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Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Mar 1951, p. 5

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jn A 9 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURS, MARCH 29th, 1951 Sh SHEERS RNa Fs a Pav ) LR es Yirdatalaw y ad AS Lal Ste BEY Vr Sa yids HEE fide Miron sad hb dxdt GAO Sli AEA Sv A . Sear IO » > ' rs Y fi hE "BUSINESS DIRECTORY GENERAL CARPENTRY "Repairs and Re-Modélling Built-in Cupboards a specialty. Free Estimates ROY KENDALL Phone 284M 'Port Perry Dec. '60 | SAND and GRAVEL When and where you want it. Call - ROSS E. SANDISON, Phone 121 r § Port Perry, R.R. 4. [ERSTE AR RXR RRR ERX NY "RE - UPHOLSTERY | and RE-BUILDING Let us re-upholster your old Chester- field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and. give you a free estimate. Free ' ick-up and delivery. Psi == Phone 3344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street NAAAAAAAAANAANAANAAANAS FOR SAND AND GRAVEL "and Excavating Work, ELLSWORTH KENNEDY will be pleased to oblige you. Phone 822 Port Perry, for 'information. - feb. 24, 1961 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Queen Street Phone 237 FREESE RR2A2E0¢RRRERR2 22820 RREPF3884402 438 Refrigeration for prompt service on all makes, both household and commercial. Estimates given on Installations. Reg. Boundey OS 00 0 OO INSURANCE Port Perry Are your policies up-to-date? | ENT AL SUBLEON Whatever your Insurance needs may be, consult H W. EMMERSON Phone 41 * Port Perry ERC it. 2... DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON .~ - (Over Telephone Office) PORT PERRY ONTARIO Office Hours--10 am. to 6 pom.' Phones: Office 68 W. Res, 68J RE-UPHOLSTERY By Experts - ROUSSEAU UPHOLSTERY Whitby - . Phone 483 _~ Office Hours 9 to & Eavestroughing -& Furnaces ELECTRIC PRESSURE PUMPS, FURNACES .and FURNACE RE. "PAIRS TO ANY MAKE ". Free Estimate on Request. SYDNEY G. BARNES Phohe 2r 2 BROOKLIN aug.b1 -- "CONANT & CONANT Gordon D. Conant, K.C. Roger G. Conant, B.A. Offices: Oshawa, Ont., 7%; Simcoe St. Phone 4809 Ajax, Ont., Phone 25 OF ALL KINDS Kavestroughing, Asphalt Siding Estimates given on all kinds of work. EARL WALLACE Phgne 261 Port Perry South \ GERALD B THOMPSON ud C. "Doctor of Chiropractic X-RAY EQUIPPED OFFICE 185 SIMCOE S1. NORTH, OSHAWA Phone 2027 Evenings by Appointment RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS, K. C. 6 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Phone 814 : in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week, or by appointment. Phone 94 TET Ep sree 138887 2 131338 W. A. SANGSTER Queen Street, Port Perry. Office Hours: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Office Upstairs over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ARTHUR VW. S. GREER, K.C. in attendance at my Port Perry Office on Wednesday morning and Friday afternoon of each week, or by "le --- appointmerit. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Electric Floor Sanders __Hardwoud Floors laid, sanded and finished. General Carpentry, kitchen cupboards, gyprock put on and fin- ished for painting. . ROBERT PICKARD PHONE 281W PORT PERRY MONTEITH & MONTEITH _CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 37 King St. East, Oshawa. Gordon W. Richl, C.A. Resident Partner 'ONTARIO FLOOR SANDERS LAYING - SANDING & FINISHING RUBBER -- MASTIC & LINOLEUM TILE Day or Night--Phone 4128-W-13, Oshawa, Ont. Assembled for Spring. PORT PERRY IMPORTANT HATS A refreshing array of Fashion's Favourites. Hats to give you a lovelier than ever look for AVON PRODUCTS UP-TOWN HAT SHOPPE MRS. E. B. COOKE your Budget-Pleasing Choice. Phone 213. BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS FEED SPECIALS MIRACLE 24% DAIRY RATION .......cin. $4.15 Cwt. HOWARD'S CATTLE MINERAL ..................25 Ibs. $3.46 HOWARD'S HOG MINERAL .......cocoounininiiinins 256 Ths. $2.80 Worm Deth 60c. Woim Medicine for Hogs $1.50 Intestinal Medicine and Conditioner for Poultry ...........$1.86 Reduced Iron for Pigs . Warfarin Rat Kil $3. 86 8S. W. TAYLOR Phone--Port Perry 193 r 23 BURKETON ' Blackstock Mr. John Rahm visited his.brother Arthur Rahm at Tyrone, -on-Sunday. Sorry to report the-§erious illness of Art who is suffering from pneumonia. Robert Wheeler, of Peterboro is home because of illness. Neil Bailey and Clara Mailow, of Peterboro Normal School, are at their respective homes for the Easter holi- days, Merlin Bailey, Brantford, was home for Easter week-end, Mr. Melville Griffin.and Doris visit- ed Melville's sister Dorothy, in Ham- ilton over the week-end. The Beantown Choir, a musical full house here on March 14th. Anyone wishing to compete at the Amateur concert in Community Hall on April 6th, may send entries to Mrs. Neil Malcolm, Phone 191 r 22 Port Perry, or Burketon R.R.3, by April 3. Contestants admitted free. Ralph Larmer, Cartwright and P. Butcher, Beaverton, were grand and reserve prize winners at the annual Bacon Cascass Competition held in conjunction with the Quinte District Seed Fair held at Blackstock last week. Twenty-eight carcasses were display- ed from Ontario.and Durham counties through the co-operation of the Hog Producers' Association of the two counties. : . . Blackstock W. 1. catered for the banquet held on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey arrived home from Florida last Monday. A driving snow storm welcomed them. ~ Mr. R. Stinson has sold his farm to Jack Green, and his west farm to P. VanCamp. Mr. Isaiah Irwin visited his sister | Mrs. J. Ginn. Sorry to report the illness of Murs. Wm. VanCamp. Sympathy is extended to Mr, Frank Hoskin and -Mr. Lorne Hoskin on the death of their grandmother, Mrs. R. H. Wood, of Orono. Prizes were won at the last W. I. cuchre party. by Mrs. John Ross and Mrs. Norman Malcolm. Mrs. Ivan Thompson's group was in charge. "The Badminton Club is organized with Ilarold Kyte, President, and Neil Malcolm, Secretary-Treasurer. They play every Saturday night at Recrea- tion Centre and everyone interested is invited. lh 0.N.O. Club are planning a spring dance. March meeting was held at the home of Mrs.:S. Rahm with two new members. Mrs. H. Trewin and Mrs. H. Howard joined. - There was a perfect attendance. Mrs. L. Hoskin reported-on-the lagt-dance and the hus trip to Oshawa. The secretary was instructed to write a note of thanks to John Venning for the splendid job he did in painting the ladies' room at Recreation Centre, free of charge. Mrs. P. shower of gifts. The ladies are plan- ning an evening for their husbands at the next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Ross Duff. Holy Week was observed by the United Church here with service at Cadmus on Wednesday evening; at} -- Nestleton on Thursday and in Black- stock church on Friday evening. and special Easter services at all churches on Sunday. Communion ser- vice on Sunday, April hst, The Y.P.U. are conducting a paper salvage when the roads are good. Keep this in mind during the house- cleaning season, St John's Church held Good Friday service in the form of a Film Service, in the church with motion picture sound films "Pilgrimage to Palestine" and "Against the Tide" were showen, On Sunday morning Holy Com- -}munion_was celebrated and at the evening service the Easter "Worship Through the Eye-Gate" was concluded with the showing of "We Too Receive" and 'Faith Triumphant." 3 oo ---- Prince Albert There was a good attendance on Easter Sunday at the combined ser- .vice of the Church and Sunday School, All enjoyed the Easter Hymns and music. Mr. M., Luke was in charge. Appropriate solos were well rendered by Beth Hunter and Mrs. John Mun- roe. Mrs. Rev. C. Smith gave a most beautiful address bearing on Easter which was thoroughly appreciated by all, Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Smfth and daughter Linda of Toronto spent-the week-end with the former's mother Mrs. Smith and Aunt Miss Spence. Marion Davies has been Visiting in Toronto, Mrs. Stanley Horsley has returned to Kenmore N.Y .after spending ten days with Mrs, - Smith and Miss Spence. The Sunday School class of boys, nine in number, motored to Oshawa on Good Friday to see the very beau- tiful picture "The Prince of Peace". Mr. and Mrs. Smeets and family have bought and are residing in the home formerly owned by Mr, W. Gerrow. ip eomedy-from-Enniskillen; played tq a] Collins was given a lovely] F.W. Brock & Son - PORT PERRY PHONE 43 igoking on THE LIGHTER SIDE Lighter shades are IN SUrpe S Ladies' Skirts, $5.95 fo $8. 95 Men' s Gabardine Slacks $9.95 . Ladies" Loafer Shoes $5.50 BURGUNDY PLAIN and STRAP Sisman Work Boots $6.35 - $8.95} shown for Spring In a varied selection of overchecks, window-pane checks and plains. Order your wit now in a light shade for Spring. #5 Supersilk Nylons %.% Whisper Brand "> $L15 and $1.95 : wb from $49.50 up HIGHLIGHT OF THE WIIEK: New Spring Purses Several Colours $3.50 to $11.50 v GRAPEFRUIT CELERY LETTUCE TOMATOES BACON, rind on DEVON SAUSAGE "FANCY PEARS, 20 oz. TOMATOES, large tin Mr. Arthur Bond and sister Mrs. |. Luke and Murray, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Stanton, Brooklin, Sunday evening. On Thursday night of this week, March 29th, a concert will be held in the Church basement under the joint sponsorship of the W.A. and the Sun- day School. The proceeds to be used toward paying for a Projector which | we hope will be intersting for the children. A good program is expected. Mr. R. Peel will show slides of California. Refreshments will be served. Mrs. S. Oyler is visiting in England, having made the trip by plane. Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. James Rodd and Bud of Oshawa were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. Heidt arrived home after wintering under Florida suns. Ce -- ~~ Dance Don't forget the Dance being held in Prince Albert School, Saturday, April 7th, All proceeds to go to the Community Memorial Hospital. Ladies provide lunch. Collection to be taken. --apr. b GROCERIES LYNN VALLEY PEARS, 2 for 3lc. PRINTED DRAPES $1.25, $1.75, $2.86 4 for 26c. 4 i Per Yard 2 for 2b¢c. 2 for 2bc¢. Soir HOMESPUN kg. 19c¢. ) PXE. Be $1.29 Yard 1b. 69c¢. 1b. 66¢c.| CHILDREN'S BLAZERS Sizes 2 to 6 years . ea. 20c.| Navy and Red 20c. $4.50 THE BUNNY HOPS You are invited to an EASTER SQUARE "DANCE In the Port Perry High School Friday, March 30th 9.00 p.m. 'MUSIC BY -- Mrs. H. Toombs, W. J. Beacock and Fred Christie Calls by John Christie ~ Admission: Community Skating C - W. T. Harris, Mesident Don't Miss This Time |, Have an evening with Billie Bell- Gregg's Musical Varieties, in the H.S. Auditorium, on Friday, April 27th, under auspices of Anglican Church Men's Club: -- Admission-60c, Wabasso Pillow Slips $1.80 to $2.19 pair ~"Wabasso Sheets $7.35, $8.35, $9.50 . Ladies' Blouses $3. 95 to $6.50 VE isis em ---------- W. E. MacGregor and Son PHONE 72W PORT PERRY Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH 2 MEAT TO GIVE . THE PROPER BALANCE IN . YOUR DIET Ail CAWKER BROS. PORT PERRY ONTARIO BULLER' S GARAGE REAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS-- BODY and FENDER WORK ELECTRIC-ACETYL ENE WEL DING - Simcoe St., Port Perry, Phone 280W ATTENTION! Tendency of Agricultural Members of the Townships of Rl Cartwright and Manvers at the April regular meeting is to be directed particularly to the members of Federation. It is planned as a "Pot Luck Supper" to be held in the Painting and Decorating OUR NEW 51 SAMPLE BOOKS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOU TO SELECT FROM IN YOUR OWN HOME. Let us Gyptex those rough and cracked Ceilings, 2 is modern A New Service for You VENETIAN BLINDS "refinished in any colour, new tapes and cords, work done by leading Toronto manufacturer. . r Our years of experience at your service. _ M. St. Clair & Son PHONE PORT PERRY 113-r-14 Community Hall, Blackstock, Tuesday, April 5th, 1951, at 6.30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER--MR. WESTON BANNISTER, Subject--The Accomplishments of the Federation of Agriculture. Other efitertainment will be on hand for your enjoyment, , Tea, Coffee, Cutlery and Dishes will be supplied. GET YOUR ORDER IN NOW We Bell the "WORLD FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Port Perry Coal & Ice. Co. PHONR 1289 cs * A TE ES A » | Fy et A ry Te SN gn tg i Cr 7 fg Lo HA Bf rw oe A rs of fr or ath - igh i ahs vr

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