15, 1949 : THURSDAY, DECEMBER x PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, T | VRENCE'S |& .. EAE t, Mrs. Gordon abe ERY REN \ : : ari LTIe EY NS for EVERYBODY Ti - | Fisher, oceup ing. of hymr . v 1 d : 2 F E [ ) D S the meeting with Rie sing Scripture SUGGESTIONS for Ferme R |]¢ 2 "CLASSI I 26, "Joy fo. ths ii St. Luks, Chap: GIFT. nr ALUE SHOP NOW FOI iz V # 4 pot lesson. was rea Mrs. Walter, SUE eT TTER. V ; DISE 4 CHURCHES] alii Mi WANTED 3 1. and prayer by Richardson i OP HERE FOR BETTI IN GIF1 MERCHA] ITEMS THE ar i S AL E JRIPFLED gtock removed or Mrs. Russel | November SH BETTER SELE( "TION Fri 3 TS LOCAL of Clark-| ---- i RESBYTERIAN ARTICLES FOR splay 1 hour sérvice. High. conducted a io 28. 414 , Canie : TS | BACHELOR $5 : ; : McMillan "0 ST. JOHN'S P rd |free of ¢ 'old horses. Glad Tidings "was, sung. GIFT SE FOR } Toiletries, Fins Mrs. Wallace Mr. Jas. Me- " CHURCH C.A. Victor Reco rices paid for a Midnight Clear", S- "ADRIENNE f line of To La : . : 3 father ith : Minister 'OR SAL ET, de hable | est p " Phone Collect Upon 'the retary and trea ide range o ,A real man's atirac. & : son, visited her "birthday i John Riddell, FO ths ago, attac . . Phon *ARM f the Secre We "have a w ; lar y merchandise in" } slebratéd his Rev. Jo : oF, new .3 mon : stor 12 LL FUR &F Reports o " : e 1a in this popu . Quality -me ' Kee : ie December 7th. Sunday, Dutomint 18% irst Christmas. Hiayels de also ied i) naltigy is urer were Bren presided Tor, the benny Gift sets. Bo to $15.00. u vo dig s1 00 to $9.00 his a to, ~--Béfore the "hite Gift [to hd barrel sho ! Phone oc R. Richa "line Pric % h as-- Pr i Toron Subject . School White single ba hone . Mrs, : ms, suc ; > Wherry of sunday Schoo Misa Fa 1d [gauge r Office, or p nN + officers. v n separate items, ; FH NU) alt Miss Joyes her cousin, 11 a.m.--Sunday e invited [Eay, ly. at "Sta : 1] election o 6,the .Quee Also sep. 1.25 : : s nd with: : Il parents are .) new. Apply. ke away a Richardson, of, «.75¢. to $1. Ric' ME : the week-end Ey servicg. "All . Gifts of 'ort Perry. TED ----- We ta Miss Ruth 'onto, spent a 'OLOGNE at ....... 1.50 " LENTHE 4 ¢ Apent M Kee, this service. 2064, Por - WAN TE d farm animals, pr * Hospital, Toron ! of C( Pek DER arian d yd SETS Ei [) J Mrs, G. M. Mc to attend acking pag- res d or cripple 3 mnt Elizabeth 'k at the home BATH POW . $1.50 00 to $3.75 °F. Jeffrey be used for | Be -- vs BE dea * For promp last weck a sell ADS ....... i Packages at $2. 5 k:and Mrs. N food to' ity 'of Chrome of charge. 2-1-3, [few days 'Mr. and Mrs, Rus BATH BEA ' $1.00. | ifr Pac ges a Oc. to $1.25 Miss M. Kissic Port Perry with for Overseas. a SALI Quant y it-] free e collect : 2-r-3, [fe rents Mr. an SOAP... $1.01 i k Cologne ....8 0 . » week- end in . fF ey's, cels 'Worship, =~ FOR i e booth style, 31 bd ervice,. Phon : Argyle. her pa BOX OF : 'Tanbar RR ) I. 1h spent the wee Honey Mrs, Jef rey 5 7p. mi-- Evening" ther furniture, each] 8 heh Ed Peconi, ichardson. 3 the Perth ; : in Bowl serene 500. : Sank ey, : , Ist-- and lea cafes etc., eact aodville, Ed, : Rie ttle from ; ETICS Shaving ; wer] Mrs, Frank | . December 2 Hisinias or restaurants, ! w hg hipment of ca duors : Y COSME =! Cream "woos "A a WO - so | Wednesday, iy 5chool Christm able for re eople, Apply : NER A ship rived at the -q ITA RA ci < Shaving : $9 daughter. Moorapond were 7.30 pr your a sted ep. 4 ILDING TRADES Sales, Raph wh Miller on yl Sets at $2.00, 32.35, ha A FOR MEN © Mr, and Mrs. Reg) and Mrs. Ray| Concert. 2 peels concert, Kenwood Hotel, Ja novzdifl BU -r d _|antine pis Tan TS 10th, with Mr. Se Se ike: al Teter ian Ws SEAVORTH Bowl ... $1.50 3 'nd guests of Mr. Eran hildren a : pag : 1 2 S Saturday, 3 n' Phd ser . separate Shavin $1.50 week-end gues : « ; Ti } H I r San er A ikin, as herdsma K Bath Powder .... Sepa ing Lotion gs A fo Wl aie N ; YS FOR tric F 00r" Gordon Aikin, ent the week- (§| Pri hs Separate Shav $10.50 I Cook. 7 sO ~f SENRR "THE ASCENSIO 'OUNG TURKEYS "(Elee v 11 'red Stephen sp t. ) Sep $3.00 to $10. ee spent the wee 'HURCH OF I : E YOUNG d and irs. Fred Mrs, Rob - \ INTHERIC 8: inrirmarss laire Glass spent the .| .CHURC "oneybeare, Rector. CHOICE TMAS. -- : laid, sande Mrs. f Mr. and V LENTHE + Gift. Sets . "Miss Claire G Mr. and Mrs. C. J. I. Coneybeare, | nt. CHRISTMAS. od Floors, kitchen d at the home o . ERY : BE + $9.95 - Miss wr yarchis Mr. Rev. J. Sunday in 'Adve PORT 'PERRY, Hurdwo al Carpentry, fin-|end a th ie ~- PERFUM : " Rn 1 3 end with her pare ber 18--4th Sun : I N. "GIBSON, finished. Gener ut on and Goose, of Whitby, >. + > «i, © in Tweed, | LLS RAZORS ...... id . | Decem School = H. Phone 329 m ds, gyprock p Jase of ¥ ~~ erfume' Extracts "in '1 RO _ FOURSOME A. Glass, Boe andl) n-- Sunduy of newly de- Phone dec. 16 cupboards, ting. oe 8. Perfu ti, Miracle, EMINGTON $23.95 at. :d for pain WwW. M. t, - Confetti, R 'RIC SHAVER ; Mrs. James C5 POFL 00 p.m.--Reopening . ished oh ARD ; d a very Abiento illiance and _ ELECTRIC pag . Ne. en hi Were A aa Hoe a Church, Music s--Kitchen cupboard and ROBERT HICK ARD PERRY The singing of Hi Bh -Shanghi, i us to $8.00 KS : ht Yang on Friday Wi to play Special winger refreshments is op Prone 3M, Pert PHONE 281W x heautiful lle Ju in Jesus Christ, eparses. Cotnprss 0 |v NEW. BOO ...$4.00 ? © _ 'key te RS / by Sinvla ed, ¢ - . So ur t- Lentheric $3. 3 f Egyp ord seeraens - he first hockey 'k to Vireside hour sored" by the Single ymbolizing o ted a sui 65 and EG a pl na .00 Iran on " vink and so came by thet i nd singing - hobioed Mins Perry. o- re iy light of the world, RE .meet- $1.15, Ha pri Your Houses........., $3 ili g Irive tor the new Ree ope Wilts behold iy pink R KENT ~ Furnished fats on; E. Sto : I setting for the ima, of the Cologne with pron) 65 and $2.00 Thrge Ships West... HN, 'support the « 1g the serv . I'o " Phone Ed ® a fternoon aux = 00 ther . " : _ -- 1! following ea , entleman. STE eA of the afte ted Church. derp ik oi $2.0 specially Fa 2 $3.00 <i don CeRtve. eas Ha WO aT one. oro gen ILDER ing Id in the Unite h Powders idiot, hh Beppially Sather ve LT ing a very impres ~~ PTIST CHURCH Iii Perry. . 'B U sbric/| W. M. S. he UD WAS in charge Bat $2.00 to $3.85 Fool Beloved ...... : 3 ® ast Sunday evening. ld "in the © PERRY BA Por ory : d of Insul:bric nallman's, group he pro- GIFT SETS ..... 1 OF a Service yr oa Girls, | PORT I'. 'Taylor, Pastor FOR SALE -- Rizhen dung "for Agent, for all oad and Steel elias, service. and ihe RUSH, COMB and ory FONERY : United we church ni Sulliiy; Desde xg table; chairs, an 2a, Partiend Asphalt, A SHR hristmas solo of Mrs. | : B "MIRROR SETS : Tat Baltimore and "The girls enter fo Faithful", the n.---Bible School, . . er cattage, v : 5 Shingles. : F 2 The lovely Chr preciated, BOE ite or Metal con- Featurin e lines Come All Ye heir| 10 aan. ing Worship. Suter ; : Estimates Free. fvas much ap Choice of Luc hrough- 'Lady Windemer $2.50 ing "0 Come hb group took the 1 'a.m.--Morning i Perry. Port Perry | py, rold Honey Story told by our Good quality th srs 506, to $2.5 tgs £2 Aiki f each g reen 1 . A elistic Serv ce, c F AVON Fa : Christmas S ory 2 * struction. 5 to $11.95 Priced at ..... : : presidents o it, they were Mayr 'p.m.--Evang t8 pm. vs 3 ORDERS OF Phone 2770 also the pe son, iced at $7.95 : pulpit, they Tp rayer Meeting a "HRISTMAS : for 50: Thomp % t. Price X In ib hy yx oe | Welnentag. bruger = a Opa a D AND GRAVEL (pid, id ly OPHYLACTIC 'HAIR A James, Williams. UNITED CHURCH ire if ordered by 2 SAN A full 8 d by the nomin- PR ngmuir Trav ienne ....$25.00 wr - od Helen t, . " UNITED Christmas i F OR rk, s returne USHES Lang drienne ....$ : = Walker und rs took par ORT PERRY ith, Minister ember 17th, vating - Wo ng year wa are hoping BR itted with A TE | PRET formed E xplore heir 1'C tn d Smith, Minis Decem 305J and Exca Y i g ittéee and we . 00, $2.50, $2.95 f A . lling Bag SSL }pewly Howmed ¥ t all in thei Rev.' Cliffor TCM, 5. J. STARKEY, NNED ating comm » in Christian d at ...$2 muir Trave 00. HY Josied, yery ies oy deel bile and Choirleader. falas. bushels Turnips. Cpr PHonglial Wa. ain ve membership ||| Price $3.95 and $4.50 hited with Bachelor . 330 ich ay, Wh Organist' an » FOR SALE--250 bushe one mile | wij) be pleased to information. faith with an ine al fellowship. TS ENS red ties. A The leaders se Sunday, December 1 hool Anniversary Apply to Cory ror hone 8-1 22322 Port Perry, for i November 24 to enjoy indian served -re- GIFT CoMPAC SHEAFFER PEN Pens; - art inthe ser. 5. J. Starkey, Miss 1 a.m.-- Sunday Sch charge of h of Isurkéton, or "| The group i joyed a social ric Complete line of pa G. Joblin, Mis. ott. Miss 1 r serviee isin Nort --- : - nts and all enjoy i . Lenthe J nd*Gift_Sets. Hips che Miss M. dine Goode. The gv Supt. of the Primary Port Perry. le > Ee : . fhoshment By! Adrienne Pencils a § a ' Q 1. 1 4 » . Tr L} : Al - 1, Graham ang Mes cols "Blows i RI | NEAL GA iy HAVING. BEEN APPOINTED hg a0 CHORE Baca R. and G. ... EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMA 3 gr 2 Fie, De hool. Am ld--jobs-o nn TT CHUR 2 t OPEN | Ea Joun Ray sung a be a fal | 7 p.m--Sunday Se f Mis. | and - ode hall. TOR UNITED he Fort E . RE N --- : R ection of ; too sn x 2 a A ir of the ( a this- House SATA and bibl ji) Suniorghois a Shoot i) So ly, Yor Popry i DISTRIBU The Trp wk the direc- M. | A WREN } - > ir . Shp SHIR0 The Pp - : g ) = AC Yery sollt, ho Mide Ruviett. ™ * Hastings. uy ant. The story of Ai ROY KENDELL - oh me i | Perry United Qo Dobson, has plan : | A. ein PORT of wuiene's attention r i the ig ol bay Mr. Gordon Daan patos you a free ag on 'FOR tion of Seth musical program for - one Store PERRY 1elc After the s id he | lis Bir ipt.. will cond repair jo : ned a s PHO The : : : . he very. end. 's. Starkey lit the School ZSupt., i . : s Day. hoir : y Ie dles were lit. Mrs. = a Williams, Sunday Hy -- 81 Dodge Pick-up, otor- Christma morning service the c ; can 8 caddie and Joan and| these ser FOR SALE Can be sean at us At the three fine selections-- = : 'al ea . Cingr eT RI r wi a BH n} > | ENT 3 erriiil] "Hunter, Ae a Jd PRINCE rT extra coil - HL Plione 21W, Port 0 ucts Rx wu rai Moris Hii rr Sli i STN lit the of dle ITED CHU ist~----|I'ripp's garage. F r "The Chapman 4n 1 SS 0 titi mii _I Wendy Bruton 'andle, each can A UNITE ri-Organist-- ithem by Arthur "Coventry 0 ym 5 tin 39¢. = 'om the wentral ca "the C.GLLT. ----Mrs-Albert-Harper; Perry. ke dealer |ar for full choir; > I = 2 .2 Ib, _ fro a lit stood far ve Nr December '18-- 3 RAVEL we are prepared to The est Newton, 1d 'English Melody), a 3 1} F MINCEMEAT ....pkg. 17¢. a ; ot Bia outing irls lit [Sunday, 8. S. and Bible Class SAND AND G ant it. Call Appointments in Carol" (an es for female voices, 8 MAPLE LEA ON PIE FILLER .. 3 for 29¢. S rea out and the other gy ones | 2 pm. 3 ristinas Story hen and where you w. 121 r 5, aa py | part -arrange hat "Star", a modern 5 SHIRRIFI'S LEM LY POWDERS 39¢. = 'ere put 'f the large ¢ 3 p.m.--Ch EE Ww ISON, Phone - SWMARKE1 "Behold .T . S d JELL Ib. ns iv smal}. cindles wig rald Angels| $0 Ray will sing. ROSS E. a RRA BEAVERTON------ nay pd rrangement. will be high-|B JELLO PUDDING an Bhs] bee Dinh intiniy od 35¢ ] wen small ) i a) : { ine AE x a a ; . e ~ = Fv rei i . ; ang "Hark the : <on- AER) 2 Port Perry, bce -- : ORT PERRY |ima e A ervice wi i = NUTS Sere sivas Er I oe |_| o - and sang : 'ched up" the cé n *I'ION R = + ge PO he. evening s : f Roy|® MIXED iis serdiviinenens h 5c. = ad thaw wake : . TE CONCEP oe iE The ; resentation o = ....€ac wo wai odin ose nl ol Sl (CHRISTMAS FLOWERS | yx prin = ORILLIA sted by His a arcangoment, The a ROCK CANDY CANDY CANES . Sek uty a tre aisle a * ive ending to a oo Priest. $3 : . " NINGTO ingwald's chor i is the [] PPERMIN' MIX SREY AE, = ETra Eas ; s 9 I t CAN = |Ring : 8." This = PEPI NT CAKE: \ 39¢., 49¢. B eas Wsa very impress Worship Service, Rev. V. McGivney, a od I. : of. Christmas. in Christ- | § WN INSTA vi -dozen' 29¢., 39c., einen s stmas WW Is : VES ERT . nme are requested Song ivity, as told in «| 2 sw ANSDO Eh = 29¢. = heautiful_Chri think that gir i TO CONCEAL INCE ALB : interested are | - of the Nativity, 1 verses. | = AVELS wan Ib pkg. LI hen you responsible NOTHING I fey have PR OUSE Those i story o] carols and Biblica n RANGES; N EEO TI TIT = especially wher 'en were respon hip islike_what they GREENH © to contact $ songs, caro horus, solo- {= () Cree : | ine to fifteen " Most people dislike. his. Very ; ma ed for mixed chorus, .|n BERRIES ......- BLES = hoy ve so many mothers heard: the Calum ps he truth. Cus Flowers AGONS L ke Simcoe Motors {or with Ci) "hoi AY FRESH F Rum aug ¢ Viena : "Wiis nice to see so mi vir chil- | » to . Jatholic . SNAPDRAG a 12 iment, N 2B [L7Wis nice to sec atch their chil- |. attempt iisit the Catho {ATIONS SN rk companime and » SO ; i. to walc 8 . dare visi solve [CARN ATIO S, 'MUMS SESE Shi £0 NT gan ac lendid program k : 3 DOW [| And fagliors. Hit por by" Smporlond sly 7 ny is glad to help you solv ROSES and 'M peafiitaliy SON'S- POI ve to be a splen tof at- |p : RLIN E = : Nothing iss sare inter-| t? He is glad eX non- a ts Wl -- JACK pro orth the effor £ ME SERVIC " # dren. ir parents ar pries 'atholics know non -- Pot Plants A ill be well w hristmas | g 1 FOR = : their pare 'oblems. Cathol their| Pot F "OINTSETTIAS vill be [wil vices on C 2 HONE 9 knowing that "ave doing. your_prob) isinformed_ about the ALEAS POIN N tral Depot ) ding church ser IVER-- P ot ' in what they are 'ntholics are misinforms i has|{--AZALEAS; i CYCLAME a large Cen tending [] E DEL UE 2 sted iu what t Catholics qr cart -Chureh-- . 'OILETS C Where the entire or 'have |S w mm ' fat od Hear "RICAN V( ONIAS to. display Day, TE choir I : : ntreh Sever lny evening at |ApRRIC 1AC BEGONI : maintained Dobson 'and this [8 i Eas ® : Wed dhat acd ARDEN_|C ng on Sunduy ~-- LADY M IC, f niodels. Mrs. d to prepare ma : : JANSIES IN G God's_Blessing rs and hymns. " KALANCHOES, E1 oe --line 0 long 'and har od- Common: 5 ps CKE n PANS ve ts of prapers KALANC lection. --|- $3333333338 | worked rn out in go : } : mh : Bown, of Port revi S30. 1 PA to stick to our Spiai larly Orders for: Best Sele : mm ---------- Christmas musie, Jon your apprecla- T 3 - . ading "ir Walter y flowers: iti her gan. A Dru pio to find out the vig . - New Year Corsages J: ly. numbers and: s N STOCK Famous Read in ) * pansy CI2, 1940. no atte ; informed o or 3 eet Peas, R N cl : picked some December 12, y thoroughly i " : Roses, Sw. HBU tion, IN Anthra ' Monday, wv 200 COIGE: The priest is 'hings before - Carnations, ds Orchids - A : Ww 3 y n 7 00 Yor rach at nd d N ioe a fine! they were Purse various Pion a Feel ¥ eons "Mums, Vise oy The Young People's Solely. dad r ' 0 : at $ 21.30 per ton. : or he leaves the Se ) to church. it or le + meeting in the 1a d's £2 4 al st or come ir regular meet} December 9 ea 'Briquets ¢ on eemr---- to visit the pries or -| : eopor $238 Yigir h on Friday, ; Br q r ton 5 -- - «> RTT f the Chure ident, Arthur $ 23. 75 pe g od| a er - REN o with the. pres The ers ih at : 7 like Go . : KS at 8 p.m, ing the Chair. .u. edn Stove 7a Do you ? CARD-OF THAN "o HE } P ichardson, occupy inging of | it lasts : rtunity Ric ith the singing of : 3 rs while pA] Music?- like to take this oppo. ] ting opened with ther at 'the Get You : pe : I would like to ta 4 operation, mee "Shall we Gather ONT. CHANGE A " I k Dr. Renyie for my operat; : "64 "Sha 'meeting HITBY, BJECT TO 4 hii Be - Rennie Gen- hymn f the last -m Ww "PRICE SU 0 | 3 the evening sex py. [to than i taff of the Oshawa D iver". Minutes o he -presi- leaning 7 : 8 Ice bd a Then come to TED CHURCH. Ly ib iug & ho visited me, | ANT Rive" roved. The p are of youre oal EET IN TL { 'ERRY UNITED ; I those who visi b read and app of a us take c £2 by "por NY IM AS NIGHT eral Honlsl al candy, fruit ein intel foe Jo gave a brief Let problems. £'vour Port P a 289. RAR TREY C } sent me oa illness in hos- ooh appoin ' meeting o : erience a SHE 2 Ch = Tse cs at 7 p.m. "Choral Is, during my for Having joint business 's Societies of the r 35 years exp Bx x ] " t a C and cards, Mrs, Sleep J : . eople's So Ove ia RE The Choir will presen vital; also: thanks to home com- ISTRIBUTORS of the Young Fock held at Wick on disposal, - r - : ------ te The C nt of I on my D 'Presbytery 8 at your hits ngeme f her car Lindsay At thi d to call P---- a arrane OF CHRISTMAS" [io use o at : FOR Thursday, December 1st, as-appoin- We will be please day or Saturs a A -- EE " \ 3 H nm . " : NE Wi . "THE es Ringwald ; in. MRS WALTER KE ie - En I |meeting Douglas sum Education. "door any 'Tues / : ---------- is the Story of the Nativity, a ; Austin Moto ted A hold a Young day. : Service WINTER This -is ; wo Suny Song, Corals aM) = DIED vias. Decor, It was ake, gs first Sunday, in May ~Four Day Delivery Ser PREPARE or an Verse,' ori At Akron, Wh gh! pr Quin- Products Mg Church, from St. ONE 325 PORT PERRY. : oh i soloists -and Nar ' 49, Annie E at Ashbur ken fro : PH rs : a Toe sts -anc er 2nd, 19 hens, - sson ta L - Chorus, EI A psu we mother of Mr. George Step ings for- several The eo verses 16-19 Wig En, GRILL tock-- aie NG vB : Pidng is SERVICE BE you rot Perry, Ont. WENO, ~Wirlitve openings such as fy iow hid Knight after whic We tarry. ins NTE WE EATHER rrIPPL 4 Erg LET "MAS. EVENING : Ee Sieh ; Key Pe CK KEEPERS [read by-- d in prayer. G BRO aad 3 UELLA | : CHRISTMAS _E ANT. ~~ - LESCENT :S PEOPLE, STOCK KEEPERS Richardson le topic 1 - SPRIN 3 D i: ACQ es i RTAINMENT. ~~ Y CONVA it OPLE, STOC Ruth hen had the . MPOUN INTERTAINMENT TE LINDSA en SALES PEOPLE, iss Fern Stephe her il = ULKING co rs, a inal e ETC. Miss d 'chose for Y CA tion Doo es : TS HOME d OFFICE PERSONNEL, for the evening Sue Christ. at_home|' Terminal iT GRA r Storm Sash and Combina 2a CEMENT [fers competent nursing care and SimeoeM tors ot em i ae Der Your imited § - i Gre © Suet | fers po Lake-Simeoe Motors. fuse wrk wih tit dust | CHIPS Sengog Lumber & Coal Co., L : - 7 Mr. and Mrs. a : : to their ate a tendance + - her remar ct that : 3 - SURE . Island, wy he aie 12 26th} oialesce i eri 1 JACKSON'S POINT er cnphasive ¢ the fact gtd HY i: BUR ERS Lake ugog. : 1. Plions BAO = gett Monday, nd| 24 hours, : $ 1d be a G RY ; Fs friends on 14 pam. and. 7a ble Rates. : Yash shou. AM ORT PER $72 : 2 ang I lden | Reasona AY : kings. ris Mae yo i P : - : : 1949, between of their gol ) LINDS & © derta ter and 'Do : . i i he occasion RIDOUT ST. : Mrs. A. Payn "i 0 Where |. ; IES ; dy: Cy p.m. on t 1 Phone 116 ao Sood a duet '4 g¢ AT . . y = ji miversary et mms Mn M au MY © hi dding a t. vee ; SRS $| Heron » EE _™m. ann i "No invitation sent ou : ; di pp ooL Berane. a Sui the singing bi OT DOGS ETC. Ea A -- t A ' : ; CH B| Meeting Thine O Lord", a H 354% = - i ; 3: ke er LY MARRIED H SUNDAY S g 108 "I am : in a Mar PH : Jecem- ¢ 'CHURC - #|hymn diction. dly place in gr ee 9 Mea : a ; Saturday, De UNITED 5 izpah Bene tmas friendly le 8 ry... a oF 44) ns : d, on A ds, "PERRY i [the Mizp 1d a Chris If it is a i eo ) g 2 " atic Pia At Brantfor iss "Jackie" Woo ? PORT 5 decided to ho! are looking The ye in Meats 4 : Tan jer 3rd, 1949, Miss on of ert B® It was December 23rd. Port Perry you : ; oe Choloest comin i ber 38rd, 1 Stephens; s h onc a n Friday, ofl. Po Cet the we : : Rowland '§ Port ristmas 8 | meeting o took charge + for : : e You HE : to Wilfred Geor ge Stephens, 4] C fl Hugh Knight then number "Wher foi LL KINDS ; » 2 Mr. and Mrs. George S f h, 7. 30 p.m, . © #| Hug ship" period and n Y US T8301 A i ds Ress f 4 t i. "Fellows p or fo TR ED MEA oo iV 7. Pers: a ml DAY, DECEMBER 16 {ihe Fellow played. ber 16th ik he kids. FRESH and CUR gg of : 4 FRI oN A1° on Friday. Choo! wil hold the An- th or 'ask the d S n a bE 2 4 { + hool Ww ql (0) A eS a ; of $ day Se tertain ; 3 "i [the Sun 'and en Gi : : Helen M (Pel) Bathie *D.C. |i ool Amniverssry Ee Publi "Donland "W. E. Mac fi PERRY | dle : : ol 1) , Sch # [ment wit ram. San- { PF ACTIC |I% i: d m n the prog . . > i *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRAC wm NE un lay 18 th) Mam & 7 p.m. Sched pling on in person, Every i ¢ e. Cre an Pho ° 72w, p fan Memoria H DEC. ; ta Claus soponiariigul a1 BY aduate of Canad ea i : 3 welcome, mber. 6], Y he pain actic' College, "Toronto 4 SUNDAY, In charge of Primary Deperiment : 5 Tels Tuesday snink Dece Tbe the 2 vl ; { ropré + : od "Wool 4 'elock the members i | oss IB Morning Service- "The Story of His Bink 2 |at 8,00 me he home of Mrs, BB Al re psn: Pan | Evaning we day School. fll PERRY |} by Sun acta ; PORT. + 3 "o Es --