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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Jul 1950, p. 5

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) SX Se ER ADS Te ------ ATTENTION FARMERS! , We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 ° Toronto, Adelaide 8636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. £3 DEAD or CRIPPLED stock removed tree of charge. 1-hour service, High- ost Prices paid for old: 'horses. Phone. Collect : MARGWILL FUR FARM Phone 2679 "Bowmanville octl1d,tf. | FOR. CUSTOM COMBINING Call STAN.' GERROW Phone 316) Port Perry LOST--On Monday, a lady (widow) from Toronto, lost a black wallet, con- taining money and her Blue Cross identification card, on Queen street or Lake Front Park, in Port Perry. Re- ward. Information at Star Office or Chief of Police Holmes. GENERAL CARPENTRY ~ Repairs'and Re-modelling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. Free Estimates ROY KENDELL Phone 284M Port Perry. FOR SALE--2 Beds, Used. Coaloil Stove, Potato Sprayer, | Quantity of Sealers, drapes and curtains, mis- : eellaneous articles. Mrs. Coulter, (cottage) Highland Beach, directly ~north-of-the-village, -------- FOR SALE--Corner lot, water and- hydro available. Apply Lloyd Har- rison, Port Perry. july27 FOR SALE--Girl's C.C.M. Bicycle in good condition. "Phone 326W after ERE J Lil pm. ] » RN » / i \ RE pm say ' ® t y i FOR SALE -- Mount Forest New Favorite Threshing Machine, size 28x 45, complete with rubber tires, clover attachment, high elevator, in good condition. One owner since new; also rubber tired wagon. Ross Disney, Greenwood, Phone Pickering 222W4. Threshing Machine 'FOR Josuny i Threshing Machine." Offering it at half price. Size No. 2238. 0. E. Croxall, R.R4, Port Perry "Phone 163 r 3. : FOR SALE--Electric Guitar, Ken .-- Spears; Phone 258, Port Perry. FOR SALE-- One 2845 Waterloo Threshing- Machine. on' Rubber, Com- bination . Mill, also one Rubber tired | Rumbely Tractor, will go together or single. Apply M. J. Pireman, R. R. 2 Oshawa. Phone Brooklin 3-31. FOR SALE--Coal-0il Stove, 3 bur- mers, used just two summers, in fair condition. Phone 196-r-13. FOR- SALE-- Cockshutt 2 furrow Tractor Plow, in good condition. Ap- ply Clifford Harper, R.R. 2 Seagrave. Phone 67-r-22, Port Perry. PONY FOR SALE -- Mare Pony, 9 years.old. Apply Hav-a-Nap Cabins, Port Perry. Art Brown, Prince Albert, Ont. COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, SPE C1 L' NOTICE PORT PERRY. ONT. IF ~ 7) . » AUTOMOBILE Ikan TENDERS FOR MECHANICAL: SERVICES iv : ~ 'Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by Frivate or Dealer Sales We ean the undersigned until 12 noon (D.S.T.) save you money. Inquire now. v "A.C. HEAYN ; TUESDAY, AUGUST 15, 1950 HF INSURANCE AGENT S: for the supply and installation of mechanical services, in- PORT PERRY I, ad rdf cluding Plumbing, Heating, Electrical & -Ventilating, for . . the above hospital, Nurses Residence and a Boiler house. ; * Plans and specifications may be obtained from the under- FOR SALE -- Quantity of No. 1 . signed. A deposit of $25.00 will be required and will be baled hay; also 14 Chunks of Pigs. refunded upon the return of the plans and specifications. Milner Bros., Phone 102 r 23, RR3,1 plans and specifications are also on display at the Port Perry, wr oo dply2 Builders' Exchange, Bay Street, Toronto.: ts : - Lowest or-any tender not necessarily accepted. : w Tet Herbert Brooks, Chairman, S I D I N G Hospital 'Board, Community Memorial Hospital, iE = Port Perry, Ontario. - 10¢, per Lineal Foot AJAX LUMBER CO. pide '| up north picking blueberries and re- 1.5 port a fair crop. Whitby, Ont. Phone 2197 Epsom Please- keep in mind- the Amateur -auglo . Daily Vacation Bible School started | Contest in Memory Hall, Utica, Aug. on Monday in Epsom United Church | 21st. Send entries to R. C. Kaill, FOR SAL E--Girl's Bicycle in good | and will continue until August 4th. ibl condition. $15.00. Phone 301W, Monday to Friday hours are 9 to 12 i pass =~ Blight Brooklin Port Perry. ' a.m. All children in this district are spent Thursday with Mr. 'apd Mrs, Hited to attedd, Ray Medd and family. . The--Epsom-W:~A. will hold its] "Mr. and Mrs. Medd were at Clare- meeting on Thursday, July 27th at the | mont last week visiting Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. Donald Asling. = All } Catherwood. fo ladies are invited to attend. ~ FOR SALE--1932 Cheyrolet coach in good running condition. Cheap. TI Gr Ea : oN : . ah 5 ANTIDS Young woman A number of neighbors and friends : n 0 fielp pick berries and do house work gathered at- the home of Mr. Evans : Utica Write giving wages wanted per month _to El li and helped him raise. his barn. Mr.| on © Elmer Collins, R.R.4, Port Evans' barn was destroyd by fire last Monday's 'rain was very welcome; E Visitors at the Rogers home on Sun- ] . ast of No. 7 and 12 Highway, at day were Mrs. Edward. Ashton, Mr.| Anyone wishing to contribute a Blackwater, Friday, August 4th. The and Mrs. ferbwAshton, Mr. and Mrs. | number to the Amateur Concert to be sale of Implements at 12-O'clock. _The| [van Rogers, Larry and Donna, of | held in Memory Hall, Utica, August 1, Cattle sale at 2.30 pm. Terms Cash. Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. M. Lakey, | should contact Mr. Kaill, R.R. 4, Ux Geo. oid 'Roy Ormiston, -Linda-and-Tommy, of Brooklin. © "7 bridge, of Mrs, J.T, Crosier, R.R. 4, Pedigrees. Per Mrs. Roy Wilson and daughter, of | ToT POY / TED JACKSON, Auctiorieer i" Fy oy Ffsbn an , angnter, or Sorry to report Mr. George Ward Winchester, are spending the summer R ; ] ith Mr d Mrs. Joseph Wilson, | Suffered a stroke last week and is BRAY STARTED CHICKS, pullets | With Mr. and Mrs. Josep '| under the doctor's care '| while Roy is taking a course at 0.A.C. . : --and some mixed--prompt shipment. |W y g Chicks for. later delivery order now. Guelph, Mrs. Ralph King, Scarboro, guest of Mrs. Ackney for the week-end also Particulars from agent. A. R. Gray,| My. and Mrs.- Lorne Wagner were | Mrs, Maud Tennyson, of Toronto; and R. R. 2, Port Perry. in the village Sunday evening and at- |{ Mr, and Mrs. Frank Hortop; of Osha- tended church service. we, were guests of Mrs. Ackney. PLYMOUTH RED TOP BINDER TWINE--6600 ft.--$12.50 Bale Mr. and Mrs. Gillard, of Chicago, Mrs. Bond leaves for England this were recent visitors at the home of | Week. IE Peto Eat, BL, for prices . Mr. and Mrs. Mel Cracknell, of To- | week. ; . . ronto, spent" Sunday with Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Langman of Winni- 8. W. TAYLOR --Burketon, Ont. | pp, James Neeson. -| peg, holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Phone 193-23, Port Perry } T. Lake , Miss Darlene Christie spent a holi- "Miss de Stephenson in Toronto ROOM and BOARD-- Two lady | day at Bobcaygeon last week. {wil Wook phos pensioners or 'elderly couple to share . Mr. and Mrs. M. St. Clair spent Sat- | __Mrs. Frank- Kendall holidaying at Jae, in (2 Busy In. wigs bic urday in Toronto and called to see | Washago Beach his week. Og near: Pory Party, pply Box Mrs. St. Clair's mother, who has been Port Perry Star. a patient in the General hospital for | the past three weeks. 5 The Utica Women's Association are i invited to be guests of the Pine Grove "FOR SALE--NEW APPLES "| W.A, on Tuesday, August 1st at 2.30 Duchess, Red Astrican, Transparents. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Taylor, Mr. | p.m. Two members for the program Delivered. Phone 317W, Port Perry | and Mrs, Gordon Taylor spent a. day | requested. W. H. PALLOCK % : BN T ails ait JN --_-- it of Br Tre rr A driving--something that's not casy to GILBOORD'S MID SUMMER get in holiday. traffic. Often. though, : ) ny ) tiring, irritating driving is . really : brought on by your own attitude; you CLEARANCE SALE think you're in a hurry to get some- : where . . . But, are 'you, really? The DRYGOODS :: READY-TO-WEAR :: FOOTWEAR Depssmoh of Angas Poles on} Our prices and merchandise speak for themselves. Come in at "more restful-and safer---vaca- [4 convince yourself, tion trips are experfenced by drivers | © yy can mention only a few of the bargains in our store, so come easy, It costs Jess, too. will not be disappointed,' Associate Store MEN'S OVERALLS and SMOCKS ER, ereereens ONLY $3.19 MEN'S COTTONADE PANTS ....ccoomnn.... veernnnennenn ONLY $2.98 I ee A MEN'S GOOD WORK SHIRTS ......... apse iis intans ONLY $1.75 MEN 'S WOOL SOCKS TT Le TTT TTY Try Spe Eu 2 Pairs 95¢. : : MEN'S GOOD WORK BOOTS....... er nptines A ONLY $5.49 MEN'S OXFORDS, real good value .......... rvierersiion 195.39 MEN'S BEAUTIFUL SPORT SHIRTS ...... ~ONLY $2.75 vhrrgriperts dirnnn $5.49 - CANADIAN TIRE CORPOR ATION MENS T SHIRTS | ANTS, dh es US CLEAR Soc, HENS Li SOCKS -- 4 srrespererrni wie? FAIRS 89c. UNC * MEN'S IVR PH ress ae J 49c. - ANNO BR oe MEN'S KNITTED PULLOVERS .. +. TO CLEAR $2 25 Opening ofthe New Associate Store [ta I WA. at reduce ces, : BROCK ST., UXBRIDGE : LADIES' DRESSES, Good YOlUG ii undiprsssis. rere $2.49 LADIES' COTTON STOCKINGS, good vaine ty 1 pairs 99c. Your local representative of the largest LADIES' NYLON HOSE,' SPECIAL,..... PY LP 2 pairs $2.29 Automotive Store in the World ; JADIES MLL BLOOMuRS, to clea at'... it soe : / TA i LADIES' O ood Value, to clear ..................... }.. "+... FEATURING . gd %: 'LADIES' SPORT SHOES, to clear at reduced prices, "oh : . : i ALL WOOL SWEA to clear at .................. Moto Master Parts and Accessories, Mor-Power 3 LADIES' SILK SLIPS, to BEE ; fia Lo i 99 : t i CHILDREN'S and § 0 clear at reduced prices. Baiievies, Tools, Motor: Maaler Oils und CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR, (0 clear at { reduced prices. : Lubricants, Super-Lastic Tires BOYS' REAL GOOD PANTS .....cccovvonvicvieniiverenennnnnn 82.26 SPORTING GOODS and THE SENSATIONAL NEW BOYS' SWEATERS, 0 clear at .............oocvvris 69€ We have a good selection of "PRINTS, BEDSPREADS, NATIONAL MILKING MACHINES TOWELS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, TABLE CLOTHS, to clear at reduced prices. : SAVE SAF ELY = % Sale starts on Thursday, July 27th and continues until PHONE CANADIAN TIRE CORP. BRUCE FOOTE Saturday August 5th. Don't Miss These Bargains. Propietor ALIX. GILBOORD PORT PERRY 7 LIAR em (Nk AA ET A PH SA SAAN ni ; LOG CABIN SIDING : : 6 inch Pine Ng Epsom Parsonage, R.R.4, Uxbridge, Poy > 5% 10 [4am and as it held off until afternoon did | : . : > Miss Phyllis Askney and Miss Max- not spoil the attendance at the vaca- Auction Sale ine Parish left last week to enjoy a tion Bible Sehoool held. in - Epsom holiday in Florida and Cuba. Sluirch, Everything was in readiness | | 40 REG.-HOLSTEIN-- CATTLE; EE and "Mr. Kaill, B.A., deserves much Horses, Pigs; Ford Tractor and Im. Mrs. Luther Luke, Leaskdale, spent | credit for his untiring efforts. He plements, the estate of the late H. W. | Sunday with Mrs. P. Luke. certainly did not spare himself We Baxter, Lot 15, Con. 3, Brock, 1 mile LC. . i hope his efforts will be rewarded. Jan exhibition of French' - Canadian who make up their minds to take it | p's; hing your friends with you, and get the best choice--you | [tess 'Mountbatten, Lady Alexander, 4Mrs, Ray Lawson, wife of Ontario's less way 'the Hoover Polisher glides along . . . when you rye a. a hi RAN 2a Da F. W. Brock and Son MEN'S SLACKS, bs $9.75 and $10. 15. GABARDINE, GREY OR BROWN. Altered to Suit. SLACK SUITS Special $12.50 "GREY or BROWN | MEN'S "T" SHIRTS . $28 - Monarch Knit in nice patterns and colours MEN'SSWEATERS =... ney Wag $5. 95 ~ With Zippers, Monarch, Combina tion Colors A ob 'GIRLS' JEANS and PEDDLE PUSHERS $298 REGULAR $3. 49 'LADIES JEANS, Blue Demium $3.5 CARRUGS, all wool . . . . pes $8.85 WOOL BLANKETS . .. . --... . pair $22.50 7 1bs-to the pair. Rainbow Edge. =~ - WOOL BLANKETS . . . ++... Each $11.25 Satin Bound. LADIES' SUMMER SHOES . . . . 25 per cent off BROKEN LINES ~ KNITTING WOOL A ---- "NYLON; All Colours gg Rf BEE HIVE BABY WOOL i 43c. oz. 3 SE GROCERIES |) VINEGAR 6%. CHERRIES . Market Price ne SUGAR, 100 Ibs. $975 BANANAS 19c. 1b. F. W. BROCK and SON PORT PERRY - PHONE 43 i FRAT: RNAS UFO AAL 2 = : Exhibition News WOMEN'S DIVISION-- CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION ve. CER For' the first time in CNE records, a the wife of the country's Prime Min- ya ister will officiate at opening day £7 f ceremonies. Madame Louis -St. Lau- \ di rent will accompany the Prime" Min-. Hoover POLISHER (Produced. by the manufacturers of the famous line of . Hoover Cleaners), ister who is to officially open the ex- hibition,, she to take part in first day activities of the women's division. Women's director, Mrs. Kate Ait- ken, hag announced that Madame St. Laurent will be guest of honor at the opening day women's luncheon, open handicrafts, turn the key in the door of the CNE's model Halliday Home and then receive the first ticket on this give-away home to be duplicated anywhere in Canada for the winner of a lucky draw. Also during her busy day, believed her first to the CNE, Madame 8t. Laurent will meet the artists, design- ers and craftsmen responsible for the building of the 1950 Women's W orld and its many exhibits, including some of those on the ground floor of the|- Coliseum which this year for the 1st time come .under the Women's bi- vision. As is the tradition at all opening day* women's luncheons--the wife of the Prime Minister, as the first lady i of the day, will be presented with a ' ) ; . on Maple Leaf pin of brilliants similar . And, lady, just how easy it is simply can't be told. You |to those iven to Princess' Alice, Coun- 2 Si 8 have to sce for yourself. When you feel the smooth, effort- Lieutenant-Governor and others. : ; p fi examine its many exclusive features designed (0 make Two other narried Canadian Prime Ministers -- Sir Wilfred Laurier in polishing more of a pleasure (built-in headlight; new type 1901 and Sir Robert Borden in 1913. clip-on plug; lack of vibration; two methods of storage), have officiated at CNE opening day ceremonies but no record has heen then, lady, you just won't be h happy until you own a new kept as to whether they were accom- panied by their wives, 'Hoover Polisher. adds life and sparkle ROBERTSON ELECTRIC TCU [PORT PERRY PHONE 179W

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