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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jul 1950, p. 1

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i LRT or ry fr yrs F 3rhtsao ¥ YN A Tle' oy (BAR PINE A EL ANT IR £5 U v ¥ wi Ls su pd gt Hes > 2 LST AF Ny SSAl AY AE VFR LT AUER AR ae tas Se TF AF he i LE Ml AR Sah Ah en DRED AST EVIE BRIA Ride Tar poo Lt (oA gr HERE SS OIN IG Er, A EX ATS fi rma id JOLR 5 : 4 YS as bb i eral TE 0 Er Sa SH Pot R03 Shs Tt E410 EA NANT (id EAE WE EAT y 24 re ARTIW] d 5 ' Pa ETO Tats va bl A HAAR VICAR RF IC BEY ah, I a ie ¥ *» Watch your Label; it tells when your subscription POR I PERRY i ) S I AR Published by Expires. : ; : 3 : 4 - THE PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD, : $2.00 per year in advance. Se. Single: Copy } Authorized as Second Class Mail, $2.50 per year outside Canada. NY Post Office Department, Ottawa. FEEL EE pig img? PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1950 HEEE LR ging 1g 4 UE REL GAGE GIR EA GE ER ER ER EER EGA ERAS FEF ERE CRUE CR ERR 8 I A 5 GAR GAR GAG G FON NOTES AND COMMENTS RY RNR | Vim 1 «Fr ; - . x \g Y +08 A 4 1 N a Ad Al 4 » . - {3 2 + WHERE DO WE STAND : vo ; : : A 8 A war situation makes it possible for a citizen to, show the ii k : : x 2 : stuff of what he is made. To some few are given the opportuni- be, SEER : i A 1. ties to act heroically, but to most of us heroics: will be denied ory. : - : -- pa : i m2 : : . > oR out of the question. Qur role may take one of two directions. We : ; Cote a BIE ii gman ; : may succumb to selfish impulses and seek our own individual Canada Mourns the Passing of d Great Pay purposes by taking advantage of the unusual conditions which war : : : brings--we 'may ask for higher wages and higher profits; we > . . . Pp Li § may seek to make what is sometimes termed the 'quick dollar': o we may hoard and overbuy those commodities which we suspect may become scarce. On the other hand, we have a real opportun- wn ity to show our good faith by thinking in terms of the other fel- Wedding Bells . low and the general good. We can do this by saying to ourselves, "Just supposing everyone were to do what I'm doing"--the an- CLAUGHTON - DAVIS swer will be perfectly apparent. Selfish motives are always jus- tified by the thought that--well, other people do it, why shouldn't A quiet wedding took place in St. > I? Whenever you are tempted to reason thus, ggemember that Alban's Anglican Church, Toronto, SY you are being selfish, disloyal and unpatriotic. : : when Elsie Florence Davis, youngest bs - Our democracy is by no means a perfect democracy. There daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ed. bi: are many things about our way of life which we can find to criti- ward Davis of 335 Howland Ave. was 53 fs BEN, cize, but what a strange logic we follow if we serve in Any way united in marriage to John Walter bs rh ft ;, -to make these things worse. : Claughton, youngest son of Mr, and A x PE lr aE Sie TION ATH A mining corporation in Trail, B.C., illustrates the thought, Ns doe) Dighton of Utien, by . ' NE In order to maintain large profits the corporation made a deal oe Bove Fn Jucihdron, on Saturday, | Plans and specifications for the Hershfield, Millman and Huggins, | Memorial Hospital Board at a meet. with a communist union and fought to have the government re- July 22nd. . completion of this building have been * consulting engineers. and were pre- [ing on Friday evening. fuse legislation which would have made it possible for the work- ~The bride wore a dress of white | prepared by the firm of Morrison, sented for approval of the Community 2 ers to get rid of the union and its communist leadership. frosted organdie with shoulder length : - If narrow self-interest and the mighty dollar are to deter- veil held in place with a broad band as ) lars was voted to church funds. HOSPITAL BOARD MEETING 2 mine the thinking and the behaviour of a large section- of our of Orange Blossoms. Her corsage Street Improved The meeting closed with hy : "i : bei KA people and our business enterprises, Russia will have in this coun- was red roses and fern. J pe ng \ oo o davon 141 7 x meoting of the Community Mem- BLA " : : hide von hla Sr robin rc * and the mizpah benediction, ro- ; . Yo Fp try a ge goin hich ga Sonseirably do more to de stroy is They were attended by Miss Gwen | Work has been completed in widen- Gendt S150 bap Senedietion. -Pro-l ceil Hospital Board was called on : Hig 4 ¢ vaunteg ifth co umn made up of traitors pure anc Michel a friend of the bride and Mr. | ing, repairing and beautifying Queen "00% +100 Friday "July 21st, (this paper was in- 2 simple. ] : ' On Wednesday afternoon the fun- Jack. R. Utting brother-in-law of the | street. From Perry street west up A tasty lunch was served by the [Vited to attend), for the purpose of 3% LIFE IN THE COUNTRY cral procession moved from the centre |groom. : | Quaen the boulevard has been. rea pe pi Mis, Franklin, Mrs, J. | VOW the plans, and instructingethe AV : nf blockof -the-Parlinment Buildings in | xe. oo AE | moved and the pavement widened by Thi n a. property committee to advertise for AMAR ETI, JRA TN, 4 1 SE Se -- can be angérous. . This a Hdd o ) 3 , After the ceremony they left on a|macadam. This gives added width Dob on and Mrs, Midgley. . tenders which will appear in this and a & Life-in--the country can be dangérous. US comes as a | Ottawa, to St. Andrew's Presbyterian A - ; : £3 , : . 2 ' y ) motor trip to Orillia, Muskoka and | where the buses take on passengers Miss Is , other issues of the paper 4d shock to the hardened city-dweller who has had experience in out- Church, for a service conducted by the | North Bay, calli ses passengers, Miss Isobel and Donalda Falconer : - 13; ' Sv 3 ona tir hr tte Pho Pf od his oh, Tor a service conducted by the | North Bay, calling enroute at the also farther west on Queen street the have returned to Toronto after spend- . ¢ ; : 4! . thinking and out-manoeuvering treacherous city trat fic; who has Rev. AT. Burnett home of the groom's parents for a |. Wo ; id So : ; oronto after spen While many of the details have vet had experience in body-crushing crowds that jam theatre lob- } fev AL. : few hours. After their return they] be yor il Ls TE of the road has ing a week's vacation on the farm of |, 1. worked out, the main plans have bies, that madly fling themsleves at, over and on sales counters. After the service the body was y fours i vi been rep aced by tile and a nice boule- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fal- been approved and are to be made you think fast to live long in the city. . taken to Toronto by special train for | WV! reside in Toronto. bi oy ve PG al the Sieh Foner available to local and other COTATO ay' Lo. - ormerly gaped. Several of the other . i Sa . > bins ios : : : burial $ ) -------------------- oF . Abree ETAT a. iFalSo boo Inv on But life in the country has its hazards. It is late at night, [""2! in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, ; woo [streets have received a- treatment of ~~ Mrooand Mrs. James) Blair of a wy weds display at the. 5 There is no moon forthe clouds are heavy overhead. Suddenly, 'beside the graves. of his parents, Mr: gravel and calcium chloride. _ Oakville, and children Ernest and -- » | | ge i tend 7h -----on-the narrow winding tortuously twisting dirt road our head- |and Mrs. doh King, and other mem- Carter:Hood i Wii aks 0 hat. the walls : Lyrine spent: the Ack-ond at Mrs. h so > ve the hy jue 7 3 Afprove Ae) lights pick up a stray horse. No halter, no rope, there he pran- [bers of the family. . : Whol io 23008 tha puking "y Blair's parents. Sunday guests - IRE ig heck fteations oh ces in the glare of the lights, nervous and frightened--on either| William Lyon Mackenzie King dur- R - re Ny OY rs ed © ploy ; were Mr. and Mrs. 1°. Marshall and ps A Bid or 0 Mor rison, ge - side a deep ditch. Yes, life in the country can be dangerous. ing more than a quarter century as e-umnion nisi oF Shen re bs ec a vl children of Leaside, also Miss Jean . Hine i. aT & Huggins, con- He A fearful commotion about one a.m. in the neighbourhood | leader of the Liberal party gained | A 1 Hood i both Queen and M Gry RAEN pris Mw coy Jenn ib lps rising, he gs : ji of our back door. An enraged skunk trapped inside one of those | world stature as did no Canadian be. A gra Cont tian, oupon ON Sig Mary Streets, Ing Yor Bodoni tieneh, Calitumintol or, out hese vine dud specifi- , EL mechanical garbage cans that has a step-on-it. pop-up lid. . Yes, | fore his time and lived to see the im. ps auviay Ju « ideal for o| The two hour parking limit on a her former wil friend Mis W.lutions the committee won of the eh life in the country can be dangerous. . print of 'his political and social family gathering, many meeting pr Joy Queen street will shortly be put into hae the bor mol Mond Berd opinion that every precaution had a) ' wp § 3 RTP tl ht deeply © d da. > y g ow Margaret had many friends in and |. abe ' insure' Tl Bo aye ! = 1 hanbaned BL night Loo. What J gg the ney 3 i 3 1] 05 deeply ersiare on Canada Bad Tue SEER Encl CIEE Ens: Gr force around Port Perry, Bon Voyast to ' wll . 2 Susi hat Be con A probably never know .". but she was the one who had the sell His long tenure of office as prime |}. gathering. The afternoon being rE = AEE St Frsitic e best possible. 7 and for some reason had become separated from the herd. We [minister and the fact that its latter spent in renewing old acquaintances, The indmbers of vie Hospal Bokrd * pos were walking along the narrow path through the wooded valley | period spanned the upheaval of the | oh") ot 86 sat dor 16 & M h Mrs. W. R.-Stephens and boys-aiso OPE TN "Sy i ; when she began to charge . . . . she stopped short . . Ce she | Second Great War made him an elder well filled picnic supper table. The - dic. ester payed a short visit to her sister Miss Gordon Reiisob, Site inres Mr. Don i, 41 EER threshed about and theh another -mad charge. . . we little ap- | among the leaders of the nations. oldest one present being Mr. Cory : Jean Falconer, at" the home farm. Crozier, and Mr. R. Tetlow 3 ) precated the strange music that the bell gave out as the cow went His imprint on Canada, which in Hood of Oshiavin, and the Voubmost The July meeting of Manchester Dr. Fi i . ig pi iy vid ORs 3) through her strange gyrations . . . Yes, life in the country can | some respects applied to other nations | aster Rickie Ballagd of Port Perry.| W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. i Sehr preached a very inter: Re vi M Neil M: le Im, Dur} C ns be d : : oe i . : pil " . " s. Croxalt- CStmg and thought provoking sermon | fp: Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Durham Co. 14 e dangerous. of the British Commonwealth, came | - ry , Howard Franklin, with Mrs. Croxall Sanday >. for hig Repo: Messrs. Earl Martyn and Alvin Ba Now that we come to think about it . . . . all these things [ from his leadership in social reform, Pris pow Dros Hom Poon. presiding. The meeting opened with oh : unas. To " -- iin Bruce, Reach Twp.; Messrs. Alan Sug- on . : : a : es is ¢ i i i ; to, Mimico, Oshawa, Port Perry, Ajax [ the Theme Song and the Scripture iris re. Power and Wisdom o : ; SN wy happened at night. And to think that the people of the big cities | his championship of national rather | to, ' ' Song Seri 0" Service nc tie or , | itt and Bruce Heaslp, Cartwright. vA b ot bout EET NIGHT LIFE bent $ "| than imperial concepts in the status Brougham, Markham, Whitevale -and | Lesson by Mrs. Midgley. Mrs. Frank- G00." Service as usual next Sunday. lili. : ¥ RH 4 -boast abou wht . and relationships of the countries of | Green River. After supper it was||in read the leaflet on "Christian Wit- Nv and Mrs. Stanley Scarlett, "of | Wish to thank all those who have so fies : the Commonwealth, and his efforts to | decided to hold a gathering next year | pegs", Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mes, | #enerously contributed to the present 5 0 : : 4 : establish Canada as a leader of the at the Sm place and in fie pean, Mrs. Grant Hunter g TE fine [Grant Christie on Sunday. | state of progress with donations of 7 A. Basehall ) -- THE-SECOND GAME __-_.__.| so-called "Middle Nations," ~~ time to try and arrange for the mak-| =~ Mrs. Sr. on yo fra ol Ha «| time and money and to ask for further ra AN 454 i ---- Sa ing of a family tree of these two Thane a 0 oe rp Chord" and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. .Geo. Leach and Fam-' enthusiastic support of this important /. Stouffville got back on even terms| ---- families. - Hobson ollered prayer. ily attended thé Timm's family pic- community undertaking. i THE VIRST GAME with Port on Friday evening at the - Also mentich vas msde of two fae |p Pellcwine the Hymn 2 pr nic at Geneva Park on Sunday. 1 \ j | N 1 effort t i i iv Cir Rs whe Ww to = 2° | bers an "visitors responded to ro : A great det of time and effor ANS Being. 2 Stellar dispiny by Bill | Fair Urnmds When 'Hey posi an Letter to the Editor 'milies who have been -faithful atten- feall by Mrs. W. Holtby, with a bible| The Women's Association will meet have been need ssary to bring the pro- he Harper, Port topped Stouffville 5-2/8 to 3 win. . hi y Mrs. ww. DY, 8 Assockitio mee y 3 an g I 2 at Stouffville last Thursday evening| Former big-leaguer Earl Cook was dents, who were kept away this year i : at Mrs. A. Fielding's on Thursday af- ject to this point of development, "4 in a well-played tilt. on the hill for the visitors and showed July, 24, 1950 through illness. Mr. Jordan Hood of Yerse, : I pro ternoon, August 3rd at 2.30 o'clock. | Many meetings and discussions have Fig Port j ; d int. 2 lead in| some of the "stuff" that kept him in Rad Wi z R.C.A Green River and Mr. and Mrs.Char- . Lig Beth Hunter sang "The [been held with government officials AA ort jammed fic a < run lead an 1 32. 3 ar Wing, R.C.A-11es Carter of Ballantree It was | Lord's Prayer." ---- wo or and much planni 2 . . . ia) . ) i ch planning has been done to i the very first frame when Harper | the pro ranks for so long. He struck : ; : win : Tomieres With Dysart aboard They out 10 batters-and didn't walk any- Camp, Valsarier, Que moved a latter be sent to them tell-| oo junaiien from Ution W. A. , : attain the qualifications set forth by G Ve . 5 . i. ~ ior . ing them how much they were missed. 2 . od 3 the Department of Health, From 14 counted 2 more in the second when | body while spreading 7 hits over. the | Dear Mr. Boyd: We wish to thank the young people for July 13 was accepted. 1 rary ews ' 16 thie tuctl Ue of ie ) : : : - : ime to time further reports o pro- | 4 2%: they loaded the sacks with 2 out and | 9 nmngs; . : We were very busy last week and | for turning out so well because in a Provision was made for €lass-room gress will be presented to the public. oy : worked a squeeze play Sticequstully, _ Bill Harper was only nicked for 7 accomplished a lot. We were inspect. | few years they will be the ones who | curtains for the Sunday School and |- The Port Perry Library will be | Any contributions will be gratefully L$) After Cawber Ba Mhigeed, Wola: safeties as he came right back after ed in classroom by Licutenant-Gener- | will be called on to carry on. the Altar of the church. Fifty Dol- [closed for two weeks, commencing! received by niembers of the finance " = sperger followe -- litmore's sing e Thursday 5 wm but errors at crucial al C. Faulkes, top man in the Cana- - --_-- | August Tth to August 21st, when Mrs. | committee-- Messrs, Don Crozier, Earl i ith double and Hayes strolled. | times and failure to hit by his mates , f) ¥ 2 alll itr opel jaiure to WL by his mates | gian Army. We also were in the y Ingram will be on vacation There | Murtyn and Bruce Heaslip. ! x Dalzell went down on strikes and then | with the bases occupied proved his radar sets for the first time. We li on -- : yu Norm Dysart laid down a perfect | downfall. : spent a INSIning on. the Rm and LAYO : : being no issue of the Port Perry Star oh spe - Travellors av Qe W]e , ; bunt and when Miller overthrew to| The winners opened with a pair of f had a tour of Quebec City. on August the" 3rd, this notice is being J Fray ol ors bis | he {Slograms 4 : first, 2,funnets erossed. Reader Woy | runs in the first frame on a walk and | v | = / J | published one week in in advance. brig pe age . hey Bye Nk hit by one of Miller's fast ones to fill | hits--by-Miller and_L.Schell.-- They a SY nd ig hung " I idrdiy wy, 7, 7 8 | All borrowers will be allowed extra | conductor. who il hi " I th ; Hn ¢ . the bases again but Harper ended the | added 2 more in the third as I. Schell [¢hartered and we were taken on a 57 5 Naf Lf Sondnersn, why will hand tiem in 8 3 rally by grounding out. 1P. Schell and*Hassard all hit safely. | tour of Quebec. The historic Citidal 5 R : 4 4 books for this period. | Wlegraph "stations enroute. 4 : Miller closed the door on the win-| They 'completed "their total with | Was our first stop. We were shown) i : 7 s i ners until the 7th when he allowed | singletons in the 4th, 5th, 7th and 9thJ]along the top of the walls, the inside Z ; - i their final run on a long triple by |as they took advantage of 6 Port|©f the walls with the slots in them. a / / THE PASSING SHOW 3 "Dysart and Harper's 2 bagger. errors during "the last 5 stanzas in The Hoss are hia Jo foes wa, Ww ' 7% Pry, : : t whi Rm i wo Inches wide on ¢ 'inside. e 4 : w Meanwhile "Lefty Bill" was carving | Which Harper gave up only 1 hit. . 3 Z 7 / A ' "" 5 50 4 : were then shown the winter home of . by M.A.C. of himself a neat 4 hitter. He sent 16| Port garnered a run in the 4th when the R : ! ; a pf $5 Yio ia ; , J: » val 22nd Regiment (one third : ) A' down on strikes while issuing only 2 [Johnny Waldinsperger led off with a hy Cs FAT ie bor of in- 7 Britain has cut off the_supply of Nehru got nowhere with Stalin . . . A passes and was the niaster after the | base knock. Harper tripled him home iv, - oil to China . . . : evidently she does- | which is as much progress as anyone . ; : but left stranded wi he next | fantry), and weapons of war past and , . : : . ; : first inning when thevhomsters put 2 | but was left stranded w nerthe hex on te way out, the solitary confine- [n't believe in pouring oil on troubled | has ever achieved in that direction. of their hits together for a run. 3 batters were easy outs. Gente whine T Naapine: ria al waters. . Two errors and a hit by Miller ac-| Bill Lowery's pinch-hit singld," an on ¢ ae AL 2 Gd 'oni - ' + counted for Stouffville's second run|error and Doug. Hayes' mamhioth [fan's soul has eon S50 eh, / If the Russians have a word for| On November 7th, 1932, Joseph ; in the bth. triple in the nineth accounted for the| The tour was continued with a drive ' peace, they've twisted it until now | Stalin shot and killed his second wife. - '5 Norm. Dysart with 2 singles and a | other 2 Port runs. ; + | through down town streets. The boys 7 it's a synonym for war. His third 'wife is still at large. triple, Bill Harper with a homer and Miller and L. Schell, with 2 apiece, | didn't notice. the historic points of 57 Tae - RI 4 . H = 7.2 KE a" "ine. : ~ /% a double and Johnny Waldinsperger led the winner's attack at the plate | interest because they were more -in 77 If. we are to believe the ¢orrespon- Honour among "thieves Y 2 : sled the Port assault while Harper was the only Port bat: | terested in the girls taking walks. J EE ew tou: ; 8 + You with 2 hits. led the Port ass . tf Te than b satel i luded: with a visit t / dents we were enjoyisg a peace that play the game my way and I can't ' Hassard with 2, Miller and Schell | ter to connect for more than 1 safety] The tour was concluded with a visit to /, wasn't peace . . .. and now we arc - : ; x 3 i ' off Cook the Z here we spent an enjoyable lose. SF divided Stouffville's 4 hits for the . he Zoo wher p 7 fighting a war that isn't a war. wif night. Fiha : R. H. E. | hour. 7 PEP ee R. H. E, | Stouffville .......202 110 101--8 7 .3| Next week I will start to tell you : 7, The price of food has made cat-| One of the toughest things about ; Port "Perry .........220 000 01--5 9 8| Port Perry ....... 000 100 002--3 J 8| about the radar sets which we have 7 7 'ing a luxury. our unscttled state of affairs is the Stouffv lle ........100 010 00--2 4 3 Stouffvillo--Minton. 1b: Schell. Tl Bid been in. They are very compli- g 4 EEE) speeches that you feel you must lis- 0% by ' " * $ - 3 5 p 1zell, 2b; Dysart, | Miller, 2b; P. Schell, ss; Hassard, 3b.; tata anparetis, therefore we will Le 7 When a Polish chauffer for the em. | ten to. = AR 4s + : Wp To Healey, 1b; | Cook, p; Jennings, It; Raxlin, tf; Me. rin lesthivg, how hy Has Jogen Z bassy of Communist. Poland déserted : tee : NI : y - 88; Reader, rf; rper, p; y 10; HABE £5 ; planes and not how to operate eve / the other day, a friend of outs lac- ivi . 15 i : . Cawker, ¢; Whitmore, 3b; Waldin- | Mullen, cf. : dial in the sets. / : / siiically commented oe ATnter] Truman spoke to the American n sperger, If; Hayes, cf. : Port Perry--Dalzell, 2b; Whitmore, | t Sy : 5 Pole vaults the Iron Curtgin. pessale 3 PAL alguage * + +. MOBY, s Stouftville--Schell, ss; Hassard, 8b; [ 3b; )Waldinsperger, 1f; Harper, p;| Until next week. ' The general layout of the building | for sunning convalescent patients. A LAU) »nglish. : Miller, p; L. Schell, fy Cook, 2b; Ca-| Healey, 1b; Cawker, ¢; Reader, rf; Sincerely yours, is to be in the form of a U with a | nurses resideence is to the south, and| In the United Nations Assembly, EEE dieux, 1; Lashoway, 1b; Jennings, If; | Martyn, ss; McTaggart, ss, rf; Hayes, Alan Dovel Slosed sovfiday SeToss the open suey He oer room will be' back of the|the voice of belligerent Ireland is; What we can't understand °. . . . : i L in n Powell. | It is expec that the court can u main building. still tae fills many libraries . McMullin, of. of} Lowery. ui ! on -i y .

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