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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jul 1950, p. 3

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r f i PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 27th, 1960 bis Fobra + TAS BY yi ZTE 1 SST a» A : FE Tl ---- | - W. A. Sahgster © DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9..a.m. to § p.m, Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's *1nsurance Office, -- OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG ar Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. Estimates given on all kinds of work, i - [I fk atte eaten - BUSINESS DIRECTORY ROOFING OF ALL KINDS EARL WALLACE Phone 261 Port Perry a DENTIST: Queen Street' * Hote 237 Port Perry UT "sc _| He- Upholstery GERALD B. THOMPSON |Office Hours 9 to 5 *D.C. ; *Doctor of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 85 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Phone 2927 ~ Evenings by Appointment | ¥., Special LIS Tor Get Acquainted | Rousseau Upholstery Invites you te visit their New Retail Sales Room located at 216 Mary St. E., WHITBY . FREE CHAIR . In appreciation of your visit we will give you a ticket which entitles you to share in our "Gift Chair" plan. If you are unable to attend our show room pick up your ticket at the Star Office. Co ' : || ---- SIIIIIIIIIIRIIIIIIIIINNLILILILINLLLILILILILINILLLLS New Service Cleaners OSHAWA, ONTARIO PORT PERRY Representative: F. W. BROCK & SON Phone 43. -for Pick-up and Delivery. DON'T MISS THIS--LIMITED TIME ONLY. Phone 483 Whitby "or write ROUSSEAU'S UPHOLSTERY or Box 10, Port Ferry Star. in-attendance at-my Port Ferry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons Queen Street, Port Perry. RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 - 1 of each week, or by appointment. Phone 94 Inquire about our 3-way rebuilding 53 1 O80 MD 0 for prompt service on all makes, both "household and commercial. . Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey THE LINDSAY CONVALESCENT HOME REFRIGERATION | offers competent nursing care and "cheerful surroundings to "elderly, convalescent and chronic patients. Registered nurse in attendance 24 hours. Government licensed. Reasonable Rates, 11 RIDOUT ST. LINDSAY Phone 116 : 3 cc INSURANCE Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs may be, consult H. W. EMMERSON Phone 41 ° Port Perry ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C. in astendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday moraing and Friday afternoon of each week, or by ap ¢ : Blong Block, PUA Phono 25| FOR SAND AND GRAVEL ~ and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Fhone 843 Port Perry, for information. Feb. 34, 1951 \ "Local Agent; Canadian Pacitie Rail-| . way. Transportation arranged over any lines of the Company. Agent : International Air Servies "EDWARD BIND OPTOMETRIST--OSHAWA' 22) Simece St. 5. © Fhone 4331-W , (OPPOSITE SELLERS.) Offices Hours: 9.30 to 6 pm, . Evenings by appointment, ¥ " MONTEITH & MONTEITH . CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS : © 37 King St. Bast, Oshawa. : Gordon W. Riehl, CA, Resident Partner , 3 oN / g 5 ' i SE RE-UPHOLSTERING and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old chester- field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free 3 Plek-up and delivery. Phone 8344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY Co. 8 Church St. ef) -- Electric Floor Sanders finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. PHONE 281W R.R. Port Perry, Hardwood Floors, laid, sanded and - ROBERT PICKARD PORT PERRY BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING by the Hour or Contract. WM. TRIPP Tand.™ HE Mrs. Byron. Holtby entertained for | Prospect "The meeting of the Prospect W. A. was held at the home of Miss Flossie Spencer, on July 19, at 2.30 p.m, with twelve members and eighteen visitors in attendance. The meeting opened with the motto and Theme Song, fol- lowed by hymn: 109, "Blest Be The Tie* That Binds." Mrs. Jewell gave the Scripture : reading" from Acts I, yerses. 1-9. . "Mrs. Vernon read the lesson' thought and Rev. Dr. Fetcher led in prayer, The treasurer reported $104.29 taken in from the Home Baking sales. . By 'a majority vote, it was decided to: hold another baking | sale on Friday, August 4th at Yeo's Service -Statioh "and the following ladies. volunteered to help sell, Mrs. Vernon, Mrs. 'Kilpatrick, Miss Coch- rane, Mrs. Bruce Holtby, Mrs. Jewell and Mrs. McMullen. The seeretary's réport of 'the last Mmeéting was read and adopted, Hymn 4, "For the Beauty of the Earth" was sung. Mrs, Fletcher gave a very fine talk on Chapter 5 in the Study Book, en- titled, "In Christianizing the social Order." beautifully, "My Task", dccompanied by Mrs. Byron Holtby. The neeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. Collection $11,50. Church service will be held in the school for-the next few weeks at-the usual hour of 10 a.m, Rev. W. P. Fletcher baptized two children on Sunday, July 22nd, 'name- ly Robert Norman Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith, and Robert David Holtby, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holtby. Our sympathy is extended to Mrs. Alex Diamond, her mother and sister in their recent bereavement, the sud- | den. passing of Mr. Beattie. The fa- mily have recently come from Seot- Miss Ruth br tle elect. Sommerville, a "popular Many pretty and useful r. Mrs. F. Duff and Miss Rene Johns of Toron- to assisted the hostess. On Friday evening there was a presentation party: for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marshall, née Verna Niddery, before leaving for their -home at Brampton. A mock' weeding was staged by Mr. and Mrs. Jewel, Leslie Smith, Garnet Cochrane, Willa and Helen Holtby. It provided many tears of laughter. Then, Mr. read the following address to the hon- ored guests of the evening. Prospect School, July 21st, 1960. To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Marshall: Dear Friends: --_ It is always a pleasure for the Pro. speet people to meet here, to honour another bride and groom. For some 'time we have anticipated this happy occasion. May we unite with your many friends in extending to you Our Best Wishes for a long and hap- py married life. . We could not choose a be tier time to express our appreciation of your Phone 109 r 42 July2? true friendship. Many of us still call you Verna, having known you Mrs. Leslie Smith sang very Leslie Smith | since childhood. We are reminded of numerous acts of kindness, which were 80 easy for you to do. We have been proud=ef-your achie- vement in so many fields of endeavor. Your musical talent contributed much inspiration and enjoyment to church and community life, We could de- pend on you for intelligent assistance in every constructive program. You have accomplished' an enviable career in the 'nursing profession, which will merit its own reward. Your devo- tion to duty has developed a fine strength of character, which cannot be estimated. And now, you have en- tered a broader field of service-- -that of homemaker, - Your youthful years so well spent will ensure you of con- tinued success. We congratulate choice of a wife. Naturally, we are confident - that the future years of wedded life will bring you both much' joy, prosperity and contentment. As a token of our good will and esteem toward you both, we have brought a gift for your home. May this Coffee Table and few pieces of Crystalware remind you of many pleasant associations at Prospect, The recipients expressed their thanks in a few well 'chosen 'words. Refreshments were served during a friendly social hour which followed. The Sunday School picnic is to be held at -Port=Bolster next Saturday Andrew on his afternoon, July 29th, leaving Prospect at one p.m. host of the id i -- ---- Scugog + All were glad to see the Rev. J. R. Bick back in: the pulpit on Sunday, after - his hoildays. at Bobcaygeon. Mrs.. Bick and her uncle will stay there for another week Services at the regular hours on Sunday with the evening servives at the Head Memorial Church at 7.30. Sunday was a grand day for motor- ing to their cottages. and sight' see- ing-and Scugog has a large share of the traffic. . The Head W. A. members will en- joy having their. meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. Laverne Mar- tyn on Wednesday, August 2nd. Mrs. Louis Pearce's group will ser- ve the lunch. And ladies you are requested to bring your bazaar work. All" are "invited to enjoy the after- noon together. } Monday's rain will do a lot of good except for the hay that is still out. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowson and son visited their cousins Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Long at Prince - Albert on Sunday. Two little sisters Sharon and Jean Lipchik of Toronto aie enjoying a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hope, and little Miss Hel- J and 'ground check of sport and com- --|ficers_on:the- International -Boundary | 'Pine Grove Mr. Herb. Hill and Miss Freda Bell of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of Pindale spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. Hill, Mrs. D. Hill and Master Ronny Enibey are spending some Holidays with them also, The W. A. will meet for the Aug- vst meeting at Mrs, Walt: Shell's. Mr. and 'Mrs. John Simpson spent Sunday attending Camp meeting at Pine Orchard. Mr. I. Catherwood ha# returned home from spending some time with his sister in" Chicago. t Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Back and Chy- rle of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Man- son Wood of Toronto and Master Phil Clarke of Port Perry having some holidays with Mr, and Mrs. E. Ballard. a a, La. Fish and Wild Life This" information is supplied by the Department of Lands and Forests. Co-operation with the fish and wild life officials of the six states and two provinces that border on Ontario's 412,000 square miles of forests, land, lakes and rivers; and also with the 'Canadian and U.S.A. federal author- ities, is a necessary part of the daily job for many conservation officers of the Department of Lands and Forests. | Forests. : | Recently, during a combined aerial mercial fishing activities, in the Up- per St. Lawrence area, a group yi Land and Forest men met with sev eral New York State conservation of- | of the river From the ensuing meeting the On- tario officials reported that the en- counter proved an excellent opportun- i ity, "for discussion of mutual pro--| blems", and that it was "evident that those present had a. joint" understand- | ing on conservation measures fishery regulations and further co-- operative moves can be anticipated." A total of almost 15 tons of carp, or 29,860 pounds to be exact, have been taken from Lake Scugog and Sturgeon Lake this year, by officials of the Ontario Department of Lands and | | following the completion of netting operations The fish were distributed to farm- ers in the areas near the lakes and "they should have some terrific ¢rops this year," a Department officer said. The Carp, a sacred fish in China, grows to a considerable size, and some, taken from Stewart's Creek and 'the Nonquon River, at Lake Scugog weighed 20 popnds, Départ- |" ment officials saiid, Because the carp root out weed beds, compete with game fish and dis- turb the spawning beds of sport fish, anglers have long urged their removal from game fish waters. The carp removal operations -act- ually serve a two-fold purpose for, while netting is going on, a Depart- ment biologist is present and counts the number and sizé 'of the other species of fish that are caught and this way a rough idea of a lake's fish populdtion and other valuable data is ascertained. The game fish are re- turned alive to the water. Department's war against the carp has increased over the years: In 1947 a total of 400 pounds was removed from Lake Scugog while the follow- ing year well over four and a half tons were taken. Last ycar opera- tions extended to Sturgeon Lake as well and from that body of water and Lake Scugog a total of 11 tons, 300 pounds were netted. Ontario's 27 fish hatcheries----more than ar@jeperated by all the rest of Canada rapidly being depleted of their 1949-50 stocks of game fish and a few years hence fishermen will be boasting of 'catching fish "where we y never knew they were." Probably the most valuable cargo of all is going from an Eastern On- tario hatchery where maskinonge fingerlings are now being released in- to waters favorable for them. Millions uf speckled trout yearlings have gone forth by tr uck, 'aircraft and a from the hatcheries. The muskice , one of the OT EN) most prizéd game fish, is one of the hardest to propagate, Lands and For- ests experts say. } "The muskie from the age of 12 days requires live food. i AL 1h-pound=muskiesis----probably -8 years old and three feet long. At six months, the muskie is between eight and twelve inches long and weighs 7 ounces. A 30 pound lunge is' normal- ly around 46 inches and is 18 years old. More than 20,000,000 trees are 3 and Forests, it was revealed today | tributed free of charge each year, and the-demand always exceeds the supply the Department has. Eavestroughing & Furnaces ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, FURNACES and FURNACE RE. PAIRS TO ANY MAKR, Free Estimates on Request. SYDNEY a. BARNES Phone 2r 2 E. Storry 'BUILDER Agent for all makes of Insul-brie and Asphalt, Aluminum and Steel Shingles. Estimates Free. Phone 277) Provén Performance Installed and Serviced by Hardware B PHONR 85 SAND AND GRAVEL When 'and where you want it. Call ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 131 ¢ §, Port Perry, RR4 wor 22010 105 re en Hope of Reach spent the past] week there also. i rc "» hat) 1 AN | AOR " fy $5 8 4 a: WE AHR There's only one right way for a pedestrian to eld FACING THE TRA danger threatens. ONTARIO FFIC. HIT GH WA (e130) ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE ROAD AND Step quickly aside when Y § H. DOUCETT, Minister equipment, a fist fi Bo No. wi GIN pin SR I Z, 0 In the Foe In the J 'Home 'MODERN EQUIPMENT Makes Easy Work of Harvesting eld and ' The ease, speed and economy of harvesting nowadays typifies © the change In farming that has come with new and better Through progress In implement engineering the burden of " farm "werk has been transferred from muscles to machines-- with decided advantages physically, socially and economically ~ to those éngaged in agriculture. Latest machines like the Massey-Harris self-propelled combine have. established a new appreciation of the importance of mechanization and a realization that farming with modern power machines is easier and more profitable. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Makers of High Quality Farm. Implements Since 18479 "FESS"--the Canadian Plomesr-- - Pr

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