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Port Perry Star (1907-), 15 Dec 1949, p. 8

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[ : seh, t PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DE _-- ------ a -- ---- ee -- ---------- Re -- ry - -- -- TT aE h Ii seessisstettstssssees EE W181 SE SCH BT TW EN 7 Tr ame, -- ny GRRRONSY Reh | MANCHESTER : ii oe A DELICATERI A 1 "ASHBURN _ MANGHESIEN - | : "Lakeview Theatre, Port Hr Ont. Hl (Arrived too late last week) Toronto for a few: Wacke. We bony Prentice' $ Beauly 5 Two. Shows Nightly--7 and 9. : : RESTAURANT On_ Friday evening, NovembeR*%25th, Mrs. Croxall will return much im-d. Shoppe : ; : FEATURING the Young People's Society held their [proved in health, ) THURSDAY, FOR CHRISTMAS "C hocolate Bon- Bons" 80¢ Per Pound. H HUNT'S CHOCOLATES i "Family Assorted" "SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BOX at $1. 25. @ "M ARASC HINO CHERRIES n in Hqder $1. 65 '@. : MINT PATTIES 40¢ per half pound... =~. = rorreroses : @ f ~~ CHRISTMAS CANDY CANES 5c. each MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS FOR THE C "HRISTMAS PARTY Now ' ® Phone 215 or 4M STAFF passa teitnd "Assorted" § Batata sss tests ttsttttnesseetttttssssatteites) $ the church, with the president; Arthur Richardson, occupying the chair, $| The niceting opened with the sing- i} ling "of a hymn, after which the min- it | utes of the last meeting were read and it |approved. - The Scripture lesson was read by Douglas Ashton, Mrs, Edgar Heron sang a: solo, "The Bells of St. Mary's." . Two short poems, "Judge Gently" and "Something good about oot 33 $: you", were read by Mrs. H. Ashton, i | Kenineth Heron sang a solo, "This is My Task." $ The highlight of the program was i [4 debate " Resolved that an open Sun- | Arthur Richardson, Douglay - Ashton [und Kenneth Heron were on the af- if |firmative side and they were opposed by James Childs, Hugh Knight and H H "Taylors Restaurant The Restaurant of Distinction bk -« In order that our Staff may enjoy the Christmas Season we will close Christmas Day and Boxing Day. * . L] ° [J Phone 96 - Port Perry Owned and operated by FRED FUNNELL eee esses ss tte insists ssttttesttest tests tttseteteestesstsasersessses Doris. Mae Heron; on 'the negative side. The decision was given by Mrs. Wes. Routley! She commended both tt | sides for their efforts but said that the | judges had decided in favour of ,the it (affirmative side. Following the. de- it |bate Douglas Ashton conducted a tree Hf | contest anda quiz -game. $ The régular monthly meeting of the Ladies' Bible Class was held at the it [home of Mrs. C. Graham, on Tuesday, November 29th, at 8 p.m. with the son occupying the chair. There was present, Mrs. Richardson read a short {poem "Christmas Everywhere". Mrs. F. Barrie read the Scripture lesson, * fi . : 3338833238388 8888322288838 133338132 33333833818 after which Mrs. H.: Ashton offered |. LUMBER B.C. Cedar 8 inch and 10 inch Shiplap $90. 00 per White Pine Flooring and Vee Joint $95.00 per COKE : Supplement. your. fuel-supply- with- No. 1- Steel ge "Company Coke and save money, at $20.00 ber ton. REESOR FUEL & LUMBER <x - At Seemed eo gr) tars SEAS RARER EE SET . prayer. The reports o fthe visiting committees were given and Mrs. C. Bryant, Mrs' P. Hopkins, and 'Mrs. Edgar Heron were appointed as the visiting committee for December. - It was decided that the class donate forty dollars to the general fund of the Church and ten dollars to the Missionary Department. 5 | Mrs. W. Routley was appointed to preside at the election of officers at thé-January-meeting.-- The-following program "was then. given: reading, "Look Pleasant, Please" by Miss F. Doble; poem, "A Christmas Welcome" | by Mrs. H. Doble; a humorous mono- regular meeting in the basement of [° i |day-would be-a-detriment to-society." vice-president, Mrs. Russell--Richard=|-- an excellent attendance of 46 members | . Barrie, Miss Hilda | 'Mr, Graham and. pupils : will - hold their Christmas entertianment in the hall on Wednesday evening, Dec. 21st. Proceeds will be used to help defray expenses "for Righard Weaver, a little pupil who is in Oshawa Hospital with a triple leg fracture, Dr: Donald and Mrs, Christie were with 'relatives in Jondon: over 'the week-end. Mr, Credit, called on Mr, and Mrs, 'W, F. Crosier, on Saturday evening, [Migs Judith Innes. was with her grandmother, Mrs, M, Innes, Brooklin, over Sunda.y . OPEN LETTER Port Perry; Dec. 13th, 1949 To the Editor of the © Port Perry Star, Dear Sir: as a medium to publicly declare my indignation regarding rumours that ure being circulated -about me. ~May-1-go-on record as stating that rumours, tempts -to ruin my reputation in the conimunity, and a fraudulent nature will be hailed into Court to face charges of defamation of character. (Signed) Robert J. Graham, Principal of S.8. 6, Reach, Manchester School. T------ a aa WE SPECIALIZE . . in Cooling Svstem Service Your 4 Cooling System. is as vital to Brakes or Motor. Pressure - - Purge 1S NOT A DRAIN JOB. _® 1S NOT A WATER FLUSH. _ ® IS NOT CANNED CLEANER. It is' Trinle Action Cleaning L-BY. HEAT. «emer logue was given by Mrs, W. Routley, PO RT PERRY "PHONE 73w &|"Grandma's ~~ Christmas - Present". ) Mrs. R. Batten read an interesting ETE SR 5%3% CCRC story, "No Room". Mrs. E. Heron Tramps $15. 95 ? Complete with Bulb "and Shade BRIDGE LAMPS $15.00 COMPLETE PLATE GLASS _ MIRRORS. $4.95 and. up Tp a a ME led in the singing of .a number: of Christmas Carols, and the program closed with a prayer by Mrs, A. Payn- ter. Mrs. R. Richardson, on behalf of the Class, tendered a vote of thanks to J. | Mrs. Graham for the use of her home. She also expressed the regrets of the Class that two of our former members | Mrs.-Earl Beadle-and Mrs.=Fred--Hill; had found it necessary to move away from our community, - Both ladies had been active members. Mrs. Hill had t [been president for the past year and a half. Mrs. Hill and Mrs, Beadle SERIE, ¥ {1lwere then asked to come forward and Mrs. H. Ashton, on behalf of the Class, presented each with a lovely cake plate. Mrs, Hill and Mrs, Beadle both expressed their sincere thanks to the class for the kindness. CHRISTMAS TREE | ELECTRICAL "DECORATIONS. ~~ ------- --- --- --- an - au. A FULL LINE OF ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES CAN BE to the class and distributed gifts from | the well laden and beautiful decorated Christmas tree to each of the niembers, Lunch was served.. We are pleased to welcome Mrs, R. Goose, Mrs. Lewis Mogse, Mrs, Frank Mitchell, Mrs. Earl Beadle, of Whitby, Mrs. F. Hill, of Brooklin, and Mrs. R. Lunney, of Toronto, who has recently returned from British Columbia, Congratulations to Mr. Norman An- derson on having been returned to office by _fcclamation as reeve of Whitby Tovnship. --At this time Santa Claus paid a visit |- 2. MECHANICAL AGITATION. ~» IRWIN TRIPP GARAGE PORT PERRY aE TT SE Se ALPHA CLUB was held in the Anglican Church on Monday, Decembér 12th.. Anne Goode| and Howard Hall, Citizenship con- veners "had - charge of the program. Howard had .some good 'question on the history of: Port Perry. All turn out on Dec. 19th for the pot luck sup- per 'and Christmas party to be held in the United Church at .7.30 p.m. Everyone is expected to--bring a small gift costing not more than 26c, Make it a good Virhou, and Mrs, W. J. Mifchell, Port| re; (D Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding | I" wish to use your paper i there is absolutely no truth in these [® Any person' who, in the future, at- | my professional | career by circulating rumours of such the operation of your car as the i 3 BY-CHEMICAL ACTION; The last meeting of the Alpha Club |- PERMAMENT WAVES $2.50 and up- PHONE 4491J 10 CHURCH ST, OSHAWA EIIIISLIIISIINISLIINALNILLLINLS ROOFING. OF ALL KINDS Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry CECE BEC IRR RE] Port Perry Electric ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES RADIOS RANGES .... FAIRBANKS-MORSE r WATER PUMP. SYSTEMS PHONE 177, PORT PERRY, 1st door north of Hotel Eavestroughing HOUSE and BARNS : Electric Pressure Pumps, Furnacés and Furnace Repairs. Estimates on request SYDNEY G. 'BARNES Phone 72 r 2 THURSDAY. Oshawa, Ont' Are 'your policies up-to-date? BROOKLIN |¥ | aug.1950 | & Attention Housewives i Bonded Singer representative will 5 ol LEANER be in Port Ferry and district each 5 « For information re- £ garding Sales and Service, write the i} SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. | INSURANCE | Whatever your insurance needs may : : Saturday Matinee, at 2 p.m, MAKE BE BIG G ADDED FEATUR a -- TL TA Ton Ea 5 D . EL ECTRIC RAZORS FRIDAY, SAT.,, DECEMBER 15- 16- 1 "Jerome Courtland and Ruth Warwick = In the Surprise Musical Comedy Sensation VE BALLR 2 The Heart-Warming Dog Story "RUSTY SAVES A LIFE" Tas, complete show starts at 8.30 pam; 1 - Jes MONDAY, TUESDAY, "WED. "DECEMBER 10-20-21" °° | ER Dennis O'Keefe and 'Claire Trevor * In the Tense and Thrilling Drama "RAW DEAL' COMEDY and SHORTS 13 RRR RRR RN RUIN CALLS 90d fit - 7 BRUTON'S Rotor (v Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. i a Phone 18 PORT PERRY i tre COLOGNES \ Packard Twin Dual $25.50 Yardley's, Country Garden, . Y i Schick Super ................... $24.95 Evening in Paris, 85c. to $2.50 A -BILLFOLDS <:, PROPHYLECTIC HAIR p ' Finest Quality ...$1.40 to $6.00 BRUSHES ...... $1.00 to $4.95. i{ WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN YARDLEY GIFT SETS f (3 PENS $2.00 to $4.00 No Peny iii $3.70 to $10, 00 HENLEY GIFT SETS | £1 Pen and Pencil 'Sets $1.00 to $10.00 ii ' $5.30 t0 $18.75 | = EVENING IN PARIS SETS § "Ball Point Pens $150 and $2.15 $1.50 to $4.50 |} 4 CUTEX SETS, $1.00 to $3.90 MAX FACTOR SETS 3X ¥- PERFUMES; ...75¢c. to $8.25 $4.25 to $10.00 1 Jha ri a REE XRT XKR ARK OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL _CHRISTMAS oie ae. Ar este: oe ARF GASOLINE and MOTOR oiLs THE PICK OF | THEM ALL | ( Stove & Fuel Oil, Kerosene : GA! OLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS 0 #7 0" 0% 0 RAY BIRKETT AGENT FOR-WHITE-ROSE PRODUCTS PHONE 290J ii PERRY, ONTARIO REFRIGERATION ~ household and commercial. Estimates given 2 torttatens. Free Cars AND WE GUARANTEE THEM TO BE IN RUNNING CONDITION. Di 17th, 1949; 1. FREE Car, ""SEAGRAVE The. Y.P.U. sponsored a very suc- cessful and interesting Concert in the United "Church, Friday night. Program was both Educational and entertaining, Red Lymburner of Dun- nville with his pictures took us on a trip to the Ant-Arctic. We were also entertained by a song by the Y.P.U., a Reading by Eunice Fishley and Mar? ion Forster, Duet. by Kenneth and Joan Hallett, solo by Marion Gordon, duet by Mrs. Tobin and Abraham, a pt SEEN IN OUR STORE R OBE R'TSON ELECTRIC oT f 1 i! Mr. J. Richardson, Watford, spent last week at the home of his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mitchell and sons John and Murray, of Deep River, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Fisher. ia Phone 179W, 179), Port Par 2 4h! 2 To a T-- a --- a --- eines TPA hog EE ------ -- FOR -- 3 = = ~ GILBOORD'S Lumber oN NT 3 DRYGOODS, READY- TO-WEAR and FOOTWEAR. Wish to announce to the people of Port Perry and district. _ : that they now have a good selection of MEN'S, LADIES' and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR; SWEATERS and RUBBER FOOTWEAR; and a very nice assortment of CHRISTMAS GIFTS for every member of the family, : iis Our Prices are marked to suit your poskethavk." 1 : CALL IN AT OUR STORE and convince yourself that our oe - prices are right and quality high class. Our aim is "A Satisfied Customer" Leonard Block Port Perry > Gyro, Insulation Ten Test Plywood Flooring Custom Work ~-- TRY -- AE visiting friends in Uxbridge Planing Milt UXBRIDGE, ONY. Piano solo by Mrs. Chas.-Short, and a Duet by Joyce Harding and Leona Reynolds, The United Church S. s. is plan- ing a special program and white Gift Service for next Sunday. tors to Hamilton last Sunday. Mr. T. Richardson of Oakville is eagrave. "Mr, and Mrs. Scott of King, visited Mr, and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker this week. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Wanamaker en- tertained Mr, and Mrs. Red Lymbur. ner Friday night, Rev, A. W. and Mrs. Longheed at- tended a meeting of the Oddfellows held .in Little Britain Monday night to welcome the Grand Master Mr. Thrush of Chapleau, Ont. A very. in- teresting programme was glven and a bounteous lunch was served by the members, : : rst lA PP. CHRISTMAS CONCERT AT MANCHESTER aban cert, will be held in Manchester Hall, on Wednesday, December 21st at 8.80 pm, Admission 80c. and 10c, All proceeds in aid of Richard Weaver. "The| Mr. and Mrs. F. Watson were visi- |. ,, Dec, "24th, 1949, 1 FREE Car, Se Dee.' Sat., Dec. 81st, 1949, 1 FREE Car. - All you have to pay, if you win any one of these FREE Sate, is the $1.00 transfer fee; Anyone pitehasing a a "Gor, Trick, tractor or Implement from any of our three branches, regardless of - price between now and 4 p.ni-ofi Saturday, December 31st, 1949, is qualified to win one of these FREE Cars, subject for prompt service on all makes, both | § Reg. Boundey ; RL OO OL. OO OO --be;consult : 1 Aoi "CHRISTMAS CAKE" i, w. EMMERSON early, plain 'almond Iced and Dsoorated," | Phone or Port Perry ® 2 _491- FREE Car offer. ei The sooner you buy, the more chance you have of obtaining a FREE Car with your purchase. 5 'OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT "EASY TERMS - TRADE - CASH truck, tractor or 'implement--SEE US NOW. For further information call around or phone any branch listed be- low. MOTORS SANDERS SERVICE STATION _ Main St. 'East, STOUFFVILLE "Phone Stouffville 64 Bad 1 EZ ? LEASKDALE GARAGE : '| Leaskdale, Phone Uxbridge 162 R 15 Manchester School Christmas con-| fd J WHITE ROSE STATION Miami Beach Keswick, Phone Queensville 1207 "If you are in the market for a ear, British Ontario] -- Ne Phone 32. "SHOP AT ARDLEY'S WITH CONFIDENCE" | ERmamsn ~-- TORONTO, ONT, ip PROMPT DELIVERY PAPERHANGING, PAINTING, GRAINING ALL WORK STRICTLY: GUARANTEED, 21 years experience in Toronto. CANDY CANES iow in stock. CREAM PUFFS and CREAM GOODS . SATURDAYS ONLY - _ Gerrow Bros. . Bakery BE Ra Ey BS A A Ee SOR A SR SUR AURORE ROR ROsOsOOe RON» THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST ~ IN THE LATEST ~ COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, GOWNS, and WEDDING 'GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS -3-5 DANFORTH AVE., near Logan, Phone GE. 1875 ORDER YOUR CHRISTMAS FOWL EARLY for the BEST Selection. BEEF QUARTERS Specially. sslested for Lockers, 3 i Se § HE d i i THE FAMILY BUTCHER i CAWKER' BROTHERS | PHONE 29 SPECIALIZING IN INTERIOR WORK: |" : GYPTEX WORK. Estimates given, Full Equipment. «= Al80 OUTSIDE P NG DONE, M. So Clairand Son | { EPSOM (North West of School) | 3 PHONE--PORT PERRY 18r 14 x

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