Cot dvs LP os alr A rd SR :, "fw fs i i [ad FE} ti EE i N i a - ' a % ® E . : * _---- SSS Advice From G.B.S. That Wasn't Taken Ii I had taken Bernard Staw's advice 'to me in 1919 1 should never have written his I.ife HOT any one Ise's, My firsg sight of him was at a dress relicarsal of Agdrocles and the Lion; which Granville-Barker produced at the $t. Janies's Theatre on September 1.1913 The ply oo Wits not a, success, and Batker relapsed into repertory, Sliaw's contribution beng. The Doctor's Henma,~ ut the rehearsals of which. l- again saw-the author, My own performances ine both plays {(Mceifeltus in dhe first, the Seere tary 40 the Picture Gallery in the, second) made wso little wpression on him that when T wrote a book of rernuniscences, Thinking It Over (19333, he remarked: "How little we oay hnow of the people we think we know is illustratad by the fact that never knew you had" ever appeared on the stage until [ read sone Look the" other day." His pamphlet, Commonsense About the War (1914), started me on the road to Shavianism, and by 1910 1 hol read all his works, some of them two or three times. That year I wrote, to him on behalf of Frank [larris, who was trying to Tinteresy 1 Lis. famous aries iu his book on Oscar Wilde. Shi conjempor asted me to call and see him, annoying not to know vou look like 1 was in- the an it the time, but did not allow that to stand in the way, and by the wd of subterfuee man- aged to enjoy several tong talks with tim in Adelphi Ferrace, During my three years' service ip Mesopotamia I corresponded with hint occasionally and becume an out-and-out Shavian; so much so that when | returned home he gave me the advice already referred to: "Neither I nor any man of my generation takes the smallest inter- est in you, or can be anything to you but snare. You mucr deal with the world as you find it, not as I found it. Of all Jiterary bores and failures the most hopeless are the Don Quixotes who make Dul- cineas of their pet authors and rush about breaking lances for them in- stead of (Joing honest original work. What do you suppose I should have been if I had spent my life pester- ing people about Ruskin and Car- fyle, Mill and Herbert Spencer, in- stead about Shaw? ¥t is frie that 1 wrote books about Wagner and Ibsen: but they were virtually mv cohteinporaries; and what 1 called attention to was not their music- dramas and plays, but a modern philosophy of life which they, like myself, © were exponents." --From "G.B.S., A Postscript," by Hesketh Pearson. i Keep Heat Indoors Window house heat. Since 30 per cent of the heat loss in an average home is through the windows, retention of heat is direct- ly affected by wise use of cloth window shades, says the Armour Research Foundation. Window shades which fit the window as tightly as possible give little opportunity for air to cir- culate and provide dead air space between shade and ivindow. This shades help control forms insulation through which heat doés not escape. According to figures of the Foundation, pulling cloth window shades down at night and keeping them half drawn in the daytime can reduce heat loss as much as 42 per cent, saving, in turn, as much as ten per cent on fuel bills, A further saving may be, effect- ed, their research reveals, by keep- ing the window shades fully drawn in rooms not in use. Merry Menagerie~ByWalt Disney TLE Dn Pte wD pha Pert t Doaboed bs Log Futon Sysbers "Be sure and gnaw it on the dotted line ., , » 80 they'll think the kid swiped 'em!" Mr. Forsythe was visibly dis- _fressed as he staggered into the clubhouse. "What's the matter?" asked a member sympathetically, "Tye just killed my wife," said Forsythe. Good Heavens! How did you do that?" ° > #1 was over on the practice tee and didn't see her coming up be- hind me. I took a back swing and hit her on the head. She dropped dead." "That's tough," said the other member, "What club were you using?" L Somie Of The Most Outstanding Dogs in the Province of Ontario will be on display during the two international all breed dog shows which will be held in conjunction with the Canadian National Sportsmen's Show, and for the benefit of the Toronto Humane Society, in the Coliseum, Toronto, on March 14 and 15, 16 and 17. Here, Sheila Watson. popular = Ontario model, is grooming Brune; perky- tittle dachshund; in preparation for the dog shows. Whether "or not Canada <hould have immediate nation-wide con- scription for military service is a matter than can be left to our _ statesmen and editorial writers; and we notice that the latter--especially those working for opposition papers --are "handing Prime Minister St. Laurent what should be 'plenty of advice on the subject, without any help from us, even if we were ina position to dish out any. a * Which we by no means are. We, personally, managed to sit out hoth World War One and World War Two. pretty miucl as a sideline ob- server, finishing up without taking # nibble at either the war-contracts or war-hero business, greatly to our subsequent regret--although which of the two we now most regret missing is strictly our own affair, Anyway, as already stated, we are not qualified for handing out coun- sel to those who will decide whether the youth of this generation will have to be coaxed into uniform or just-plain ordered to hop into same. IE I ' However, there is one angle to this conscription problem which we have not scen alluded to as yet, yet which definitely touches on sports. » * * *,; As you will probably recall, in World War One, also in World War Two, the United States was considerably slower in taking a hand than was Canada; and we seem to remember several occa- sions, during both those holocausts when there was considerable loud criticism, not to say booing, of various American professional ath- letes for cavortihg on Canadian diamonds in baseball uniforms while our own boys, of comparable age and physical condition, were fight- . ing in military garb. To * » * (If you do not get exactly what we mean, ask any of the baseball boys who played in Toronto during the carly stages of the wars what they used fo be called 'by some of the strong-lunged fans, especially those of the feminine persuasion.) * ¥ : But, right now, the situation is pretty well reversed. South of the Border 'the losses in the "Korean fighting have been hundreds of times greater than ours. Over there they are already calling lads of from eighteen years of age upward for compulsory military service while, with us; such a thing has barely reached the talking stage. * *x Of course, the number of Can- adian bascball players-who do their stuff in the U.S.A. is. negligible. But 'in the game "of hockey it is something ¢lse again, SAFES Protect your BOOKS and CABRH from FIRE and THIEVES, We have a dle and type of Bafe, or Cabinet, for any purpose, ~ Visit os or 'write for orices ete, to Dept. Wo 1.60. TAYLOR LIMITED | 10RONT0 SAFE WORKS 1(8 Front Bt. KE. foronte Established 1858 vA SIXBLT Cri -90 per cent of all We haven't the exaci figure at hand, but in all probability 85 to professional hockeyists arg Canadian horn, and so not subject to the United States draft. And we imagine that if this war scare: doesn't blow over soon, which it shows no sign of doing, before very long some of those hockey players will be in for some rather rough evenings in points such "as Chicago, Boston and New York, to mention just a few. When the baseball season rolls around, American fans will know that their diambnd heroes are out there simply because Uncle Whiskers doesn't want - them; but hockey bugs over there, having no such assurance, are liable--we fear--to hecome just a trifle critical, and say it with.eggs and the like. ¥ 5 * Of course, we may be picturing a situation which will never crop up and, for the sake of international amity, we sincerely hope so. Still, it is always best to take what the statesmen call the 'long view" of such situations. Perhaps Frank Selke and Conny Smyth should have a little get-together with the top brass at Ottawa. Maybe they could get the powers-that-be to classify hockey playing as an es-- sential occupation. ---- - ee EY + * i Now, to try and wind up on a slightly" more cheerful note, here's a Dizzzy Dean story which, to us, anyway, was new. It seems that one afternoon big Bill Terry was having a field day batting against the Dizzy one. First he almost knocked Dean's legs from under him with a sizzler through the box. Then he nicked Diz's ear with a rocket liner. Then lie knocked Jerome's glove off his hand with another screamer. : ' * x 0% After calling time, Pepper Mar-. tin strolled over from third base to the mound. "Jerome," he said, "I got a word of advice if you would be so kind as to listen." Be asd "What is "it, Johny?" inquired Dizzy with the same mock formal- ity. » * "It's just this," said the deadpan Pepper. "I-gon't think you're play- "ing this Terry quite deep enough." "J.ook here, Gladys, this turkey tastes like burned feather!" "What strange things you must have catein in your time, John!" Itching Scalp-- Loose Dandruff Try This Home Treatment For Quick Ease ond Comfort Hero Is a clean powerful penetrating oil that brings speedy rellef from the ftching torture and dlscomfort, : Don't dlg with fingernails, that only serves to. spread the trouble" Just use equal parts of Moone's Emerald Oll and ollve oll, Apply gently with the fingér- tips oncea day and shampoo every fourth day, You'll find this treatment not only soothes the Itéhing and torture but helps promote modro rapid heallng--looso float. Ing dandruff becomes a thing of the past. Healp clearsup and halr begins to thicken, You can obtain Emerald Oil jn the orlginal bottle wherever drugs are kold "Western -ragged Sheep-killing Weed Halogeton, a beautiful weed with red blpssoms, is killing sheep and poisoning cattle overnight in states, The wetd vame originally from the region northeast of the Caspian Sea in Russia, A close relative is Russian thistle; das not until 1945 that "the deadliness of halégeton was discov- ered. "In" that year, sheep worth $25,000 were driven into the Raft - River Valley," Idaho, "Twenty-four hours . later, they were all dead. Ranchers in Nevada, Utah, Wyo- ming and Idaho have suffered 8imi- lar losses, The: weed. is fatal to sheep but. not necessarily to cattle. But if cattle survive a meal of halo- geton they never grow fat, and they are sterile, . Ek Nine ounces of weed are enough to kill a sheep. What is it in halo- geton that kills? Oxali¢ acid. The mature weed contains as much as 20) per cent of it. # . Z What alarms agricultural author- ities is the rapidity with which halogeton spreads. It simply takes possession of the soil. Each red blossom produces thousands of seeds, and these are carried. by the wind for miles. Whether or not the weed can be controlled and eradicated remains to be seen. The University of lda- ho's College of Agriculture is now experimenting on a strip of land fifty miles long and thirty miles wide. NOTHING SERIOUS A new doctor was the only one available when Mr. Kelly's wife was taken ill. Called to the Kélly hoine, Che wente upstairs to the sick room but came down in a few minutes to inquire: "Have you got i cork- screw?" He took the instrument and went upstairs. for the. second time. Several minutes later he was back. "Got a screwdriver?" he asked the anxious Kelly. Instrument in hand, he went upstairs again. Almost immediately hie was back. "A chisel and a mallet, quickly," he demanded. . The distraught husband could stand it no longer. "For Heaven's sake, . doctor," he begged, "what's the matter with my wife?' "Don't know yet," was the re- ply; "can't get my malicine bag open." Five-year-old Christopher went to a Christmas party in a brand- new suit. When he came home, holes had been cut into . it with a pair of scissors. Fis o- ther gazed at him in consternation. "What did you do to your beau- tiful new suit?" she asked. "We played grocery shops," ex- plained Chris. "T was a piece of cheese." . "HARNESS & COLLARS : Farmers = Attention -- Consult ' your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our' goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer The goods are right, and so are our "prices. We manufacture in our factories -- Harness. Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO. LTD 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Sm=== | Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery ltch-- Unt I discovered Dr, D. D. Dennis' amazing- ly fast relief -- D. D, D. Prescription, World popular, this pure, cooling, liquid medication speeds peace and comfort from cruel itching caused by eczema, Pim les, Zpshes, athlete's oot and other itch troubles. Trial bottle, 35¢ First application checks even the most intense tch or money back, Ask druggist for D. D. D. Prescription" (ordinary or extra strength). 4 EXPORT CANADA'S FINEST CIGARETTE ISSUE 7 ~ 1951. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING _ AUCTION SCHOOL AUQTION SCHOOL. Be an auctioneer, term soln. Free catalogue. Relsch Auetion Sehool; Mason - City, Towa. = BABY CHICKS ALL OUR CHICKS are R.O.P. Sired with a proven breeding background of up to 383 eggs. These certified breeders are officially proven the cream of Canadian poultry and thelr production will. truly astonish you. Ve have 8 Gov. banded breeds. fron which to choose. Free cata- logue. Kelterborn Poultry Farm, Milver- ton, Ontarlo. \ BPRINGHILL Blood-tested Chicks are pro. - fitable. All popular breeds. at $12.12, pullets $24.00, heavy cockerels 34.50, Bpe- olals on started chicks, mixed and pulléts. B hill Farm, Preston, Ontarlo, ONTARIO breeding statlon. Disease free chicks. Light Sussex, Barred Rocks and N.H.B.R, cross. Write for price list: Oscar Anderson, Troy, 'Ontario. "OXFORD Approved Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results of twenty-four years of careful selection and. breeding. "They have tobe good, because we want the very best kind of chicks for our own flocks--big, vigorous and early maturing. We stress egg size and uniformity. Barred Rocks, White Leghorns, Sussex, Hamp x Rock Crossbreds, Rock x Leghorn Cross- breds. Write for free folder. The Oxford Farmers' Co-operative Produce Company, Limited, 434 Main Street, Woodstock, Ont, MEDIUM type poults. From lorum clean br row, Ontario. DOUGLAS CHICKS Buy the best, buy DOUGLAS quality chicks. Variety of pure Breeds Day old or started.- Price List on request. satisfaction guaranteed : DOUGLAS HATCHERY ) Stittsville, Ontario FEWER LAYERS, fewer eggs, more con- sumers, high employment, high wages, high meat prices. All signs point to a strong egg and poultry market next Supm- mer amd Fall, Start Top. Notch R.O.P. Sire chicks early. Also Turkey Poults. Catalogue. * Top Notch Chick Sales, Liuelph, Ont. ' a, Zn NE Wer SA. senior HIGH EGG PRICES. WE predict the highest egg prices this Fall and Winter we have bad In years. These high prices won't do you any good if you don't buy chicks and you will get these high egg overnment Approved, pul- ders. Steve Szuch, Har- -.prices longer if you purchase early hateh- ed chicks. Yor exgs and more cggs we recommend our R.O.P. Sired White Leg- horns, Rhode Island Reds, Red x Barred . Rock, Susnex x Red, Leghorn x" Red. For broilers onr New MHampshires, Hamp x Sussex, Hamp x Rock, are hard to beat. Also Turkey Poults. Older Pullets, | Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Ld, Fergus, Ont. DUCKS Send 20% deposit for delivery any time March to July. 100, "$40; 50. $21; 25, $11; 10, $4.50. J. J. Hambley Hatcherles, Ww ir nitoba, SE DYEING HAVE you anything needs dyeing or clean Ing? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions De- partment il. Parker's-Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge St., Toronto. FARMS FOR BALE SARNIA--260 acres on main highway, 230 acres tillable. Brick house, oil fired hot water heat. Two barns. Excellent condi- tion, L. T. Barstead, Wyoming, Ontario. 4 - ko HOME OWNERS, : ALE 3 MOTORCYCLES, ey Davidson. New and used, botight. sold, exchanged large stock of -guarentec) used motorcycles. Ie- palis' bY -factory-irained uwvhanics, Di. cycles. and complete line of wheel goods, also Gung, Boats and Johnson Outboard Motors Open evenings until nine except Wednesday. Strand Oycle & Sporls, King ot Sanford, - Hamilton ig ei rd di ORDEIY NOW. FOIt SPRING DELIVERY Chingse Elm 1% inch size JO for $6.95: Dwarf Apple Trees Omcintosh wi Spy or Cortland); Daal Pear Tres (Harts lett or. Clapp's Favorite) 3-ft, your cholce, . $3.00 each, or 3 for $7.50; Hardy 25 for $3.98; Giant Exhibition Yaeony Privet "Hedging plants 12 to 18 inci size, yoots in red, white or pink Jofor $1.89. Plum trees, sweet cating. Burbank, Loni vbard or Grand Duke, 5-ft. size $2.00 each or. 3 for $5.00, Free Colored Garden Quide with Every Order, Brookdaly -- Kingsway Nurperies, Bowmanville, Ont. FEED CORN~--On tie cob or. shelled. So much per ton delivered in trick loads. For further inforination write or tel. 445 Ridgetown. Maurice J, Neutens, Ridgefown, Ont. * _ FLOUR mill and feed plant, York County, Ontario. Well establishicd. Good oppor. tunity for a Miller. Box 67, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto. DOES YOUR furnijure rocle Jue to dueven floors? New corrective device. Guar. anteed. 25 dents each, A. V. More, Quarries, Ontario. ONE-MAN CHICKEN FAKM A GOING concern wlth plenty of customer business, All products sold at. retail during summer season, No competition. Modern twosbedroom house, all conveni- ences. Capable man can net $5,000 and over yearly. Everything ready to brood chicks In February, owner will start. Must sell account illness, Real buy at $7,500.00 : OLIVER'S CHICKEN RANCH, TL BARIRY'S BAY, ONT. A NTION! GARAGE OPERATORS! 1 No. 303 Van Norman Brake Drum Lathe with separate No. 7432 Van Nor- man Brake Drum Grinder and 1 No. 350 Van Norman Brake Shoe Burnisher. All in excellent condition, 60 cycle Motor couipment, Original cost §2,760. Make an offer to Palmer Motors, Kingston, On- tarlo. BUY FOR LESS -AT ROBERT JONES LUMBER Special Terms. Nothing down as long as 24 months to pay. Details on request, ASPHALT SHINGLES $3.35 per square. These interlocking shingles are just one of our many roofing and siding bargains, We have for immediate delivery; 210 1b, 185 Jb., 125 1b. -Asphalt Shingles. Roll- stone and "Brick Siding and 6/8" insulat- ed stone and brick siding. All good use- able factory seconds. Sd Aluminum Roofing & -Siding ALL GOOD NEW STOC fous lengths. quirements, Let us have your enquirigs for any build- ing materials. We carry complete stocks and can qyote you low delivered prices, Robert "Jones Lumber Co., Hamilton, Ont. PRECISION PWR. AN SAWS -- The safest and fastest cutting power saw made. Thousands of satisfied custo- mers throughout Canada. Eight different models manufactured. Priced from $349 up. Complete information on request. Precision Parts Linfted, 7565 First Avenue, Lachine, Montreal 12 28" wide, var- Let us quote on your re- gi FOR SALE Siig McCORMICK-DEBRING W6 Tracker 13/30 Rear Tires. Near New, Chas. R-hards, Agincourt, Out. a nb | $60.00 ~-- $80.00. children. For Alexandra Road, Galt. TU siEpICAL Try It! Every sufferer of Rheu- matic pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. a MUNRO"S DRUG STORE 3350Elgin : Ottawa $125 Express Prepaid or sure relief ; . Ae ---- write Barrette Phond 734.W. CHESS CORN SALVE -- Your 1riggist sells CR pip UP" Try ¢. 0. & B."TONIC TABLETS vitality and general debility. Dollar, At Druggiste POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema_rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not sappoint "you. Iwehing, scaling, burning eczema, acne, A iples and athlete's foot, will or low respond pr to the stainless, odorless intment, Lrdless of how stubborn cr cless - they sec, PRICE $1.50 PER JAR ~ .POST'S REMEDIES ent Post Free on Receipt of Price Queen St. E., Corner of Logan, 'Toronto LOVELY SKIN, GLISTENING nd iron nerves? Send $1.00 for Jets. Also $3.00 and $5.00. Im- Box 901, Winnipe 889 WANT eyes a Kerfo t pevial I OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER fOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn flairdressing Pleasant dlgnifled profession, good wager Thousends of successful Marvel graduates America's Greatest System tilustrated Catplogue Free Write Call . MARVEL HAIRDRESSTRG SCHOOLS 158 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches: 44 Ring St, Hamilton 72 Rideau St. Ottawa strics . PATENTS AN OILTEK to every Inventor--Llst of in ventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered Patent Attor- | neys,- 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. FETHERSTONHAUGH & Company, Pe- tent Sollcitors, Established 1890, 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of Informz- tion on .request : y "RELIGION IMPROVE your knowledge of {he Bible. Learn of God's wonderful plan, the solution of perplexing world conditions. Free Correspondence Course, - Scripture Study Circle. 37 Victorla Boulevard, - Toronto § STAMPS EXCELLENT VALUES, Your choles; 100 for only $1.00 packet. Canada, British Colonies, Newfoundland. Metropolls Stamp Company, Box 478, Adelaide, 'Tordnt TTT WANTED TURKEY EGGS wanted from Canadien Approved Pullorum Free Flocks. Good price paid. For full details apply Box 12, 123 Eighteenth Street. New Toronto. ORDER YOUR SEATS NOW! 2 plus the farewell oppearance of ~THE-INCOMPARABLE SHARKEY , Ck MARCH 9th -17th; 1951 MAIL CANADIAN NATIONAL SPORTSMEN'S SHOW The Coliseum; Toronto Dear Sirs: Please send me ------__. 'Enclosed please find my STOO cd in cn em i tn hh ee ae i i i i Address. ceca sms CTY it i ia $83] PRICES FOR ARENA SHOW Evenings and Sat. Afternoons - All Seats Reserved. Including general admission te the Exhibition Bldgs.-Box Seats $2.00. Reserved Seats $1.50; (Children 16 and under - 25¢ less) $200, COMBINATION TICKETS- money order cheque 9 Box Seat(s) _. | Matinee Res. Seat(s) Tickets for the Evening PON N (Alternative Day and Date) ---- ow! Doe. imc iia Performance in the Arena for- for $._______ in payment for these tickets. BI TICKETS INCLUDE ADMISSION TO NORTH AMERICA'S FINEST SPRINGTIME EXHIBITION 7 GREAT FREE FEATURES - - - - HUNDREDS OF SPECTACULAR EXHIBITS . v ~r _- i . i § ~ > N : . Ld - . Yui 7: : ] i i : | ¥ * } ne. 8 il