: LOC AL ITEMS THE CHURCHES SE AGR AVE Ca wo gE _. i. TT rrere---- SEIS 3 ; < - i x ' 3, 2 : % NL 9% i; 1 : , ph - EE HS A ripe raspberry was picked re- n oi L D St N : ; ; ¢ » i Joy Ayr pert Vir] weekend ST. JOHN'S cintly on the 13th, dandelions"; are also, [ Canned Foods Sale +h [| dWrence S : rug ore - CWS 3 | RK with her parents in Uxbric ge. : # y "H =i : : iki ; Js Jeune Cuthbert and Mr, Gordon | PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ~~ ¥h Phong, | Bid, rh retro | NATURE'S BEST CHOICE PEAS; 20 02. occ? for 29¢, 8 (You Can Save With Safety at Your Rexall Store.) = » ». weekend at the 'home : Rev. John Riddell, Minister. |: hniversary services. were eld. 30 k AYLMER DE WDROP F ANCY PEAS, 20 18¢ [ B fe 5 + Goole spentithia. eo eis stock, | Sunday, October 16th-- ~ ¢- (morhing and evening in the United [m ro, did Os sive ion A8¢. gf " VITAMIN PREPARATIONS for HEALTH . "of Jeanne's mother in Woodstoc |' 10 am. --Sunday Scirool . 2. {Church with Rev. R."S. Seymour of mn' STOKEI, Y'S TAS ry KING PEAS, 20 OZ nn, RTE Cr ~20¢, ] Ave t's ADR Li ile 750 OR hy Mi and Mrs Doug fillicr and Bos-| 7) 0 pvoning Sorvies, © |Unniskillen as guest. speaker, The |g STOKELY'S WHOLE KERNEL CORN; 14-07 ores GH Aventis Alphametion $10 BLO Purslant Cod ELT -- mond weye, visiting Mrs; Hillier's par- 4 J choir. tendered" anthems 'at both. ser-| = QQ SLY! \ > : E238 oo : : Co ents; Mr, and Mrs. S. Griffen for the rE vices. - Miss W. Wilson, of Oshawa a STOKEL A S CREAM Sl YLE CORN, 20 oz, ,. | Frosst's Neq, Cheinical Food-- Parke Davis Haliver 0il : veal 'end il Ch RCH OF THE ASC " NSION rendered solos. The Thank: Offering |B MOUNTAIN VIEW CHOICE TOMATOES, 38 oz ,. u Capsules-- $1.45, $2.65, $6.95 1 Capsules--$1.00-& $1.76 §}- = M a M Cyl jeffrey visited OCT. 16--18th Sunday after 'I'rinity. iis. ney A ein god a GOL D MEDAL CHOICE WAX BEANS, 20 oz. ... Liquid--$1.35, 2.95, $4,056 . | SquibbtCod Liver Oil, 60¢., $1.20 § r. an rs. .Cyrl- Jeffrey ed by t ; ; iF Taw vr Ho ThE rok © : 9.00. a.m, --3oly Communion 5 : n National Malt & 'Cod "Liver Oil Purtest Plenamins--$1.85, $5.75 H a Rey To Oy or Sah wag 11 wm--Morning Prayer. iH 3 oe Sor Te .. FRESH F RUITS and VEGETABLES $ 69¢c., 89¢c., $1.69 Horner's Maltlevol ....... $2.00 i i! r 1 3 es h x d i H % -- 'evident by 'the 'many [home for the 1 d.m--Sunday Seligol. ay visited at the parsonage over the ] 'WE DELIVER-- PHONE. 21 FOR: SERVICE Kepler , Cod _ Liver BL ~ Wampoles Cod Livi Extract, : "lon holiday. 4 . = i a : '| week-end, the boys remaining for alg : na 4 : : Mr. and Mrs, Burgess Bene and | PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH fev days with their grandpurcits, | - MERLIN DOWSON Ostaco Dropa--$135 and $400 |" Supplevite Drops, $1.25 & hs » Pid Tub Cra Mrs. Clar- : P. Taylor, Pastor . © Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagle- He : ; 4 : Sop apiugiig pr Donald Hol- Suid, Outahsr loth : son's were their daughter and her hus- Lamm rT | Wa A; 'M. LAWRENCE # den and son Billy, all'of Oshawa, were' a,m.-- ible: School, "| band and children, of Toronto, = - ELLE EE EEE EEE EE EEE SESE EIA i ' ; : | honte for hth ih Lei Mr.] 11 a.m.--Morning Worship, Mr. and Mrs. A. Brice entertained] H : : j: 2 y 7 p.m. --Evangelistic Service. ° Mr. tind Mrs. D. Clark, of Toront 18 : r\ I and Mrs. H, Fitchett. es : A Mr. tind Mrs. D. Clark; of Toronto, anc Sn PL Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. {ns Ralston and children, of Toronto. | § eaners Mr. "and Mis: Wm. McCabe, Mrs. ) = Mr, and. Mrs. Gordon Mark visited ; 2 mp : .C McCabe, N : E : : ! Moda, Boy Me oe Mr, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH |f fonds here over the week-end. $ : HAY COME To bony BRIY - i 8 - A Mes find Wools hy Bowinanvillc Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nodwell visit- | §f ; 48 HOUR SERVICE OS . i | Ba the ta atin, © Mrs, Bo Dolson eeu) and ed i Is Surg, ropenayy : H R Pick-up Three Times a Week : Stanley P i 4 Mr. and Mrs. Ripley" formerly resi- | §§ MONDAY, WE DNESDAY, FRIDA 4 , Bionigy Proaghmi. Sunday, October 16-- : dents here, but now of Ottawa, visited [ff - - : ! y : FRESH. BAKING. DAILY . i Mr. and Mrs. Reginald 'Moase were © b ' 23 wD : H visiting the home-of Mrs. Moase's par- "10 aim.--Sunday School. *.| Mr. and Mrs. WW. Moon, on Sunday. $ Te 2 1 hone your needs to - : Sith Mr. and Mrs Ira Anderson. 11 a.m--Primary Class, x Mr: and Mrs. Martin, of Mount Al-(3 - , li D BREAD, BUNS, PIES, CAKES, TARTS z oi . = Mr. and Mrs. A. Kengdy of Udora| 1! tr Ti 'ohales Malcolm, bert, af the home of Mr. and=Mrs.(f © Mer n owson §|# SMILES'N CHUCKLES BULK CHOCOLATES . gp 'and Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Kennedy and : v thy, Bert Wanamaker: on Sunday, haw $ Phone 91 ; : "Port Perry, Ont. $ "Now iI in 'Stock. . : ' Linda of Toronto were visiting the' 7 pam--Rev. J. R. Bick, B.A." of My, and Mrs. C. Sleep entertained | § : # ; $ ol I : . home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Ken- . Seugog. RE . Rev. and Mrs: Seymour and daughter bro me I --. A ---- ssi SATURDAY SPECIAL id redve Special music by choir. . Mr. Robt. Margaret on Sunday. HE -- : : Ee "Binypile Layer Cake" : Miss . Reta Willard, of Port Hope,| Dowson, soloist. =| A number of the' congregation at- =~ ! SA Te 2k 2 a "was home over the week-end 'visiting p tended the missionary meeting in 1 | a 3 . LBERT UNITED i ly ah 3 with her parents, = URIs ALi pn Little Britain on Tuesday night, Business Changes, Hands _ Gerrow Bros. Bakery ® 9 Mrs, "Wintworth Watson is spend- re AH Of ieaiist pe J - & LJ 2 "ing a few days in Toronto with her Mrs. i nme: Fgamst. tr oF vo : 3 * sister Mrs. Archie. Anderson. 2 p.m.--S, S. and Bible Class. iE Si Ww ] 1 1h Th 1d So EE ---- ---- Sn re : eM | Mrs. Bruce Beare and Mr.| (Church service Withdrawn that the Junior Farmers , ¢ wish to announce that we have sold our Rest- ; -- 3 i - ) Lam) as Mrs. | Arince Albert congregation may aurant busines to MR. FREDERICK KUNNELL, . ia Sh Al VATA ot : > A hn pi. Mrs J Cros hear the speakers at Port Perry Ten Junior Farmers from Uxbridge W ho takes possession on the 16th inst. sey - I EP | * : sier of Utica on 'Sunday. : United Church Mission ANnivor- and Brooklin Junior. Farmer Associa- ] n 'BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE " ; Rev. W. 1.1L. Smith from Park Hin| sary.) : 3 ; tions, took part in the: Junior Farmer -{. May we take this oppor tunityof rig all our u = : was in town Sunday rénewing-old ae- | 17/8 BEE EW © 80 m8 Lquipment Project. : | customers And friends for their patronage during the i Stanley R. 'Bruton. Phm.B. 5 EL quzintances. Lz There were 3 main parts to this pro- . past few years, aud we, _bespeak the sale loyal sup- - 1 - Se 2 : od . Loe Six babies were Christened in the | MacDonald, Oshawa; Mrs. A. C. Eas-|; -\ port for our successor, Eo Phone 16 .-~ PORT PERRY " United Church on Sunday morning, [ton, Minden; Miss Barbara Hargraft, 1 ~-- 4 i 5 : - rrr rit the parents are--Mr.and Mrs, Harry |Toromto; Miss Ann Cawthra, Toronto; | (1) a study section on which there a SPN = : Carnegi¢, Mr. and Mrs; Brice Beare, Mr. . Frank Welch, Minden; Mr. Rich-|was a written examination; | 4 : = ; | BN Now " oe VITAMINS FOR GOOD HEALTH ret rt Mr. and Mrs. Roy Collins, Mr. and [ard Denison, Oshawa; Mrs. W. Fair-| (2) local driving competition with }| / ~~ MRS. TAYLOR and BILLY 8. Sen 1s the me bier A Sy ProTen'y tamin tonic to 0 bulld : Mrs. Roy Kendall, Mr. and Mrs, Keith {ley, Toronto; Mr. Wm. Fairley, To- fiir nein edes. oh = AFIEE : FL : - |||® FROSST'S NES CHEMICAL FOOD ......$1.35,~ "$2.95 and . $495 WH -- -- ~~ Marks;-and Mr. and Mrs: Harold Bent- [ronto. * -- AER -- : : - = [Bl i~ in Capsules--50tfor $1.45; 100 for $2.45; 250 for- $5.95 | i ley of Ajax. - R TT "| (3) a Provincial Driving and Safe- _-- a HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES, 50 for 75¢; 100, $1.29; 500, 9, 31. 79 a "The home of> Mr. and Mrs. Bill] GRADUATE OF 0. G. H. BRIDE ty Competition. Shs * : Ee TT Bp gat HORNS MALTLEVOL--the i " wl " Walker was 'a busy place Thanks:| | OF TORONTO MAN. . ; SEE 8 AYERST COD LIVER OIL 8 or ginal vitamin tonic rin 3240. AW REN ERM i WE 7 x 2 All ten--Jdunior Farmers completo! orld Church. B 4 10D ........ srrsnsensn woe 4 02. Thc, oz. $1.75 ] 3 giving Monday with many visitors, On her birthday on Saturday, Oct. 1, tie examination with a score of 70% LET US- TAKE-- CARE OF = IDAMALT no HALIBOL MALT . oe. and $1.25 - £ he from Bellegville;"camé "Mr. and Mrs. | {he marriage of Mavis Lucretia Kerry | better. : ¥ Sunday . a YOUR ENTERTAINMENT, he LT... sven T ID. 59¢. 2 Ibs: 98c. 4 lbs. $1.69 i vn, 7 A. Fisher, Mr. and -Mrs. F. FisheX and and Arthur Arnold Graham, both of | All toi: Junior Farmers: alse: cont : i y 3 . ADVERTISING and DANCE CL mM = "son, from Oshawa, Mrs. N. Richa ds Toronto, was_solemnized at Port Perry pleted the driving competition which OCTOBER 16th IN PORT PERRY _ PROBLEMS. EE | (NE SR CE Tr : <y ~and her two 'daughter S, Mr. and Mrs. United .Chureh with, the Rev. W. C. was held at the South Ontario Plowing UNITED CHURCH KEN SPEARS J. Elroy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Fisher, Mr. |Spiith officiating. The bride, who is Match at. Greenbank. Mobil d Stati Fy H. Boukley, Mr. and Mrs. M. Crouse, |s jember of the 1948 Graduating The wins Teh. Orbaris Cont Your are cordially invited to hear obile an 4 a onafy - Sound from Toronto, spent the week-end. Class of the Oshawa General Hospital, ® ae ¥| Reverend Charles Malcolni, M.A., B.D. Service, ve talent avail- : 3y bo { Pra tiet v4 Guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. R: Bent-|is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- in Josh pal, h the Provincial pay. of Whitby Tabernacle, Whitby, and able 'for Dances, Stage Shows, yg ing Competition which will be held in Parties, Etc. ley were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Clifford [jan G. Kerry, of Port.Perry, and the the. Coliscun, Eihibition: Cioneds. in Reverend J. R. Bick, B.A, of Scugog Ph P y Be J and their two daughters, Kerry and |hyidegroom:is the son of Mrs. James Toronto. oa Yirgor 19th : Pastoral Charge, speak on the World enh one ort. Perry' 286 Sharon. Miss Joan Bentley who is Graham, of South Mountain, and the 3 y : Mission.of the Church, 3 Ww : _ with the Mothercraft in Toronto spent ljate Mr. Graham. a a srogset The choir will 'provide ani ahle "THE PICK OF THEM ALL i ". the .week-end with her parents and | Baskets of maple leaves, poe and Tis der ol SAaAdInEt music under the leadership of Mrs.| , - a Raa oe : RN \ , ahd SE 3 ------ ---also-had as a guest Miss Dolores luke mixed--{all-flowers--formed--the-floral Alvin Gibson, R.2, "Uxbridge rr Dobson... Mr.. Robert Dowson,soloist. | -- It's what' you saye to-day that will St &i F 1 Po from Oslwa, decorations. The wedding music was Gordon "Beare Uxbridge _ TR Try : rrr help_determine whethér you are go- tove ue Oil, Eocene ™ fe % pe ee, fae "Ted duckaon vilited New pave] by:-Mrs.--I:-- Dobson with Mr.f-=37 = Pearson, R.2, Uxbridge = hte Bont he Bos ing to be well fixed in your old age. jer 4 ng, i rank Millman, uncle of the bride, 88 1-. cutmen Barrett, Pickering er nglishran in: om 0 t as The Payroll Savings Plan for. Canada able to obtain tickets to the big ball soloist. = : Lloyd Ball, -lxbridge {giver the count. S Sneri TE Savings Bonds makes saving easy. game between the Dodgers and Yanks | Given in marriage by her father, Don Pelletier, R.2, Uxbridge Ca: y e r . i j They saw it from Television. the bride was gowned in hlush satin. "George, Paisley R.2, Usx;bridge + rem - - ; tind Mr. and Mrs. "Fred Lewis and little [A scalloped Chantilly lace yoke and Dovg Contes, Btoo oklin Po "pe Ee ---- } son Johnie, of Toronto, were' guests.of | Jong pointed sleeves fashioned the; : 1 BE "Mr. and Mrs. E. Fines on Monday, basque bodice and the gathered skirt Norman Lyons, TE Uniriige GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS go: ~~ .RAY BIRKETT. AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 2900 PORT PERRY. ONTARIO = Tari ese sue et usta ne 0" 00 A pOSOR WE ARE Now EQUIPPED TO MAKE _ Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harrison and|fell info a short train. A headdress | Vernon Bartel, Pickering FLIER | YOUR KEYS BREE || sine ERG he 27 ati AL. Merle, of Bowmanville, and Mr. and lof satin and lace held her floot-length General Motors Car Keys % : : : -- il _=- Mrs. Ray Webster, and baby daughter, | veil and she carried a crescent shaped' : a 1935 to 1949 : Gg visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Mark bouquet of white gardenias, fuchsia| ENGAGEMENT d ; on Sunday." roses and white chrysanthemums. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Suteliffe of Utica Also Yale and all makes and Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerrow cele-| Her attendants were Miss. Eileen Types of Key. wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Evelyn Caraline, to eld Donald -Nelson, -son of .Mr._and Mrs. |}| Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tade and |Kerry, sister-in-law, and Mrs. Leonard Nelson of British Columbia... The wed- children, Toronto, spent a couple of |Clark, cousin, Also attending. the ding will talie plice at. Mr. and. Mrs. days-last-week with-Mr. and Mrs; Be: bride-as flower girls were her niece, Stewart Bray's, on Saturday, October } Balfour. - Miss (feorgia Kerry, "and her cousin, 22, at 4.00 p. m-- Mr. Ashley Smith of Ottawa, visited | Miss Lawrence Clark. All the atten- friends in" Port Perry during the week: !dants were gowned in fuchsia taffeta Mrs. Percy Hooey and son Cecil | identically styled to that of the bride, "were in London last week, visiting {but with short sleeves. Their ostrich Miss Norma Hooey whom they fouud [feather head-dresses and short: mitts in fair health. Norma wishes to say matched their gowns and their flowers ' hello to all her friends in Port Perry. |were yellow chrysanthemtms, ; - Mr. and Mrs. Archie Farmer and| The best man was Mg John Keys, ; _. family. spent Thanksgiving week-end of Toronto, and the ushers were Mr. 0 . with Mrs. Farmer's parents, Mr. and [Harold "Kerry, brother of the bride,| Rh ~ Mrs. F. Like, of Welland. and Mr, Lloyd Graham, brother of the We all were pleased to see our old bridegroom. friend Rev. T. A. Nind, former Rector | For the_reception-held at the Sebert ~ of Church of the Ascension, who came House, Port Ferry, the bride's mother up from Port Hope to attend the In-| woré chartreuse crepe with a corsage duction. 'Service of Mr. Coneybeare. |of white and yellow chrysanthemums. When the congregation adjourned to |The bridegroom's mothér was in blue the Parish Hall, after the tergmony, crepe.. Pink and white chrysanthe- he was besieged by members anxious mums comprised her corsage. Both -- IN -- . to again grasp his hand. Someone re- wore black accessories. 4% GE marked he was getting more atten-' Pink and white éandles and chrysan- : of [EE tion than the Bishop. themums flanked the three-tier wed- i : -- -- | GENERATORS, STARTER and i lth fm, as Td tie) ce tas wh} Te ee | ELECTRICAL Repairs on al] - out-of-town attending the Induction table. Following the reception the Builders Supplies makes of cars, GENERAL of Rev, John Coneybeare, at the guests were entertained at the home Church of the Ascension, were: Rt. of the bride's parents where the wed- G ¢ iarage Work, Welding, . DONNACONA--Insulating- Wallboard aod § ; Towing, Etc, 8 3 ' oe Rev. and Mrs. A. R. Beverley, Bishop "ding and shower gifts were on display, of Toronto; Rey. Ramsey Armitage, For the wedding trip to northern DONNACONA HARDBOARD, Tempered and Untempered. : ' MODERNITE i : FIR PLYWOOD § An Work Guaranteed ER a. TN M Canon and Mrs, F. H, Wilkinson, Dr. points, * the bride. chose a pink 'wool B W. Horan, Rev. and Mrs, E. 0. 'suit with navy blue accessories and |B AMERICAN CEMENT. HARDWALL PLASTER } REESOR! FUEL & LUMBER \ "Manchester Garage . MANCHESTER Y PHONES 83w & 320,22" brate their 53rd wedding anniversary Carson, Classmate of the bride, who "on Friday, October 14th, was: _maid-of-honour, Mrs. George We are using Briggs & Straton : ~ latest equipment... aia Archer Motor Sales = INSUL-BRIC SIDING 1 memes | LJ Parts Department "PORT PERRY ONTARIO : Ie $12. 95IPER. 100 SQ.FT. TE Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited "SOMETHING NEW |[|§ *-PORT FERRY | _ Phone 240 A full line of FROSTED FOOD products and - fresh Frozen FISH, and OYSTERS. g + @ tt» i, LA Ly . ETE Featuring this Week, York Fancy . GREEN BABY "LIME BEANS, ~ 29¢, package. je Specialize oH LE . +. Bonis," Rev. Chote, Rev, and Mrs, Jas. South Mountain, Brinston, Toronto, Hooton, Rev. and Mrs. Earl Sigston, Beéamasvifle and Brooklin, Also among Twigs, Rev, and Mrs. Wm. Prior, Rev. a corsage of white gardenia: «J. 8: Cunningham, Rev. R. Stackhouse, | Mr. and Mrs, Graham will reside in - Rev. and Mrs. G. W, B, Wheeler, Rev, Toronto. 'Rev. and Mrs, J. McKibbon, Rev, Clif- ,the guests were the grandparents of : ford Smith, Rev. Mr. Nind; Dr. and 'the bride, Mr. and Mrs, P. Holmes, | all | 8 PORT PERRY « PHONE 73w A Mrs, Hn. MarDonald, Oshawa; Donald hi have been married for 62 goats; ------ GE SS 9080800008000 c00m00 : and Mrs. A, Forte, Rev, and Mrs. R. R.| Guests. were present from Oshawa,