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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1951, p. 5

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EAA on 1a suc ca PORT di ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 ---- an * BUSINESS DIRECTORY Will Inflation Wreck . I ing better than it lived in 1939 but not as well as it lived in 1945 at the peak-of 'the wartime boom, EE EE EE EEE a EE EE EN EE EE EE F. W. Brock and Son . EEE : H Us? "If "you parcelled the total income : i i aver > i GERALD B. THOMPSON GENERAL CARPENTRY Ji Jo Bang ig Canadian, each , , Frourson| mip a EE LADIES' OVERSHOES = ar *Dector of Chiro : 4 | dexmine Canada's morale and its en-| come had zoomed to and. in | Pp Pr XRAY EQUIPPED, Ch Built-in Supboarss haps: tire defence program, 'Bruce Hutchi- | to $948. But the 1945 average income SMAL I. SIZE S--ASSORTMENT. . 185 SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA | ROY KENDELL' son writes in the current issue of Mac- wail buy $671 worth of goods at : 98. n Office H ERY 5 Ais 4 ! : Iéan's in an article, "Are We Head- 1939 prices and in 1949 it could still 2 ; Ev ie by Avvotnimen Phone 284M Port Perry. | ing for a<20-Cent Dollar?" buy $589 worth. That means the: -. 4 n . 3 CEE 'Dec. "50 | Loe : average Canadian has about 50- per P " ------ - : : The sharp drop in buying power| cent. more buying.power -than before 1 Chi 1d Sh ow B " RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, RC : of 'the Canadian dollar in the past 3) the war and 12 per cent. less than |g j i ren' s n oots a . 5 3 C. SAND AND GRAVEL years is revealed in an accompanying in 1945.7" = : W HI 1 I L KE A' 1 HE R--C(C LE ARING ' Al . " A mege rest North, Oshawa, pss and "here you want it. Call' artic 3f1islq by Sidney Murgolies: Jn The average Canadian industrial $1. 08. hs Wl, ] 2 hone ; .|ROSS BR. SANDISON, Phone 131 r 5,| © d 0 orker earned $20. ek in 1938 at : i ; in atten at my Port Perry Office Pert P D4 was worth 79 cents compared with its yon or, sarhed $20 1 8-week W-1999, SRE ROU SEE SES ob Tuesday and Thursday afternoons ° erry, RR.4 indi, he sri Said "itr in 1946 and by mid-1950 he was e- e : LL LL : i e L ad {setting $43.60, Accordi » Do- pe me [sons apnea ison) Suneel ls 5 vis a Ns nt CONGOWALL x een . H (7 i i Ff: Hi . orey hone 94 RE-UPHOLSTERING and By inflation, Canada and other free | about 26 per cent. better off in real I'OR' KITCHEN OR BATH ROOM W AL 1.8 " A 3381 wi RE-BUILDING countries can wreck themselves, des- | enrnings than in 1939, But his 'pre- GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, WHITE, 4": ft. ol " i ( B fri : - let us re-upholster your old chester- | LOY their present economic systems sent wages will buy him no more than [| : 'ee igeralion © | field suite, Satisfaction guaranteed. |" lose the fight against Commun- {$31.07 did in 1945. : 0c. foot [] : for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. 1 Estimates given on Installations. | Reg. Boundey LIfe I Rta FI - i INSURANCE | Are your policies up-to-date? Whatever your insurance needs Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. . Phone 8844 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church St. W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON 'secret weapon, ism, says Hutchinson. "It can be- come our Achilles' heel and Stalin's He knows that but so far we don't". "We have denounced the Socialists of Britain whenever they proposed a capital levy .... but (with inflation) we have enforced a ferocious levy of our own. We have selected us our victim the man who has saved his money, bought Victory Bonds, pre- pared to keep himself in old age in- Canadians can expect to pay higher prices in 1951 for goods containing steel, wool, tin, rubber and most met- als, says Margolius. And by spring suits, coats, shoes and some cotton items. will cogt more. : Ladies' House Dresses NICE ASSORTMENT Ladies Nylon Swealers. $9.95 and $6.50 PULLOVER--$3.95 and $4.65 i Office Hours: V a.m. to 6 p.m. stead of living on the public. ' 4 i may be, consult |. Office Upstairs over C. Sleeps "We have exempted. from the capi: 8. 3, $3. 0, $4. 75 : « y i H., W. EVIE it SON da Ska Office. tal levy the speculator who was smart oo i i . SALE. BO ENE 0B | enough to buy goods like real estate § Phone '41 Port Perry : : : . f : . FOR SAND AND GRAVEL or the claim to goods in the form oft Tooke i Py amas } i ; " and Excavating Work. common stocks, The value of these E " ] a ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C. ELI SW ORTH KENNEDY ulngs in ai lng Se as the va FLANNELETTE--SHORT or LONG SLEEVES i in attendance at my Port Perry Oflice | will be pleased to oblige you. Phone | Hy ayn I the pen- $5 05 and $6 50 3 on Wednesday morning and Friday 822 Port Perry, for information. 5 ) ls be ' ¢ Ls : | ----- afternoon of ath week, oF by fob 24. 1951 sioner and the widow while the in- Co 74 appointment. ila vestor, the speculator and the organ- : Loar oonnmiinannstni ue: | 12ed wage earner (who in the main ) ] oo ¢ Blong Block, Port Perry,.. Plone Ll # ros k ] has kept wages abreast of living WALLPAPERS = | Lavestroughing oss), tye gone ior Hie 1951 STOCK ALL IN--20c, ROLL AND UP KOOFING g : OF ALL KINDS ELECTRIC I'RESSURE PUMPS, Yidkia) sy LY DRGRlel; ash HE ir nei Crntby. Robards at -SOAP. DEALS GROCERIES 3 Eavestroughing, Asphalt Siding. |" URNACES and FURNACK RE-| =~ ow PORT PERRY ELECTRIC'S New I PALMOLIVE SOAP 1 PKG. VEL..10c. NAVEL ORANGES, Sunkist, 250s, 39c. 4 : PAIRS TO ANY MAKK, : : : ] Dace Rovord Dept. 1 RINSO and GRAPEFRUIT ooo, each 5c : . Etiniates given on all kinds of work. The Canadian government is de- : Sm Q@ > } . > RT Froe Estimates on Request. termined to avoid total or" partial IL NS A Riss RASS We. a at 2 hs 2 5 7 t : " rig Fo sy J 4 JAFEDUOVOY LOC. | FUIVNILED i iiiiiireiinennas ). 4C EARL WALLACE WO YDNEY @. BARNES | price controls to curb inflation "but pi 2 LUX FLAKES MIXED CANDY ib. 35c. Phone 261 Port Perry SLE. 8. Is sjihering Ine tel doy and KNITTING BOOK .......cooonvrirr.. 8e. | FANCY PEAS, 20 07. Gin ooo 20c. Ye". fatale elem ole'e RN yostany & MONTEITH RTERED ACCOUNT ANTS 37 King St. East, Oshaw . Gordon W. Richl, C.A. Resident Partner oo WR Wi D R. J. . B. LT u N DY haps decades of cold war; that, having C; an adi an i oes ea STH SR ---- } Sw: established a totalitarian economy in 4 CASOLINE and MOTOR OILS : 4 REAL ESTATE Consult J. A, WILLOUGHBY '& BONS 3 for complete Real Estate Service. & Furnaces [282233200023 03237220000e 0188000030008 48430838248%3 DR. H. H° ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street Phone 237 "Port Perry Bi33T3333 10330030010 0000220000 0000000080008 20320 (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY : ONTARIO Office Hours--10 a.m. to 6 p.m. | society of America for a temporary The Canadian government thus hus committed an act for which an indi-* by day . ...and U.S. controls are politically irresistible here. "Unless this slide is soon x arrested the American economy will be under wartime government controls within a year. Thus the greatest danger of all is that we shall repeal the free emergency when we face in fact per- the name of democracy, we shall be unable to liquidate it in 10 or 20 years when everyone is geared to it." 'To escape this prospect and to check Head Office, Toronto, 166 Yenge St.| Phones: Office G8W Res. 68] inflation now, Hutchison suggests the, the past twelve months in Canadian TR Phone AD. 0804 Canadian public support measures to: AE ----Lwaterpower-- -development, reports CR, "~~ | hold purchasing power to the level of LOU SNIDER that with 1,087,276 h.p. of new cap- City and Country Homes.. Farms and Small. Acreages. Industrial and Business. Properties. : - LLOYD LEE is your Local Representative. DRINK A production; cut government spending Ln items; drastically in-| crease tdxes; raise interest rates on loans to curb private spending; re- Popular Pianist heard over C. B. C. Network each week € - Phone LO 6229, Toronto. - duce consumer credit. A third of Canada's 5,108,000 em- | Watcr-power plants in Canada is now |g "Port Perry 186] : Economical 7 As for what's happened to the dol-| hloyables arc unskilled . .. What listed at 12,654,836 h.p. which repre- AGENT FOR WHITE ROSE PRODUCTS : refre shment lar "itself, Margolius points out that] difference does that make if they be- | sents the development of about 23 per 7 oe RE ee : the -average Canadian family is liv- long to unions! cent of total resources. PHONE 2904 | OR'1 1 Is RRY; ONTARIO A large part of the 1960 increase | Basararrarana: TT TASS 5s i -- in power supply is located in Ontario : and Quebec, major additions being the Ls i Dodge DeLuxe - Dodge Special DeLuxe - Custom Dodge 8) © PHONE 130 BEARE MOTORS: PORT PERRY EE EEE EE EEE LEE EE LL EE EEE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE FE LE EE EEL EEE CE | ! \ 1 Y.T., to serve the silver:lead imines of PORT PERRY ROD & GUN CLUB ANNUAL MEETING, THURSDAY, JANUARY-5th, 8 p.m. in High School Gym. . Waterpower Resources Minister Winters, in his vear-end summary of progress during IH { "PORT PERRY EL elena Ll LE EE EL EL PHONE 43 THE PICK OF THEM ALL acity coming-into operation the year 1950 has established a new record in water-power deve lopment in Canada. "The "total installed capacity of Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission's nearly completed Des Joachims plant on the Ottawa River and the Shaw- inigan Water and -Power Company's addition to the La Trenche plant on St. Maurice River. Power develop- ment exténded all the way to the Northwest and Yukon Territories where a_diesel-genexated power plant at Fort Smith, N.-W.T.; was complet- ed in October and work begun on a 3,000 h.p. development on Mayo River the district. Other new plants and additions are well distributed across Canada. Hydro-Electrie dévelopments and extensions which are under active construction total about 1,000,000 h.p. and those under preliminary construc- tion or definitately planned are ten- tatively rated at 1,500,000 p.m. As a result of an increase of about eight per cent in the demand for primary power during the year, there was also pronounced actively in. the field .of .power distribution, which in. volved the construction of new main transmision lines and sub-stations and the extension of secondary lines, New fuél-power electric' plants,-and exten- sions to existing stations have also been completed or are under.construe- tion. : ' a ---- $30,000 Cuff-link Orders from Canada An U. K. exhibitor at last May's C.IT.F. in Toronto, has since; received orders totalling $30,000 for expansion type cuff-links designed and boxed ta the Canadian ue. Cop oro as ar san arg | Stove & Fuel 0il, GASOLINE DELIVERED TO FARMERS Kerosene RAY BIRKETT ) Ep --, AREFEEEEEEEDIDEBEEBEEREEEEENRESEE BEERS MEAT --TO--GIVE YOUR DIET CAWKER BROS. PORT PERRY = 3: ONTARIO Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH PROPER BALANCE IN CEMENT! CEMENT! CEMENT A car load Just arrived; also MASON and IVORY LIME f fresh in stock. Flue Lining -- Vitrified Crock 8 x 8, and 8 x 13. Complete Estimates given on all kinds of Céhstruction. ¥ ----------_---- a . . - - . > - « - - CREE CE ORE RE OE RE Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co., Limited Ieee SSE TEER S co i LI ? LL aR: EERE, mn as" HevErh od PORT PERRY Phone 240 w yo | yot happened and he nearest ap- ™ . be "3 GAMERS i OO A OC OL OO OO OO I Your Dodge and. DeSoto. Dealers: i ae bold -

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