4 Repairs and, Re-modelling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. er X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE Free Estimates nL 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA | ROY KENDELL' : 5 Evenings by Avpolatment ris Dee, '50 + v -- hn 17 RUSSELL D, HUMPHREYS, K.C. : Jo 6 Bimeoe Sent Nesta, Oshawa, SAND AND GRAVEL . When and where you want it. Call i "in attendance at my Port Ferry Office [ROSS R SANDISON, Pheas 131 t 5, on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons | Pert Perry, RRA" 5 AES _ of each week, or by appointment. | : Q Queen Street, Port Perry. 'Phone ¥4 TE a - A, ' . 3 - . : ; Se i RE- Refrigeration "REBUILDING ' Let us re-uphdlster your old chester-. for prompt service on all makes, both field suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. household and commercial. | Phone and have: our, consultant call Estimates given on Installations. | and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery, : 'Reg. Boundey * Phone 8344 collect. NE DsiAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. ur t. Are your 'policies up-to-date? . Whatever your insurance needs. W. Ai Sangster may be, consult C DENTAL SURGEON : 4 : Office Hours: 9 am. to 5 p.m. H w EMMERSON : Office Upstairs over C. Sleeps , Phone 41 Port. Perry Insurance Office, . oO IL OL OL OL LO ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C.| FOR SAND AND GRAVEL - in attendance at my Port Perry Office and Excavating Work, on Wednesday morning and Friday ELLSWORTH KENNEDY : afternoon of each week, or by | wii pe pleased to oblige you. Phone si appointment, 822 Port Psrry, for information. ; ¢ Blong Block. Port Perry,. Phone 25 3 feb 24, 1961 rae += at ee BR OE REI CHIE RIG fa | Eavestroughing ROOFING | &-F 7 OF-ALL KINDS Ha ur 'Races Seven ation, Anbut tune SypEiHG tap Lory : Esti 2 pe Ju mates given on all kinds of work. "" PAIRS TO ANY MAKK. EARL WALLACE | isk mgy on Request. FUR 4 SYDNEY: G. Ji | Phemeter Port Perry | SYDNE BARN 9 Tas (XRT SRRSKAALINALTIR SAIN] ag, 51 soa ho= Tee ee MONTEITH & MONTEITH 5 | CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS OR: HH; ARMSTRONG + 37'King St. East; Oshawa. - DENTIST ; " Gordon W. Rich), C.A. Sy Queen Street, = Resident Partner Phone 337 Port Perry CHOICE SELECTION YORK FROSTED FOODS : ri FRESH and COOKED ; ' MEATS THE FAMILY BUTCHER hs CAWKER' BROS. ~ PROMBT DELIVERY; ; Brine PHONE 29 0. GBT YOUR ORDPR A IN NOW DELIVERY IN. / P TWO WEEKS" ; TREASURER'S SALE OF. LANDS FOR ARREARS OF TAXES + iin Township of Reach es WH sehen Bog of the. gi of the Township of Reach Eo! bearing date the 6th day of mber, 1 50 dot the Treasurer of the Townshi i rected, comman Treasurer to levy u Biha he 2 it ? ; afer Sa orth, on together ith To Sones paid and pues RA %o sire WN pve Act, FB. , NT dnd Snider thereto, on Friday the of : 12th malo J. Hi 101,88 2 at hour shout of two gelock oo the atirmoon a the : ar EE aes of sheen bod some haven," 1. rig Daserl Ae Years, Taxes. Costs. Total. oF, I Sos, Hime + Kaen Sou $18.84. $18.60 ak i 7 it 7 Estate LSI 1960 f TX Treasurer's Office, Manchester GRANT CHRISTIE, iE : September 5, 1960, Treasurer, Twp. of eid | BUSINESS DIRECTORY G RNERAL CARPENTRY "Better Junior Programmes." Junior Farmers ONTARIO COUNTY JR. FARMERS TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING "AND CONFERENCE +The Ontario" County Junior Farm- er Association is holding its Annual Meeting and Conference on Saturday, December 9th, in Brooklin 'Pownship | p Hall, starting at 1,30 pm. All members of Junior Farmer Or- ganizations are cordially invited to attend and, to' bring along their friends. The: theme. of the: Cobfercnee is An interesting and educational program >| has been arranged. . -° A turkey banquet, commencing at 6.00 p.m,, will be served in the Brook- lin United Church. Tickets for the banquet may 'be obtained from mem- bers of your Executive, from Ted Croxall, County President, and from the Department of Agriculture, Ux- bridge. Anyone wishing, to attend this banquet, should purchase his or her ticket immediately in order that preparations may be made for accom- modating the correct mumber of -peo- ple. Mr. Jack McPherson, Director of Publicity for the Ontario Department of Agriculture, and Editor of the Junior Farmer News, will be guest speaker at the banquet. In the evening, the play "Let's Talk | It. Over" will-be presented by the Port Perry Junior Farmers, followed by Organized Recreation under the di- rection of Community Programmes, Toronto. Let's see a real turnout to this in- teresting and educational Conference, and help make it a real success. Greenbank W. A. The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the basement 'of the church on Tuesday afternoon, November 21st, with about thirty-five in attendance, . Group in charge -- Mrs, G. Ward, Mrs. C. Phair, Mrs. E. Phair, Mrs. G. Beare, and Mrs, R. Rodd. With: Mrs. G. Ward presiding the meeting, opened by singing '"Blest be the tie that Binds", followed by all re- peating the Lord's Prayer: in unison. Scripture Reading: Eph. 2-11 to 22 was taken by Mrs.' E. Phair. Topic--* Fellowship", -- was ably taken by Mrs, G. Beare She asked what "Fellowship" was, and answered by saying it is to be Christian and a follower of Christ; sharing with others and being a friend to both Triends and foes Mrs. G. Beare and Mrs. G. Ward, accompanied by Mrs. E. Phair, sang a duet entitled "Beyond the Sunset." After singing hymn "Jesus, united by Thy Grace", the President, Mus, J. Boe took the chair. 'The minutes were read and adopted and the Treasurer's Report given. The President asked Mrs. G. Beare and Mrs. H. Raines to give an outline of the dinner and supper served the Christian Crusaders in - Uxbridge. Preparations were completed: for the community supper which was post- poned until: Friday December 1st. It was suggested that the Associa- tion adopt the idea of the '"Capsul Sister" for the year 1951. Miss E. Luke and Mrs. E. Lee suggested that we combine the W.A. and the W.M.S. for a"Christmas meeting, ~ The Sceretary, Mrs. Ianson, then gave a report of the Executive meet- Phone : 16 " BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE 4 Stanley R. Bruton, 'Phm.B. PORY PERRY : Select your Christmas. Cards BOXED ASSORTED CARDS 18 for 49c¢. = RUSTCRAFT CARDS, boxed . " CHRISTHAS CARDS Assortment to choose from : 21 for $1.00, SPECIAL ASSORTMENT ......................o..50 Cards for 98¢ SINGLE CARDS .........o.e: A Sa nid TL LL Ce ey "sears seessssnsan early while there is a large wpipsgivissaned for 25c. 12 for $1.00 PIE ..59c¢., 89¢. and $1.00 .at 3c. to 25c. each polishing more of a plefsure Hoover Polisher. Phone 179- Ww FRSA Bria AAR Sake less way the Hoover Polisher glides along. : _examine_its many exclusive features designed to make ROBERTSON-ELECTRIC (Produced by the - manufacturers of the famous line of Hoover Cleaners). "And, lady, just how easy it is simply can't be told. You have to see for yourself. When you feel the smooth, effort- . when you (built-in headlight; new type clip-on plug; lack of vibration; two methods of storage), then; lady, you just won 't be happy until you own a new for pw ; $6450 INCLUDING BUFFING PADS Port Perry ) | behind --Hayes-and-Ashbridge. T Mrs, McKitrick, The officers elected for 1961 ave as follows: President Ist Vice-President 2nd Vice-President... the year Mrs. E. Mrs, Ay Beare Mrs, H. Raines The meeting closed with the Theme Song and' Mizpah Benediction. Programme--Murs, G. Ward gave a quiz contest on cities, followed by a reading, "The Old Fashioned Night Shirt"; Mrs. R. Rodd gave a reading "1 Hoveny Got Time". A dainty lunch was served by the group in charge, and a pleasant and profitable' afternoon was spent, A a Basket Ball HS. VICTORIOUS IN FIRST GAME OF PLAY.OFFS (by Jack Kippen) The High Schoo! lads fought hard Monday night to down Greenbank 62- 52 in the first game of the playoffs ina best two out of three series. Cawker and Rodd were outstanding offensively for the winners while every High Schooler played a strong team game throughout the entire game, : Lee collected and starred for Baird and "Beaton guard. Cawker opened the scoring for the winners and a minute later Lee got the first of his long" string of baskets. The High School edged out Greenbank in a very 'fast quarter with the score High School 14, Greenbank 3. thirty-three points Greenbank while were strong on quarter with Greenbank coming from and edging out the High School -in this quarter. By half time | the score was Greenbank 382, H S. 31. ~The High School attack was really :| rolling "in the third quarter. as the schoolers outscored Greenbank 17-8. The score at the third quarter time 7 | read High School 48, Greenbank 40. The tempo of the game hit a peak in the final quarter with Griffen go- ing to the showers after collecting 5 fouls. The High School put on great defensive work in this quarter dis- organizing Greenbank's offensive work, Griffen, Brunton and Petl were-the defensive stars. = The final score was Port Perry H. S. 62, Green- bank 52. This gives the High School the first game of the series and are now slight favorites to take the trophy. The Box Score was as fol- lows: . Greenbank--Lee 33, Foster 8, H. Baird 2, J. Baird 9, Till 0, Beaton 0. High School--Haugen™ 0, Rodd 20, Sulman 0, Brunton 0, Peel 6, Walden- sperger 0, Griffen 0, Wallace 14, Cawker 21. : Referces -- Andy Anderson, Mac Christie. Timer and Official Scorers A WP TO MODERNIZE COAL INDUSTRY 'An $1,800-million plan to increase Britain's coal output and reduce costs is proposed by the National Coal Board. It takes the form of a 16- ganization programme scheduled to boost coal production to 240 million tons a year using only 618,000 hirlers, ing which was held at the home of! Secretary oe, Murs. J. Ianson Asst, Secretary Murs. J. Cook Treasurer ............ Mrs. E. Gibson Cor, Sec'y viii Mrs. H. McMillan Press Sec'y..... we Mis. J, McKitrick Pianist iin: Nats Mrs. E, Till Asst, Pianist: .......ocveis Mrs. E: Phair - Service Club The Service Club met at the home . Hook { of Joan Go loy last Thursday evenin y K. Thé nie eting 'opened with a Christmas Cavol followed by" the Lord's Prayer, Scripture reading and a, story of the first Sunday School, An invitation was extended to the Club girls to at- tend the supper and hear the mission: ary speaker. at the Church on Dee. 6th. A< delightful lunch was served by Joan, Grace and Emily. | | | l} I --Play--roughened-up--in--the second, year. capital development and reor-|3 2 3 re -- Prospect W. A. Mrs." tain the Woman's Association at her home on: Wednesday, December 18th, at 2.30 p.m. The 1961 officers will be elected. A hearty invitation is ex- tended to all ladies to attend this im- portant meeting. t Burnsell Webster will enter- 'Manchester Our Public » School teacher,' "Mrs. pupils for the annual Christmas con- cert, This will be held in conjunction distribution on T hursday evening, Tree and Santa Claus, Deceniber 21st. : : The Womai's Association will meet . on Thursday afternoon, -Decembet 7th at the home of Mrs. Lorne Thompson at-230. A good attendance is hoped for. Miss Carrie Cowan, Toronto, was with her sister Mrs. A. Roach and family for the week-end. Mr. Archie Davis, who is in Oshawa Hospital, is improving, and we. hope he will soon be able to come home, will be Heber Down, President. Anmal Meeting o Ontario County CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOC. UXBRIDGE, (Joe Watson's Club Room) Tues, Dec. 12th, 1950, at 10. 30am." All Sites interested in Crop Fnprow cement work, are invited to attend. ¥ held in H. L. Fair. -Secretary-Treas, "Before Buying MANLEY Dial--35: 15 3546 'that New Car Give yourself a thrill by seeing and driving the WORLD'S MOST MODERN CAR "The Nash Canadian Statesman" You will be delighted with the Aphe: wranee, ride and per- formance of this outstanding ca tioning heater makes it a "Home on-Wheels". Write or call us for a Demonstration. The New. 1951 NASH now on display at your Nash Dealer Immediate Delivery on some models. The air dondi- MOTORS 76 William St. N., Lindsay, Ont. ? i See Us at Our New Location | Former Dining Room of Sebert House i A COMPLETE ELECTRIC SHOP j i SHOP TO SERVE YOU | PORT PERRY ELECTRIC PHONE 177 : H 3 recess ssssssened 32 1000p steer ietttereienitetessisrsl 0043539808088 b ees 988200000 0000000300000000000000000800008008000000000¢ The. 'blue coal' TEMP. MASTER Automatic Heat Regulator ends the overheating and underheating that waste fuel dollars. Saves steps. Saves time. FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION ~ STEADY "Dine coal HEAT IS Weal INSURANCE' FR FAMILIES Fewer Colds for Young and Old When 'Home Heat is Uniform * The cven; slow-burning flame that 'blue coal' makes is its big secret as a healthful fuel. No up-and-down temperatures from off-and-on operation. Justa steady level of warmth "that's nice to live in and cco- nomical to pay for. Millions © prefer it--you'll like it. Phone us today for 'blue coal'--the finest hard coal money can buy. COME IN OR PHONE TODAY REESOR FUEL AND LUMBER, Port Pérry: PHONE 73 George Samells, is 'busy training the \ with the. Sunday School Christmas = ° of gifts by . a >t : -- JUBIIILSLLIILALLILLLILALLLS LIELSIRLIINTIIss setts stsntstetstsisstaLsts tts atssstsi IITians i -- ns nr! SE mg Lae ET on ah a I A, en gr F TP Ny