+ 8 by fy we EL SEA RF ERs RA > ro - » 'PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1st, 1949 - -- " --p---- rrr-- -------- wr pp EE nae. me ll : : i 5 a een HF Tide 4 . - LOCAL ITEMS THE CHURCHES "CLASSIFIED ADS IT WAS DIFFERENT Lawrence's.) Store Ne: | | ke Len Colbear and Mrs. Honard oe wo ernie -------- . The students of Port Perry High dWrence S rug ore CWS b 3 B 0 Durkin were in Toronto on Tuesday ST. JOHN' PRESBYTERIAN 2 : School, under the direction of Miss eis 4 # "evening attending the Matrons and CHURCH ARTICLES FOR SALE WANTED Barrett, staged a play that, certainly, (You Can Save With Safety at Your Réxall Store.) | - Associate Matrons Banquet, Order of |. Rev, John Riddell, Minister i a Was different from any we have seen Si the Eastern Star, held at the Hearth- [Sunday, December 4th-- ANGORA WOOL FOR SALE' DEAD or CRIPPLED stock removed here. "Look for. Quality "in the gifts you buy. Make selections : VE el ; stone Ted Rooms. ~*~ © | - 11 am.~-Sunday School. Say pig : ; {free of charge... 1 hoy service. High-| A word or two of explanation might ear ly. We are proud to offer the following 'Quality Lines: HG LRT BY i Mr. and Mrs. Archie bhi and . 1 p.m.--Evening Worship. Hand spun Angora 'yarn in 100%. |est prices paid for old, horses. have helped the: audience to know just |}|. : 'BUY COUTTS "FOR SMARTER GIFT £ gd '¥ ie 3 son were Sunday, Vite: at the home | Siete 0ofts Way With Man" |. R ado A te) ' deed t ¢ Ri Phone. Collect what we. expected of them; but we * CHRISTMAS CARDS NOW PRL oh of Mrs. Anderson's rents, Mr, and| and 50% Angora. ; colors dyed tol ° MARGWILL FUR FARM can offer no criticism: of the actors. 5c. 'Cards 50¢. dozen BOXES OF' STATIONERY R Mut, J, Hoplins. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION _ [order. "Phone 2679 Bowmanville '|7hey knew their script as well as all |} 105. Cards ......o: $1.00 dozen Lady' Wind fix WH Sunday visitors at the Sie of Mr. SEN ." oct13,t. amateur actors: do "and the "inderd hate aruba y ermere . : : J Zr Rev. J. T, Coneybéare, Rector. MISS E. AUDREY KENT, a y 15¢. Cards ................$1.50 dozen r and "Mrs, A. L. McDermott, were Mr. Dec. 42nd "Sund iu a I An "Po i P A stood their place rather better than we Hl @25¢, Cards. vives $2. 50 dozen Lord Baltimore ? ; wy Wid Grant" McDermott and som; pif rn x ddan one na or erry. WANTED ss "We take away al would have expected. . tes : of JLoronto, . Tr dead or crippled farm anima Perhaps we had better try to make : * ; at i On' Saturday morning.a bus load of| (Corporate: Communion for W.A.) FOR SALB.i%a M J u En free of 540 For prompt |a little explanation for the benefit of | PROPHYEACTIC "BRUSHES ADRIENNE COSMETICS ; very excited "children and smiling | 11 a.m. -Sunday School. Sad a a Spute : 10, «service, Phone collect 2-r-3,|those who were unable to see ft. . and TOILET SETS - BACHELOR TOILETRIES ; A RE p on or lng Woodville, Ed. Peconi, Argyle.| The play was carried along by the ||| | SEAFORTH for MEN FOR'MEN. L oo iid Perry for Oshawa, to see the big event [PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH [2nd short wave, in p , conayion, | naar. Rverett: Nichols, -whose ox 3 : of the year (af least in the children's | P. Taylor, Pastor Priced to sell $30. Apply Wm. Hill, Dn Meh nL raicte SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN PENS DeRAYMOND COLOGNES eas n's 3 y | 4 : ¥ Ada eyes) and that was the Santa Claus [Sunday, December 4th-- Prince Albert, Ont. WANTED--CATTLE TO WINTER. parts of the we Rog Was no 5cen- REMINGTON ELECTRIC LENTHERIC PERFUMES parade. Although the Oshawa. parade| 1g a.m.--Bible School. FOR SALE--R.CA. Victor Record |Apply Cyril W. James, R. B. 8 Port ery except the table and chairs, and at SHAVERS' : and COSMETICS cannot come up to the Toronto one,[ 13 3.m.--Morning Worship. "| Player, new 3 months ago, Besant Perry, (Scugog), Fhone 102 r 4. times there were two or three different VITA RAY COSMETICS POTTER & MOORE - they have done very well and i gots. "7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. to radio; also Victor Ejector - dec 1. ines taking 'place.at the same time ENGLISH LAVENDER bigger and better every year. On-the'fyy ednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. [gauge single barrel shot gun a ------ : 2 on the stage, just as-there are many 1 return trip the children were still ex- new. Apply at Star Office, or phoric [ROOM AND BOARD WANTED--in [different scenes taking place right [JI A M. AL A WwW REN op he ! dot go hn the is? Pokey PERRY UNITED CHURCH 206J, Port Perry.. Port Ferry, for a Greenbank girl em: [now in our town that will ultimately : ing mothers. and grandmothers, Rev. Clifford Smith, Minister loyed in town. Write Box 34 Port{have a bearing on each other. P ONE ; Shiu the children had couxed for something Mrs. Elsie Ey AT.CM., : TRUCK FOR SALE -- 31 Pick-up Ny Star. De¢. 1| The daily lives and loves of two i T%e Store nto 10 and Mom' couldnt say no. We are Organist and Choirleader. truck, good condition, $145.00. Apply ; -- |homeg "Our Town" we enacted from ' : : bi Tanai _inhaving such an ef-1g,,4,y "December 4th-- - A. Ellis, Nestleton. LOST--Black and Tan Male Hound. [school days until 'death do us part'. icient bus service. - 10 aan.--Sunday School. 5 : -- The older people of the audience were + This "catunit woold uot be Tong a m.-- Sime ay hoo - FOR SALE--100 Pullets-- Barred Any person having information Phone p oP : a : : ) 11 a.m--Primary Class, Rocks, 9 months old. $1.76 each. H.|66, Port Perry. very appreciative of the incidents : enough to mention all the people Who | yy, A sermon in Advent. Thelp vey Manchester, Ont. 9 - which portray our lives and the actors A I CERT have been in Toronto «or n day. Every words of the ancient hE sever, hlanc ,- Ont. 3 BUILDING TRADES certainly gave a realistic expression a ; SESE : 3 4 day you hear pede Dts ps "Ie shall feed them and He shall [FOR SALE--3 Js Heit | of the emotions which control our des- p at eiseFiatort hs Es 7 EIRP vr Pkg: 36e, -- Giant Pkg. 120. Fi i ave been up to the City lor a « be their Shepherd." : 2 years. Apply to W, C. Wilson, R.R, . 5; tiny, - ; edeem your ux oupons here two to do their Christmas shopping.| , Tn Nn en Against Time." |1, Port Perry, Phone 99 r 4. Electric Floor Sanders The graveyard scene was, in a sense, |B VBL. res. size 4c I ¢ake Palmolive Soap 16: Both for 35 | --and you always hear them add how A Ryerson Award Book to read. : | 3 the key to the author's philosophy of |B Lx eg. size 34c., 1 cake-Palmo ive oap ©: ornate th for 35c. a nice it is to get back to little Port After ihe "cvonin ai R ; i Hardwood Floors, laid, sanded and |i; 2: : Ei = y JY g service a social - - > 'loors, y life, that we should spend more time |H 7 I . y Perry hour for young married people and! RANGE FOR SALE -- General Hinged, General Garpenity: pat enjoying one another of ou¥ family [m WE HAVE YOUR CHRSTMAS CAKE NEEDS I » Remember--Service Club is to-night tl holr under "the. aiepicos- ub the lewetrie "Hot Point", three. burners cupboards, gyprock put on an n- and friends, because in 'a little while|m CUT MIXED PEEL, 8 K E 19 : - \ f Mrs. Stanley Linton. re ch e - ausy ] electric ot ~ Pont", + |ished for painting. " y [Del : a h iy 8 0Zi PKG. cv inierirrecrnnnnins I c. it ihe hans o a i y i mall [executive of the 50-50 Club. Jack [side oven and warming oven. In good ROBERY PICKARD all may be gone. @ CUT MIXED FRUIT, 8 oz. pkg. oe i 5 r. ivan erry and r. Jim sm voi : g . th . LE . : MN: YUL NIALL FRULL, B 0Z, PRE. ..ovvvicnmsimnncsinnpistssinnisinnieseiinme . J Griffe 11 tell of his trip to Banff. . s b t $65.00. . Miss Barrett and cast are to be con- | =: have returned to Moncton, N,B., after | Srit7er Wil tell of his ip to Pant. jeonaitioh A sflebid Mr ® $65.90 prONE 281W PORT - PERRY | 0 oe" success with |B GLACE CHERRIES, MARASCHINO CHERRIES 5 spending a week with Ivan's parents, |=". it a yorply CR 4 - . : which they "put over" a different play, |B GLACE PINEAPPLE, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS = Mr. and Mrs. N. 'Kerry. -- | PRINCE ALBERT UNITED | EXCHANGE--Will sell or exchange : Following the singing of the "King" |H : ; & ; : a Mr. and Mrs. Bert Puteis + of Ar Ry ivan ¢ room house ja resides) an uf EE Storry the cast presented Miss Barrett with a : FRESH FRUITS and YEGETABLES i lanta, Georgia, were in town this week | ala] » * Toronto, for a house in Port Perry or } ; ; a bouquet of flowers in a ipreciation " . = : attending the 60th wedding anniver- Sunday, December 4th-- vicinity. Write Box 275 Port Perry, > BUILDER of her service. + .; n- MERLIN DOWSON un 'sary of Mr. and- Mrs. A. D. Peters. 2 pan, 3, amd Bible Class. ) Ontario. : 5 4 : Cast of Characters n yy. : 0 : il E: I: } ev ] "zekiel 8 proprecy regard- =| "Agent for all makes of Insul-bric Director 4... Miss Mildred Barrett [} WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE u EVENING AUXILIARY, W.M.S: ing the Good Shepherd. FOR SALE--Quantity of Chrome and Asphalt, Aluminum and Sul Stage manager - 'and narrator-- Pp. iam . iG a; : of 'ORT PERRY UNITED CHURC E-- Lhro 4 | mmc oy wn in) ' and leather furniture, booth style, iy Shingles, Hatimates F hs wi al _ Everett Nichols . ; . ] 5 : ., eat stima ree. auxiliary was held at the home of IMMACULATE CONCEPTION hg Atle in Fissure iS Tip Say Ph 2773 } Port Perry Dr. Gibb SL zm Rmeltaer] = he Sal TE THT gh if _ Mrs. E. B. Cooke, on November 23rd. PARISH So wi ii, 4 foils. ; pply | Phone : - ort Perry |Joe Crowell croripiriee veins. 5871 Redman a. x 3 It was in charge of Mrs. O'Neill's Rev. V. McGivney, Piost, nw £18); davkeon'y sist) 24Lf : 4 Rk a wb ishing) Now IN. STOCK Famous Reading 3 group, the president presiding. A| A CHILD OF LOVE or.--7-- | FOR SAND AND GRAVEL Ne i reseed Sin x Anthracite in goodly number present. The secre- 3 . HOUSE FOR RENT -- 6 rooms, . and Excavating Work, BEALL Ma Apeegerisionideine ; . ea taries reports were interesting and helpful. Mrs. Thompson, president of the Afternoon W.M.S. gave an inter- esting account of the Témperance meeting held in Massey Hall recently. A delightful solo was rendered by Miss Norma Hockley. The usual social half hour, with refreshments, followed. The - Regular meeting of monthly i Scugog Chapter, 1.0.D.E. will be held inthe Public Library on Monday, "December bth #t 8 p.m. nr {@-- PING PONG TOURNAMENT There will be a Ping Pong Tourna- ment at the Port Perry Yacht Club on Friday, December 2nd at-8 p.m. Members and those wishing to become members are wélcome. i 50-50 CLUB oo Fr RR ca ea A Sa NEE EE ALS 5 A a Mp Don't forget' that Monday, Decem- y AT ber 5th is-regular meeting night. "Mr. ZT. " George Sword will be the guest speak- er, His subject will be "Flying as a Hobby": Come and enjoy a good lunch and congénial fellowship. et Bp EUCHRE AT PRINCE ALBERT at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Doupe, on Friday, December 2nd, sponsored by Prince Albert C.C.F. Club. Good prizes will be given. Silver collection will be. taken. Ladies provide lunch. Tvetyhedy Welcome, decl THE LINDSAY CONVALESCENT HOME offers competent nursing care and cheerful surroundings to. elderly, convalescent and chronic patients. Registered nurse in attendarice * 24 hours. Government licensed, Reasonable Rates. 11 RIDOUT 8ST. Ki] Phone 116 LINDSAY LY Helen M (Peel) Bathie *D.C. "DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadiah Memorial Chiropractic: College, Toronto For Appointment Phone 2055 PORT PERRY A progressive Euchre will be held | To marry a man or oman who does not want children is to be certain of an unhappy marriage. 83% of child- less marriages end in court. Not to want children is to bring one or two perfect children into the world. Such spoiled; selfish, Godless children will perpetuate this loveless type of mar- |ringe. Children of God come from God-fearing parents who rigidly sup- erwise~their environments. Their home and school education must be God- filled. True love wants to reproduce their . beauty and strength, glorified by Christian faith of parents. The child never rises higher than the par- ent. Children in life reflect either a passion. The future of your child yet unborn depends on what you have to give it both in. body and soul. 3133338883388 888383888388888383888888222888888888888 ANNIVERSARY at MANCHESTER UNITED CHURCH, on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4th, 1949. } at 2.30 p.m, Guest speaker--Rev. Dr. of Oshawa. : Special Music by Ashburn Choir. All are cordially invited. SERVICE Fletcher, FOR SALE--Ladics' Green Coat in good condition. Size 16. Apply Star Office. . AUCTION SALE OF REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE, (Fully Accredited and Federally Blood Tested), one Horse, Pigs and © Implements, the property of JOHN L. DOBSON, lot 9, con. 9, Reach Twp., one mile west of Highway 7-12, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th Sale at 1.30. terms Cash. Pedigree 'Announcements . by Roy Ormiston, . TED JACKSON, Lp Leonard's Cleaners + WHITBY, ONT. Let us take care of your leaning problems. : EI Yeas We will be pleased to call at your door any Tuesday or 'Satur- day. Four Day Delivery Service. PHONE 315 'PORT PERRY. TERMINAL GRILL marriage built on true love or physical Mitaren; R.R.3, Port Perry: a very|- cement. block house, with hydro, water and nice garden, ¥% mile from bus and school. Apply Meredith Dring, Rag- lan, Ont. ~ FOR SALE -- 31 Dodge Pick-up, 'extra. coil springs. Garage, Port Berry, Phone 2Iw. FOR SALE -- 31 Ford Coach, 38 Chevrolet Truck.. Phone 259, Port Perry. - dee 1 FOR SALE--Findlay Oil Circulator heater, good as new. Apply to Mrs. Stuart Rodman, Phone 117 r 12. STRAYED--to the -premises of M. Owner can have same by Phone 122 r b. APPLES FOR . -SALE--Spy, Te thin" steer." paying expenses, . priced from 60c. a bushel up. De- -|livered. Phone 317W-- H. Pallock. ° USED CAR BARGAINS 49 MORRIS SEDAN 39 PONTIAC SEDAN 37 Plymouth Sedan 35 Ford Coach 34 PONTIAC SEDAN 33 FRONTENAC SEDAN 28 FORD SEDAN 32 PLYMOUTH COUPE CASH - TRADE - EASY TERMS BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS * Leaskdale 7 miles north of Uxbridge AUCTION SALE. Farm Stock, Milking Machine, Feed, property of ART. FULFORD, on the John Pearce Farm, 2 miles east of Port Perry on Highway No. 7A, on Thursday, December 8th, Sale at 1.30. CATTLE=-- Shorthorri- Cow, 7 years, fresh, calf 'at side, y Holstein Cow, 4 years, fresh id 1, bred Nov. 2 Holstein Cow, 6 years, fresh oi. ; Holstein Cow, 8 yefrs, milking, bred - Sept. 26th. 2 Holstein Cows, 4 years, milking, bred in July, - | Shorthorn Cow, b years, milking, bred July 14.' Shorthorn Cow, 6 years, milking, bred July 10. Blue Cow, 6 years, bred, September. Blue Cow, 7 years, bred Sept. 16. Red Cow, 6 yrs., milking, bred July b Durhdam Cow, 8 years, milking, bred. August 22, Shorthorn Bull. 6 Yearling Cattle. 6 'Spring Calves. rates 2 HORSES. : on SWINE--2 Sows, not;bred. - 2 Fat Pigs. 7 Shoats. HAY. ENSILAGE Bbl, MOLASSES CONDE MILKING MACHINE, used 2 months, 28" 1322 Port Perry, for information. dec 1 i "Apply Tripp's. Taf. | man Sweet, McIntosh, Delicious, 2 Durham Cow, 7 years, milking, bred ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone _ November 24 [y SAND AND GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call ROSS-E.-SANDISON; Phone-121-r-6; Port Perry, RRA A OO ELECTROLUX The perfect solution to your house- hold cleaning problems. A: DEPENDABLE and EFFICIENT .+-*- MACHINE. ; For Sales and Service 'contact "OSCAR V. BROWN, R.R.2, Port Perry, Ont. Phone 265 r 1-2 SO OO OO RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING ' Let us re-upholster your old chester-| field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you: a free estimate. pick-up and delivery. Phone 8344 collect.., OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY co.|" : 8 Church St. Terminal Grill CHIPS - HAMBURGERS MEAT PIES HOT DOGS ETC. (If it is a friendly place in | "Port Perry you are looking 3 + for "TRY US or ask the kids. Donlands i | Ice Cream THB HEST\ IN TOWN . LEAVE IT TO THE SCOTCH! The aces among Scotland's salmon poaching fraternity have been known to tickle salmon to death, They catch one Ia élone to shore, tickle It back of the gills and start a nervous con- dition which makes the salmon Froe| .|Flanist--<Mrs, Ernest Till' George Gibbs .. Rebecca Gibbs Wally Webb ...... % ....Larry Kendall Emily Webb ....... .....Joan Howey Professor Willard ...........Fred DeNure Mr.. Webb renee. Bil Brock Woman in the Balcony - : weendack Griffen rene Ethel Day Carole Sweetman Briquet - -at-$ 21.60 per to 'Chestnut at $ 23.75 1 per ton Get Yours while it lasts PRICE SUBJECT TO CHANGE READING . rs sy : Woman-in- the-Auditorium : Ella Barry Lady in the Box ....... wees Doris Stone Simon Stimson ............. Peter Sulman Mrs, Soames ............. . Shirley Vance |Constable Warren ..... «dim Beaton Si Crowell ........ Basebal] Players... im Wilkinson rant Michell \ Howard Garvey Sam Craig resis snnneesennionn nd CK Goode Joe Stoddard --..........:Lloyd Somerville Sound Effects ..........ccoiine. Rex. Burton Pianist... Marie Thomas Soloist . Bob Helm Greenbank W.A. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held at the home of Mrs. James Lee .on Tuesday afternoon, November 22nd: with gpout fifty in attendance. Group in charge: Mrs, Jaines. fot Mrs. Ivon Spencer, Mrs; W. St. John, ye John McDonald, 'and Mrs. Leon- Beadle. ~~ ith Mrs. Lee presiding the devo- tional period opened with all singing hyn, "0 Valliant Hearts", after 38 | which all repeated the, Lord's Prayer together. The Topic -- *Remembrarice Day" was ably taken by Mrs. E., B. Cooke, of Port Perry. 'She emphasized the fact that we cannot build a proper and lasting memorial to thohse who died for freedom's cause on a base of evil actions and' indifference. We must live, righteously each day of -our lives 'land we must sow the seeds of good will that will build a new and glorious world. She referred to Cotter's Sat- urday: Night as a peaceful home life where friends gathered in the évening {to read the Scripture and have a word of prayer This portion of the meet- ing, closed with the singing of hymn "0 God of Love", anda duet, "I heard the Voice of Jesus Say".sung by Mrs. :|McMaster and Mrs, R. Leask, Mrs. Boe, the president, then took || the chair, thanking Mrs, Cooke for her. wonderful topic given, and also Mra. I Lee for the use of her home, Final arrangements ;were made for the Holstein Banquet which was held on the evening of November. 20th in the basement of the church, * ' for the year 1950.which are as follows: President--Mrs, James Lee. 1st Vice-President-+Mrs, E. Hook. 2nd Vice-Pres--Mrs, H. Raines, Mrs, Jas, Ianson Asst. Sec'y--Mrs. John Cook Treat Mrs, Elmer Gibson, Cor, Sec'y--Mrs, Wilmot Walker Pres Sec'y--Mrs. J. A, McKitriek, they scoop it out of the The secretary read a list of officers || _Port Perry Coal & Ice Co | PHONE 289. SHB Sal # eS TH OO LO EER Nl PREPARE for WINTER Wee carry in stock-- SPRING BRONZE WEATHER STRIPPING GRAY CAULKING COMPOUND :: ACQUELLA Order your Storm Sash and Combination Doors. Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 w TEE ESA Il A IS : CE mmm mm . [a The People's Moat Market 'Where You Get the Cholcest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS W. E. MacGregor and Son Phone 72w, PORT PERRY We Specialize fre 2 GENERATORS, STARTER and ELECTRICAL Repalrs on all = » makes of cars. GENERAL Garage Work, Welding, Towing, Ete. == = An Work Guaranteed HBr! | A i Mianchister 'Garage ood MANCHESTER. PHONES 53w & 320-22 .