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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jan 1951, p. 8

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© ------ Bed | hin 3 Ra re i Sx ooo \ » 0) Si an PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1951 rt tnt $17 | ---- re ee S-- CLASSIFIED ADS ATTENTION FARMERS! We will-be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Phone Port Perry 118 r 2, Uxbridge 27 Brooklin 62 © Toronto, Adelaide 3636 GORDON YOUNG LTD. EXPERIENCED DUTCH FARMERS Dutch Immigrants seeking Cana- "dian sponsors. Apply now for early arrival, Nestleton, 'Ont. janl8 b= FOR SALE--1496 Ford 8-ton truck "LIBERTIES, Service. "delivered by bushel or basket. chassis, good care. Apply to Uxbridge Farmers Co-Op., Uxbridge, Ont. jand Wanted--Woman for light house work--mornings phone 272w. ROOMS WANTED -- 2 or 3 un- furnished rooms with conveniences for light housekeeping, by a quiet couple. Phone 139J.. FOR RENT -- ment, with conveniences. Three room apart- Phone 209. FOR SALL--Boy's Skates, size 6; _2-pairs size b; 1 pair size 6%, Girl's size 4. Phone 2806W. - DEAD FARM STOCK Picked up. promptly. As an added service we will co- operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem. 2%¢ per Ib for live horses, Call collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWIL LL FUR FARM 'Tyrone. 1-51Lf "WOMAN WANTED Evening work in restaurrant. Ap- ply in person to Green Thistle Rest- aurant, Port Perry. p "APPLES FOR SALE Cooking and eating apples. Local Apply Port Perry. Phone 206R, - Notice ASSOCIATION FOR CIVIL TORONTO On THURSDAY NIGHT, JANU- ARY 4th, at 8.30 p.m. "Cross-Section" will "take a look at proposals for the ~.establishment in Canada of a Fair Employment Practices Commission. Can you legislate against discrimination ? Do we really need an F. ~And- if we had one, operate ? These are some of the questions that will, be tackled in a seript by re 'Berton of Toronto. He has M a special study of racial dis- crimination in Canada and of the var- ious means of combatting it. 'In Saskatchewan, he says, there is a bill of rights which outlaws discrimina- tion in' jobs, but there is no structure AI. Pallock, E. P. C.? set up to handle complaints .in the! rest of Canada--nothing. =~ But nine of the American states have an F. E.- Pp. C. Berton calls his talk "Fair - Employment Means Fair Play". The program will be heard on the Doniinion network of the CBC.. In Toronto, over Station CJBC. LISTEN. to "Cross-Section" (heard on Dominion Network of the C.B.C.) on Thursday Night, January 4th, at 8.30 pm, o Bill Herbert, the CBC's top special 'events reporter, is in the Far East, covering the Korean affair and send- ing his reports back to CBC News Roundup and Capital Report on the Trans-Canada network and.{o various |- programs of the CBC International His background for the as- signment includes reporting for the CBC from Europe during the Second Great War and covering milithry ex- erciges in Canada since that time, In the Far East, his base has been Tok- "yo, but he has also spent time with _ units of the Royal Canadian Navy "and visited the fighting front in Hopi : Korea, Write K. Vlieger, R. R. 2, how would it -- FOR SALE -- The land formerly owned by the Port Perry Rink Com- pany Limited, having a frontage of 244.82 feet on Lilla Street and a depth or frontage on Paxton S8treet of 116.18 feet, comprising lots numbers 250, 261. 262, and part of 249. Pro- coeds will be applied to new Rink Fund. For quick 'sale, any reason- able offer' will be accepted. J. E. Jackson, President, Port Perry Community Memorial Recreation Committee. aa nov28tf NOVICE TO CREDITORS "In the Estate of David Carnegie, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of David Carnegie, late of the -Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Hardware Mer- chant, who died.on or about the. 16th day of December, A.D. 1960, are here- by notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 81st day of Jaduary, 1961, full particulars of their claims, [Immediately after. the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 29th day of December, A.D, 1960. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, K.C., Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. -janl8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of James Real, late of '| the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Retired. ~All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died November 29th, 1950, are hereby 'notified to send to the undersigned | particulars of their claims on or be- fore February 3rd, 1961. Immed- iately after February 3rd, 1961, the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entited thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of December, 1950. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, I'ort Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix, ~ janl8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS of the Township of Cartwright, in the County of Durham, Farmer All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died November 11th, 1950, are hereby particulars of their claims on or be- fore February 3rd, 1961. Immediate- ly after February 3rd, 1951, the assets of the deceased will be -distri- buted among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to claim {of which the undersigned shall then] have notice. | Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of December, 1950. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administratrix. - 7 janl8 ---- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ernest John Boys, late of the Township of Reach, in the County .of Ontario, Farmer. the estate of thé above named who died September 28th, 1950, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned fore February 38rd, 1961. Immed: iately "after February 3rd, 1961, the tributed among the parties entitled of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, "this 30th day of December, 1960, 4 HARRIS, HARRIS. & WALLACE, Administratrix, janl8 ------ oe NOTICE'TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Ethel May. Boys, late of the Town of Whitby, in the County of Ontario, Spinster, All persons having claims against the estate of the above named who died December 10th, 1960, are here- by notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims on or be. fore February 3rd, 1061, Immediately after "February 3rd, 1051, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en: titled thereto having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, 3 Dated at Port. Perry, Ontario, this 30th day of December, 1960. - HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Soljcitors for the : © jani8 Jan. In the Estate of James H. Strong, late notified to send to the undersigned ae All persons having claims against | particulars of their claims on or be-|. assets of the deceased will be dis-| thereto having regard only to claims | Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the | Ti i-- Hockey Schadules THE MIDGET O.M.H.A SCHEDULE for Aurora, Newmarket, Port Perry and Stouffville, : 4, 7:46, ....Newmarket at Aurora Jan b, 8.46, Port Perry at Newmarket Jan, 8, 7.46, Stouffville at Port Perry Jan, 10, 6.45, Newmarket - Stouffville Jan. 12, 8.45, Aurora at Newmarket Jan, 15, 7.46 ..'Aurora at Port Perry Jan. 17, 6.46, Port Perry at Stouffville Jan. 18, 7.46, Stouffville at Aurora =| Jan. 22, 7.46, Newmarket - Port Perry Jan. 26, 7.45, Port Perry at Aurora Jan. 26, 8.456, Stouffville - Newmarket J UVENILE O.M.H.A. SCHEDULE Thur, Jan. 4, Port Perry at Unionville Fri. Jan. 5, Stouffville at Rich. Hill Mon, Jan. 8, Sunderland - Port Perry Mon. Jan. 8, Stouffville at Unionville Tues, Jan. 9 , Unionville at Port Perry Jan. 9, Richmond. Hill - Newmarket Jan, 12, Richmond Hill - Unionville Tues. Jan. 16, Unionville at Stouffville Tues. Jan, 16, Rich. Hill at Sunderland Jan. 16, Port Perry at Newmarket 18, Port Perry at Sunderland 19, Stouffville at Unionville 19, Newmarket at Richmond Hill 22, Newmarket at Port Perry 23, Richmond Hill at Stouffville 23, Unionville "at Sunderland 26, Stouffville at Port Perry 26, Sunderland"at Unionville 26, Port Perry at Richmond Hill 30, Port Perry at Stouffville 30, Sunderland at Newmarket 30, Unionville at Richmond Hill 2, Richmond Hill at Port Perry 2, Newmarket at Sunderland 6, Sunderland at Stouffville Feb, 6, Unionville at Newmarket Feb. 9, Sunderland at Richmond Hill Two other games to be arranged later Jan, Jan. Jan, Jan. dan, Jan, Jan, Jan. Jan, Jan. Jan, Feb. Feb. Feb. Juvenile games commence at Port Perry, 8.46 p.m, Newmarket, 7.16 p.m, Stouffville at 7.46 p.m. Sunderland at 7.46 p.m. = Richmond Hill at 7.46 p.m. Unionville at 7.45 pm. =~ A ---- go -- ---------- O.R.H.A. Eastern Group-- Dec. Jan, Jan, Jan, Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. SCHEDULE 28--Cannington at Port Perry 29--Little Britain at Cambray 2--Cambray at Cannington 2--Little Britain ay Port Perry 6--Port Perry at Cambray b---Cannington at Little Britain 9--Port Perry at Cannington 11--Cambray at Port Perry 12--Cambray at Littlé Britain 16---Little Britain at Cannington Jan, 19--Canniiigton at Cambray - Jan. 19--Port Perry at Little Britain » Jan. Playoffs--over by January 26th. : 1st and 3rd--Best 2 out of 3 games, Winners best 2 out of three games over by.February 2. MIDGET HOCKEY SCHEDULE TOWN LEAGUE First games commences at 8.30 naam; sharp. Second game commences at 9.30 a.m, sharp. Sweaters to be worn at each game, Photos taken at first_game, Let's have every one present, - Those frequently absent from the schedule games will be barred from All-Star Team, Town players who are not dressed when the game commences will be barred from playing.in the first per- | iod of the game. Sat. Jan. 5--Lane's vs. Palmer's - Pallock's. vs, Redman's Sat. Jan. 13--Lane's vs. Pallock's Palmer's vs, Redman's Sat. Jan. 20--Redman's vs. Lane's Palmer's vs. Pallock's. EF) Lane's vs. Palmer's Sat. Feb. 3--Palmer's vs. Redman's 'Lane's vs. Ballock's Sat. Feb. 10--Palmer's vs. Pallock's Hedman's vs. Lane's Sat. Feb. 17--Lane's, vs. Palmers Pallock's vs,. Redman's. Sat Feb, 24--Teams ending _third and second, sudden death playoff. First team to play survivors, please the palate. lunch hour. _ _ TRY US! Bill Taylor - Have You Tried Our Super-Lunch? SUPER IN EVERY DETAIL! + +. . and the pocket hook. SUPER SERVICE that will waste none of your valuable Don't just take our word for it: - The Green Thistle Restaurant PORT PERRY Nourishing food that will: Jack Starkey ------ -- a. A --------_ ---- -- ---------------- "2nd and 4th--Baest 2 out of 3 games| Loo reach either thicker ice or the Sat. 'Jan. 27--Pallock's vs. Redman's]| IT PAYS TO WAIT! Many railway crossings have more than one track, which multiplies the hazard to the motorist and makes the need for caution doubly: great. The drawing above emphasizes one of the prime dangers of the multiple-track crossing -- the train on the farther track obscured by the train moving in the opposite direction on the near track. - This motorist would have saved 'himself trouble if he had wait- DON'T HAVE A SINGLE TRACK MIND . ON A DOUBLE TRACK RAILROAD! ther track was clear before proceed- ing. The Board of Transport Com- missioners for Canada received re- ports of 443 railway crossing acci- dents in the 12-month period ended June 30th last, These accidents took .140 lives and injured 649 others. In some cases motorists disregarded protective devices placed at crossings for thejr protection, and in others disregard of the basic rules of safe driving' was responsible for neédle ed a second or two to i if the far- loss of life and injury, ]-in the Crystal Ball Room on Wednes- A -- ICE SAFETY TIPS (From Red Cross Sodlety) Willy the Duck says: ~ If you should be unlucky enough to fall through the 'ice you can SAVE YOURSELF. The first thing to re- member is DON'T PANIC. Extend both your arms on the ice to support your body ... and call for help. Never try to climb back on the ice surface until you get your bearings. | Make every movement count. Thrash | your feet vigorously behind you to prevent the body from jack-knifing under the ice. From this position gradually crawl forward until your hips are on the edge of the ice. Swerving slightly, you may now roll on the ice surface. Keep rolling until you are away from the insecure ice on the edge-of the hole. If your weight cracks the ice continue until |! shore. Above all, remember not to panic. Now you know how to save yourself . . next week I'll tell you how to. rescue someone Who falls through the ice. [BLONDIE v, Gc roo, Jo AND YOU TELL ME TO LOOK BOTH ~N\ WAYS BEFORE CROSSING / ONTARIO FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE ANNUAL CONVENTION of the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture will be held in the King Edward Hotel, Tues.,, Wed., Thurs. and Fri, -January-- 9th; 10th, 11th and- 12th, 1961. Junior Farmer Conference will be held in the Crystal Ball Room, Tues. -January-9th at 9.80 a.m. Women's Meeting will be held in Hall "B" on Tuesday, January 9th at 9.30 p.m. ' The General Program will be held day January 10th and Thurs., and Fri, January 11th and 12th. All those interested are cordially The Fourteenth | Annual. Convention] invited to attend these sessions, - a -- -- T -- Takaviow Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. + Two Shows Nightly--17 and 9 ---- -------- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, Gary Cooper, "SAT. JANUARY 4.5.6 Patricia Neal, Jack Carson In the Sensational New Screen Hit "BRIGHT LEAF" COMEDY. ; NEWS MONDAY, TUES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8-9-10 : Lduis Calhern, Jean Hagen, Sterling Hayden SEE 5 . In the Thrilling New Action Drama © "THE ASPHALT.JUNGLE" SISSIES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT MADE FRESH DAILY , 'Saturday Cake Special "PINEAPPLE LAYER CAKE" Gerrow' 8 Bakery _ Phone 32. FD Phone 16 X Li = Ti Shh ---------- "BRUTON'S DRUGSTORE ) - Stanley R. Bruton, Phm.B. ! PORT PERRY 144 day size $4.95 For further details about THE CLARKE write the small house plan- ning Bureau, St. Cloud, Minn, ty ih Smee SN fui CLARKE has rooms which fea- ture more than one use. = The front bedroom which opens into living room by means of a pair of sliding doors, can' he used as a television room, study, guest room"or sick room; There are two other bedrooms with ward- robeclosets, combination kitchen-din- | ing room anda full basement. Coat closets are provided for both entrances, broom closet in the -stair hall, two closets and a linen cabinet in the hall, Fads Cabinets occupy opposite walls in the kitchen: The sink is under the front window, range on left and re- frigerator on right with dining space left in the end of the room. Frame structure is used with wide siding and asphalt shingles, ; ~ Plan calls for overall demensions of 24 feet by 42 feet. Floor area totals 980 square feet. Bom 24D rif Sutff - sib *sififie 11 LOC SIMPL - PORCELAIN TUB WASHING MACHNIE ~ in your home, One year to. pay. the balance: lJ 'OTHER, TERMS: ~~ $70.00 DEPOSIT FOR 8% CUBIC FT. RACINE REFRIGE] 18 MONTHS TO PAY. THE BALANCE. $24.00 DEPOSIT FOR A VACUUM CLEANER. | A ONPLETE wir ACCESSORIES, "HOOV th Ei "Ah FOR $27.00 DEPOSIT YOU CAN PUT THE FAMOUS. da ICITY CTC ATOR Year to pay balatice, ROBERTSON ELECTRIC | Phone IW Hie. Port Perry | | ors NEO CHEMICAL FOOD } Liquid form for Children--24 day size $1. 36, «+ 72 day size $2.95, Capsules for Adults--50's $1.46; 100's $2.65; 250's $5.96 : rs . NL nd vob |

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