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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Mar 1950, p. 4

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Page Four "the home of her sister Mrs. ane EA RA 4 pe LL LOCAL As courtesy and service to local readers we offet this column in mentioning your guests and items of interest. items to the Star or Phone 305J or 60. NEWS Send your | x Mrs. H. Mulligan spent the week-| 'end 'with her sisters ii Toronto. Miss Stella Boundey was a guest at C.Harvey Just week-end. Mrs, Ray Cook. present at this meeting. : Mr. and Mrs. Flnier Eadie, of To- i = ronto, were visitors: at the home of CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION "Mrs. N. S. Baird, last week-end. Rector: Rev: J. T. Coneybeare : March 5--Second Sunday in Lent. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cook were Sun-| a.m.--Holy Communion, - day visitors to he home of Mr. and 11 n.m.--Sunday School Mus, Ross Harrison, of Oshawa, Wednesday, March 8th-- "Mrs, Jack Starkey is. visiting old 8 p.m. Litany and Address. school chums in Toronto for a few LB ir rep li ill attend the ye-union of. ~~ . uy and will attend the Leunion ofp pppy BAPTIST CHURCH the Lenders Cap that she attended ) I'. Taylor, Pastor ast August: Ss EW -- Sunday, March Sth-- Claremont is setting up a film 1ih-1 1g nom==-Bible School. ~rary. Our local library fis consider 11 a.n.---Marning Worship. ing such un step. We hope they man- 7 p.m. Evangelistic Service. age to install one. i! Wednesday, Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. son, Audrey Geer, ~ Word from the President, Shane, i and beautiful floral offerings from re: Mr. and "Mrs, Frank Honey week-end. guests at the home of Mr. "and Mrs. Robert Rulph, of Cedar Val- ley. : © My; and Mrs. in Port Perry aver the home of Betty's parents, were Moorehead were the week-end-at Mar. Reg. and MAYBELLE REBEKAH LODGE On Tue: day everiing February Inde memoyx of the founder-of the de-| , op Order of 'Oddfellows, Thoinas Wilde hy _conferving: the degree on). Sister Jeans Smith, Pickard and 'Ruth Foster. To complete the refreshment very delightful lunch. five new members, Hazel Gih- Thursday night to-dizcuss business. before the casting and that he at 8 p.m. sharp. urged to attend. Classes for junior members are con- ducted at each meeting. Plan to attend: this meeting on Pho Xs ' Ihursday, March 2nd at. 8 p.m. sharp. 'Scugog Chapter started "on a new year in- February, therefore our fees are due. Let us make it easier for our "Fchoes" secretary and treasurer .by paying promptly. ' The March meeting. will take place in thé rooms of the Order on Monday the 6th at 3 p.m. There usual meeting and a "Pay Your Fee Tea." Let us welcome every member at a ] CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Harry Willard and family wish to extend sincere thanks and appre- _ciation for the many kindnesses, messages of love and understanding, latives, friends and neighbours, tend- ered in our recent bereavement in the loss of a beloved husband and father. DIED ARMITAGE--At her late Water St. S,,.St. Marys, Ontario, Friday, February 17th, 1950, Mar- garet Frise, beloved wife of Albert A. Armitage, in her 65th year. Interment in St. Marys Cemetery: a BP | Calendar for the : Week Thursday--Servies" Club at the home of Mrs. Gracé Hastings. Friday---~Yacht. Club play at the High School. Girl Guides and Brownies, te Saturday---Badminton at School. Sunday---Services at all Churches, Monday--b0-50 Club. : : - Tuesday--C.G.LT, Rebekahs, W.A, - Badminiton at School. ds Wed, March 8---Scout Mothers. Afternoon, Court "Whist. { Night Euchre at Delicaterla. ; Don' 21st, the members af the lodge honouréd the Marvy | a successful meeting, commitiee served a | The main table being gayly decorated with tulips and Saffodils, : at the High School, there will be a brief business meeting This will be held shooting. Harry De- wishes .this to start Club members are will be the' the meeting---and this means. YOU. residence on Funeral | was held from the'L. A. Ball Funeral Chapel on Monday; February 20th. 3 THE "CHURCHES gr PRESBYTERIAN. CHURCH Rev, John Riddell; Minister Sunday, March 5 5-- : . 11 .a.m.~--Sunday School ' 3 7 pan.--Evening Worship, ' Subject---The Sin of the World, Tuesday, March_7th-- 3 p.m.--Mecting of Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. M. B, Dymond. All membérs ave requested to be 1H nr PERRY UNITED CHURCH sunday, March j-- 10 am.--S.S. and Church Class 11 ani-=Primary Department. 11 a.m.--'Come Follow. That is all¥ _Gpan.=-Island of Retreat. | Have vou heard our evening choir? March 6=Fifty-Fifty Club meets. Vv PRINCE ALBERT UNITED CHURCH Mrs. A. Harper, Organist. Sunday, March 5-- FULL GOSPEL PE! CHURCH (meeting every Sunday in the Library po Hall) ~ 73 Pastor--Rev. Geo. Underhill [12.00 | 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship. 7 p.m. Evangelistic. All Welcome NTECOSTAL 'IMMACULATE CONCEPTION © PARISH - Rev. V. McGivney, Priest. CHRISTIAN VIEW OF SORROW If we concentrate on sorrow, miseries and misfortunes of life as arranged hy God, we are we-are preparing for a flight from His friendship. We are getting ourselves ready. for a horror of the things of God. We are pre- paring far the time when the flesh will completely prevail over the spirit. Then, in place of loves, e.g." joy, place of its rush to the loved one, there will come the boredom and invitation that prepare the way for hate, The human heart" must have joy in God's will. See all things arranged by God for our good and joy will flow. W. M. S. The Evening: Auxiliary of the Uni- ted Church will hold its March meet- ing on the 8th at 8 pm. Colored filmg by Rev. Elgie; Joblin on Indian work in Ontario. will be shown. The films are. very interesting and well worth- seeing, and we are hoping for a -large turnout, Every body wel- come, It was most gralifying to see i many from Port Perry and neighbor- terial -at Bowmanville, The Meeting for the World's Pay). of Prayer d was anh inspiration to all. Local Girl Guide News - A meeting: of the local association "was held at, the home of Mrs, E. J.J | Hutchinson, on Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of planning a Mother snd Daughter -Banquet to he held at the Delicateria restaurant oh Friday, March 10th, Mrs. O. 8, Hobbs, District Commis- sioner, and Mrs. Dr. R. E. MéMullen, Jthe Executive of Oshawa Girl Guides Council are to be the guest speakers of the evening, A splendid program is being arranged with Brownies and Guides. taking 'part. Admission fees v A. i Wo belleve-in-- solute "Authority of the-Old and New 1:21) eternally existing in Three Persons-- Spirit, God; siu as recorded in Genesis. True Humanity of Jesus Christ. "iment of 'our Lord Jesus Christ once i for the sin of all men, dead. --Repentance toward God and Faith "for every man, Tinmersion and the Lord's Supper, med 15,-The-. Great. Tribulation. followed | 2 pa=S 80 and Bible-€Class: ---- PORT PERRY ROD & GUN CL cL 3 pm.--On heli a Disciple. 1 {ject to Reserve.Bid, West Half of Lot 114, Con. 4, comprising 100 acres more Jor ing communities attend the Presby- |. PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1950 FULL GOSPEL PENTECOSTAL: OUR STANDARDS OF FAITH «Ir The Verbal' Inspiration and Ab. Testaments (2 Timothy, 3:16, 2 Peter 2, The only living and | trug God The Father, the Son, and the Holy 3. The Literal Creation of Man' by his Fall and Depravity through 4, The Diety, the Virgin. Birth aid 5. Thé Substitutionary Blood Atone- . The Literal Resurrection of our ih s Crucified Body from among the 7.- The Bible conditions of Salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ: : 8. The necessity of the New Birth Men are justified by Iaith™ only and declared righteous without ~ works, -on the ground_ of Christ's Finished Work on Calvary's Cross, -9.- The true Church is an organism composed of justified believers and not merely an organization. ~ 10. The Sacraments of Baptism by i1. Divine: Healing and Health- for our physical bodies. 12. The victorious life, santification, appropriating by faith our identifica- tion with Christ in death, burial and rgsutrection (Rom. 6:6, and 11.) 13. The Baptism of The Holy Spirit for enduement of power . (Acts 1:8, 2:4), cmpowering believers for ser- vice. ; 14. The Pre-Millennial coming of Ph Lord and the Resurrection and As- cension of the saints. a ~~ by the thousand year's reign of Christ | over the earth, .16. Eternal happiness for the saved and eternal punishment for the un- saved. woo Giving up Farming "AUCTION SALE OF ~~ FARM LIVESTOCK -and- FARM MACHINERY, ete., the property of Orville E. 'Dunbar, Lot 12, N.H., Con. 4, Township of North. Gower; on Sub: urban Road, 2 miles north of North Village, on Wednesday, March 156 at 12.00 p.m. sharp. At the same time land place, he will offer for sale, sub- less, all cleared. Suitable "Farm Buildings, 2 never failing wells. H. J. A. DILLON, Auctioneer. 0 - Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC | Graduate of Canadian Memorisl Chiropractic College, 'Toronto 3 For Appointment Phone 205J PORT PERRY 1 |held. .|neybeare was impressive. [number ttt rLrrstLrLLILII LIL IILL rososeses TERMINAL GRILL E TAKES ANOTHER STEP. FORWARD | Service . (by J. C. Whitby i in Oshawa Times) Newspapers are giving riuch space to. Boy Scout activities these days on the occasion of the week set- apart each year for fithei ind son banquets, investitures, open night for parents and friends to see the Cubs and Scouts at work. j One of these ceremonles took place lagt Sunday night in Port Parry when vice and presentation of colors was This year the service "was in the Church of the Ascension and every gestion in an earlier item on this sub- ject that parents and friends show their interest, can be credited with the. large turnout. - The official order of service listed those taking part as follows: : First "Port Perry Scout Troop; First Port Perry Wolf Cub Pack; First Port Perry Girl Guide Company; First Port Perry Brownie "Pack; the Boy Scout Group Committee; "Scout Mothers Aux- iliary; local association for Girl Guides. The srévice itself conducted by the Boy Scout Chaplain, Rev. John T. Co- A large of Brownic¢s in uniform--led the procession into the church, follow- ed by the bigger girls. Brownies. in 'davk uniforms, then all the Cubs in|; uniform and scrubbed faces. Finally the Scouts and color party. ~ Mrs. Hutchinson of the Guides As- sociation, Mrs. Ryder and Mrs. Lane of the Scout Mothers and Mr. Whitby, representing the Group Committee oc- tupied the front pew and seath -were reserved: for the remaining committee people. Two-thirds of the church vas the remaining space. ; After the opening hymn, "Youth of the World Arise," a color party of Scouts Jim Ryder and Gary Lawrence and Cub. Clive Boyd, bearing aloft the as the organist Mrs. McClintock play- ed the stirring "Land of Hope and Glory." Then the National Anthem was sung with fervor and feeling. The lesson was read by the chairman of the Group Committee and the choir sang a special anthem during: the of- fertory. The rector, in his address, won alles from the guests when he recounted his experiences as a Scout leader in wes- tern Canada, He told of perfect at- N. of TICK Get: Your T wo pe until d ar Dra ; IN AID OF RECREATION CENTRE Only a Limited Number ETS left i ickets NOW for a Very Good Chance inof Winning A 1950 PONTIAC CAR This Car will 1 Forumin at Archer: Motor : ay of Draw. 42h) MARCH 24th Tickets $1 00 each are The. each individual and the supper will begin at 6 o'eloek 0 . . the Boy Scout=Girl-Guide Church ser-j-- seat was occupied, Perhaps the sug-|. thus filled and the congregation taxed. {was a useful safety requirement 25 colours, proceeded to the chancel steps [tains a Division of Building Research .|which has been drafted with the as- nada's fishermen waa Sver $53, 000,000. four® Scouts arrived at the meeting on |; -- Lawrence's Drug Store News "(You Can Bave With Safety at Your Rexall, Store.) * : " ALKA BELTZER ........ 29¢. and 67. : in the way of a faster service for their Lavaca 2 BAYER ASPIRIN eins 18¢., 29¢c., 79¢c. fT 1, ith Het Cf 'CHASE'S NER¥E FOOD, 68c., $1.79 Customers with the installation of A % MIXTURE CARDEICAS TABLETS 250, Sle. i The Latest. MOFFAT GRILL oC H|l Ene cough medicine the _ ENO'S FRUIT SALT ...8%. and 98c. i Ssh really gives rellef, FROSST'S 217 Fablits 85e., 75¢., $1.50 en AT i heated by oi i A *, 8 ounce bottle , GRAPE SALTS .........50c. and $1.00 2 rl. = oo 1 800. "HEBT LINEMENT ooo. T8C, ESSO T A N E' 2 ; 'IRONIZED YBAST .....986. ad $10 §i-° "THE: FASTEST METHOD OF. COOKING" i a : A, M. LA WREN pp E iC Rh) tendance and loyalty despite mud, rain Pp =) X >| Ji 0 PORT «| Scout and Guide and prairie gumbo. On one occasion HONE 720 R \ : Store PERRY Joint Church itd Si one horse, - He conveyed to the older members of the congregation the importance of youth training, comparing the old sys- tem of strict discipline to the other ex- treme of the pendulum swing, where- by psychologists said not to restrain a child's impulses, : Mr. Coneyheare gave a colorful il- lustratioh of the old system telling of the principal of Rugby School tak- chief. In closing, he made a plea for parent support of the "whole Scout ovement: : fren ee -- <> ras SRE IES ili saw . 1 + TERR Miglin | mi. BAER EEE nR EEE katiobiisr 5 S PECIALS LYNN VALLEY GREEN BEANS, 15 oz...... AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP.... .cooooovrnnieriisnmsrsesssisesssssnens 17€ 'AYLMER PORK & BEANS, Boston Brown, 20 oz., 2 for 29c. SILVER RIBBON TOMATO JUICE, 48 oz. ..... CHRISTIE'S SODAS, Salted or Plain ......i........ HEINZ STRAINED or. JUNIOR FOOD............. ing a'swipe at a passing boy on the CHATEAU CHEESE, V3 IDs ooo iovcivriiinsnisrersissesens cere 28C, theory he had just done something |B MONARCH CAKE MIX, White or Chocolate ................: a LIBE wrong or was about to get into mis- ts, : FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES . MERLIN DOWSON WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE ) EE 3 vieinenn for 21c. terse 20 .30¢. wad for 25c, esas enrenes Ii i tht Uf PE 1 EO OO RRS Stepping Stone or stories and had no basement. _ The very things which make it so attrac- tive 'to the modern home planner would very effectively bar it from POI RT PERRY ~ Lake Py Lumber & & to Co., | Limited n : ABRIL -- ER RE LL RR mmm mmm AE A oa (EE es al ~¢ sii LO Ell ts ) Stumbling Block |® (Field Servis New) "- |8 Do your Interior Decorating Now ; Lew i id id wad ly mo- .. .- Try our new SPRED Satin 'Paint. You will be amazed el home in Nor ancouver. was | 8 in-an--attractive--location; beautifully | joe at: the e results, Washable, dries in. 30. minutes, brushes n constructed, magnificently furnished |g easily. [] and valued at about fifty thousand a Come and see the new Sain, ARBORITE! [For m dollars, It. was the kind 'of dream n wallboard and cupboard tops. = = : home" that most people would enjoy |= ~ = owning. Yet such a-building would L] bF | eg not be permitted in many Canadian |8: 8 cities becafise it did not contain two | } Phone 240 w many communities: One could list a whole litany of ottict specifi¢ requirements of building co- des whith are out of date and hamp- ering present efforts to build more omes. "One example should serve- solid - conduits, for electric wiring. Some cities still insist on them. It} vears ago but the development of the efficient BX- cable has long since made it obsolete. i me WR - J Il... Perhaps the, nT 'siniie obstacle | The People's Meat Market he "Where You Get the Choicest in Meats" FRESH and CURED MEATS of ALL KINDS Ww. E. MacGregor aiid Son _* PORT PERRY "Phone 72w, to reductions in building costs, through the use of modern methods and. mater- ials, 'is the maintenance of obsolete building codes by municipalities. You can't design a standard Canadian house today because somewhere, for some obsolete reagon, it's certain to be illegal, ly? drawn; up-to-date and. well enforced? set? or Chamber-of Commerce could assign XPOR0POPOPOROPOLCECEPOPORO Has YOUR code been reviewed lafe- | ~ Are you certain that it.is wisely |& Does it specify definite types of ma- |g terial or set standards of performance, | & permitting tHe introduction of new |¥ materials that attain the standards | A careful study might be a use-|3% ful project which your Board of Trade | & QECROPOP IO OST Fresh Canadian Cement On Hand eo Get your supply while it lasts. + REESOR F UEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY boohoo LLL y PHONE 78w to a competent committee. > If -yours-is one of -the- many muni- cipalities without a building code, per- haps you need even more to investi- gate the matter in the best interests of your community. - 'A good building code can be a step- Tone stone to a better community. A poor or obsolete code is a stumbling- block in the way. of home builders. The National Résearch Council main. and, 'publishes "A BUILDING CODE FOR SMALLER MUNICIPALITIES" sistance of interested national associa-: tions. and, municipalities throughout Canada. This code 18 an excellent model on which to base local regula- tions. . copies on request. . On¢e a new, code is drafted, it should, be presented for discussion by. all-in- terested groups so that they may es before the code is submitted to the '|again, the _Bo ird or Chamber should study the draft carefully. and be pre- pared to make Any necessary recom- mendations, The value'of the 1949 atch by Ca- RB In 1040 hire ote more than two million telephones in use fn Canada, and it was estimated that in that year We shall. be pleased to send| |civie authorities for adoption. Here| : - '| have an opportunity to suggest chang-| 13333388 "SHOP AT ARDLEY"S WITH CONFIDENCE" THE NEWEST AND SMARTEST ~~ IN THE LATEST COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, "GOWNS, and WEDDING GOWNS ARDLEY FROCKS. 491- 3- 5 DANFORTH AVE., near Phone a! 1675 YTORONTO, O SPP Pod POPOROPOPOPOVOLD A section of the. showrooft at MASTER FEED BRANCH § in Port erry, showing a display of some of the differant lines carried by the Company there were 1,767 conversations per. te- lephone. --Quick Osnadipn Facts t MISS Seeing the Yacht Club PLAY i in the High School, March 2 & £5, (tll seats available) $A KA wh 33% ya Baird i fries i hen rh I vw" Aen ina er tee sper "at <

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