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Port Perry Star (1907-), 17 Jan 1952, p. 6

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This superb tea guarantees the flavour of every cup "SA ORANGE PEKOE nx (ANNE HIRST |. "Dear Anne Lirst: | am a widow, and about two years ago | met a widower whom now | think a lot of. He is in his 60's, I'm 54. We both have children. Mine are out a great deal, and he spends many evenings with me. "My oldest daughter resents this, and she tries her best to. get the rest of the children to object too. But they are for it. They are all grown, and most are married, "1 raised 10 children, Anne [Tirst, so you know | never had much pleasure other than caring for them --which | enjoyed thoroughly. . "Is it asking too much from them for me to have someone to spend my. older years with? The man doesn't drink, smoke or swear, and _he is kindness. itself to me, #1 don't know how his children feel about his remarrying. "Shall | tell hun not to come back again? . . . 1 will do what you think best. 1 read your advice to hal \ i p \ A : bes Carne Whe KIDDIES love em! Loopy, lov- able, huggable cats! Mama Cat and Kitten Cuddles--made from same casy-crochet directions, Mama is 12 inches in knitting worsted; Cuddles is 8 inches in 3-ply yarn. Hurry! Crochet "these 2 cats. Pattern 735: directions. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS i coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box |, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont, Print PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. Such a colorful roundup of handi work ideas! Send twenty-five cents now for our Laura \Whecler Needle: craft Catalog. Choose your patterns from our gaily illustrated toys, dolls, houschold and personal ac- cessorics, A Free Pattern is printed in the hook! others every day, and | know it will be right for me. An Unhappy Mother" ONE VERSUS TEN * The chief barrier against a mother's marrying again is the possibility that her children would take it as-an affront, * # = dislike the idea? Was she especially close to her father, or does she object to this man per- sonally? Many children, even grown ones, are jealous, Yet she should: realize that when she and the other unmarried ones leave, you will. be left alone. If you and this man want to get married; she should be generous enough to think first of the mother--who "raised 10 children--and enjoyed it." - Ew a » o*, EEE ER TE EE EE important that you man's family and come to know them. It will not take long to find out whether they approve. You will handle that situation when you learn what it is, Few spectacles are more pathe- tic than an older woman left alone to live in the past--particularly one who has had a loving husband and a houscful of children. She cannot help! but yearn for the daily companionship of-a con- genial soul to talk to, to take care of, and be taken care of in return. WIFE WON'T FORGIVE © "Dear Aune Hirst: ['ve been married nine years, and I love my wife -more than anything in the world, But I did wrong-- "And now, though [ told her how sorry 1 was, she says she will not live with me any longer. ¥ EEE RE EEE * * * "She said she had loved me more" than anyone, but that is all ended. Please tell me what [ can do! 3 - LL MY *., When a man is loved, he has to * continue to deserve that love to * hold it. This you have .learned * too late. * When a wife is betrayed by * the man she loves so much, her * first instinct is to leave him. Her faith has been outraged, her love has been dragged in the dust. She is not only hurt, but so disillusion. ed that she wants to get as far away from him as she can. [f your wife msists on going, you cannot prevent her. Perhaps it is better that you leave. (She will make that choice.) After you two have been separated for a while, let us both hope she will remember that we are all weak human beings, in- LE recall the happy years you had together, and believe that you really mean it when you promise never to offend her again. When that happens, she will send for you. Hope for that day.--And so conduct yourself that she will .* know you effec a reformed char- * acter by . ¥ If a widowed mother wants to marry again, her children should think first of her happiness, and rally around. Anne [liret under stands both gencrations, and can help each play fair. Write her at CHEE EEE EE EE EE BE EE >» 'CROSSWORD "PUZZLE ACROSS 3 Make }. Formerly precious 4: Concerning Moving 9 Jewes 12. Orv ot day Vegetdble Alon 3. Meaning ay A . Fish exge . Bm Jgnifed . Kind of dox avward WLR PT - |° "Box 1. 123 Lighteenth St. New Toronto, Onts » 9 1 eps 35 Mctai 10, Ete aty rastener il. Encounierev 38. tlarassed 18. Substance in 40. Pouliry Portland produet cement - $2, Protect 18. Stan 41.014 Joke 20. Fisn 45. Passagewny 2%. Gaiters 48. Garner 23. Article of 19. Animal's bellet foot 23. Shift 50, Anger . Saltpeter 51. And not . Manipulate 653, Watch closely Dwelling 87. Perform: ~ re] w 'he chosen ubbish env. --- 26 2? 3 i Broad smile , 54 Crv of a cat rl 5 [6 225 = = - o = 2 ep 12 ud C0 00 59 D3 BO NS BIN me bk ud bk met BOB WeN [= - - 3 36. Symbolfor telluthim , D 29, Litt on Abiblifog ard o oam about Sorrow Pall used as a dipper 45, 46, HS 62. Hegard 85. E k a Why does your olest daughter Before you decide finally, it is meet the clined to err. Perhaps she will By Rev. "r. Barclay Warren, Matthew becomes a Follower Matthew 9:9; Luke 5: 27-39. Memory Selection' They who are whole need not a physician; but = they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance, Luke 5: 31-32. "But that family is- définitely far below our social level," said Mrs. Jones disdainfully as she sipped the last of her tea. "Yes", replied Mrys. Smith, "but if we are going to be Christian around here, that shouldn't matter." Just then the group were called to order, I'he president read to'dav's lesson. When the devotion- al exercises were over "Mrs. Jones turned to Mrs Smith and said, "You are right. We actually - think more of Jesus because lle chose onc of those despised Publicans to he one of His twelve disciples. And I think it was perfectly wonderful of Him to go to Matthew's home and meet all his old friends. If our ministry in this community is going to be worthwhile, then we must lift up the down-trodden." Jesus changed Matthew and used Him for kingdom. Later Matthew -wrote the gospel hearing his name - "Business is business," said the store owner as he removed a dozen oranges fromthe crate being taken to the hospital. "One has to put in a low bid to get the business'. | there, and it has to be made up' some way." The employee didn't like the apparént dishonesty. In- wardly he resolved,."I'll get a job "in a siore=where the owner is a real Christian, Some day I'll have my © own store and I'll prove as many others have, that you can be a Christian business man." Jesus didn't patch up the legalism of the Jews. lle gave men power to live a new life in accordance with the law of love and the golden rule. He still gives Himself to men. This is the only religion that teaches that the leader or one worshipped dwells within the individual's heart, and of whom he can testify. "He walks with me and he talks ; with me, And he tells me | am his own: And the joy we share as we tary there, None other has ever known." WEALTH! "Lxciting things are always hap- "pening to my friend Walter," a whimsical journalist reported. re- cently: "The other day he was sending a suit to the cleaners-when" he felt-m the pocket of the coat and discovered $100 in bills," Ei "Gosh!" rejoined an excited listener. "That avas quite an ex- perience!" ' "Yes it was," the newspapggrman | agreed, "and do vou knaw, not one of them was receipted!" WARDROBE for Brother and | Sister! Overalls, playsuits, blazer," i blouses are for both, Sister has a little jumper too. Mister Elephant is a pocket they love! Pattern 4691 in 'sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, for boys or girls. Size 6 blouse 134 yards 35-inch; overalls, 244 yards 35-inch nap; blazer 134 yards; jumper 1% yards, Instructions for elephant pocket too. This pattern easy to use, simple to sew, is tested for fit. Has com- plete illustrated instructions, Send THIRTY-FIVE CENT#® (35¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this pattern, 'Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to Box 1, 123 Righ- teenth St, New Toronto, Ont. | "Look Ma, I'm Handsome!" -- Nineteen-month-old Keith Holland endures a cautious hug from Bonnie Chorenki, four months his junior, after the pair copped the titles of "Miss and Master Win- nipeg." Though the Winnipeg beauty contest was baby-sized, they had to top 1000 entrants to win their waist-high trophies. . Gwendoline D Clarke "TAKE IT EASY --that, | am sure, would be a good_New Year resolution: for all of us who are over fifty -- and "MORE THOUGHT AND", ESS HUR- RY" for everyone, irrespective of age, would: mean a great improve- ment in our way of living in 1952 --if it wer: carried out. = * * ' parently has become the keynote to modern living, Aud what does it add up to? Nothing but ineffi- ciency, high 'blood pressure and jagged mnerves. There are few of us who manage to escape its in- fluence. We may not want to be hurried but a person caught in a crowd is pushed along in. spite- of himself. And there you lave a strange paradox -- a slow-moving crowd is usually: the result of too many people drying to hurry at the same time. The fact of their hurrying. eventually slows up way traflic it isn't necessary Jor me to say any more about that ~--vou know what 1 'mean. ti ¥ * L Be But you can stay at home and still feel Lurried--you can be so conscious of all-the work ahicad-of you that while you are doing one -- job you are hurrying, thinking of the next job alicad of yow waiting to be don: A bad "abit but oné that is hard to break. Maybe the teleplone rings . . . vou are busy but you don't like to keep anyone waiting, so you hurry to answer it. Besides that the other party may be "in a hirry" and not wait if you don't get there fast enough. So you don't stop to push the pan of frying sausage to one side--mnor maybe to shut off the draft from the newly-built kitchen fire. But you have it on your mind as you answer the telephone. In a few minutes you excuse yourself, "time to rescue the sizzling sausage from burning, or to stop the stove- pipes catching fire, Then you hurry back to the telephone . . . the other party tells you that in your ab- senct two or-three other people came to the telephone and asked if the line was busy. So you hurry to finish yor telephone conversa. tion and then back to the kitchen. Open up the drafts again, push the frying pan to the front of the stove, take a quick glance at the clock . .. ny, it can't be that time YGiINGERFARM - change your clothes . . . Hurry, lurry, hurry -- that .ap- ~ everybody. As, for instance, high- hurry back to the kitchen, just. in. 4. already--you'll "have to hurry or - dinner won't be on time! * ES * Maybe after dinner you must go down town--can't wait .too long-- the bank closes at three o'clock. But it 'ooks like rain so you must get the washing off the line before you go. You hurry'to wash and and away goes a run in your nylons! Now you®are. really rushed. You finally get out tc the car, hoping it will start. Being over-anxious you get too generous withthe -choke-and-. flood the blessed thing. Just as vou finally get started your better-half comes down from tle barn and calls to you to bring back some 215 inch nails--he hasn't enough to finish the job he is doing. : » ® - You get to town---the only park- ing space you can find is one end of the street--and the bank is the other. Hurry, hurry, hurry! You reach the bank just as the junior clerk is closing the door--you knew all along he would" be hurrying to do that little job. Then comes shop- ping--and of course you left your shopping list at home. Now what was it you were specially anxious not to forget? You can't remem- ber. You finish picking up - what you want and make for the cash register--but "from. the other aisle comes a woman with a huge basket of groceries and gets there ahead of you. Then follows a fifteen-minute wait in the . butcher -shop--and you're through at last. Four-fifteen --visiting hours are over--and you did want to say "Hullo" to Mrs. Blank, who is in hospital. Too late now -- so you drive home. - Your patiently waiting husband comes along for his nails. And of course * vou've forgotten 'them! None of the excuses you offer make sense to him so either you or he go back for the nails. By supper time your head aches and your grey matter, if you have any, scems swirling around. in your head like so much batting. During the evening a neighbor phones - for a chat. "And what have you heen . doing?" she asks. That stops you! What have you been' doing? Noth- ing * special at all--just an ordin- ary day's work. You suddenly realize you are tired, irritable and frustrated -- not because of the work you've done wid ii you were hurried in doin * * = So there you have it, friends-- do you have days like that, or don't you? If so, how can we stop this hurrying? Youqtell 'me, because 1 can't find the answer. And so help me, I've got to get this copy in the matl-=or else . . . "Time and tide wait for no man"---nor do news- paper offices wait for their copy! "ie [Dumplings--light and] fluffy with MAGIC!) MUSTARD-PICKLE DUMPLINGS Mix and sift into a bowl, 114 c. once- sifted pastry flour (or*1}4 c. once-sifted hard-wheat flour), 3 taps. Magic Baking - Powder, 14 tsp, salt. Cut in finely 2 tbs. chilled shortening, Make a well in dry ingredients and add 1§ o..finely-chopped mustard. pickle in sauce and }{ c. milk; mix lightly with a fork, adding milk if IA necessary, to make a drop dough. Drop © & | in 6 portions, over hot cooked stew. Cover closely and simmer (never lifting the cover) for 16 mina, Yield -6 servings. 3° Saver) | Nr friendly =| 1ntd 12" pieces, Place cut.side up in Don't Neglect Those 3 Furs Of Yours When you buy that irresistible fur coat, you intend to make it last>for- years, but somehow it never wears as well as you had hoped. Can you do anything to make it last longer? Yes, just remember these few pointers: 5 Lift the skirt of the coat when. you sit .down so your movements ' do not strain 'the seams, A fur coat is a flaitering luxury, whether it is muskrat or mink, and it's not intended to be pushed into' or-pulled out of a car many times each day. Shake out.-furs "that have been 'exposed to rain or snow. Hang them up to dry--away from radia- tors or heat. : Ask your furrier to replace: skins when cuffs, pockets, and front edges first show signs of wear. If that is impossible or too expensive, he can trim. the cuffs or hemline to get the fur needed for the neces- sary repairs. Carry your handbag by the han- dle or ovér the wrist. Constant fric- tion from under-the-arm or over- the-shoulder bags breaks off the hairs or gives fur a ruffled 'and un- tidy look. : " Wear 'jewelry "with furs but not on them. Pins pierce aud may rip the pel, A Spray perfume from an atomizer if you must wear it on your furs, but remember that fur takes on its own interpretation of a scent. Store your coat in cold storage _ as early as possible to preserve the fur, protect 1t from moths, and to keep the skins soft and pliable. Beware of warm 'closets--those built next to chimneys are slow drying-rooms for your furs. Your fur coat may look -well on the out- side but once the skins begin to stiffen, harden; or crack, the fur cannot be restored to its original lustre, : Hang your fur scarf on a hanger specially made for the purpose. Beét-- ter still, keep it folded in a drawer. Hang fur coats on padded hangers curved on the natural shoulder tine, -- TEE be pa : Furs do not yearn for constant - petting. To preserve: them, keep hands off 'and let a reliable furrier do the cleaning and treating your furs demand. Real Best Sellers » The boom in Mickey Spillane thrillers has broken all records. Ten million copies of his first four novels have been sold in the past three years. A recent one ("One Lonely Night") brought out in a 25-cent reprint in September sold a millien copies that month. Because the saturation point has never been reached, and wholesalers have never had cnough copies. to satisfy the demand, the New American Library set Dec." 12 for the biggest. first printing in publishing history: 2,500,000 copies of Spillane's "The Big Kill." TBE On the same day, the firm re- issued 1,000,000 copies of his four previous favourites, "1, the Jury," "My Gun is Quick," "Vengeance Is Mine" and "One Lonely Night." That should be enough for the mo- ment, But his publishers cannot tell. Unlike other popular-reprint authors, Spillane's - reputation' has 43 Wi fe TE AT GTS 2 1 Ved day + a And the RELIEF IS LASTIN For fast: relief from headache get: INSTANTINE., For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINE! : Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one thing to ease -pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTINE to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE is made like a pres. cription of three proven medical ingredients. A single £4 tablet usually brings fast relief, "Get Instantine today © andalways keep it handy astantine 12-Tablet Tin 25¢ ticonomical 48-Tablet Bottle 75c been made since the 25-cent réprintg became big business. It has. grown without very attentive reviews (and almost- without advertising or_pub- licity) and consequently there is no way of calculating how many more readers - would have bought copies if they had been available. Mean- thriller, . while, Spillane's newest "Long Wait," has just been publish- ed in a hatd cover by Dutton, They were. quarreling. "Kindly return my lock of hair," she said angrily. To which -the young man snapped: "All right. Do you want. the dark hair, or the one you. gave me when you were a blonde?" L Up-idedown to Prevent Peeking M| 3G 3\|d|0lY a3 (EID ECEEN EFI N / FEAL] v9 VIR2IN| 2 2]V]I LIS] 1 EEE LIE] E] N 7ls [131d ZIV3lal7 a7 [als 2 4 'LINIY|2]Y 3L|vial3 old N Was CIEL no, ISSUE 3 -- 1952 * FESTIVE-guick to fis! with Modern Fast-Acting DRY Yeast! FAN TANS Measure into largé bowl, % ¢. lukewarm water, 1 tsp. granu- lated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle slowly with 1 envelope Fleischmann's Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 min, THEN stir well, Scald 1'c. milk and stir in 5 tbs, granu- lated sugar, 2 'tsps. salt; cool to lukewarm, Add to yeast mixture and . stir in V2 cup lukewarm water,. Beat in 3 c. once-sifted bread flour; beat well. Beat in 4 tbs. melted shortening. Work in 3 c.. more once.sifted bread flour, Knead until smooth and'elastics place in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or shortening. Cover and set in warm. place, free from draught, Let rise until dotibled in bulk, Punch down dough in bowl, grease top and let rise again until nearly doubled. Punch down dough and' roll out, half at:a time, into a rectangle a scant 4" thick; lift dough, cover with cloth and let rest 5 min, Brush with melted butter or shortening; cut into strips 1%" wide. Pile 7 strips togethers cut greased muffin pans; separate slices a little at top. Cover and let rise until doubled in bulk. Bake ia ho oven, 400% 15-20 min. A © Always running short of yeast because it spoils so quickly? Rad. 'this nuisance -- switch to modern Fleischmann's Fast DRY Yeast! Keeps full strength and fast-acting right in your cupboard -- no refrigeration! No new recipes -- one package equals one cake petishablé yeast in any recipe. Get 5 months supe! BW NN ------

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