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Port Perry Star (1907-), 31 Jan 1952, p. 4

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LOCAL "items to the Star ; "As cour tesy and service to local readers we offer this column | =F in rhentioning your guests and itéms of interest. NEWS Send your Sania Slewalks "Much improved walking con- ditions have been effected by the . "sanding of the main sidewalk by "the town truck. No doubt many sthool children will - lament - the lack of sliding facilities on-their way home from. school but we know the adult population will have nothing but praise for this innovation, C.G.LT. ~The Junior group held a very suec- ssful Father and Daughter night. The girls entertained their father' 3 to supper and then took them to the hockey 'game. This venture was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The Sen- ior group enjoyed a Pot Luck supper at the home of Mrs. J. Starkey. Plans have been made for our Val- entine Tea which will be held on Sat- urday, February 9th at 3 pm. The leaders hope to meet all the mothers at this Tea. Congratulations To Miss Edith Stone and Miss Donna Crosier, graduates of the Oshawa General Hospital, who have successfully passed their Registered Nurse Examinations. PG In Memoriam In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. GG. K. Robertson, who left us on January 30, 1951. We think of her in silence, No eves can see us weep; But still within our aching hearts Her memory we keep. . Ever remembered by Eila and Albert. ENNIS NINN TNT NINN Announcements Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Stone, of Seagrave, announce the marriage of their eldest daughter Doris Marie, to Mr. Frederick M. Phin- ney, of New Brunswick. The mar- riage to take place on Saturday, February 2nd, at 2 p.m. The engagement is announced of Beryl Anne, only daughter of Mrs. Florénce M. Purdie and the late Mr. R. J. Purdie, to -Mr. Wil- liam Robert Hayes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hayes, Port Perry, Ont. The Wedding to take place Saturday, February 23rd, 1952 at 7.30 p.m. in Christ Church Cathed- ral, Vancouver, B.C. Rev. S. E. Higgs officiating. o> o---- Card of Thanks We wish to extend our thanks to Dr. Dymond and to our many friends for cards, fruit, plants, ete, sent to us during our illness. WES. and MRS. LANE ar Ap Death ~ Suddenly, at Port Perry, on Tues- day, January 29th, 1952, Wm. L. Wannamaker, beloved husband of Mabel Harper, in his 78th year. Funeral service at McDermott ~Chapel, on Friday at 2,00 p.m. The Churches 3 ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. John Riddell, Minister 11 a.m.--Sunday School. T7.p.m.--Service. Subject--God in human exper- ience. [EE33E3 0830002200023 vesattatesstiatanitasasassssiy) THE CHURCH of the ASCENSION '(Anglican) Rev. H. S. Swabey, M.A., B.D. February 3rd--Fourth Sunday after Epiphany. 11 a.m.---Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Sunday School. EAASASARSSARNASAGNANSANG 0 PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. H. Wylie, B.A., Minister . 11 a.m.--Ten Commandments. The Fourth Commandment-- The Christian Sabbath. +7 p.m--*"A Christian 'and His Time" $333382838828328323888383388888838883833833832888888 PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH P. Taylor, Pastor Sunday, February 3rd-- 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.n.--Evangelistic Service Wednesday--Prayer meeting at 8 p.m. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN, THE - PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Sunday, February 3rd-- 10. a.m. Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Worship Service. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service. EVERYBODY WELCOME -Rev. W. A. Bowler, Pastor SIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIEIINILININIALIIINNIIIIINNLILL SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH Service at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday |at the home of Mrs. Stanley Ger- row. All are welcome. janl0tf a Air Conditioning F urhace Eavestroughing We sell and service DURO - PRESSURE PUMPS SYDNEY G. BARNES BROOKLIN Phone 72 r 2 Aug 62 Austin C. A. Bathie DR. OF CHIROPRACTIC "Graduaté of Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto For appointment Phone 206R PORT PERRY. BALLET - TAPS Register for Classes on Tuesday at 4.30 p.m. Port Perry High School Irenie Harvey - Mary Brotherwood - Repairs to WASHING SMALL PORT PERRY FAST SERVICE Pick-up and Delivery MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS MOTORS APPLIANCES ROBERTSON ELECTRIC all Types PHONE 179 a ad dd Aa aaa a are a ta are of B local ag EVELEIGH MANCHESTER GROCERY "Open 8a.m. to 9 p.m, except - Monday Afternoon aed ent for "CLEANERS Junior Fattnors PORT PERRY JUNIOR FARMERS' ASSOCIATION Attention! Executive and Direc- tors, don't forget the Executive meeting to be held on February 4, in Port Perry: High School at 8.80 p.m. The main topic will be a skating party tao be held in Feb- ruary. The regular meeting for Jan- uary was held in the Scugog town- ship hall on Tuesday evening, Jan. 29. Due to the cold weather we cancelled the Sleigh Ride and re- mained at the hall for the entire evening. Twenty questions, cro- cinole, euchre and dancing kept the Juniors on their toes all even- ing. This recreation was follow- ed by a hearty lunch of sand- pared by Allene Sweetman and 7d. Prentice. So long friends and we'll see you at the Ice Follies. Oh yes! don't forget the County Junior Farmer Dance to be held on Feb. 22 in the Port Perry High School. te --->>-- tsp Steen dre Manchester Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Lee of Barneveld, N.Y., visited old ac- quaintances and relatives here fof a few days. ~ Miss Carrie Cowan, of Toronto, was the guest of .her sister Mrs. A, Roach and family, over the week- end. Owing to the illness of Mrs. Fletcher, there was no service at Manchester and Prospect on Sun- day. We hope she will soon be restored to health. Mr. David Grieves and family have moved into Mrs. Archer's house, and Mr. Coulter and family have moved to Prospect where Mr. Coulter has engaged with Mr. Les Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam are back from Florida where they had a pleasant holiday. The W. A. served lunch to those attending the Hog Producers' meeting in the hall on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carnegie have moved into their new home on the Port Perry-Manchester road. wiches, cookies and coffee pre-| Mr. Don Ballard is in Oshawa Hos- pital as the result of a two-truck crash at Manchester. He has 6 broken ribs and a cut on his head which needed ten stitches to close. He was just return- ing to Port Perry after bringing his grandmother, Mrs, Locke, home from Sunderland. Mrs. Wm. Bell is" ill in bed with : pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. George Harper andi; family were in Taunton on Thursday evening to see her mother who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walker were vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, G. Winters of Pickering on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Winters left for Florida on Monday for a month and half visit. Mr. Ralph Wilbur and Mr. Alec. Forrest of Maple were in Port Credit on Sunday to hear Mr. Forrest's son |. preach. Rev. A. Forrest, Jr. is min- ister of Port Credit United Church. Miss Pat. Wilkinson was. home on the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Catherwood were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ballard. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Mitchell and children were visiting Jim Mitchell on Saturday, Recent visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kendall were Mr. and Mrs, J. Ward of Whitby, Mrs. Lou Cassidy and Mr..and Mrs. Bill Cassidy of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. B. Rudling of Toron- to were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Philp. y EG : Utica hockey team play Siloam in the Uxbridge arena this Friday night. The names of Bruce Geer, Murray Wilson and Murray Geer were omitted from the linc-up last week. They are the forwards for the Utica team. Prayer meeting was held in Mr. Enoch McKnight's on Saturday.. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Skerratt, Mr. Fred Olson and sister and brother-in- law were vistors at Henry Skerratt's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ballard, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Kendall, Mr and Mrs. Chet. Geer, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Geer, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Skerratt were at Jack Crosier's on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark, Toronto, | spent the week-end with Mrs. Too- good who returned to Toronto with | them. -- -- This smart, new 1952 Pod, e Mayfair model offers the dis- tinctive styling of a convertible combined with the.convenience, safety and durability of a per- manent steel top. Brilliant new two-tone colour treatment and new, richer, interior appoint- ments make' the 1952 Mayfair one of the most eye-appealing cars on the road to-day. And now Oriflow shock- absorbers contribute new com- 11952 DODGE MAYFAIR IS ANNOUNCED " U3 3 Be I RARER BY 2 L 0. D, E. Scugog Chapter, 1.O.D.E. will || meet in their rooms (Library) on ¥onday, February 4th at 3 p.m. Port Perry Rod and Gun Club The chairman of the shooting committee has passed on the in- formation = that . starting this Thursday, there will start, a rifle competition.. The Club have entered the Do- {minion Ammunition Co. competi- enter the Dominion competition. All, members who wish to-become members are requested to be at the Port Perry High School gym on Thursday evenings for competi- tion in this entertainment. NOTICE A public hearing under the Milk Control "Act will be held .in Room 4505, East Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, on Tuesday, February 6th, 1962, at 10 a.m. This public hearing is for the pur- pose . of providing all . interested parties an opportunity of making representations to the Milk Con- trol Board of Ontario before this Board prescribes the maximum prices at which milk may be sold in the market of Port Perry. A. P. Clark, Secretary, Milk Control Board of Ontario. Prairie Lily, flaming orange as it waves amid the grasslands. is the flower symbol of Saskatche- wan. * Ss Elephants, _ alligators, turtles and poll parrots have an average life span of 100 years or more. ® oo x Canada is Mount Logan. LL STILE ENTERTAINMENT Uxbridge Two Shows Nightly--7.00 and 9.00 Saturdays and Holidays 6.30 & 8.30 fort and.smoothness to the Dodge ride. Driving control is greatly improved on bumpy and wash- board roads. The complete Dodge line for 1952 featuring the new Dodge' Oriflow Ride includes the Coro- net 4-Door and Club Coupe; the Regent 4-Door, club coupe, and Mayfair; the Crusader 4-Door and club coupe, and the Kingsway 2-Door, Suburban and Savoy, Visit Our Beautiful The Loveliest in all Canada-- .Complete with a gorgeous array of. WEDDING and EVENING GOWNS "| > "SHOP at ARDLEY'S with CONFIDENCE" ARDLEY FROCKS . 491-3-8 Danforth Ave. (near Logan) Phone--GE 1876 Salon SUITS = COATS ia || SUH Toronto, Ont. Thursday, January 81st LAST SHOWING TO-DAY "QUEBEC" (in technicolor) with John Barrymore, Jr. and Corinne Calvert -- Plus -- 0 "NATURES HALF ACRE" (in technicolor) A walt Disney feature _. Friday--Saturday, Feb. 1 - 2 "TEXAS CARNIVAL" (in technicolor) Starring Esther Willlams and . Red Skelton "MEET ME AFTER THE SHOW" . (in technicolor) with Betty Grable and MacDonald Carey Wed. and Thursday, Feb, 6-7 GIANT DOUBLE -BILL "THE-FULLER BRUSH GIRL" starring Lucille Ball and "Eddie Albert Ha 'PLUS * "NO QUESTIONS ASKED" starring Arlene Dahl and Barty Bull van ' PS LL LL LL LLL LLL EL ERE LL EE ES EERE SST SE RENN SSS S00 5 500 ALL YOUR DRUG N # Our full line of quality Drugs and Supplies insures" : rapid filling of Pharmical needs. We stock a full line of Vitami " BRUTON Stanley R. Phone 16 BORT PERRY, Siniiin an JANUARY 81st, 1962 retttttittttitttttiss: ns. § DRUGSTORE | Bruton, Phm.B. PORT PERRY tion. This enables competitors to} SPECIALS ihe 'MAPLE LEAF LARD, 1's BLUE BONNET MARGARINE | "CLOVER LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON, i i i ok ASTOR COFFEE, Ground Fresh, 1 - CULVERHOUSE PEAS, ungraded, "AMBER HONEY, 4 1b. tin 0... a - CAMPBELL'S TOMATO CATSUP FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES HEAD LETTUCE, hard and crisp, § GREEN CELERY. ..... : NAVEL ORANGES, 220's FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT, 96's SPY APPLES, 6 quart basket E. MERLIN sik BR) (US : 2 1bs. 8lc. .46c. ol Fi ae . 95¢, Choice 20 oz. Hu 2 for 37c¢. .......65¢, ...26c, 808... ni 2 for 25¢. ...2 for 26c. WE DELIVER--PHONE o1 FOR SERVICE > 3 < . H » . ] - 3 Tenders For Garbage Collection Sealed tenders for the collection of garbage for the Village of Port Perry for a period of 12 months, starting February 1st, 1952, will be received by the Council. hands of the Clerk by January 28th, 1952 HE Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Contract form may be seen at the Clarks Offi Tenders to be in the ce. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk. The. highest mountain peak in: fl FEATURED THIS WEEK CAWKER'S - PORT PERRY HH Let Us Supply You WITH THE CHOICE FRESH _ PROPER BALANCE IN YOUR DIET BUTCHERS ,) 200% 0% 0% 6% 0% 4% 4% 0% 4% 0 THe te ee et Monday and Tuesday, Feb, 4 &5|% 0% 0% 0% 0 a Tt a We're Proud of And we know you'll like it, too! efficient--adds perfectly to you o%0,0% 00 7 4% os. Come in soon for a complete meal or snack, "DEL" RESTAURANT Te eT 0 it Te 4 4% § Our Service It's smooth, quiet, and f r enjoyment of our meals, : H ' H Nek: Re ----- -------------- A A by H ' H PAINTER and DECORATORS in OUR NEW SAMPLE BOOKS NOW AVAILABLE, Our years of experience to help you in choosing the proper : _ papers for your rooms. We Sell and Service Venetian Blinds M. ST. CLAIR and SON LL LR rrr rrr rrr rrr rr RR LIRR INRA all branches of the trade. IFES NINN INN nr 002 101 100 20 0 20 i ---

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