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Port Perry Star (1907-), 10 Nov 1949, p. 8

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it Prk WE. DELIVER PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE ~ MERLIN DOWSON OO St. Williams Orange and Grapefruit Marmalade 24 oz: Jar 30c. ! Shirriff's Gingerbread Mix, Pkg. . TVR TNR UII. fr 0) ee 30c, Shirriff's Fruit Pudding, tin ........................ prepreg aiey wandbe, Jello Lemon Pie Filling, ............... Lirretin EAI, pkgs. 19c¢. Stokely's Tomato Juice, 20 02 IN ooo vieeenrceseresiirirnenienn 10C Allen's Applé Juice, 20 02, tin nnn... SURE le. Fresh Roasted Peanuts AA St tart iii 1b. 39e¢, . Jelly Beans, ............... RR ORR 14 1h. 15¢. Florida Grapefruit, Just Artived TRE ST ..3 for 27c, Sai FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES roan Port Perry. H H H Scotty' s Fish « Chips # The cheapest meal available during i these hard times. the rush of preparing a supper. Come in Soon or Send your Order Restaurant Saves mother | rooeens Owned and operated by _FRED FUNNELL Taylors Restaurant, The Restaurant of Distinction The Place to go to' see People you know] The Finest | in Food sand Courteous Service 000000000000 00L 0000 Phone 96 § Port Perry Suppl Company C PORT PERRY LUMBER : B. C. Cedar 8 inch and 10 inch Shiplap. $90.00 per White. Pine Flooring and Vee Joint $95.00 per TRA COKE ent your fugl supply with No. 1 Steel Coke and save money, at $20.00 per ton. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PHONE 73w (the difficulties of any situation, failed. fatigue. ®* QUALITY MAPLE," PHONE es PLAZA 5393 CONCRETE BLOCKS ° CONCRETE BRICKS ° "CINDER BLOCKS °° BACK-UP TLE °* ECONOMY © MAPLE BLOCK & TILE LTD. APLE 6 BEAUTY ONTARIO KENWOOD _-- PUD SSI SS ed Xa Chantorod : Announce the : OPENING OF AN OFFICE 37 KING ST. EAST, 'OSHAWA : with MR. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., Resident Partner font : ~ Utica. Services 'as usual next 'Sunday 18th, 7° Woman's Association meeting this week, Nov. 10th at 3 p.m. in charge. 1 Mr, J. T, Crosier has made many improvements 'in his home in the vil- lage, and Mr, McKercher is now finish- ing his garage. Miss Christie and Miss Stephenson visited Mrs. Fred Ackney in Uxbridge last Friday. ; Mis. Ethel Mitchell, Pickering, guest of Mrs. Ackney this week, - Quite 8 number from here attended the Card-Geer wedding last Saturday in Epsom United Church. Groupe 2 PortjPerry Rod & Gun Club A meeting of the Club will be: held in Ott Hamilton's .Shop on Friday, Nov. 10th at 8 p.m, This will be the last meeting of the year and it*is de® sirous to clear up all business for the year as well as make arrangement for the annual meeting. The final report on the dinner will be given, Mr. Main from the Dept. of Lands and Forests will be the guest speaker for the dinner meeting and will also show pictures. ~~ R.8.0. 1437-C-7 and he - PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB Have been looking over the Yacht Club buoks recently and find the re- sults of our efforts of the past two years most gratifying. 'The Orde re- gime started it, and Sulman mob are carrying on with' a view to eliminating all debt before uny more pretentious undertakings~ .are given more than passing consideration," Doubtless it will take time to even up ull our debts but we are slowly chopping away at them. % That reminds us of having heard of the time Mr. Churchill journeyed to France, after the occupation, for talks with Hitler and the Wop on their pro- posal -that -amenable grounds might be reached whereby peace could be attained. Kven in the dark days of the Battle "of Britain - the Prime Minister was standing firm on his un- i} | conditional surrender ideal and in his i} | forth-right manner, let that fact be i$ | known to the two dictators. Since there are no published psycho- i} [analyses 'of these two men it is reason- i lably safe to assert, for the sake of this_story, that they believed their ac- i [tions could pre-determine the course 1 |of events, it | proposed. that the first man to kill if {any one of the Carp swimming in the With this in mind they pool on the patio of their Alpine Cha- [¢ let. would be the subsequent victor of fthe war. All being agreeable; Hitler emptied his side arm into the pool, taking care- ful aim with every shot to show that masterful use of arms could 'surmount He Mussolini trusted in muscular co-ordination evidently, because he stripped off his clothing and dove in [the pool where he chased-the slippery fish until he could scarcely pull him- self out of the water, so great was his "Ie too failed, Churchill grinned a little as he took a spoon from the tea tray, knelt by the pool-and-began to remove the water |; spoon-full by spoon-full. "Need I do more ?" he. asked. "It will take a long time, but we will. win!" It might take a long time to be debt £ | free, but it will be. On Monday evening the Yacht Club $1earned ten dollars by removing a few 5 tons of unwanted stone from the land '&|of a local resident. 3 probably seven anyway. Several - tons, Six men to load, seven tons of rock: quite a bit of work . Particularly when you think of how much easier it ong $ [have been for sixteen. Remember - the eighteenth! Tickets are on sale around town now. Two- 1 fifty a couple you know. Bazaar at Manchester Manchester W. A. is holding its an- nual Bazaar in the Township Hall, on November 24th, enemy at 2 pm. Come and bu r Christmas gifts now -- ihe 2 made Baking a specialty. Lunch will also be_ served. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Charles. Richard Stewart, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Richard Stewart late of the Village of Port Perry, who died on or about August 15, 1949, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the Sndersigned on or before --}the--1st day of ecember, 1949, after | which date the Estate will be dis- tributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claims he shall not- then have notice. Dated at Toronto. 'this 3rd da f November, 1949 9 J. D. LUCAS, K.C., 1009 Lumsden Building, Toronto, executor. nov 10-17-24 $O30800800004 4 1884000000000 00000] «(Form 4, Section 11) CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST ab OSTING OF VOTERS! LIST AT Esa ta] Voters' Lists, 1949, Township of Reach, County of Ontario. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 8, of the Voters' List Act and that I have my office at 'Manchester, on the 27th day of Qctober, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said. Township at Municipal Elections and that sich list remains there Yor in- spection. And I hereby call upon ll voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omiissiohs corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for ap- pealing being "the 16th day of Novem- er, 1949, Dated this 27th day of October, 1 049, at thé Township of Reach fn the County of Ontario. GRANT CHRISTIE, Clerk, To ownship of Reach. the amendments nov3-10 ry $0008 850000000080800 ES reto, - posted up at | Junior Farmers of Ontario . a Sixty-three young "actors and ac- tresses" who made up the cast of "Farmers for the Future" and who had never faced a movie camera be- fore this . summer took a bow at Stratford on November 7th, following the premigre_showing 'of the film. in the collegiate auditorium, <All are members 'of the Junior Farmers' As: sociation of Ontario... the film describes 18 and 30 years. Produced by Imperial Oil Ltd. to help the Association in its educational program, it was presented at the premiere by J. G. Dunlop, On- the company. . The film will be avail- able free of charge to farm youth groups-in Ontario. Later it will-be dis- tributed on a National scale. "Farmers for the I uture" is a 20- minute documentary type film in sound and color. It was "shot" by Carleton I. Wilson, of Toronto, mainly in Perth County, around Stratford and Mitchell. Many local people took 'part. The star roles were played by Peggy Smith of Milverton, now. Mrs. Wallace Knapp, of Stratford, and Jack Pear- son, of Uxbridge. With the exception of scenes of the Royal Winter Fair and the Canadian National Exhibition the picture was "shot" .in ten days. Sometimes members of the cast were "on location" 18 hours at a stretch. Today's premiere was attended by representatives of the Ontario gov- ernment, - Provincial Department of Agriculture, and Junior' Farmers' club throughout the province, The Perth County Junjor Farmers' Choir of 45 voices opened the program at 'which members of the cast were intro: duced to the audience by T. R. Hilliard, assistant director of extension and sderetary-treasurer of the Junior Farmers' Association. C..D. Graham, deputy ---minister--of --agriculturé for Ontario spoke briefly. At a dinner preceding thé premiere the stars of the picture were presented with radios | in appreciation of their work. rr EGP Hospital for Sick Children BUILDING FUND CAMPAIGN The Hospital for Sick Children will launch "a drive on Nov. 21 for funds to complete the new hospital on Uni- versity Ave., Toronto. Greatly 'in- creased costs of construction coupled with. overwhelming demand for chil- dren's medical services make it im- perative for the hospital to obtain more money immediately. Over-all objective is $4,000,000, Building costs up--Estimate jn 1946 $7,600,000. To-day's estimates are placed-at $12,000,000; -- Growing waiting list--This list has "averaged more than 800 for the .last year. - Increased demand--The potiiatios of Ontario has. increased .more than half a million, one-third of which were children. Hospital serves all Canada. One in thrée from outside Toronto. Largest on Continent--The hospital treats more children than any other hospital in North America. Last year alone the hospital gave 70,000 treat- ments and examinations in the out- patients' department. The new hospital will have 632 beds. The old city hospital has 320. The Thistletown branch has 114 beds. ~--Training centre for whole Dominion --postgraduate and undergraduate doctors as 'well as nurses go there for study of the treatment of children.- Endowments for patient ¢are only-- Although the hospital' has benefited from many generouy endowments, in- cluding that of 4lie late John Ross Robertson thfough the sale of the' To- |. ronto Telegram, these funds can be used only for treatment of patients, and cannot be uged for construction purposes, z , ITS UP support of "Ontario residents from ~| cities, villages, towns and townships will guarantee the successful eonclu- sion to the campaign and the continua- tion of hospital services which already have contributed so widely to the health of the children of Canada. ~--e BROWNIES Brownies held their meeting at the Public School on Friday. Eight girls having passed their Recruit Test were enrolled by Brown -Owl and Tawny Owl, The girls were Karel Espie, Ruby Hutchinson, Beatrice Teaze, Ann Ptolemy, Irene-Ptolemy, Marlene Ba- dour, Helen Watson, Louise . Jeffray. Preparations were | made for - the parade on Sunday, | lowed with a sing-song and the meet- ing was closed with the Brownie Prayer and Squeeze. Remember our next meeting on Friday at the Public School at 4.16. Sponsored . by the Junior: Farmers | the 'work and aims |: of that organization whose members| are young people between the ages of |. tario divisional 'manager, on behalf of | "fleaves shortly on an extended trip. She has- been an untiring Institute | & .Jmembers. f/US--Omly enthusiastic | Fairy Ring fol-|. Port Beverages. Phone 47 oR EER a. ed ER Rd t Perry Kist - Honeydale Women's Institute Mrs. { November meeting of the Honeydale Women's Institute. She was ably as-, group at the tea hour. Education convener read a letter an- ages in the Province of Ontario, Mrs, meeting, of the beginning of -the first Women's Institute meeting in the world," Mrs, Robértson, convener of Home Economics and Health reported on in- 'quiries which she 'had made regarding dental inspections in our local schools, tute convention on Nov, 10th, : 'Mrs. Wm. Moase is looking -after the tickets for a chartered bus for the Royal Winter Fair on Nov, 21. Mrs. Moase has tickets for the Horse Show in the evening also, Mrs. Bryant met with a hearty re- sponse for the needlework table at the bazaar, Mrs. Lawson Honey called on ally group leaders to turn in their lista of food for the sale table to her. - -- nual Convention, A life membership badge was pre- sented to -Mrs. Chas. Howsam who worker for years and carries with her the best wishes of the Institute with the hope that she may soon return and establish a home among us. Mrs. Brunton was appointed to fill Mrs. Howsam's year as convener of Agriculture and Canadian Industries. It was interesting to note that out of 27 present only four were charter gram committee thanked all those who had brought their baby picture. Mrs, Lyle who gave a humorous reading, was also thanked by Mis, Moase, At the close of the meeting Mrs. | Starkey exhibited sonmie of the Avon Products of which she is the local re- Presentative, : : Honeydale We are glad to hear Mr. Wim. Trwin is improving. NN sisted by Mrs. Hutchinson and her |} Mrs. Hutchinson as citizenship and 2 nouncing a meeting' of women to be |[% held in Massey" Hall as a protest |g against the misuse-of-alcoholic-bever-{ 8% Cooke offered to take a car load to the |§ "Mrs. G. Robertson and Mrs. Hardy : were appointed delegates to "the An- : BCR RRR ORS ac [i paca Wi . [i J i a ) a -- ------ I ES -- HI ----, * = 3 < A PREY 3 SSR UR IPO HAL ET TARE Bi Th a - [08 FOF SR nal, Filter y LA LY » of <3 Hav o HAIR +e Et ARARITR 3 R80 EF eRe AE EATERY . \ 3 rg t RAS Iw Las Ep, ak yh! 11 Crate dept Ny Sala : hit 3 Siviik obatolr en sfon Sra sa SRT STTRUSAT TRE RON PREVENT VIE FHSAA TR CRSA 0 SORT SR | FE 300 5 A WRI R oie . : - : La 4 i i " . , 1] - id > F - : ; PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, 'N OVEMBER 10th, 1049 . . rem -- pe -- . oy \ m-- re ot. Amt ---- Bo ---- ar mn -- -------- Lakevinm Theatre; Port Petry, Ont. Two Shows Nightly--1 and '. Saturday Matinee at 3 pm, THURSDAY,' FRIDAY, SAT, NOVEMBER 10-11-12 1 The Marx Brothers 3 In their Side-Splitting Laugh Riot "A NIGHT AT THE OPERA" "©". SHORT PICTURES fo © MONDAY, PUESDAY WED, NOVEMBER 14-15-16 - June Allyson, Peter Lawford, Marg, O'Brien In the Glorious: Technicolor "Screen Triumph , "LITTLE WOMEN" FEATURE STARTS AT 7 pm. and 9.10 p.m. = a, ---------- rt rs ro re EE CU BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE Al Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. > Phone 16 PORT PERRY HOT WATER BOTTLES | Viceroy in: pliofilm bag, ". NOXZEMA SPECIAL--- 93¢, Value for .c...... aon T9c, Thermogene .......59%. and $1.19 "LD.A, guaranteed 2 years, $1.29 Bruton's Bronchial Syrup ....60¢. - LD.A,, guarantéed 4 years, $1.59 Bruton's Cold Capsules ........ §0c. Electric Heating Pad ........ $6.95 Bronchida Cough Syrup 50c, DUKE-FINGARD ELECTRIC HOME INHALATION TREATMENT Kellett was hostess' to the [8] ~ for colds, bronehitiy, asthma and hay fever ll THE TR OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, Kerosene ~GASOLINE- DELIVERED: TO FARMERS 5 pm ns ~ RAY BIRKETT #-- AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS -- Mrs, Harold Honey read the "history ! 'PHONE 290J PORT PERRY, onTaRio a ~ LE ~4 Mrs. Nelson Williams reported on|¥ the ticket sale to the Women's Insti- | i) SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES in bulk now, as well as boxes o SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL "Chocolate Dis L Layer Cake" _ Gerrow Bros. Bakery Delicatoria Restaurant : FULL COURSE MEALS -- LIGHT LUNCHES Soda Fountain Cigarettes and Sundries = - For Coming Out Engagements; Anniversaries, Wedding % . Receptions, or Special Occasions of any kind, our Banquet. 5 Hall is at your disposal. [hen Every Daya of the Weak. FES I ERLE SOMETHING NEW A toll line of FROSTED FOOD products and fresh Frozen FISH, and OYSTERS, ¢ so 0 COME IN° AND SEE, THE ' YORK SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK || THIS WEEK Cawker Bros, Family Butchers, Phone 29 Miss Dojothy Irwin spending a fou days with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson, yO. : io : WEY 1 TOY CEs Mr, and Mrs. Lawson Honey and Mrs. Annis and Lorne spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bob Ralph of Cedar Valley. : Mrs, Rogers and Hazel, of Whitby, and Mr. and Mrs, Bert Fulford, of To- ronto, spent Saturday evening 'with Mr. and Mrs, Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Titterton and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyle. 8 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Owen and Mr. and' Mrs. James Owen spent Sunday with: Mrs. 'Winnifred Dunn' snd family in Cannington, Mr, and- Mrs, Paul Diamond spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Diamond of Whitevale, : * < Mr, and Mrs. John Jeffrey of Osha- wa, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. - Frank Honey. - PAINTING and . DECORATING SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: 'PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING ALL WORK STRICTLY GUARANTEED. J 21 years. experience in Toronto. Est 8 given. >. Full Equipment. : ALSO OUTSIDE P ING DONE. M. St. Clair and Son "i EPSOM (North West of 8chool) PEONE-PORT PERRY 113 r 14 'car ¢ i a "-

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