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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Dec 1949, p. 6

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Yh AN {3 hn $e TH : \ WN RAE AAS LN RRR PN MET 3 A | OEE ye Censorship Made These Books Sell . REY "I would sooner give my daugh- ter a bottle of prussic acid than allow her to read this book!" These words were written by the' editor of «one of Britain's = widely read - Sunday newspapers 20 vears Ago about a hook he had re ad and of which he disapproved. aunt who sent fier niece a Bible as a. birthday - present and .in th accompanying letter, - wrote: have underlined in red all the por- tions you are not to read." You, too, have the power to baa hooks--hy becoming what 'is_called: a common informer. . The law in ° England on: the subject is curious. HOW CAN I? | By Anne Ashley Q. How can I sweeten the ground around house plants? =A grounds into the earth frequently, Q. - How can 'I clean' painted woodwork effectively? HU A. Boil two.or three onions thot- bughly, and the water in which. th are boiled "will clean painted woo "Ihis degrading navel, dealing as ; ! A) work very: sifectively.: leavin he it does. with 4 sitbjeet that decent tt is forbidden to publish porno- surface edn and glossy. No, soap people do not discuss; should be Erashy, and Hagan Ila hk is required. ° inned." rote he self-ap S15ts Of show 2 : - A bi - Pri ble Ri person' a written work ona picture 3 How 3h: I impart a brows "It is incredible that this writer of or photograph whiiclighy Inagiserate gloss to pies @ . iauv distdeuished' novels considers lewd and - indecent but A. Beat-an egg thoroughly with should 'have descended so low. His no action is taken unless that per- a small amount of sugar. Then add $a Rook 3% 4: dlscemer eet nglish son' complaims to the police. Such alittle milk, heat well, and go over AN letter a complainant .is known as a com- the pies with a pastry. brush when NRA Each « ¢ above damning com mon informer. ready to place in the oven.. AVAL ¥ ments about: different, bogbs was A printed hook may-.sell 100.000 Q. How can I make a cooling ion ation h Snumithed" Gio of copies before. any action will be | "application for scalds and burns? 3 : educition and considerable taken by the police unless a com- A. It is claimed that scraped pot: 1 ¢oparianed NITFee are very much mon informer makes a complaint. atoes make a very cooling applica- } ot the world and far from be Bue ¥- you think. of aPOHIIng tion changing frequently. eliered. over-sensitive prudes vourself a keeper of other people's Q. H I id. ita ; | violent attacks on the books morals, vou must be carefil, for if . 2% ow can vol iritation of which. 4. linll nor wanies could no the magistrate considers your com- the s in caused by annel garments? eh oftcotie of thei plaint frivolous, you may be had A. Flannels will not irritate the 1 ion ta at thy up yourself for avasting the time Most sensitive skin if they are i - ) Lio & nuh ot the polace anid the cong as a pressed 'with a' slightly warm iron it. 4h of dic Ui public Muisance! on the wrong side after they are" N it tiints te The case of John Clelland is inn. thoroughly dry. onfas' Fairkev. in "Adis Steresting. Aman of good family, Foon __. Boosted the Sales' his rather was a colonel mn the reg- 2 Wi Cc oeritics expressed ular any. ad he- was educated cs Separately 1 i a fiercely the main' ei \Westiinster He served for a _-. . of of their denunciations was ta while in the consular service and : 4 i wot thansanids. - of later he was in a merchant's office The sergeant was taking particu- te- cal HPI neti India. Dut Clelland was not sat- lars from _a new recruit. Th earch of the book 'thew. | isticd-- le wanted to be a writer , SO "Are you 'married?' i vee tal] not to read. In each case. he came back to London full of "Yes; sir.' the books in question. which might contidence and ambition. "Any children? dfherwise have had Ketle or no: it He wrote and wrote, but, no one "Yes, sir. Vive girls and four Fention, bovanie Gest sellers was interested and: soon he began boys." One might Bave thoonght that in to suffer from" the complaint which "Nine altogether." tice days of broadmindedness, at 1s almost an. occupational disease "No, sir--one at a time!" facks 'on books" that J ought to be among writers--he was very hard | ; : banned" world date stopped. Bur | cupe Infact, he was starving. ' pep no A few. weeks azo the editor} "Pension, Not Prison # of a famous | tewsnaper printed a' te went routid all the publish- r dentinciation of a book that is, in ers offices offering his services as tat, so dull thin it could only be of a hack writer att almost any price, terest to log and other and one day a nene- to--scrupulous SClentists wh ; a professiondl | publisher persuaded him to write a reson dor talang an terest in the pornographic work. Clelland hesi- swhicct. And the subject 13 what tated at first, but with visions of soldiers talk about among them being turned out of his lodgings selves when they aré separated for |, and of starving in the gutter, he at an unreasonably' long time from | last agreed. . their womeniolk +. « His first novel was "The Mem- What is the reason for asking oirs. of Fanny Hill," and no one . that any books he banned? The - could ever-accuse him of not keep- only important reason is that the ing his -bargain--it was porno- book in_question_would cause pub- | graphic with a vengeance! There | __. ~The harm. And how can a™printed was scarcely a. page without some 4 book do harm? Only by putting incident calculated to scandalize vicious ideas (moral, political, re- even the toughest reader. It should k ligious or otherwise) into minds have: been printed on.asbestos! ~ where no vicious thoughts existed It sold like wildfire and in enor- before; or by encouraging people mous quantities. The printers and of lax morality to feel that their the book sellers could not keep up leanings are generally condoned or -with-the demand. It was denounced - even Justified. The other reason is, in the daily- press and in serious of course, curiosity. ye the writ- weekly "journals, but nothing hap- ers of "sexy," "hot" 'blue" hooks ened to curb the sale of Fanny something to fell us a we don'f Fin until, one day, a public-spirited know? The answer is almost al- individual made a complaint and ways "No." The truth is that they the police took their usual action. seldom tell us anything interesting The pyinters were forbidden to. and certainly nothing new. produce any more copies and the Even Shakespeare "Erred" --book sellers were restrained from oven Shakespeare has not been selling the book pending the .de- exempt fron --attentiion-- on -- the --|- cision of -the cougt!' "Copies were grounds of morals. At_the end of sent to the maa for their in- | _ "the eighteenth century, a physician spection and deCision, and they de- named Thomas Bowdler objected cided without much difficulty that to certain passages in the works "The Memoirs of~Fanny Hill" was of 'the Bard so he produced his indeed an indecent work and a own edition under the title of The danger to public morals. Te Family Shakespeare with all refer- Clelland was summoned befote ences to sex owitted, thereby add- the Privy Council amd, in view of - ---- ig ho word- "bowdlerised" to the | the questionable nature of his-work,--|-- I EE I a DETPRA SE h=language-- the only -defence--the--coutd---put-for: i {sa = Arg i far as I know. no-oiie has ever |. ward was poverty. : : : : g : had the temerity to bowdlerige the Fortunately, the council was in a Little Boy Collar 'n' cufls win . Bible, but there was once a maiden good - humor that morning. The Big Boys' approvall Darling little president, ILarl Granville, spoke se- datin' 2-piecer has scallopy fasten- * verely to the author in the dock ing, sweetheart pocket, back-inter- about the seriousness of his of- est 'pleats. Maybe this simple sew- fence, but instead of sentencing him ing will bring you a corsage! - to imprisonment, as one might ex- Pattern 4593, Jr. Miss "sizes 11, pect, Lord Granvillé said 'that he | A3, 15, 17. Size 13, 434 yds 39-in. would recommend Clellind for a - This pattern, easy to use, pension from the state of £100 per ple to sew, is tested for fit. ;Has annum on condition that 'he: re- complete illustrated instructions. frained from writing any ore Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS books of a like nature! | (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot be This happened in 1749---exictly accepted) for this» pattern. Pring 200 years ago. And 1 may add that plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, I'he Memoirs. of Fanny Hill STYLE NUMBER, have been out of print and unob- Send your order. to Box .1, 123 tainable for at least a century. Eighteenth St. New Toronto, Ont. --- =u - . . = 8. Soild part 33. Ribbon : of fat » ornameén CROSSWORD iii. 1 fishin PUZZLE 10. Constellation _ 37. Bright- 11. Merry colored fish WEEE Co = ~16. Be defeated 29. Loafed ACROSS - © 1. Negative 30 Cover Hy Bn I. Finish ~~ . particle 22. Hurried measure 3 4. New-Zealand | 8 Turn asides 33 his 45 Hezative y Lona 3-lraven "fabrics (5: Monkey ' 12. Fish ego :. Num oral 3 Hien poet Hy ails r N . 13. Open sme argon 30, Nuisance '- 81, Devour 2 14. Mouthe s 13 TTT 16. Affect 17. Dry i " 18. Record 19. Auct: mn J 21, Flood 25. Lasso 28. Trimming 29. Stale ~ 31. Indian > mulberry ; 32 llahave 33, Matura ' ¥ 34; Greek latter : Wi 0 J Rae atte A SE Age 14 4 gat 9ttame LH You'll emoy every: minute of Fer ling yea this handiwork! You'll also appre: 49. Lowa son but ir 4 ciate the beduty these exquisite igakin 2 linens bring to your home! - in ) 'gepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 23 Lighteenth St, ~ Rewarding needlework! Pattern 926 has transfer of 6. mois "about 7x12 inches; crotchet diyeetions: Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS | coins (stamps cannot be ac- New Tatronto, TERN N nt. : Print plain; BER, yourN oe m ADDR Hy tag Ona mir tor 3 Blonrig A glass fur naee & 1.y pic 5 Hoofed | animal ® Meadow Spread LA ive i ! -- DON _-- LL 8likworm Answer sisewhere on this page. By - working some. coffee - sim} 'Santa Had To Hutry---~Christivag came a little early for two- year-old Tommy Pace because Tommy is suffering from the deadly blood disease, leukemia, and may not live until De- ~cember 25. Merchants and local' townspeople-joined-in-to make." it a real celebration for the plucky boy, seen admiring "Santa" and his presents along with his brother, Jimmie. : Jam gowg to r ask you a question. is-this: -- Tomo Farm Gwendoline P.Clarke people are like that--nearly 'always "generous in trying to pass on a [f some of those same skilled workers who now do so much for your club should move -- away, have you any idea who would carry on the work that, up to the present, has been .so willingly left to their capable brains and fingers? Could you-do it? Not only thai, but does your organization as a whole ever make a point of showing appreciation fo: - you belong? one vear's end to \ en, fron. other? All persons are not good at -the same thing--taus "We ave soime "who excel at baking: others at knit- ting and needlework;. some in. an organizing capacity, and still others at music. or 'handicraft. Whatever their talent, an- the organ the tinie, but _arises_for_so1 viien the necessity one to take charge fort it is to know you have just the right person to handle, it. we are rather inclined to take such help for granted, don't you think? "This fact was Jprought home to one Institute branch just recently when a lovely quilt top and lisiing was given. to. the branch to be quilted and sold--the proceeds to go to the branch. So here was-a 'quilt top, beautifully made, but if had yet to be marked for quilting. Tt was some years since this par- tigglar branch has done. any work on a good quilt--that is, 'one re- quiring a definite . -pattern and fine quilting. In the meantime, the two artistic members who liad al- ., ways so obligingly done the mark- ing job on any special quilt, had moved away. [Immediately the question. arose, "Who will mark the quilt?" A committee was appointed for the job--and that committee soon knew only too well, if it didn't before--just low much time and wok had gone.into all the previous quilt markings that had' beén done so willitigly for the branch by the * two members who were now too tar away to give any assistance. The "committee finally got the quilt marked and: into the frames, "but would the other members who came to quilt and followed the in- 'tricate pattern that had' been dé- signed for then=--would they realise fhe work that marking a quilt may involve? No doubt it will all be . taken - for' granted, as it generally "is, * Very few of us realize the de- taf of any job until we have to do it ourselves. Then how can such a situation be avoided? Well, here is a suggestion---in so far 3s quilts are concerned. - Most W.I. branclies put on demonstra- tions of one kind or another during the year--then why not a demon- = stration on quilt marking? In near- ly every district there can be found artistic: persons who 'are known to and even though they may pot he members of the W.I, I am sure any.one of them could he persuaded to give a demonstration. Talented . 0 y 1s Do you, as an "Thstituie or club - worker, sufficiently appreciate . - those hard-working members of - the various organizations. to which - the capable help that has been giv-' ization may not have need of it all Only ~ . be good at this: very exacting job, --of-a-specialized--joh,--what-awcom---}... little of their "specialized skill to others less a Perhaps" by- "a "demonstration of 'that kind, other members might be found to have just such: a talent, hitherto lying dormant an | unsuspected. In any case; -all members would at least find out for themselves the. work NEW and 'USEFUL T00 Play Table -Néw . playroom . accessory ' de: signed for - pre-school children is | being 'manufactured in Canada. De- scribed as a "miniature kindergar- "~~ten;" it is-a table which combines features -of a play desk, blackboard, flannel board and storage unit--all in one. 'Table has folding legs for "easy storage. : * * ; fe ed Easier Dialing of -telephone, perniits easier dialing "from any "position, maker states. Device duplicates the regular dial, but has larger figures and symbols. sible to print addresscs- simply by rolling the device over envelopes and postal cards by hand. Printing stencil is a roll on which about 250 - addresses can, be typed" Roll is loaded into machine in same-man- ner as film loaded into a camera. Printing fluid is stored in an easy- for a full run, maker states. address said to stand. up under 100 or more impressions. . - Fes = A Drain Spoon Drain -spoon is .new in design, made of stainless steel with handle of --ivory-colored--plastic fastened "with -nickel-silver rivets. Spoon is made with 'a flat on each lip for getting the last particles of food from a-pan or otheé container. Slots "that food will 'not stick in them, it is said : ow * Lows Cost Altimeter Aluminum, pocket-size, hand ia- -strument for measuring heights of izontal angles. Measures above or below eye level and with any length base, according to Canadian mak- be. simple to operate, requires no trigonometry, only simple arithme- tic. Accuracy claimed to be within - about 1%. in. bowl of spoon are so designed' = "Dialaid,". which slips. over dial. 'Won't interfere with operation of phorre, it is stated. : op * Manual Addresser - : Portable addresser makes it pos- - to-fill cartridge wick that stays wet Each trees, poles, wire clearances, build---' ings; elevations or vertical or hor- er. It is also a range finder. Said to --is~--said LER TOM HAR 'Free Book on Arthritis » » And. Rheumatism" - | reat Excelsior Springs, Mo: Ded. So successful has a specialized Sys tem proven for treating thedmatism and -arthritig® that an amazing new ° book will be sent free to any reader of this paper who will write for it. The book entitled, "Rheumatism," "fully explaing why drugs and medi- cines give only temporary relief and fail to-'remove the causes of the. troyble; explains 'how you may ob- tain relief front* rheumatism and | arthritis. You incur no 'obligation in send- ° ing for this instructive book. It may be the means of saving you years of "untold misery, For: writing prompt- "ly, 'the Clinic will send their newly enlarged book entitled, -.*:Rheuma- tism." < Address -your letter to The Ball Clinic, Dept, 5243, Excelsior Springs, Missiori, but be sire to write today. : al "announced. Features a - "scuft- proof" white sidewall and a special tread that virtually eliminates need for chains -in most kinds of winter driving, cite makers. Exceptional traction attributed to an exclusive S50: tread pattern consisting of count-_ less flexibel tread blocks which grip the road for greater straight-line , stopping power and added safety. ¥ c¥ * Plastic Flower Pots Colored: plastic flower pots are: " said to be scientifically planned to - improve plant growth. Made of non- porous plastic-which prevents rapid evaproation - of moisture _ maker states." Inside surface serrated to provide air: circulation. No opening in bottom for water or dirt to seep. through. . Circular design, 4% ia. and § in. high." Light in weight, practically unbreakable, it is said. + Available in bright red, kelly green, ivory, pearl white. : 5 ® * + Plastic Shades Plastic film specifically formul- ated for the window-shade market with The can_ be toughness. and durablity smooth and lustrous finish. finished, window shades --_cleaned'with soap and a damp cloth, . maker states. Material is unaffected by moisture, mildew or insects, will not tear or puncture in noraml use "and does not support flame; is re-' greater traction and safety than any previously evolved tire has been ¥ LE . sistant to fading, cracking, shrink- ~Auto-Tire= "7 " "["iig and staining, does not ravel and we Attontobile--ti aid--to--give--i--has no filling to break or fall out, . , € o combine qualitiés of ~ LPN cite 'makers. Shades come in ivory, white, green, and tan. entailed "in ~ marking a quilt and thus have a better appreciation of the work done by others. 'What applies to quilts is true of other club activities. A refreshment - convener might outline her work in that direction, telling her: fellow members how she arranges aftecr- noon tea for each meeting "and what preparations are made for a banquet. a good outline of the work neces- sary to arrange programs for. the year, . and . the finance convener might give her end of the story. Not the - final result -- everyone eventually knows that -- but the spade work that is necessary be- fore any result can be achieved. In other words, an_education_in.com-_ | mittee activities should help a lot to replace members whose help. is no longer available. And-it would certainly lead to a much better ap- pregiation of the work lone by our leaders and conveners. 3 Two-way. Loser The piccolo player was a habitual grumbler. One day the band was playing before a rich Eastern pos tentate, who was so pleased with the performance that he commanded' that all the instruments should be filled with gold coins, : "There you go," sighed the pic- colo player, "that's a typical ex- ample of my luck. Miiic is the small- est instrument in the band." The bandsmen spent the money in a wild sprée--with the result that the next performance was not so good. The Eastern potentate was furious! and ordered the bandsmen to ram their instruthents down _ their throats. ° : The piccolo player turned to his colleagues. "My bad luck again," he said. 'Mine is the only one that will go down.' n a row hae forgets - gnd TONIGHT mbers!" to put me he ren A program conveiter coald give i ~ "Dear Anne Hirst: I wish 1 knew what to dol I've been. working every since: 1 married. three years ago, and I help # bay things for .-our home. We built a "house. My hus- band has all_ his insurance (also the house) in his "father's name. [f any- thing should happeh to him, I'd be left out. in the cold. roy ime I * A wife-who has a job,. * needs recreation regularly, Your * husband should seé that you get * it, and with him. -When you two 'get along better together, that will come about atirally. * * Don' tleta dias hasty words upset you too much. An angry man often says things he does not mean, and .is too stubborn to take them back. Marriage is for keeps. Write Anne Hirst about your problems, and let hec help you keep your mar- riage fine. Address her at Box 1, 123 * Eighteenth Street, New ronto, Ont. "I have five rooms to take cate of, and 1 work eight hours," too. He doesn't even help me with the dishes: [I've had two operations since | married, but, sick or well, [ have to do everything. He tells me to quit my job; I said | would it he would buy the things we need He says all hie has to buy is food! "When he goes out, he doesn't "take ne with him. Yet if 1 see nity mother, he gets mad. He thinks I should stay home all the time. "He is always arguing about something. If it isn't my family, it's something--else.-- very upset, and always makes me cry. Ie treats me like a piece of. furniture. « "And now he says he doesn't care whether [ .stay or not, that he doesn't love me any more. Whatever shall -1 do? 'G.M.S." * strange conception of his re- sponsibilities. The house should belong to you both, and his in- surance should be in your name. nee . can live by food alone, and that \* it is his duty to provide the #* other necessities as his income * allows, or * Don't. you think that taking -* "care of your home and a job, too, "% are too much for one in your - * state of health? Why not try * giving up your position for 8ix) * months, perhaps, and see how * things go? . ¢ * to take that stép, then I suggest: * you live with pour mother for -* a little 'while, and let your hus ¥ band fend for himself, (He oan ve his meals with his mother). + he wii soon find out how enipty * the house is without you, and a * month or so of being alone * 'should Clear his mind .as to what + * affection he feels for you. . When two people reach thé nd * stage which you and your hus- * separation can work wonders. It * has for other couples, and it * would seem a good idea for you * to think over, If you are afraid' It keeps me "Your _hushand_secms-to-have a He must know .that no woman i * band are experiencing, a short. To- 2 Er -------- = 3) - Upside down ,to prevent peeking. pre yey - - kd Ale) 3 1 ol Id El A EH) a|4|2 3] ajo} 1] VN a w]<|v «bf at Mime] = Oflu hdl Bd - Oia j<i=x LES dA: Alm wwcia wuld w{>| aa (3 |S =| w|<|®{dlO k|<|u|wla «al = Bw Hal -alwio]w os rd } 3 </> <j wn|o|=x Ove) | x <|%|O|® |= «<| Die od a = a COME OUT FROM UNDER THE SHADOW OF PAIN Tiy DOLCIN Tablets for p prompt relief 'from ARTHRITIC and RHEUMATIC pain +++ Bot 8 bottle of 100 oe 500 tables from your druggist TODAY and jola * the thousands of relieved sufferers whe } bys taking DOLCIN have come owt 500 tables $10.00, 1¢ your druggist does not have DOILCIN,. write direct to DOLCIN LI {ITED, Toron: i 0 10, Canada. = DOLEIN TABLETS

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