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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jun 1951, p. 8

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z -. Mae ot Fn a r= A lnk ow on ES * ro rn TL i fo TE, Nr Lat Ar hl 4 DAE > _ oni -or about-the-9th day of June, Th aS SLE A Lhd PA ie hide i . ah dN ; RESET 3 £4 WLR MA A SEE RAE AYER QUARTERS IR RATER LEE 3 a A POREAEARR A REN Net = 4 % PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1961 tn ee ----r---- st PRA ---- u---- CLASSIFIED-ADS ATTEN TION FARMERS! We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Port Perry 118 r 2 Brooklin 62. Toronto, EMpire- 83-3636 - *. Lindsay 8660 GORDON YOUNG LTD. ' nov 4/0 DEAD FARM STOCK * Picked up- promptly Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Pigs and new born Calves. (We pay for horses, Cows i "and heifers) "As an added service we will co-operate with your veterinarian in post-mortem, 2Y; c. per, lb. for live horses Call collect Bowmanville 2679 MARGWILL FUR FARM Tyrone 1-62 HOUSES WANTED in Port Perry and District We have a number of Clients in the market for houses and farms--if you wish to sell: Consult us DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE 2b Prince St., corner of Bond St. OSHAWA, Phone 3-2612 Aug. 2 WOODEN SILO FOR SALE--I12 ft, base in excellent condition. * Apply Leon Standish, Scagrave. Phone 92-r-14 Port Perry. Juld FOR SALE--Findlay Space Héater Findlay Oval Range, water front, Gurney Range, all white with water front, Ouk Buffet, Kitchen cabinet. 'Phone 26W Port Perry. ) June 21 2 FOR SALLE to A. Spaniel Pups... Ingersen RRL, Apply Port Perry. FOR SALE 14 Yorkshire pigs, 6 and 7 weeks, old, good bacon type. Phone 11 rah, Port Perry. 0. J. Hyland. = NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Annie Rosetta Kendall, Deceased All persons having claims the Fetate of Annie Rosetta Kendall, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who. died A.D. tab t, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before the 2%th day of July, 1951, against full particulars of claim. hmmediately after the the said de- ceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which he shall "then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Diiratin this 16th day of June, A.D. 195 : ARTHUR W. 8S. GRE J KC, Box 131 Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the above estate. Jjulyb their said date, assets of the NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the estate of Eliza Ann Hallett, late of the Township of Brock, in the County of Ontario, Widow. All persons having claims against the estate of the above-named who died November 1st, 1950, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned particulars of their claims on or be- fore July 21st, 1951. Immediately after July 21st, 1951, the assets of | the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having re: gard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port. Perry, Ontariv, chis 19th day of June A. D., 19by.. _ HARRIS HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Administrator. July 6 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons having claims against the estate of Charles Nesbitt Graham, Farmer, late of - the Township of Scugog, in the County of Ontario, who died on or about the 6th day of March, 1961, are hereby hotified to send par- ticulars. of same to the undersigned, on. or 'before the 10th day of July, 1961, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the. claims of which the .Executors shall then have notice. Dated at Toronto, this 6th day of June, 1961. Carlton Graham, and James R. Mac- Brien, Executors, by their solicitor, James R., MacBrien, Bank of Nova Scotia Building, 44 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario. june2i FOR SAND, GRAVEL, SOD "AND LOAM ELLSWORTH KENNEDY ~~ will be pleased to serve you Uxbridge 27: fonone 322 Port t berry for Information Aug. 9h BULLDOZING and EXCAVATING by Hour or Contract, Free listimates Given, I We speciahize in T'arm Improvement. WML TRIPE Port Perry Plone 10y 1 42 oct 20/61 K.K.2, GENTLEMEN! It you arc thinking of buying a new suit, a pajr of pants or a top coat, how about getting them "Made to Mcasure?" Suits. ranging from $48.00 Lo $76.30. Satistaction or your money refunded. Give me a call and I will pay you a visit. Phone 67132 MIDDLE GREEN VILLA - REST HOME, Courtice, one or two vacan- cies for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals. Nursing care and tray service. Approved by doc- tors. pointment, KEITH LYLE Oshawa 5-4943. JunTtf WANTLED--A gurl to do general olfice work. Must be able to do book- keeping. Write or phone Abbott Iuleetrie, Sunderland, Ont, Phone 19, WANTLED- and female. Port Perry. "Common rabbits, male Stephen Lambkin, RUK.2, x FOR SALE "11 Pigs, 8 weeks old. Apply to W. C. Wilson, Maple Drive, Phione 99rd, Port Perry. FOR SALL--Easy electric Wash- ing machine with wringer, in first class condition, 60 cycle motor--3$ou. Apply Box 30, Port Perry Star. WANTED-- Driver-Salesman, wan- ted for soft drink truck. Apply to Kist Beverages, phone 47 Port Perry. PIGS FOR SALE-- old." phone 6 and 8 weeks Albert" Rouse, RR. 2 Seagrave, 105- wid, Port Perry. FOR SALLI--Baled hay, timothy or clover mixed. Ux-Spring Farms, Ltd. Uxbridge, Ontario. July 12 FOR SALE -- 13 bags of Cement, Phone 190-r-4, Port Perry. FOR SALE--Couk Stove, excellent condition. Apply L. R. Beacock, Phone 198-r-12, Port Perry. FOR SALE Yorkshire Boar, servicable age; also one rubber- tired wagon in good working con- dition. George Beare, R.R.3, Ux- bridge, Phone Port Perry 125 r 22, FOR SALE --Used Farm Tractors, various makes and models; numer- ous other machines. Ux-Spring Farms Ltd., Uxbridge. julyl12 FOR SALE--Team Black Horses, 9 years, about 1500 Ibs., quiet, well broken; also collars and harness. Apply Roy McLaughlin, - Phone 332 r 37 _ Articles for Sale Frigidaire Washing Machine Studio Couch Rangette Utility Table Apply Tease, on 'Perry Street Auction Sales SAT., JUNE 30th--Auction sale of Household Furniture, the property of Wm. Hill Estate, Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Sale at 1.00 o'clock. Terms cash. JED JACKSON, Auctioneer. CYRUS HH. NETHERTON Est, Lot 17, Con. 3, Mariposa, % mile east Little Britain, on Tuesday, June 26th at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. TED JACKSON,. Auctioneer. * $s RUSSELL McLAUGHLIN, in Village of Enniskillen," Farm Im- plements, on Saturday, June 30th 'at 2 pom. Terms Cash, CLIF. PETHICK, Auctioneer Terms monthly. Phone for ap-| 4 Our Jand {her sisters in the L.0.B.A. ---- ------ Tt L] 'Blackstock Mr. and Mrs. Walby, Qakville, Mr. and Mrs. Heffron, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wall recently. . : Doris-. Hamilton, Toronto and friend Joan Gulgton, with Mr. and Mrs. "Hamilton and Ruth. The May meeting of the United Church W. A. was at the home of Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy with Presi- dent Mrs. R. Mountjoéy-in the chair who conducted the opening exer- cises. Mrs, Cecil Hill led in the devotional. Roll Call was an- swered by "Your Favorite Hymn." Business period consisted of a dis- cussion concerning the condition of the choir loft at the church and the building of new cupboards in the church kitchen. The program was directed by Mrs. Earl Brad- burn.and her group: A story by Mrs. Murray Byers--"A Woman's Sense of Humour"; piano instru- mental by Mrs. Gordon Strong; reading by Mrs. R. Mountjoy-- "How to get along with people." Members who attended conven- tion.-at Enniskillen gave fine re- ports. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Ross Duff. A social time wits enjoyed with the group serv- ing lunch, assisted by the hostess. June Institute meeting was well attended and greatly enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. Fred Trewin. * President Mrs. Norman Malcolm and Mrs. T. Smith were in their places. There were 23 adults and eight children present. We were pleased to have the. new District President, Mrs. M. Emerson with us. Money do- | nations were voted to the Feder- ation of Agriculture. A letter from Tyrone Institute inviting us to a meeting was accepted. Money for the purchase of shrubs for the Memorial Park was voted to the committee in charge. Mrs. Stan- ford VanCamp, in the absence of the District Director, related the important matters from the Dis- trict convention. The programme was under direction of Home Eco- nomics and Health, with Mrs. F. Trewin, convener, Mrs. Velva Bailey delighted all with an ac- count of Blackstock, 19561. Mrs. M. Graham gave a humorous read- ing. Mrs. M. Emerson gave a fine paper on "Home Economics" and expresséd her delight at at- tending our meéting in her new capacity: as District President. institute wishes her every -- -- lr The. Girls' Garden Club met at the home of their .leader, Mrs. N\ Shortridge, on Monday evening. Mary Wilson is, home afteryan appendix operation in Oshawa laspital. : Mrs.- Ethel "Hockridge, Mount Forest, visited her cousin Mrs. C. Hill. Mrs. Wheeler "and Diane were at home over the week- end; -Mr. and Mrs. R. Byers and. Mrs. F. Gibson, Bowmanville,. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham, on Sunday. Barbara Jackson, Oshawa, Mer- lin Bailey, Brantford, Robt. Smith, Peterboro, were home over the week-end. - Mrs. Weldon, Uxbridge, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Parr, Miss Eva Parr and Mrs. H. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Oshawa, with Mr. and Harris. Mr. and Mrs. P. VanCamp and Mr. and-Mrs. F. Werry made a trip to Kirkland Lake, Ottawa, the 1000 Island, and home via Niagara. Falls through the United States. -------- ee -- Stresses Need for Industrial Zoning Outlining the Municipality's role in industrial development, M. W. Maxwell, chief of development, Canadian National Railways, in an address before the annual con- vention of the Canadian Federa- tion of Mayors and Municipalities recently, criticized the en- croachment on industry caused by giving first. consideration to the so-called "higher" types of de- velopment in - city = planning. "There is some tendency for amenities to be put first, leaving any unconsidered corner to he zoned for indeastry." "Mu: Maxwell termed the flank- ing. of railways by major high- ways. "a 'gross error." "Great trunk line highway projects pro- hibit level rail access to open in- dustrial lands, and ,where there is a highway on only one side of the railway, an invasion of in- dustrial land by the poorest class of residential development takes place." "Industrial 'mapping' of the community is one of the most im- portant aspects of planning;? Mr. Fitze, of Mrs. E. Mrs. Maxwell said. success. Mrs. Harold Kyte sang a delightful solo, accompanied by Mrs. Neil Malcolm. Mrs. Fred Trewin gave a short paper on the theme. A salad dressing demon- stration was given by Mrs. Harold Wheeler, using oil. A lovely salad plate lunch was enjoyed, served by the hostess and her Next meeting is to be a picnic in Community Park with Mrs. N. Malcolm and her group in charge. Mr. Herb Hooey attended a meet- ing Thursday evening at Nestle- ton. At a previous three-congre- gational - meeting ~ of Janetville, Ballyduff and -Nestleton charges, it was decided to build a new Pres- byterian Manse -on the Church lot at Nestleton. Mrs. G. Hicks, Nestleton, is re- covering from an attack measles. | A shower was held in Commun- ity Hall on Friday evening for Mr. Mrs." Ray Gilbank (Dorothy Reynolds) Ballyduff. They re- ceived many useful and beautiful gifts among which was a set of Wearever cooking utensils from Clark Williams acted as chairman and music was supplied by a quartet consisting of Clarke and daughter Phyllis, and Mr. and Mrs. L. Hy- land. Programme, dancing and bountiful lunch were 'enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Hammell and fam- ily, Willowdale, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Staniland over the week-end and. Mr. and Mrs, F. Staniland and family on Sunday. Mrs. V. Archer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. Marlow to visit Mrs. James Marlow, who is still in Western Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm and-fam- ily, Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. John Rahm on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. D. Ford and fam- ily with his parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Ford. ' NY ds CrColn Entertain economically group. of Se _.»..» Anniversary (Continued from front page) 'With our congratulations we new present. Our tokens toyou for this precious event . From your family, one and all, Er iends and neighbours, short and. 4 "tall." A mirror 60 x 48->inches (hung over the mantle previously), two walnut tables and two lovely table | § lamps ,also flatware in silver and mother of pearl from a cousin Wallace Stainton, The finale was an hilarious mock wedding put on by the following: Allan Redman, soloist, dressed as a lady, sang a fine bass solo, "Lucky Old Sun;" Mrs. Gordon Beech, groom, Mrs. Laverne Martyn, best man; Mrs. Carl Graham, bride's father; Don Gerrow, flower girl, dressed in the bride's wedding dress; Laverne Martyn bride's mother, who set up quite a howl while the ceremony:|} was going on. Bride's attendapts were Charlie Reader and Anson Gerrow. Friends of the couple called on to speak were Mrs. George Sweet- |} man;-Scugog; Mrs. Percy Sproule, Oakwood; Messrs. George Doxsee and Wallace Stainton, Toronto; Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon, Mrs. Elias Ashton, mother of the bride. A delicious buffet luncheon was served at midnight, by friends and relatives of the bride and groom. After a very jolly evening every- one left for home feeling they had renewed old "acquaintances and singing God Save the King. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman, Mr. and. Mrs.--~Carl Graham and Thos. Redman, left on a week's vacation to Northern On- tario, completing their trip to their usual cottage on A Lake Couchiching. ~ Electrical and Mechanical Repairs to ALL CLASSES OF pans ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS A SPECIALTY "METAL LATHE WORK. LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground "and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING - CAUSLEY MACHINE drm _SHOP Laketiow ----_-- Port Perry, Ont. ---- at Sh ---- -- ------------ Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9 p.m. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 21-22-28 "Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Eddie Bracken In the Sparkling New Technicolor Musical 'Comedy ¢ 7} "SUMMER STOCK" fg : CARTOON 5 RRR R0 000800800 OROROROS MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25.26-27 Mickey Rooney, Pat O'Brien, Beverly Tyler In the Exciting Action Comedy "THE FIREBALL" SHORT PICTURES Fresh Baking Daily _ PIES, BUNS, SPECIAL COFFEE ROLLS CAKES, TARTS MADE EACH SATURDAY. SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL "GOLDEN DATE LAYER CAKE" Phone 32. Gerrow's Bakery Mr: and Mrs. Maleolm McMillan of Lindsay, are vigiting Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tristram and sons of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Eagleson. Mr. Leon Standish is visiting in Montreal this week. Mr. Newton Read, .of Camp Borden, called on Rev. and Mrs. Lougheed on Sunday. and Mrs. W. Brown (nee Mr. Dorothy Tristram) were calling on friends in Seagrave recently. Mrs. G. M. Fraser and twin sons of Trenton, are holidaying with Mrs. Fraser's parents, Rev. and Mrs. Lougheed. Mr. Fraser was also a guest over the past week- end. Union Public School visited our village and played a game of soft- ball on the Recreation grounds. The score was close with the local team winning. Quite a number of our citizens ----|attended the "Decoration_service'" week, in Prince Albert on Sunday, while a number were at Wick Decoration Day service. The young ladies under the tutorship of Jack Clark, are prac- ticing twice a week on he ball diamond. Mi. C. Sleep is busy finishing up the job of census taking. The Sunday School Anniversary is over for another year and atten- tive congregations greeted Rev. J. Riddell, of Port Perry. On Wednesday night, following the annual supper was held a play by Cannington Presbyterian choir. : Lunch was provided on Thursday evening at which quite a number were fed. Two of our citizens, in the per- sons of Mrs. Alvin Bruce and Mrs. Glenn. Wanamaker, have returned from hospital and are making a good recovery. ~ Crops never looked better. The strawberry crop is plentiful and some are picking their berries this ANNUAL _ Carnival & Dance MRE LF BY THE, LIONS [22 CLUB | MONDAY EVENING Mon, July 2nd. PORT PERRY MEMORIAL GARDENS ARENA MONSTER PARADE starting at 7 p.m. at the Fair Grounds BOOTHS - GAMES - REFRESHMENTS 7 CLI DANCING AT 930 fo the Music of RUTH WILSON'S ORCHESTRA 25c. AMISSION TO ARENA, 25%. TWO DOOR PRIZES ' -- nN Sail JUNE Sponsored by the Susie I ~ Sorabji Chapter, 1.0.D.E, 1

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