3 4 + LE tr ah tar RRR Rha enh hhh RRR ahah RRNA AR aaa na nasa tnnnisssnstssttssssnnssssss; resvesosssssore ses RESTAURANT HUNTS CHOCOLATES and SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ~ CANDIES @® : Place your order for "Hunts' Christmas Cakes" Eatly "For Christmas, Bridge Parties and Social Evenings" See our display of "Baby Bunting" line of Nuts. ~. NOTICE,TO PATRONS : "The main Restaurant twill be closed Christmas Day. Reservations will be taken up t& December 22nd for « € CHRISTMAS DINNERS in the Banquet Hall Phone 215 or 3M 0H DELICATERIA 0D roosovenes A roses esssnsses rose 1331888880018 HL esas sess ssssststtsss tsetse stesteeeeseses fadiiiiititsantaatannatiddetat 1338338828808 80880888s 113888 a I reves sons recesses cersess i The cheapest meal available during REO RO RRR 00 Perri ittanteenettestess | > od "Port Perry Restaurant i Scotty' s Fish « Chips ross esssss: these hard times." Saves mother the rush of preparing a supper. Come i in Soon or Send your Order PEI 0 000000000 00000000000008084 1 $80090486444 EEE SEE E0000 08808088033850003000010 3030 3 rn Ce ee 820000000080 000000008041 000 eee ssssse $4333138312 +333333 DD RR tata ttt tition esttncetsnestsnssesesssss / Taylors Restaurant ~The Restaurant of Distinction The Place to 'go to see People you Eom. EL Finest i in- 'Food and rood ourteous Service: J re TOL 5a | operated > "Phone 96 FRED FUNNELL Port Perry 10000ees seed S333 803100 10000000000 0000000000000 A LUMBER _ R-------- o--- TTL TL TT Ti TI TL TET Recreation Centre "A GALA NIGHT" December 9 Port Perry Port Perry Community Memorial Committee presents High School i o Monster in. Gymnasjum, 8 p.m. sharp ADMISSION FREE-- r Bingo [ J 10c. CAME 3 for 25¢. ~ DANCE in features. a Selection of exceptionally good Rp zes fo Van De Walker & his Orchestra 'with all their fun & entertainment ~ Admission pance HC. Poisin Auditorium SEAGRAVE B.C. Cedar 8 fnch and 10 inch Shiplap $90. 00 per M. White Pine Flooring and Vee Joint $95.00 per M COKE STs your fuel supply' with No. 1 Steel § Company Coke and save money, at $20.00 per ton. } REESOR FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY PHONE 73w 5 (ES Perfect Refreshment Arig d Ti mel GINGER ALE Wherever fine refreshments are sold you will find your favorite KIST Ginger Ale in large, family-size bottles. Look for KIST Ginger Ale on the shelf where you shop.- -- " Order it by the bottle or by the case. GET KIST WHEREVER FINE REFRESHMENTS ARE SoLp | Saturday. % [site for an Open-Air Rink, has select- ¢jed a spot on the bank of the river. £ | ground, ete. _ {ter, from Kentucky, has been visiting The. change was effected last Sunday. * Mr. Frise is slowly recovering from A number of our citizens attended the Santa Claus parade n Oshawa on A committee, appointed to secure a Plans are being made to proceed with the erection of the walls, levelling of Mrs. Thompson's brother Alex. Bax- ||Feature Event-11. 30 p.m. [lucky Draw on Chevrolet Car ~ Draw to be conducted: by executive | of Business Men's Association. _ Public Address System throughout | School will carry result of Draw to everyone present. En Se Ae i -- a : The hour of service in the Church $¥ | has been changed from 7.30 to 11 a.m. a---severe-illness--which--lasted several % | weeks, *|Mr. and Mrs, H, Eagleson spent Sun- __| Friday eveninp by all the members _| Even those that cross the oceans keep with Mr. . and Mrs, Thompson the past week. 3 Mr. and Mrs. F. Chidley and Lynda of Little Britain, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Moase. The children are skating on the creek:--We-hope-that-it-is-teally safe: Mr, T. Emmins spent the week-end at his home in Dunnville and attended Commencement at the High School. His - daughter Shirley, now 'a student at McMaster, received her Graduation Diploma, two scholarships. -and two prizes. : Mr. and Mrs. S. MacFarlane and day in Toronto. >> SHIRLEY" An oyster supper was enjoyed last and their families of the Orange Lodge at Purple Hill: About forty ing which followed. ing Mr, and Mrs, L. Fenton and fam- ily on Sunday. here over the week-end. On Saturday evening last Miss Betty Lambe and Ruth Duff celebrated their. birthdays at a double birthday Barly at' Betty's home. About twenty: ve young people enjoyed themselves in' dancing 'and playing cards and games, cake and ice cream; was served, Next Tuesday night there will be another euchre party at Purple Hill Lodge. Everyone welcome, Several attended the presentation | at Prospect School for Mr. and Mrs, L. Smith, Friday night. ' a a : Seagulls rarely get far from shore, a handy ship in sight for occasional rest-up perching, : TA (I TH a "A DANCE 'UTICA : FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2nd * Music by Wilson's © Orchestra Admission 650c: enjoyed the supper and the card play- ; | Messrs, Aylmer and Roland Smith,] and Migs Margaret Fenton, were visit- Miss Helen Duff was at her home Lunch, including birthday | will be held in Memory Hall| Junior Farmers Kiwanis Club view Y.M.C.A., Toronto. money. . Scugog, received 8rd, Kiwanis Club, was the "Clean Farm Contest." Twenty-three Junior Farm- ers completed this project. The first four boys in.the contest were awarded prize money. -- After the dinner, the boys and girls visited the Royal Fair] where and enjoyable and educational afternoon was spent. - RR Rs IS ALR. GREENBANK FARM FORUM SPONSORS EUCHRE and DANCE. This Forum is composed of séven families on the 12th concession of Reach and sponsored the euchre and dance held in Greenbank Hall on Tues- day, Novémber 22nd. The proceeds of $20.00 were donated toward the Re- creation Fund. The ladies' prize was won by. Mrs, Alan Jackson, with. con- solation going to Mrs, Oscar Gibson. ard Luke won the consolation, Armour McMillan, with Mrs, Phoenix = as secretary. blems as well as those farther afield. enjoyed, 5 --_--too ey MEMBERS SHOW CALVES IN KING'S GUINEAS CLASS AT ROYAL WINTER FAIR ---- Guests of Riverdale |f On Tuesday, Nov. 22, some 35 Junior 3 Farmers and Club nienibers from Ux- |g bridge, Scugog and Sandford districts | were guests at a luncheon at Broag- & The Riverdale Kiwanis Club spon- i 4 gored 4 projects by contributing prise i At the luncheon, the prize money | was presented, to the winners in the |%- Girls 'Garden Club, * Bonflie Gerrow, |$ Scugog,, received 2nd; Jean Samells, |} Another "project sponsored by the | '2% John Cook was high man while How- | 2° This Farm Forum is a thriving or- [§ ganization under the "leadership of |g Fred | It meets at|§ the various hdmes every Monday night | and provides its members with an op- | portunity to discuss. local farm pro- g A period of social recreation is also i 14 ONTARIO COUNTY CALF CLUB |} "This year there were 9 members of | 56382 Cp - -- ------ ------ Port | Fey Fg Two Shows Nightly? and 9. Saturday Matinee at 3 pa Bi THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1.23 Montgomery Clift and 'Aline McMahon - In the Gripping Down- to- Earth Drama and Sensational Hit of the Year "THE SEARCH" "SHORT PICTURES, : "MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED, DECEMBER 546-7 2 - Jack Carson with' Doris Day. : In the Glorious: Technicolor Musical Comedy "MY DREAM IS YOURS" " ~ SHORTS =I BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE | Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. Phone 16 PORT PERRY NOXZEMA SPECIAL-- 93¢c. Value for Thermogene .......59. and $1.19 Bruton's Bronchial.Syrup .....60c. HOT WATER BOTTLES Viceroy in pliofilm bag, .. ,LD.A,, guaranteed 2 years, $1.29 LD.A,, guaranteed 4 years, $1. 59, Bruton's Cold Capsules , Electric Heating Pad ....... $6.95: Bronchida Cough Syrup ; DUKE-FINGARD ELECTRIC HOME INHALATION TREATMENT for colds, bronshitls, asthma and _hay fever ..... $7.95 il SO OO OR 080 8% 00% a 0% 000 40 - MARES; i | ---- | 2 0 n 0 of % | EE THE PICK OF THEM ALL Stove & Fuel 0il, | Xowione GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS . RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 200J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO +, 20g ot Te a ae "|the Beaverton Club and 5 of the the local achievement: days, the Ont. Dept. of. Agriculture at the Nov. 23rd. The calves were shown. on * Sinclair Robertson, Port Perry R.2,, a member of Scott Club, Ont. County, Grand Championship. Other mem- bers of the Scott Club were Jim Black- Hugh Baird, Blackwater. SIRS LILLRIIIIILL 000000 000000 0000 000 0110000 Prentice' S Beauly - Shoppe PERMAMENT WAVES : $2. 80 and up PHONE 4491) 10 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA SESS IEII1 011100000000 00000 0000 0000000 Scott Club. These boys and girls fed | and cared for their calves during the g "= |Spring' and Summer, attended club | & meetings and exhibited the calves at |§ "The boys and girls- were guests of 8 Royal Winter Fair from Nov. 19th to | 8 the 21st and sold by auction 28rd. E: had first prize Aberdeen Angus steer, 8 and was 'close runner-up for thel§ burn;--Uxbridge; Arthur ~Richardson, | Ashburn, Tom Duff, R.2, Port Perry; TRY THE NEW DELICIOUS SNACK P POPCORN Caramel Coated , FRESH POPPER in 'bags and tins SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL ~ "Chocolate Date Layer Cake" Phone 3 32, "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH 'CONFIDENCE THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST IN THE CATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, 2 GOWNS, and WEDDING COWNS ARDLEY FROCKS 4913-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1575 TORONTO, ONT. AD, TURKEYS | ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL EARLY for the BEST Selection. LL BEEF QUARTERS a Specially selected for: Lockers, THE FAMILY BUTCHER CAWKER BROTHERS PHONE 20 PROMPT DELIVERY SE foils ESPECIALLY BETWEEN 10 AND 12 A.M. AND 4 TO 6 P.M. PAINTING and - DECORATING 8PECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: PAPERHANGING,. PAINTING, GRAINING X ALL WORK deta Y GUARANTEED. 21 years experience in Toronto. - Estimates given. : ~~ Full LES ment: ALSO OUTSIDE G DONE. * M. St. Clair and Son EPSOM (North West of School) PHONB--PORT PERRY 118 1 14 . Gerrow Bros. Bakery : -» a