'a ATTEN TION FARMERS! " Port Perry 118 r 2 to ALL CLASSES OF MACHINERY, ~ LAWN MOWERS, Machine Ground ""CAUSLEY_ MACHINE : SHOP : " Let us re-upholster your old Chester- Ee «PORT PERRY ONTARIO, THURS., DECEMBER 6th, 1951 HR ay a "CLASSIFIED ADS EE a a ------------------ We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay the highest prevailing prices. Uxbridge a. Brooklin 62, Toronto, EMpire 38-8636 "+ Lindsay 8660 _ ~ GORDON YOUNG LTD. nov 80 Dead Farm Stock Picked up Promptly Horses, Cows, Heifers, Sheep, Pigs and Calves (We pay for horses, cows, and Heifers) 2c to 3c per Ib. for live - Horses. Call collect. Bowmanville 2679 Margwill Fur Farm| TYRONE 1-52 FOR SALE, Ladies Hudson Seal coat, sable trim, size 18, cheap. Phone 276w. Deec.18 WORK WANTED---House wrk by day or week. Willena Goose, Port Perry, Phone 130 r 6. For reference Phone 113 r 3. : FOR SALE i--41 Dodge, Snow Tires, winterized. Apply H. Knight, Simcoe Street, Port Perry. TO RENT--A 17 roomed house, 2 mile west of Port Perry, on 7A High- way. Apply to Jos. Peel, phone 364-w. USED CARS - TRUCKS - TRACTORS For large assortment of makes and models -- for good values -- for easy terms. See: BRITISH ONTARIO MOTORS Leaskdalée and |. Ustwidge FOR RENT--3 unfurnished rooms, call evenings--phone 19-W. STRAYED FROM SHED--East of Massey Harris, 1 lumber wagon, lib- eral reward. 'Apply at Star Office. CHRISTMAS: TREES ° FOR SALE E. KENNEDY ; PHONE 322-W --- Dec; 27 ELNA THE MIRACLE SEWING MACHINE IT SEWS IT DARNS IT MENDS EAR 1 | EMBROIDERS For Free Home Demonstration Call ROBT. CONNATY UXBRIDGE Phone 162 r 12 This Christmas GIVE MOTHER The finest Christmas Gift of all-- THE NEW. FILTER QUEEN BAGLESS VACUUM CLEANER. NO OTHER LIKE IT-- The Housewife's Choice from Coast to Coast Place your order now. All Xmas orders Xmas wrapped. + , EASY TERMS ARRANGED. - FILTER QUEEN Main Office, Sales and Service, 386 Water St., Peterboro. Phone 9038. FREE Home Demonstration Anytime, Anywhere. For service, Repairs, attachments or supplies for your vacuum cleaner con- tact the above address. - We repair any make dec20 i . ROYALTY ABROAD EMPRESS: hWen Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip returned home aboard the Em- press of Scotland, 26,300-ton flagship of the Canadian Pacific Atlantic fleet, following a triumphant tour of Cana- da, officers and members gf the ship's crew were formally presented {top ~ (Photos Courtesy of London Daily Graphic) picture).® Here Second Officer John Mackay is shown shaking hands with the Princess, while Captain C. E. Dug- gan, (left) looks on. After the in- spection tour, however, another pre- sentation of .a different kind - was "made (lower right) when George New- combe (right), 17, of Bebington, che- shire, senior bell boy, gave the prin- cess an Empress of Scotland sailor and stewardess doll for Prince Charles and Frincess Anne. The dolls were purchased through contributions from the crew. Looking on is Prince Philip (left) and Capt. C. E. Duggan, CBC APPOINTM ENTS Properties Wanted We'still have clients wanting to buy properties in Port Perry. If you wish to sell, consult us. DONALD SCOTT REAL ESTATE 25 Prince St., Oshawa Phone 3-2612 feb 28-52 . FOR SALE--Lister Electric Wash- ing Machine; $30.00. Charles Harris, Port. Perry. = Lo. : i Iarge size, suitable for a store. Phone 307W, Port Perry. Prince Albert You are invited to the Community SEWING--Ladies' and Children's. Phone Port Perry 63W MRS. CLEM JEFFREY MIDDLE -GREEN VILLA REST HOME Courtice. One or two vacan- ancies for the aged and bed patients, men and women. Every kindness given; excellent meals; nursing care and tray. service. Approved by doctors Terms monthly. Phone for appoint- ment, Oshawa 65-4948 Electrical and Mechanical Repairs ELECTRIC MOTOR 'REPAIRS A SPECIALTY METAL LATHE WORK. . and Serviced OXY-ACETYLENE and ELECTRIC WELDING RE - UPHOLSTERY and RE-BUILDING field Suite. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone and have our consultant call and give you a free estimate. Free pick-up and delivery. : Phone 38344 collect. OSHAWA UPHOLSTERY CO. 8 Church Street Auction Sale LIVE STOCK AUCTION SALE UXBRIDGE SALES BARN, EVERY THURSDAY G. Brynell Ted. Jackson, Proprietor. Auctioneer. get-to-gether on Friday night, Dec. 1, at 8.16 p.m. in Sunday School Room, sponsored by the Sunday School. A silver collection will be taken. "The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Association was held in the Sunday School room on Wednesday afternoon, November 20th-with-a very good attendance, Group in charge: Mrs. W. Martyn, Mrs. B Spelgrove, Mrs. G Smith, Miss E. Spence, Mrs. McKerihan and Mrs. Luke, With Mrs, McKerihan presiding, the meeting opened with a Christmas hymn, "O Come All Ye Faithful" Mrs. Wylie, who we warmly welcomed to our WiA,, offered prayer. Scripture reading-- '| Matthew 2:1-11, taken by Mrs. Wm. Martyn. Lesson Thoughts--"God"s gift to Man", read by Mrs Luke. Hymn "Silent Night". Secretary's and Treasurer's reports were given and several items of business: were dealt with, including nominating com- mittee, committee for catering for wedding on December 16th. Mrs. G. Hunter announced a quilting at the home of Mrs, Newnham, the following day. It was moved by Mrs G. Hunter, geconded-by-Mrs-B.-Snelgrove;that-the caretaker be permitted to get someone to fix the church eavetroughs. It was moved and seconded that Mrs. Grant Hunter buy wool and dis- tribute it among knitters to be made into articles for the next bazaar. A thank-you note was read for cards and fruit sent. Meeting closed with all repeating the Mizpah Benediction, Group four in charge served lunch with table cen- tered with a Christmas 'bouquet of twigs and cones. Mrs. Cameron of Toronto visited for a few days last week with' ber aunts Mrs. W. Somerville and Mrs Collins, Two quilts were put on and quilted -|last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Newnham, Mrs. H. Collins was in Toronto over the week-end. Larry and Kenny Brown were in To- ronto with their mother and grand- mother to see Santa Claus on Monday. Mrs. L. Bond called on Mrs. Robt. Plum, in Toronto, on Monday. Donald and Grant Beacock, were in Toronto on Tuesday, enjoying a brief visit with Santa Claus in Toyland. * Mra, G. Hunter and children spent tthe week-end with relatives in Have- -- lock. FOR SALE --Oll Space Heater, "Dr. Augustin Frigon, C. M. G., has been appointed to a new senior post of Planning for the C B C. He recent- ly suffered a serious illness, and to avoid danger of overstrain is moving from the post of General Manager, with its heavy administrative duties, to the new post. ~ In the new position he will continue to carry on senior planning and advisory work for the Corporation. Dr. Frigon was appointed Assistant General Manager of the Corporation on its establishment in 1036. After he was appointed General Manager in 1944. In recent years he carried a very heavy load of administrative work. The transfer to the new post will relieve him of administrative pres- on important planning work for the Corporation. | Donald Mason, the new General Man- ager of the CBC has a long and dis- tinguished career in radio. He has had an active part in all aspects of the development of the present nation- al broadcasting system. He joined the CBC as Chief Execu- tive Assistant in 1936, and eight years later was appointed Assistant General Manager. . On several occasions in recent years he has had the respon- sibilities of acting General Manager and his service with the Corporation has included work in administrative duties in connection with all its main activities. -Mr. Manson's . conngetion with radio in Canada dates back to 1007. During part of the early years he was personally associated with Gu- ressessensses a period as acting General Manager |' sure, and enable him to concentrate |, CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS | FOR LADIES-- Perfumes ..... $1.00 to $4. 00 Max Factor 'Make- up Sets $3.85 to $9.40 Colognes ........ $1.00 to $3.00 'Hair Brushes $1.00 to $5.00 "Writing Paper Boxes, 50c. to $2.50 PHONE 16. pesesses __Compacts_$3., $5.00, $6.00} CHRISTMAS CARDS, boxed Ao timahisy' et SERVICE and QUALITY QUR MOTTQ BRUTON'S DRUG STORE L00008000808sesebotssetoiid FOR MEN-- Electric Razors $29.75 $36.00 Shaving Brushes $1. to $5. Yardley Toilet Sets....$2.25 . 10.$5.60 § Shaving Bowls, 75¢. to $1.50 Pipes, $1.00, $2. 50, $3.50 Billfolds ......$2.79 10 $5.95 25c, to $1.50. PORT 'PERRY e00000000000000000000rirttertstertes glielmo Marcéni in his work on trans- Atlantic communication. In 1915 he was appointed Inspector of Radio for the Canadian Government, and served from 1916 to 1918 with the Royal Canadian Navy. In 1919 he became Chief Inspector of Radio for Canada, a position which he held until 1936. ~ Alphonse Quinet, the new Assistant' General Manager, has 'been "Co-ordin- ator of Television for the Corporation in addition to his duties as Chief En- gineér. In the television field he has been responsible for co-ordinating all aspects of the Corporation's work, .In addition to his qualities as an engineer he has shown high administrative ability and 'capacity to organize in other aspects of broadcasting, Mr. Quimet had a brilliant scholastic re- cord. Mary's College and his B.A. degree from the University of Montreal was accompanied by the Governor Gen- eral's Medal for excellence .of studies and the Gold Medal of the, graduates' society for the highest marks in phil- osophy and science, When he gradu- ated from McGill. University as an electrical engineer his many prizes and scholarships included an award for the student with the highest marks in the whole faculty during the entire course, Mr, Quimet joined the Can- adian Radio Broadcasting Commission forerunner of the CBC, in 1984, In 1937 he was made Chief Opeiations Engineer for the CBC, He later be- came Assistant Chief Engineer and Chief Engineer in 1949. ed Mr Dan McTaggart in Sunnybrook He 'studied classics at St.| Seagrave The Woman's Association of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Ralph Reynolds, Wednesday, November 14th. "Twenty members and one visitor were present Hymn 3562 was sung; Mis Fishley read the Scripture lesson (Matt. 2§:14-30) with prayer by Mrs. J, Colwell, The topic: "Parable of the Talents" was given by Mrs. G Fishley; The report of the turkey supper was given. Net pro- ceeds $321.60. A special vote of thanks was tendered to the men who built the new tables.' Mrs. Fishley conducted a contest and Leona rendered a piano solo. A delicious lunch was served by the west group. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Clements visit- Hospital recently. Mr, and Mrs. W. Willoughby and Paul, of King, visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker, spent the week-en Mrs Ralph Reynolds, "with her cousin; ~=-Bethel-School-Concert-will-he-Deo:} 18th and Seagrave S 8. concert will } be December 20th. A shower was held for Mr. and Mrs, Murray Short in the school on Wed- nesday 'night. | ,A presentation was made to the newly weds of a miscel- laneous articles. A large number was Miss Ila Phillip, of pig | OM OROMO AOS EO Lakeview Theatre, Port Perry, Ont. A Two Shows Nightly--7 and 9 pm. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT. DECEMBER 6-7-8 Eleanor Parker and Fred McMurray - In the Hilarious New. Comedy' Romance "A MILLIONAIRE FOR CHRISTY" 2 SHORT PICTURES - 4 a) oan ne FE MONDAY; TUESDAY, WED, DECEMBER 10-11-12 ~ Kirk Douglas and Virginia Mayo In the Thrilling Outdoor Adventure Drama "ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE" COMEDY and NEWS Good Memory Helps This Little Lady Make Friends Halifax, N. S.,, A new guest at the Nova Scotian Hotel in Halifax recent- ly stepped into the elevator for the first time and was surprised to be greeted -by name, When he asked the genial little lady at the controls where she had heard his name, she told him sheé'd seen his picture in the paper and remembered the name, The experience was unique to the guest but not to Hattie Labelle, who has been night operator at the Nova Scotian Hotel snce it was built almost ten years ago. Gifted with a photo- graphic memory, Hattie knows: the names of hundreds of travellers whom she has never met just from seeing their photos in papers and magazines. Guests have also found Hattie an encyclopaedia of information about her city and province, While being one. of Halifax's best known citizens, Hattie, who fits her little more than four feet high, robust" body neatly into an attractive Can- adian National Hotels uniform, is probably the best, known hotel em- ployee in Canada." Before the Nova Scotian was built she had spent 24 years with the Halifax Hotel as night operator and-in- that time she has met thousands of people from all over the continent. Among her friends. she has numbered such men as W. L. Mackenzie King and many members of Parliament and the Provincial Legislative Assembly. : Hattie gives her own perseription' for making friends, "I like to see people enjoying "themselves." TO SPARR, = i Bill Taylor I IN A HURRY? "WE HELP YOU! fons "WHEN SECONDS COUNT, YOU DON'T NEED Ee TO GO HUNGRY. OUR QUICK, COURTESY SER- / VICE INSURES YOU A TASTY MEAL WITH TIME GREEN THISTLE RESTAURANT PORT PERRY Jack Starkey Phone 32. Get Your Christmas Candy NOW! GANONG'S. CREAM CANDY ASSORTED CHOCOLATE GLOBES JUMBO ASSORTED JELLIES : SATIN MIX and HUMBUGS SATURDAY CAKE SPECIAL . "BANANA LAYER CAKE" Gerrow's Bakery 0000000000000 RRtetettanttttttitenetentinttoetsiottitereioned reese serene es ~ For Sale in attendance. 200 BAGS ha at $1.53 a bag inv at Treasurer's Office EYES EXAMINED © See G.T. BAKE 2 RO, on : | 1 : > : TUESDAYS, 9:to 12 a.m. . THOMA, 2 to 6 p.m. ae 1 R. BENT EY'S i fl JEWELLER 3 ------ ! assets of the said deceased will be NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Minnie Florence Redman, Deceased. All persons having claimstagainst the Estate of Minnie Florence Redman late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Widow, who died on or about the 12th day of Nov- ember, A.D. 1951, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or be- fore the 16th day of December, 1951 full particulars of their clafms, ' 1 'mediately after the said date t) tributed among the parties entiti. thereto, having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 20th day of November, A.D., 1951, ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, K.C,, Box 131, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors; dec.6