: * . ' % od E . 14 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13th, 1949 an SN -------- TT TE Tr---- . m--T ¥ adh EE ---------------------- ---- ibaa No | SHIRLEY Por Per, Ont [a | Lakeview Theatre, r . Se . ; Mr. Chis Wilson is at his son's Two Shows Nightly--7 ad 9». Siturdey Matines at 2 pm. 22 + [hom after his illiess at: 'Oshawa Hos- ES SES : pink ort of Beni Ti : THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCT. 13-14-15 Ss H i or . A number. of. friends attende e "Wb ; ', SEI a with the ----t - « McLaughlin-Toms wedding ate the ' Gregory | eck, » Claude Jarman, Jr, Jane 'Wyman -- ' : 2 Lan Blackstock United Church on Satuy- EAE SPRY ny 7 2 t Teco fa) sw 4 3 : : [<] [ rr) : L To ; = #58 PY oh "day afternooh, Mr, and Mrs. Fred 3d > n he Truly Grea ior 8 ih or . 'a Ny ; } rn 4 Bs HARLIN Sor ARH] 2 : {Toms and Jéan, Mr, and Mrs, Courtney SHE "THE YEARLING wierd ; So. a 9 i A ; gd BANC al" : 1 ; 3 Graham, Joyee and 'Harvey, and Miss ; Feature starts-at-6:60-pm--and-9-pm. oi } t ! : = TREY S\N: 4 ; -- PRT Jean Giffen weré guests. All wish [48 - gti W = J : wv them much happiness. i TTR ; MONDAY, TUESDAY, EDNESDAY, OCT. 17 18°19 . L . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coates wore |# ZA * Glenn Ford with Nina Foch ! -Head Engine . [with Mr. and Mrs. James, Strong at 3: Tay . In the Tense ard Thrillipg Drama -- oo % Purple Hill, on Sunday, tw i §52% oT RC MAN? 2 Miss Helen Duff; Toronto, was with | 5 THE: UNDE OVER: : A PART OF. DODGE | tt ~~ COMEDY, ETC. her parents, over: 'the holiday' week- 3 [end. . ye ith: claim Co ---- I'he sympathy of the community is : pas fee ~ DEP EN DABI ABILITY pat of 'the late Mrs. se sss-------------- Br Ta vail spent. her gir s. here y YOU SAVE MONEY every mile you drive with attended Shirléy school. . fr Lumber €0 ; a the Dodge simple- design L-Head engine. Royy Slute, of Raglan, "and Sinclair | - + 1 anf, i There. are fewer moving parts to wear. Oil . : Robertson, spent Stinday with Lén. and =~ 3 IER i! > Cleaners filter, floating oil intake, and air cleaners > = LHEAD OPERATION is Ei WEATHERPROOF IGN : Robert Duff, Gyproc, Insulation : ACT a : ne keep carbon and dirt from moving parts to b 3 quicter, as all moving TION SYSTEM gives a "Mr. L. Fenton gnd Vernon Shiv a WHITBY. ONT reduce wear. Such "extra" features as four <. parts are inside the block, Maximum progecting @ the week-end with the former's par- Ten Test ! ; my ih rings per piston, full length water jackets, 2 Fewer pagts to wear ar agar aid dieier : 4 ents at Grafton, - : : Gabe eT Hie "a ~ lightweight alloy - pistons and alloy exhaust yo york ae hssure longer operation. Distributor has Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robrtson and Plywood Flooring Let us take care of .your cleaning "valve seat inserts, result in savings on gas, CE ie ont ¢ stanstpcuon 2 how Sash Prout ap, vo family were visiting with Mr. andf ied AES hdr = . problems. - " oil, and repairs. ; : ' has a: 10.000 ro _| Mrs. S. Robertson; Fort Perry, on Custom Work Over 36 years experience at your Other leading features of the economical - : FLOATING POWER is the Suppressor which lows a Ll {Sunday. : SAMI YY MLA . "disposal; 5 ar " ® N wider spark gap setting for = veg. I fT I ! Sry . I a: .* 7 g: TE Dun see explained I oh. hime Aven gh ihe hy and low-speed {Tre --- ; = TRY -- We will be pleased to call at your u any other wi dge d . ; scientific Dodge-meth performance. - : ) RAE SOR } . --door any-Tuesday-or Satur=_. see] | RE vost iu oh BL rn on 5 our lanie gro PRINCE ALBERT Uxbridg e Planing| i" . ci You could pay. much more, and stgl not Vib on Brot tans i ed The choke enriches the _ ! bs / . ~ ek : FEA oF Dodge roominess, beauty and SNA SD ae il by Basics sant Mr. George Brown and Mr. Robert Mi l Four Day Delivery Service. i : ruggedness. Test for yourself the 'generous 0 smooth, quictoperationand air drawn through the ~ fan } Brown; of North Dakota, and Mr. and| 1 Jia i 12 ; a, : * a head, leg, wand clbow room. Compare. the cd long car fife. carburetor during warm- = . Mrs. Glenn Eastwood, of Greenwood, UX RID ONT PHONE '325 PORT PERRY. : "outlook" through the high, wide, wind- Bie Pu SL Ll provide etsy searing called on _the former's cousin, Mrs.| a8 GE, - ; . a4 TERMINAL GRILL i = shield. Note how easy it is to getin and out. | Plein ALR CLEANER "tions. Saves fuel by pre. Ruyiior oho day 106 Weel» - LL a TTT ET ETT =_-- Try out the new Dodge on the road and ~~ © = Ailters the air before it venting too rich an operat- Mr. and Mrs. W. Edwards, former - : -- ~ } discover for yourself i: hing. perfor- : ¥ wares he i By ing mixcure. . residents of this village, and Mr. and | y= Z<es1 > Tee fe Sune Sade a - { ceping dust out of theen- W, 3 O 1 mance, driving ease, safety, and riding | SURES ete op up aveon cusom JR | Orville Edvards and chitdrn, of | § «SHOP AT 'ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" 1 smoothness. he : wo and lengthens engine life. Dodge models lets you 3 Toronto, were in the village on Sun- . ) 4 drive, relaxed, in- high gear q -- 1 : 5 THE NEWEST AND S ARTEST : No matter w hich + way you look at it, your yi . i . most of the time. It is par- - Hayy ioe 0 Z : IN THE TE Een 0 y ' dollars will go further with Dodge . and .} OIL FILTER of micronic ticularly ie ye oy Mrs. W. Ecclestone"and sister Mrs. : LA $ LS ' : 'pe, filters even the - Pavement, ice or mud, a LE 0. Wilite, of Toronto, spent a. couple . Li : so will you. : ype, Sil lowing smooth t f f } : COATS, SUITS, D ES SES, | : : : . : 4 : smallest particles of carbon + 5 ny erD of days last week with their cousins : : SE : = i ) :. . : power withoutsealling. The < y A 3 » 4 y ) : Cy £ 5 28 iy out'of the pit: andso Cus om Dodge is still the Mrs. McKerihen and Mrs. Luke. ; ) 'GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ; A . : ces wear on bearings lowest-priced car -in Can- J .M "M A. Harper spent : A OR Mr. and Mrs. arper . spel . EER i and cylinder walls for long, ada with Fluid Drive as . : : ! CHECK THESE "EXTRA" FEATURES WHICH ARE Ig 5 trouble-free engine life. standard equipment. EN i Thanksgiving Day at the home of their i ARDLEY Rous, Ye *" STANDARD EQUIPMENT ON THE NEW DODGE. Co == Se - toa erat eo. |sister Mrs. G . Plaunt and" Mr. Plaunt ! Automatic electric choke; Automatic ignition ; - and baby Douglas, * : 1 --d91- 3- 3-5 DANFORTH. AVE. -near.. 1, Phone GE. 1575 - ---- key starting; Aluminum -aHoy pistons; Four foo oy : wh ~Mr, and Mrs. H. Collins vigited in : Pon : TORONTO, 0 ia Ci : : rings per piston; low pressure fires; Chain. Bib 22 sts Toronto and Woodstock over the week- Tle Se ; : ~ L , camshaft diive; Oil bath air cleaner; Oil filter; | Eo i = Floating oil intake; Hotchkiss drive; Safety- - fr or ed. - Rim wheels; Floating Power engine mounting; 3 The Mothers'. Auxiliary of 'the Boy _Chair-height seats; Full-width y hatroties vents, pe: Scouts, hope for a good attendance at . "hai their euchre party on Friday night. CERT - J "|The proceeds in aid of the Cubs--a | -- ri trans Beers ~~ = |very worth-while cause. - L ! ee mtn er ri. --_-- Z : | . HYDRO -- DEVELOPMENTS i TREE : % a . SR | ESR hp =~ JR. Ni INCREASE iH : i 5 . afl] s en . ; p---- | ; ----\ fa . : = dl \& GH a Construction of hydro-electric de- w > = AE i RG ON Eh LR To es 4 AP 35 sc mg 4 A =a . p Te - Tvelopments throughout Canada went h a : '| forward vigorously during 1948 ac- | eb 3 1} < cording to Dominion Water and Power ; §f - - Port Peery Coal ol 'Iee Co. : jo |Bureau. Installed capacity was in- ; : ! creased by 440 ,095 h.p. The annual | E z " ' PHONE. 289. : : pre-war average increase was .about FUE - ! : \ : 400,000 hp. Ie : ml SLL aia Wt 2 . id wy? - -- toa x y, rs SE rd Maman FS LIAS SEAS . : : ef N : - OSHAWA HOSPITAL AWARDED b - 2 = . - | : Cop YRRANWA DUO IIALL AWA - ef B | : ee eer ere eee ff ree ert rian ; TF 7 iF A bronze plaque has been awarded 2 = B y "IR 52 Y ; . PI Wo) Ca to Oshawa General Hospital for pro- : . : i : } rth «on : -| ducing the best annual report issued | 3 : : ; STR NSA SU SSP SAS EA by Canadian and United States hos- ~~ | J ERR : TTY : - 3 Ditals of less than 200 beds. 4 a : : Mary Bourne, superintendent, and - = - 'William' Holland, business 'manager, -» 4 received the award at a special cere- mony- during the annual convention of thie. American Hospital Association in . Cleveland. The award is made by the ; gH magazine Hospital Management, > |B | oT -------- | ...| GERALD B, THOMPSON hE D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic 5 5 X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE : 7? "1185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA" i Office Hours 9 to 5 Phone 2927 | ; Evenings by Appointment : f ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED = = | 5 "SEPTEMBER 30th, 1949 Sg . "| The Assessment Roll of the Town- . |ship_-of Reach for 1949, upon which ul the taxes for 1950 will be levied, has cl been returned to me; and any appeals ES ER against the assessment therein must be made to me in writing on or before October 14th, 2049, . " 'GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk. GIVES You, MORE FOR YOUR GASOLINE DOLLAR! i, © | Manchester, oct. 6, 1040 sd :: . _ a . - Rr. NO OTHER GASOLINE CAN EXCEL DYNAFUEL'S wr TT Ge NOTICE = ~~ {i : 1. Long Mileage © 3. Fast Acceleration ~~. Re ; es" Fl ROI : j '| ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNED i : 2. High Knockless Power 4. Quick Starts ~~ dit ESE Fenutey dors hei: SEPTEMBER 30, 1949, ~ ' 3 fuel wien'09C0 Dyna! f ! *| The Assessment Roll 'of the Cor. - ~~ : line,' Other hes ; ; r make ve JO GALLON Tes Tw tong wate J poration hr tee Pwo, - DYNAFUEL IN YOUR CAR TODAY... n Sh C0 taxes fo) 5950 wil be levied, has'been > ; Felumet to me, and assessment notices - : 3 i Youu NEVER GO BACK TO ORDINARY GASOLINE! J have bn dlivaed fo ech property sessments therein must be made to me 10 GALLONS OF SUNOCO DYNAFUEL WILL CONVINCE pe Be 2, JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk patos Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1949. octld