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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Oct 1949, p. 3

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AI tte PORT rua ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1949 % Sur < o VElor *"# Migratory Game | : ROSS 3 i Authorized Surge Sales and tid Open seasons "for migratory game i : 'MYRTLE STATION rhe birds in Ontario: this yeay are as fol- ~ y. . Phoe Sak Brooklin Tows} : x ) Ref resh bs : Ducks, Geésre, "Rails, :Coots and} POR PERE' YACHT SEE! el ¢ Gallinules: T ey cL rr en : ; : RUSSELL D. UMPHREYS, KC. | 'Southern Ontario: South of a line 'The business of social membership * kl 6 Simeos Bi North, Oshawa, H You sould just try therm once, , 8 across the Province from Parry Sound | is at long last staightened out. First hw - " 814 # : cl il Fembiois i the line of the|and foremost in the mind of the teas: 3 tional Railway. through furer, it will b ) 'in attendance at m: Port Perry Office and" et Shadial y $ JUHI cost you these bela. Some : : on Tuesday and y afternoon } we you. wil keep Parry Sound, Scotia, Whitney, Barry's [said two-and. a half, others three and | « EE of each week, or by appo intment. | CE comin for TT Bay, and- Golden Lake--Oct8lior- 16th |a- half; but so as no feelings will be| : Quéen § Tort Pairs: one 34} g more, fe Decembér 8th, except in the County [hurt it is three, measly, dirty, smelly | : "en Tout, " 5 . : fof "kissex; the open season--on geese bucks, If you want to join see--the{ > ; 4 Sp " : For th b t - Ww h it is Nov. 7 to Dec. 31. secretary or Gord Robertson, he 'is 3 X DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG i] e es e ave 1 WV oodeogk: October 1 to Nov. 7. __ [chairman of the membership commit- 4 : DENT : pees nts - thd £00. When .gon agg thogo follog be "i | : Q we : TT Province, October 1 to Or totin' your three because that is the So re ueen Street 2 l : : For duck hunters in this section, the [first thing you will be asked for, alive home Port Perry Teaco 3s 16" days shorter -than usual.|or dead." After that formality you are s Lake Scugog freezes over .about|a member of the PPYC from the first "PIANO. TUNING November bth to 16th, making a very of October to the last day of April v. P. STOUFFER 4 short open: Yaa ; with Tink same rights "as the active . wk rod tnd = a imi 8 members, 'sans' vote. You have the on % 'Repa Foe for. We 1 are paying the CUFTOnt market prices for dead or ° Du¢ks--T per day, of which not more | same rights and-so'. for th and havel crippled farm animals. SEE than one may be a Wood Duck. Pos-|the same things expected of you. % ! i S: ; HORSES :: CATTLE : : HOGS - session limit PEE BECEECHENCINEN tHE | A flabery gasts your: correspondent ] W. . A. Sanoster I = To TT = SC SY = eto} I 2 2 - : ° angster 5 Telephone Collect for Ei Servies | pe par EC in ifthe po i Fie i eo : = ' DENTAL SURGEON rr uy ig ig : : oh GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Port Perry out there in a dibbling bit of wind. Office Hours: 9 am: to § pam. | Toronto--Adelaide 3636 : and slosh lazily around 'the. course Office Upstairs. over "C. Sleep's Port Perry 05 +21 "Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 "Dairy Calf Club and think they are "going great guns. urance Office. a : v i. : | Why some of them even réef down I ] i ! -PROJECI RESUL TS there mains in' these light airs. That : $1388883888808288088 $3288888888e0 tes EL88 00800888 Ths. {slicramune, ny for Hibs is the people in these light boats that i Ta UA 3 | Perry Dairy Calf Club was held at|sail i reathe their : en ~ Bousseau Upholstery. 4 - ' i$ | Port. Perry "Fair, dn. September 5th sal i enelsagy breathes. of hair Tz: . i$ With, gi good showing of 12 Holsteins, [ or 50 B08 FH THEE Hague Featuring a complete i 2 puis and 1 Guernsey, Floyd [iid 8 real wind to make their boats , 'FURNITURE REPAIR and |#° # | ivans won first place in the Holstein [80 and "do their 'stuff. On Sunday - i Uk ® : $ [class and.Harold Howsam first in the | afternoon their wasn't enough wind to - 'REFINISHING SERVICE : EVERY FRID/ 3 Ayrshize and Guérnsey class. Harold |give a big bo ; i ; it ei . ok : i. - i pn Pat Ls Showmanship 'and give a big boat steerage way while Ask for it either way. .. both ¢ 4 On hand is a complete line of |i : ; i | Donald Hadden, second. Uipsn Tithla shings voip sioind vepfed | ride: nyarks mean she sane thing, | go " Materials to choose from. . |§ _ At the -- 8 | Meetings were held during the sums | right down. Some of the Tittle boat I = - oo . : MU : i ay at Pie Tari, of R. N. Hogg, Ux- | skippers will bitterly assert that any . > All Work G Bic HALL : UXBRIDGE. Bimesatt i Cronies simi, 5d clown sailing n scow "that needs a. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca- Cola bed, : Li, 18 2 club members received coaching on, galecto move it is utterly foolish any- 1 UXBRIDGE f Phone 483 and we will be glad ; --~-- yg «§} [judging dairy .gattle by Lawrence|Way. Further' more, they will, say, BEVERAGES - to consider your' next rep : vans, --Club--Leac der--Uxbridge; .and | just because--a--gu: y--owns a big. boat' t air job. : 2 | Mr, H. L. Fair and -Archie Wilson of » ") UXBRIDCE, ONT: We do custom building, too Alex Williamson. an His tire Department of Agsiculture, Ux- Sosent way<he. isa gpd sally, pro- PHONE' 205 : tt bridge. The club activities also in- | bably to the contrary. They might 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY | § Orchestra eg cluded a bus trip to the following [be right you know. EN : TTT flat : : her in os County: i Den Hoad| "4.0 dove is foi the benefit Sf those ET ---- # Et Human ud; --Richmon ill; --Wynyate nei ol Foe . oo ; ss ------------------------------ Hr Wi Oriole} Ontario Hospital who raced on- Sunday and beat the 1 ffi d -- BOLT.-AND NUT Fy San esa Fpants-off--n--ecertain--sehvoner----The- rarric Accidents "fhe. Wall Street "Journal reports ers' Association; Maple, skipper of the scl > f re tl r "stu os the joa Club Prdjecs Competi- 1, a the ee Fen pe Mount bed Cole definition oa hol and . ion, points are awarded for calf ex- . Ciro = 0 RENT hibited at fair, judging, written ex- sine) te the jetty where he new he Use- Care, Courtesy, Common Sense. | nut: amination, care' and management of | would be reminded. that he had said| Never was there greater .ne "A bolt is a thing like a stick of J eater .need of | . : -- - yn Dairy Cattle, reports, care and man- (given a good wind he could hold" his i i = 2 ei fd hard metal such as iron. with a square = .: agRInent "and attendance, - constant use of care, courtesy. and ta Our Rental Plan includes every- Sonn i ay enrolled PS own with-anything on the lake. The common sense behind the wheel and. bunch at one end, and a Jot of scratch- thing you need to do a profes- to Club in 'the Spring and 15 com- a azn Wie on Susday, on foot, Highways officials warn in|"% Wound "around the other end, A ple or was it not g& good wind. ats oi : mn nut is similar to a bolt only just the > 'Refinishing Job on those le following i is a list of those com- [were reefed, it must have beech good: Pudi) a , ie bippn opposite, being : hole in a little square old floors. alibi pleting the project in order of merit: : ; : : 2 Gri X Sh wrinkle E 3 "1" Ross Evans, R.2, Uxbridge; Donald but maybe for small boats only. blackest year-on--record-in--traffic ac- of iron sawed off short, with Wijnkles Custom Work Prices on request. { Hadden, > % Blackwater; | Floyd - ari n= cidents. For the first eight months around the _inside of the hole. Phone 3744W1 OSHAWA rg TE os gg i , of this year, 489 Geaths in traffic nc-| ~~ * * oor gadis one 8744 ChE RS, ! UxbridEe; Raton Chambers, Wil-|-- The old-man- neglected to assist his [Cidents occurred, with August count- Jimmy: "Aw, you're afraid to ~|frid; Wilfred Tamblyn, R.2, Uxbridge; | wife out of the street car, |g for 94. ppt H M. Leggette oe Marion, Rega, 1s, Uxbridge; Hardld " "John", she said, "Your are not-so| "An unusual number of Sopis fatal Johnny: "Naw, "but if 1" fight my v +R.1, Blackwater; Her gi ho gallant as when yoii were a boy." accidents- were caused by drivers los- Won fodut ud apants sie? " R.3, Uxbridge; Bob Ashenhurst, R.3,| "No", he replied, "and you are not ing control of their vehicles. =e Jo Tings win lie ind RY: ve Uxbridge; Godwin Reynolds; "Green- 50° buoyant- -as-when-you-were-a-gal" "More care=less-speed! --dohuny: = Shay) see thedoc-goin he Carnegie [hank Fol Bryan, R.2, Sunderland; : rr to-your place. '| Douglas Reynolds, Greenbank, hh oi EX rae aa ' _ "Formula i ow 1 LA | . ERE i Abe . " of steel and. lib- ; CLUB TEAMS SELECTED FOR a irew Carnegie, of iy aii 2h PPROVINCIAL INTER-CLUB COM- ; -- _|PETITION AT GUELPH, ocr 21st. y "Give' me the man who saves --. and - Club n embers to repre sent tl ' ' then make sure thas his savings work en esen he, , various Clubs from Ontario County , INVITE YOU TO THE im a "ancestry he probably inherited his in- for him." Starting without money, Carnegie became one of the| world's great builders of industry-- --------ag-well-as-one of the world's greatest. educators and philanthropists. 'He himself was the perfect example education or his own code. Through his Scotch ! JOIN THE HAPPY DEKALB FAMILY, NOW! R. N. Hogg, R. R. 2, Uxbridge, Ont. "Robert Si sson, R. in thie Provincial Inter-Club Competi- tion to be hled at Guelph, on October 21st, have. been selected and are as follows: Beaverton Baby Best Calf Club-- , -- 1 |datt,- Beaverton, Oshawa Dairy Calf Club-- ~ stinét for thrift, and out of the wise. use of his small early savings," he: bought his first small share in a small steel plant, which he steadily SXPANI: pre ed to huge proportions. His formula for selecting his asso- ciates is still followed by many firms "in the selection of men for promotion to key positions. Briefly, it is that the man who is thrifty and shrewd in his own affars is the man most likely to exercise the same brats oh behalf of his company. ---- One of the notable developments of 'recent years in Canada has. heen - the ,cultivation of the thrift habit throtigh the purchase of government bonds by. the Payrool Savings Plan method now| 4 "adopted by most leading companies. ll Hundreds of thousands of Canadians,|' "including many in our own company, first started a systematic plan of sav-. ing in this way, and have kept it up ever since. They may rot turn out to be_Carnegies, but thousands are be- coming home -owners, making better provision for the future, accumulating "enough to start their own business or otherwise preparing to satisfy their individual desires in' théir own way. Everyone has something to -save for. The new Fourth Series of Canada Savings Bonds will shortly be on sale . --and many companies are again mak- ing the Payroll Savings Plan available to all employees. THe plan fs de- signed to make saving easy---and it does. You hardly realize you are saving until one day you get your bond and your savings in a chunk. Andrew Carnegie never had it hal #0 eal . - FEEDERS Dairy Feeds For Increased Milk Production, feed a bal anced Ration. . . Balance your ration with : MASTER 249, GAINMAKER DAIRY . CONCENTRATE MASTER 39%, : DAIRY CONCENTRATE For those who want a complete Dairy Feed, We recommend MASTER MIX 16% DAIRY RATION MASTER 16% DAIRY RATION These Dairy Feeds are made from high quality ingredients. and contain.a plentiful supply of good cane molasses. We have - at 'our disposal a quan- tity of good mixed hay and can deliver to your barn within a few days of receiving your order. MASTER FEEDS Port Perry Phone1 - hormenty HOGG & LYTLE x ALL CLASSES oF POULTRY FARM LIVE STOCK WHO KEEP RECORDS EVENTUALLY 3 © 2222222225225 =S=2=°S% anuy MASTE | Maurice Jebson, Oshawa; Glen Glag- 'pell, Oshawa. i Scott Potato Club--- _ Allan Bal), Uxbridge; Clarence Will- sory Uxbridge. Brock Grain C lub-- Jean Miller, Sunderland; Bill Miller, Sunderland; Alvin Suggitt, Sunder- land. "Scott Grain Club-- Bruce Boyington, Bahridpe; Nor- {man Lyons, 'Uxbridge. Oshawa Grain Club-- ! Edward Teffy, Pickering; Smith, Raglan, re A -- PESTS AND DISEASE REAP 60 PER CENT. WORLD FOOD STUFFS At the recent meeting of the Inter- nationa] Congress of Crop Production in London, England, it was. estimated. - [that 60 per cent. of the crops 'grown, harvested and stored was ravaged by pests and plant disease, - | According to authorities of the Food and Agricultural Organization of U, N.O., annual losses 'of world grain crops. alone to insects and diseases amount to 65,000,000 tons, Yearly losses from potato.blight were a8 10 per cent. of the entire crop. Even !after the crops are harvested an ad- ditional loss of eight per cent,-is suf- fered, reports C-I-L Agripsitural News, « During and since World War 11, knowledge concerning t § contfo) of pests and diseases has beén gradually. expanding. Reasearch has brought forward Hany new and highly effec- tive insecticides and fungicides. But these are not the final answer, state international agricultural experts. Their solution to the problem as a whole would be to convince farmers that gains equal to those derived from fertilizer applications can also be ob- Glenn tastion methods, iven): -|tained from use of modg¢rn crop pro-|. Budi eo ~ UNITED CHURCH BASEMENT Wed, October 19th. AT 8.00 P.M. . TO SEE A MOTION PICTURE "HOCKEY CAVALCADE" * OLYMPIC GAMES, "FEATURING OUR B "OWN BARBARAJANN SCOTT and;the CANADIAN HOCKEY TEAM. ~~ MAIN ATTRACTION -- _ AN EDUCATIONAL FEATURE ENTITLED THAT BOY JOE "And a Short Story Film Entitled FAMILY AFAR Also a Juvenile Comedy "THREE LITTLE BEARS" ~~ COME EARLY FOR BEST SEATS. BRING THE YOUNGSTERS! i Adults 25c. Children 15¢. .

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