3 BUSINESS eS ORTTOtT SHEILIEIIISIILLSLLLLLE W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hoprs: 9. a.m, to 6 p.m, Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. 4 RE 5S SAR AR AAR ANS AS AAAS] . ' DR.H,H.ARMSTRONG 'DENTIST Queen Street : . Phone 237 Port Perry oh Upholstery apecial + Let's Get Acquainted Rousseau Upholstery Invites you to viSi¢ their New Retail Sales Room\located at 216 Mary id E../ WHITBY FREE CHAIR ~ In appreciation of your visit we will give you a ticket which entitles you to share in our "Gift Chair" plan. If you are unable to attend our show room pick up your. ticket at the Star Office. ~~ © DON'T MISS THIS--LIMITED TIME ONLY. Phone 483 . or write - i, WE ROUSSEAU'S UPHOLSTERY - or Box 10, Port Perry Star. Inquire about our 3-way rebuilding plan. i LE MEER EEE) * REFRIGERATION for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey : TO pe sist oo INSURANCE » ~ Are your * policies up-to-date? 'Whatever your insurance needs _ may be, consult 'HH. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry RT er See wee rv se) ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. "in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 | OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. NCO BW ORM OME UW OB OJ BEO( TBM | a --- _-- Ee A RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old chester- field. suite. Satisfaction 'guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. x. Phone 3344 collect. 8 Church St. ELLE AS OF ALL KINDS Eavestrpughing, Asphalt Siding. Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry Surge Milkers MERRILL ROSS Authorized Surge Sales and Service, ! MYRTLE STATION Phone 33 B.4, djeoaklel GERALD B. THOMPSON *D.C. *Doctor- of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 'SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Office Hours 9 to 5 Phone 2927 Evenings by Appointment Eavestroughing HOUSE and BARNS Electric Pressure Pumps, Furnaces and Furnace Repairs. Estimates on request. SYDNEY G. BARNES Phone 72 r 2 BROOKLIN TE i ----aug.-60. 3333223883713 022883338:382283333030028032200322328 M0 New Service OSHAWA, ONTARIO PORT PERRY - Representative: F. W. BROCK & SON . 'Phone 43. for Pick-up and Delivery. $1888828888T88E0IIIISIINLILANILALILAILLLLIILLLS RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C.- 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, : Phone 814 . in attendance at my Port Ferry Office on Fuegday and Thursday afternoons of each week, or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry. Phone 94 Bt : Oil Bumers F. G. CROSBY Agent - Manufacturers Life Insurance Company Cunard and C.P.R. Steamship Lines. Lien) Agent, Canadian Pacific Rail- way. Transportation arranged over any lines of the Company. Ageht : International Air Service . "FESS8' . Proven Performance Installed and Serviced by W. H. Peel Hardware PHONE 65 EDWARD BIND - od OPTOMETRIST--OSHAWA 223 Simcoe St. S. Phone 4221-W * (ORPORITE ZELLERS.) Office Hours: 9.80 to 6 p.m, 'Evenings by appointment. <- MONTEITH & MONTEITH CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS -87 King St. East, Oshawa. Gordon W. Riehl, C.A,, + Resident Partner --the Canadian Pioneer-- ¥ Lines UXBRIDGE - Phone 128 - BUI III, BASEBALL Schedule for Western Section of Tri-County League *June 9--Stouffville at Port Perry June *June June *June June June June *June |" June -June {. June AJune | July i 14--Port Perry at Sutton 15--Sunderland at 16--Sutton at Port Perry 19--Port Perry at Sunderland 19--Sutton at Stouffville 21--Stouffville at Sutton 28--Sunderland -at Port Perry 26--Port- Perry at: Stouffville 26--Sutton at Sunderland 28--Sunderland at Sutton 30--Stouffville at Port Perry 3--Sunderland at Stouffville 5--Port Perry at Sutton 6--Stouffville at Sunderland 7--Sutton at Port Perry 10--Port Perry at Sunderland 10--Sutton at Stouffville 12---Stouffville at Sutton 14--Sunderland at Port Perry 17--Port Perry at Stouffville July 17---Sutton at Sunderland "July 19=-Sunderland at Sutton *July 21--Stouffville at Port Perry July 24--Sunderland at Stouffville | July 26--Port Perry at Sutton July 27--Stouffville at Sunderland *July 28--Sutton at Port Perry *--Home games for Port Perry 2 points for win, 1 point for tie. re-play postponed games. July July *July July ONT. I Mr. Stouffville , PHONE 72W W. E. MacGregor and Son PORT PERRY : [ y * + eAnnual 'Picnic ONTARIO COUNTY HOLSTEIN BREEDERS at - RANSON STOCK FARM -- BROOKLIN, Saturday Judging: Competition Starting at 10.30 a.m. D.S.T. Prizes to the value of $150.00 EVERYONE WELCOME June 17th EPSOM y A jolly bunch-of Dear Hearts and gentle people gatheréd at the home of the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. M. Sheepets on Friday night and pre- sented them with a chesterfield table and table lamp. ; Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke and Carol Ann of Oshawa, visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers on Saturday. Mrs, Ed- ward Ashton of Ashburn who has "been visiting with her daughter," "Mrs: Rogers, 'has returned home. Mrs. Shearer, of Ireland, is a guest of her brother, Mr. James Neeson and wife. Sunday guests at. the shopson home were Mr. and Mrs. Newell and son of TORI, | On-June-15th, Mr. "Howard Bartley will offer for gale his fine herd of Holstein Cattle. < The Mickies vf have been visiting with relatives and friends in Ontario, have left for their home in Saskatoon, Sask. Miss Blanche Luke of Toronto, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. P. Luke. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Al. Christie and Dar- lene, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin, of Maple Grove, spent Sunday with Mrs. I. W. Martin and family. in Brampton. Miss Marjorie Bailey of Whitby, spent the week-end with her mother, 'Mrs. Albert Bailey. Our sympathy is extend®d to Mrs. Arthur Lapp and family in the loss of -a hushand and. father: The W.A. are planning to hold a Garden Party in the near future.- Mi. and Mrs. Howard Bartley and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beacock were in Oshawa on, Wednesday attending the; funeral of Mrs. Bartley's aunt, Mrs. John Sadler. Mrs. Sadler was 96 years old and has been in good-health until just recently. ; Mr. F. St. Clair of Toronto, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell St. Clair. Mrs. Chas. Geer spent Monday with her daughter Mrs, Carl Near, in Ux- bridge. Mr. Alan Powel, of U.S.A. farm near.here last week. the weck-end with friends Perry and Epsom. 12--Stouffyille at Sunderland --_----- REFRESH! DRINK bet Coll TRADE MARE RIG spent a few days with' his family at his A. Chiistie of Peterboro, spent in Port ; I Pine Grove Mr. "and Mrs; Alex Garrett spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Locke. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gourlie visit- ing 'Mr. and Mrs. Clark "Brown of Maple on Sunday. Mrs. C: Alcock, our teacher, has | been_hired on_ for another year, . -. | Mr. and Mrs. Talbert Evang, Mrs. Fred Taylor and Bruce of Ashburn, Mrs. J. Mitchell and Mi. Bert Mitchell and family visiting Mv. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood week. Mr. and Mrs. Hillord" Armstrong, | Pine Grove and Mr. Bill Kent of Miy- den 'visiting Jack Hill's ene evening last week. were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ballard and Helen Morie of Toronto and Mrs. Reg. Smith of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and 'Mrs. George Skerratt, and family, of Prince Albert and" Mr. and Mrs. John Locke and family of Ux- bridge. i Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hill and June spent Sunday evening with his mother Mrs. Hill of Pindale. Miss Della Johnston has taken a position as teacher at Claremont for the coming year. The sympathy of the community goes out to Mrs. Henry Skerratt in the death of her Uncle Mr. B. For-- sythe of Uxbridge. PRINCE ALBERT "The-May- meeting -of the Woman's Association was held on Wednesday, May 31st, at the home of Mrs. Wm. Martyn with a very good attendance. Mrs. McKerihen was in the chair. The opening hymn was "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus." The different com- mittees were asked to report. Thank you notes were read for plants sent to the sick. = A motion carried that the-Diminish- ing Teas be postponed till fall. We were pleased to have Mrs. Bert Wana- maker, Seagrave, present and on re- quest told of one way théir W.A. used to raise funds. = That each member saved nickels of a certain year. - Mrs. C. Smith gave an invitation to our W.A. to the Twenty-Fifth An- niversary of the United Church of Canada, at Port Perry, on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs, Self of Toronto was the guest speaker. There was some disoussion re help- ing the C.G.L'T. for their banquet. It was decided for the leaders of. the |Real Estate: ATTENTION LAKE SCUGOG AND PORT PERRY DISTRICT at once, ticulars with you. -- For-Aetion and Satisfaction Phone, Write, or Visit L. S. SNELGROVE & Co. 1086 Danforth - PORT PERRY--19 R. ~ | James; ..|thoughts Thinking of buying or gelling a home, cabin, cottage or lot this gpring--then contact our office Our representative inyour area will call to discuss the par- TORONTO--Riverdale 2401-2-3 june29 groups to meet -and make arrange- ments. The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Newnham being from 1st chapter. The lesson were based on "Faith." Hymn "My Faith Looks Up to Thee" closed the meeting. For program some contests were conducted, Mrs, Wi C. Smith favoured with two lovely piano instrumentals, and Neil Wanamaker. rendered two fine solos, accompanied at the piano by his mother. Group four served a de- lightful salad lunch and lemon pie. Little Dianne Gill, of Oshawa, spent last week with her aunt Mrs. Oscar joyed their holiday in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Long and family have moved from Scugog t Mrs. 'Curls house. Miller, Mr. and; Mrs. James "and Mrso| last | Sunday -visitors_.at__ Earl _Ballard's |. Russell Ballard and girls, Port Perry & Brown, while the former's parents en- F. W. Brock and Son - DRESSES - SUMMER DRESSES: HAMPTON SUN DRESSES, Sharkskin with Bolero, plain colors Striped Prints PE LL LLL LEE L LILLE TALE ETT a) HAMPTON, Spun Charin, Crepe, BARBARA JOYC E, ALLURACEL and TYSTAV $5.50, CIRCULAR "COTTON. SKIRTS, flowered and Novelty patterns $6,75, $10.95, $12.95, $1. 1.95, $15.50 $3.95 BATHING SUITS: LADIES MEN'S SUMMER SHOES: WOMEN'S CREPE SOLE OXFORDS, MEN'S CREPE SOLE OXFORDS CHILDREN'S SANDALS, ' in newest styles. rvissermalrirersangs Tenens TRUNKS A RONNIE. AN Leather and Neolite Soles, Green or Red tr 4p ge Tee ae pr pitg---- ~ " T "i imi rennin SI $5 95, $6.95 tied Leinicipstnirmsfictndtimmgendaipdininigy S998 rs > HOLIDAY SANFORIZED DENIMS, mix matchable--rose, blue, brown. SUN DRESSES $5.95; CLAM DIGGERS, $3.19; BUTTON BACK HALTERS $2.25; CREW HATS $1.40. JEANS, Misses and Girls, $2.98-$2.69; Black and Wine .......... SSS. J $1.50-and $5.35 SEL JSS E-Me N $5.95 sssmsersminenssmpelinet $3.09 SPORT SHIRTS: MEN'S SLACK SUITS, Brown or Grey Several attractive lines in long or short sleeves $12.95 CONGOLEUM--3 yards wide, $2.25 LINOLEUM TILE NOW, AVAILABL E. / INLAID LINOL E UM--Rooms quoted installed. FEI Several nice patterns available. 5 o CHOICE QUALITY TOMATO JUICE : 3--20 or. tins 2 C LARK'S PORK & BEANS PHRIFT SOAP FLAKES CHRISTIE'S BREAD, CAKES, BUNS. 2--20 oz. tins 256¢. 4 1h. box He GROCERIES LETTUCE, ~ PINEAPPLES, B: AN. ANAS, CELERY, TOMATOES, ASPARAGUS. DO NOT FORGET THE ROBIN HOOD COOKING SCHOOL under the auspices ol. : the Local 1.O.D.E. THURSDAY, JUNE 15th at 2.30 p.m. FRIDAY, JUNE 16th, at 7.30 p.m. F. W. BROCK and SON ~ PORT PERRY TAL, 3 vards wide... $1.95 ~ Y Rao Pr a NN - in Ad a a mA - ~~ PHONE 43 Rodd and Bud, of Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family, on Sunday. Masters Donald and Grant Beacock enjoyed .a couple of days last. week with their cousin Barbara Devitt, in Oshawa. Mrs. Ralph Milner and sister Miss Nettie Melynchuk have resigned as teachers of the Head and Centre schools. Miss Baker who was here for a couple of weeks will be in charge of the Head School, and Miss Sleep, | of Seagrave, will come to the Centre. Mrs. Beckman, of Oshawa is staying on at the Foot School ) Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Long moved to their new Home in Prince Albert on Thursday last week. = Donald and Marie are staying with their grand-|- parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Hope ; until the end of the school term. SS Mrs. F. Greene, of Toronto, visited little Merelene at the home of Mrs. D. Name ~ Age July 1st Position you would lile to play Boys! Baseball! ALL BOYS 15 YEARS AND UNDER ON JULY lst, 1950 WHO WOULD LIKE TO PLAY HARDBALL IN A TOWN LEAGUE COM- PLETE THE FORM BELOW AND GIVE TO R. H. CORNISH BY JUNE 14th. PPPS PPP Sr ST Hope on Sunday. We enjoyed having the Boy Scouts from Port Perry at Grace Church ser-| - ! vice Sunday morning. Mr. Godley, their leader, assisted with the service by reading the lesson. Mr. Bick was in charge. Sympathy is extended to Rev. F. ( Joblin in the passing of Mrs. Joblin. Sympathy is also extended to Mr. Orval Sfone and family in the pass- ing of his brother Hershel The W. A. meeting will be held in Grace Church on Wednesday, June 14, followed by the usual fine Suppaz, All are invited. Mr, and Mrs, E. H. Gerrow, Oshawa, have returned to their cottage ~ on Platten's Island for the summer, 3358888884888 ICROWN] LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Port Perry Phone 2799 Mrs. TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE Baseball STOUFFVILLE vs. PORT PERRY } Friday, June 9 6.45 p. m. At the Fair Grounds Admission 25c. Be on hand to give the boys your support. PILE rc