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Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Dec 1949, p. 5

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ena ApS 4 in SESS. Se Ap & ESSO OIL PORT PERRY ELECTRIC [st Door North of Hotel] ~~ INGLIS WASHING MACHINES - ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Imperial Oil: = Lge PT Fairbanks Morse--Fawcett Oil Space Heaters Radios, Ranges, Appliances Radio and Electrical Service Lge SY PHONE 177 TT. BURNERS [ clays Say SUPPORT "THE CANADIAN | MARCH OF DIMES | ~Charles Coy | teeter " Let's talk about a little ol How would you likesto be nine yeqrs ald; able to run and jump and hop and skip," and then all of a-sudien +... notable to do any of these things? How would you like to have to lie flat on your back, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks in the year, year in and year out? Well, st that's what happened to our Elaine Ricker. Elaine little: friend; Ricker lives at Callander, Ont., where the Quints come from. She's a dovely ehild, bright and cheer- ful, and wonder- fully brave. You have to be ® We S 'GENERATORS, ELECTRICAL Mrialios. "makes of cars. ~ Garage, Work, Welding, 'Towing, Ete. STARTER and Repairs on all "GENERAL All Work Guaranteed © II' Manchester Garage || MANCHESTER PHONES 53w & 320-22 QUALITY» MAPLE: BLOCK & TILE LTD. ' MA PLE, PLAZA 3818 CONCRETE BLOCKS ° CONCRETE BRICKS ° CINDER BLOCKS ° BACK-UP TILE * ECONOMY PHONE MAPLE 6 BEAUTY ° ONTARIO KENWOOD "nn ------ " ET, PRINCE ALBERT {Arrived too late for last week) The Christmas entertainment was aniuch_enjoyed- by all-who- were pre- sent and we believe especially so by _those who did the entertaining, accord- ing to thier happy faces, and more so when Santa Claus arrived and present. ed each child with a bag of treats as well as their exchange of gifts. Con- gratulations and thanks are due all who contributed time and energy to this successful event. Our Suiiday School takes this op- portunity of thanking the giver of the 2 generous donation for the children's "treat. All apprasinted the solos by 'Joan "Wray-at--the Church service on: Sun-- day, and we hope Joan will favour us again in the near future, Mr. and Mrs. Hood have moved in with their aunt Mrs. R. Crozier: Wa are pleased to report Mrs. Newn- ham improving from her illness. In our thoughts just now of the Christmas season we are reminded of the little girl, who stood reverently be- fore her Christmas tree and sang "Happy Birthday Dear Jesus, happy birthday to You." We wish one and all a Happy New Year. ~ i gf _THR LINDEAY CONVALESCENT ¥ HOME tent nursing care and ates competont sur to elderly, convalescent,and chronic rip Hd shou nurse in attendance tes. Utica "(Too late for last week) The Christmas Trée and Concert on Friday night was a huge success. The weather was ideal and thé hall was full to hear a splendid program. All the ninbers-were_outstanding and the good music added much to the pro- gram. The four little fairies were Much eredit is due to Mrs. Crosier, Mus. Hastings and Mrs. Saudison who gpared neither time or patience to make the concert a success, = Proceeds were very satisfactory. "Without ex- ception this was one of the best ever held in Utica. ) Miss Jean Lucieno was in Toronto a few days last week: - BE NO SUNDAY MILK TRUCKS A recent executive meeting of Dis- trict No. 4, of the Toronto Milk Pro- ducers Association devoted consider- able discussion to the matter of -no Sunday pick-ups, Points which. ¢ame out of this were-~The dairies took this step without any previous=disctssion or notice to those concerned, i.e. truckers and farmers. Many shippers have been embarrassed by lack of cans to carry over the week-end. .In the hot wepther next-summer. cooling sys- 'Items will have to handle double their normal capacity. How many will be able to do so? How much milk will be lost by spoilage and lowered qual- ity ? February. - Resolutions concerning these matters were adopted and copies sent to fourteen other districts, o vere licensed, 11 ih poo LINDSAY Phone 116 " | funds in January, 1950. something had to be done.- Twould pay for beautiful and knew their parts well. | brave, when you ave paralyzed with Poliomyelitis. Elaine used to run and play and laugh like" any normal child. Then Polio struck her, as it has struek. so muy children. } Today, Elaine faces a serious oper- alion, perhaps a series of operations: She will have "to spend months in. the hospital. But, when the operation is complete, and with God granting that evérything well, Enine Ricker will walk REAHEL--- ened spine, but she will walk. goes The doctor, who is the celebrated surgeon, Dr. W.H. Mustard, is giving his services free, as he has done in so miny- cases, But the hospital care and othér treatment will cost hundreds, perhaps thousands-of dollars. And who is paying for that ? Well, You see, 1 happen to be President of the Canadian Foundation for Polio- myelitis (The Canadian March of Dimes). We are holding our first Canadian March of Dimes drive for The Founda- "14 frankly, you are. tion was -only started in February and we've been busy organizing. When the-ecase of Elaine Ricker was brought to our attention, we knew 'We could not pass by on the other side of the road; 2 So we told that wonderful institu- "| tion, Hospita] for - Si¢k Children, if it take Elaine Ricker, - wo her care out of our campaign receipts in January. The Hospital agreed. Elaine spent a would in "| we've pledged the credit of the people 'lof Canada, your credit, to the Hospital "Isible within their ' Jend with Miss She will walk--with---a---stiff-- Alan Martyn; Asst. See, TMiss Nettie Metynehuk; Junior Boys. upon in about another month, ~What-ave've-done is very simple: (| for Sick Children and to the child's extremely deserving parents that Elaine Ricker will be taken care of in every way possible Elaine Ricker is din' only child. Her father is a very. hard-working" man, The parents have done everything pos- meagre means for their-daughter:--- Ei This is the time of year when every- one thinks of giving, because. of the significance of the C heist hild's birth- day. LL This-is the time of vear, when the Canadian March of Dimes asks you to help Elaine Ricker, and the thousands of 'other victims of the erippler, Polio- myelitis, across our country. "Well, there's the story, Where do you send your donations" Why, send them to: "The March of Dimes, 410 Bloor Toronto 5." Make Flaine happy one. Canadian St. Fast, Ricker's New Yen r a That way your own "will Le happy. Yes ©. . Happy New Year! ~~ --- ep Scugog (Too late for last week) Mik Jack Aldred. spent a couple of days al Mr. Norman Aldred's recentl Miss 'Marie Long spent the week: Shirley Eden. Mr. and Mrse George Huleoop and friend of-West-Hill;-called-on-Mr and Mrs: Needham and Mr. and Mrs, Hope, on Sunday. } The Sunday School meeting was held D. in. Grace: Church basement on Wed- nesday evening. ~The meeting was opened by Rev. J. R. Bick, reading a. then led The officers are as follows: few verses of Scripture and in prayer. Rupt. Ralph Milner, Asat: Supt., Frid Crozier; Treas., Edna Ptentice; See, Mrs, Milner, organist, Junior girls. - Bible Class, Mrs. Bick, Milner, Ceeil Fralick; Junior Ralph Teach Ralph Girls, ers Alan Martyn; Primary, Mrs. Alan Martyn and Miss Marjorie Milner Cradle Roll, Mrs. D. Hope. (24 on voll.) A very pleasant time was spent hy all. . - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Sweetman onthe celebration of théir Golden Wedding annivesary on December 26th. Goo, ~~ -_ ep Eavestroughing HOUSE and BARNS Electric Pressure Pumps, Furnaces and Furnace Repairs: Estimates on request "SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 72 r 2 BROOKLIN Elaine might have been your child. a Motivated cither the mellowir Christmas spirit or culties in which they relative to the building of a new Cou ty "Home for-thé Aged, or by both, 0 takio County Council belligerency in this question by long and and hopeful attitude, i Architee ts Rounwaithe field dre now ready to.go ahead, and Fair- cost something in excess: of $550,00 It is designed to accommuadate 160-1 + ' can be expanded for a much ship of the site as finally Mr. Kean-has vice to the county over the past 3 and that he will ultimatel be restored to full health and vigor. recovery Fox Bounties Cost: County $8,000 One year ago, in an effort to clem out the pests and save chicken farmers month in the Hospital. She. is now at aug.1950 where you shop. "GET KIST | Perfect Refreshment ; At Any Time! Large Family * GINGER ALE Wikrovir fine refreshments are sold you will find your favorite KIST Ginger Ale in large, family-size bottles. Look for KIST Ginger Ale on the shelf: Order it by the bottle or by the case. Size i WHEREVER Other topics' discussed were the|. = failure of the quota system and the | dairies' threat to withdraw bonds in| Alan Lishman, R.R.1, Pickering. FINE REFRESHMENTS ARE SOLD . County Council Doings {Oshaws Times-Gazette) by certain diffi- find themselves abandoned all standing adopted "a conciliatory with' plans for_the new building" which will large settled by rendered excellent ser- Hi vers amd iC is hoped Tor his continued v of whom *council Tound hard to choose 1 SAT] 25! lh RFE A ae LEE MAREE Best SH as aca tans : * hs ALAR EI 7 RR 1 hi oR re . ¢ . iy ry Lyons PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29th 1949 ; i otc as Ak ba ici ---- ppt EF mt et o 3 "=| |home in a cast, and will be operated be allowed for travelling. My, succeeds Ralph Wilson. Ww Melean oe Warden Westney n- presented with gald ) Watch The presentation of the traditions! gold watch was presented to Warden Win. H. Westney, was made by Reeve Ernest Hayes, of Port Perry; Reeye Dimcan Melntgte, of "Whitby, réud the address. In his reply the Wi arden thanked the members of Council Tog their co-operi tion and also the officials. for their splendid and ethicient services, espeeial- 0. it v Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service. MYRTLE STATION 'Phone 33 r 4-4, .Brooklin GERALD B. THOMPSON | *D, C. *sDoctor of C hiropractic X- RAY EQUIPPED ol FICE 185 "SIMCOE §T. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9° to 5 Ir Phone 2997 ~~ v Evenings by Appointment . EF © : MONTEITIF & MONTEITH | CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS . sand at the final sitting of council, He |; } Iv that of the Clerk-Treasurer, Mr. : : - number later, : ¥ Ales ch ! 37 King St. Last, Oshawa, ; rs : cuir. [Wm Go Manning. . Reeve Duncan Melntyre of Whitby, - Mr. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A., } . . . . y . - 1 LL py led off the discussion with the state- County Ends With Surplos Resident Partner : ment that he is not in favor of pro- Ontario County is expected-to end & ceeding with plans and calling for {the--year with a substantial. surplus pe ii : 2 : . ¥ - ' r i tenders until the question -of owner- {( county Treasurer Willi Manning | ARTHUR W.: S. GREER, K.C. n attendance at my Port Perry office Clerk-Treas. Dept. ~ 7.259.589 Assessor's Dept. ) 5,067.11 Municipal Government. 7,088.67 Ilducational Purposes Registry Office : Pax Sale and Redemption cof lands . | Pebenture 76,708.38 1,688.82 293.61 C6110 213,720.71 Interest oll - . Debenture Princi ak I untold expense, (he county raised the plmk Interest _1,056,00 Featuring a complete hoanty to $5 per pe At. Ajdining coun- | Weed Inspe etion--- 1,426.26 FURNITURE REPAIR and ties pay smaller bounties and it would Court House 8,481.48 i -- ea appear that hunters: prefer to take Grants oo = 6,155.00 REFINISHING SERVICE : N their prey within the boundaries of [Reforestation 0 1,480.00 On hand is a complete line of Ontario county. Indigent Hospital acets 1:3,5:49.05 M Is ' EE EE Wolf bounties oo... 285.00 Materials to choose from. i. . Miscellaneous Exp. 43.30 r ' ; Li xbridge Man Appointed County | Discount on rates 2.02045] All Work Guarsnteed. % 00 Assessor = Unemployment Ins. 86.57 | Phone 48: 3 and we Twin' he glad i{ Gordon Me Lean, ih! cof Uxbridge has {Fox Bounties a RL A LL gt a TR : ronsi e e Xi been appointed supervising assessor IB. Aftercare "1,206:80 toc ider your n xt repair Job. i for the county of Ontario. He was [Juvenile and Family Court 1,049.01 We do 'custom building, teo. iE selected from nine applicants; three [Grants to Hospitals oc s. 5,000.00 4 Fielding and-=Mre. Fielding. -- $33ILEILLLLTLLILILLLLLL2230030020228282883882888888 "Ten Test -- Plywood, Flooring] the courts, : presented the following interim fin on Wednesday morning and Friday Reeve Thomas Harding, of Reach, [ancial statement afternoon of each week, or by ; spoke mildly: "It is possible that we. Revenue . appointment. ¥e can agree to have Oshawa use the sur- {Current Surplus $ 43,487 46 Biong Block, Port Perry, Phone 26 i plus space which we will have in the County Rates 188,814.13 |, ' g Home for-next five years ©... | ad Licgmses winol 3 > , , "ex Mr. Melntyre thought they could {Irov. of Ontario RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. he renew discussions with Oshawa on a) Administration of Justice 7,892.93] 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, - NS 50-50 basig." . Registry Oflice Surplus 149,97 _ Phone 814 h "It is ridiculous to have to build Wolf | Cre 4 two County Homes in the same dis- | « t ki { A Pl 10 in attendance at 00, Lurk Perry Ofck 1 ¢ . ! ! : ity of Oshawu---share ~ on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon : trict. A fdr Registry office maint. 607.23 of each week, or by appointment. ¥ I A. i: ey Beaverton, agreed. | ne of Hid as lock- up 116.00 | Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone " 1} Trustees Appointed 2 zen! Me pling ) 3 : . J h { 289.67 The following appointments have hom uuicipalitie Bs Li Abeen made by the county to district' T Ruan Tens pu loins . Aa DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG g ¥ high school boards: Paul G. Puevis, | FM Rehog wi 1575.83 . DENTIST =i 1 ; fie - Children's Aid- Socie Lies, 1,728.00 os Ho--East-Whithy:--W---b.~Thoms=on,~to A 8 a Se = Whithy District, R.A. Peel to Part | MEcolaneous (96.85 Queen Sires \ S , AL ' . - N Phone 237 Port Perr Perey and Uxbridge; T. Byran, of ede ipticn of land 47548 . 7 Beaverton, Cannington and Thorah. : > I phe , S¥Sekesetaagne av sl. -> > Oo - : Dave Kean Retained in Two: Positions | CMY Home admin. B0.40 : i D. J. Kean, formér road engineer, IE oy > PIANO TUNING : who resigned that. week will-hepot----r-- - $266,660.02 TTT VIPOSTOUFFRR TE EE tained by thes County in a consultant a Exoembitm A "5 1Piano Actions Repaired and Regulated J capacity during 1950. Mr. Kean was \d i. 4 =Spenciture £ LL150.74 Phone 30 . Port Perry. i aphointed advisor Co re Admin, of Justice YRLIHO.T : * ' i Sohmpied 4 or in Ye og Legal and Audit SEER LE RE Et 4 . Sa SU (Children's Add Society le 34,094.24 3 ~ oC ' Kean retains hig post as Oshawa Sub- sy ud : AN LP oe i I: - rr : - eR urban Road Engineer. Praline Sebold ' San Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON™ : ify --Offige- Hours: 9am to § pm -- 4 ------ = Oflice Upstairs over C. Bleep's - Insurance Office. : . <> -> - at > > h} 'Rousseau Upholstery i 216 Marv St. E, WHITBY = is between." Salary will be $3,000 per $257 HE wl ee we , ? Jannum and seven: cents. per mile will AP RE- UPHOLSTERING sud ., i ~| MANCHESTER BLD ERE _-- Tool free] y Let us recupholster your old chester- . if (Too fate tor last week) field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. aa A Home and School Club was organ- [hone and have our consultant call fis ized last Thursday evening, with Myps, [and give you a free. estimate. Free Lloyd MeKee as President and Mr. [pick-up and delivery. : Clinton Midgley, See Treasurer. We Phone 3344 collect. wish this very worthy project every [OSHAWA UPHOLSTE RY CO. = x ue C88, . . 8 Church St. - i . TY "Reasons Greetings to all I EE LE Mr. and Mis. Fred Warren were in TTT SY, .- og 4 Toronto on Sunday afternoon. : x $3 "Miss Fie Wing of Ashburfi, "spent i | 5 two weeks with her son, Mr. Arthur 3 Pee . _ L y oo. ba { TO RENT i ustom Work Prices-on request. - 4Our Rental Plan includes every- = FOR thing you need to do a profes- ) LY : sional Refinishing Job on those aN Lumber old floors." NEE Gyproe, Insulation|c ; Phone 3744W1 OSHAWA 8 ------ ggette M. Le; Custom Work - TRY Uxbridge Planing Mill - UXBRIDGE, ONT. HEETSEITIEII SINS ItIResIARALNLLINILIIIILLLILAL REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial: stimates given on Installations, Reg. Boundey CO rr re EE tr Whatever your insurance needs may INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date ? be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 : Port Perry Ahhh bb btttbtdtitiasstt ttt ssss 33s FREE 33133141 ROOFING OF ALL KINDS Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Pert Perry

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