VS. entre ----y-- rr on sey SO ERE aa a a EE Ra - = ---- Pct ton er ONLY 8 DAYS LEFT DEC. 9this the dy of the big arab, turns early. Please. Co-operate fet 'PORT PERRY, ana ARO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1949 fs ALL TICKET 'SELLERS are reminded again to make their returns | NOW. There are over 2000 books out iin in your hands, so make your re- PPO PRO hPa tart Raat tbh trae itt tiatitttnttetontontttetettnsetssstsntssd . DANCING - EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT MUSIC HALL - UXBRIDGE ~~ Alex Williamson 'and His . bd - Orchestra mein rl) 223222 WHY BUY OR USE'A VACUUM CLEANER? When You Can Also Have These Advantages Wash Dust Out of Air You Breathe . Add Healthful Humidity in Your Home. ® Vaporize Medicaments in Sickrooms Elintinate Need for Dusting Furniture ~~ Really-Clean Rugs, Furniture, Floors Scrub Tile, Linoleum, Wood, Floors - : Shampoo Rugs and Upholstery oud | p2¥ET CONDITIONER AND HUMIDIFIER . xX 'Attachements to do every phase of cleaning. The only | sanitary way--through water. No dirty bag to empty. ' ~~ + See, a REXAIR ® Be convinced. For Free Demonstration--Phone 305J or contact SEI BILL TAYLOR PORT PERRY _ PORT PERRY ELECTRIC [1st Door North of Hotel] INGLIS WASHINC MACHINES ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS i [a "0 et - a Imp erial Oil . i 'ESSO OIL BURNERS -- | F sirbanks Morse--Fawcett 1 Oil Space Heaters b 'f Radios, Ranges, Appliances Radio and Electrical Service PHONE 177. » -& Sp --Fnight. | Booth). y ® ECONOMY PLUS = MILES NORTH OF UXBRIDGE "The Thrifty F ifty" 1950 Morris Cars "MORE MILES PER GALLON WITH MORRIS '@ RICH NEW INTERIOR @ FINER ROADABILITY --Have a Demonstration Ni ow. -- Insure Early Delivery, BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS -LEASK DALE PHONE UXBRIDGE--162-R-15 J Utica Starting, Sunday, December 4th the Church service will be'at 2 p.m. Sun- day School will follow. - Youmg People's Union will meet on Friday, December 2nd at 8 p.m. "The Women's Association will hold its December meeting on Thursday ~ the 8th at 8 p.m. in the Church, There will be election of officers and other business matters to clear up. Quite a few of the ladies attended [the "Epsom social hour "of the "WA: and enjoyed the program. Sorry so. many had colds and were unable tg at- tend. Belated congratulations to" Mr. and Mrs. J. 'T. Crosier on their thirtieth wedding anniversary. : Mrs. 'Sutcliffe and Don spent Sun- day in Toronto. 'Sunday guests with Mrs, Ackney in- cluded ' Geraldiné - Prizeman, Toronto; John and Phyllis Ackney and Jim Ves- sey, Uxbridge; Mrs. N. Rusnell, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Rusnell, Oshawa. Mr. 21d Med Bob-Walker in "Toronto on Sunday. ~ Mr, Holman and son of Dagmar, guests of Mr. 'Ross on Sunday. There will be a-dance.and presenta- "[tion for our newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Luciano, in the hall Saturday | ~Everybody Re There will be no' church service or Sunday School on December 4th, on account of Manchester anniversary. Rev. W, P. Fletcher; a-talented speak- er, will be the minister in charge, The Christmas concert will be held at the' school on the evening of Dec. 14, Mrs, Frank Hastings, the music teacher, is helping Mrs. Jewell to train the pupils, Jia Mrs, Ganton Webster visited a few days in Toronto with her son Charles and family. Mrs. Edward Conlin has returned from a visit to Ottawa, at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, O'Connell and baby son, Thomas Edward. * Mrs. Byron Holtby. and Mrs, Bruce Holtby were guests on Saturday even- ing of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Holtby, at Manchester. There was a 'shower" for her niece, Miss Madeline Thorne, a bride-elect for December. Mr, and Mrs. Durham have gone to Hamilton to live. They will' be great- ly missed, having taken an active part in the church and social life of Pros- pect, ; A pleasant evening was spent at the '|schook on Friday, November 26th, in honour of Mrs. George Smith and her son - Lloyds with his bride (nee Ruby The following address to the newly, : weds was read by Horace Web- ster and the presentation of a hand- some desk and chhir by Byron Holthy, Nelson Cochrane and Norman Yeo. The Address Dear Lloyd and Ruby; -- We are {| happy to be here tonight to spend this social time with you in honour of your recent wedding, First let us say "Con- "Best Wishes" to the lovely bride. Our hats are off to you. Ruby, for this husband. of yours hus been a hard one. to please. In fact, he has had us worried! short ones, stout ones and lean ones, pliment 'as always the same, she couldn't bake a good apple pie. Ser- iously though, we are pleased to wel- eome you to our community and we hope that you will always be happy among us. = We want to congratulate you, Lloyd, in your choice of a wife, but we also know that she is a fortunate girl. There have been so many times when, in your quiet way, you have helped on just such occasions as this and could always be counted on to do your psrt in any little project which the com- munity has undertaken, We are proud to have such a fine young couple as you two as part of oir' community. As tangible evidence of our wishes for your' happiness, health and pros- chair. Bagel on behalf of Prospect" Community. " Mus, Kilpatrick read the address to Mrs. Smith and Mys. Frank Vernon and Mrs. G. Webster presented her with a coffee table, Master George Smith presented his grandmother with a lovely bouquet of flowers. The honored guests expressed their ap- preciation and thanks. A hearty lunch was served by the committee in charge, Dancing was enjoyed to the music provided by Mrs. Murray Wil- son and Robert Walker. Our thanks to them for this fine contribution. > Address to Mrs, Smith It is with mingled feelings that we address you this evening, as we recall the past years that you have lived in Progpect neighbourhood. - On many sponded generously to honour some one else, that we feel this is an oppor- tunity to express to you, our apprecia- tion of your faithful services, At this point words seem inadequate. Not only have you been diligent and successful in your private affairs, but you Have been most active and indus- trious in church, school and com- munity welfare. © We have received your sympathetic interest in times of joy, sorrow, success and adversity, In every department of the church, you have served willingly and efficiently. Your fidelity and optimism-have kept pace with your Christian faith, These sterling qualities of character were an inspiration to others. Especially in the Woman's Association, you were-a valued member, On numerous occasions, we have en- joyed happy gatherings at your home, There were meetings, garden parties, Red Cross socials, farm forums, young people's groups, and so on, Every member of your family shared in this genuine hospitality. You are leaving an enviable heritage to your family. Also, we cannot forget .your neigli- borliness and friendly co-operation ia MAPLE, PLAZA 0878 CONCRETE BLOCKS ° CONCRETE BRICKS . CINDER BLOCKS ° * QUALITY ECONOMY li ARLE BLOCK & TILE LTD. PHONE MAPLE 6 -- BACK-UP THE °* PEAUTY ¥ ONTARIO : len KENWOOD 5878 gratulations" to the lucky groom nad You know, he has courted "blondes and brunnettes, tall girls and but none of them suited. The com-' perity, please accept this desk and] occasions like this one, you have re- with the other farmers and business men, in the vicinity. This embodies true Christinnity and democracy. And now, we find ourselves at the parting of the ways. We had not realized your true worth until now, when you are departing to a new home. Although we could not wish for a bet- ter successor, we are going to miss you very much. You are leaving us many fond memories Fortunately, the county town of Whitby is not so far away, and we shall be seeing you often, You will be a' welcome guest at Prospect, at any time. As your large circle of friends ex- pands, we trust you will enjoy "plea- sant associations in your new: environ- ment, good health, -and- many -happy years of retirement. To accompany our best wishes, we ask you to accept this gift, a coffee table, as a memento of our gratitude and esteem and true friendship. May this slight _token re- call many pleasant associations _ at Prospect. | re -- - << - Scugog The cold wenther did not keep a nice niimber- from' attending church seis vice and Sunday School at both Grace and _ Memorial--churches.-- Evening service' at the Head next Sunday. The Head W.A. will be held on Wednesday, December 7th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heayn. All are- invited: Grace Church W.A. will be held in Grace Church on Wednesday, Dec. 7. The meeting ~will~ be followed by* a good supper. All are invited. Wednesday, November 23rd was the day set for Dr. Rennie to visit the three schools here, and: vaccinate the pupils for 'smallpox. Our deer hunters have returned and are now eating the results of their trip. wl oe Miss Yvonne Milner spemt the week- end with her cousin Miss Noreen Sweetman. - Christmas concerts--Head Church on Décember "23rd. of Mr. George Sweetman, health, was a success, was as follows: Mrs, gave "a reading, a contest. marks, served, Proceeds $90.00. oilburner stove is working fine. November 24th, surprised to see Mr. and Mrs. Hope and family, Mr. Long and family, Mr. checkers--and erokinole, bedspread, rayon pair casion from: the family. on- Saturday last. ment -on Friday night last. addition to her school letter "P", ents, Mr. and week-end. Mrs. 3 rors ol INRYenL; : \ 'the school formal?" "Insurance. family's security. come this Year? > Her tiny tot hopefully questions--*"Wiil Santa ®me this year?" Her tall son asks "Will .I be able to go to College next fall?" Her daughter pleads "May I have a new dress for. She has to make all these decisions herself now. How wonderful for her to be able to say "yés", thanks to her husband's Crown Life policies, arranged to meet their particular requirements. How grateful she is that he had 80 clearly realized their vital need for, Life , ; Let a Crown Life representative show you how HEN ' Life Insurance can help you in planning your Crown LiFe boithie™! INSURANCE COMPANY W.0 RING, Generel Agen ary PERRY "Heme Office Toronte "The dates have been set for our Memorial Church on December 22nd and Grace + All 'are sorry to hear. of the illness We. wish for him a speedy Fecavery to good The Bazaar which was held ns Head] Memorial Church on November. 23rd Grace Church 'W, were invited to give:the program and Mrs. Glen Hood 'and Raymond Fralick, duet, accom- panied by Mrs, Bick; Mrs. R. Tetlow "The The Road to Church"; Mrs. R. Burnham conducted Mrs, Glen Hood helped Mrs. Lavern Martyn on the platform. Rev. Mr, Bick gave a few pleasing re- Following 'the program alll were Invited to the tea room where the bazaar was held and lunch was The new were pleased to see friends from te north end of the Island and from Port | Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hope celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on They were surprised to hear 'congratulations from CKDO Oshawa, sent in by their niece Mrs. Joe Dowson and Mr. Dowson and Jim. On Friday. evening they were again and Mrs, | and Mrs. Joe Dowson and son Jim arrive at their home to. spend the evening and play They were presented with a couple of ruby glass |. cups and saucers from Jim, a lovely pillowcases from Mr. and Mrs. Dowson and John Hardy, a couple of lovely pink and blue wool blankets and a lovely~ pink and white decorated cake for the oc- Mr. and Mrs Hope expressed their apprecia- tion for these remembrances. lovely lunch was served. a -- HONEYDALRE The Honeydale Women's Institute |e wish to thank all those who contribut- ed to the success of their bazaar and tea in the Port Perry Public Library | . Also to thank the girls for their splendid posters--Jean |gesrgesee Williams, Kay Aldred, Freida McCul- lough, Doris DeNure and K. Gerrow. Congratulations are also due tg: the dnughters of members of the W.I. who] received honours and awards at the Port Perry High School Commence- Entrance certificatés were presented to Freida McCullough and Jean Williams, while Helen Diamond received her Secon- dary School Graduation Diploma in . Miss Dorothy Irwin has secured a position with the Gossard Co., Port Perry." We wish you every success, Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mulholland, of Oshawa, were visiting the latter's par- | Phipps--at the We are pleased to know that Mr. Ww m. Jrwin is continuing to improve in health. 'Mrs. Norman Lyle is his] Surge Milkers 'MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service, MYRTLE STATION ' Phone 33 r. 1-4, Brooklin 3 Yee ES -- ---------- |GERALD" B. THOMPSON v 'D.C. - -* *Doctor of Chiropractic" X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9 to 5 Evenings by Appointment. "MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 47 King St. East, Oshawa, Mr. Gordon W. Richl, C.A., Resident Partner ARTHUR W. 8S. "GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. RUSSELL Db. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe "Stréet North, 'Qshawa, Phone 814 on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon of each week, or by-appointment. Phone 94 Queen Street, Port Perry. >> > - - OR. H. H. ARMSTRONC DENTIST Queen Street P'home 237 Port Perry I DOAN RAB SB AANASE PIANO TUNING VY. P. STOUFFER Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated Phone 30 Port Perry. 20ted PRA AN AN FIN RE ER WW. A. Sangster Phone 2927 ° '~ Jong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 in attendance at my Port Perry Office . 2 BOTS, r DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 'a.m. to 6b p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. BIL Rousseau Upholstery 'Featuring a complete FURNITURE REPAIR and REFINISHING SERVICE On hand is' a complete line of Materials to choose from. All Work Guaranteed. to consider your next repair job. We do custom building, too. 216 Marv St. E., WHITBY Lids. a a a PARR RRR FLOOR SANDERS TO RENT thing you need to do a profes- sional Refinishing Job on those old floors. Custom Work Prices on request. "hone 3744W1 M. Leggette bo SAIS AN AAT IRS 335510000000 000000000 1151825800 00000000000 FOR Lumber Gyproe, Insulation Ten Test Custom Work en TRY a Uxbridge Planing 1) = a3 - Phone 483 and we will be glad Our Rental Plan includes every- OSHAWA - Plywood, Flooring oh Mill H 2 RID D i al