» [abi # AREAS AFF LGW Fe Lap), 2 Th iad - A LE go Fhe I'S : Sra RE a A Ti A ix [iy 3 (4 PAN il HCA EN a ; a. KOT REPLED ) RESORT ante Ara miodaian REPRES Sine AL Aidit Vinal netroots ; ' r aS ; H - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, 1049 be ---- i i a " -- -- PRINCE ALBERT Taking the example of a planning area hieste in residental. areas thus piro- ; Hilly at Home Ask Jor it either way . trade-marks mean the same thing. both Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. 2%) UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES ~ UXBRIDGE, ONT. PHONE 206 ® BE B expect Application for Assessor County of Ontario "Applications will be received by the FE on or before MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1949, for the position of Assessor for the County of Optario. Applicants please state age, qualifications, experiences references and salary . Wm. G. Manning, Clerk-Treasurer, .-Court House, Whitby, Ontario. ~* ~ DANCING EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT At the MUSIC HALL Alex Williamson and His A Orchestra rossssssed roses 0sss es , UXBRIDGE . 223200 eeee Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. oi MYRTLE STATION = + Phone 88 r 1-4, Brooklia . AUCTION SALE Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Swine, at Lot 4, Con. 13; Reach, the property of Russell Acton, on Saturday, N November 12th, Terms Cash, "_ W. H, Golden, Auctioneer. [the Lord's Prayer, in unison. "| proved, - (Too late for last week.) The October - meeting of the Woman's Association was held< on' Wediiesday, the 26th, at the . home 'of Murs: 'Howard Jeffrey with a good at- téndance of members and visitors. + The president; Mrs, A. Harper, pre- Peg and called the meeting to order with a 'missionary hymn, followed by "The Secretary's report was read and ap- <The ~ Treasurer reported $213.93 on hand. ~ A lengthy business period followed, bs $15.00 was the amount cleared for . lunch at the sale of Mr, Vickery, The convener of the Bazaar committee, Mrs, Grant Hunter, reported there would be dfternoon tea, and a supper lon the afterncon of the bazaar--ad- mission for adults to supper 40c,, and children 26¢. It was suggested that Shirley Smith make posters; for same. A motion carried that we send two '| boxes Overseas for Christmas, and (a that the money be.tauken from funds. The committee for the Church base- ment floor covering then reported. Moved by Mrs, B.. Smith, seconded "by Mrs. Luke that the W. A. pay one-_ hundred dollars toward the cost of same. Carried. - We were pleased to have Mrs. E. B. | Cooke, of Port Perry, who is secretary of .the Affiliated Society of Oshawa Presbytery, present, and when, after being welcomed by our president, an- nounced the missionary Autumn Rally held a Brougham, A motfon carried the Years." Group one then took charge of the 'devotional, the program and lunch. 100th Psalm was read by Mrs. Arthur Brown, lesson thoughts by Miss 'Edna Vanee. At this time Mrs. Gardner and her older girl pupils came in and sang several pieces for which we were grateful. --A--eontest; names of coun- 1 tries, was conducted by Mrs:.G. Hunt- er. . A nice lunch 'was served. We {were pleased to have Mrs. Smith of Janetville at the meeting. Mr. and /Mrs, Bert Bentley, Rich- mond Hill, former residents of the locality, were in the village Saturday. Mrs, Groupe left on Monday for her herycheerful voice, } Sympathy is extended to Mrs, JV. Crozier and 'other relatives in the death of her sister, Mrs. Ida Brown. We welcome Mr. and" Mrs, George Roberts to our village. Mr. and Mrs: I, Young have return- ed to théir home in Toronto after spending the summer here. GERALD B. "THOMPSON *D.C. *Doctor of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 SIMCOE -ST. NORTH, OSHAWA "Office Hours 9 to 5 - Phone 2927 Evenings by Appointment that we buy the book "Growing with | ley, "R'R1, Brooklin; home in Philadelphia, and all will miss | Cream Producers Hold Annual Meeting 'The Annual Meeting of the Ontario County Cream . Producers Association was held in the Deparptment of Agri- culture. Office, Uxbridge, on' Tuesday, November 'Ist, at 8:30 p.m. - There was a very good attendance, The president, Gordon: Rynard was in-charge of the meeting. , Mr, Beb Jardine, Fieldman for the Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board, was the guest speaker, He. gave an interesting talk on a -great many things that the Marketing Board is thinking about and doing at the present time. 3 A good deal of time was spent on discussion. It was generally felt that the Cream Producers Association should go along with the other Dairy groups across Canada, in preparing fo National "Advertising Campaign on butter, It was felt that butter never had been sufficiently advertised and that now was the time to place the merits of butter before the consuming public, " THe Secretary H, IL. Fair, Agricul- tural Representative, was in charge ot 'the election of officers, avhich resulted as: follows: President-- Gordon Ryn: wd, Zephyr, Vice-President-- Vince Beaton, Black- water See.-Treasurer--II. L. Fair, Uxbridge. Voting Delemrnte-<Gordas Rynard. Directors -- Rama: Gordon Me- Arthur, Washago; Mara: Havper New- man, Gamebridge; Thorah: Gilbert McMillan, Beiverton; Broek: Leslie Faux, Blackwater; Reach: Harley Johnson; R.R.4, Port Perry; Scott: Oscar Silversides, Zephyr; Uxbridge: Chas. Ball, Uxbridge; Pickering: Joe Tran, Claremont; Wiiitby, Lloyd Stan- which covers only: one municipality, the council of that municipality. first appoints a planning board usually con- sisting of the head of council and four, six or eight members some of whom are often members of council. Mem- bers of the planning board may be paid an honorarium by the council or their services may be voluntary. "The duties of 'the planning board are to survey the physical, social and economic conditions of the planning area and prepare maps and statistical material to that end. Their will consist of: : : The preparation of a master plan for ordered development. This is called the official plan. 2. The control of the uses of build- ings and land throughout the defined area. This is known as zoning. new areas for development, . The establishment of a system of hy and roads? for efficient traffic flow. bh. A programme for the -develop- ment of parks, playgrounds and other public services. The preparatign of plans for the de- velopment of public transportation. When the master .plan is completed, 1it must' be adopted by the municipal council and approved by the Minister ~__|of Planning and Development. 'The- plan is then implemented by council by a series of local by-laws. It is im- portant to note that where an official plmi-is~in effect, no public work can be undertaken or any by-law passed that contravenes the plan. Of course, where local conditions change, it 'is possible for council to make altera- tions or additions: Powel plan, but these changes must have the_approval of the Minister. ' by which an official plan can be im- East Whitby: Arthur Smith, R.R.1, Raglan; Scugog: Anson Gerrow, R.R.3, Port Perry. . Looking to the Future We have all noted the increasing in- terest shown in planning for the future-growth and benefit of various communities, Recently we have seen how a farm can be remade to greater advantage and many areas. are mak- ing similar plans on a large. scale to safeguard the water reserve and pre- vent the growth of industrial buildings in residential scetions also othar.com- ; munity faults, which can be prevented by looking to the future. We have re- [cently received literature explaining how planning areas are set up aid function. There are différent types of muni- cipal planning boards in Ontario con- sisting of village, town, city town- ship, district, and county boards. plomented is the Zoning by-law, The power of a municipality to. zone or control land use is provided for unger Section 106 of the Municipal Act. It is the designation and: control by by- law of the residential, commercial, in- -| dustrial, resort, agricultural or park areas of a municipality. By such con- trol it is possible to prevent ribbon urban development along arterial highways which impede traffic and is very costly to service. Under zoning, industries would not be permitted to "work | The control of the sub-division of |. One of the most important hy-laws] teeting real estuly vitlues and prevent ing slums, There are other municipality under For. example the municipality may acquire land for the 'purpose of e- velaping any feature of "the official plan. With the' approval of the Minister of Planning and Develop- ment, land may for a housing project within a municipality or even in adjoining municipality. Full details may be found in the Act. The work of the Planning Board is not "done: when the plan has been ap- proved. It must also bé admidistered given the the Planning 'Act. powers be aeqhired eens. For ex ample, detailed proposals for subdivision must he cons idered and] approved. designate cipality The council may by by-law any an area within the muni- us area of sub-division control and no person may conve y land in that area without the approval of the planing board and the Minister of Blamiing and Development. With this control, costly premature subdivision can he prevented; and the pattern of land use and" street system in the master plitn can be maintained. Full details on the approval of stbdivision plans can be found in Section 25 of the, Planning Act, Conservation. . - In order to establish a Congeévation Authority, it is required that two or more municipalities situated wholly or partly within a watershed (or any de- fined portion of it) request the Min- ister of Public Works to call a meeting and, to invite all the municipalities within the watershed (or-defined por- tion) to attend. ---Representation at the meeting is' based 'on the population ofthe munici- pality and representatives so appoint- ed have 'the withority to. act and vote on behalf of their municipalities. A quorum consists 'of two-thirds of the representatives that can be appointe ad by the notified municipalities. IT a resolution "by a majority dit such a niceting provided a quorum thé Conservation Aathority comes into being. In broad terms the work of a Con- servation Authority, which is a cor porate body, may 'include reforestation, the construction of dams "and reses- voirs, the prevention of floods is passed, is present pollution, the preservation of wild life, ~ crippled farm animals. GORDON YO Port Perry 118 r 21 We are paying the current market prices for dead or HORSES :: CATTLE = HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service Toronto--Adelaide 3636 Uxbridge 27 UNG LIMITED Brooklin 62 . iw Rv, DISCOVER 1. LONG 2. 4. HIGH KNOCKLESS POWER . 3. FAST ACCELERATION : QUICK STARTS DYNAFUEL'S MILEAGE El 'IF ORDINARY GASOLINE LET YOU DOWN LAST WINTER... PREPARE NOW FOR BETTER COLD WEATHER PERFORMANCE to q for planning and is a continuing pro. | provision for puBlic recreation, drain- age work, ete, The authority determines the pro- portion of the total benefit afforded to sll the participating municipalities which is affordéd to each of thém. Any municipality which is dissatisfied with its apportionment may apply to the ': Ontarie, Municipal Bouid to have dt - reviewed, The Authority has the power 'tor raise money hy debenture or: otherwise and" to purchase: or axpropriite land & 9 within. the conservation area; and to 7 colluborate with agencies of Fovern- a! ! nent, municipal councils and local {7 hoards and other organizations, : if { A Fi T= A PTY, mae Rylan . ALANS MONTEITH & MONTEITH ARSE Frakes CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS bd . ArT ya A 37 King St. East, Oshawa, 54a RL My. Gordon W. Riehl, CA, : PARRA Resident Partner -- EE SLE SLR RN OL I So ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. hi in attendance at my Port Perry office XA on Wednesday morning and*Friday B's afternoon of each week, or by, BS 4 appointment, : ve Port Perry, Phone 25 ong Block, nr acs o «a RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. - { "6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, i : Phone 814 - Use) n -attendance at ny Port Perry Office - on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Ra Queen. Street, Port Perry, Phone " eo * # » % DR. H. H. ARMSTRONGC two-thirds | and | DENTIST 2; 'Queen Street f "home 237 Port Perry Ce ee ew: p RR RR A 5 PIANO TUNING Le V. P. STOUFFER Re {Piano Actions Repaired and.Regulated i Phone 10 Port Perry. T BOOB ARARRR RRR RR RNR 2 N% = AY Ratu REBUT A EHR wate "W. A. Sangster py DENTAL SURGEON = rtm Office Hours: 9 a.m, to & pm. ER Office . Upatairs over C. Sleeps | en Insurance Office. BN UAL BILE IIINLIISAIISAIALEIIIISIILIILLS ori >. > > > eo = EEE -- : or iy Rousseau Upholstery i Featuring a complete a FURNITURE 'REPAIR and oR REFINISHING SERVICE 41 -On hand is a complete line of EI + Materials to choose from. . ; or All Work Guaranteed. AP Phone 483 and we will be glad Xi s to consider your next repair Job. SRI We do custom building, tee. gal 1216 Mary St. E., WHITBY yd i [a Wane & LARA AANA AB AAARRARIA AN re 0,3 1 FLOOR SANDERS ~~ TORENT ~|Qur Rental Plan frcludes every- ~~ | thing you need to do a profes- FAL '|sional Refinishing Job on those 4 old floors. Custom Work Prices on request. Phdne 3744W1 -M. a i Er eat i SIILSLSIIIINNILLLINISSSNSS SII ISARISOLOSNONYSET te FOR -- : i. Lumber Gyproe, Insulation Ten Test Plywood, Flooring Custom Work . -- TRY -- Uxbridge. Planing a UXBRIDGE, ONT. oS Bo EIEIO OSE Ae eae TR