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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jul 1950, p. 4

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8 Lo "7 rd a Coin i Ri As Sines SE - - ~~ Sd ed na, --. - = LOCAL As courtesy and service to local readers we offer this column _..in mentioning your guests and items of interest. 4 items to the : Star or Phone 305J or 60. NEWS Send your 'Recent guests with relatives in town were Mrs. E. Lambert of Can- .nington and son Morris Lambert of Brechin, Mrs. H. A. Sudddrd and Misses Barbara and Nancy Suddard of Oshawa, Mrs. E. McKerihen and * Mrs. G. Luke of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Murdoch and; infant son, Richard, 'also Mr. and Mrs, W. F, Clark and family, of Oshawa. The Misses Stovin attended the Stovin-McGhee wedding in Oshawa on Saturday last. Mrs. A. Parsons and son Garry, of Ottawa. are visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. H. Durkin and sister Barbara Jackson. Mr. George Jackson, Toronto, was a guest over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Dur- kin and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. George their daughters Doloris and Georgina, of Cleveland, Ohio, have returned to their home after spending several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo: Menzies. ) Mrs. Samuel Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Boyd and family spent the week-end in Picton and vicinity visit- ing with Mrs. Farmer's sister, Mrs. Bert Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. ily: of Westmount, town over the week-end. J. Farmer and fam- were visiting in © Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Andrus, were visiting the former's Mrs. Andrus, for a few days. - Exeter, mother, Mr. and Mrs. E. Cross, of London; --Mr:.--and-Mrs-- _Winnifred and-Madelene Cross of To- ronto, 'were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Mulligan. ----------------- - Every, automobile accident has one thing in common with -every-other: - some person caused-it._..and could just as easily have prevented it. To ;- avoid becoming 'one. of the victims, make sure your car is in safe condi- tion; then drive "defensively"--as if all other drivers were unpredictable (some of them are). dod Births MacMASTER--- To Dr. and Mrs. D. C. MacMaster, Port Perry, on Fri- day, July 21st, 1950, at Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital, a son. INGRAM--Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Edgar Ingram are happy to announce the birth of their son, Kenneth Ed. ward, on- Friday, July 21st, 1950, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. "This is the first grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. N. Gordon Ingram, of Sault ----Ste:--Marie;~Ontario:- - Scugog Chapter Imperiial Order Daughters of the. Empire are holding a Home Baking Sale on, Saturday, July 29 thf 3. p.m. at the POST OFI'1 White Elephant Auction - To be held in Prospect School Grounds, on Friday evening, July 28, at 7 p.m. to raise funds for basement fund of Prospect Church. Those wish- ing to contribute articles please have on grounds by 6.30 p.m. The porch from the front of Pron. pect Church will also be sold (suitable for house porch or pump house,) 14 \ Austin C. A. Bathie *D.C. Helen M. (Peel) Bathie *D.C. *DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Graduate of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For Appointment Phone 205R "PORT PERRY Medlick and |. F-Boyd,-and Misses f= The Churches ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH For the last Sunday in July and the. month of August, united services will be held in the Port Perry United Church. } No Sunday School until September. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J. T. Coneybeare Sth Sunday after Trinity--July 30. 7 p.m.--Evening prayer, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, July 30th-- Morning Service at 11 a.m. Evening Service at 7 p.m. THE GIDEONS Christian Commercial Men's Assn. in charge, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m. S. S. and Primary Class. 11 a.m.--The Minister and Official Board extend a cordial invitation to St. John's congregation to at- tend this service. L PRINCE ALBERT CHURCH 10 a.m. Church Service / 11 a.m.--Sunday School. THE PENTECOSTAL FULL _ GOSPEL, CHURCH There will be no services this week as all will be going to Lakeshore Pentecostal Camp, Cobourg, Ont. Pastor: Wm. Bowler, Phone 279R ee ===" A WORD OF THANKS . We wish to thank every one who so kindly gave their donations and valu- able time to help raise our barn. We wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Victor Willis, Mr. Howard Bartley and Mr. T.- Anderson for their part in canvas- sing for donations; also a word of thanks té the ladies who donated food and help to make and serve refresh- ment. We wish to assure you kind people that everything you did was greatly appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Evans, and family. o{>{0) 4 LIFE INSURANCE LOMPANY One Ton D.D.T. Used in Winnipeg Mosquito Control To control mosquitos, nine thousand gallons of fuel oil containing one ton of DDT was sprayed .on the north south and west suburbs of Winnipeg in the Red and' Assiniboine river vel- leys ufter the flood waters had sub- sided. Entomologists of the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa 'were asked by. the Health and Public Wel- fare Department of the Manitoba Government to undertake this part of the clean-up. Through the "cooperation of the R.C.A.F., two Dakota DC-3's equipped for spraying were provided and cover- ed 20 square miles in the short space of three days so successfully, that ground checks indicated nearly 90 per cent control of mosquitos In the sprayed areas, Working from base lines indicated on the ground--usually a road, with the swath intervals marked off by a vehicle bearing a luminescent panel visible from the .air--and assisted by maps and two-way radio, the planes systematically covered swaths of two hundred yards wide while traveling at 150° miles -an hour at an -average height of about 200 feet. Dr. C. R. Twinn, the Federal Gov- ernment entomologist who was in charge of the operations, says that a feature of the work was the success- attached to the planes when spraying over market garden areas, This de- vice, weighing only 17 pounds, was 'designed by Dr. A. W. A. Brown of the Department while engaged in ex- perimental work 'in mosquito and fly control at Goose Bay, Labrador. Dr. Brown directed the spraying at Win- nipeg. The oil and DDT is emitted from the nozzle of this special appli- Cec. King AGENT Port Perry Phone 2793 ENROL EARLY in the PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE, LTD. That Institution whith is educating and finding positions for such a large number of young men and women, FALL TERM--Tuesday, Sept. 5th Write for information. Phone 4861 * J. A. McKone, President. F. Principal. H. Dearborn, ' and His cator at-three times the pressure ob- taine «ld from the usual straight emls- sion pipe nozzle, when the plane is flying at 150 miles an hour. This pressure _breaks up the spray -into very fine droplets which would not cause injury to young vegetables and flowers. Generally the methods used at Win- nipeg were those developed during the past three years in mosquito and other biting fly control studies in the Can- adian north, particularly at Fort 'Churchill. This work has been done at the request of the Défence Re- search" Board, with the Federal ento- mologists and other Departments and organizations cooperating. > ---- The Chinese fly kites-which have strings stretched across openings. in the. paper, produce the effect of an aerial chorus. #* * * In snakes and gecko lizards the tear duct opens into the mouth. - * * * Body temperature reaches" its low- est point carly in the morning. TALL OATS ~Mr:- -Howard: -Gibson-and son Mur- ray (Simcoe street) brought in speci- mens of oats grown by them. All specimens were five feet in length. Mr. Howard Gibson had planted Beaver Oats and Murray had a £rop of Ajax Oats. DRINK "oly ITS BETTER BUSINESS TO WORK REFRESHED Notice of Closing NO PUBLICATION ON AUGUST 3rd, 1950 The Port Parry Star Co. Ltd. will not issue any paper on AUGUST 8rd, owing to holidays for employees. If you have advertising scheduled for that date, please arrange for another date PORT PERRY STAR CO. LTD. SQUARE DANCE and VARIETY SHOW LAST PERSONAL APPEARAN CE DON MESSER Islanders : FRIDAY, JULY 28th. CEDAR BEACH PAVILION, Musselmen's Lake SATURDAY, JULY 20th: "OSHAWA ARENA TICKETS $ 1.00 NEW SOUND SYSTEM ful use of a special spray applicator BATHING BEAUTY CONTEST STREET DANCE, BINGO, GAMES To be 'held. at CANNINGTON, AUGUST th at 8 p.m, SHE 0000000008000000000000e OPTI TTT LL Lol Sess tesesttrersst teres ttttsttestereeeetS Bathing ata open to girls 16 and a and _. residents within 25 miles of Cannington Applications. must be mailed to P.O. Box 266 Cannington, ° Ontario, not later than August 7th, 1950 FIRST PRIZE--$50.00. SECOND PRIZE=:$20.00 THIRD PRIZE--$10.00 Sponsored by the LIONS CLUB of Cannington, Ont. Rook ees Red Cross News Walter S. Woods, until this month' deputy-minister of Veterans' Affairs, has been appointed first national chairman of Red Cross veterans' ser- ! vices, it was announced recently. As a volunteer Mr. Woods will head arnew committee which combines all Red Cross veterans' work under its jurisdiction: arts and crafts, hospital visiting, hospital libraries, soldiers' clubs, welfare, Lodges, snieridinment and film service. : Mr. i Woods brings to the post a'! thorough knowledge of veterans' ; needs, Himself a veteran of World, War I, he came to Ottawa in 1930 as superintendant--of--soldier-- settlement for Southern Alberta to sit on a spe- cial committee to consider veterans' legislation. When the War Veterans' "Allowance Act was enacted at that time, he was elected chairman of the board, a position he maintained. un- til being appointed to the Pensions department in 1941, He served as deputy-minister of Veterans' Affairs from 1944 until his present retire- ment. Joh "NEWS FOR WOMEN Juanita Chambers of Montreal, (above) this week takes over the Mon- day to Friday women's news commen- tary, heard on the CBC Trans-Canada network at 2.26-p.m.--A great variety of interests make up the background she brings to her news reviews, which will be broadcast at the same time each weekday for the remainder of the summer. He received the order of CMG for his service, and in 1947 the honorary degree of L.L.B. was conferred upon him by the University of British Col- umbia in recognition of his Cg interest in veterans at the iver- sity- level, - From personal exper- ience she can speak as a wife, mother, high school teacher, nursery school organizer and teacher, and director of parent guidance activities, 19th ANNUAL Sports Day | PORT PERRY Sponsored by the Business Men, on Civic Holiday AUGUST 7, "SO HORSE RACES-$1200 PURSES 2.28 Trot or Pace (8 seconds allowed trotters). $300.00 purse. 2.24 Trot or Pace ( 3 seconds allowed trotters).. $300.00 purse. 2.20 Trot or Pace (3 seconds allowed trotters). $300.00 purse. FREE-FOR-ALL--Purse $300.00 " ~z----(Entry Fee 2 per cent of Purse) . 4 WAGERING ON RACES. BRADLEY STARTING GATE - 7 Baseball STN at 1.30 p.m. Sunderland, Little Britain, Stouffville & Port Perry. $90 in prizes : SPORTS--Races for Boys and Girls. TL Bicycle Race for Boys RACING CAR DERBY 12 Shrc1AL CARS FROM OSHAWA--First' Time for Port Perry STREET DANCE AND FAIR Starting at 9.30 p.m. Music by Ruth Wilson Variety Band. Booths, Games and Refreshments. Fun for all. ADMISSION TO GROUNDS--Adults 60c. (including tax) Children under 12, free, Street Dance and Lucky Draw, 60c. Autos admitted to grounds Free. ob BRR RD E. MERLIN DOWSON GRANULATED SUGAR, 100 Ib. bag ..... Prt APPLEFORDS FOOD SAVER WAX PAPER'... SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 16 BZ. rian i ER RA 25¢. WALLD'S BONELESS CHICKEN; 7 oz. 45¢. 5 Ee PRESERVING SUPPLIES oa CROWN JARS Lf: river 5 mall $l. 39. Medium: $1.59. CERTO, bottle 27. : = CERTO CRYSTALS; 2 for 25¢. "JAR RUBBERS, Red, 2 dozen 15¢. -ZINC RINGS, dozen 39¢. < v FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES always on hand ! WE DELIVER-- PHONE 91 FOR SERVICE mm mm co ON OOO OL AOL Ww. E. MacGregor and Son PHONE 2W PORT PERRY 12383220222 800220239033020300138073303334233022330223423383230323002223430000030000000030000s00200003 0 rt "A Word to the Wise is Sufficient" k WE SERVE THE FINEST QUALITY FOOD AT ALL TIMES HAMBURGERS, SANDWICHES AND FRENCH FRIES BE - * TERMINAL GRILL We do our own \ Baking BN roseeess feoescccsssssssssssocces 0 A 0 A RE) WE SPECIALIZE IN HELPING YOU Design your home--We can from experience give you the latest advice on modern construction. We carry a complete line of all Building Materials, Plywoods, Lime, Asphis Shingles. d Our planing mill is at your service to make the old style and hard to get mouldings to suit your needs and that alter- tion project. . Complete estimates given on all kinds of construction. Lake Scngog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited PORT PERRY Phone 240 'w LO OO. A 1 ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SAVING $8.00 - $10.00 per ton on COAL If so, come in and see the latest Automatic Hard Coal Furnace. No coal to shovel, no ash to shovel: yes, that's just what we mean. It's fully Automatic. Low .in Price, and 100% Canadian. If you are building a new home, you cannot afford not to investgate. We guarantee to save you money. REL ; Port Perry Coal & Ice Co. PHONE 289 ? 4 CHOICE SELECTION OF : FRESH and COOKED MEATS YORK FROSTED FOODS ALL KINDS OF FISH - THE FAMILY BUTCHER CAWKER BROS. PROMPT PELIVERY -- PORT PERRY ELECTRIC (first door north of hotel.) . INGLIS WASHERS and WATER HEATERS RADIOS _ RAN GES - APPLIANCES LIBERAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES EASY PAYMENT TERMS PHONE 177 - - J WM. BEARE, President. Gord. ld ly Sec'y

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