IY <u - ba * LE A a tog § VEY is Wf | J » . . R SS Maple Sugar ST Weather . A : TTI. d = i The winter was mild and spring > Youn T. amily Coun 3 . carly in 1949, and sugaring _¥ weather! began in February, As | LT ; had mot i able to run " during "Dear -Annc Titrst: [ am 18, and . that will be safe and can be. fine, the winter, even for a few days, 1 one of the unhappiest girls of my * And: some of my readers won- was very pleased to pack up the age. At 16, 1 married a boy a year * der 'why I 4) not Te ariel birds and Mother" and set off a' older. Atz18, 1 am-a mother, have | *.abbut girls of 4 selting marrige good two weeks eatlier than we had no home of my LEX, "~ . expected to. ' : > own, and have TO."WORRIED WIFE": Somé The day after we ~arrived™ was left' my husband * reader would syisiier your poh. warn with a. pale sun, and they four times, - lem trivial. But I know how dix } CL - "He won't * 'ferences in tastes can cause serl- sealiesed Jackets du. the lower jot k. He' had' * ous complications in family life. and tapped there. [rode on, the ion i * When you and your husband back of the dreigh on the bucket we married. * have dinner at home, I 'suggest towers, and the trees are soe-close "He won't let # you serve tlic dishes he 'prefers. : to the road down there that Leon oe HAE HY * The evenings vou dine out, and lish. Bon ha I wean by a i" hi the front eps ified the baby. My mother * when he stays downtown with "St O0e Wh ml 1 Case ther are uckets ont nto the snow where 3 Li rel others eho don't, mavhe 1 had they Landed neatly, usually "wrong keeps her. He drinks nearly all the . i? pk, Fou om ave when . better explain. A stone pip was-a side up as they should be, at the time. He quarrels when 1 have to . ns dy at Ry ort of hot water bottle, made of base of their trees. "These buckets go to town, or the store, and even * Your husband is not the man to : co an color pig Wir 204 got wings!" he remarked in pleased whies 1 talk to girl friends over the * ty experiments in foods. He og the shape of at really did resemble surprise and with a remarkably ' phone. 1 sther INGER FARM a ontees fa little pigs Wo used to cod ann. And Elmer, taking Lim "lve tried so hard to get along © DE : (obi d Sit with boiling wate rapt uns wares with a sudden hot and with him; but nobody could. When 'vide i 1 hE wn. This you Swendoline P Clarke ap in i flannel jacket --and then, libbh a 2 on he.gets mad, he jumips-in.the car "vide them in his 0 SH : peremptory pomting hnger at a 5 fo . * can do. and without any discus- ila tes Pret" telling yout: #0 hem er tree which was without a bucket and is gone all day. Then he tries * gi if you plan the meals bent diese im into lobbing Ste to be so nice to me--alter I've stor, H you plan Well, the power of suzgestion Ve Sool ae owl wer bed Fediened blu to Jalsbing w hasty worked all day trying to keep our : thoughtfully. t hat too nre--hoth Partner and Mother cane along with oo bottle a ed he room clean, Haundered his shirts * Its as Spl a that i nally . 1 bre y radio a4 i - ates iF nvily Hips dem : crenmng, i . nent wth . . . : . . vr ocold Co Sn SI a , ; Rg Fos i on , ot Ir gre mew joke of the sugar-lot. and y . CLI 1 ANS i kstesligng raids ion 1H Don't -think of - marrying until caunliv uu Unt Sr 1985 hot water, Our chests wie rub the trimmphant, jeering, "Soit n- "It's Almost Push Button Time, Kiddies! \ ant to shave, Te What would vou do? Go back you are old enough to be sure you ved to stapeer ome aitlictions hed back and front autii © ey ple! Soft maple!" To bucket a soit watch television and receiver gentle massage without getting to ty Taly and mv family? And really love the boy--and that he Porter was gest nicely recover 1 il nice hot ee ot maple, much less to tap one. is not out of hed? Then the Acousticot is for vou. As fabulous as the hope For a new life with sone mah is worth.your love . . . Anne by "mre prom br hontewhenb went {rae et were mstened Sin comes wae] okies obiani when --the ba is -- "Arabian nights, the super stumbor couch features: a hutton- 1 can respect? Or hang on to this | Bhusto 3 Jour ranpe do 23 Groen see Soha nad they staveds on Gur ciiests and open. Leon wis Just as te Kled 4s controlled, ound - proofed "bundling board" that turns the existence which seems so hopeless gids yon. iia i Fh duh i ik ip ar gor a hi Hope bbs Fh done Mother Tnsiled Pavpols. wy Si Pav gone! double bed into twins: thermostats; pulsating mattresses; two and is making me so miserable?" Shueah » : " ea Fy a Ty / at on rE mipenen -- ° Co bn ee I Cre - fe telephones 1 TV set; fire extinguisher; electric razor; electric ~ "DISCOURAGED." Ce : trvitg to gure ont what Fowould vs of stewing hot been and Then we had "sugar snow" --o gh Pras thermometer; altinieter; turn and bank indicator: THIS-1S NO MARRIAGE Yor : N slut be | oor Tpepper sop". Peppec sop called: id" heedaee it~ looks ihe electric vibrator: radio; reading lamps; a device for projecting ) } Surely no one can blame you t Le good vas bread soaked in hat ont amd supdiv, but because itis a wet, heavy reading material on the ce iling, and. of course, the inevitable - for wanting to engd such a travesty io niory took |r owater, dotted with butte and snow which falts in big flakes and pesky wliorm clock. Model Marguerite Guariey= docs not come : as your marriage has coms 15 hes, cand fo soak ed Dibra Iv Cowith pepper. of means coed supaning weather--ind i is with the bed. Poo Your husband is he LT al 4 i ther was My cist fone bart didnt tapping went on all over. the place 4 fa Po. Ie on ¢ Suphont You i ie Is ta ham like pepper so Dowas alloy ol plain Life mail Will arrived on 1 eather- gE 3 robbed you of your bahy. .. c Ni bread and nll And th av. mv ler dup. Gul WOH NE IE Wed : drinks, and is jealous and abusive. Foterans hE CRIN othe nds bread and anil was stesight- from the trains into-an 2 Aud he will not toler: ate your : Wit © eerininly out oi this worlds 1 Rave seen paca-hmed jacket. high paloshes, C - E REVS Wi Teaser k forw: Bel sen other folk nuhe nt for obildren and © the : Scars Rathach. dec ) W hat have you to look for ward " I Mother's rem- nest by putt ag Bitte Csguaie. of staller's cap that makes him lool BD k *.t02 You a 100, yohig a-gifl i i it ¢ trom the pa- bread neg plate and pouring hot hike Sherlock Tholmes's kid brother, : B 0 peng tie est of your life NOL at thie | ilk over thém But Mother and out into the lower lof, wher sath such a cid a : ' ar cold wee 1 broke up ashive of bread. droid | Cp ed a gatheridg pail with te | By Rev, R. BARCLAY WARREN hr TT a ol, ey oa ' it with our feet it mto cold n Hk. and thea Diopght rest of thes The next day ke cow | BA. BD. hefer ia \ Ars 4 Hoye your Po a Chath before 7] the bread and milk to heii that wip Dotted. wed thd lay aie | _ father consult a lawyer, and see 2% ere uidressed ct 1 his made it nice and tha: he ate it on waffles and ceerned i : whether you have grounds. © Tf | RTE TE Jen blan- with plenty of browi cocar it ny Prd: Gory hitle Wroad wit oe. | Through Death to Life F you have, "I advise that you kh iN and 1s this was delicious." = "White Will i Co Mark .15:33-37; 16: 1-7 boat arte-procecdings. I on into bed Suiall wonder with all" thi- cafe mle Wall wis still here we ! } h * Even i vou cannot get a legal der darted te Je our colds vere generally ton eat Jad 5 tied | Spit one lly i Memory Stlection--Lo [ am with separation, | hope you will leave A our Cedrenitic: cd ont of us in sort order, helps i Oo wind and wl he prim TI you always--Matthew 28:20b. | © this boy and go home. ere at ! cur beds were being el along hy a generous dose of ; ¢ Inia w Bn nrg ods the Po di 2 least you will be with your baby, fad aud wars dither Srith Bgnorice powder! 1 owas thie only meplace, logs cut irom dingeed Fach of the Gospel records gives * you will have the protection and it ' Or itn pie. There one who atten did not vespand wl il hit isale Hse SL a full weotnt of the crents cuhinin- " sympathy of your family, and you h only ope, st pig in the "too quickly but had a way of de- JT nur before, and did the wicked ating I. the death nd resurrection * can build a new life fie ~yoursclf frosepes and since it a privilege veloping bronchitis + instead I crossword puzzles in the Iinglish : x if : Bu | 2osiapsesion . Torre iy . i THQ vgs ther that mother would fall Country Life, and were immensely of Jesus Christ. Thi is the tunda ; (ai bi: ) ter wl eer back on het Feo ast cosy, and T-20 got out his pusher tind) dhe o! the Liotpel, vamely : ? RELIEF IS, LASTING - - o 2 cough medicine--OQwbridgees Tung and opened up the roads, and Will fh he gp hoi a hy 24 New And Useful For fast, prolonged relief from GED Toric. I think I am safe in men- saw more snow than he had seen coring a tae Sovipluies od tosc i " - headache get INSTANTINE. This . fl ' tioning this trade name as since his Jersey boyhood--and in aga the third day. his is the Too prescriptionslike tablet contains not" haven't seen it mientioucd ffor |» ghite of Tis phobia for cold weather ~~ basis--on--which salvation from-sin oe di just one, but three proven medical years so | imaging it is pow ex- he rather enjoyed himself. But the is preached to all men P Lif d . ingredients that ease the pain fast. tinct. Ii Owbridge's didn't work half-boiled sap standing in the back In last Sunday's lesson we saw longs He sisi : And the relief is, in most cases, lasting: then Twas dosed with ipecacuan- pan began to freeze deep and had |= Jesus praying in agony in the gar- ubber thay has Jiardencd, crack- Try INSTANTINE just once for pain Cha wine --a bitter tasting--econcoe=--- | ~to-be--warmed up and-drained, amd "iden Teaving there Heowas betray~-- ed or become inelastic with age relief and you'll say as thousands do ii i "tion used as an emetic, I recall what little sap there was in the | ed by Judas to the Roman soldiers. _can be greatly improved by a rub- that there's one: thing for headache so well that I can even remember bucket froze solid. Still, he had Peter drew his sword and cut off hes Ry: w Sey nnoise to-old_ it's INSTANTINE! : i how to spell it! oI also rémember seen sugarin', and when he left he the car of the servant of the high Tul het pe on-milammanle and And try INSTANTINE for other Mother having: my eldest hiroiner took with him some syrup which he priest; "Jesus replaced the car and Youve. i e-liuid 5 said to apart aches, too . . . for neuritic or neuralgic nip my nose to make me swallow had personally escoried irom the said to Peter, "Put up again thy on; tect, gp, rest w pe pain . . . or for the pains and aches the stug. . tree to the can--"Reluctant Far- sword into its place: for all they oriance Pt igh Hr 30r Te that accompany a cold. A single tablet When we reached the conval- mer." by Elswyth Thane. that take the sword shall perish by Ea i" ii A Toing 0] o usually brings: - escent stage Mother gave us : : J the sword. Thinkest thou that [~ Per oy nets Py * indshiold romp falieg something that was called chiemi- cannot pray to my Father, and He oh fa ith the ening _ + Ve - cil food--to bring back. jaded ap- shall presently give me more than | §IZES 1s5 yrs -- } bis on Me the. impending "Getnstantine today fark petites. twelve legions of angels? But how : al ag Tw « and always It looked and tasted like a nice red syrup and needed no persua- sion to take it. Mother's home remedies and good Aursifig must have had pood results as we sel- dom had a doctor in the house. Ang it was good training for me. When Partner and 'I were out on the prairie, miles away from a doctor, = Daughter -- would some- times wake up with bad attack of croup--and it was wing of ipecac that saved her from choking. Tonight, thinking about mother and her remedies, IT made myself a bowl of bread and milk--and it tasted just as good as 4+, _refnem- "her it! I just asked | Parnes what his mother did when they had. colds. "We didn't have colds." he an: swered, "The very thought of staying in kept them away!" Now I wonder--haven't 1 stir- red up a few memories for some of you people? 9. Taint 2. Hobby 10. Garden 30. Tall building implement CROSSWORD "PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Hawalian dish 4, Infant. 3. Pain - 12. Acknowledges 13. Among 114, Bird , 14. Barren 17. Numbers . Lock of halr 19, Insect 2). Church steeples 22, Visiona "25, Language 25. Alcoholic Hquor 27. Cut 28, Musical work 29, Adversary 2 Balkan general t-Fxaatly suitable . Stuff + 38, Olver 84. Cut thin 35. Recormpense B1. Sphere , Country in Asia Bill of fara" | 85. Sin Singing birds I 95, Soina of disapproval 3 Metal 41. Lone freshness . 43. Opposite of awasather 4%. By birth DOWN : Saeed covering 1.5 indebted 3 Wismentary & Whalshone 6. Accumulate €. Small plecea 7. Commune in Holland - i. Singly Answer? 1 32. Spider's home 33, Humbla = 35. Top of a ple 36. Wash lightiy 33. Partofa dog 33. Animal's 11. Type measiiea CIS Goldana" silver lace 18, Weapon 20. Splils over 21. Pertaining to the Pope stomach 2%. Payables 10. Yala 23. Fingine 11. China tea 24, Weapon of war 42. Before 26, Staft 13. Perceive Elsewhere On This Page _thing., LAURA WHEELER Need a chair-set, buffet-set, or scarf ends? This decorative design of kittens and flowers is just the Make all three! Combination--K-stitch and mesh! Pattern 502 has charts; crochet directions. Laura Wheeler's improved pat- tern makes crochet and knitting so simple with its charts, photos and coneise directions. "Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be accept- cd) or this pattern to Box .1, 123 Eighteenth St.,, New Toronto, Ont, Print plainly PATTERN NUM- BER, your NAME and ~AD- 'DRESS. ' Send Twenty-five Cents more (in coins) for our Laura Wheeler Nee- dlecraft Book. Illustrations of pat- terns for crochet, embroidery, knit ting, household accessories, dolls, toys . . » many hobby and gift ideas.. A free pattern is printed in the book ~ that lowed by - fate aiid Tlerod. Pilate, fearing that | | __the people. would report his pre- then shall the seriptures be fulfilled, thus it must "Matthew 26:52-54. Tt is a pity that the war ber: .mongers of the world do not under- stand this scripture, Hitled and Mis- solini understand it now. Elia found that prayer was much more effective in defense than an army. 11 Kings 6:18. Then came the mock trial before the church leaders, fol- the civil trial before Pi- (Luke 13:1, uttered the vious mishehaviour John 19:12) to Caesar, death sentence. Jesus was-on the cross from nine in the morning to three o'clock in the afternoon. TFrom noon until three o'clock --there--was a great" darkness. At the last He cried, "My God, my God, why has Thou for- saken me?" Jesus, the Son of God, bore our sins alone. On the third day, Jesus arose from the dead: This verified His claim to Deity. Hence He could say before His ascension, "lo, | am with you always." TET : SE "fie lives, He lives. Christ Jesus lives today. with me He walks with me and talks " © awith me Along life's narrow way. He lives, He lives, Salvation to impart; You ask me how 'I know He lives He lives within my heart." LONG-HEADED ~Therbride-to-be was showing lier | friend "a list of the guests to be invited to the wedding. : After her friend had read the names. she looked puzzled. "What's the matter?" asked the bride-to-be? ; "Isn't this rather. strange?" queried the friend. "You have only put down the names of married couples." : "Yes, that was Jack's idea, He says that if we invite only married people the presents will be all clear profit," "tO Sew, ing engineer. This is possible be- ANNE ADAMS Her first real little-givl outfit! Dress has angel sleeves, tiny key- hole neckline. Cape is pert, paneled and has bow tle. ) Pattern 4837 in Toddlers' sizes 1, 2, 3, 4, S. Size 2 dress, 1; yards 35-inch; cape, 114 yards S4-inch... This pattern, easy to usc, simple . No Stick-in-the-Mud New tire with high flolation qual- ities, down broader tional types and Special tread de- sig. _ Lecturer's Assistant ~~ Without moving from his desk, a lecturer cau now illustrate his talk fon § {ested or Tit. ITas com- plete illustrated instructions., Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25¢) in coins (stamps cannot he accepted) for this pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER... Send order {o Box. 1, 123 Eight- eenth St. New Toronto, Ont. 3 READY NOW! Your brand new Anne Adams Spring Pattern Book! Send Twenty-five cents for this collection of the smartest new-sea- son fashions for all ages and sizes: There are one-yard patterns, one- pattern-part patterns and FREE instructions to make a double-enve- Jape hanibaet: ; ---------- Cooling Panels Unwanted heat can be removed from a room by cooling panels even if their temperature is at or- some- what lower than that of the room, says Charles' S. Leopold, consult- cause electric lights and sunlight arc sources of radiant energy which is converted into heat when it strikes surfaces at temperatures be- 'tow their own, Thc cooling panels can therefore by maintained 'at temperatures high enough to pre- "vert condensation on their -sur- faces. A large portion of the heat load that must be removed from a building is initially in the form of radiation from either electric lights or the sun. This radiation has only a small direct effect on heating the air but a large cffect on heating the interior surface of the building and also on the performance of both air-cooling and panel-cooling systems, says Leopold, him, by drawing on a small strip of black-coated film. ings are then reflected by mirrors and a 200-watt projection lamp onto the screen. jects standard slides. Screen size of the image at a distance of 15° ft is & ft. Screwdriver Lights Up A. combination flashlight is handy for working in poorly lit places. Flashlight is hous- ed Kuob in rear gives quick access to bulb and battery. Light forms a - circle around the driver point. Fur- ther advantage is s agnetived. blade on screwdeiver.: : = keeps vehicles from bogging in mud or sand. Tire has ground base than conven- Inst ani keep it handy. . & ~--12-Tablet Tin 25¢ Econamical 48-Tablet Bottle 69%. . a screen or the wall behind These. mark- Hy Portable unit also pro- by 10 ft. * : SUE screwdriver and in unbreakable plastic handle, \ 1311 ---- S11 (VV ORO {L810 a|a\v. Jl al3|2] I a10|V aly d O|.L| | 3014 dio} M nia 1A]! SIN|V 11d] si LINIVIE S|S|3d|.L S|3IN iw a fe] IW Nixo 3[H|2 a8 1]old Ta = -- Folks sure favor a MAGIC cake! Miz and sift 3 times, 214 ¢. once-sifted pastry flour * "_ SPICE CAKE (or 2 ¢, once-sifted hard-wheat flour), 234 tsps. Magic Baking Powder, 14 tap. salt, 114 taps. ground cinna- mon, Y op each of f ground loves, ginger, y Sliepiee; 24 c. butter or sighs packed brown sugar; beat in 3 well-beaten egg yolks and 4 tsp. vanilla, Add mixture a ternately with and blend in 11{ c. orem dry ingredients to creamed 24 ¢. milk and spread bat- ter in 9" square pan, which has been greased and the bottom lined with greased pa r. Beat stiff, not 2 \ dry, 8 egg whites and a few grains salt; gradually ; . beat in 1 c. lightly-packed brown sugar and spread over cake; sprinkle with bake in a rather slow oven, 325% 11{ to 114 hours; cover lightly with. brown paper ' for last half hour, 14 c. chopped walnuts and : I SE ae el