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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Aug 1950, p. 5

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4 sa Ey Y Cem FS yr y CTT ADS ATTENTION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 Toronto, Adelaide 8636 " SORBON, YOUNG LTD. DEAD. or CRIPFLED otock Tenioved free of charge. - 1 hour service, High. est prices paid for old horses. ¥ Phone Collect "MARGWILL FUR FARM . Phohe. 2679. - Bowmanville oct1g, uf. Custom Combining Custom Combining with the Allis- Chalmers All- -Crop Harvester, - UX-SPRING FARMS Jof car. UXBRIDGE ONTARIO EE } Phones Uxbridge 245 or 258 Phone 320-r-23 - Port Perry aug 17 - GENERAL CARPENTRY Repairs and Re-modelling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. Free Estimates ROY KENDELL, Phone 284M Port Perry. ~ BRAY STARTED CHICKS, Pullets 'and some mixed--prompt shipment. Chicks for later delivery Order now. Particulars from agent--A, R. Gray, R.R. 2, Port Perry. PAINTING AND DECORATING REPAIR CONTRACTING. "such as roofing done alate immediately PHONE UXBRIDGE 102 r 41 Ledve message for H. SHORT. FOR SALE--Used Hécla Patented fused joint hot air furnace, 19 inch fire pot. FOR SALE -- Electric Hot Water Radiator; Electric Toaster; Copper Boiler, Write box 21, Port Perry Star. '| section of Mr. -| class condition. "control, in good working condition. -- Phone 278W |" SPECIAL=NOTICE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE AND FINANCE Private or Dealer Sales, We' can savé you money. Inquire now. A.C. HEAYN . INSURANCE AGENT PORT PERRY 174 r4 Ray 'Hobbs 'Has rented the repair shop cKenzie's Gar- age (formerly known as Man- chester Garage). Mr, Hobbs has been working in the garage as a mechanic for J the past year, This garage is equipped to handle all repairs to any make SIDING LOG CABIN SIDING 6 inch Pine ; 10c. per Lineal Foot AJAX LUMBER CO. Whitby, Ont. Phone 2197 auglo NEW HONEY No. 1 White and Light Amber at 26c. Ib. 8. Starr on 'Avenue, op- posite Oshawa Road Apple booth. augl? FOR SALE Cockahutl, 2 furrow riding plow, Ontario foot lift, in first Apply Ross Hallett, Sonya, - Aug.24 FOR SALE-- Rangette with oven Phone 330J, Port Perry LOST--' Telescoping fishing pole, green, Inglis Shakespeare Reel & line with green and white float. Please return and receive reward to Bird- seye Centre, " CAR FOR SALE--1929 Buick Se- dan, good tires, would make a good buckrake, $75.00. Apply J Winters, R. R. 8 Port Perry. - FOR SALE--Electric Washing Ma- chine, rebuilt, Apply to Machine Shop; Stan: Causley Prop., Port Ferry. WANTED TO RENT -- A Young Couple 'With year old child- urgently require a house or appartment in Port Perry. Phone 194-r-11 P. Perry ~ WANTED--VWill pay cash for used hay-wagon, steel or rubber, also' bob sleighs, Star, WANTED -- Refined elderly Jody for light house-keeping. Apply Box ~ 30, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE--Round extention table, 5 chairs, wooden tub washing machine | in working condition, fur car robe, -and adjustible screens. Phone 180w. STRAYED--to the premises of lve Williams, R.R. 1, Port Perry, a white and tan hound with tan ears. Owner can haye same by paying expenses. APPLES FOR SALE _ Duchess and Yellow Transparent, Wholesale price. Local Delivery. Phone 317W. H. Pallock, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Two-Wheel Trailer in good condition, 7 ft. box. with stock rack, 6.60 x 16 tires. Apply to W. Lamb, Port Perry, Phone 109 r 12; LOST -- Wednesday afternoon on Queen street, vicinity of Scotty's Fish and Chips, girl's (8 year .old) nylon Ei also slip. Jefford, phone 210R Notice to Creditors In the Estate of Katherine Elizabeth MacPhail, Deceased. girs All persons having claims against the * Estate of Katherine Elizabeth MacPhail, late of the village of 'Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, . Spinster, who died on or about the . 81st day .of July, A.D. 1950. ° 22nd day of June, 1950, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 31st day of August, 1950, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after thq said date the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims "of which he shall then have notica.. 'DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C, 'Box 181. Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. . aug 24 Apply Box: 26, Port Perry] = | search for the Liquor Control Board, he ference, and the reports by Mr, Archi- CUSTOM SILO FILLING ~ With the Allis-Chalmers Ensilage Harvester and Blower Box. - We have Power Unloading Wagons to deliver the corn from the harvester to the blower with no manual labour. Ux-Spring Farms Limited, Sept.7 Uxbridge, Ont. WANTED--Girl to work in Store, steady 'work. Apply by letter, stat- ing -experience (if any) and salary expected. "Apply Box 17, Port Perry Star. FOR SALE-- WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS. Apply W. A. Willis, RR. No. 1, Port Perry, one mile north of Manchester Highway No. 12-7, -= FOR CUSTOM COMBINING . Call ~ STAN; GERROW Phone 316 Port Perry tf. WANTED--By a lady at once, a small house or apartment in Port Perry, to rent or buy. Call 67 r 1-3, Port Perry. : . ! Liquor Control Board Ontario will be represented at the First International Conference on Al- cohol and Traffic starting August 30 in Stockholm, Sweden, Col. Arthur |, Welsh, Ontario Liquor Commissioner, | i announced. CH. D. Archibald, Director of Re- and Dr. Ward Smith, Research Asso- ciate at the University of Toronto's Department of Pharmacology, will leave for Sweden this week under the auspices of -the LCBO, Col. Welsh | - said." "They will bring back the most. re- cent scientific findings on the- pro- blems_of 'alcohol and traffic, and the approach of other countries to these problems," he said. "This conference is timely because of similar work now being done in co- operation. with the Ontario Depart- ment of Highways, the University of Toronto, the Toronto Police Force and other agencies concerned with the problem of aleohol and traffic acei- dents." The medical, legal and educational |- aspects will be discussed at the 'Con- banld and Dr, Smith will be of impor- tant assistance to all efforts in On- tario to deal with his most difficult problem, Col. Welsh saidi. | & Dohme, Inc.", faite EL TAR Pil A LY FDS Ne rh Sad Me sda n papi liad rowed , i bard WR Date: extended to F Plans and specifications may signed. A deposit of $256.00 refunded upon the return of - Plans: and - specifications COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PORT PERRY, ONT. x TENDERS FOR MECHANICAL SERVICES Tenders clearly marked as to contents will be: received by the undersigned until 12 noon (D. ST), for the supply and installation of mechanical services, in- cluding: Plumbing, Heating, Electrical & Ventilating, for the above hospital, Nurses Residence and a Boiler house. * Builders' lixchange, Bay Street, Toronto, ~ Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted." Herbert Brooks, Chairman, Hospital Board, Community Memorial Hospital; ri., August 25, 1950 be obtained from the under- will be required and will be the plans and specifications. are -also on display at the Port Perry, Ontario. Americans fo Lecture at 'A number of American specialists will be guest lecturers at the joint convention: of the Canadian Veterin- ary Medical Association and of the College of Veterinary Surgeons of the Frovince of Quebec, which will be held at the Windsor Hotel, in Mont- real, on Sept. 7, 8 and 9 next. Among them will be Dr, S. I. Scheidy, Veterinary Medical Director, Medical Research Division of "Sharp _Glenolden, Pa,,_ who. will speak of recent 'advances in vet- erinary chemotherapy; Dr. Scheidy has perfected a dry vaccine against brucellosis, a severe disease _affect- ing both animals and men; this par- ticular vaccine, which can be, as to its applications, compared to the I. C. G. given to human beings again- st tuberculosis, is dessicated and pies- sure frozen which-enables it to stay virulent as long 'as it is kept dry. Dr. Gerry B. Schnelle, Acting Chief of Staff of the Angell Memorial Ani- mal Hospital, in Boston, Mass., will also be among those presenting pa- pers; an expert in animal radiology, he has chosen as_topic the latest re- search in veterinarian radiophoto- graphy and radiotherapy. One of the best known American specialists on public hygiene, Dr: Willard H, Wright, of Bethesda, Md., will also deliver a talk during the convention; Dr. Wright, who is Scientific Director of the National Institutes of Health, will speak-of the relations between public health and veterinarians in the world. Three European scientists, Dr. Gas- ton Ramon, discoverer 'of anatoxins, Professor 'Henri Simonnet, Doctor of Science of the University of Paris, and Professor C. Bressou, Director of. the Ecole Nationale Veterinaire d'Al- fort, France, as well as a score of Veterinary Meeting; J. M. Veilleux, Both groups will hold banquets, one of 'which will be offered by the College to its guests from other Canadian Provinces and from the neighboring country. The guests of honor at the conven- tion will be: His Worship the Mayor of Montreal, Mr. Camillien Houde, the representative of the Prime Min- isters of Canada and of the Province of Quebec, Dr.. W. M. Coffee, Presi- dent of the American Veterinarian Medical Association, Dr. 'T. Childs, Veterinary Director General of Cana- da, Dr." Charles A. Mitchell, Director of the Animal Diseases, Research In- stitute, the representatives of the Fe- deral and Provincial Departments of Agriculture and Drs. Gustave _La- respectively of the Province of Que- bec School of Veterinary Medicine, in St. Hyacinthe, and of the Ontario Vet- erinary College in Guelph. in West More than 70 thousand head of livestock owned by 6% thousand farmers were pactured on nearly 1% million acres of community pastures bilitation Administration in Saskatch- ewan and Manitoba during the fiscal "year ending March 31st, 1950, accord- ing to recent figures released by the Departntent of Agriculture. The development of community pas- tures is a program designed by the P.F.R.A. to permanently restore lands unsuited for grain production to a grass cconomy for livestock produc- tion. Lands so enclosed are subject to a program of reclamation and pas- ture improvement and are organized in such a way as to benefit the live- stock industry, andthe farmers-living| on lands adjacent to these pastures. "Started in 1938, the community pas- Canadian specialists will also give lectures, : There will be two business méet- ings during the convention, one of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Associa- tion under the chairmanship of Dr. C..E. Johnston, and the other of the College of Veterinary Surgeons of the run-down abandoned farm land to a ture program has already brought back 150 thousand acres of weedy, productive condition through artifi- cial reseeding--and careful manage- ment practices. . The principal grass used for seeding is crested wheat grass, though brome and othér grass have been used where sufficient mois- ture is available. Since its inception, belle and A; L. MacNabb, Director | Community Pasture operated by the Prairie Farm Reha-| % pasture breeding scivice iii. REIL AS << 10. 11. 'Some Market Tips for the Thrifty Shopper. Some items at Old Prices which will be higher when our present stock is sold. ALL KNITTING WOOLS + MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR . WOOL SWEATERS. MEN'S and BOYS* HEAVY WINDBREAKERS IBEX BLANKETS, Grey ¥ MEN'S WOOL SOCKS SEVERAL SNOW SUITS. RUBBER FOOTWEAR, Com . YOUNG MEN'S SUITS, 6 BOYS' ONE and Two PANT SUITS. WALLPAPERS Ladies' Summer Dresses ~ Summer Shoes - Broken Lines 25 Per Cent Discount plete Stock. only. TIES, Gracia Shoes for Ladies OXFORDS, PUMPS, in fine fitting health shoes. Co S95 505 S108 £ 1 : . VINEGAR ede. gal BASKET FRUITS -- Phone us your pi Boi nedium, oT a "order. Price and Quality guaran- small, $1.39- teed. F. W. BROCK and SON PORT PERRY Wi. EA a NE lc vei PHONE 43 81 community pastures have been established on submarginal land and organized into H4 separate operating units under local Grazing Associa- tions. i CN Numerous pasture services were ex- tended to pastureé- patrons to safe- guard their interests and to maintain a high standard of production and ef- ficiency on community pastu A g 400 purebred beef type sires has resulted in considerable improvement in the quality and weight of market cattle since the service was started. Other 'pasture services such as control of diseases and inscets, dehorning, marketing, movement of cattle and in- surance services have been of benefit to pasture patrons. Lack. of adequate water supplies on the community pastures has been Province of Quebec, presided by" Dr. . TRI-COUNTY LEAGUE PLAY-OFFS BASEB/ "SUTTON versus F ri., Aug. 18th PORT PERRY "6.30 p.m. AL At the Fair Grounds Be "Admission 25c. on hand to give the your support. ys overcome by the P.F.R.A. by the de- velopment of 800 stock watering dams, dugouts and wells," Previously | it was found that arcas--close to water were often overgrazed while more re- mote locations were under utilized. Today more than tivice the number of stock can now be grazed as compared | with 1938. 'Pasture fees for cattle are '50 cents per month, 75 cents for | horses and 7 cents for sheep, with the breeding fee set at $2.00 per cow. I SH @------ U. K. Television Equipment for Canada Marconi's of Chelmsford; East Eng., have announced a $180,000 order for two mobile television "stations. The order, which comes from the Canadian -Broadecasting Corporation, follows a contract placed a few weeks ago to equip two studios in Toronto and two in Montreal. The second order means that Britain will be supplying the en- tire studio and outside broadcasting TV equipment to start a Canadian television service. BE PREPARED FOR HOSPITALITY WITH Lili Blue Grass Seed Production, 1950 Canada bluegrass seed production in 1950 is placed at 150 thousand Ibs of clean seed, according to prelimin- ary estimates issued by Canada De- partment of Agriculture's Production | Service, Ottawa. This figure is es- timated to be 60 per cent of the 1949 | crop and 47 per cent of the long time 13 year average, Practically all production of Cana- da blue grass sced is in the Niagara district of Ontario. This year's de- creased production is largely attribut- able to the cool, backward spring which resulted in a delayed growth with shoxit seed heads. Carryover figures indicate considerably less in dealers hands than average and pos sibly below that of 1949. - py - i cleaned Kentucky blue 'all the commercial crop is green seed in this area. More than-one million pounds o. grass seed is i expected from the 1950 erop, which { would be nine times the small crap! harvested last year and more than i four times the cig year average fig- ure, Growers in the Interlakes district north of Winnipeg, Manitoba, wheve produced are reported to have been offered 41;. to H cents per pound, believed to he the highest price. ever offered for - Harvesting weather has been good, but any marsh areas were too wet to be «c- cessible to strippers and combines. Incomplete returns indicate that the carryover of Kentucky blue grass seed as of June 30, 1950, was about normal. Impor ts into Cannda from the United States during this same per- iod amounted to nearly 710 thousand pounds, the largest on record. Pro- duction of Kentucky blue grass seed in that country has been estimated by _the United States - Department-of-Agri--- i culture as about 20% million pounds, { compared with 23'% million pounds last Year and growers in Kentuck are repor ted to be getting 5% cents per pound, C. B. C. GEOFF. WADDINGTON CBC Conductor - ATTENTION FARMERS NOW IS YOUR C HANCE TO REPAIR THAT BROKEN WIRE FENCE CHEAPLY--PRICES HAVE ADVANCED BUT WE HAVE RODS AND RODS OF WIRE FENCING "SELLING AT THE OLD PRICE. WE WILL DELIVER FREE OF CHARGE ON : ANY SALE OF WIRE FENCE; 0. J. Boe, Seagrave General Store PHONE PORT PERRY 86-r-11 1 | g . | 1 t y « 1 | 4 i erm A Te tt ME EL" a Eat mt gt i Le tor y : a ug ef NA Ww, ls . wl 1 jh >a: wd ol | -. - 2 oy 3 a 4 ST -- ENT mV SS a " To pan -- on a rr a yg = a RTI '

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