a ea a ™ Wa RR EES AS 4 1 . Fl "Cu eb S05 a VHBVRFY. BI TARY DERI wei rp AR ETSI HE rE al nod, ci pine bh tie » rr PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY" 17th, 1951 UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO UXBRIDGE BEVERAGES LIMITED Co Authorized bottler of Son bots unin contract with Coss-Gola ud. -- tof Mrs. Wm. Philp who died in the Oshawa hospital, Congratulations to Mrs. W. A, Van- Camp who celebrated her 81st birth- day at the home of Mr, and Mrs. S. Suywell,. Oshawa, recently, with most of hey family, present, The. Blackstock W. meeting at the home of Mrs. M, Gra- ham. The. roll call was "A Junior wctivity we have or could have in our comununity," Murs, B. Duff convener of Community Activities was in charge of the following programme; readings by Mrs. John McKee and Mrs J. Rahm. A very fine demon- stration was put on by Jean Toms of Shirley Branch, on "Clothes Closets Up-to-Date", Jean has completed 12 units and has been awarded Provin- cinl honours, We are very proud cof Jean, -- Our W. LL voted in favour of a District Get-Together" some time this Delegates to the District Angual May 31st at Maple Grove will : (ber Mrs. No Malcolm, Mrs. J. Rahm, yg : ! Mrs, 'I. Smith and Mus. P. VanCamp, I'he officers for this year are: Presi- dent, Mrs. N. Malcolm; 1st Viee-Pres,, Mis. J. Rahn; 2nd Viee-Pres.,, Mrs, Se aes H. Bailey; Secretary, Mrs, T. Smith; ~~ dhstrict --Director, Mrs. Po VanCamp; Fruit and Flower Com, Mrs. M. Gra- PHONE 205 ham, Mrs. John McKee; Pianist, Mrs, 12. Taylor; Conveners, Mrs. R. Dutt, | Mus, -M. Byers, Mrs. N. Malcolin, Mrs. Fisher, Mrs, I. Trewin, and Mus, G. Marlow. CR EE MYT WT sumer, Blackstock Mother's Day was observed in all In the United Church Rev. C. Hutton administered a bap- tismal 'service when the infant chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. B. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. H. McLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. I. Mountjoy were baptised. choir rendered special music and Mrs. Kyte sang a solo. churches here. The Sunday School service was a Mother's Day program with 135 pre- Mrs. C. Hutton gave an ad- dress. Mus. Dorrell, and Ralph Larmer's class of boys con- tributed to the program. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry (Eleanor Thompson) who |. Saturday, May 12th. Eleanor to Blackstock were married We welcome community. Sorry to hear that. Elaine Thoinp- son has the measles. Ruth Hamilton "| has recovered and is back to~school. Mr. and Mrs. Art Ruston, Hamilton, spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Forder. Mr. and- Mrs. Wolfe, Mr. and Murs. McLaughlin and Myr. H. Hooey spent Miss L. Larmer Sunday afternoon and evening with! 's. Hooey who is in Oshawa hos- We are sorry to report that Mrs, s. Marlow, hospital having sutfered a fall, Gi. Nesbitt, <I Mrs. John Proutt, Nestleton, recently. C. Wilson enjoyed a vacation Florida with her z, of Erie, Leal is taking the lumber and U.K. brick salvaged from the lot on which | sulphur" shortage ave producing sul- store was burned, whidre he is building a house. Sympathy is extended to. the Laity turn sulphates into sulphur. Park Com., Mrs. G. N. Malcolm, Mrs, T. Smith, and Mrs. A. _L. Bailey. Caretaker of Memorial Park, Neil Bailey. I CORRECTION--Miss Mary Hooyer, Nestléton, is leader for the Nestleton ints in the Girls' Garden Class Club work. Mrs. Shortridge is leader for the Blackstock girls. Marlow, Murs. Toronto, is in Wellesley Toronto, visited pr nie sister Mrs. C. . Penn. SULPHUR FOR MICROBES scietists battling the world phur with microbes from warm lakes in North Africa. to Peterboro, The tiny organisms GTN MG TT GIVES TOP PERFORMANCE ON ALL COUNTS MORE anti-knock power EXTRA smoothness BETTER mileage 1; GREATER reliahility BONUS value for your gasoline dollar . Designed for today's hi ' SUNGcO. smile of Drive with the satisfaction Drivers Who Know What to Look for in Gasoline Performance... MAKE THE 10-GALLON TEST IN YOUR OWN CAR and feel the df that Blue Sunoco makes. Fur best results, wait until your tank is nearly empty. Then put lu 10 Gallons of Blue Sunoco, undiluted with other gasoline. Oace you've experi. enced Blue Sunoco's unmistakable bonus of power and smoothness +++ You'll never go back to ordinary gasoline. high compression engines... 'packed with new power for all cars! 1. held its May Pine Grove Mr. and Mrs. Delbert: Catherwood and boys of Whitby, Visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. Catherwood and Mr. Cather. | wood Sr. on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Keeler of Sun- derland visiting Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Hill. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Redshaw "and Mr. and Mrs. Leahman and boys of Claremont spent Sunday' with Mr, and Mrs, Talbert Kvans.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice and family spent Mother's Day with Mr. and rs. Charlie Gourlie. * Mr. and Mrs, Jack Simpson and Donna and some friends were at Gra- venhurst fishing Saturday last . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clark, Phil and Pamela of Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs. John Locke, Roddie and Brenda of Uxbridge spent Sunday with Mur, and Mrs. Earl Ballard, Mr. and Mrs, Gorden Rose and son Mr, George Rose and wife of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Short Long and Douglas of Uxbridge visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mus. Hillard Armstrong and Clarence. Quite a number of people at their Summer Homes on Sunday last. to @ >. EPSOM 'There was a 'good attendance at the" Mother and Family Day Service on May 13th. Mrs. Luke our eldest mother was presented with a lovely plant. "Mrs, W. Evans was also pre- sented with Flowers from the girla in her S. 8. Class. "On Sunday May 20th you are invited to attend the Sunday School Anniver- sary at Epsom. Mr. Eyre's a former Pastor will be guest speaker at the merning Ser- vice at 10.30 a.m. Rev. Hunnisett and a group of boys from Fred Victor Messeon, Toronto will be in charge of the afternoon Service at 2.30 p.m. A special invitation is extended to all to attend. Mr. and Mrs. P. Jeffrey and family of Scugog Island spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert St. Clair of Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. M. St Clair on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hooper and Fay, Saintfied; Miss-Blanche Luke and Mus. Cecil Morrison, Toronto, spent Sun- day with their mother Mrs. I>. Luke. Mr. Frank Henry, Port Perry cal- led on Mr. and Mrs. A. Christie on Sunday. Birthday Greetings to Beth- Ashton on May 17th. Wedding Bells are ringing near Ep- som, Mr. and Mrs. John Allan and baby, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Murrell, Toron- to were week-end visitors at the home of their mother Mrs. Murrell. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton and Beatrice of Toronto spent Sunday atthe home of Mr. E..Whippey. Mrs. Clayton who spent the- winter at Highland Creek with Mr. and Mrs: 'Harold Scott, has returned to Epsom, her sister, Mis. Farr returned with her and will spend the summer with her. sister. Full Swing into Spring We are now showing soifie, of our new Spring Fashions. Call in soon and pick out. that Suit or Coat. "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" -------- - ARDLEY FROCKS 491-3-5 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) 'Phone--GE 1576 Toronto, Ont. © GETYOURFREECOPY | © OFTHS BOOK FREE... ! yours for the asking! See any Agent of the Li Insurance Company of North America Companies OF your own Broker for your copy of this valuable book. Its a 48-page GUIDE FOR BOAT OWNERS, and it's packed with suggestions for. planning, 'laying out, and doing the work of _ fitting out for pleasure and safety. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA COMPANIES 80 RICHMOND STREET WEST, . 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