"PR fa - : % - E011 LAr 1 AK 3 SL hE BEF ASE Sa rg Pan Ete AY ni fit Ai in ig PELL STA Indy | LR : Vopth E35 BR For Ji f . SES hard fail RTE 2 Cot oe | gy EA 8 ' . . i SAT Mr aig) photon bs - fai an : Pik Balls oa Sieben ii; BB ee SELES PRE sf wr ; ends. ol axa amos = Sowa! a £5 daa ERROR vp oy a Eh 3 - os h -- 3 3S pS - ' a % i : 3 ~~? i | 'i . n 4. \ . . ; - . vy 5 es ig "> ' - ' i ' p> . y , i [] 1 ie ' - a a ne 1] A Lot Too Much of "Blood-and-thunder" .. We hive had enough of those blpodemud-thunder "HOW CAN I? By Anne Ashley / wo Dishes Easy on TR, "Q: How can I treat leather which ' Aabels) "Opera- BY EDNA MILES & fl , 3 . tion Killer," "meat-grinder tactics," has faded? : : \ ; on EYP ": #3 . and such, used in connection with A. Give it several coats oi water- . : ITH soaring food prices threatening to pop the lid off the food By Rev. R. B. Warren B.A. B.D, United Natioris militdry action i colour paint, choosing of course, \e budget each week, dishes that combine economy, nutrition and i . rr a the shade of. the leather. After the 3 te appeal find an important spot in the meal-planner's book, - ' ' 'Korea. Judging by letters we see to this and other newspapers, our feelings are shared. In fact, if people did not react im this fashion they . | THE CREATION « Genesis 1:1-5; 26-31, 4 'Macaroni, spaghetti and egg noodle dishes fit this category and ause they lend themselves to wide variation with 'sauces, cheese, over meat; fish and vegetables, ma¥y be repeated often without s of savor. R : . paint has thoroughly dried, rub the surface well with a good furnitire polish, and. the result 'will Te pleas- . . ' s » " . ¢ : a wanld not be, essentially decent and 8 J oo ait ; t This spaghetti with white clam sauce is a quickie, too. Less than . Memory Selection: O. Loid, how, ' : peage-loving, people that they are. Q. How I event: abl #8 minutes preparation should do it. y Tateld are Ti Tork In ae , In registering this protest we |" " w_ can 1" prevent, table: X , Sauce (Idd } wy dom hast Thou made them all. E ' should make it clear that we would candles from dripping excessively? Spaghetti With White Clam Sauce (tout servings) : * Psalm 104:24a. ; : * ' { . : 3 i uJ >, . + 13 not want Geieral Ridgeway's army A. If the candlds are varnished | - .. Two tablespoons chopped fresh parsley, 1 ¢hopped clove garlic, or Adpiral Mattie A fora with a good clear shellac, it will § uiinea onion, ¥3 cap olive oil, 1% teaspoons salt, 1 teaspoon The 1 . 5 ie ; > Pe Samim) Mr HS ans) not only add to their appearance, epper, 1 large can minced clams, 1 package thin spaghetti. . . ~The Ie « | jars x je - " De a li i ng we Rly but 'will prevent them from dripping Brown parsley, onion and garlic in hot olive oil until ingredients ron ref 11s of Li:bie } HEU LesSiveness ' * BFR x hd A = : A . poy -- i yy. ivenesy oi ota ot oan on the table cover, or wherever the ~ are cooked. Season with salt and pepper, Add clams and simmer h: t oint of mpi - - YI 1001 that. alse ong alioves "eandles may be placed. . [777 or about 5 minutes. Don't overcook or clams will become hard. histo aren lo war itself to be a greater evil than : ® niay: eed, Drop spaghetti in bailing salted water. Keep water boiling. Stir the consummation of tugs I'he all the "tyranny, Injustice, and cal- Q. H . 1 f nail occasionally. When tender, run cold water into hot water. Drain am should be to discover the unity culated cruelty against which free er ow oy, : treat hngernails and sorve with sauce. : of God's special revelation to man i . eis . Trius that arg too brittle? 7 ' men fight it is impossible ect . ax in the Bi some ae ne a . § er A. Rub the fingernails with olive Macaroni and Cheese Supreme (six servings) Be seey. ju the Bibl - : ar's scapable accom- a ) 5 iN fics N . f . we sto of eo paniments and still expect that the oil every night before retiring, | One pound jumbo macaroni, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons He tory of yn "fight be won. None of the accom Wear an old pair of uloves to | four, 2 cups milk, 14 teaspoon pepgier, 1- teaspoon salt, 15 pound ise object. of ni ne... Scat It Dre " po je py me protect the bed clothing. | American cheddar cheese, % cup buitered bread crumbs, the beginning « wud created the hea. 3 tel 3. bretts, 8) ade up . * | Cook macaroni in boiling salted water. Drain and place in "1 ven and the earth" is the simple and 0 Wiat-1s the whole objective of Q. H can I remove stains casserole, Melt butier in sauce pan, add' flour and blend. Add sublime opening of God's revela- military strategy: to destroy the : ow can r ve milk and stir slowly until sauce thickens. as k bic ] \ sat i ra } . J _ from a tile hearth? ] k and stir slowly until sauce thickens." Season. : tion. Think hick a we ean cnemy's ahiliy and will ta yesist-- "A. Stains on a tile hearth dan be Fluke cheese and scatter over macaroni. Cover the top with ard stl "in the begh God." 8 1 _ * + ve he DIE 5S 0 4 Lie car Cd p " 3 " 0 or, m today's world, his will to re Move | with : oh lation of buttered bread erumbs. Pour sauce over all and bake in a moderate Phere is not much sug for ghe oy ay [FO rec " : Co a strong solute < Lo un sorees FO) © i ) Tia commit ay Jression. Athi sols nities 1 ih Tallers - oven (350 degrees I.) 30 minutes. . view that verse | 2 that 21. This usually involves destroying 0 ;] oe oD niin nd oo bd the earth was inhabited by another 3%; or capturing his weapons and eqguip- pi 3, Appr Mm 3d A ° pase Ads 3 : order of beings and thea their habi- ox pe FO ; : allow to remain for about an hour . BRO DEINE ano BY ie Vs Toment, cutting his lines of communi- : . « 3 , t Ho s tale lesolate. Th K 43 cation and cutting him off from than wash withhet soapy water. Study Secrets Of | ee pl ar rer t ho i i t | N : . i hy verse more probably represents the 49; essential materials, knocking out Q. How cay' T make a 800d $050 The Red Sea A ' witial stage in the Creator's, work, A his industrial and other economie ell > . h ake a g a . I'l tie {creation tated Nie 1 { / £ he staves creation Gs stated af war, potential, and -- here is where Jelly _-- p . . -. he i accord withthe id td good people cringe--piutting his A. This can he made from the. Nite or ten nhllion years ago a olane : £41 rews '| Tdwereare anogocord with the finds AW sa: i £ - : ' Sor city 1m van Py ne fighting men out. of action scraps of soap around the house. the Red Sea becwne almost separ- ) ings of science. The verse tereate fh . action, > " : - - . bit n Fropey 1s The question' is whether these Dissolve these small pieces of soap ated from the other seas of the. . : - : ) thita) m to br $A exist things are done effectively but dis in just enough water 1o-cover them, world®and is now regarded as the poe tithe you're all probably FUDGE NUT BARS Pag ion font Kg ret J gs a A s- = " bh i oo y, us pr d sexisting material, Jr Pefers to the Ent dC tanioter. cd R ats ) Add one teaspoonful of horax for youngest. sea of all . Sad Coorers . exmsting material - rfelers to the ESR passionately, "inflicting no more ach uk { the 108 . = a - familias With | thos Cothtsitedt 1 package semi-sweet creative work in pencral, (1:1). 3% suffering and destruction than is cach pit of 4 3c nets Fhe narrowness and shallowness "chocolate bits" and have used 'hocolate "11 wt i {that ¥ 3 . . * . . Cet : . EER A " - " (8 ate- wou h {ue we uiderstanm IB -. 3a necessary to the objective, or whe. aE . of the Strat of Bab-cl \Lndeb them for cookies and the lke. 'But Yi con Shortening Wp Do framed bye the d : ther killing, blasting, and burning DQ, Bow can 1 Dreven: pies from where its waters join the Indian perha ® you haven't realized how 2 "4 R ile hii . . Ee iy ' } ; " --, ng co : <5 p ver i i ? + Oh ade - Red Se ractic- : ? ve ' y BES . ward ot God, so uote winch } is glamorized either for the troops pg Mn mn fe ousy cb Ocean, made the Red Sea practic Cversatide they ares and thes wide a cup sugar , ATC seen were net nid eile ans atthe front or for the folks back Pi : lg prece ol ou ally a land-locked lake. . variety of uses to which they can 1 teas canill hich do appear" (Hel i122) Er home ~ ; cooked macaroni jn-the top of the The resulting isolation of the he pits "The. Bollowiiae soci " ecaspoon vanilla which do appear" Hebe 2). *, - oye . i . : . t ry 3 3 ad 1 ~ . a " nL Yeh CTE . wal fers ' We cannot deny that at the mo- crust. This will. stop the overflow. creatures diving in it is believed by all well 'worth a trial 2 cup sifted all.putpe e flows Yi 1:2). the-same word" rely; Lo Ay ment the best military strates: Or do this at the start to prevent scientists to speed up evohrtion-- A tha! oo . 7, teaspoon baking powder the Drinping fonth of animal Nife ] a iL S Hitary strategy overflowing ] > a uv Lb er 15 teaspoon salt , In 1:27 304s used in descrthing the oN against---world Communist aggres- | Lo $ . thie process hy which animals and ] | ) 4 Yost : nH rms Mag LY : » ' Ve - » greatest creation of allman, Mg * sion 1s to put ody of action oli the Q H r deg | PRNMS have cevdoped hy gradual ORANGE CAKE 2 cup chopped nuts jivea ) Che 4h if hay Wr . -i : i . . . = ho 0 a; orev wilte feats y ry "evel a N . " : y 15 not a cultured chimpanzee, bu Hy Chinese soldiers and niunitions pos- Wr w can estore PaciReution frog their previous 3 cups sifted cake flour, Method: Melt chocolate and a distinct creation above the ani- Ak ible i 4 H 4 . "torms. 4 3 teaspoo aki powder Fleming or | ater: Boat ' ol iia rely R AT 5 Site In Korea But tis baoiging A. Wash carefully in a basin of An expedition has been orpgan- 1 teas Roons vs ng powder shortening ovis A Water, Bea: mal kingdom. The theory of evolu- hie around ot bhlooc ursty la bels is not water to which has been added two ° ed PATE + species loing 72 teasp al eges, add sugar and vanilla and bear tion has SGI too many missing .s in only blatantly puerile, it is also 7, ized to collect some species living 34 cup shortening until Hight and fatty, Mix and sii : ; : OTN X destructive of civilized values and tablespoonfuls of vinegar or lemon mn the Red Seca and compare them 1 cup sugar fl paieiin od wl 1 Add oye to hahae Son tn a hears, S 4 It >, . N " . L > fr ir ¥ F « <4 . 2 - S " . " - "qe ¢ it gives the Communists' propagan juice. Allow it to stand for about with similar species living in other 3 eggd i Fi Pe on, i . hi | Und. Cronred." Man, made: da the °S Sis agan- :, . . : Oe npxtare. Str oan melted cho- image of God 8 to have donmn- ; 3 ny . an. hour, then wash in cold water WCeans i oo . . ; q mage ot Lod, was to have « ,. da mills gratuitous grist-to grind on. of We . ! ocea $F gid pera, . - Ya cup orange marmalade colate mixture which has. been | a . 1 4 17 ion Over the rest. Anvone trying and it will be restored to its for Differences in structure and ap- 00 Soon For Him -- Bomba -- From The Christian Science Ese, Ax g i : 3 . wy 2 tablespoons grated orange cooled. Add nuts and blend thos : xplai he existence of the Moni . mer fresliness. pearance will enable science to esti- rind 2 . . Lie is «ol Were as he hue ze lo explam "the ~ existence : fonitor. : cf . S f evolution in sucl nnd, : onghlv. Pour into erated Rinch 15 shown here as he had his world" without acknowledging. God s mate the speed of evo utio 1 In such 1 cup orange juice. Ssquare pan Bake in moderate neck ashe 1 Ce 1 a | " i To ively. in sialon. nd Q. How can I measure out drops species--how many million years y : ' ; Li 3 : cox washed recently tor the must have a lively imagination, a : : : ' Method: Sift flour with baking hot oven (375 degrees 17) 5 ay . JO mimn- . . 0 ; i ade nie v NTost- 1 = .of any liquid if I have no dropper? for instance, it takes for a creature wi frst time in his 14 vears. Zoo. | be ready to state the most impro A. Dip the finger in water and to" develop_a new kind of tail, or powder and salt. Cream shoring, utes. Makes 16 bars. Aficiale di] Yoidse bable. I prefer to believe the Bibli- moisten the rim-of- the bottle in & Viegas brain. A <add sugar gradually; blending to- . x N N othicrals H not sav whether zal mecondt, Ti 3g Tn aeoard with one place. If this place is used The Red Sea is ideal for such a gether until light and fluffy. Add Now let's get away | from the the scrubbing was delaved so science, common sense and faith. - from which to drop the liquid, it _ study, because the "salt content of CEES, ong at atime, beating well chocolate theme Yor a moment, lang because of the size of the ) will drop evenly and easily. the water rémains almost constant. after each addition. Stir i marnm- Witly Jeerit, over, elit oat fois py | » re 1 --- 3 bt a * No rivers flow into it and little lade and orange rind. Adi flour recipe won't strike vou as very jor BE whether Vesna - M tains F d Q. How can I treat celery. to rain falls. In other oceans the salt alternately. with orange juice, 13x timely Bot this is <uch a good one of Bomba's apparent view that ountains oun insure its being tender when serv- content varies and the evolution of ng well, ending wht, flour. ~"Furn that I'ni going to pass it along, thi~ 1< all a pam mm the neck, Under The Sea ed? | certain marine creatures is affected. batter into well greased pan (10 x timely or not. . = 2 "A. Allow the celery to fie in Scientists estimate that if the 1533 inches). Bake in moderate ) } Co EE oo \ i Natural scientists surveying the ~water for about seven or eight Red Sea ever became completely oven (350-degrees-13-30 minutes. SALMON SURPRISE LONG BIS ANGE ALL fentists ing th hours before serving, and it. will be - cut off from the Indian Ocean it Cut_cake ih squares, top with slice 1 I6-ounce can salmon ry |. * » wie bed of the I acific Ocyan have dis- very tender. ' vould evaporate ind leave behind of ice cream and serve with choco- 2 tablespoons butter 3 |. - 0 covered a" 1000 mile long "gl Q. How can I make a temporary a solid bed of salt in less than two late sauce, or frost cake with choco- 2 tablespoons flour © | From Wellington, New Zealand, tain system strete Hg from the I a- repair to'a leak in a gas pipe? . thousand years. late frosting. If desired, top with v4 teaspoon salt comes this add story aboar Police waitin Ishmds 1 Wike stand, Pls A. *Moisten some common soap | One thousand two hundred miles whole or chopped nuts. Makes 24 14 teaspoon pepper Constable Bertie Kidd, an enthusi- mountain peaks range from 3,400 and press it tightly over the leak. feng and from one to two hundred squares. ~~ 2 cups milk astic radio amateur, who was work- to. 6.000 feet below the ocean sur Or use a paste made of whiting and miles wide, it "has coasts fringed * at ' 1 tablespoon prepared ing his transmitter in a coll at his facey "aRd shells and roel eared _ yellow. soap mixed - with_ water, with coral reefs and lined by hot CHOCOLATE. DUET mustard . station omg time ago when some- dredged from them iudicated hay, --Never have -a-lighted-match, candle sandy deserts. ~~ i Froutin ; o 4 hard-cosked eggs, sliced Cone wees iantally slammed the door at one tind, they were only a few or other flame near the leak. Since the blazing sun causes con- - if (I'rosting or Sau ce) } cup grated sharp cheese and locked Lim in. [feet below the surface. Fhe Scicn- Tr tinuous evaporaton of the water, 1 package of semi-sweet . « When he realized what had hap | Mists found a d-inch layer ol~ pan. MALE VIEW the air is very humid and 'makes, chocolate Method: Drain and flake salmon. pened he found there was no one ganese along the tops of thpse deep- -- this area one of the most depress- 2 tablespoons butter or Melt butter, add flour, salt and {to release hon, but he knew exactly sea mountains, One aepne, 20 miles A business college displayed a ing in the whole world for Euro- margarine _ pepper, and cook about 1 minute. | what to do. tle sent a radio SOS, long and 10 miles wide, contained poster offering "A Short Course" peas. ] EN : 1 cup sifted confectioners' Gradually add milk and cook until | about his plight to another ama- =| as much as 120 million tons of the in Accounting for Women." Even for the natives of that part sugar thickened, stirring constantly. Stir teur in Brishane (1,500 miles away). metal, : It has now been 'withdrawn. of the world, the climate "is dis- 3 to 5 tablespoons hot milk mustard into white sauce. Add | The Brishine man acted prompt- On the muddy bed of the ocean, Someone wrote across it, in a bold, tinctly uncomfottable. for frosting : flaked salmon and cgg slices. Pour | Iy. Hercalled up a third amatenr he bacteria were discovered which, 3 ; unmistakably masculine han d, 14 cup hot milk for sauce the creamed fish into individual i chanced 10 know in Wellington, when placed in a food culture, re- Royal Pair -- King. Gustaf "There is no accounting for wo- No one can rise in the world 1 teaspoon vanilla baking dishes or shells. Sprinkle | who at once "phoned" the police, produced rapidly. They are believed . Adolf VI and 'Queen Louise, men." ' merely by giving himself airs. Method: In top of double boiler with grated cheese. Put under pre- And the constable who had acci- to be the world's oldest living > Sweden's new rulers, are 'seen . ; N A a put semi-sweet chocolate and bul- heated broiler about 3 minutes, or dentally. slammed the door walked organisms. Thirty scientists took in an informal pose at the : B i ter. Heat until melted and mix until cheese is lightly browned. | about hity vards along corridors pat in the expedition covering Stockholm Royal - Palace. This USING HER NOODLE until smooth. Remove from heat. | Serves 6. and opened it to let P.C. Kidd out! 29,000 miles in two laboratory ships. ~ is _one--of the first pictures > - A For frosting, add milk and sugar = onl i : = > alternately, adding enough milk to © make a spreadible ~ consistency. Stir in vanilla, made of the royal couple in ! By ROSETTE HARGROVE - -- civil clothes since they assum- - -- PARIS -- Mme. Valentine Wel ed the Swedish throne. Her artistic sense prompted her For sauce, increase milk to 14 E ter. doesn't. know the old expres. to fashion them into different cup. : sion, but nevertheless she's using forms, then enamel them in gay Makes enough frosting for top - Barrel-organs Soon her' noodle. Also her husband's colors. of 10 x 15-inch cake or 174 cups : noodle, and any other noodle she can lay her hands on. "The noodles she uses arc the chocolate cance. "There are something like 80 * * Rk (different kinds "of noodles," Says Mme. Welter. "I use them Al Will Be no More Barrel-organs are on their way oiif. Already they are regarded by ~ edible kind. "She mniakes things with. them, things like necklaces, When noodles were rationed if, SEMI-SWEET SYRUP 1 package semi-sweet - collectors as antique pieces likely ear-rings, hair ornaments and the France, Mme, Welter would ex. .chocolate : ~ to increase in value as the years go like. ; - change her precious ration tickets 14 cup sugar . ' by. Recently an American bought Mme. Welter is a graduate of | -[oF~other things, getting noodle 1 cup hot water one in Liverpool for over $300. the Beaux Arts and js a well - tickets in exchange. For people 1; teaspoon salt You can't buy a new harrel-organ known Parisian interior decora- who preferred steak, it was a good Method: Melt chocolate morsels "deal afl around. over hot water" and stir until Now she finds her ndodly knick- smooth, Add remaining ingredients, knacks have become a good spurce blending well. Place over direct heat of "iiiconie; - Don't "ell anybody, bot --and-boil-3 "minutes - Makes -3-enps-- a bride at a fashionable Paris wed- syrup. Store in cool place. . . £ » + ding wore a diadeni made out. of ul - * 5 Ld solid noodle. Everyhotly thought it was ivory. . today simply because there are no craftsmen living who can make one. . - Nor is there anybody capable of re- pairing _the old. instruments. = Tliey are called barrel-organs be- | -cause the main part 'of them is a revolving cylinder or barrel. with pins in suitable positions. These pins raise trigger-shaped keys when the cylinder is turned by the handle, The keys open valves which admit ~ wind into the pipes. i At one time clockwork barrel- organs were used in village churchesg They came to this, coun : try with Italian and Sicilian emi- y grants. about a century' ago. ; The number of tunes a barrel- organ can play is limited. Usually it is ten, but some super-organs made "here about 1870 could play fifteen to twenty. 1 Adding new tunes was highly z -- skilled job. : The famous composers Haydn and Mozart considered the barrel- tor. But her doctor condemned her 10 a long dict of noodles. After she'd been decorating her own Anterior with noodles {or a while, |= she became. fascinated by the slip- pery little things, . She discovered that they "come in many tricky shapes and sizes. CHOCOLATE. RIPPLE - COOKIES 14 cup shortening _____34 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 eggs, well beaten. 1V3 cups sifted all-purpose flour ii V4 teaspoon baking powder 14 teaspoon salt 1 package semi-sweet chocolate melted or -- Method: Crean shortening, sugar, ai' y % and vanilla thorouglily. Add eggs and beat until light and Muffy. Mix and sift flour, baking powder, and salt. Add to egg mixture, blending well. Swirl the melted chocolate, Model Airplane Fans Afloat IMCS Cayuga boasts one of the most up to date collections of 'model airplanes in the Roval Canadian Navy thanks to the carving (alents of Able Seaman Fred Hughes, of Winnipeg. As a result of his handicraft, the Cayuga has 15 models of the * latest Russian type airceaft and their corresponding Allied planes. organ -a fine melodious instrument Wiel has been cooled, Yizoms AB Hughes started carving model airplanes" at the age of ten. He has made all the and composed special wotks tobe feet a TE i 8 res model planes aboard the Cayuga from scrap -wood gathered from boses in avhich the ship's * A] . 3 . « ' ' - . . . "ow : PIRved on Sem, woilian.. collect greased cookie sheet, Bake in wide supplies are received. For blueprints he uses photos or diagrams in aircraft recognition ; . ing for the war disabled, once [~ derately hot oven (375 degrees 17.) journals, In the above photo, AB Hughes, right, holding a model of a Russian MI1G-15, compares aised $150 in five hours when she a / ; : : . , fied $130 i Ave Jusnts it with an American F-86 held by Ldg. Sea. Glen Clemmet, of Vanvouver. 12-15 minutes, Makes 36 cookies. played a barrel-organ in the streets, * * .