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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Nov 1949, p. 2

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< B r : : "i. 4 T& ; ! ! dt g git f . ed Now Light CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING | We Gave Our Floors On The Bible » That New Look i : Rp. TT Avearelil-survey-okold, old; worn, | 'The ancient Hebrew serolls--lound AGENTS WANTED BUSINESS opFoRTUNITIES |. mba wanten -unsttractive floors led "us to the = by accident, in a cave: in Trans- |f EVENT district there is & Ko-etier | AN OFFER to every Inventor--List of ave BECOME 78 nosraphers ABC Shorlnd : | - A ion: Th with & keen sense of selling, He may be tions and full information sent free. makes 0ssible through hmme-study ree "a : ; Q possible conclusion: They had jordan--possibly date, in the opin. selling fencing, ors fertilizer, or anv number | Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys; 278 | folder illustrates Cagsan Systems, Toronto. | f Technicians needed for Art\icial Inseminalion.' lon of experts, from the second |33" }F *" OE PH king for thet man. We |Bank Street, Ottawa. century before Christ, - Professor still have some good territories open to the = A for each county: Training Sthool. will be held Plenderleith, keeper of the research right man. We want him to handle our line DYEING AND CLEANING ._ {in December. Apply immediately to Ross 4 labo of he British M of high quality farm equipment. Our prices | GAVE TOU anythibg needs dyeing or clean Butler, 334 Norwich Avenue, Woodstock, Ont, - ratory of the Britis useum, are right. Our discounts are good If you are ng? Write to us for Information We are | oi or woman (0 assiét with" housework in describes the work he is doing on [that man, we would appreciate learlng from | glad to answer your questions. Department [Goo "yoive children. Two. miles froma : 'A you." Send - your name, address,. telephone | H Parkers Dye Works Limited 19) Yonge Tillsonburg. $35.00 :per month, J. A.. McCabe," : ' some of the fragments. in "London number, your nearest place of business and | Street. Toronto. Untario Tillsonburg: & ¢ *e : J : « LE ; . Ld 5 £ Ye redone. After seeing several, v3 Vita-b y= 4nd getting their estj- Monarch ade another decision: Sherriff's 40 it ourselves, writes Tea Bisk, laiith, in The Iowa Clark's Pork a Fodor My ong = FEE a : need refinishin Calling." ? * | your location from that place to Box. 680, 8 Libby's Spaghet.! is Ns E.,.. ih oa ~~ | Heeler, Ontario. * : FOR BALE SNE. T MEDICAL ¥, : AH Tf OF na 2 : S55 EE y f lo, cal | WANTED = Every sufferersof Rheumatic. Pais e Ea Crt lid. Refuish This would seem to be the most |. LLL LL Cr, le oe ier | or sarin to irs. laos, emedy. Munro's y - York Peanut Butleaing a few outstanding discovery of Biblical. |DPEALERS 'wanted 10 take Jrderd for Shickd 111 Church: Street: Torento :- . "| Drug Store, +335 Elgin, Qttawa Postpald $100, "+. Bs 3 a , 0 ri H = 1 for one of Canada's oldest established BOV- | ---- Fr -- r= ro REE -- J 3 B. : i + -n Allsweet Margarin. ean do the - manuscripts eves made. The whole | or on Oo atehor dn Ttaswleigh. Wak. RAW FURS--HORSE-HAIR™ ~ | PEP UF=Take C.C. & 5. HER S Tablets 07 : ? I | Margene Margarine of the Book of Isaiah -- a stroll. |kisk ed Suisery satainen toed men. lapies| HIGHEST Marker prices vad al wll ties. [4007000 01, 00 ds drugpiate.. oc 0 oor V0 : . + . J y + ment dealers and farmers make excellent | ° Prompt cash remittances > : NGF PTV Bg FAP f af CE ny tof 'wood. seven yards long; a considerable | et Ae or a ee. 1 23.-isth St. | tion, "Fins: and trappers": supphes. Write {or | FRUIT JUICES: The principal {ggredients in enint IB u FRESH hen grain? fragment of 'another Isaiah; a ¢om-. | New Toronto. - , a prices list and trappers' supply catalogue. Dixon's: Remedy for' Rheumatic Pains, Neu. : : { ents wh i : : ot; Sydney 1° Robinson Fur Company, 377 Rupert | ritis." Munro's Drug Store. 336 'Bigin. Ottawa. n WE DELIVER sod a . Diehiary on Habbakuk; a selection | pULLETS 16 weeks to laying, ~ Pure breads | Ave: Winninex, Man. gf Bhindi Fh Mahdi llag i "ed. ac oi the Psalms; several' sections of and cross breeds. Free catalogue. Tweddle | --g- : Fe RT gel > ge: i = lis 5 - hic 'heries ~ 3 eri 1 'hain Saws, new, two-men---3$376:00¢|- : $ hy ) ~ method. 'the Apocrypha, as. well 'as some - Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontarlo. Hornet, Cla n Awa, oy oe Te 167001 : POST'S ECZEMA SALVE one-man---3$225.00 -Horoet ales, . h BROILERS and. Fall chicks: We have the Street, Toronto. - ' Banish the torment of dry éczema rashes . a ~ y ® ore y J other documents of the ® greatest Te Rd I Se I ine 1 Totonio : ; i 5. | ana" weeping akin troubles. Post's "Eczema historical interest -- all of these chicks and turkess poults for 1950 delivery. | FOR SALD=-yus Bipot Business, ve Ho Salve will not disappoint you, ; : ol] 3 " 1 : > catalogue. Tweddle Chick . Hatcheries ern homes, Immediate pogsessio Itching, scaling, burning eczema, ache, ring- were found stored m scaled Jars 1m Pree sarhlopie. Jie Mek bidder, Norman Sanderson, Seaforth, Ont, worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will réspond a cave in the hills near Jericho. ES . FOR FAMILY FISH prices and cooking re- | readily to this stainless, odorless 'ointment, Archaeologists have now exam- [FILL UP your pens now with choice laying | ¢ipes, write McCavour's Fish, St, John, | regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they 2 " I MER» old oak "nn % 4 rough and - : "anded. 'This mmm WW EiRing machine. « agree that the manuscripts are gen- be Wf or 1950 chicks and turkey poults. | . 10X28, $28; 10x38, $38. Quick delivery. . wmne, possibly dating back to the Free catalogue, Top Notch® Chick Sales, Gerard Daragon, Thurso, Que. Phone 603R2, second century before Christ. It Guelph, Ontario. ) ' is an incredible picce of good for- | = --tune that, after --2,000- years; the - # thaji a thumb nail, and in wads of |Street, New Torento, finest of -the scrolls are in such good '|: 10 or 12 layers, sticking together. |[$6500.00--60 Acres, 15 miles from Oshawa, iy 8-room' frame house, all. modern conveni- y i wood filler in ied the J - ils. "and and ready to lay pullets 'We have a good | Np . seem, . Up Jdnec ars and 1e scrolls, "an cholce of pure breeds and cross breeds. Day |, % 3 - - TY . PRICE $1.00 PER JAR M 2 Fall delivery.. Also booking TRACTOR CHAINS, all sizes, avallable. Bx.: Fent Post Free on Recepit of Price $IISILLLLLLILLILLLLILLILLLHnted to taste. ' : ;eady prepared or If bought ready P wections on can. with a" paint brush, =r wer an_old soft rag. But n't spread ona larger spacs than POST'S REMEDIES 889 Queen St E., Corner of Logan - Toronto ork: -« The MINNEAPOLIS-MOUINE Pick-up Baler, auto- "matic wire tie, Wisconsin engine, brand : * L090, . ys -Elghteent ER JEN 3240000, Ris Roc, 124 rd OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN "AND WOMEN BE 'A HA1RDRESSEK SOIN CANADA'S LEADING 8CHOOL pe Now why Is this find so very im- brittle, so_much so that they can- ' | JTS CHALMERS t Model 'C, on portant? - As we know, the Bible th BT es : not stand the most delicate manipu- steel. Has been recently overhauled, Me- | J eon be worked in 10 or 15 minutes, condition -that all have been un- It is my job to separate these lay- | °% . : . ¥ Th: J , hip roof barn, water on tap, electric Great Opportunity Learn a the Aller sets quickly when en- rolled without mishap. This, 1 ers. Thigy may sound easy, but |grinder, other bulldings, spy orchard, nice Halrdresains posed to alr. "0 . : " " ' o -- NB understand, is in.no small measure | after so lang in the arid climate of -| trout Seam. Immediate possession, Flsmar Jabined Coolest, w00 wages After lying the filles, scatter xh -- SEAL due to- the protection of the jars, Palestiné, the pieces are dry "and b t C , 'America's greatest system Illustrated esta app 1 Not A Diop. To Drink--Dr, George Klotzbaugh holds a "dry © P y is BOND ST. Wu. OSHAWA logue (res. Write or Call- Swwdyst on 4 and su 1 worl, Reb path of a radar beam at the Westinghouse bidet wid bard with 4 pris of the hands, always rub aoross ¢ grain, until bOVE of the fller Js rubbed off. Then sweep 'sawdust and elean away re ecke by wiping with burlap. Continue over entire floor. ' As soon se the fller has been: applied, dispose of rags, sawdust end any other items saturated with flier, to avoid eombustion,, ---Let filler dry for 24 hours. Then sweep the 'floor earefully four or five times. Next, wipes it carefully ¢ make-belleve drops, made from- a plastic . re, have the identical electrical behavior of real rain, drops and sensitive measuring instruments, scien- ean determine the effect of rain, sleet and snow on ultra- . shortwave radar, the kind need by military planes. has 'been handed down to us from texts copied and recopied many times. Two of the principal sources are the Hebrew text of the ninth century A.D, called the Massoretic text, and the Greek Sepfuagint, translated from the Hebrew about the third century B.C. The newly discovered documents are actually 1,000 years earlier than the Mas- soretic "text, and must be almost contemporary - witlr the Hebrew writings from. which the Greek Septuagint was derived. lation without fracture.' "We know that in its natural con- dition, parchment is soft and pli- able because it contains moisture, _but- when old and dry it becomes: brittle. If we can restore moisture to brittle parchment it again be comes- pliable. The obvious way to do, this might seem to be to soak the parchment with water, but this "would convert it into glue; parch- ment, when wetted, however lightly, gelatinises on the surface. There is Cormick-Deering 10-20; rear wheels on steel and front on rubber. These tractors are price to well this fall. Borthwick Bros., Galt. 160 ACRES, Bruce County, Huron Township. - Good buildings, 2 houses, L barn, drive shed, hen house, plg pens, Hydro. pressure system complete, steel stables, litter carrler, 838 Bloor Bt. W ..loronte ches. 4¢ King Bt, Hamilten & 73 Rideav Street, Ottawa: Songwriters, mend poems, songs, for exe amination and advice by professifal com- poser-arranger.- Free publishers list. No -ob- ligation. Loth Studios,- 343 Wset 7Ind, AB, New York City. silo, rods, tiled, plowing done. Church, y cheese factory, highway, possession, informa- tion. Russell - Osborne, - Rockwood 8, Ont. 132 Ring 21. ° : : . BELL TOYS and novelties from manufacturer, Attractive proposition. Information write Star Novelty Co., 3773 Ontario E.,' Montreal. TOWN, highway, new modern garage, at- . tached restaurant, both fully equipped, air conditioned, - oll furnace. Dwelling has full bath, oll furnace--$20,000. Ill health causes sale. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, Ontarlo, | PIGATONA 'worms your pigs with one days feeding. Just mix- it In the feed. At your PATENTS Err STONHAUGH & Company Pateal Bolicitors Established 1890. 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. 3 - REPAIR ; RONBON Lighters repaired. Prompt service. great danger in using too much (dealers or mailed postpaid for 76 cents. | Send 'to W. N. Wels, Box 249, Durham, but quickly with painter's maphtha., p : Then cover with' a coat of good Scholars: are Pepsin , and water, However, in the Taboratory [Northwest Poultry Tonics Ltd., Arkona, Oats Ontarlo. - g rade clear varnish, thinned 10 per | comparing texts, and already .we are we have experience of old parch- |FOR SALE--200 pullets, White horn, - _BTAMPSB ps 7 - told that there is very lit{le change ment and A le piece of an Re ore oa dition. Marian | FTCTORIAL Liberia Triangles, complete set 3 a simple piece of appar epeckl, Rosethorne Road, Islington P.O. of six attractive stamps No. 271-76 only 1be _ cent. with turpentine. Let dry M4 hours, ¥ : "--Sand-with-No--0 flint- sandpaper. {= = = =~ ____e- Sweep four or five times, then wipe ou with painter's naphtha. Apply an- ether coat of varnish, just as it comes from the can. Let-it dry 24 |. hours. Wax. > = If the old floor is of close-grain wood, eliminate the- filler process. Sand with sanding machine, clean + and proceed with the varnishing, - to record; the Bible has been tran- afus for-a job of this kind. Doors--Combination--thicknesa 1 8/5', Panel | with approvals. Murray's Stamps, 134 Win- scribed for us down through the . a v . > at thickness 1 3/8', Standard sizes. Bullders | ston, Hamilton, Ontario. .- oan f--The parchment js placed on a [or retailers only.. 'Genuine Breton Housewares * : . Ironng Boards--Bake Boards, etc. Retailers WANTED fdr Sioth th h PEST EE ages with astonishing Arca support, in a glass vessel. In the : aie ,. ignorance_or some other as at labt-appeared on the basket- tribute to the strictness and fidelity b of } ol i ol . only: Hockey Sticks--Junior and Senior. Re- | FARM wanted to rent. 60.to 76 acres. Hydro, ase of the vessel 18 a glycerine- |iaiiers only. Prices direct from mills. D | - Fajr Bulldings, would "buy - implements, of the seven deadly vices caused us ball scene a player who must be of generation i a vere ii 10" al the! Toni abont X oraclis dreahl, 22 2 Joye of , devoled ashes water mixture, which has the effect -|McKenna, 2770 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont. - Horegrawn), ww Otter, 633 Arlington sumber of tie games played so faf * * » : be understood that every scrap is Of: keeping he alr in the siosed R aT jill lanting! -- il - in the National Hockey Leéague as: He is a gentleman of color, Ray of the utmost value; not a word" vessel at a predetermined humidity. . Chinese Elm Hedgo--17 Tian gy 20 ae 3 just double the quantity of these. Harris by name, and he measurés must be-lost. After the main scrolls In time, the parchment absorbs the .|high when ahipped--will grow 3 feet the firet A mutuel ticket seller at a- Néw no-deeision affairs that had actually a mere s¢ven feet seven inches in had been removed, the cave was moisture from, fhe, humid air, and | Jesrsie Plows for $E08-aulieion fo 8 | Jusey vase hack wes. stuck with feet. Glant Exhibition Flowering Paeonies in ; i taken place. In other words, we height. (The dispatch didn't say if | visited and searched by Mr. Lanke- ol. " ering Pascniy three $5 tickets he punched acci- PORT, after two hours, the specimens have colour . 4 2 8 red, white or pink- -- 8 for $1.89. hE again. become pliable, without - | Brookdale-Kingsway : Nurseries, Bowmanville, | "dentally. He collected $500 in win- "using the 10 per cent. reduced var- added up the number appearing in | that's In his stocking feet or bare- ster Harding, the 'curator. of -an- 1 3 Ontarlo. ; : or he ron coat. . the league standings, and then neg- foot, but possibly that doesn't mat- tiques of Transjordan, He gleaned shange: n Ropearsnse, It is now FPR Tow ricer on Piibine Firtores. nings, : Allow to dry 24 hours." Sand lected to divide by two. ter." If 'you Il" take the trouble -- every fragment left in the cave, Poss exposing. fs ie es, rie Radlators, Jol 'pipe and fittings, | - -- oo] with No. 0 flint paper. Apply the |.. " 4 Wits vy | and a yardstick -- to measure seven from the floor and from the jars, neh po Be it of wry 2 Ranks, Frito for ree Phe Lint; second coat just as it comes from 'We hasten to express our humble feet sevgn inches on the nearest and it js these gleanings that hé "e 3 iy we proceeds, fous. |Matida St. 8. Dundas. ent. Psi loge. for 3. Conran | tenhont pow, ol hve weer | Droste me ak he enn | Tower, Thee "wae vows [i gt A . -8no porting | - the can. Allow to dry 24 hours. "Wax. < If the wood of an old floor is in . good condition, 'but the varnish is worn and spatty, the old varnish -we know what we mean)-- with__| idea of just. what a picture Mr, seum for examination and treat | : : : the hope that no great harm has Harris must make when he looms ment. FE : ~of the wads, ~holding the leaves - hii Ba Br SN TIL 4 rou an been done to QUOTE the world's up on a basketball court. * The manuscripts, I find, are com- together, was a black substance like | supply. Write for photo and description. Money uf : . * ' A pitch. It was not 'pitch, but was [refunded if not satisfactory. SCOPE SALES fasteat sport UNQUOTE, " ; posed of parchment, that is, animal actually pn localized. decompositio CO., 326 Queen 8t., Ottawa, Ont. probably swill have to be removed. } * « . - Harris, who is presently perform- | skin prepared for writing---in' this of yh. to EL id Get a- good varnish remover, apply But our regret for the boner by Jog with & Negro professional team, case, probably goat skin. The ink decomposition © beyond hy with an old paint brush, and then mo means weakens our long-held can sink the apple for a couple of | is a carbon ink, the most perma- This glue absorbed wdve th its scrape with a putty knife. : belief that games were meant to be | Points merely by reaching up as he | nent kind of ink, traditionally | share of moisture in the h midif : After the floor has dried for 24 played to a decision,.and that when rung bast the basket, not even hav- made from a mixture of soot and and became like black ct id Zoe -- "No, what?" hours, sand with 'No. 1 flint -sand- no efforts are made to break a dead- Ing to go to the bother of jumping. gum. The Hebrew writing is black threatened to spread over pi Chloe -- "When we went to- the paper. Sweep four or five times; look--well, it may "be good box- But great. as his scoring ~ ability and as- legible today as it would " & 1 c ! . hi : fragments and obliterate the writ- party, 'he told me I looked lke a "wipe up with painter's naphtha. office, but it eertainly isn't sport. must be, it is on the defense that have been 2,000 years ago; but the . i illi ¢ 1" B 3 : y he is most impressive. fragments from the "floor of the Vg. It. had tp be hardened again, | ™ ion doliars after Sones » and quickly. + Meany -- Ohloe -- "Tom is just ~ hateful sometiniés. Do you. know what he said?" : a. lf of closed grain wood, sand, Also, we still contend that if the x . i ed by the | ; Jr clean and proceed with varnishing. well-paid gladiators understood that, 4 cave, not protected by the jars, are What was I to do? 'I- i ; 1f of open grain wood, it is always in case of a deadlock, they would. We have often wondered how it | .Im a sorry condition. - piece into a hs oa Pi Some of the pieces are no bigger |- that this worked. --Soon, the black --|--{|--- SF bst lidified and 1 : © WUAT LVEDV stickiness: it it os Hh bly WHAT EVERY : Middle-Aged Woman with the aid of a scalpel, to slip it +h : SHOULD KNOW! away froni--the text, and so sepa- 'fate the leaves entirely, -so--that-- they eould be Mounted between en tears come too easily . . . necessary to apply paste wood filler have to play to a_sudden-death fin- would be in-hockey if a goal tender to get a smooth finish. Then apply -| ish or else that neither team would ever appeared so. broad and hefty. the varnish, i i a point in the standing, the pub- that he completely filled the space. of ek tn Lk rt 2 If 'the varnish is only- slightly would see quite a different brand | between the posts, making it im-. Pode that is practically the situa- worn, wash the floor with a wash- hockey, especially during the possible to jam the puck past hm. n rival basketball teams. are con- Ing compound used especially to of 'eat | (And the way some of the goalies | fronted with when Ray Harris js wash floors to remove wax. : pile on the padding and tack these |. by 24 Jetense. He simply stands It is necessary to remove ev days, that is by no means the pipe ¢ basket and taps away oppo- bit of wax, or the varnish will od dream it might have been a few ants' shots as they eoms, making i on or d very slowly and will have a ten Iay-ups" impossible. Now they're years ago.) it TE A : saying that if Harrls gets into the | Patience toread the many fragrents ours | Quicy COMFopy, | And the ~~--___" | final- ten minutes or so of a great many games. * . 0» * Those who have watohed the de- velopment and Increasing popularity ency to chip, leaving unsi of basketball, > | - ev AR Oe abn Boy 2. ay aa Your ly som: Padvéttal "tig time" he may force wore ls rein: ere wil ee en you get upset. or panicky ey AT od : sbeohitely dry, sand with No. 3 | Canadian, of resent years have been . --a-rev sion in the rules, the satisfaction of knowing that all --|---- bit unexpected . . . when | There's one thing for the headache = ~~ J --t flint sandpaper. Sweep well. Then viewing with alarm = the growing : BE TE of the remaining script h ou feel "all in" and just a i... » the muscular aches and pains ii Ki 1 g pt has been undle of nerves . . . these may " that often accompany a cold . . INSTANTINE. INSTANTINE brings really fast relief from pain and the relief is prolonged! _ : "So get INSTANTINE and get quick comfort. INSTANTINE is compounded like a doctors prescription of three proven 'medical ingredients. You ¢an ~ - depend on its fast action in getting relief from every day aches and pains, ° headache, rheumatic pain," for neu- ritic or neuralgic . : ) saved. wipe quickly but. thoroughly with paintér's naphtha: Next-apply varnish. One coat, Just as it comes from the can, will probably be sufficient unless the "old varnish is too badly worn, If 8 second coat is needed, thin the race Ja not always to the swift, mor first coat with turpentine, allow to the battle to the strong"; but, as y 24 hours, and sand with No. 0 an old-time. gambler once said, int sandpaper; then apply second you'll need a very healthy bankrofl cont as it comes from ean. to bet. the other way. And in ne--- meri meee other sport, not even football, has tendency of coaches to search-the highways and byways for players showing at least a trace of giraffe In their ancestry. » signs. of bodily {changes which every wonian must' undergo in her middle years. But don't be alarmed! Many women pass through this period serenely --by using common sense and taking good care of themselves. Extra sleep, plenty ~-- |" of fresh air and wholesome food are sound rules, And you'll also' find a good tonic, such as Dr. Chasé's Nerve Food, is most Mowever, what with winter eom- lng on, we can think of a lot of other things better worth worrying about, such as the price of coal, ° elothes, alcohol-- for the car ra- Jiniors atutaliy= aloes 4} caetera, -|-/- Basketball is just one of several major sports in which eoaches and managers 'have come to think that their own personal pecords and reputations are of far more Im- * * According to the Good Book "the helpful in building up your - ar Diplomat ---Bob.-- "You | the "good blg-man" such an over- |. _ portance than pleasing the eustom- | vitality and restoring a brighter pain. . n enry ho ongs in the diplo- Whelming advantage over his just ors. One of these days a movement ----outlook on-life; lS T matic servige?" . as good but smaller adversary. will start aimed at giving games For over 50.years, Canadian - Get Instantine today Rob -- "Well, just' consider--hd LE back to those who play them. 'women have relied on Dr. and always §usuaded his wife she she would These profound remarks are ; ; * : Chasse Nerve Food to help z hen nay W ok too fat in a tur coat." ocoasioned by tlie news that there . nerves and. h ony towards, Ean . --- ARR I AAA Mental Cruelty -- Divores judge Jimes, Qonbaining Vifamin By, : y a " with a . eeded minera = Now, Just why 9 ot x -Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has ns d dvorce, Mrs. Whangloa helped so many 'to rest better, Myre. Whangloek -- "Yous Moa- eat better, feel better--when- - 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ , you know I am the m of ever their nerves get on edge Economical 48-Table} Botile 69¢ Be ehild movie star, D snd they feel run-down. Let . . . - SE jx a and this men never r. Chase's Nerve Food help j Rk z ; : ; TR log but 'the goose that you, too! Get the large '"'econ- fe Pi be 9 wy Wandin : omy size" today. as : x 4 : the golden egq'!". : ~ISSUE 46 -- 1949. ; i: " a. "by Montana | YOU WAITED, a " iN TOO LONG! - Shoemaker Wanted -- Photo- raphs taken at the opening of Philadelphia's Communit Chest drive -- with .g loud- speaker "message" by Willlam A enn, atop City Hall 7-- Re- He : ; : ealed that the founder of the ty ) IE Si ATC ; "ommonwealth has a poly coal 4 oodles In A Puddle--Out in Hollywood, Hjordis and David shod right foot (see inset). The" ' Ron treat their poodles, Baba and Suza, to a boat ride in the toe was removed. two years oH . Niven pool. With such goings on, and a magfer and mistress to strengthen the statyge 8 d { = \ : i | es "like that, a dog's life isn't what it used To be. a i will be replaced. 2 A : = : \ = ; : if: A ' . y Pra BF ; ; : : ' . : ; 3 ni w £ : v 7 ~, i 5 AL x b i) ' F ¢ : yf ' : / 7 of ; ; 1 { 3 SAM Hato rd hii" av. - i ot a al 2S ETT 2 8 Al : . i : ! % f . i 2 i) :

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