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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1951, p. 7

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4. EAT E75} RE NTA YL Re ST $3 s3ti5 ST Y si a TRARY gb Fy Fai ol Sin oh 8 ir Ah Lh : ' * ed) by a CF TE oid fim Ne £ FOI PH SRL LAI FLT TRIS 3 Eg Putte 8 . RL TE - Ls ix 7 ' 1% Illia ls : a 8 SR Baath At aa i + = 3 oa AFAR EL ox Fis $8 Fal SLE . 4 ORLA a RE defo hapa ied \ ' Ta 1 rit 4 i ] : i i } 'o ' 5 x » : , 3 ' . : ; : oS | vi : a 8 ck mee = a -- : - , R ' i : . ; \ ene : + i Great Cathedral TH I) IM FRONT i" assiile verusing.. . . . - =x - A 2 : ai ak ER Shale bak re ee Nal i Will Rise Again A ; Li Ea, { Lng BABY CHICKS EA FRR ai ; Coventry Cathedral, beautiful 0 i \ / rl eC ~ ATOR IT CK H ate ROY, sited WIRD! iN, tabiid Korn Tow iw: Wi son landmark of the British city which =i il py ASB TCRITL with a proven breeding baciarowid ous me : Fo * i . tr 498 ¢ es d breed 2 A suffered blind destructiveness at the = Sclally proven the creat. of Canadian toi MEDICAL nie hands of the Luftewaffe, is to rise ; ' . [Yr [here "doesn't. eens 10 be the ~poultey and thels br fuction will tly FRUIT JUICES -- The pelsicipal . oe n 3a ur " - : e111 p ere ) i astonish-, you ™ ave 10V an . . : ' : again. A competition is shortly te One day years ago remarked 2 lightest' - doubt that hockey, in Rs Sih whith 10 shioat, Free cata: ingredients in Dixon's. Remedy lor % take place to find a new design for td a friend of mine" "Well, theres Dilg Be re irons SN logue. Kelterbbin Poultry Farm.: Milver- Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis, Munro's ; ¥ed Sp {one 1 'thing ;about winter; you many places, -- especially south of ton, Oiitario i Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, ir vi the Cathedral, which~ was one' of one' good thing ;about w 4 y : Pardes Dadlr tcodirin shit ik Lives -- I Un i Dr ue : 5 > Fd . A vA 4 a J } or and: reac : be +3 ROPLITS depen of Profuetion, ang roe. AD " ! = es A the finest exauiples of church arch- fos open Tou Paper i. ion } in the, arm. - One, critic, asked what duction" dvpersls on breeding. The kind CRESS" CORN SALVE : "2 Fy Atecture in Britain. There "are no about a lot of drowning 1atd . . . 0) me the principal cause ot' breeding (hap pays off where it counts tor sire rellel: Your: Disighist Sells or ict i "You don't," lie replied, "but you' he thought' was "the principal cause, inthe ci basket." Top Noteh ROP, . CRESS 3 Gra restrictions on 'the style of the ] : i oY of poor attendances, said "Seeing Sired® Chicky are sold to you av the price ee ee ¥ building or the niateridls to be-tised, | read about what seeins 'to me. far the site: GY: Hess too. alten; Cen of ordinary chicks, and we know=R.O.P. i POST S ECZEMA SALVE : 4 Ar . 4 COTS : » familie sing ir Hime ( ahah: ; ' 2: Jired os JK¥¢ are moré profitable. Also ANISH the torment of dry eczema ri . and the new Cathedral, with. an ad- Worse : abn families go ny hel the kids get fed up after they watch ie fo Chie for yy Na and weepin a troubles. Post's Boss. r joing Chapel of Unity-and Christ: lite shag" iguses. the same Hopalong Cassidy filth on oii 0 PES a i Panty. a ng AY Qe acne, a 5 ian Service Centre, is estimated to , ash Bol "television more than a dozen times, on Noteh Chick Sales: Guelph, Outariv." ringworm, pimples and athlite's toat, 'will wn A cost $2 million Perhaps 'he was right. ote 0 and the hockey fans wonld like a TIE BANRTY CHICK lays the Fall ess rosgond readily to. ihe stainless, odos . . . - the things referred to are mighty and the hockey tans we ! Ke PHA BEATRLY + Ia i : 9 Neots ointment, regardless of how stubborn * In a message to the competivory; |. HC THNES din spite of «all bit more variety." ' a sete for the High Fail Market horelest URICK $1.00 PER JAG 0 A f hi - eo y / S a » . v we produ 0 © A . Pp oo 2 FL ' v the Bishop of Coventry. says: "The sad reading, ; An i" Spice: 01.18 $a Xt in 2 that hie vrofly period by orders . POST'S REMEDIES ie 'Cathedral should" be built to en- the safety alm a ! Hl Which, of course, 1s just one ing Tweddle Chicks bo Bh es ee ay Sent Post. Free on Receipt of Price . . LE , > [OW g ' b Doi no CEES We [eco i ; ok ( ' oven shrine the altar. This should be tc be. op LhRign ire Tha man's opinion, Still, there are na Leghorn, Red X Rock, Legs 889 Queen Si, E.. Cornet of 1a " Torems the ideal of. the architect: not to mn appalling numbers. t pl tose many who believe that hockey hein * Boek, Sussex xX ed. Sop fast UNWANTED HAIR . gr . y 3 a-Br tree bE . ering broilers our Qu! ent . conceive a building and to place m i worse a great peroed 5 4 would do well to introduce some- pil Sired New Hampshires, Hamp X Eradicated™ from any part of the ho . it an altar: but to conceive an altar hoes were -l0st firough sheer "cz thing along the lines of tlic English Rock Fubgey x Hamp. Jeng tor yy Ni Sha Peis, a Tomarkaile Slaco : - and to create a building". essness. : . Football Association's Challenge Gy liens, uatatave:. . ful ingredients; and will deatsoy the h XU i J . y i ST Coop" for short, Last Tweddlo: Chick Hatcheries Limited oot A place must be found in the 'arelessness with matches, for ex- i y tw one Bava os ¥ Fergus, . Ontario, ' LOK-BEER LABORATORIES mct { the r Cathed - Carelessness with m ' a 2 i September there were SIX hundred 2 or Fergus, Unt . os : : precincts of the new Cathedral for = . While. for statistical pur- SE ; ' " i h aa | BABY CHICK BUYERS. Order yout: 1951 610 Granville Street, the charred cross, cross of nails and ample. 3 hile, for statiitical { rainy por . 3 : 3 and fifteen 'teams entered for The baby chicks now. and take advantage of © Yancouver, W.C. altar of rubble and the stones bear poses, fires, caused by matches and Sky Skiing--Top photo shows the first ski-equipped Douglas Cup, and it is possible -- although our early order discount. Each brecdor ia - "PEP UP" Te ing the words "Father Forgive" those caused by smoking are usually Airliner on its takeoff from airport on its way to Point Barrow, not at all probable that some | Govermmicnvbandet wn. pullorum tested LM Wil bull: from debris from the des. grouped together, the National Alaska, for airlift and mercy service within the Arctic € ircle. practically unheard-of amateur out- lat. Monkton Poultry Farms Monkton, or 0.88 Toc TABLETS, troved Catlicdiak. Unnanal featuses Fire Protection Association is of the. lower picture is a close-up of the skis. fit will come through, and take | Ontario. . A Ono Dollar. At Drugsists of "the 'reduiret ; vo : a / "opinion that the careless use of the : home the silverware, as well as the DYEING AND CLEANING ey $ Jemuemeons. top plains or match is the greater hazard of the % igicey © of gate-receints tha HAVE you anything needs dyelng or ciean. OPPORTUNITIES FOR ME. & WOM the new Cathedral are that there is £ juicy chunk of" gate-recen that A YE i a Ttor mformation. We wilt nS WR sR RI i A ! ; , n 11-1 . ate 3 : : ng? ui 0 T £ an, 3 . ~ to be no chancel screen Intercupiing two x Before striking a match; the box goes with it. are glad to answer your questions. De BE A HAIRDRESSER the view of the altar from the body . : Loe or folder should be closed to keep \ * S13 +| vartmient il. Parker's Dyo Worka Limited, 10IN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL of the church ¥ ¢ th » C Se : Unnecessary deaths, injuries, and the other matches from igniting. The big boys teats from the i Sones io, Yorum es Real Halrdreasiog 4 . " 1d i wher ie congrefa- -loss of property ate due to fires One should also check to sec that First or Second Division --generally i a Ploasant dignified profession, good wag tion will be seated, and proyision started by children playing" avith he box ie right sid y before open- , . cihilitv MOTORCYCLES, Harley Davideon. ™ New Thousands of successful Marvel gradua is to be made for an open-air pulpit y ; the box ic right side up betore open finish on top. But the possibility ang used, bought. sold, exchanged. Large America's Greatest System ab igiom § 3 : 4 d hd ] )! matches before they have learned ing it. . that the miracle might happen keeps stock of guaranteed used motorcycles. ie fifustrated Catalogue Free 4 Ww n open-air stage for religious : bo , . . ak is Lh i : Gy: factory-trained 'hanles. Bl Writ Call plays P wi " 9 how, to. Bie then wily, a : : i interest in soccer alive ip scores ol ry py ps Rigi ood, ALARVEL HAIRDRESSING ECHOLS : iri fi : - ightly clos tal container small towns and hamlets which -- also Guns, Boats and Johnson Outboard 333 Bloor St. W., Toronto Designs * must be submitied by "Fires have been started by 'mat- . 4 tightly closed, niet J Soma ier ik ' oy : A Ive would uo pA Open evenings until nine except | Uranches : A July 2 1951, and they 3 ) h h y is the safest way to store or carry without that incentive vould not Wednesday, Strand Cycle & Sports. King f1 King St. Hamilton y Yr EY Fen eT i) ta ches which-were carried by birds or matches. 1f matches are 'put in a be able to support: a teant -at all. at Sanford. Uamilton Co +3 3 72 Rideaw St SANS dd AL - 2 > H : f itis : Hh fats anto walls 01 crevices. Whey stand, they should be placed with The chances of thdt miracle coming ONLY $250 UP - PATENTS TT BY oyal nstitute o British Arch- used as building material for nests, ) ¥ . : "ws Bi . 3 : ill be seen later, are ERS ER AA RGR ET AE $ Prices ave tl ival . heads down so that they will not to pass, as will be scen later, are OIL BURNE AN OFFER to evory inventor--List of ia- Bee pA $4,100 Wh gine eal matches near. Steg FIPs\or oliii- accidentally ignite. AI 'matches mighty sling but you can't arrest 4-HOUR CHANGEOVER ventions and full information sent free. Sy et Seite baci dl and $J,U00. neys have been" ignited Mby the should be kepl out of reach of child- a man -- or a team "for dream FURNACES REPLACED . Tho Bamaey 00s Fre) tered Patent Attor- % A - heat. - ing ONLY 4 HOURS FOR EXCE. NGES ii TE ci Mh eal A ft a ren _ 1 Ys 8 RF THERSTONHA UG . 4 . ' Alr-Conditio Furnace Repairs FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Ps ; 1 tibi ¥ N - gerry f A URONTOS FASTEST SERVICE . tent Solicitors, Hstablished « 1890, -88%° T 10st common conbustible il ; 2 : ensllly : ; On SEC olva--y Buy Street, Toronto. Booklet of Intorma- Te es in matches 55 8 cont Only one match should be. re- The actual value of the I. A na igo bing Pnibin iby W n tn phar White phos- moved from the container at a time. Cup itseli is understood to be in heating comfort tho sie day. HOH OF Tau RI OnCC commonly used Several matches 'bunched together the region of £25 but the cash PHONE WAVERLEY 7198 NE TICS ns son SER But because of the fact that white in-the hand may flash and cause potenti! « to the. winner through , DB. 1. BRONZE and White Holland Tur GARIN WRITES Deeley To ua Akt 'inhaled b tch seriots hand burns. One should its actual share ol the proceeds key poults. Government approved study cgurse gives you personal (nstrue- phosphorus, when 'inhaled by matc Stel i i ow ie - and increased box = ofhice appeal is hatchery and breeders. . Write for litera. on by successful Canadian author 1 { elf an 5 Pl 5 . . pi : a tion by suc in . Let fac cork d when swal- strike the match away from oneself, ; a $s 1 ture: Tingen's -Shoreitno - Turkey Ranch i : 0 actory . workers and : 1 vor toward mntone Sisal something like £30,000. © The Ar- Ee aaa tie us tell you Low. Bonded and Governmeut d 3 hewing on mat- ut never toward anyone else since 4 3 ' and Hatchery, meee prormalimpeA licensed. Also manuseripls given careful fHowed by Ds Une States the --head may fly off --and cause' senal, London's glamour team that | Sor oin nh HEIFERS we vedited and revision at moderato rates. TE armful: S $ . -- iE 9 on ls rear. had a ric ; acoinated. 2 bred to a son of Bramp- 'riters' Service, 29 rest 3 ranue, ches, = a swing the lead of other clothing to atch fire. When light- won last year, had a rich haul. vaccinated. {ued 10 5 90 #7 Hite Weners The $04 West 28th Avenue in 1913, following the lcadiol o tate ink UY 2 . From the semi-final*and fmal en= ton: Spotlight Sport. - 3 ready Co > : , FU > heavy tax the use ing a cigaret in the wind. one should ) C. I, Hayward, "RR. Campbellville, eB £OUniEng] DUE Ay he be careful not to strike the match gagements its share was £11,731 Ontario } : _ 2 of white phosphorus in Making Ba os ose to the face Prior to that it had pocketed pro- TT TIIBER LOT FOR SALE 3 ROMAN Catholle English-speaking tedchers, ches, which has had a prohibitive ace. fits from four home cup ties wits Good Banswood, Maple and Mixed Wood, A a a 4 H A R i + y & - . % oh 412 acres. - yt u Oretary = \ Alrge effect on their manufacture. ed : } nessed by a quarter- of a million Apply M. W. Shearer, Buckhor, ie i ayer Board _ phosphorus is not as poisonous as. Matches shouyl never be carried '| England's TV Gal -- Lovely fans. 2 . © 159 Murray Street, Ottawa, : white, lence the red phosphorus into any storage room containing Petula. Clark flashed a proud : ' . © proach to it- was in 1927 when ; 2 niatch' factory environment is safer. | i flammable or explosive materials; '| smile at her admirers after re- The semi-final and final ties are London's Millwall reached & semi ) ; Since red phosphorus has a much nor should they be carried when ceiving a silver microphone | where the F.A. takes its rakeoff. . 'lubs freely spoken of as : ; ; i] 1 , $ Y ried ga Croj Where - $.1ts rakeoll, final. Clubs ly 'spoke . higher kindling temperature, those handling or working with inflam-- presented to her as England's 25 per cent. of the prohts. go to capable of at least: equalling that - matches are safer for shipping and mable or explosive materials. One | "Television Woman of the the national soccer body, 25 per feat are Norwich City and Stoek- | . | _storing -- Phosphorus. sesquisulfide should use a flashlight of electric Yiar." The radio and television centi--each to the two participating port County. The former has ] LIV B , -- " is sometimes used in making match="| jor when rummaging around ira | awards were made=in--ondon.--|-- clubs (cach semi-final being a sep- | syruck a winning vein and has : : es and is not as poisonous as white closet, attic, hasement or garage, i : arate account) and 25 per cent. to been beaten only once this season, Witt Cll) 7490 You'll jump Out of phosphorus. oof since 'combustible materials may be le fA . what is known as the pool." This -| "Oy Jan. 6 Norwich receives Liver-- orning Rarin : PERL, " 3 } ; Where Thievin X wl oi he third J k DEE 3 vertal The liver should pour out about 3 od ; 2 : in such places. ~ y 1g is an account opened when the third | pool, losing finalist to The Arsena bile uioe Into your digestive traet every "There are twp general types of |. = ar 4 «7 "IIs A Fine Art ~~. | roundgets nls Id wheal) last season, Stockport Commty is Glee foming rd (58s ie ' | matches. The strike - anywhere oom -ecoinme ur ; : : crowds and money begin to roll host to Brentford, a west London tract. Then gas bloats up your J hidihindeg BAS 3 énded thdt burned -- : . oe] ; ; sour, dO Weari is. | match: has all of the chemicals: ATE ow to insure "Have you ever considered sailing n, ' * second divisioir<ide undergoing a a4 pops y You tod : and Tagged Out--Wearing a pris- | Lo cary for ignition compounded hs! Me - Pa Adente 1 ' SE lean time. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little f-w t this Chinese ; 3 : that the flame is extinguished before oft into the Atlantic in a small What hs is that " ¢ Livar Pills to get these 3 pinta of bile dows 3 oner-ol-war fag, th together: in the bulb of the match. : ; , 'acht? Yon't scoff PA tat happens 1s that a percent- ing freely {0 take you feel "up and Red soldier captured near Ha- The strike - on - the = box match the match is thrown away. yacht? (Don't scoff -- it might age is gathered. from cach cup tie Meantime popular * division has (et a package today, Effective In : e strike - - 4 hat f ite a 1 f . S$ gi l a : Meantime popul: ' . RF T 4 . . * * *« 1appen, tor quite a lot of unexpec ' : JET w ai ARE . blle flow freely, Ask for Carter's Little . garu, Noth Lowen) enjoyed a has the chemicals with fhe Jowest LE TR el 10d people' have: done 500 An' uh Sl when) Die Baal hes hoon gloved placed The Arsenal in pasion of Pills, 35¢ at any drugstore. taste of U.S. combat rations kindling temperature in the "strik- I einployed." labourer named Fred iis shire ut an i Sohn favorite for the trophy. Not since . . _ while hundreds of thousands et" on the side of the box. The usctu p p al 'Rebell, with fo previous experi- - operating an the English league, 1891 has a club won twice in suc- ; "of his fellow soldiers massed | other chemicals are in the bulb for burned matches. and cigaret |. Fe 0 ToT Cited from Aust. | LASt season these 88 outfits cach | cession but' such is the faith in --for the push "that has since of the natch, ~ Im ~this--way--it-is--{ --stubs--Metal and _glass_ash trays li To "Birope Ti Boal HE he received £1,231, the only difference The Arsenal's good fortune that : "forced all -UN forces into a difficult to strike the strike-on-the: | are also safe places, provided wads bonght. FOr.5 fev pins, ard 1a being that 51 were dealt £1,231, usually level » headed people be- " : ! t i t the "of paper have not been put there, . 2 ¥ Y 0s. 2d., and 37 £1,231. 0s. 1d. Al- ie he he "Gunners" will do general retreat box match anywhere except on ; : a land-lubber with little nioney . ; lieve that the =! Ww) qc . : too. Burned matches should never A though little more than a drop in i is time. 'They receive in the box itself. s and even less expert knowledge f it this ) ty ¢ Xe ' be thrown into wastebasket or con- has embarked on such an adven- the ocean for the prosperous and third round insignificant Carlisle ' i Under- tainer of inflammable materials. : : hat J wealthy clubs, this share out repre- Tnite luck of the draw Matches which have an de ; ture. ; y clul > [ United and the |. writers' label on the box have had | ~~ =~ x x * pr 1f you should do '50, -however sented a big splash for some of the. | -o play at home has happened five " ' ot = » ) i r= r= 1 1" Vis sides : "3 , . ar Gi the head, splint and afterglow In the open, care should be taken think twice about putting into struggling Hid ridin sides. times in a row. . Last year thei al : ' H . om . ~ fv: " nehiteve 1 - The Underwriters' Laboratories | 10 to discard burned matches near | "the port of La Coruna. Fof; ac- " : a TW cup friumph was achieved with standard requires > that the head dry leaves or grass. Many forest cording to Edward Allcard, thicv- a ce. pi, Shvasion sides and out having to leave London. Next shall not fly or split whe jiruck} "| fires are caused by the- failure to ing from ships has been brought to Shige 0 asim rl snl ; bro: is Fin isnt Jans thos ¢ i a : the afterglow shall nét "cxist. for make certain that the match has a fine art at that Spanish port. essional clubs opcratmg outside the ine, Newcastle United, Manches- 0 more than two seconds; and the been extinguished before throwing Allcard, who sajled alone across English Leagiie look upon the F.A, ter United and Wolverhampton By Rev. R. B. Warren, B.A. B.D. J r enough not : Bh : or 31 try Yonik 8 "Cup tournament as a big opport- Fanderers. All have great cup- y splint shall be st on i Ki -it away. the Atlantic to New York a year hor A 1 ign bi ¢ : x ; I CE to break during ordinary striking. a ago in his seven-ton yacht Temp- Vie AO 00002 DORHS... 10. 10 | ighting tradition and all dre pre- 51 i ini i indicati . ; : ings a . Two or three at- jous winne Rated as the great- Jesus Begina His Ministry Afterglow is an indication that the . tress and started on the return trip things along i i vious winners. Rated as the grea Mark 1:9-20 match may reignite or cause con- | The smart alecky stranger ambled this year; putting in. after seventy. | active engagements against crowd- est outsiders are Carlisle United, Memory Verse: And Jesus said ™ tiguous substances to ignite after into the farmyard and was greeted four days at sea, battered by gales pilliAg Jr emier ans pris Port Vale, Oldham Athletic and unto them, Come ye after me and it has been discarded as extinguish- by the farmer." The visitor produc- and half starved, at Horta, in the with replays, 1s olten Yéen | nown York City. [I will make you to become fishers ed. * * * ed his card and remarked: "I am a Azores, says that a favorite trick to cqual the entire season's mcome .* ! ppl fo of men. Mark 1:17. Matches should never he carried government inspector and am en- is to cut. the mooring lines of a from the league play of a little Note: --The above was written a With this lessen begins the 1951- loose in the pockets of clothing titled. to inspect your farm." Half - ship almost through, so that as soon club. The welcome additional rev- few days after Christmas, and it is 36 cvele Tn this quarter we study because they may ignite when ac- an hour latey, the farmer heard as she casts off they break and sink enue goes to provide better dress- possible that, by' the time it ap- iv ark's portrait of Chtist. "This. was cidentally hit. Also, because ofthe screams from lis alfalfa patch, to the bottom of the harbour. They ing rooms, better spectator accom- pears, some ofthe teams mentioned EAE niles Roman - influence as fact that match heads adhere closeé= | where the inspector was being chas- | are retrieved later, when the owner | =modation-and;-semewhat ironically, will be already out-of the running. contrasted with the Jewish influ- ly. to fiber, there is danger that | ed by a bull. Leaning over the gate has sailed a'vay in disgust. better players. i dL. so, blame .it- on the editorial ence on Matthew and Greek in- they may be left in the pockets of | as the inspector drew near, the Such avid thieves are they that tile sens Pai T° "dead-line". ~fhtettee on I=tike----Mark's--is-- the clothing when being sent to the farmer, cried: "Show. him your card, | there is a story to the effect that | MMS season, however, not one a oo : Lee yy fhtertee on luke : 3 € Ea causing -fire. when placed : he van ; : as bavi : 3 ¢hib operating outside thie major | WORRIED PASSENGER briefest of the Gospel fecords. In- cleaners, causing fire p mister--show him your card." | a yachtsman was buying his own N TW TR he a ; vid ctory material with regard to in the presser, rope over the stern from one Span- cague is left in the competition at An elderly lady got on a bus and troduction f te i itted. There | -- jard.as another was paying it out round three. Such a thing has not took the only empty seat, next the birth of Jesus is om . or the I 1 ag happened for 40 years. 'the 604 to a man who had had a little too Ly is a rapid steady movement over the bows! : dlr % L ' A ; CAN ' ) { apy - : > few Allcard's fv book teams that go into battle oi" Jan. much to drink. Soon she opened a ANADA'S FINEST throughout tlic story. Edward Allcard's néw book, 6 a 0. ; : A The first figure to appear in this "Single + handed Passage" tells the , re t ie fist and second map of Japan to study it. 3 CIGARETTE ae : s . ' 1 , " . 1 o < « 3 « 1¢ Lipsy Het cman gazed siead- 3 Gospel iccount-is John_the Baptist. graphic story of a great adventure. divisions" 20 ais and thie third ~The tipsy g leman gazed stead He is the. sentinel who heralds the .| Tt tells how he survived gales at gms ons : NE gys who elimi- ily at the map for a while and finally Coming of Ehrist. Jesus comes to.' sea, fogs, sharks and--a beautiful nated a ie sal boys. addressed the lady in an interested EE 3 film to be baptized and thus to ful- blondel a a rT 5 a Jai Sure. you're_on the right ns ISSUE 1 -- 1951 = " " : * n raid 8 2 : H sc. - 3 . > fill all righteousness. The descent What docs a bachelor do?" asks Eg INE i hy oS Uso Jus : a : of the Spirit as a dove upon Him Allcard, "when a starry - eyed, sifi- Pan -killing bu 1hat rock soc. and the voice of the Father from burned blonde steps aboard at Gib. cerdom and mu A the -cup Serna Heaven, vividly present' the truth and iis to thumb a ride to Cape- gr in 3 Wi Rw ave, vi very. $ 7 A he trinity of the Godhead. | town? . , . LE 3 . of J) i y tions. the. forty-day "What difficultics there are in odd regular Saturday afternoon soc: Mair, The Satan. Some modern sailing the oceans! How one's life's cer fans would willingly pay treble temptation by oi \ that Satan. can ambitions are endangered by a admission fee to have a repitition of _day thinkers teach th : | ter] If I'd weakened a couple of ycars ago when a non- 11 cr psychology chance encounter eakene " be resolved by proper Psy HA =| and taken her with me I'm sure | league club, Colchester United, 2 But the Scriptures present Sata 3 1 should have fallen -in love witl came right through from the first lity unexcelled in power shou ave fallen -in love with : > fi asa Dod But the weakest hers..." round proper and after vanquishing piste ith God's help can defeat - ~ He survived his blonde, however. major league outfits en route elim- morla a WES , And one wonders, after his latest | inated a first division team, Hud. the Devil. pry i epic of courage and endurance, what dersfield Town, in the third round. 5 The first of the twelve ou Li next he'll attempt. There's always That exploit was responsible for Jesus called to be with Him in 'lis the world to be sailed round . . . . the admission of Colchester to the ministry were two pairs of bro- : English League where it now op- 33 thers who wire Ashermen, They : ey Lapis Loh a In the midst of her first driving | erates in the third division, south- | : : became great hie tance their ied : : oa : 'afl ¢ lesson, Mrs, Wililams complained | ern section. Now there foil their pas ence, er UN Wheels Get IFour-Wheel Drive -- The first of a fleet o to her husband: "George, that little Fa La | p. ingenuity, Jol De eratcined specially-equipped four-wheel drive jeeps for the use of United mirror up there isn't set right." Traditional British sympathy : : Jaeping out ol 3 8 tor thie kingdom ations personnel all over the-world was delivered pecent] 2 "You think not?" George rejoin- lying gi! it toss with Hie anderdog ' : no 2 n catching : <A Ray of the P - what the fan secretly hopes for : "oy : ; mii "of hele Master Jesus Chest Every, | C0 AC AL he ON flag to os Lazaro Ray of Ake chrvice | ""iNor the harasied studgnt pro- | now Is a third division side ad. | Out In The Cold-- "I swan." said the swan finding the old ; 'hristian 'must be a "fisher --of '| pines attached the ' Sl rar i eR wimming hole frozen up tight. The swan, noted for its poise. fo en Hi greatest joy is In bring- chief Carey Seward (right) formally accepted the jeep from 47 tested. "I can't gee a thing in #t but | vancing to the final. It has. never SW imming ole itoren i Bat phd Wisin TE £ men, Ss : ; A » 8 - and grace, found the pond too sh ) : Tne William Percival, a representative of the manufacturer. the car behind! 5 yot happened and the nearest ap IC. grace, 'ol p slippery. tC ing another to Christ,

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