hi An-old percolator makes an ex: ! roils Isa. 5570. cellent -used-fat container. The cof Here indeed is a buyers' mafket. * ' ' fee basket strains fat as it enters. "He that hath no money; cope ve, When used again, fat will * pour . buy, and eat." 'Isaiah proclafins the easily from the, spout." * J great mvitation © mo terms readily 15, : . ' ivy "understood Het offers--gvgfy-potgn---- a pe If 'you use oilcloth on-your kitch- naut reproof for our dak, "\Where- 7 %) [oS : en worktable or pantry shelves, fore do ye spend money for that: For Housewives If you Sang your broom or dust mop against a 'wall or door, try fitting the handle-end with a rubbet 'tip such as-that used on a crutch, This will keep 'the handle from sliding and falling. - Also prevents its marring. the woodwork. > * L * i ~here's a tip that will make it wear Helpful Hints .. ~ THE GREAT INVITATION . Isaiah 55:1-11 7 GOLDEN TEXT: Seek ye the Lord while: He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is® near. which is not bread? and your lab. LEE SL The .: 3 £4 iF Ta 4 Te | TAN Res? 3 AIF RAY wn YEN SS SE | f 4 Et) fat . yt TF Ye 1aY Yoarati asl, dF EAN tt tri ener Las LA fr a SR EAN Te 5 * le Tat rd Fal 442 HO Z H Sef gy a EE CR US OF REN Fe 5) (his 3 : #0 \ 31 yk iar ' 2d paix ly aa a 18 AT 's " 3 patie ciy LE Sing Vt #iis rg lar hy sil ok 50 a " : § 2 i ain Pe : AY vA ; od 4 . ¢ PAE I RIAL AE STOR rath SE's x Clee t ia ; ERRORS ¢ ih Ee Ra a i av ECE, : Relay 5 i { : od 187 1 BREUER RHE Oat LR GRAM PAT 2a CET ST SRE) FO IONE 00 x . hi i he Fy * ht [3 £52 EL fa hg : Ji ve . ' 2 : agtE ; . i ThA FH 3 ody fi Lai Ph te " 5 & A , we. Ao dh dary a a ey ao Soh i J LA A ptm sit SHE oa SEARS RRNA, TY TS SPREE SARTRE BRS i oF Brae | Ia Ps Fo ioiait a dd eh ad dp Ld rt dr hal dW AAR : eid 3 3 -- img re . t | 2 ; bs ~ s : 2 fo : . . - ie y - et. TORY & far longer, especially at the corners our for that which satisfieth not?" LT where it breaks through first: Lay. What millions aie quandered ane. | RIAD 3 2 the cloth on the surface where it nnally in Canada in such pursuigs! eins g is going to be used and mark the Isaiah «offers _a_berter way: "Let 3 i! under sides at-each corner point with a pencil. Cover these pencil marks carefully. with a wide piece of adhesive tape. You will" be sur- prised how much. more service you will get from the oilcloth, i 3 * * * When 'you make your baby's overalls, put snaps on the inside leg seams instead of sewing them up. Diapers can be changed in a the wicked forsake his way, and the - unrighteous man is thoughts: and let lim return unto the LORD and He will have mercy rpon him: and. to our God, far Me wil ahwndantly pardon." The golden text renminds us that the matter of sic ing the Lord as an. urgent ope It we there will come a tine when He will not he found. Dear' will close the Postpone Lt 8 Ra I , mn hpi : RR He Supports Eight Women--Milo Barus, a Bavarian "human power machine," really has a load on his chest. the 225 people. But the merry-go-round loaded with eight frauleins only tickles the ribs of 2-pound muscle man at Rastait, Germany. Milo performs this and other feats of strength for a daily crowd of S600 3 Better Let The » "minute by juat unsnapping the legs. > . : 4 door of o i A : F HEE : . . : PPOrtNityY SO we may Open overalls are easy to iron, too: Maggie Boosts Girl Scouts--Film star Margaret O'Brien re- harden oUF hearts awainst the Coss REE Spi ceives the thanks of Mrs: C. Vaughan Ferguson for her work in pel call. until Cod is no longer | Doct P ib Be i ank. V , fore ll I. "ctor Prescribe 7 etore unrolling a paper "shade a short movie titled, "Come Along With the Girl Scouts." The near. This matter jc more wrgent | oo $hat needs. to be cut narrowet, care. film, now being shown nationally, is a plea for volpnteer adult than that of insurance on vour life . Tint _ . fully measure the width desired. leaders for Girl Scout troops. - } or property. -We ought to seek the Pwelve-year-old ~ Mary Smith Then press a thumbtack firmly : : y Lord riglit now. You will be utter- complained; "Mother, U've a sharp -p to the shade at this point. When Iv amazed at the good: things which pain in. my right side, and 'I ieel " A » : 5 ps : ' was Yq az H Zon thimes whic \y IN b C. [} lee you unroll the shade, you will find TH Yint Me se sls God has in this life for those who | Pauscated.". tliat the 'tack has made a series of . : : ) ay i come to the Gospe' feast. Here is "Tell me about it," suggested her holes: about three -inch apart Partner ~ walked into the kitchen. ih Mig ga. . oh a Pl: ) g ee. inches apar : wy life, "eternal ife. "O that we micht cautions mother. "When and 'where down - the entire length - Simply 1 put out his hand and- satd-- Do . Weame earpest as Christian in Pil did you first notice the pain?" S § follow this -handy guideline with | 4 . |. you think you can handle this, or TOME. EATHES! As . , pas x y 3 v this : \ : o- ie PIT Rl) grim's Progress who put his fingers "Yesterday. It started with a dull i : is it one for the doctor? This ; i ) your scissors, .and the unwanted £r z os in his ears, -and_ ran on, crying. he i stomach." part snips off in a minute. . INGE M was a huge thorn that had gone Gti Aret reteriied i wr ache m my stomach. PIE » . 4 Gwendoline D Clarke .! in' at one side of Partner's: thumb shel 4 je stops Hes) Ail "You'd better 'go to bed and rest Myon heb exlrs Serviih bavade eX ; and come out the-other. Not just The Sr £0508 Bit ot H hy a while We'll wiiteh it fit isn't who 1 uests come, drape io. Sy When you come to the end--not | Wider the skin but through the [ation of the power of to M. a ") any better by noon, 'we'll call the - able Aid Board i prt of of a perfect day, but a pesfect week, fleshy part of the thumb. | looked at he og no FI pn Ne od, déctine " . : ie Ser 3 % « . H H a sha accompnsh @ \ Ja " > " ~ eretonne or other material. Let the then you are glad to sit alone for on dobiosly ig Jrivared 30 over, Sd please" en Whe wails bf May | have a hot water 'bottle? eover hang elear to the floor. This awhile, if only to rest your wear, He But thes) Sheng hee iat ! Marx and Hitler will have been for- "That isn't wise," answered her: he : bones. At least that is the wa it should break? It would certainly arxa h, X g there ~Shoold tis tar ndy surface takes up little room y the way : : often. God's Word still -standeth mother Should this turn out to sad holds a number of dishes. It's | felt last week after spending day | be one for the doctor then. In which | & I arch the Scriptures be appendicitis, heat "or cold only : a real step saver | ! after day in the garden--pruning, case Partner might as well go first re: Lat ns seareh the Laon ' aulls the pain, "but does not lesen ' : ; a * clipping, weeding and transplant- 26 Jaki and SAVE LEAs; No Se ETT tn the danger" ? : tori ao ing.. Never before have I done such aking chances with a thing. like ' Ee . erated Ny a i The Pivoted op 3.0% or --complete clean-up job--in- the. fall, . | that. There have been too many Trade Mark \ ! pi ves on mh ons for oi Hoon ¢ And 1 still need another two days | fatalities resulting from blood poi-~ | TE PE RE III EF 7 Piao Si Rg Se a * Ing tray for your spices. Mount it is ; ing--| Boning from' injuries even less ser- By virtue of Princess Margaret dled Mary right off to the hospital kitch helf with h to really finish the job. One thing g irom injuries y ; ; J for further dis h on a kitchen shelf with a washer 'jo certain it was good for me--and ious." Rose's reputation for informality | for further diagnosis. He had found ee : between the plate and the shelf, Let- | 18 'off .good_for__ thé garden, » even So 'it was -the doctor who re- and "hepness." it seems inevitable a sharp increase in the "white 3 Svering a Tittle" for "easier tirn- _ though my hands are a sight to | moved the splinter. He also gave [thar this-remark attributed-to her. Sount ict -er_blood. _(In_appends- 8. : * P + behold. . . and my knees I during Partner a shot of something--pre- should be going the rounds. When i re? J e of her m gen: this 1s R Ye SOeCial oh the 'day a rubber kneeling..mat | sumably anti-tetanus serum. Now the band struck up "God Save the the Tod CWI moti: of combat: AEF eserve. a: Special spot Jn your was' my only salvation--and at the thumb is as good as new. King," she turned to her father Ing vading germs). An operation ARTA refrigerator for the children's jas: my only, sa Hy - . and said, "Dad, they're playing followed soon after. . Mary had no Leh Riki gin after school snacks. When they night a good rubbing of liniment. Well, by Saturday I thought it So Hehe song" a; dd complications, writes Matilda Rose . SY i "rush home from classes hungry, - Partner was always saying-- 'Why was time I reserved a few hours 7 ee ted -McLaren in "Successful Farming." YRS ; is they know the food and drinks in donk let ah bit? ot Now ~for- giving the -house a once-gver, -- RE - id fan i Appendicitis 18. an inflammation y (8 shat place are theirs without asking. ri : ad up when we were have- | otherwise -1' was afraid when of 'the appendix, a small worm. "| Saves reshuffling of your. own sup- g such wonderfully co-operative Baughter came home for the week- shaped. organ attached to -the be- per ment. : a Meh of 4: no less, end she might think T had forgotten ginning of the large intestine. It " * * : - Incidentally Partner didn't show how to use a mop and duster. But alle starts te ith un Blob, 7 Give this idea a try if your ice- Puch sign of letting up himself. oh dear, the wind got up and it i Sn bvisiiig dd iP . 2 . "doi ) i # " « again J oF Joe 7 " eubes slide around the sink when Hoa dolig yer much By sam Hey ool If ihe fllickssid) ae the large intestine. This then inter- ia as jo loosen them from the tray: Rp Lo as Ey ' eavy rain. Doors banged, windows | feres with drainage, injures. the. Get A Load Of This -- Here is a fish-eye_view of one of three Ne lace a colander in the sink to and along the fences. Every day rattled, and the kitchen fire smoked. rilln, and Deraite. Sot nie 2 . ae : yo 8 cola ] had a lori f ; walls, and permits germs to set up huge tuna nets being loaded aboard a plane for shipment to the ; eatoh the cubes. No more -run- | W¢ | a glorious bonfire as a re- It was a grand day for "clean- an intecton ro . Fir: Itands TI te mate it 1 wei A ' aways! And the ice is drained, | 'sult of our combined efforts be- ing house! So quickly our weather ns ; ji Istands. 1e nets; made in Portugal, weigh 1000 pounds ERY ready "for use . : cause whenever I had so much can change. one day working--] While children and young folks and ¢ost-$1.500-each. Net value of the cargo, then, is $4500, 41 Ee brush around me I could hardly a house dress; the next day going from five. to 25 are usually suscept- : AE 3 A oda Sita Tinkel an encollEhe move, Partner would .come to the in the garden and too hot even in ible to the disease, it is*no respector § "aid for lighting the gas-stove oven rescue, tak¢ away the brush anc down town and getting my fur of nee. Vf Yoy nanhte snutiptoms ment. Do not rub the abdomen, nor X LAR ria Since the straw is waxed: it bits burn it. While we were thus en. coat out of storage. Now the weath- Simi to Mary s. call a doctor at apply heat or cold. . WA - BRAS il : : . safe ye ' ~ c qc readily. Furthermore, it is' long gaged Bob was chugging away in er has moderated again. The sun is once. Its not af to wait. You Chances of death from acute ap- y "enough to reach the burner without the front field at his fall plough- shining brightly overhead although --_-- a a. wii wigag Fund ap- pendicitis-are a great deal less to- i) . placing your arm inside the oven. ing. So together it was a typical along the horizon there are banks p C 0 inwhich tire in flamma= day than they were even five years -- LIVER BILE-- ie aah PL x + j picture of autumnal farm activities, of slow-moving billowy white tion subsides without an operation, ago. The miraculous new sulphana- : : Here's a way to make attractive, complete with a casualty thrown' | clouds--a sky to delight an artist. ou heer ntirely £aats up. Mile mide drugs and pencillin can wipe Without Calomel -- And You'll Jump Out of ' fretons battens Tor. the. dietside But why should I say an artist ae $ may recur, and between out infections overnight. And an Bed in the Moming Rarin' to Go i . you fashion yourself. Buy two sets - 3i particularly? One doesn't have to . {en you ty o pay Bot Serle appendectomy can be performed Ee tava a dT 0s an in i i ede on A RE / | 'be an artist to appreciate a lovely _ n Sug i cases, the physician may with great safety when it js done If this bile is not flowing freely, your food may $05 2 set. with flat centres, and a white sky. It may take the brush of an 3 vise BS eraditm, even 'if symp at once, before complications set in. at io 1s Be yor wma oy Ha set small enough' to fit the inner _ artist to reproduce such beauty on hg are hy 0s recause it's possible S------ wet constipated. You feel sour, sunk and i - part of the colored button. Sew canvas but certainly ordinary folk 18 nest Bling may be severe and If a man docs make a better TOA noke punk; tittle Carters Jivie> bi =~ through both sets of buttons. For like' you and me are quite as well I> ay inky able to get med: mosse tran. a beaten path to his Lives ill to get these 2 pints of bile flowy } { BR wl | a perfect finishing touch, mount an J able to appreciate these pictures beat care quickly. door. will be made by people ask- ppd > fecilve'ia makin LI 4 185 extra 'pair on' earring hases N Nature paints. Sees : If you have abdominal pain and img fon contribution to some bile flow freely. Ask Yor Carter's Little Lived / ; . « +0 * N A funny thing happened Saturday nausea, you may also be constipat- worthy roe RN : ¢ : a fas ann or Sai 2 i N : : : 3 ed or have diarroliea. But avoid ) When trimming surplus: material a morning. I had been working away taki laxati ) a : from the bottom of a garment, | WN for -some timé when "suddenly 1 axing a axative or enema. Either " By slip it over my ironing board and N noticed my watch had stopped-- | 3 whi Fo a the Shpengix= in Jus y 4 2 do 'the cutting right there. [t: is. \ watches have a way of doing that RAL KA She anneal. Lie Jnjestion lito. the % aR a5 a 2 much casier than trying to work IN if one forgets to wind them. The Ri Soma Savi. I'he generalized Qn Th Si hak in "or a table, and it prevents---my ac----}--- bedroom clock was going but | Tha 993. fon SY anctan which any fol Cr ; as : cidentally cutting into some other [knew it-wasn't-right,-so-| turned on Ble gravest danger of acute i ~ 7 / ' part of the garment. : on the radio to get the time. | heard ¢ WI i ), - appendicitis. - : (t 7 : . . hh ; BEE J .. a newscast. going. on and the an- Kal aad While awaiting the doctor's ar- 3 (Od m um {| fo) 4 Small holes torn or burned "in oN wound Hp by saving ise Please your color-fancy < with Cir prod physical exercise. Rest { / h(E linoleum are no problem at our -next newscast - wi e at eleven Taleo Nr oraheysaw in. bed. Accept no food -and only = : i AE , 'house. We simply melt a bit of -| o'clock." Srsiiers Sip Said _Hit- a small amount of water for refresh: an z rt . RE 20 ; a "That's > fine -1is angeme nning-- oo : " . : His : B AY EE oe Sr i fine, Ey OF De 8.56 scheme jf viv kel ga B : A a i y {3 ' Such a beauty! Grandmother's : - . 3 of When this is smoothed over, the then I stopped in my tracks. "But ) ; ; ; cost so little made with MAGIC +2 \: spot is almost impossible 'to find. that's crazy -- or the radio is. ft Serap- Quilt Lattern 993; pattern KIDNEY ACTIVITY gd 0 m e : = HY ' 2X $30 EAI a rotor Siap: bi must be later than 10 o'clock." So bikes: Yprednas, : VITAL TO HEA LTH --_-- Cut 2 lbs. Jamb into 1" pieces; brown well in hot drip- o> B 3.7 I listened again, and presently the -AUrA ce er's improved pat- AE . : ' 8 ping; pour off excess fut . Add 4 ¢ boiling water, 2 celery The Ultimate -- Binks -- "That ANTIOIC id -- "This. is stati ~ tern makes necdlework so simple Don't wait until you become i tops, 2 eprigs parsley, 1 bay leaf, 1 tap, salt and !{ tap. = "is the worst skinflint I ever or sail 18. 8 station with its charts hotos 1 rl depressed, but "avoid backache and pepper. Cover and simmer 2 hes, Add 114 c. diced carrots, man 1s 1¢_WOrs ' so-and-so." (I have forgotten what a 8, photos apd "concise rheumatism y taking KLAAS 6 peeled small onions. Simmer until meat and vegetables 5), ] heard of. He puts buttons in the the call letters were.) Presently I directions, . TILLY DUTCH DROPS as soon as are tender, about 3 hr. Combine 1 ths. melted butter pie collection plate in church." realised it was . Niagara Falls I Send TWENTY.FIVE CENTS TA He in i '" 2. flow i ve BA hat apexes i into i H [0% V4 ' 3 bh fi Teh J : wu sulle a ai s 4 ; stew; stir and coo. til thicke ' 4 \ Eg Shinks Well, that's not un was listening to -- and Niagara i Sa Pl pond AAD De ASuph kidncyimputrities ask your druggist for +1 selon x a pivie "ya common. ¢ - Fal : r 8 pattern to . H ) Nh 1 "LINGS: x and sift into bowl- Cc. once- ik . i BCE x, te ke oly ts Cnc so | et Ben oom | KLAAS TILLY wean | | Salis asi A X : . : - ' " ve : 3 g : BY ' . . ; Ty \ : p. Magic Baking Powder, ap. salt. Cut in finely | 5A \ \ "buttons off\ the pew. cushions. in this house again -- and put some Print plainly PATTERN NUM. : Imported from Holland BN 134 the. shortening. Make a well in centre, pour in 3c. RO tir off on fast time and some on standard] BER, your NAME & ADDRESS, SHER 2 SR pe cold water or mille and mix lightly with a fork. Drop hy SENN 3 : ' 1 suppose there must be many a ¥ -- pt tn THE ONLY 0 UGINAL small spoonfuls over hot stew, Simmer, without lifting Fas 3 > 3 ; : Hi ly : th , " - ba | - SALLY'S SALLIES comedy of' errors these days as a. Women will have a lot to sayin DUT.CH D (0) 24 an ~ pia LO x . : aa Samer hemes Rs i) ~ result of this two-time confusion, | We next 'election, ~and after all, a DAN b) wy A 7 . od . 0 4609 $1268 wu ~ How nice it will be when we are who has had more practice? : A Fo BAN if, ! back to' normal and can hear our wd 4 vy " : ; a aa d o | 2 favourite programmes without stay- { I ® : ne Ang ing up half the night to do so. a h Pe TRY Now I am going out to get a last picking of tomatoes, Think of it-- ripe tomatoes in the garden the last week in October! : A good 'skirt--the foundation of your separates wardrobe! This beauty takes 'just ONE YARD of 54-inch fabric in any given size! New--pockets, yoke, slim lines! . Pattern 4609 comes in waist sizes "24, 25, 26, 28. It takes only one yatd 'of $4-inch fabric. |: °° I Was Nearl Crazy "| Send XWENTY RIVE CENTS : With F Itch- 25¢c) 'i i t nnot Until I disco , RQ. Dennis' amazing: (25¢) in coins (stamps ca not be i; Xp nasing accepted) for 'this' pattern. ; quid medication plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, | bids fs tee cruel Mching STYLE NUMBER, frond uby Reh obi lao 38¢ Send order fo Box 1, 123 Eight. itch of Money ba i Fr checks even Freviption" (orn eenth 8t, New Toronto, Ont. a $ "They "say you're & one-mas ak ot 1 , D. D, ry Sen rength). je : pi "x woman, Sue. Where is het?" | | L '