling. In his mind, * attitude is_ the more unjust be- doctor. He couldn' come here." before her aching eyes. ht ie) the mess of which he would "% cause theif wives-feel -helplessto- ti Phil's voice camb from far off. The, dogs roused the camp. Small, oe h rom <a part if he had not * 'enforce their rights--and the men "Not to Fort Winfield," he said. I'll wiry warriors came from the brush- : Dee WG * know it. 0.-to my camp-in_the Silver Range. covered futs. Squat and dusky all i 2 segilont, Da --|* If your husband sssented- your. £ ESET fank - 'Mildane is there. He can women followed, and then came the aking ere there: . 1 5 EE 2 oe country cross-roads: hig attitude while you-were-ill,-a talk treat my wounith" naked children. Bedlam rose. iy ; high corn . : y : ; = growing on the corners; t d- with your _doctor would have 1. Lanya turned to Virginia "That's She was swept tHroughsthe crowd §: two speed- . "him 1 £) : : & Fu Son ing cars. shown him how natural that was Are you gding through tryin best," slie whispered. "Barron will to a hut and roughly shoved inside. How a | 4 * at the time, and could have ou poi ef? Dose x 1ine 0 send his men. They may be on the She sank down upon a dirty blan-. Hy such accidents be pre- * aroused his:sympathy. He should ip Tl adil Bo suffer way. I'll go with Phil." .~ ket and lay in a heap, Her body Fonted) Its easy if you stay safety- * have been Imp. hs to--you : from hot flashes, nervous and £3 "And 1 too," Virginia replied. "I | ached; she was battered and bruised. mae, : 4a . f he 'habe J 4 mmy feelings, w and a So : The safety- ded f helped care for the baby, done sense of being irritable and he shan' t=le 1 Her mind was stupified. She closed cly-minded larmer trims 8 : 3 an't=leave him.' s stupi rn: ot there oriors Stes 1a * what he could about the house strung? Then :do try Lydia i 2 "Well, we shan't quarrel now," her eyes. A gradual sense of calm The Saint adm de arm. * wo rclione yon tape. He Wad been Pinkham's Vegetab ble Compound to ay 3 : . the dance hall girl said flatly. . stole over her. . y river slows * ll "then 1 : re Ne such Sh Symptom; 3 ; Eo - lH down on country roads, and is al ill, too, you say; then he was in women take Pink- y _ s;They rode north across the des- When she opened her eyes again, * Waysreads 46 ato fo ab * no condition to -make such a Ie to help In addition, this great medicine ; "ort, then "into the jagged rock sunlight slanted in through cracks ° bd dy stop lor crossing, * vital decision 'as to Teave you,- bull up elsaneos this fine ptomeshio tonto Al cine wastes of the Silver Ridge. It took in the 'wall of the hut. She lay still, om CE * That he should have known, too. n grate foi. ke! ¢, Gem bicking for, +Nouien Who sults - hours, walking their horses because | afraid to nove=afraid-of-what-her-- pv -- NE EC cede : £ organs and_h : y * : - % : ; a > tpn SO -- of --{---------§--or -and_haa such: "Oe of Phil's condition. He kept to the awakening would bring. 'Weakness on Serylsesaongs . Whi Wiehe ft Eu soothing effect. Aged, ROT Oram Tih adda frome YY oe te saddle by sheer will power, leading still 'had a hold on her, and the pain ur supply company offers you - * om ' b ERO y 2 them somehow along 'the hidden -1 had not gone out of her body. But steel wastebaskets and customers to * san hon, RAE gl inh Lydia E. Pinkham s Ly COMPOUND trail through deep dark gorges, her 'mind was alert and wary. mate, --Fond du. Lac Times. * the things you enjoyed while you ' along wider canyons, Zand aver sheer She 'had been seized and dragged . Aaa ? gh : : : L : i * were engaged. Playing together ; a rock hills. IT was midnight. when away from the cabin where Ladya "i ET) er] ; RR . ) 3 pl as well as working together keeps 3 they came-to- the eabiin in a small and she had taken Phil. One of "1 : SWEETER =o a Gof EE a, 3 IRE CARL TR . both of you in good humor, and \ hidden valley. the 'two Apaches Tad brought fier | «hui : ; shebetl bin Eo --* builds_the- comradeship that en- ; The "cabin was. dark until Vir---|- horse, and she was forced to mount ¥ Police cir Ba iage = "TASTI ER et : ginia found 'and lighted-a lantern. and ride between the two silent » Sy J - hey helped Phil to a tifink, and men. They had not harmed her; it " You two should Jest and Halk -- tye lay back and instantly fell asleep. 'had been the ride that had beaten ! hr things . over, quietly, and with ; : Laiiya bent over him, watchful and her. . mutual respect. Try to explain to Ad: Recipe -. $ troubled. After a time, Phil asked She lay thre wondering wit it your husband the Yedsons for ¥, "for water. Virginia could find none meant; asking -herself-uselessly why - : your disagreements. - Say.. how Measure into large bowl, : in the room. She took up a bucket she had been brought to this Indian . : sorry you are, how 'eager to start lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granulated and stepped from the €abin. There amp. it autureed to hte tat pore - fa all over -again=--Appeal_ to_his _sugar; stir until sugar js dissolved. was a straant 100 feet fiirduhy. the haps there lay a plan behind her . : * sportsmanship, You, Worle Unritikle with 1 envelope Flefach- darkness. = -- capture. She knew that pne of her + She'll cuddle this Lullaby - Dolly * brought a little child into the mann's Royal Fast Rising Dry ' She had dipped . the buc ket and _|_captors was the Indian Steve Bar- aid sing to her! Quickly made of | * world;-and-you owe it your-mu | Yeast, Let stand 10 min., THEN was turning with it wien a $hadow™ | ron had spoken to the day they had --a--socki--this--dolt--is--the-perfeet-size---- tual affection and training. That 1 stir well. Scald 2 ¢. milk and stir in' -- oot moved beside her. She glanced to- | pret Phil Lawrence. The same In- | for a tiny child! - * is another reason why your mar- 5 tbe. granulated sugar, b tsp. salt; -- ward it, startled. She saw a dusky, dian who had watched Jim Randall Such a lovable, dolly at such a |-* riage should have ..another cool "to lukewarm. Add to yeast - unclad figure. © Thén another. and her that night outside of Santa" | ® 'little cost! Pattern 770 has transfer; | * chance, : i mixture and stir in 1}4 c. lukewarm Apaches. They glided silently to- Bonita. * sc pajama. pattern, - Marriage is a contract. It is not Jatar: Beat 26.2, once sifted bread) ward her. Her arms were seized Cantppdd Hess Week ; Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS | to be dissolved at the first disagree- flour; beat well. Beat in 6 tbe. melted ontipued Next Week : fi 8 shortening. Work ip/6 c. more once- = eo AR : TEE S =' n coins (stamps cannot be accept- ment. Understanding and mutual sifted oR pl a re . 9. Molding 20. Peavarlihies ed) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 compromise can -make .it work. If sooth and 0 ati yf CROSSWORD 10. Algerian Port 38 Brasiliam . Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. | you* are discouraged, tell Anne . on, hi ; ol Rie} Baw n kn money Print plainly PATTERN NUM- | Hirst about it at 123 Eightcenth Stossel owl snd) oral: Sop ee Pt JZZLE 20. Ta) Maha city 12. ee ul BER, your NAME and ADDRESS, Street, New Toronto, Ont. sot " sbi place fros: from 31; 8 A act - : ' 4 25 : y "measures - 46. Greek letter thc A A Tre m= draught. Let rise ufitil doubled in = wow "22. Amer ETN: gh 1 Demons. * 5 Qe Yota) gazer i" ventor lo i Hy LEY bulk. Punch down dough in bowl; emons 0 e 1 ~ : ¢ Witnessed 3. Stariike 1g. ll ing grease top, cover and let rise again 3 Ghfeicen some----|- Tum hok 1] Title 49. Nominate until about ¥{ as high as first rise. .Story ol velad bas sslgne 83. Olden times | Punch down dough and divide into 7 18. Wreath '\ and forth to 3 L 1eclal N y IY 14. Imaginary work 2 Ball -, a AAA 4 equal portions; form into smooth 18; Inonster UY | J Fv NT HG 7 Ch balls. Grease tops, cover 'with . ir English letter : : : ~ - - cloth; let rest 10-16 min. Shape into B Retant : ; j : "loaves; place in greased bread pans. ¢ 22. Egyptian god | . =| Grease tops; cover ard lot rise until: 24. Fok example , | p " ve doubled in bulk. Bake in hot oven, 26. Taree bird Jr | SES i 425° 16 min., then reduce heat to If z 1. Rubhers 4: : « §-14=16 ' - moderately hot, 876°, and bake y partment 13 | : M=18-20 80-35 miriutes longer. > » Ravelings . : 1-40-42 FISH PIE made with MAGIC 3» 36. Charles Lamb ae : : ; ) 3 iTardier 1 Fink Neat 'n' pretty and flirty-femi- Freund & median hick white Buuse Aud mix in ° : : : = - 89. Perfor 6 "| nine! The practical coverall "styl ge yook finsly chopped : 41. Meadow ¥ yle onion, "48. French wine ~apron is softened with scallops, 134 the. foul. chopped be hey: 3 Soe. Jualied dupont New Furi-Asiing Dry Yeast : I 2 HL ruffles, slanty little half-moon turn into greased small casserole. Place in hot oven, Needs NO Refrigeration! : ; 80 ecae plant 'pockets, It's gay for a gift! 450%, while making topping, Mix and sift into bowl, Th = mt 1. Corralative ¥ Pattern 4654 sizes small (14-16), EY Sa stid pti ss: Suceatlied lard: ousands of women every . | : - BGs 5 po medium (18-20), . large (40-42). Vial flor) 2 eM apie Bi King Domda wii Sow geaing week ate switching to the new i 86. Canvas lodge ! : oF 'Small size, 174 yards 35 ich. mix in 34 o, shredded cheese. Mix 1 beaten égg an 5 modern Fléischmann. Royal : 14 Become liquid id 41 EE Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS |. bs. milk, Make a wel fn centee, pout fn liquid and Ax - Fast Rising Dry Yeast. It" fast : Bo. Roker stake : : (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot- be to x Met yo Place on reid gt ag ING; --it's active--keeps for weeks in ; a 7 81, Whirl ool : : . accepted) for this pattern, Print |" top for escape. of steani, Bake in hot oven, 450° » [0 the cupboard. Perfect results in ! . 7 1 © 1.0tihatthing or, lm : a plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 18:20 minutes. Yield--4 servings, DER: rolls, buns breads! : / is 44 X Animats ; |. | A STYLE NUMBER, Send your or- : rs : : Sais 3 Agrecable oc) 2 = : ; der to Box 1, 123 Eighteentii™8t, oer 777 5. V2 V 4 i! shi di Answer elssfhere on this page. New Toronto, Ont. @ 1707 $- SU 3 5 '. - o {