ARS the N.Y PATEL a SA) Ai Nh A. Some Stolen Kisses, stly and Otherwise A kiss can give more pain than $ land --] In 1837 he brought an found out. , this involves more or less of the ban_public kissing and a Kiss often curse of Adam, which is to say hard results in a fine. For one Austral- Horsewhip and Sermon Just as the kids start counting the the iniquity of kissing! when in a barber's shop in North America, the Duke was just rising from the chair when the barber's wife, a comely woman, looked in. fact that. they probably work far -"harder in that scarch than they éver did on the farm has, of course, th the casc. general "in the service of Turkey, while a subaltern in the British army, yielded to a sudden iin-- package. It's ray E, : the plow pictured above, being examined by Mur- Lincoln, right, president of the Cooperative League, and x Wallace Campbell, a league director, at CARE, headquarters. All other portions of the Province will be closed for deer hunting unless "subsequent regulations are Challenge Cup -- better known to millions as simply "The Cup" which represents; in the Old Country, the amateur and professional, and for lished in connection with the Ase: had been rejected for various rea- sons, but chiefly because they had not' been recommended by their county associations. The, entrants Classified Advertising... ACCOUNTING x -- MEDICAL ig-- amt smatl; least £30,000. | . * J * sport, The Football Assaciation challenge cup' should be estab- sociation, for which all clubs are only 60 clubs in membership with. * * "¥ - "Difficulties of travel Mere acute in those days and few of the BOOKKEEPING & ACCOUNTING BER- VICE. Irving N, Shoom, 77 Victoria St, your spare time. Write RODDA* ENTER- ~ PRISES, 14 Walqut Avenue, Long Branch, * Your druggist sells Cress. Belin realier Coral a them each successive step . along Toronto. NURSERY BTOCK ns aroline- ewton -- : ; 7 - for biting his nose when he on ie 3 : Hie golden path ta Wembley AUENTS WANTED HARDY duns, Raster PIA bod As a rule this column deals with means a boost - up of income. By OILS, GREASES, TIRES, Batteries, 1.40 Rade Lak P nd Pioneer Black 10 kiss her, He got no. comfort what I might call the more sober 'the fime the final has been decid- Paints, Electric Motors, Stoves, Radios, . i NL 3 for 31.00, 8. Frisley, from the judge, who ruled that aspects of farming--hints and ad-- ed it is reckoned that-- around Refrigerators, ant Frevsers and fein Huntsville, Ont. : . hens 8 man Kisses s woman 363 | vile on how fa do this and thay |. £500,000 wil have made its wy | Filet sc eaters winteh, Wel: War. | WESEIVE NOW for all pli Fast nst her will she is fully entitled on how to increase production or into 'the coffers of the competing co.Grease and Oil Ltd., Toronto. So when shipped, Planted one foot 5 to bits Ws Jose ¥ sh 30 Flenses" avoid losses. But practically all of +| + clubs, The . winner "receives. at MEN and. women earn $50 per week In apart: 25 for $3.98. Glant Exhibition Georgeous assorted colours, large Darwin work. 'But, 'as thé old:time¢ vome- "The ational okey ub chub: VF aud alorekcersrs wahted fo 2¢l Apple Trees, McIntosh, Spy, or Delicious EAE, : ¥ PY, " 13 0 A A hod roy oe. = : -ft, high, 3 for $1.98. Free "coloured ie ian it didn't stop there. Yielding dian used to say, "Ioday the pro- tition today rates as one of the Be Udall, Jaalle, ancien, Writy 10; 2a. Dib, with every order. Brookdale" a the fascination of a pretty face, gram is going to be different." 'greatest money spinners in British zéal, Quebec. : ¢ Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville. ie kissed the owner. 5 : * * * : : : + BABY CHICKS OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN chicken house, all fin perfect condition. Hydro throughout, pjus water pumped Into all buildings from "deep well. All build- ings rodded and new metal roofs on out- " bulldinga, Some bush and small stream. : HE was tk + : HO ier ' itself nets less than £10,000 an- BROILER CHICKS, day old chicks, start. "- BE A HAIRDRESSER r : He¢ was ta en before the magis- days" till Christmas along about nually from it, but if--it had not ed chicks and turkeys, Older pullets 12 JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL : trates and: heavily fined. © "Then December "1st, there are thousands been for the passing of a simply Yeeks to laying. Tweddly Chick Hatcherles Great Seportuaity, Learn : 3 the fun started. + The girl's brothers . | of farmers who, all through the worded 'resolution by the pioneer Limited, Fergus, Ontatlo. : Pleasant dignified profession, good wages - horsewhipped_ him; his wife wor- labor of harvest are looking for- i) members of that now very influ- DYEING ANI) CLEANING ¢ | Thousands of succetaful Mareel sraduaies d bik A 3 . . : . R - . ATF; 's Greates m .. © ried him into a brain fever, and the .ward, almost as eagerly, to THEIR ential body there might never |- HAVE ou apy thing heeds dyeing of slop Aetic # Greateat Byala clergyman of the parish made the big day. That day, naturally, is --have been such a competition. are glad to answer your questions. De. i agp rite gr Call SCHOOLS indictment a text for a sermon on the one when--with the crops all * x... % partment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, MARVEL 358 Bloor St, W., Toronto safely sold 'or stored--they dig out "It happened on a hot July aft- 71 Yonge Strest, Toronto, Ouiarigar Brariches: The cost of a kiss to the Duke |* the battered old hunting togs,. oil «noon in 'London in the year FARMS BOR" SALE 3 EE ty amin : of Clarence who later became Wil- up the trusty shotgun or rifle, and : ! 1871. The resolution agreed to .| #15,000.00. LOVELY 100-acre Farm In : Tn, liam IV was a sore seat Once set off in search of game. and the © Plow Wi S : - 3 3 "That it-3s.. desirabl ) Durham County, 'between Port Hope and PATENTS +, ; : scat. . w With Care--Something new has been added to the CARE was, hat it is desirable that a Rica Lake. Brick house, large barns, FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Pa- tent Solicitors, Established 1890, 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Informa- tion on request. 3 nothing to do wi . : A a H] ; 4 : invited to compete." REST HOMES. 1 William ~ kisse hr X29 do wih the Being sent to India, Pakistan and Ceylon, the CARE plow is rs A clean, prosperous farm for immediate, VERRY comforiabie accommodation. Rest, illiam ~ kissed her heartily and . 2 . : y Avg . ) . : possession. Terms, Write for full detalls. a a Naas said, "There! Now tell your coun- So here follows certain informa- ay casily assembled, single-wheel implement weighing 15 pounds "At that tim¢ there were about nearions? N.g- i yn HOPE Mothers, oy treatments for Arthritis, fry - women that the son of the tion which, to the uninitiated will ete. Box 906, Newmarket, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL colored plastics. Sturdy gold- plated points. "Smooth writing, Guar- anteed one year, Matching pencils 50c, 4 5 pi : : 3 : " . : : : Vist ry 140-ACRE, sandy loam farm, } mile west . King of England has given a royal look. like a mere list of dates but No. 69 Highway), and the counties : the Association, _ which. had been of Dunnville. on No. 3 a 105 SALESMAN WANTED kiss. to a .Yankce barber's wife." which, to the hunter, will be of keen of. Carléton, Dundas, Frontenac 1 « formed to control the increasingly acres sultivated land, #5 acres bush; 11- MARRIED SALESMAN (0 sell ager Her husband seized him by the interest. And this information, as (except Howe Island) Glengary, vopular non - handling code of foom frame. héure, new. double gurage, Stock. Established and reputable Nurs- ds ( y rn ) VE ; pep . mg a 36'x60¢, hip barn, henhouse, drive: shed, ery Company. We train you. Pay highest shoulders, kicked him out of the released by the authorities, starts Grenville, Haliburton, that portion football, and it was considered [| woodshed, all in good condition: 2 water commissions, - Our men earn big money. sho i "Now vc i CWS i io - Hastings north of No. High- - ; i satisfz : y wells, 1 gas well, 50 trees in orchard, Several openings In Ontario. Full time shop, shouting," "Now you can off, yeh the news that in Ontario of ast oe 7 | nl 7 8 : highly satisfactory that as "many electricity ahd gas In house. Good site for peviral Spe A a at tree go and. tell your countrywomen that there's no open season for MOOSE, way, Lanark, Lec S, Lennox anc A Swarr CR as 15 entered for the inaugural cabins, store, etc. Apply Steve Kuchta, ences. Write Toronto York Nursery Com- -- a Yankee barber has given a royal +f which is hardly news. As for DEER, | Addington, that portion of Ontario a cup competition. Later three R.R. 5, Dunnville. : pany, 159 'Bay St.. Toronto. kick to the son of the King of here's the dope. north of and including Thorah . . withdrew and the entry from EXCELLENT farms available, varicus ) » ; H Pete P Cc It hs al -seemed ratl - wire \ x fA sizes, in first class dairying and mixed : STAMPS ¥uogland. township, cterborough, rescott, - t has always -scemed rather a Scotland, 'that of Qucen's Park. Foy Qistri ! i : peep we pl Renf = R RT S Vic ity 1 s that we Canadian 1 ' 3 A arming strict, convenient to Ottawa, 100 WORLDWIDE--all different. 25c. to i i enirew, Russell, Stormont, Vic: pity to us that we a 5 do Glasgow, was allowed to make its |_ also commercial properties. W, C. Mac approval applicants. Old Canadian stamps allway Train Lapse e g 3 , = | Valgtine Baker, who in the toria, not have, in hockey, something that appearance as late as one of the Donald, Winchester: Ont. bought. Linde, R.R. 1, York Mills, Ontario. . * ', * - > : 4 . > i > last rnd became a famous * resembles the Football Association semifinals. FOR SALE WANTED Main, approxi- Apply Bogden & Walk- WANTED--Used Water . mately 6500 feet 8', Gross Furniture Company Limited, erton, Ontario, Phone 160. CRESS CORN SALVE--for sure relied Paeonles, red, white or pink, 3 for $1.89. . Tulip Bulbs--25 for $1.79 or 100 for $6.95, . 2 . § ce Ls hi rare) 3s wav womulgated. most coveted honor to be won in | inci 5 We repair all makes ol fountain pens-- pulse while travelling in a railway promulg . . : SClor: Racitah ; provincial clubs could. afford the send yours for estimate. The Pen Shop, ee COTY TiN carriage and kissed a strange girl, . 3 5 i dE time or the expense of a journey 31 Ouellette Avenue, Windsor, Ontario. ET » She reported the incident to his Now for the feathered game; and . i : to [London for 90 minutes foot- AT EAST STAR FARM, Renfrew. Upper Fie J Itchin ol superior officers and Baker lost his here are' the open seasons in On- Here, if a hockey player! chooses ball. It was. rot surprising, there: Ottawa Commercial Auction. 100 head 9 h . an z fz : ivr : birds--; ates | to remain an amateur -- or is for- . Pa of Registered and Grade Holsteins, 30 : : Le fi 3 commission. : tario for migratory birds--all dates Potnan) p fore, that by far the majority of Registered and Grade Cows, Milkers and Rar . A young man of Massachusetts g . being inclusive. ccc Yh Emin to do so -- the entries in the first "decade of JpHnkida) 30 Registered Yearling Heifers; 0es an 1] H ee a 1 i i H 9 » * * 3 3 4) ver - ye 0 Registered Holstein Heifer Calves; 10... --8-G ~ a HE RS offered a girl a lift in his car; she October 2nd to November 25th: J he knows that he will never. have I -- > : the competition" were from the a Ducks, Geese, Coots, Gallinules The man who took. his girl for a ride on the pillion of his motor- cycle-was an even worse case, They he South of (above) and north of a line west from the Quebec bound- sary at the south-cast angle of Bre- Renfrew and Carlton Counties, thence along this boundary to the intersection of the Quebec boun- dary in the Ottawa River. and in- Cup." That is to say, doing so is able. at least dream of playing for "The" a possibility, even if not at all prob- SALY'S SALLIES CORN EQUIPMENT ONE 24 International Mounted Corn Picker in good condition, J. C. Jarvis, R. 1, Freeman, Ont. Phone Burlington 5914, w._uratcfully accepted, On the way _ North of the northern-most. east} s : 2 ie a_chance-to-match his muscles and -- London area. And the winners, rin ils Bois Ts rt -Here is a clean, stainless antiseptic el ©. 7 he tried to kiss her. She showed west line of the Canadian National and Rails--North and west of the skill with those of the top-ranking vith the exception of Oxford: | GENERAL STORE with dwelling attached, find he go flonan tlds fn her feelings by jabbing him in the Railway from the Quebec boundary line of the Canadian National Rail- FpsiLs. | He Facts te hel Deyer University in 1874, were always tome aT. Roti e Coie ent Jaca. used. : ribs, andthe next thing he knew | to the Manitoba houndary. way from Parry Sound through 2 out there battling or the Stans London teams until 1883 when '| FoR SALEFifty Acres chofes land. Dum Ha ASUI0 ln So; Doverially Peneiratink was that his .car had wrapped it- + * * Scotia, Golden Lake, Renfrew and ley Cup. But across th: pond Blackburn Olympic took the Line Fourty ay Chesterville, Sond _a short time you. are rid of that bother- ' self round a tree, October 16th to November 25th: Arnprior to the boundary between even the lowliest simon-pure can trophy north for the first time. a thu nes, Hruce. Barkley, some, flery torture. The same Is true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Eczema--other jrritating unsightly skin troubles, You can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil in store. It is safe to use--and failure in the original"-bottle at any modern drug . stopped at some traffic lights; turned in his seat and they kissed. Then everything went wrong. They ~ thour township to Highways No. 11 at the south boundary of Hilliard tovinship, * « . ~ cluding Manitoulin ~ District--Sep- 3 tember 14 to November 7. north along Highway * ¥ * MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davidson. New and used, bought, sold, exchanged, Large any of these ailments Is rare indeed. >" o- So many Canadians, when talking line of the Canadian National Rail- way along the road to Westree, - south along the line of the Cana- also Guns, Motors 3 iy old iti "get Mii stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. Ate- y : crashed into the traffic lights, were No..11 to Englehart, west to the > N . } . Jo British Soccer, get mixed 7 up pairs by factory-trained mechanics, Bl- : : ta ~hgie nari, South and East of the above line between the various divisions and 1 cycles, and complete line of wheel goods, .. [1] 34 V(1]1]}] 1 [M1] ]4 Boats and Johnson . Outboard *' leagues, and so confuse their games gucs, a games Open évenings- until --Octoher 7 to November 30. Agu : with "those played for "The Cup," nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports, King Stop 0 4 ! that the following information . =. at Sanford, Hamilton. 5 dian National Railway to the west taken from an article written by |[- ALUMINUM ROOFING boundary of Beulah township, south . Sydney Skilion might be of some Immediate shipment--.016" thick In 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 foot lengths. Prices delivered to IN NOVEMBER ? to the north-east angle of Ciscaden. : x OH 2 interest. Mr. Skilton was writing ; Ontario points on applicafion. For estim- ownship, wes 0 the north-wes before the C fir o i ates. samples, literature, etc., write: -- le of township 120. soutl the Lup 6st romid had been Ali A. C. LESLIE & CO., LIMITED angie ol township » south : to rlayed a couple of weeks or i sO ! 130 COMMISSIONERS STREET t TORONTO 2, ONTARIO * 1 NEW ROOFING ~, ALUMINUM CORRUGATED 26"'x6'--8'--10'--12' Price--$7.50 per mq. the south-west angle--of township 120, west to the Little White -River at the south boundary of township 169, north along the east branch ago. + «x "The first. dozen of England's ; the c: Tl soccer clubs that. inspire to win entify ourselves? Why. my SUM A 3 : : So . . Suki rao ven: ; : ALUMINUM 'RIBBED .of the Little White River, Kindio that magnetic piece of silver husband has- just received a let- 26"'x6'--7"--8'--9'--10' Price $8.50 per sq. i Snow drifts around your-farm-build- -- ings and roadways need no longer - . stop the flow of ready cash to farm "homes. : i Read how the wonder Berger Sno- gami River, Lake Kindioganri and the west boundaries of townships : ih and (Au by ihe Borin make Geese in Essex County Only of township 45, wes D:the Sou November 7 to December 31. west "angle of township SF, ship a ---ter-from the President and here it is." kon as the Foptball Association Challenge Cup start off on the trail that leads to it at Wembley - today, Sept. 2. There, at the na- Orders shipped Immediately, BEECHWOOD MACHINERY LTD, 10 Beechwood Ave. - Ottasva, Ong, "GUNS--SUPPLIES--REPAIRS | 4-352% "During these ycars the stand- } ] * * tional sqccer shrine on April 28, 1 of fessional' ok had. be The greatest supply of guns and ammuni- Blo, easily att hed to your tractor, --7F;-and west to Lake Superior at Woodcock-- October 2 to Nov "| 1951, nearly 100,000 roaring fans ard ol pro essfonal pay. aad b Hy tion gathered under one roof--the latest plows through deepest drifts. and the south-west angles of block 29, ember 8 = "will 'watch the final two. of 'more advancing steadily and in 1s tesiens, in en, e! 2 blows snow where after-effects of range 15. Ye. Ay % than - 600 protagonists decide "| thie cup passed into the psserion Order your, tall catalo Ne c today. slush and mud are minimized. -- * * * ) : " r 2 ai SR . of a club operating * with aid - | Modern Gun Shop, Dept. "L*, 3006 Dan. re # 3 : Wilson's Snipe--October 2 to- No- which shall carry away in tri- A i Sir I | a 5 iD forth Ave. East, Toronto, -- oe - November 1st to November 25th: vember 1 umph the trophy handed-over--by--{-- Iz : mce then the mer. : ------ a --South--of--(6)--and--north--of the : RE * he oe a ERR a ey i s been a professional |. MEDICAL. 2 : b,L fii Mie ib SN IAI RL BR 1 the King. Mattawa River, Lake Nipissing, + + + French River and the-north shore of Georgian Bay and the North side and usually one from the first division of the English League. The --| last occasion on which an amateur IN CONCLUSION, JUST AN OTHER REMINDER THAT A GAINING WEIGHT? Slendex Tea helps you retain slender figure, turns food in- to energy instead of fat; guaranteed harm- Catty Cornered -- Mickey, the "Dozens of those starting today ; Hh : ! : ! GUN OF ANY SORT CAN BE in what js called the Extra Pfe- : iin less, composed pleasant herbs, no exercise fox terr ier, thought he had his Channel and including Cockburn,. A DANGEROUS WEAPON AND liminacy Round know full well Sub wey teprovénte] in the Jos or drastic diet. Month's supply #1. Phil. + 8 neighbor tuffy cornered, but Great Cloche,. and Philip Edward: "SHOULD BE HANDLED AND they have = not the "slightest E je Tn w og Queen s bark - tion "'N", Montreal. x puss's paws gave the pooch Islands. : retti ov ost for the second successive year oy voce He ke £ Aah oir Eoin vii TREATED AS SUCH AT ALL _ chance of getting anywhere near to Blackburn Rovers." HIGHLY RECOMMENDED -- in <3 5S pause. I g gong. TIMES. HANDLING A 'GU «the end, of the Journey. In fact, REG + . Every. sufferer of Rheumatic The Dominion Réad Machiner 1 A Tain 1% to Novena ash) CASUALLY OR CARELESSLY they will 'be highly delighted = if That, was a long time a go; and Pains La Neuritis should try Dixon's |, Sales Co., Limited, Goderich, Ont. 1 A 4 a iia Manitoulin Island, St. Joseph Is- IS A MARK, NOT OF AN.EX-" | they get as far as the competition x fr . ney emedy. 1 theut obligation send me copy of Berger GR hased throug ts by a police an ; ! ph. ' : NE y petit ' 2 dor. Ws . €h al ! rough Streets by a police land and all islands in Manitoulin PERT, BUT OF A NOVICE OR proper -after which they wgald it will sbe seen that the anfateur MUNRO'S DRUG TORE : o-B er. ii 1 3 2 : patrol car-and were eventually fined rip ' 2 : A ; le club hasn't much chance of doming 335 Elgin, - # "Otta aiaveafies i ! 5 : 35 by the ha District except Cockburn, Great FOOL," AND - THERE ISN'T: | most surely be eliminated by one / 3 ' : wa a 8 $35 by the magistrate. BR ar " ; Y \ ; : : through: and taking the coveted + $1.25 Express Pfe aid a ° ihe Wind Cloche and, Philip Edward Islands. ANY /GAME IN CANADA, OR !{ of the big fellows of the E glish C oR il there still is chance ' Xp yep Sl g Tas the Window * * * "IN. THE WORLD/ WORTH : |: League who are excused until apd ! ers, ! : n UNWANTED HAIR Ro In Chicago, a "nineteen-year-old November 6th to November 18th:. | RISKING THE M [MING OR | that stage. The. extra big, fellows, and ithe amateur soccer player an | gradicated from any, raf or the ody J JG girl leancd out of a second - floor The Districts of Muskoka (except "KILLING OF YOURSELF OR } those who comprise. the first and | A i 5 Suote the yords 9 fhe pe Por ig vod SR ag A prery * Contact your nearest farm Implemént 0} a pigeon 10 ew a kiss ® . hee «the townships. of Medora and | ANY OTHER PERSON. {| isecond divisions of thej English Wai song op =n Dream, A 1 ingredient, and | will destroy the halr : and eenlpment Seater NOY | ® io Penthengt iii i Ng ar ke Wood), that portion of Nipissing ! Try '| League are, of course, excused hides 5 ed Balen | oo Amuro: timanaTins ; .¥ ¥ fi \ +. SUL bled do #0 Wi) lo .. the south of the: porth shore of the BARBER-OUS . ; Sven further. They do nét have to fir A AH i 9 ¢:2 if } 69 Granville Street, ' hi BY pavement, way koe el dSsonsil. Mattawa River and Trout Lake and ! As the: new barber nicked the ake the field until fhe third of 931 Dress Ton aming == can ( Soh Vancouver, B.C. b « pfs) Le pee Sway ond-bro ga Jeg i An aim. the north boundary of 'the town- one-armed' stranger for the second und: proper, hich this season bye here * PQ sit 1 { A ; > . SAH = Budapest saw a girl onng 2 © chin of West Ferris, and Parry time; he said. "You have been here ceeurs on Jan. 6. And while we are on the subject Test: Attempting to buy a watgh ; iii 17:7 I action against her sweetheart - Sound. (except those portions of the before?" ! B : 4 3 +. - of British Sport, here's some news or credit, a man said 'he was a doc- : og tor negligent kissing." She said townships of Carling, ~ Harrison, "No," said the. stranger, "I lost, 3 Fnutes Ir Hse 1950-51 compe | of interest to lady golfing fans -- tor at a psychiatric hospital. A girl ; A ; he kissed des so Violently at ler Shawanaga, Wallbridge, west of this arm in a sspwinill." tition total 615. This is after 58 and to males interested in lady assistant asked him to spell the : Hi jaw was fractured. - Another kiss, Hl = : : = im ; a olfers too, for that matter. The io : 2 in the same town, resulted in trag- = ERIE ER = a, Ladies' Golf Unfon is word 'and as he could not do so i ; edy. A colonel of the gendarm- staging a series of Exhibition Mat. "| =she-called-the- police. aah ; erie arrived. home one' evening a chee between the Briieh Curtis B= " y J i 2 October, 1930. He was met at_the" ARE SA dn ToT [ 3 door by his beautiful young bride : be hii i BE in X . US our : z of two months, who kissed him so Golf Club, Long Branch, on' Wed: 2.5L . passionately that the loaded revol- nesday,~ September 20th. There ; £8 : 2 ! ver in his pocket went off and she will be singles starting at 9.30 a.m. : ; pl re = dl dying. : : and foursomes starting at 1.30 YI FF ' i ; In some- cases the immediate ug ¢ 8 : costs of a kiss are balanced, and eid "ili, * MUSCLES more than balanced by {later re- ; The British Teani, captai 5 { : ; bl , captained by » . . wards. An Australian Salestnan Mrs. A: C. Critchley (the former a. spoil ANYgame 3 was fincd ten dollars for Saning Diana Fishwick) will include Miss TS Reb In Merde fo His _oyer the counter and stealing a Kiss Jeanne -Bisgood, Miss Jean Don- muscular stiffness, aches, iE ' "from % customer. Ten years later, : on DL ; Rfiec ins and sprains, Grease. : - ro : . ii ald; Miss Philomena Garvey, Miss ess, quick drying, no i When she dicq, she willed hire i Elizabeth Price, Miss Frances Ste- ) unpleasant odor. er ia entire fortune because she '"treas- hs od Mre. Gorge Velonting. Lorge Economical Size ured that Stolen Yiss Rhove : any. Canada's side will be captained by 7 : Ahing els¢ in Ife." Miss Ada Mackenzie, and will ip the same Coun, hie BN include Mrs. Graeme Pyke and Miss pa papers. one day 'carrie ad \ y ; Daintry Chisholm of Montreal; : of a. Sydncy man who ba pen i % adit a a : Miss Ann Sharpe of Welland; Miss CANADA'S FINE ST x * fined for kissing a girl, In h RE Na : : Ah : : CIG : the solicitor recognized the next-of- THREE'S A COWED--A five-year-old Holstein cow offered black and white proof, three black- Habs Davies of Vancouver; Mis. J. LIOARETTE iss %in: for whom he had been looking . and-white youngsters, that cows can have triplets. A veterinarian the newly-born crowd, H, Todd of Vittoria; an, rs. : om me him he had inherited consisting of two bulls and a helfer show every sign o Sood health, The "litter" was born on Cul Gooderham and Mrs, N. J. a y : of nt : 5 ranch in Texas, near San nio, ~ ° Tas ; arlson of Toronto. : ¢ =~ 1SSUE 37 -- 1950 = © a fortune. r rede SLE | ' i 67 7 : A ; 55 ; ) abe ? Th F 2 va Lol | [Fai x 5 p . . . 3 ¥ EER hy 3p. 7 { 3