a i va : 4 3 xe PORT PERRY, oe THURS., SEPTEMBER 21st, 1950 © MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY So a $ 8 he Lowe, Mrs. Marritt, . vo" --Quilt-Bloeks--Viola-Butson,- Loretta : AOL MARR bio Butson, Mrs. Malcolm, "Artic ta , ) 11 THAI OUCH W. A. Sangster | ROOFING | Eiht Rien Zeck 2, So . . M ' 14 » . : DENTAL SURGEON A OF ALL KINDS : -- 8 Articles suitable for Christmas RE UPHOLSTERY Office Hours: 9 am, to 5 p.m. Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. Mus, Boundey, Mrs. N. Malcolm. So ii 8 ih Malcolm, Mrs. Marri, y " : : Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Estimates given on all kinds of work.| Strawberry Jam--Mrs. D. Dor rell, : : : ; Ins o Office. . ; ; Mi Brad Mi a Cross Stitch---Murs, Revs, Lois. Lar- bh Ex ert Craftsme ow EARL WALLACE | Mi founder, Ms 8 Moore. mer, Mrs. Moore, Y LXp n Phone 261 Port Perry pple Jelly--Mrs, Boundey, Mrs. N. Cut Work---Mrs, Maldolm, Mrs." I. ; i Malcolm, Mrs, Edwards, OR. H. H. ARMSTRONG YI . - : Lowe, Mis. R. Boundey. "When a long- ston artisan. re-» : r o : DENTIST i an Lc ma ad } "PICKLES - Hot Water Bottle Cover--Mrs, I. news and-re-covers your furniture, it 'is ¥ Queen Streét | - |GERALD B. THOMPSON ivi, Sauce--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. N, a iri Lareith Butgan. the Finest. Ssurans of a holst quality ty Direct alcolm, - Jo all us now for the upholstery work ¢ Phone 287 ~-+ Port Perry. ' *Deetor >. Cucumber Pickle (9 day)--Mrs, R.| Eu Clothes Pin Bag--Mvs, Dorrell, Mrs. _you like. F y Ld wie | XRAY EQUIPPED OFFICE |Boundey, Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Green, | "ooo ----the canadien Ploncwr-- ( Houridey, Mry,, Maleolu SEEN ; : 8 AND GRAVEL . 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA Bread and Butter Pickle--Mrs. R. oven Performance Pot Holders --Viola Butson,. Loretta ; pe | EE RY Office Hours 9 to 5 °° Phone 2927 Boundey, Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Green. : Buteon, Mus, Love, vusseui Upholster Y ( v When and where you want it. Call | Evealiigs by Appolntiaces Mustard Pickle--Mus, Hutton, Ms, I'ea Towells--Mrs, Marritt, Mrs, 1. ; "4 Ross B SANDISON, Phome 131 r . al Boundey, Mrs. Malcolm. Lowe, Mrs. Dorrell, Whith Pho 483 £ - - ~ Port Perry, RRA A - Pickled Beets--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Fancy Handerchiefs--Mrs, Malcolm, vy ne Jo ® * 3 N Malcolm, Mrs, Hutton, Mrs, A. Marritt, Mrs. Boundey: - i Maple Cream Candy--Mrs. Boundoy s pases --_-- Coll Fancy Work--Mrs. Malcolm, - " E. ew Service Fancy Sandwiches--Mrs. Malcolm. Installed and Serviced by Mrs, Moore, Mss, Lowe, . ® Storry he Fruit Cake--Mrs. R. Boundey, Mrs, : _ Group of Six Pictures--Mrs. Dor- DT. LO oR COMB T Cleaners Edwards, Mrs. Malcolm. WwW H Peel rell, Viola Butson, Mrs. Moore. BUILDER Maiig Baking Powder Layer Cake 44s MAJOR FOOTE SPECIALS N 0 T | C E § Agent for all makes of Insul-bric --Mus. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundey. H; d *f Mrs, Neil Malcolm, $10.00 Cash. : and Asphalt, Aluminum and 'Steel OSHAWA, ONTARIO Blue Ribbon Tea Biscuits--Mrs.*R, lar ware Mrs, N. Green, $6.00 cash. Pinal Ice Deli e f thi S Shingles. Swank Mis N. Green, Mrs. Moore, PHONE 55 Mus. I. Lowe, $6.00 Cash \'} ry or 1S eason - TS and FLOWERS : " : Estimates PORT PERRY : : Mrs. D. Dorrell. $5.00 Cash, < a Free. : Asters--Mrs, Doris Marlow, Mus. Si Silver ish" Di wi )e e tem er th. Phone 3773 Fore Wigan! s impson Silver Plated Relish" Dish, ! ; Parry "Representative: 2100! 10, Mrs. D. Dorrell. Port Perry Coal and Ice C I \ Dahlias -- Mrs, S. Moore, Mrs, N. oR ¢ oal and Ice Co. wish to notify their customers | ii fh ah ; "F, 'W. BROCK & SON Maleoli, House Cont--2 Mus. Marritt, 3 Mus. catherweight 'Iron donated by the that the final ice deliv ery for the 1950 season ends on The Lindsay CONVALESCENT 'Phone 43. Zinnias--Murs, D. Dorrell, Mrs. Hut- Moore. [Eo Sho: Bowmanville----Mrs, N. 'Saturday, September 30th, 1950. " Slip--Mrs, Malcolin, Viola But 280m ) HN BE HOME AD aha \ ton, COT viola Bulsonm, 19 1h. box Chocolates, d d : i - Ters competent nursing care and for Pickup Delivery. Basket Gladiolus--Mrs, Doris Mar- | 0retta Butson, - 5s C oe, oes by Port P err Coal & Ice Co ! N | 8 g A Pyjamas Suit, ladies Loretta But Hunt's Candies; Toronto, Mrs. Reg. |. ° sa 3 1 Crew sur d; @ HEIR . : ' --Lore - 'w. 13 h ful surroun ings to 'elderly, | Salupiglossis--Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs, | 50 Viola Butson, Mrs. Malcolm, Boundoy. . pr Lo RL i si tne, mm 4 ; i ¢ r.-.'escent and chronic patients DeLuxe Assortment Biscuits do- ' : patients, RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K.C. N. Malcolm. Night Gown--Murs, Dorrell, Murs. A. nated by Christie Brown Ltd Mrs. N a p BE emis ef I ] hociored Murse in attendance |g giucoe Sereet North, Oshawa, | PhIOX--Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. Moore, | Matritt, Mis. C. Wright, Malcolm. RR PW - mm mm mt mn bi ¢i ncurs Government licensed. | Phone 814 ? Snapdragons--Mus. Malcolm, Mrs.| Gloves -- Mis. Malcolm, Mus. A. [7,75 Bag Oglivie Flour--Mrs. R. WN ~heasoname Rates. ih atta at my Port b Office Dorrell. Marritt, Mrs, Dorrell, B diy; ZS 1yvie Mpa I; Mh hone 16 on Tuesday and Thaesdy artrnoon 5, Feiner, is. | Ate tn. born, des dari] "S55 sop give owen || OMBaXio Riding Liberal Association i : Dorrell. iola ButSon - : oe ING 3 4 A ha 1 pret = LINDSAY of eath Week, or by appointment, .[ 'y,; enas--Mrs, s. Moore, Mrs, D.| Sockees--Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe, propa Bag 0 livie Flour--Mrs. N ih a ET TIRE NCR EE Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 re a __ |Mrs Dorrell, - Mitcoin. Ag Se PER TS: SN] | A Meeting of the Liberal Association for the Electoral ten ; : To i -- Mr vol Sweater--Mrs, A. ! SAE EG oh : : re A ar . Cg 3g i Satur ims Mrs. N. Malcolm, ssp abiys A. Maye, 3 Mrs. N. Saywhil Cup--Most péints in plants District of Ontairo, will be held at the T77% i 3 ; - S. Moore. ard flowers--Murs, Doris Marlow, - We : Wa : Blackstock F all | African Marigolds--Mrs. S. Moore, [ Girls Dress -- Mus. Dorrell, Viola |" y 70" Lt ® © thing else 3 for prompt service on all makes, both : Mis. Edwards, tiutson, Mis. Lowe, donnted by Radio Shop, Bo wins ille, Town Hall, Whith Se + household and commercial. LIST OF WINNERS AT French Marigolds--Mrs. D. Marlow,| Gloves and Seret--Murs. N. Malcolm. Mrs, D. Marlow. Rp onfuany of Y. : Estimates given on Installations BLACKSTOCK FAIR - Mig. 8. Moore, : MEN'S'W ) 5 2 ' i: 1EN'S WEAR ~Hemry- Thompson, Sec..-Treas. > ie Cosmos--Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs, Neil rt ge ' Mo d S bh 251 h 1950 Reg. y Boundey 3 (Continued from last week) Malcolm £ Mitts, fancy--Mrs. Dorrell, Murs. A. --_-- ' - on ay, eptem er t \ © DOMESTIC SCIENCE Best Arranged High Basket--Mus, | Marritt, Mrs. Lowe. TT [hich CW Cher \ J A 0 "Butter -- Mrs. N. Green. Mrs, F.|D- Marlow, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Pyjama Suit--Mrs. Marritt, Mrs, S M h at eight o clock in the interests of W alter C. Thomson, K.C., : Dr i, Cron, Mis, By anid Looky Beats. Mend) Moore, Mis, Lave, dane esier M.P., Candidate for the Leadership of the Liberal Party in IN URANCE White Bread--Mrs. Edwards. Mus, |: Marlow, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Work Socks--Mrs. N. Malcolm, V.| = 1 the Province of Ontario and for the purpose of appointing - Dob fre ih ards, Mrs. Coll. Cut. Flowers-- Mrs. Dotis Mar- sutson, Loretta Butson, Mrs.:Kate Vander Wend (nee Park- Delegates to the Provincial convention to be held in the 'Are your policies up-to-date" : : iy tl low, Ralph. L Socks, fancy-- Mrs. Marri Mus. N.|in) of Lindsay, is visiting old friends Royal York Hotel, in Toronto on November 9th and 10th ' Brown Bread--Mus. D. Dorrell, Mrs. 3 J%8 PD). Larmer, ) ! mT ' | Whatever your insurance needs| Edward ! Potted Foliage -- Mus. S. Moore, | Malcolm, Mrs. Lowe. |i the village. 1950. The meeting will-be-addressed by Mr, Thomson and 5 : way 5 Mrs. D. Dorrell, - "| Socks, hand-knit -- Mrs, Malcolm "We were shocked to--hear--of the by- members of Parliament-and Senators from: the- Electoral may be, consult White Eggs -- Allan Bailey Allan d : ; 3 in , Potted Fuchsia--Mrs. N. Malcolm, | Mrs. Dorrell, Mrs, Marritt, sudden passing of 'Mr. Cecil Beare who Districts in Central Ontario. Special bnteriatiment will -~ H. W. EMMERSON Brown Bags wn Mis: Carl Wright, | - Coll: Potted Plants--Mrs. DJ Mar- wo igs Malcolm, Mus. [died on Saturday while visiting in be provided. God Save the: Kip. JARS : 4 ; Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. D. I low. Mrs. S. Moore. | Lowe, Mrs. A. Marritt. Brantford. Cecil was raised at Jj > y . Phone 41 : Port Perry g Buns a 0 Ry gg Sheaf of Gladiolus--Mgg. N, Marlow 7. Sport Shirt-<-Mrs. Lowe. "Beare's Mill" and spent his boyhood / ALL I /F. Ap, Secretary. - . Bounds, Mos 3 Dorrell, . . CIR oh \ wig Sweater--Mrs.. Marritt, | here. © A host 'of friendh, mourn his IA a x! ) fm + F en i S RTOS Sect f eaten debt lus S T , | Mrs, Dorr ell; Mrs. Lowe |'death: Dee th S ded -- ™ a. a. fim SG ran ae "ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. Mom Lin Boundey, Ms. | Sewing Kit--Doreen- Vertigo hy Ry SEER oo i gl | fo : a. / utton s. S. Moore. «om i LIVING ROOM ACCES be: \ | bin i : ! ¢ in attenda ce at my Port Perry ffice Brown Muflins--Mrs. N.. Malcolm Téa Towels Doreen VanCamp I A y CE SSOmILS. Anniver rSary services' at our church | § RHEE RN Ly $38 A -- + on Wednes morn nd Fi = J ' Sockees Doreen VanCa pi fgnaik Murs, A. Marritt Mrs, n : 1 io 3 i; ng: a Hay Mrs. G. Mal Mrs. B de . ' here w i beheld on Sunday) October | §§- \ ¥ y afternood, h week, or| [bX co il i Is. Boundoy, , Dressed Doll-3Doreen Vi nap Lowe, Mrs, Doirell, i |8th at 2.301 and 7.80 p.m, 'Rev. Mr. i i ; $ I . i il ptment, jj } i WA oe Boundey, i { wb {hester eld Set: -- Mrs. Malcolm, Riddell, fof Port | ery, willl be the 8 UTH 0] VIaziD bi 14 8: ee r i Blong wd Perrys: 1 Phone 5 i tte osell ne For pg 2 i t TEEN he Foye : rea; iBu bon, Miola Butson, © | guest speakel "the afterngon and: ii : i ik cof = a, Grebn Hn hy %) wards, Mrs, os Laie -- @l ef Van mp' \Lw- 4 ushion, ferochigt--Mrs; 'Maleolnt: "I Mr. James: Young | f 'Oshawa fof the } i L ; » . remy aimer. =' --1 'ushion, knit-"Mrs. D, Dorrell; Mrs. | | G 3 iE ; F OR S AND | ND TRAVEL i Sup Galeos io Jas Bound, Mis, go 11 Hand-made Tools--lawrenss Moore, Mot Lowe. nn bad. ® hg: 3 i- -| Hutton, Mrs orre | Lakiner. Cushion, silk--Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. V it to be held on the farms of off wie oo and Excavating Work, ~Jelly Roll--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. Neil | Study Table--Glen_ VanCamp. Dorrell, Mrs, pe iy ap | hog --, lly, Yotte ' : 1 ELLSWORTH KENNED" | Malcolm, Mrs. Edwards. Model House Frame -- Lawrence "TNeeutepoint--rs. Malcolm. M ene. & AE: Ba will 'be pleased to oblige you. EDY "Date and Nut Loaf--Mrs. Bsundey, | Larmer. Nan dk RN HF Shaman) ghastswiith Mrand Mra. H Titford € ard am. ma N.. "A erson- | Sh i 38 Yors Yorry, 408 Sburation," (Mn Nae an Mew | eC len Larmer. putter Set -- Mrs. Lowe, Loretta | "vs Crinton Midgley was in Quebee 1 feb 24, 1951 | Malcolm, Mrs, ling Flin oh ma! en VanCamp, Law- sa, Yiols ey AE and Ottawa over the week-end. Lot 30, Con. 9 & Lot 31, Con. o. WHITBY TWP. 1 mile west . or en replece--Nrs., owe, I'S, cg. irle } -" ; rell, 7 Pin up Lamp--Glen Larmer, Glen A i Mrs. N Malco, 4 Letty wid Jagl Moore, of Shirley, { of Ashburn; or 2'2 miles W est of Myrtle off No. 12 : = Ci Light Layer Cake -- Mrs. N. Mal-|v d Kir 4 visited their uncle Mr. Fred Lamb and | § ' ry F. G. CROSBY la Mrs. die Mis. D. Dorrell, anCamp. Place Mats--Mrs, Malcolm, Mrs, D. family on Sunday. Highw ay, on 2 EAT 0 . orre 1'e . " R od ii ' 1h Agent, for 5 Banana Layer CalaMra D. Dor- PUBLIC SCHOOL Dervol; Mus. Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Croxall, John | § i : Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. rell, Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundey.| 1 and 2--76 points, Egypt and M Luge Table Cloth--Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. | apg Murray, spent the week-end with | § ; f " Cunard snd CPR, Stenmabin | Archers, ied writ, pr and es. Norman Lindy, wf TUESDAY, OCTOBER 3rd 1350. 1 'Linea. ° ? He -- ac MeN, or Tanti Cncsios Luncheon Cloth and Serviettes--V. | 1 ondon, & e 4 r ! " 31 Local Agent for -- Canadian Pacific Pumpkin Pice--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs, 4--64 points--Mahood's. =1 ERE i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holbarn, Mr. A BANQUET will be served by the Woman's: Association, - Railway. Transportation arranged | Malcolm, Mrs. S. Moore Worn - Butson, Viola: Butson. i Ave Cy Ravenshons atin: Reid, : in the basement of Ashburn Presbyterian Church. i ~ ---- over any lines of the Company. Raisin Pie--Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. S. -6--Devitt's. : Shand Megs A. Bor nnd family, i THE PUBLIC ARE ( ORD ALLY INVITED i 4 : Agent for -- International Air Service Moore, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Tempus Hill; RUGS apd MAYS arn go ig , pris Tara, AL For Fa yrmation, write, oe i, x 8-- s. -- ri iss R 'd, and Mr. John Lowe, | § 4 « mn, ! 5 & 4 'Lines. - 1 Apple Pie--Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. R. us 5 Rug Rag, hooked--Mrs, A. Marritt, op y W. F. Thompson $ OSCAR H. DOWNEY, MY RTLE, ONT. N 4 i UXBRIDGE | - Phone 1s =: ONT, | Boundey, Mrs, N, Malcolm. : Viola Butson, Loretta Butson. } I Mr. and. Mrs. Lorne Thompson, at i ' os HA a spiastcsinied | Berry Pie--Mrs. Boundey, Mss, D. 'LADIES' DEPARTMENT Rug. Rag, braided -- Mrs, Marritt, a pie. ? Lotesree) ait EEE EE EE i i hy, #4 | Dorrell, Mrs. N. Mal¢olm Baby's Wool Set, knitted--Mrs. Af Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. Moore, ; -- erp Dv 4 MONTEITH & MONTEITH ~ Lemon Pie=--=Mrs. Boundey, Fier N+ "Marrett, Mrs, D: Dorrell, Mrs; No Mal=|-- il he EEE aa - i ] a : 1 A CHARTERED ACCOUNTAN Malcolm, Mrs. N. Green . colm. BEDROOM ACCESSORIES . pps srs > STANTS f |" Four. 'Practical. Wags of Servin : Dressing, Table Set--Mrs. Dorrell, F i 37 King St. East, Oshawa. ry as N Voi, oy Baby's Wool Set, IR Miss 1 Mrs. Marritt.~ i . . gy he TA pples -- Mrs. alcolm, Mrs. D.| N, Maleolm, Mrs. D. Dorrell. Mrs, A, | Mra. Lowe, Mrs, Marritt. ig f Ee th Gordon W. Richl, C.A. . | Dorrell, Mrs. Boundey ' Marri Sik a Pillow Cases, cut work--Mrs, Lowe, eres a argain or you Ld Se ; Resident Partner : Salad Plate--Mrs. Boundey, Murs. N. Baby' s Wool Dress, knit-- Mts, C Mrs. Malcolm, Loretta Butson. : . iy a -- a] Maleotn, Ms D Dussel ; Wright, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs, Moore. A Causa dita, Malcolm, Evil p 4 : 3 : oney--Mrs. N. Green ; Baby's Dress, short, fancy--Mrs, D, | Viola Butson, Mrs. Marritt. THIEL A cIagen efraiNs Rh RE-UPHOLSTERING and Maple Syrup--Mrs. D, Dorrell, Mrs. ote Marritt, rn ore. Pillow Cases, lace trim.--Mrs. I. «make appointments, do your shopping a RE-BUILDING. N. Malcolm, Mrs. D, Edwards. Baby's Carriage Cover--Mrs, Dor- | l:owe, Loretta Butson, Mrs. Boundey. pone ghard over your safety 5) Let us re-upholster your old chester- field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed, 'Phone and' have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free . pick-up and delivery, Phone 8844 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY co. 8 Church rch St. Posi aeenees ERs RI srr LIRR RRL ILRI IR RILLMY Eavestroughing & Furnaces ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, FURNACES and - FURNACE REK- 'PAIRS. TO ANY MAKER. Free Estimates on Request. rr o. BARNES, | SA "> . CANNING Whole Tomatoes--Mrs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. S. Moore. 5 'Beans--Murs. N. Malcolm, Mrs. Reg. Boundey, Mrs, S. Moore. i 'dey, Mrs, Hutton, * --Beets--Mrs;-N:- Green; Mrs; N.-Mal- colm, Mrs. Hutton Corn--Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. N. Mal- colm, Mrs, Boundey. Strawberries--Mrs. F. Daves, Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Raspberries--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. D. Edwards, Cherries--Mrs.'R, Boundey,. Mrs: F. Dayes, Mrs. 8. Moore. . Peaches--Mrs, N. Malcolm. Mrs, D D. Edwards, Mrs, Hutto 'Pineapple--Mrs, FE Edwards, Mys. 8. Moore, Mrs, Boundey. aug. 51 Raspberry Jam -- Mrs, 8. Moore, Peas--Mrs. N. Green, Mrs, Boun- : rell, Mrs. C. Wright, Mrs. Marritt, Child's Dyess -- Mrs, N. Malcolm, Mrs: Dr Dorrell; -Viola Butson, Boy's Sun Suit--Viola Butson, Mrs, D. Dorrell, Loretta Butson, Mrs. N, Malcolm, Loretta Butson, Child's Corduroy Overalls--Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. A. Marritt. . ' Child's Sweater Coat---Mrs, D. Dor rel. LADIES' WEAR Apron, fancy---Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. '1. Lowe, Mrs. N. Malcolm. ; Apron, kitchen--Mrs. S. Moore, V. Butson, Mrs. Marritt. Bed Jacket--Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs. A, Marritt, Mrs, D. Dorrell. Cardigan~Mrs, N. Malcolm, Mrs. I. Lowe, Mrs, A. Merritt. \ House Dress -- Mrs, N. Malcolm, Mrs. L Lowe, Mrs, Marrite, - =~ Girl's Sun Suit -- Mrs. D, Dorrell; Bath Towel--Mrs. Boundey, Mrs. D. Dorrell, Mrs. N. Malcolm. Towel, crochet trim, -- Mrs. Lowe, Tioretta Butsen, Viola Butson. Towel, emb.-- Viola Butson, Mrs, R. Boundey, Mrs. I. Lowe. Towel, cut work--Mrs. Lowe, Mrs, Beundey, Mrs, Malcolm, Towel, Guest--Mrs, Boundey, Viola Butson, Mrs, Lowe Set, Top Sheet and Pillow Cases-- 'Mrs, Lowe, Mrs. Marritt, Mrs. Moore. "Quilt, emb--Mrs. Malcolm, Mrs. S. Moore, Viola Butson. Quilt, appliqued--Mrs. Lowe, Mrs, Boundey. Quilt, Dresden Plate--Mrs. Lowe, Mrs: Malcolm, Mrs. Moore, Quilt, cotton, pieced----- Mrs. Lowe, Mrs, Boundey, Mrs, Moore, Quilt, faney quilting--Mrs. Lowe. Crib Quilj--Mrs, A. Marritt, Mrs. S. | Moore, Viola Butson. Yeti of the smallest items in aller part than it was weve you hore out O we on of A TELEPHONE, i? YOU ARE WAN tones that you W acl wary f de 4be a 10 all who wont 1, ' ot fot a Nigh Our continuing ities. and will have It ust as goal whaete th ess carry yous to the side of a sick friend . oss save you worry, and effort, and hours eso make yout work: easier, your life pleasanter. How would you measure your telephone's true worth? Its endless convenience. Its life-saving speed in time of need. The steadily growing number of people it brings within your reach , .. All these things contribute to the sum-total of telephone value, dollars-and-cents cost, yor telephone remains one _ our family budget; even a before the war. Today, as always, your telephone is big value. FHE BELL YELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA § 5 of grade of quickly os is to pro: oy wan! i". )