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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 May 1950, p. 3

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ELAR EL ple Urea Patel hg fr Setar Lt SOA A A TA BT 5 ow AR aN a LL IR a SS aN NR ARLES. ra LL A AN bP SA SN INE AN - ~ : y t i é : J 3 P , PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 19560 - gh ; PAGE THREES ar ' SA ~ bids i dais. «. ars aL ATI IL eden ae ice Bes Gre nb k WwW A Bailey, President, was in the chair AER AAS a ANA SN% EASE = Ls io Ld ' : > ; : 1 e an . ® |after her winter absence. Mrs. Geos , is : 3 . ichols ) seti 'i i A754 P P . - i The regular monthly, meeting of Nicholson opered the Wasting wilh i --_ ETO ort erry Community Memoria the Woman's Association was held in Scripture reading and, is, The ' " ' ivi Ri : the basement of .the church on Tues ;|Stady Hook liter Ni AY i i . y av Recreation Centre Committee Presents day afternoon, April 25th, with dul Japan was. taken by ra. T. Smith, F - ; ; fifty in attendance. The outfit for an Indian boy was on i ; reli ; With M W. F. Ww Iker iding display and is ready to 'be forwarded i : : . With Co-operation of Canadian Legion Post, Lions Club ! rs, alter presiding 1, the WI A, House in Toronto. Our Ail : : v: d the. meeting opened with hymn "Be- Serine. DAper drive. is his week. aid on : : ; * Port Perry Business Men's Association neath the Cross of Jesus", followed by |' pring pap ' SN * : anybody interested is asked to leave a "lall repeating the Lord's Prayer to- ; : ther papers in the churel' shed. W.A. An- ; : 6 ny get ie » K nual is being "held "in Toronto next : ; 2 Mrs. C. Scott, of Oshawa, then too week: Mrs, Wm. VanCamp_and "Mrs. 3 i ehiurge of the meetilg, ging a shore Norman Malcolm are the appointed & i . [address And trolusne Wi, Wright delegates. W.A. are having a quilting R15 of Oshawa, and also Mrs, Ralph Wal-| "300 Norman Malcoln's on Wed- be ® 3 lace, of Osliawa, ; ; isu nesday afternoon. - The. top of the " Yi - Mus. Wright gave a realling on quilt was donated by Mrs, Harry Hall, A Easter followed by hymn SChrist the fe oo ven, Meeting closed with a social Vy i Lord is Risen Today". Mus. Scott half hour and lunch served by the o - then gave a reading on how flowers |} oss and group in charge: AEA Port Perr: : His h S shook Sapa by % Bajar Cs vead-1consider Grading Public Schools in ) ing "Faith in the Risen Lord" was : ne , 4 ry g given by Mis, Wright. Reading -- Cartwright Area. ; a : "Barly Easter Morning" and prayer| A special meeting of Cartwright i by Mrs, Scott. Mrs. Wright, accom- [School Area Boayd was held on April ) . ~ fi ie ® punied by Mrs? Scott, rendered a solo 18th to consider the grading of schools A d F D F d P - THA Monster Bing 0 "This is My Task." Following this [in Cartwright Township to start Sept. tten ance ra WwW rl ay rize hy Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Scott gave a|lst, 1950; and the following sctup was . - . : : bs = B couple of instrumental ducts. proposed for the . consideration of ° ° ° Pa in ( ymnasium 8. Pp. m. sharp . The Topic--%A New Woman's Hat" teachers, parents and other interested ew ' rl 1 43 J was ably ws by Mrs. Wallace. Thé |parties: KE, . J topic was introduced by "But What| Close Egypt and Mahood's schools; . : % ADMISSION FREE - pe-- 10c. GAME About, the woman that wears the hat," [put Grades 1, 2 and 3 in Blackstock _ r 5 3 for 25c¢. We should do considerable self, house- |s¢hool; Grades 4 and 5 and half of 6 - - £5, Seani "ly sradicate 3 Bee Cacsaren school; balance of Grade | GRAND PRIZE--SAT : hi \ SEI ECTION OF PRIZES cleaning and try to eradicate the ac In % in Ayah A FINE SEL cumulation of evil thoughts and doings [6, 7 and 8 in Cadmus school; leave | '2 ' A - : in our lives, and find more time _to|Archer's and Purple Hill schools as ] a > . . ¥ i ® - ° ® commune with God. at present. This would be approxi- | , y ) ) : After a piano duet by Mrs.~ Scott mately 36 pupils in Blackstock school, | \ . i & - land Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Boe -(the[10 in Caesarea school, and 40 in Cad-| § i W's 1 } President) took the"chair for the re- [mus s¢hool: t ] y > ) ; mainder of the meeting. The chairman or any member of the | § - ' - ' . I an : d er and Entertainment features you Mrs. W. F. Walker expressed the |Board would-be pleased to discuss in a A gratitude of the members of the As- [friendly manner the above proposition tn en _ Enjoyed Before. Adrission Joe: per person, Isocintion to Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Wright [With parents. Fhe Board realizes that | it 'booti 1S, bames, Entertainm i ees EE "land Mrs, Wallace Tor bringing tous | (ue-to-the. rising. cost of education to No 3 ¢ . x A : A TYME SQUARE DANCING such an excellent programine. maintain all the schools at' present - Moo ESE me ~ ~ \ : i ; } Minutes were read and the Treas- operation, will mean an increase in 7 "Johnny Christie and his Gang will be on hand to urer's report was given, the tax rate and will not be as efficient | ) 0 all ing S A) to help you have fun. roe Mrs, Raines gave a report that a [i Graded Schools would be. E oy water system was to be installed in Yo too------------ " i : the basement of the Church. . Tod . ; . : "The play, which was to be given in ESSE Wa | ah "A Ch NN bY: _ ERT N : . i INL] 7 = NV eer Sh a rE < : a TTT Feature "Event -- May-has been postponed until the 28th Fish and Wild -- a NREL SEE NGC _- } i ls -- X be 'fof June. . rire - : i i : : "Mrs, H. V. Hook was asked t6 see Life 'Corner : PRINCE 3 ALBERT H d ] | - P. P. U. c C. bE : i : about having flowers sent to Mrs, ; , kness. Chief 1 Mrs. Grant Hunter. Beth and Joh oney aie | Fa f 1950 Blake Cragg, who is in the Hospital in Dr. W. J. RK. Harkiiess, Chief of the firs, finan : un er N ey y ohm - | al raw or » Toront : y Department of Fish and Wildlife, in a [have been holidaying with relatives in The nisl ravebng Sill Ie hati Wad i Phil ; , wy : ' y : "Me ~ McMillan re | letters of {recent address, pointed out that the [CGlborne. ' ¥ oe ry or iy : huh) t ie dhol vetdtvad fh } : "a 4 '" i hid \ i on En ' Department felt that any sound move| Mus. Cecil Hill, of Blackstock spent May 10th, of the Honeydale Women's some very interesting news. First, o 2 i id Ds dor ys, dynes, j r, " to set up a standard for the issuing Sunday with their cousins Mr. and Tne and will bs held at the from that Bruce Snélgrove was a new papa, Hianehe Anim ¢ de andor guiding licences. should come from [Mrs. L. Beacack. 0 es Jit; The motto is "What oe girl. We are looking forward : ' . the guides themselves and this had Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family is home without a mother? Roll call: : cdi . 2 - 5 d 11. 30 © The meeting closed with the theme ) ¥ fu tivati fact t t L the 1 f "Your mother's maiden nanie not only to seeing Bruce back, but a ¥ Ein h oC i. madieti Tre een one of the motivating fac ors in|were recent guests a ie home o je E i we alte . . i Draw will be ma € at P- m. Ye Ald Micpah Hepedietion; utter calling the recent conference. Mr. and Mrs. James Rodd and Mrs. o] Everyone is asked to be. \ He alto or soprano for the choir. \ which a dainty lunch was served by Miller, Oshawa. je P tl St i Eh ni. Secondly, we were pleased to hear Vie J ----g-- --_.|group in charge, i.e. Mrs. W. Walker,| "We must look to the guides and | y § Lanerne-Devitt and Tittle 'Har- onveners of the Standing Commit- Stouffer is improving after his long ; Get Your Ticket NOW Mrs. C. Blakely, Mrs. C. Phoenix, Mrs. [trappers for the good management of [hari hed Cran, are "spending this floes are requested to have reports iliness in a Toronto hospital. po mn roQ witilea . , yt 3 "ready. Shi | Ei yr oem & ES hrs W. Somerville and {our fur-bearing animal€ and fish,' Wh week with her parents Ma and Mrs. 3 Last week was susieally. filled, in- byt Mrs. L. Blakely. Dr. Harkness. In his opinion the est |p Vickery. ) Brooklin Institute is celebrating its (eed. Wednesday night the "Treble x . yA ieee een es EN ten 22 NS SAE Sa Moe i 50th han ipesary Joly J 1950. The Cle?" choir of fifteen girls presented 3 ! een } oo ment was to e 2 Cr os event will be celebrated in the form of ou light and interesting concert. I was & 4 stimulate thé increase. Pine Grove a picnic in Brooklin. All South On CL ) ' ) ry : = -- : BLACKSTOCK E : - : : : . - y - wlad th see some of- our members £28 1 |] PAINTING & DECORATING . "We must be careful to keep a bal- Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visited tiie Institutes will be invited to this there. Then on Thursday night we fos iy d Welcome to Mi. and Mrs. Lorne |ance and not pare down to the danger 'Sunday with Mur. Mrs. Robert JS ustion A prominent speaker started at 7.30 and sang until about HY : : ort . waste tapi tba - Hoskin, Murray and-Allyn to our_com- | point, We must sce that we do not! Gourlie, of Uxbridge. wil be Lhere, ous a quarter-to éleven. Friday night the 3) : 1s Our Business munity: They have moved from [take too heavy a crop from our fish | My. Gordon Munroe is sporting a' The District Annual meeting of the ©" Perry High School Glee Club 3 i . Solin .to their farm north of Burke-|and game resources and that is" the [yew car. = Women's Institute will be held in Pong. D0 > ) ) . s y 1 ee-hetd im Pod - nme om os . . Why nl let ve discuss that Decopsiing broom with You bop. reason why the Department is inter-} My. and Mrs. Walter Asling and Perry, on June 9th, 1950. I would like at thig point to con pi Sample books carried for your use in selecting Mr. and Mrs. Hutton and family [ested in getting the best guides pos- | Billie, of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Del- Ce } wratulate Mrs, Grace Hastings on her Ayity We specialize in Interior Work-- - visited Mrs. Hutton's sister, at Kempt- [sible for Ontario," he explained. bert Catherwood and boys, and Mr. The district is awarding a prize vo _ Sunday night--"Just for To-day" 7 PAPERHANGING :: PAINTING ::-: GRAINING ville, who is ill. We are glad to hear Cn oo } 11. Catherwood, visiting on Sunday at the Institute for the best attendance, it' was ext cai - ; : GYPTEX WORK. she is. bnproming satisfactorily A minimum age limit for guides of Eldied Catherwool's. and for the most new members during extra swee df B Also OUTSIDE PAINTING DONE. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hall and family, tH Fours Plus ose years, hissh, ox. Mr. Herb. Hill aiid Miss Freda Bell 1990. Everyone having Institute The date has been set for the con- 5 Estimates Given. Mr. Eddie Russell, of Fenclon Falls, perience, was suggested. lof Toronto, spent the week-end with Bodts will you please bring them to cert--June 9th. Tickets will be sold visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler| Don't i 't birds or animals into [Mr. and Mrs. John Hill. ) (the meeting or give them to Mrs. L. by choir members and posters will be J; i } on. Sunday. Dintres pity the iden of releasing | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Philip Leahy. out in due tine. Ce Go , v Mrs. Nicholson took Doris Hamil-|them in natural cover unless you have land Phinela, of Port Perry, Mr. and ) . St. Clair and Son oak Darts Thay - _ : ton, Jessie MeArthur and Shirley [ permission from the Ontario Dept. of Mrs. John Locke, Rodney and Brenda, Ep - EPSOM (North-West of School) Hamilton, to the Junior Auxiliary ses: | Lands and Forests. According to law fot Uxbridge, vigiting Sunday at Earl ti REE ERR IER RR Ra A a te y ry Phone Port Perry, 113 r 14 sion of the W.A. annual corivention in| persons wishing to release such birds | Ballard's. : : : > i; -- Toronto. last Saturday. or animals, or even those propagated| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill spent Sun- |§ F A Y M = S H { - The W.A. of St. John's Anglican |from stock imported into Ontario, must Lay with his mother, Mrs. Hill, at] Pol DC AQ y : H - church met at the home of Mrs. Geo. |have written authority from the | Pinedale. Sorry to report Mrs. Hill {TABLE GASOLINE TANKS AVAILABLE. : * Pine Grove Ww y Forder, Nestleton, April 20, Mrs. A.lMinister, 3 is in bed again. $ PROMPT DELIVERY ON GASOLINE . i 2 1 Epsom Woman's | FUEL OIL, MOTOR OIL, and GREASES (B50 1014 Sop 108 work) Association Farm Agent, Ross Stone | { . ¢ Mrs. Mary Locke is spending a few : : : 9 h ) i 1 days with her son William and Mrs.| The April meeting of the Epsom i Phone Port Perry 127 r 23 H { Tooke... i W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. on : r Mrs. Talbet Evans and Mrs. Jack|D, Asling, on Thursday, April 27th, ) Cities Service Products i A Johnston shopping in Toronto on Mon- | with the president, Mrs. Geer in Cdurt Street, Oshawa, ~~ Phone; Oshawa 2015 § . gil day. charge. SHISSIIIIIIIILILLLL LLL 8 Mr. and Mrs. John Rice and family gh : ) SE33L3833203283280828088882883288828288883888883383888! ! spent the week-end with her parents| The meeting opened with the sing- - I}L -- re % Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Gourlie. ing of hymn 166, "My Hope is Built" : QE Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood {followed by the Lord's Prayer in uni- A RR SNE... A visiting with Mr and Mrs. George |SON- The" minutes, correspondence, . La ph 5 . 4 1. treasurer's report were given. : od on Wednesday. ANY \ { CY, a in Whithy aThe yoll' call for May is to be an: ' ta aot lo of days last week. swered by a verse of Scriptyre con: ; hil . Mr, Jack Hill and men have started [taining the word charity. It was : hy planting treés this week. I " apteed that ivy Janey as Josie Si 1940 PLYMOUTH DELIVERY --A BARGAIN $550.00 3 = The W. A. met at the home of Mrs} ngs must not consist of more than) 52 TON WEN IRY I , igh _ Charlie Courlie on Tuesday last week, Times ov gre. Losses ; 1935 REO "FLYING CLOUD" SEDAN, as is............$125.00 " : , " dl i t after being postponed. There was a Hymn 8, y ather Looks up to a 194¢ 'HE 8 Ol. or om in we Qa : --3}4s good attendance with several visitors Thee" was. sung. Mrs. Asling: took ; 9 CHEVROLET, 7 Passenger Sedan; good tires $385.00 W on hand. The program consisted of a charge, reading the lesson thoughts; 1911 INTERNATIONAL PANEL, 1 ton ...................$450.00 gy reading by Mrs. R. Nesbitt; a reading | Mrs. Kaille read the Scripture lesson. 041 I . \ \ ' ) bi BE Ne ign. Totty tock coir (7 fh pre 1941 FARGO TRUCK, D.P. Axle, New Motor ............ $385.00 WM G. Munro, and a lively contest con- gram.' Mfs, > wi; 2 Amid 1940 FORD COACH, new head, runs well .............. .$450.00 Oo ducted by. Mrs. John Johnston, the gave a very interesting ollowe ) . PR - 2 Li prize oie to Mrs. C. Geer. " The by a verse by 'Mrs, Wagner. Mrs, N.| = : te ; . 1937 CHRYSLER SEDAN, nice motor and body ....$350.00 : Mrs, G. Prentice sang a| 2 : = , anv wy . ; : \ ; : next meeting will be held at the home Pronties ma) Wagner gen WINS TRADITIONAL CANE RACE Lawrence River, which caused ships time that Capt. Keay had won the Many Others to choose from,--Good Térms or Trade-ins. o? Nis. Taber van deliden and Mr. list. Miss Doris Taylor gave a read- The 10,000-ton Canadian Pacific [to dock temporarily at Quebec City, |award, taking it first in 1945 aboaid -, Tr. an y : . at . . wns d a hee Aa nt, Voy Sr Fos rt, Taran tory it ln of Ur cans ui ote) Contact 'VON SPENCER | 4 ster, Capt.:S. eay, O.B.E., the |est ever, 'w he Beaverco ; : : ) Elmer Wilson gave a reading entitled Master, Cap + Keay, ' ' S&P t A ; Corners, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. "The Weaver. ~ z traditional ~gold-headed cane awarded [the voyage in just ten hours and ten still on Srvies with the Admirality GREENBANK, ONT. 'Ballard on Sunday. 4 with the al annually to the skipper of the first|minutes. Inset shows Captain Keay |For the ship's pilot, Andre Gauthier, Ph . . . Dr. Graham, of Toronto, calling at| The meeting close with the singing |; 0 Joas vessel to enter the Port of | (right) receiving the gold-headed cane [it was the fourth time that he' had one 51 r 22 Port Perry) ..: 2 . : y & Jack Hill's on Sunday. of hymn 202, *Ohrish Aroge end ye Montreal at the beginning of naviga- {from A Gordon Murphy, Montreal {been aboard the winning ship, each py hela Mili gbiiy Dave, Jackeon Js i Hon " unch was served BY tion season, Ice conditions in the St. | Portmaster.. This 'marked _the second lime a Canadian Pacific vessel. ----

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