Fo le 31'S 4 ia Ki La . The Xmas Gift Store Fo ah ry BRO K & SON Department Store] TOYS- Plastic Tea Sets, 0c. -50c. Snow: Shovels, i 3 Cars and Trucks, 50c. and 60c. DOLLS~ 75c., 95¢c., $2.50, $3.50 50c. SIZES 25 10 20 sia. 9s. - 29 to 34 i 95 SIZES 34 to 37, with vest, $29.50. GAMES -- 19c., 29c, , 60c., $1.50 | : BABIES SUIBORRE S18; $2.98, $3.50, $3.95 3 SIZE 38 and 46 ONLY. Men's Overcoats--$19.00 ---- "Men's Suits--nice worsteds $49.50 61 gauge NYLON HOSIERY $1.65. $14.95 Men's Parka Coats PANDA DOLLS, 52 50, $3.75, $5.95 Heavy Plaid-- $9. 95 ~ WIND BREAKERS 50c., 65c¢., 95¢., $1.25 Boxed HANDKERCHIEFS $3.65, $4.95, $7.50 Mors Cardigan Sweaters TABLE CLOTHS, B4"x54" $2.85 | 'Men's All Wool Pullover Sweaters $3, 85 - $7. 95 i i i Men's Slippers, $1.20, $3.2 25, 5 95 $2.50 and $2.98 WOOL HEAD SCARFS r Tove, Dishes, | Ladies' Wear, Men's Wear, Rubbers, Shoes, Wallpaper, Floor Coverings, Etc. XMAS DECORATIONS WREATHS, 15, .25, .50. BELL CLUSTERS, 50¢ TREE LIGHTS ALL SIZES AND BULBS Ladies Sweaters, cardigan, 4.95 & $5.25 Cups & Saucers, 75c., 98c., $1.50, $1.65, $2.00 : ~ Women's Black Snow Boots Rubber with Fleece Lining $6. 95 GROCERIES RAISINS, Australian Sultanas, Seedless RAISINS, Seeded Muscats RAISINS, Bleached Sultanas CURRANTS, per lb. 23c. CUT MIXED PEEL, 7 oz. § pkg. {: CUT LEMON PEEL, 7 oz. pkg. CUT ORANGE PEEL, 7 oz. pkg. . CUT CITRON PEEL, 7 oz. pkg. CUT MIXED FRUIT, 7 oz. pkg. GLACE CHERRIES, Red, 7 oz. pkg. " GLACE CHERRIES, Green, 7 oz. pkg. ~~ BLACK MISSION FIGS, 16 oz. pkg. CHOICE MIXED NUTS, per Ib. MIZED CHRISTMAS CANDY, per Ib. - = ~DATES, per 1b, 29c. per 1b. 18c. per 1b. 24c. per 1b. 24c. 21bc. 16¢. 15c. BI | pHoNE 4s ~F. W. Brock FE Son PORT PERRY, ONT. ALLEY AVE ee NN - ads 2 a -- (SVS ESET LETTING YOU DOWN? Lr) 18 YOURT. FAVORITE ROCKING 3 CHAIR =~ Or perhaps you have a Table that is getting old and feeblé. Don't rétire your old Furniture, maybe it can be rejuvenated! Ser : visability. and cost; of repairing your old ~* ture. . . Phone 284M and have ROY KENDELL call - and he will give you a free estimate of the ad- f urni- GENERAL CARPENTRY, and oDD JOBS of any Description also undertaken. No J small. Satisfaction guaranteed. » i Dink PHONE 284 M., PORT PERRY ; " ROY KENDELL _ job too . Unique Contractors SPECIALIZING IN RUBBER 'Mastic, Linoleum, Tile Flo ~ Kitchen Cupboards built to Satisfaction. - All work Guaranteed. ors your Free Estimates PHONE 189-5112, Port Poriy for Ramsinars MAY WE SUGGEST THESE USEFUL GIFTS ~ We Have All Makes of Pop- Pop-down TOASTE "ELECTRIC CLOCKS SMALL RADIOS. .° SUNBEAM 'MIX-MASTERS re A Small Deposit win Hold Any Article 1 fed ROBERTSON E ELECTRIC ee days' Plone 179W, 179). | "HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER "CONNOR WASHING MACHINE AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC ho hui ------ and _ TABLE, BED, BOUDOIR and FLOOR LAMPS BEAOH and HEAT-WAVE RANGES ELECTRIC RAZORS We Sa a full display of Christmas Lights & Bulbs Por Perry. f i B. ee = | __ CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS AN D SUPERSTITIONS Strange superstitions, relics of the remote days when Britain's people were - pagans, still linger in many parts 'of and are remem- bered at Christmas time. Hera are some-of them: = DEVIL'S KNELL--<For the last 700 i years, for instance, a bell, known lo- cally as the "Devil's Knell", has tolled on Christmas Eve in the village of '| Dewsbury, Yorkshire, in the north of England. - Local legend says that the custom was begun by-a baron; who gave 'the bell to the parish as a pen- ance for killing his servant, and order- ed that it should be rung every Christ- mas to remind him of his. crime. By] tolling the bell once for every year since the birth of Christ, the final| ~ stroke being timed to ring at the hour of midnight, local people believed that -the devil would be kept from the par-| ish for the next twelve months. Arithmetic vs. Politics . (The Social Securd used' effectively by Printed Word) is a fine phrase, .all Canadian political parties at election times. But, 2 -twhen---¢arefully examined --it loses | much of its meaning. Security of the country from war is something that ho party can guarantee. Financial security for individuals from cradle to grave is usually thought to be de- noted by the phrase, but such social security plans as have alréady been put into force do not appear to have lessened the need for private charity on a large scale. 'Arithmetic and politics do not co- incide when it comes to spending pub- lic funds so collected; nothing has been Zr added to society's wealth. Somé in- dividuals may have benefitted -- notably the civil servants who get jobs colfecting or" spending the money. Even they might be better off if they had jobs outside the civil service. - For the remainder of the population, even for those who pay no direct taxes and receive government handouts, social security is a costly delusion. The estimated cost of the Baby Bonus for the latest complete fiscal year is $271,000,000. The estimated receipts from thé Dominion sales tax for the same. period are $301,400,000. Thus if the Baby Bonus were wiped out, or even restricted to those families who "feat fo Bot 'three per cent. with no net reduction of Federal revenue. The consequent' reduction in living costs would ease the struggle of earners of small incomes: The Baby Bonus makes 'their struggle harder. The arithmetic of this is simple enough for the average sixth grade pupil. Einstein himself would be baffled by the 'arithmetic of those politicians who preach that taxation and living costs can be brought down at the same time as all the costs lumped together under the head of ATTENTION FARMERS |. We are paying the current market prices for dead or -. crippled farm animals. HORSES : CATTLE :: HOGS Telephone Collect for Immediate Service 'GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Port rn 118 r 21 Toronto--Adelaide 3636 Uxbridge 27 « Brooklin 62 REF RIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, both household 'and ll Wy Iistimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey INSURANCE. social security are going up. "Prom the very fist da 1 showroom, t really need it, the sales tax could be PHONE " MERCURY | LINCO N Meleor y it appeared | in our is hig, heauti the public, fancy. People like its lines, the way it's equipped' and finished, its . power and performance. Mercury i is still il car caught rd -- Pos by n = A ih \ @ Gil eS the favorite of thousands of ownets ; and notv "Better Than Ever", Come and ~ see for yourself if Mércury isn't the pick of all the 1950 cars. We'd like to arrange for a Demonstration: Drive. nis WILLIAMS MOTOR SALES PORT PERRY Are your policies up-to-date? ~ | Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult | H. W. EMMERSON 'Phone 41 Port Perry Attention Housewives be in Port Ferry and district each THURSDAY. For information re- SINGER - SEWING MACHINE CO., | Oshawa; -Ont 'Eavestroughing - ©." HOUSE and BARNS Electric. Pressure Pumps, . Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. KE stim: ites on-request SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 72 r 2 BROOKLIN . ~aug.1950 Port Perry - Electric ELECTRICAL APPL IANCES WASHING MACHINES - RADIOS RANGES FAIRBANKS-MORSE WATER PUMP SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT 'PERRY, 1st door north of Hotel [en --., ROOFING. OF ALL KINDS |Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. "EARL WALLACE + Phone 261 Port Perry Bonded Singer representative will garding Shles and Service, write the SPURS