Can Cost Lives - ~Aceused of -garelessness in plek- ing tomatoes,*a miarket gardener indignantly asserted that the unpick- '¢d tomatoes were green and unripe, An electrical engineer occasionally, hooked up a high-voltage wire in a . wrong position, despite. the fact that it was cohspicuously tabbed a bright red. Tests showed that both men were' colour blind. . At least 75,000 molarists are ¢o- Jour blind andj traffic, lights only' by alight gra af of tone, One man in thirty Aces only grey i =. drabness, and 'eight men and five. women in 'every hundred - suffer slight "disability. to ° 'distinguish the -3,500 different tints -of hues of this soloured world, ; According to colour -researchists -of the British Physical Socitey, a colour blind house owner will some- times paint his house a vivid blue under the impression that he is de- eorating it in a restful 'shade of pale aren. Colour blind: people can even 'enjoy a Technicolor_film--the vary- ing greys and blues lend unusual depth to the picture--with no sense of missing anything. . % .Colour blindness is hereditary, Transmitted from grandfather to grandson, it 'can be intensified by prolonged strain or tiredhess. Some . victims are colour blind only in one eye. In textile, drapery, printing and printing-ink making, in the paint, pottery, 'photographic and electri-- eal trades, good coléur sight is es- sential. Yet few workers receive systematic "tests. --------During--the- war, eolour-- blind RC CAF. observers - were deliberately shoaen for their skill in spotting eamouflage. Today the colour: ac- euracy of all men on British Rail-, ways has to be 100 per cent, In Prance some years ago a fireman of the Strasbourg Express could not Shin uish between red and green, 220 people were killed ia a - after the train had passed four signals set against it, The Ishihara test detects the co- Jowr blind. A series of cards print- od in dots of one colour also bears 1. figures in another 'colour. To the solour blind the numerals are part- "ly obliterated in the dots. A partly - gbliterated 8 becomes a 3, a 4 be- ~~ _ the influence of nutrition. -- 7 mow fuvour volour tests somes 7, 'and the figure 6 Appears to be §. In the Holmng 0 wool teat, different pieces' of coloured wool have to be matched. Normal vision experiences no difficulty, The ab-~ normal match green against browa-- snd red against yellow. - TH] now, medical science has not fully understood the cause. The thousands of tiny 'rods and eones in the retina of the ey, it 4s known, lack "elasticity and fail to stretch in response to colour waves. . Colour bliirdness was once regards od ap incurable, To-day laboratory technicians have been studying the somplex physical stimuli that elicit ¢oldur sensations and they stress Experts for all children at school at ed age of 'about 13. , Minor colour aberrations ean be corrected by wise' feeding in adolescence. Guinea- -pig tests show that lack of vitamins A, B2 or. C ean impair colour sight. Cod- liver oil and foods rich in vitamin A strengthen colour ability. In the retina is a substance called visual purple, which is rapidly con- -sumed- and as readily replentished on exposure to light. The colour - blind do not enjoy quick replen- * tishment. ~ -- . . 4 - 5 Chaos in Court :" While a New Delhi magistrate was away, a court elerk took his place," fined people suspected of gambling, pocketed the money and--is now in jail, Bonus Boy--Here cores one of "those unpredictable balls from the fong arm of Lomita, ~ Calif., high school athlete Paul Pettit. The 18- -yéar-old won- "der boy has signed with. the Pittsburgh Pirates for $100,000 bonus, to be paid over a period of 10 years in addition to his salary, _eentury breaks to his credit. - billiards, . championship ever since. 31 Rc aa A AAs WT hy ETS STRELA Lad aa HS PRE wigs is oat PHA a Ke hid -Ghve Light and 8eedlings Will Hustle--Coddle your secdlings in electric hotbeds like these and you get your vegetables-10 days. earlier, or your flower blossoms a month earlier, says. Robert L. Zahour, Westinghouse engineer, Here he looks over a set of three by six-foot frames which are warmed by: eight regular 25-watt incandescent light bulbs. Over in London jus __ago--on Febgpuary. bran-new world's record in a well-- baowa and widely played branch "of sport. To do #0, he had to break "oie of thi toughest miarks there was--a moerk 'which many experts thought might stand for years. Yet somparatively few of us on this slde--who are fed up-to-the-min- wie bulletins -on the amount of _ - hemptitching the M.D.'s had to» do, in Rimer Lach's dome or the. pres- ont eondition. wf -Joe * DiMaggio's > most recent. Charley-horse--ever beard of this Canadian, or of the Temariabre feat he Tout aceompleh- » . . Mot to make $00 deep a mystery owt of it, the man js George Chenier, a 41-year-old French-Canuck orig- nally out of Winnipeg. And the new mark he set was a score of 144 ja that highly popular game of skill generally known as snooker pool. (There are. purists who claim it- should be Snooker's pool, atlhough Jone who Mr, Snogker may have -is something wa either never - knew, or haverlong since forgotten.) This mark of 144 is three points more than the previous best record, established by Jo seph Davis in Jan- wary '1949. And now the question that has "the snooker fans on the edge of their seats is--"Is sonie- body, maybe Mr, Chenier, finally going to shoot 1477" oo» * Now to those of you who falled - $0 misspend your youth around pool ation and billiard academies, add- ng just another three points to that mark of 144 might seem to be a - fairly simple matter, For more than half a century track-and-field men have been dreaming of 2 four-min- 'ute mile, yet they're, still quite a few strides away from it. A score of 147 in snooker represents perfec- tion. It's like a 450 in ve pins, or ~300 in ten pins--the big difference being" that many keglers and five- pinners have bowled "possibles," while nobody yet has ever visited a snooker table and scoréd- the .maxi- mum number of poinst with every cue stroke, and .without making a single error, It's going to be as hard" of accomplishment as that mile in A240 seconds, maybe harder. EE PR TE Chenier is a comparative new- comer to England, the real home of snooker, According fo Sydney Skilton," he already has nearly 200 In his respect he stands second only 10 the great Joe Davis, who occu ples a place in snooker about similar to that of Willie Hoppe in American * » * "For more than 20 years Joe Davis had things pretty miich his own way. In 1938 he raised the world record break to 138, where it re- mained till his aforementioned 141 last year, He won the world cham- pioniship so often that he"got tired of It, resigning in favor of his brother Fred, who has held the o LI. 3 Snooker is played, as most of 'you probably alréady know at least from 1 Ld Jan a few weeks ird to be pre- ¢lee--a Canadian established a: hearsay; on a billiards table with six pockets. But instead of the three balls, as ih the older game there Tare 22 of them to mess around with, And the object is to "pot" or "sink" the balls into_a poc'-et and, at the "same time; control the ball" with™ which you do ijt. LR I The game starts with 22 balls on the table--15 red, six various other eolors and one white which is the eue ball: As a color can only' be "played after a red has been put down, there is an entiré lack of the ~"monotony "often felt when watching -- billiard experts "such -as Hoppe,. Jake Schaefer and others, who look as though they could go on forever without a miss. ~~ " . * Ared ball- pocketed counts one point 'and the others are valued-- © yellow 2; green-3: brown 4; blue 5 pink 6 ands black 1.. Once the reds are' down they stay down; but the other colors are returned to the table until the last red has been pocketed, after which "the colors have to be played in the .order of their value, starting with the yel- low. fons * in * That describes, briefly, what you try to do for yourself: Again quots ing from Mr. Skiltdn "that is the positive side of the game." But there's a negative side too. It lies in executing or persuading your op- 'ponent to execute... foul" shots, These are too numerous to describe fully here but the main ones are . perpetrated by hitting the ball other than the one you're supposed to; niissing the objective altogether; or. permitting the cue ball to go into a pocket. You can best do this by leaving a ball between the cue-ball - and the ball he is supposed to hit, When you do this you have "laid a snooker" or "snookered" the enemy, - * * » « "Getting. back to the new record holder. He is unusual in that he uses. an almost upright stance, in- stead of the customary stoop. This | is probably the result of playing on Canadian and United States tables, which are somewhat lower than the English. He has his own special cues," which weigh 18 -ounces and measure 58 inches--almost three ounces heavier and three inches longer than the .average English cue. p : : r * * te : Which will haveth be: about ail, just now, for the French-Canadian " ftom Winnipeg except to say that he has become intensely popular. "Hover 'Ome," where they think that if the 147 break is' ever made, George Chenier will be the man to do it, : : ie Beli 2h Oh, yes, Just in case your inter- ested. Chenier, when he made his 144 mark put down. 12 blacks, 3 pinks, 15 reds and all the colors, Davis,' when he shot his 141, pocket- ed 11-blacks, 3 pinks, 1 brown; 18 reds and all the colors, Come on, - George Let's 'sec you shoot the works! Then come back to Canada and maybe the Mayor of Toronto will let you have your picture taken shaking hands with him! 1 7774 you a JOKER ? Rend 100 for [1080 Alls: N_ trated 80 page. OATA LOGUE OF TRICKS: JOKES & MAGI0 COLLINS JGKB AND MAGIO SHOP 375 . Bomiérset St, Woo I Ottawa, Ont, Wholesale and Reta) o_even moisture. 4 Ra age! Uaeigsh Got any snow around your way? Down here, in the southern por- tion. of Ontario, it hasn't exactly forgotten HOW to snow--but the " snow -doesn't seem to know how to STAY. And as ore who has 'enjoyed' his full share of. shovel- ling out driveways, paths to .the barn and other buildings, I'm keep- Ang my fingers scrossed. : LJ] * * However, I understand that there Tare parts of the Province where "winter really looks like winter; dnd some of the readers in.those sec- tions * might--be interested "in. the following news regarding experi- ments made in plowing snow ridges to hold and conserve 'moisture." ~~ + * . Plowing snow 'into ridges is the latest method developed in West- ern Canada for moisture c(onserva- tion. After trying various methods of building such snow barriers as snow fences, trees, and brush, agricul- tural scientists at Western Cana- dian government experimental sta- tions hit on a method of plowing early winter snow into ridges eight feet apart between which following snow accumulated and could not " easily be blown away by winds. ." & This method of snow hoarding. has proved successful over d& num- "ber of years of SSpSimentsiion at, Both vegetable and grain crops grown on fields on which the snow has been plowed for hoarding, have proven better: than such crops on adjacent land which was 'now snow plowed. Reason for. this is that snow ac- ~cumulating between ridges melts « slowly inn spring, giving the land On lands not so. treated, the snow drifted away or' piled' into larger drifts and in the spring the miclting 'snow was not as evenly distributed -as moisture "to the fields. i Variotis_ 'types of home-made plows were built at the experiment- al stations 'til two types were found which would not harm the soil. yet --would-do-the job satisfactorily. One. |. is .a push type, tlie other a pull type, Both can be used either with "horses or tractor. A snowfall of three" or four . inches is sufficient to start plowing operations, as the ridges thrown up ~ by 'this much snow after plowing are high enough to catch the fol- lowing snows. Ridges are plowed eight feet apart; if farther apart, snow tends to drift away, The Ynain objective of the snow . plowing is to incredse soil moisture so as to give the grain crops.a start in- the spring and to aid in control - of soil drifting. - ox * * ~, The. thought of a fire, destroy- . ing "homes and buildings and fre- "quently snuffing "oiit lives, is. an ugly one. Still, thinking of the pos-. sibilities of fire, and taking proper precautions in time is better than regretting our neglect when it's too late. So I'm passing along the following from the CIL, Agricul- tural News, without any abologies. » LJ » Ie Before 1950 comes to an end, "fire will destroy some $10,000,000 worth of Canadian farm property, | statisticians predict. Scores- of fa- . milies will be left homeléss. A large "number of adults and children will - never see the dawn of 1951. Their 'charred bodies will be found among . the smouldering ruins of what had - been happy - Homes, * ; A rural tee is _ infinitely more terrifying than one in an urban centre. where a modern fire brigade is only as far away as the corner _ fire alarm box. When a farm build-. ing catches fire the best that can usually be mustered is a bucket bri- * gade of neighboring farmers .who are willing but often helpless. 1t is vital, therefore, that every farmer institute his own fire protection program, * * . - To" check the quick 'spreading of flames, curtains and other fabric materials in' the home can be treated with certain flame proofing chemicals, Fire retardant paints are now on the market. Inexpensive fire extinguishers can. be hung in easily-accessible places about the house and barn. * * * Outbreaks of fire ean be pre- * vented if a few simple rules are followed. Keep basements, attics and outbuildings free of rubbish, Store gasoline and' other inflam- 'mable Hquide' at a safe distance - from main buildings, Provide a safe place to dispose of hot ashes from stove or furnace. Watch the care- less smoker and the .ehild with matches, Be careful using kerosene. | when starting a ove fire. lL ] Be sure hy ie "wel sured before. putting it ja the Toft unless there Jo a safe mow-curing aystem. 'In- spect the HNghining rod--, system . once a year. If there Jen' one it + would. ey ln the Jong rin to have le one, 1 * Each spri nd fall eheck over chimneys srng flies for eracks that would permit flames to reach other | proiit opportunity. -| more exis with each chick. Catalogue Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph; Ontario. : : 3 3 | "OXFORD'" APPROVED _ Chicks. live, lay Hamp. x- Rock crossbreds, Rock x Leghorn crossbreds, "Write for free folder." The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company, Limited, 434 Malin Street, Woodstock, On- tarlo. ¢ BABY. CHICKS' from blood tested high egg | Goddard Chirk Hitchery. -| acres Zone (tobacco): | L. Titley," AGENTS WANTED AGENTS, . sell pular $3 fre extinguisher wholesale or direct. Liberal profits, exclu- sive territory" ; v FIRE-KILLER 8042 Roslyn' Avenue, Monqreal : SALESMEN BALESMEN wanted to introduce new product, Ideal for house to house selling, rull time or -sideline, Wanted in gyery home Unusual Write immed aivlp Na lory Blenheim, Ont, 2 Hardware Producte, Sti BABY CHICKD BUY YOUR 1850 Chicks from &° Canada Ac- »oredited Hatchery. R.O,P.. Breeding Farm 100% pullordin clean R.O.P." Sired, Barred Rocks and approved Red x Rock. crossbreds. Write for folder, prices," Westside Poultry Farm, Neustadt, Ont. 'MONKTON - CHICKS--Goyernment * Approved, Breeding quality, one &f the best. Don't guess, be certain, Write for prices and cata- logue. Monkton Poultrx Farms, Monkton, . Ont. ' FISHER 'ORCHARD CHICKS, DAY OLD CHICKS. Pullts and Cockercls available 'weekly year round in 8 leading breeds and crowses. " The chicks ake firet class, the price moderate, the stodk approved. Write for 12 page coloured calendar and price list, Fisher Orchards, R.O.P. Breeders. Freeman, Ontario. SCHUMMER CHICKS JOVERNMENT - approved, Top quality. Free Catalogue and. price list explain details. 3chummer's Quality Hatchery, Linwood; Ont. A GOOD BUY, R.O.P. Sired Pullet chicks are a better buy than those with little or no breeding back of them. Because you buy Buy the best, an etra cent or tw) for a quality chick "usu- ally comes back with a big dividend attached. Send for our 1950 Catalogue. It tells vou all 'about bur R.O.P. Sired Chicks. Also start- ed Chicks., Older Pallets, Turkey Pdults. Tweddle. Chick Hatcheries - Limited, Fergus, Ontario. : THE PRICE outlook for eggs next Fall is good. Egg prices will be up to profitable, levels 1. Juge. Meat prices will also be profitable. Top Notch R.O.P, Sired- Chicks- will ear ~ you extra - money, Algo started Chicks, oldér Pullets, "Turkey Poults, 'Free. ind pay. The. are the..résults of twenty- three years of careful selection and breeding in O.B.S. They have to be good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for .our own flocks--blg vigorous and early matur- ing. We stress egg slze and uniformity, Bar- red Rocks, Whi'e Leghorns, New Hampshires, - producing' - stock." Livabllity guaranteed. Mixed $15.09 Der 100. Pullets "$28 to $30, Ten percent oft 'for .orders 500 _and . over. Britannia Helghts, Ontario, BIIBINESH OPPORTUNITIES AN \N OFFER to every Inventor-- List of inven "tions and ful). information sent free. ~The Ramsay -Co Registered Pdalent Attorneys. 378 Bark Street. Ottawa DYEING AND CLEANING HAVE YOU anything "needs dvelng. or clean- ing? Write to us for information We are glad to answer your questions ~ Department | H. Parker's. Dye Works Limited. 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontarie B FARMS FOR SALE 126 ACRES Raleigh Township, Kent County; 100 acres Euphenila (General Farming): 100 5 acres Wonderful get- rich onlon farm. E u, Beach Ftontage-- Store or cabins. Invest wisely in land and be sure 'of 'income. Write! Chatham Real Es- tate, Exchange Realtors, 92} King St». Chats ham, Ont. Telephone 180. ¥ 100 ACRES north of Brampton, good land, locality. bulldings. Immediate possession $12,500, Owner, 330 Runnymede, Toronto. FARM for immediate possession, 150. acres, southern tip of Huron- County on 23 High- way, 22 miles from London. Heart of sugar- beet, canning factory area. Rich clay loam, tile drained, 130 acres tillable land. 12 acres fall wheat, '20 acres hay, 45 acres fall ploughed. - Brick house, hat - water furnace, flush toilet. - Bank bdrn. silo, litter carrier, water bowls. Hydro throughout. Milk truck, school bus pass gate. Full line of tractor, machinery, dairy herd, will'be sold with farm it desired: A bargain, but must_be cash, Irvine McElrea. Woodham, Ont. - FORT COULONGE, 225 acres, fully equipped, with beautiful 'brick house and large barn, 100 under cultivation, 100 timbér lot," pine, apruce and hardwood. Realtor, 18 Rideau St, FOR BALE, b0-Acres of land. Good brick house "and outer buildings, 1 mile from school, cheese factory®and blacksmith shop. All plowing done. Apply to Howard Bethune, Dunvegan, Ont. R.R. 1. FOR BALE MOTORCYCLES Harley Davidson. New and used bough: #0ld. exchanged. Large stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. - Repairs by Jactory-trained mechanics. Bicycles, and com- ete line of wheel goods. Open evenings until e except Wadneaday. Strand Cycle & Sports, King at Sanford, Hamilton. OQUNSB--Large assortment new and. used. Bought, sold, axchanged. Guaranteed repairs, Scopes; sights installed. Fishing Tackle. Hunt. ing Equipment. Sporting. Goods. Speria) Team Prices. - Open---untll uine. except Wednesday. Strand Cycle, Hamilton. NURSERY BTOCK RESERVE now. for Bpring Delivery--Chinesé Elm Hedge--wlll grow 2 feet firat year--125 plants sufficient for 25. feet (12 to 30 Inches bushy) $2.98--peedlings 12 Inches high $4.50 per 100 (plant 6 inches apart fant Banibl tion Peonies in colors red, white or 'pink, for $1.89--Apple trées 8 feet ann verieiios McIntosh, Bpy, Dellolous, 8 for $1,98--Plum trees '3 feet high in varieties Burbank and Lombard, 4 for $3.98, Free Colour Garden Guide with Every Order. Brookdale--Kings- way Nurséries, Bowmanville, Ontario, . TET -- parts of 'the house. A ladder Jong enough to reach the top of the highest building on the farm should be kept in a handy place, If there is a water system, a few well-placed hose connections are good protec- tion. If not, -a barrel' of water inted red and lettered FOR IRE ONLY should be kept near every building and used only in ease of fire, * Ottawa, * * y If the statistics mentioned in the first paragraph eould be halved or eliminated altogether, | we're - positive the statisticians won't mind 'being wrong in 'thelr predictions, In fact; they'll - be extremely pledsed. . < WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE-- - Without Colonel -- And You'll Bod In the should Rup Out of Morning prices. D, Hyland 8929 -LTD., $8,600. $5,000 handles, | lei. Bir. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING # Fun SALE "aw PATENTS ----re ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIGATED ribbed for roofing and siding shepts 8° '8 then 48'" covered 32" wide, "24 gauge. end roof measurements for free estimate and illustrated folder glving full information. Samples on request. Imme- diate delivery from stock. A,- L. QGonneville Mfg, Dept. 18, Charette, P.Q. LIGHT cholec tasting Golden No. twelve 4'8--$6 00 MaeRamnge, Ontario, COTTON BAGS © BLEACHED Sugar and Flour bags cach 27¢; towels, hemmed, about 17" x 34"--18¢ each; 2c per hag extra on order of legs than 2 dozen. Dept. + By-Products, $3 Ontarlo Street, Toronto, : a to 1 HONEY, 'Lucknow; : DOORS Panel. or Combination, McKENNA, 2779 Yonge St, Tore ony, "Ont. STRU TOTURAL 'STEEL LARGE Stock of Beams, Columns, ' Rails, Posts, Awile_ Iron, and Reinforcing Rods! Cement' Mixers, Block. Machinery, Wheelbar- rows, Screw Jacks, © Steel Fabricating Weld- ing and Machine Shop Work done by experts. M, ZAGERMAN & CO., LIMITED, Bayview Road, Ottawa, Ont, : UNPAINTED platter casts. Figurines, book- ends, animals, novelties. Good assortment, Lists avallable, Box 58. 123-18th Street, New Toronto. BES TRACTOR, John Deere MC caterpillar, like new, used 'ess than 75 hours; "complete with power takeoff and belt pulley. J. Kirton, R.R. 5, 'Fenwick, Telephone even- ings. collect, Ridgeville 277M, SNOWSHOES: All sizes and ityles. Bales' "Humane" snowtheoe harness (pat.). No more 'blistered toes! Folder, "Snowshoeing in Comfort," on request. Bates' Snowshoes, Metagama (vin C.P.R.), N, Ontarlo. NEW JOHNSON Outboard Motors Canadian Canoe Co,' Peterboro- Boats, Canues, Trail. ers. bought, sold exchanged Large stock used motors Repairs by. factory-trajned mechanics. Opep until nine except Wednesday Strand Cycle, Hamilton ~ BUY direct from manufacturer. Halr nets, -rayon---or-- silk; _40c per dozen, nylon 76c. All colors. We pay Pesiage Milo Mills Lid. 308° ADelajde St. W., Toronto." FARMERS' This year clean properly \Ve carry all sizes of & zinc _and wire Stale. size -of---pe front and side dlinenslons of Eecreen Chatham Mill. Screen. 63 Willlam 8t Chatham. Ont CASCADE WHEAT--The answer to the feed wheat, problem for Eastern Canada, A new, high ylelding, soft spring wheat de- veloped by The Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Seed at 1} bushels ber acre. Certl. tiled seed F.0.B. shipping point, $3.00 per bushel. In two bushel bags. 'T. A. Wilson. Pakenham, Ontario. ° » JRDER: the horse you Teanith for spring: work now. We offer wide selection pure- bred mares--Percherans, Belgians, Clydes- dale; three. years of age up, that we can your seed en In both From N.. 8ir Don, "Waterloo's Dan, Arnold- wold Dock,' "Kemptvlille A.8., Jay Farceur, Landmark Renown, Write us © or Anything you require in' horses. Arnold Farms Limited, Grenville; Quebec, . FARM MACHINERY . MALL 'Chaln Saws--famous for their pOWer- ful relinble engines with. stall-proof auto- matic clutch, Oné man and two-man models. Gasoline and electric from $145 up. Inter- ested agents please write Diesel "Equipment Limited, 139 Laird Drive, Leaside; 'Toronto. BOLENS GARDEN _ 'TRACTOR PRE-INVENTORY SALE--1} H.P. complete with 6'* plow and cultivator $175.00; 3 H.P. 6" tires with 81" plow and cultivator, $348.00. : Other = attachments If ° preferred. Terms $25 00 cash with order, balance C.0.D. Send your order now. There is only & limited CANADIAN POTATO MACH'Y: COMPANY, 75 Jarvis St., Galt, Ontarlo. MEDICAL PEOPLE are talking about the 'Good Results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, MUNRO"S .DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25. Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE . Banish the "torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skid troubles = Post's' Fczems Balve will not disappoint you. tching. ecaling. burning eczema. ache, ring- worm, pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to this stainless. odorless ointment, regardless nf how stubborn or "bopelers they seem - - _PRICB $1.00 PER JAR Bent Post Free on Recepit of Price POST'S REMEDIES 880 Queen St - E., Corner of Logan foronto -- NURSERY _BTUCR WE GROW some: of the world's finest Gladl= oli. - Catalogue on request. Tyndall Glad- folus Gardens, . Brucefield, Ontarlo. GLADIOLUS BULBS, No, 1. colors, --6c. Special mixture, Ruby Davis Oakland, Ont. Beparate $3 per. C. "| Was Nearly Crazy i - With Fiery Itch~ Cp fast rele =D, , : Beres he tion; $F Wal fel bis na Siofag, Ii 'trom ¢ | medica Ea Hib. o%. fs A Ei reaction So Soguint 'all slzes, Attractive. loration-and-- breed to. top Arnoldwold sirgs--Jason, "En- .chanter, time on this bargaln to reduce our inventory. | FETHERSTONHAUGH & l'oroento: Company Patead Solicitors Established 1890 350 Bay Bireet, Hooklet of information ob request. more generhl country stores than any other 3 in the Province, Write us now. We will = you 'a { BUBINESS . Toronto, RA 8505; : sak M. LAIDLAW, B.Bc., Patent" Attorned, A. Patents of Invention, 66 Bparks St., pus SELLING? YOUR Country general store? Now ls: the time to lst it. with" the firm that sells nal visit, "PARRETT, perg MAN, Realtor, 1116, Yonge 8t., i FURKRIS Sioen your Broad Breasted Bronze "pouith © NOW. '| ahd blood 'testing, Pullorum free. One of the oldest and largest exclusive all turkey farms > : in Canada All breeders range raised: ¢1y . ga you stronser poults and better livability; § acres range land. Vespra: Turkey Farms, A. D. Sons, Backed by 21 years careful selecting Is Fd Be sVisit our modern hatchery, Patterson: $ Box 101, Barrle, Ont. WHITE HOLLAND vpoults and eggs from Broad 'breast and high livability poults can be expected from Sunny Acres Amherstburg, BROAD-BREASTED Bronze + blood tested Government Approved breeders, Turkey. Farm, Ontario, "turkey-- poults. Breeds are Government approved and pullors um clean. Aldershot Turkey Ranch, Aldershot, 3 Ontarlo, 114 TURKEY POULTS AND EGGS. Government - approved pullorum clean flocks. White Hol. land crossed with Beltsville White, Toms sell like héns. Qak Grove Poultry Farm, Amherst- burg, Ontarlo. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMER America's greatest system. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL : Great Opportunity Learn B > Halrdressing H Pleasant dignified profession, guod wages 3 thousands successful Marvel graduates : Ullustrated cata logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 360 Bloor St. W., 'Furonto Branches, 44 King 8t. Hamilton ~*--& 73 Rideau Street. Ottawa. © WANTED WANTED. Gradua ber WA jay board. Apply: General Hospital, SHIP us furs. Minks up to $46,00--Wea $4.60--Muskrata, minke 'weekly on ice with (Gangset)--Secrets tree. rs £ «Tght hour day, $41.0 .86 overtime minus $1.30 ped $48.76 salary after three months, Superintendent' of Nurses, Ansol Iroquals Falls, Ontarlo. "duty, $4.50 500 Muskrats wi ry f Trappers Assoclation Baifeville Yam, WANTED--Two used Diesel power units, 160-200 h.p., working 'condition. .. Please write, giving full particulars and orice, Paul Yolkcwaklg, Box 738, Renfrew, Ont. Phone 1164W, rod Que. CONCRETE _ Block Machine, - steel pallets | | St. N., Phone 981, Leamington, Ont, WANTED TO BUY--OId hen, duck St., and 3 core, William Haller," Box- -95; Ting SEER RR mins, Ont: : MODEL L. A. CASE TRACTOR oN RUBBER. ° John C. Graham Co., #8 Brie Write Ont, covered dishes. Box '57, New Toronto, RTT & : : TRA TOR $1492 Delivered to Yeu 3 i i Eo - * pay. Order now ame = get yours when You need it. Two years | - guarantee, - Very narrow for elose planting, < A CHILD CAN OPERATE | - IT. Over powered. with most medern 4 eyclo alr cooled engine. Light plow- ing, cultivating, scuffling, hilling and weed contrél. Power-take-off for uses. Bimple, strong and easily hand CARDEN. SOWER TOOLS _ West Hill (Scarbore), Ont. Twelve 1 Ex proven In ove 80 hrs of tae: SS ETI A DO YOUR N E RVES hay Gs | ON YOU? | -- "It your nerves "jump" at a +~"sudden- no gi p energy Ty I ain aA 33 rail *_ ++.8ond yourbody needs helpt -- : 's Nerve ood. . . to Tilp bulld you up our RA pe Soul. eel the 'benefit of the Sa | ner me- That's when you need a good , like Dr. they rest better, 2 | erve Food. : : ' Bo , anxiety or : : FPondlelly pace of modern] ving i u; our 8 -- A Bases Nerve Fo Food today, "" is your Ha "econom give" size" 1a yt your best uy. A Gl ISSUE 9 -- 1950 J :